Newspaper Page Text
10 IRON TRADE IS DULL BUT STEEL ORDERS INCREASE Railroads Place Large Contracts for Cars and Engines NEW YORK, April 3.—Although ex- U treme dullness prevailed in the pig iron trade during the last few days a fair volume of business was placed during the week. Sales aggregated about 80, -000 tons. In the east the greatest activity was at Philadelphia, where about 10,000 tons of basic iron was sold nt $17.7". de livered over the second and third quar ters, and 25,000 tons additional are now pending. There was more doing in small lots of foundry grades on the basis of $17 for No. 2 at Liehlgh and Schuylklll val ley furnaces. It is estimated March contracts for pig Iron In all sections aggregated 300, -000 tons. Orders for structural find fabricated pteel were released with more freedom, specifications for the week being 35,000 tons and for the month of March 130, -000 tons. ' FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE— . Bungalow on West 3Cth place, elo«» to west ern aye. ; live rooms, modern, on a lot &>x •142; price J3OOO, mortgaKo SWIM. Want to exchanKe this for live or ten ncres of lan i close to Ixis Anseles. or a small ranch and would assume up to SlOOO. Mat your ex changes with us for quick action. Bowen Realty Exchange 210 Story 131dg. Main 7342-F22D6. <-3-- FOR EXCHANGE- Have 10 acres of Rood lan<l ono mile from Anaheim; price 13000, m.u-ix"R«? $*00. This land has a J-lnch well 105 feet deep. 'Wunt modern r. or 6-room bousa In Boyle Jlclßhtß and will assume up to $1000. i'nm« ami reo us on this, as It will not last long. Bowen Realty Exchange 210 Story i:\Ag. Main 7342. FI2M. <-»•' FOR BXCIIANGB — I HA»K A (1.1 All lot at Redondo, 3 blocks from rlly hall, facing the ocean; Bn« for aiiortmrnfs or hotel; rtrrcl work nil In: «a«. electiiilly ami »™it; line view of the ocean; would truile for lot at Hiinllnßton Park, «ilen dale ur cltr. I.ot valued at |«00| make offer. OWNER, box -"<;*. Herald office. • fIMob^FOTTEXCIIANOK— SANTA MONICA Modem 16-rnom house, lot MxlfA on Orean live., near rallsados Wai 6 arros highly Improved up to $10,000, Vwilnncr terms. I'AI.MKR & HAMMOND, F,13 Unicn_Trust HUIK- 4-8-81 Miscellaneous FOII KXCH.\S«E— I HAVE A CM: Mi LOT in Cnllon that I will trade for diamonds, furniture, onto, or « have lout Ad dress BOX 534. Iler"-____ _91 21'" WILL TRA~DB~BTOCK~f>THISHOP CHEEK Gold company and other mining stock for stock In California Wave Motor company (Reynolds). BOX "l: 1. 'f ■!■!' I <•■■-'« <' MONEY TO LOAN WE RENT MONET. Real estate first mortgages, 41 to So per cent of value loan I; no iVed to be land poor; get your capital out and ufo It. No "ii.:.i.-i. Act promptly. THE JOHN M. C. MARBLE COMPANY H. W. Heliman Building. 4-3-1-6-8 MONET TO LOAN. SECURED DT FIRST on.l second mortgages on real estate, largs and email amounts, cr payablo monthly. Mortgages, trust dei di and contracts issued for the sale of real estate bought. NOURSE Ac CO.. 202-204 L. A. Trust Hld«.. Second and Spring. Both phones. 3-1--IHIO "^ MONEY TO LOAN $50,000 to loan oi real estate, city or coun try 5 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOVER & GILBERT. 3U3 H. W. Bellman Bldg. Home phono ASS 27; Main 6474. MONEY CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED TO employes. Loans to be paid In Instalments of Gu cents or more per week, or $2 or more per month. PEOPLE'S LOAN CO,, 631 i Citizens Bank bldt.'., Third, and Main. S-24-lm PLENTY OF I AND 7 PER CENT MONEY as long as ycu want It on gilt edge se curity. WAYBRIGHT-BUTLER CO.. 12£-£.2l> Security Bldij. KI6U3; Bdwy. 2462 J-11-tf MONEY TO LOAN OS REAL ESTATEI full loans an.! prompt appraisals. CLEVE UNI) * CLEVELAND, 435 11. W. Hell man bide, M. :: '"'; A-li('- 8-17-tf lIONEY TO LOAN—SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT Co.. 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 3-14-tf 11. W. IOJNDEXTER, 401* WILOUX. lILOG , will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Uuildlng loans a specialty. t-»-tf MON'EYLOANED ON DIAMONDS. I . RNI tun pianos and any kind of, security; low rates JOHNSON. 233 11. W. Il'illman Bldg. 2-18-6 mo MONEY TO LOAN IN SU.M3 TO SUIT, CUR rent rates, city or country. MENNELX, ii HANCOCK, 018 Wright and Callender uMfr. 4-3-3 TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. (VEST COAST EXCHANGE. 41H Henna Bldg. 10-4-tf 6ALARY LOANS —LOWEST RATES, CON fldentlal. Ell O. T. JOHNSON BLUO., Fourth and Broadway. 12-9-tf PRIVATE MONEY. 6 TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHAI4T ii BON. 601 11. W. Hellman Hldg. AT.VL' 3-10-tf ATTORN EY3.AT.LAW bstatesl c"6lXectT6"ns; attach^ ments, bad tenants ejected, attorney and notary in ofllce attend* all law busineu. CITIZEN'S LAW AND CLAIM AGENCY, 211 Citizens Bank Bldg., Third and Main. Both telephones. 3-ls-lmo COST IN DIVOUCE SUITS »12; A Kill A lls laws explained. Come r.nd lalk It over. Con suitatiun free. Houru I to „■ eve Ings, 1 to U Suritiays, -i to 1-. Zll lirysou Block. 3-io-Bmo yOB EVEKY WRONG THERE IS A lUOHI —Open every day an.l evening. Consul tation free. WELLS. 634 Oennaln Bldg. 3-20-tf EM Wll NOTARY PUBLIC—FBN« sion papers^ will*, inburance and colleo lions ueisot:at<'d. £44 1, 6. BKOADWAT. 1-IS-ti SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS, PERSONAL inspection, claims ami «.slates adjusted, J. W. MAC.. 70J Kay lll.ig. A47UU. • 3-31-12 DIVORCE LAWS OF KEVADA- Full Information without charg". Address U. E. FULLER. Attorney, Ooldllelil, NeT. 2-5-tt 3. MARION BROOKS (EX-U. '■ ATTY.). Cham of Ccm. bldf. Oll'lc* evenings; notary. :. - tf STORAGE UHGE PRIVATE. LOCKED, IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc.; J1.50 and *2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., 2Jc to 50c; open fans, $8 per day, or 75c per hour. Wo pack and (Up household goods nverywhero at re duced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO.. offices DOU-11 8. Main Ht. Warehouse 415-17 San Pedro bt. phones F2171: Main 1117. 3-25-tf NOTARIES 2r~MT~WITT. NOTARY~PiTbLIC. PENSION papers, deeds, collections and wills nego tiated. Room *. 244 is B. Broadway. 1-21-tf HAIRDRESSERS bHAMfOOING, MANICURINQ AND IIAIH goods. MRS. ROSE JAR VIS, 247 So. Broad way. JktUii Main 4SIZ3. 3-13-Ibw ADVERTISERS Count six average words as one line. No ad. accepted for less than the price of three lines. Th» Herald reserves the right to re vise advertisements and to reject or omit and refund the amount paid. Report promptly to the classified man ager failure to get returns or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or more Insertions are better than one. Try a three-time ad. Results al most certain for anything. For contract solicitors and advertising advice call SUNSET~MAIN 8000 HOME 10211 AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED MANACBR specialTrates Want tuln. lo a word each Insertion. Rooms for rent. 3 lines, 3 times. Rooms with board. 3 lines. 3 times, ,■ 25 CENTS lIEI.r WANTED—MaIe and female, S lines, 3 time*. 25 CENTS SITUATIONS WANTED FREE THE WEATHER I.ns ANQELEB, Ap'il 3,_1510._ Tlme.|BaT< ■■ ■■ ather. ■ ,n,ly. 7 | Cloudy. Hulmum emperature, «3. Minimum I FORBCAAT s.\N FRANCISCO, April «.—Following l» the dlfornla—Fair Monday; light southwest ,\ md. .-■■■•. and vK-tnlty—Pair, wnrm i;-.'ht north wind. i-. .r Santa i lara valley—Fair, warmer Mon _:iit north Wind. ■■..Till, valley—Fair, warmer Mon light north win I 'dr. wirmnr Mon '.ithv."st wlr-l DIED RING —8. Ring, April 2. To b« buried April 4, at 3p. in., at Evergreen Cfmelery. 4-3-2 HAMILTON—W. J. Hamilton. March 31. To be I.uriel April 4, at 3 p. m., at Evergreen . rr- fery. 4-3-2 CEMETERIES inglewooFpark cemetery Two miles outside of city limits on the Los Angeles and Redondo Ry.; 200 acres of per fect land with improvpmeuts outclassing uny cemetery on the coast. :07 S. Broadway, room 202. Phones F3303; Main 4659. Supt. phone A 9553. 4-1-1 EVERGREEN CEMETERY The lii« Angeles Cemetery association, Boyle Heights, neur city limit*. Operated under perpetual < barter front Los Angeles lit). Modern cbapel and crematory. Kiiii-c. 339 Bradbury illdg. Phones—.Main 6M| ,\.">»mi. Cemetery—Home D 1083; lioyle 9. 8 «-12 m ROSEDALE CEMETERY An endowed memorial park, noted for Its natural beauty; endowmont fund for per petual care, over $260,000; modern receiv ing vault, chapel, crematory and columbar ium; accessible. City office, SUITE 802-306 EXCHANGE BLDG., N. B. cor. Third and Hill sts. Phones Main 909; A3S2O. Cemetery cfilce, 1881 W. Washington st. Phones 72858; Wtst SO. e-a-l-:m UNDERTAKERS INDEPENDENT THE TRUST We will furnish for $76 hearse, two hacks, embalming, shroud and cloth covered casket. GODEAU & MARTINONI. Main office 827 S. l'i«uema. Home 63417; Broadway 2731. Branch offices, 2123 Brush street, 3." Montgomery avenue, San Fran cisco; 1305 Franklin street, Oakland. Hacks for hlr- attendant- 8-IS-tf BUSINESS PERSONALS Macdonald's Toilet Parlors Face and Scalp Treatment SPECIALIST IlalrdreMlng, Hhampoolnf, Manicuring. lIAIR GOODS MANUFACTURED. SWITCHES •1.30. O, My I'imii I'eet—Dß. IJA I). AIIKFNS, Foot specialist. Coma removed. 25c. In growing toe nails, 50c. Two entrances, 43'J'i ><«tiili Broadna.v, 121 \V Fifth street, rooms 12-25, W%69tm Mimluy liuura I* a. in. — 1 p. m. 3-22-3 mo EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING). CLEAN- Ing, $1; main spring, tl. All work is guaranteed. PACIFIC JEWELRY CO., 236 S. Spring st. 8-23 1t MRS.WMABSON. THE NOTED LONDON palmist. 322 S. SPRING, over Owl drug store. 11-2S-tf MME. SMITH. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOY ant; high patronaiie. tit S. Main ST. S-5-lmo CHURCH NOTICES Cbrlstian Science Services Second Church of Christ, Scientist at the church edifies on West Adams street. near Hoover. Services Sunday LI a. m. and 8 p. m.; eerrnon from the Christian Science Quarterly. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real? 1' Sunday school at 11:00 a. m. ■ Wednesday evening meeting 8 o'clock. R i.|- Ing room, 704 Herman W. Bellman building, BpriQg and Fourth streets, open dally, Sun daya excepted, from 9a.m.t09 p. m. 4-4-7 PENIEL HALL. 227 8. MAIN. NOON PRAT er meeting dally; gospel meeting every night. 3-1-Cmo CESSPOOLS CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT. All work done i-atlsiactorlly to Inspector. L. A. SANITARY CO.. Phone 69146. Temple 698. 10-18-tf CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY TsE~iu£D Cross Sanitary company In one to two loads; 13.50 per load; no other charges. Phone 69004. 10-7-tf IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.—WH taku out largest load. West D 396; 22040 J-10-tf LOST AND FOUND LOET^ONJFRIDAY, IN OR NEAR AUDl torlum, a silver gilt bag containing a small pyiFe Return to 734 W. Adams fit. and n-celve reward. Telephone West 791. * ■'-It SANITARIUMS 1 ill. WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the city for confinement cases, Terms to suit. 12U South Flower. I' 4 13 4 8-13-tf LEGAL NOTICE Stockholders' Meeting Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of thu stockholders of the California Clay Manufacturing company will be held on Monday, April 4. 1010, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the office of thi» company, 235 South Los Angeles street. In the city of Los Angeles, for the elec tion of a board of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. C. FERCUSON, Secretary. Loi Angeles, March. 21, 1910. 3-21-11 LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 3010. WANTED Help— Mai* NO EXPENSE TO LEARN ELECTRICITY. plumbing, bricklaying, automoblllng on contract jobs In few months' time. No ap prenticeship or helpers' work. Catalogue free, UNITED TRADES' SCHOOL CON TRACTING CO., 232 Ailso St.. Los Ange lea. 10-4-tf SALESMAN WANTED—GRAND Ol'POH tunltyi carry our cigars exclusively or as a side line; merchants buy on sight; free samples. REOENT MFG. CO., Cleveland, Ohio. . 3-22-lom CIOAR SALESMEN WANTED-EXPERI -ence unnecessary; sell our brands to the re tail trade; big pay; write (or full particulars at once. GLOBE CIGAR CO., Cleveland, O. !-2.'-100t WANTED— BOY TO DO OFFICE WORK IN exchange for commercial course; small salary. NATIONAL SCHOOLS OF TYPE WRITING. 510 Chamber of Commerce. S-3-tf WANTED —CARPENTERS WHO WILL AC cept a line lot In payment for work. lISTIANBON & STAIR, real e3tatc, 303 Btlmson bids;. 4---3 Help—Female WANTED— LAD'S SOLICITOR. MUST BE EDUCATED AND NEAT IN APPEARANCE TO DO BI'ECIAL WORK ON A SALARY. APPLY HERALD OFFICE, BETWEEN 9 AND 10 TODAY ONLY. CALL FOR MR, KELLY. 4-3-10 WANTED—YOUNG lady to DO OFFICE work In excbatigo for Spanish and short hand Instruction; small salary, NATION AL SCHOOLS OF TYPEWRITING. 510 Chamber of Commerce. 3-3-tf WANTED—YOUNG LADY TO STUDY Shorthand and bookkeeping; can pay when we find you a position. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TYPEWRITING. 610 Cham ber of Commerce. 3-8-tf WANTED'— SEVEN LADIES QUICK— Beauty culture pays big. Learn right. FLORENTINE HAIHDUESSING COL LEGE, corner Broadway. Entrance 227 Mercantile place. 3 2 tf LADIES AND GIItLS AT HOME. STEADY or evenings; can stamp transfer. $1.50 doi. upward; original, reliable firm. Room 124 MASON BLDG.. 228 W. Fourth. 9-13-tf Help— Male and Female WANTED—MEN i.ND WOMEN TO LEARN me barber rrj"£e; guaranteed In eight weeks Catt'.tvue free. MOHLER BAR BER COLLEGE. 1!! E. Second st. 7-1-tf COLLEGE AND NORMAL GRADUATES placed In Ariz.. Nev., Cal. BOYNTON TEACHERS' AGENCY, 625. Stlmson block. 8-20-30t Agent* A MANUFACTURER'S PERMANENT BUSl ness offer. (25 to |75 per week conducting parlor or office sales agencies for our high &Tt guaranteed service dress shoes; ten new sight-selling, health and comfort fea tures; unlimited profit possibilities, fac tory 10 wearer; new plan; no risk; Include •tamp for catalogue. MARVEL SHOE CO.. 10C Bummer street. Boston. Mass, 3-3-17 4-1-15 AGENTS TO SELL A QUICK SELLING burKlar alnrm; something new and big profits. Call at 313 SAN FERNANDO BLDQ., Fourth and Main. 4-3-3 Situations —Mate WANTED—POSITION IN DRUG STORE where there Is a chance to learn soda dis pensing; have a wheel; good references; Mute salary and hours. Address Box 923, The Herald. 4-8-3 WANTED-POSITION BY YOUNG GERMAN fellow willing to do anything where there Is a chance for advancement; have good ref erences. Address BOX 723, The Herald. 4-2-1 BETHLEHEM FREE EMPLOYMENT agency, ulO Vlgncs street. Main ii 726; Home A 4534. Men for hou»ecloanlng, yard work and general labor. » :i-if WANT F. D—POSITION AT REDONTIO OR SAN Pedro: will work at anything where there la money. For on Interview address BOX 00011, Herald. 4-3-3 EXPERIENCED GARDENER OR HANDY man wants work. BOX 253. Herald. 510 VIQNES ST. Phone Home A4BS4; Main 5726. 3-31-6 WANTED—SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN. aged ;j, with good references; collector pre ferred. Address BOX 3>J Herald. 4-1-8 Situation.^ —Female ;i IMPENI BOOKKEEPER. THOROUGII- Iy experienced In gentral office work, desires position; no objection to beach or suburban town. BOX 01)066. Herald. 4-3-3t WOMAN WANTS WASHING AND IRONING to laki' home, or go out by the day. Phone .Al V MM. 4-3-3 Situations Male and Female WANTED—WORK IN PRIVATE HOUSE. |20 month, room and board, while attend ing school; school hours from 2 to 6 p. m. P. O. BOX 34 City. »-H-t< Live Stock WANTED— DOZEN OR MORE YOUNG chicks; White Leghorns and Wyandotti , -' weeks old. Ktatu price and address. BOX 131, The Herald. 4-2-3 Miscellaneous WANTED— BARN OR ROOM IN WHICH to keep automobile at night; must be dry, cafe, easy of access and near center of city. Address BOX 919, Herald office. 3-25-tf To Purchase—Miscellaneous 'AM ED— CASH PAID FOR rSAfUciit beds. 768 SAN PEDRO HT. Phontl '..11 Main 110*. 12-17-tt Houses WANTED—SMALL HOUSE AND LOT CLOSE In, not more than half block from yellow ERIKSON & CO. 105 V. u!i st., ground floor. F2:i74. 4-3-2 PHYSICIANS WANTED — CONFINEMENTS, SURGICAL and medical cases at the WOMEN'S SANI TARIUM AND MATERNITY HOME. 1148 8. FIGUEUOA ST. SUNNY OUTSIDE ROOMS; UNEXCELLED NURSING AND REASONABLE CHARGES. COURTEBT TO PHYSICIANR Phone Homa F3227. S-5-12mo Dli. C. C. PRICE. 1« SOUTH BROADWAY. Physician for Women. THE DOCTOR'S ADVICE IS FREE. EVERY LADY MAY CONSULT HIM IN ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE. FEES LOW. lira. 10-4, 0-8; Bun. 10-12. Telephones Broad way 4304 an.l F4lOO. 404 Frost Bldg., at Second and Broadway. 2-5-12 mo DX CROCKER. Ppeciall»t for Women. Hamburger's Maje.-tlo Theater Building. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREE. i:-:j-i?m DR. MAR I R. HUTCHESON, NATUROPATH and vital healer, treats all ailments. 7-'T> 2 B. BROADWAY. Consultations free. 3 15-lm " WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1245 South Flower, F4134. 3-U-tf CR PRITCIIAKD, RECTAL. FEMALE AND Cbruuio uittn:■•■:•. U?-ai URObUn: ULO. 11-M-tl DR. TAYLOR. ill % S. MAIN ST. DlS eaa^s of women. 3-9-tf WHEELED VEHICLES Automobiles AUTOS, ENGINES, BOILERS, TIHES~AND parts sold and exchanged. MET/, 207 HI Ninth F1968. 2-4-tf DENTISTS ii.. i>.U iI.MA»> !SUS-SU« .Majes.'W Iheatei • bid*., »s* B. li<J««J. filiaii Alula »»in. 3-1-tf FOR RENT Apartments—Furnished and Un« furnished MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FURNISHED FOX RFNT lit—lo2B W. First at DENVER SI6—III7 W. First at OOI.KTA »1«— 1183 W. First st MICHIGAN • 14—1187 W. First st I.UCKKNB 10—1141 W. First st «T. LOUU 14—204 N. Fremont aye GKNF.VA $17—212 N. Fremont aye HELVETIA III — 218 N. Fremont aye RAMON A $17—222 N. Fremont iv« OAVIOT \ $1«— 811 Diamond st PORTLAND $20 — 1126 Mignonette ot OAKLAND • IS—Bll W. Fourth st SEATTT.W $1« —.132 8. Flgueroa st TAPI flit —314 S. FlKueroa tt KOOSKVKI-T $I*— ISO N. Beaudry aye CHICAGO • 10—1020 Colton st l-l.IUil-.Nri-. • 11—1008 E. Ninth st MOSTON • 11—1015. K. Ninth st NEW YORK • 10—836 Crocker st riTTSIII 14—712 Ceres aye At.H\MHK\ —944 Francisco st BtAKKNOO •60—1184 W. Seventh st I'ARK OIVNFII AND OPERATED MY T. WTESENDANGKB, Room 311. 207 S. Broadway. A 2048: Main 1041. Branch office. 1017 W. First st. S-11-tf Hotel Seville 732-734 S. FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotels In the city. Newly furnished throughout; steam hut; hoi and cold water; electric lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones: Main 5513; FCS3S. 4-1-tf TO LET—REASONABLE, THREE 4-ROOM, up-to-date flats, clan to all cars; choice lo cality; ndults. 144 W. 17TII. _____ 4-3-3t Houses —Unfurnished FOR RENT—S-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, 1205 E. Washington; Central or Griffith aye. car. Apply at 1148 CENTRAL AYE. ] 4-3-3 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT—B rooms; nil modern; $30 month. 3839 Woodlawn aye.; take Maple aye. car. Phone 29315. 4-3-3 FOR! RENT— 1 OF 4 DOUBLE I HOUSE; 4 rooms; pleasantly situated; 810 n month. 126 W. AYE. 29, near Pasadena aye. 4-3-3 FOR RENT-PRETTY FOUR-ROOM COT tage, »i month, 125 B. 35th st. 4-8-3t Room* Furnished GIRARD HOUSE 116 E. THIRD ST. 100 all outside rooms; 50 with" private bath; central location; elevator service; steam heat; rates us low as SIR month; with private bath, 825. Main 2330; Home 10361. 3-24-tt NICE, SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent: »2 week and up, at ARCIYLE, Second and Olive eta. 4-2-3 Rooms and Board FOR RENTBOARD AND ROOM, SELECT boarding house; board and room for two or three young man; $21! each; also one sin gle room. 416 N. BROADWAY. F1573. 3-29-7 THOSE WISHING GOOD WORK AND GOOD home cooking call at 110 E. Washington. 4-3-» •Flats—Furnished FOR RENT—BRIGHT, CHEERFUL, SUNNY, front suite, magnificently furnished; private bath, telephone, etc.; elevator service and all conveniences; $50 per month. OIRARD j HOUSE. lIS E. Third St. 4-3-2 Flats —Unfurnished FOR RENT—ATTRACTIVE (-ROOM LOWER ' flat at 2200 Toberman st.; price t-0, water paid. Inquire at 22004 Toberman St., after 4 p. m. C. H. L.IPPINCOTT & CO. 4-3-2 Offices For rent— NlCE SUNNY FRONT OF nces on Broadway; large windows and advertising space; also smaller offices. In quire room 4, 244 8. BROADWAY. 1-87-tf PATENTS —PATENT ATTORNEYS Puj^iiitT'i'AXiiS X AIi—NCY. 11A&AKU it ■TRAUMB. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. Oldest agency in Southern California. American and foreign patents secured and trade marks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 639 Citizens Nation** ll»n« Building. Third and Main. Home A14»l; Main 2522. PATENT BOOK FREE. 8-8-tf NO PATENT. NO PAY—ATTORNEY FEE cut one half. Open every day and even- Ing. S. O. WELLS, 634 Germain Bldg. 3-26- PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ALL COUN tries. A. H. LIDDER3, patent lawyer and solicitor, (18 Trust bldg., cor. 2d and Spring. 11-l-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MONEY LOANED TO INVENTORS TO patent good Ideas. JOHN WEDDBH burn. Capitalist, Brookland. D. C. l-o-lyr BARGAINS IN EODA FOUNTAINS. PA ciflc Coast Soda Fountain Factory, 133 East 4 th. 8-13-lmo SPECIAL NOTICES WE CURE TO STAY CURED Eczema, In any form, Itching piles, acne, pol on oak. Cuban Itch, ringworm, salt rheum, barbery' itch, dandruff or any dis ease of the scalp, by a positively new method. Call and be convinced. References and testimonials of home peonj* shown In our offices.. Consultation free, MILLS ECZEMA CO., 318-19 Copp Bids. 3-24-tf EAT HULLED BEANS WITH CHICKEN "The best ever." Cheaper than meat. Ask your grocer or phone 41710. 4-2-lmo ALL RAZORS. SAFETY BLADES, SClS sors, knives, instruments, printer's knives, tools, etc., sharpened better than new. YANKEE GRINDER, 814 6. Spring st. 11-l«-tf .... „______ -, MILLWOOD $2.00 and up per load, delivered to all parts of the city. O. P. BENEFIEL. South 0166. 3-17-lm MME. REYNOLDS, ATE WRITING MEDl urn. Send 10c, stamped envelops, birth date, for test reading! ;i questions answered free. ROCK ISLAND. TEX. . 4-3-1 WALL PAPER BARGAIXS-MPIRE PAPER, &c p*r roll; ingrain, 20i for three rolls. SH-UEHAN'S, 800-301! S. BroHway. 3-14-lm HOUSE PAINTING, INTERIOR FINISHING, tinting and paper hanging at lowest rates. E. E. QEIBER, 116H E. Fifth Rt. 2-l»-tf WANTED— LADIES' ¥ AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively hlchcst Ices paid, MAIN 3597; F5936. C-25-12mo HOSPITALS—DAY AND NIGHT—USE C. C. C. taxicabs. CALDWELL CAB CO. South 6351; 29037. i_l If DR. O. G. LOCH MAN, DENTIST. MOVED to 809 W. P. Story bids., Cth ani. Broad war. 3-12 -(2000 TO LOAN; GOOD TIME. NO COMMIB -yi..n. \V. 11. TYNKK, 321 W. i;:ih St. 4:1-:! BATHS oPPuSirii Lu.s ANUELKk: PACIFIC co.'3 depot, tub bathtt and scalp treatments. Hours & a. m. till & p. in., any entrance. MRS. AGNES JOHNSTON, 424 S. Hill, suite 1. 3-U-lyr SCIENTIFIC massage, CHIROPODIBTH, baths. JEAN LU.NN, 520 8. Broadway, 2-17-tf BATHS~AND~ELECTRIC TREATMENT. 218 B. BROADWAY. ROOM 220. 2-24-CroO ASSAYING MORGAN & CO., 22? South .Main. .Main I<Jl7. Assayem, ameiters and rellners. 1-1-tf JOHN HERMAN, 25«V4 S. Main. Not saliN fartlon. hilt ai<iliH«'.> guaranteed. 12-2.'! -BEWING MACHINES WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. NOW permanently located at 714 8. Broadway, tf FOR SALE City Lota and Land* ((J IT M>II MIKUIIK& Park ___ ' ~ ~ ~lrMiriK (North of Wllshlre) — The Real Estate Sensation of the Year Twenty minutes from the business center, on West Seventh street (Heliotrope Drive) cars, to Melrose avenue. Streets 100 feet wide, paved with crushed rock and oil. Gas and electricity. Wide parkways. Lots 50x180, two feet above grade. The finest and most select subdivision in the North- of-Wilshire district. Note the Prices ■ Think of it! The opening prices of these magnificent lots range from $900 to $1300. Not one of these lots, is worth less than $1500 right now, and from that up to $2250. Special dis counts for cash. We advise prompt action. Owners' Representatives. ' Edwards $t WMdey Co o . "It Pays to See Us" 226-232 LAUGHLIN BUILDING TYPEWRITERS YOU NEED A TYPEWRITER. Look over all the typewriters for sale In town, then buy one from us. Our window speaks for Itself, We have all makes at all prices. We sell the best typewriter carbon that money can buy. We »ell the best typewriter ribbon that money can buy. Write or call for free sample!, If you are convinced give us your business. We do not employ solicitors to annoy you, but we handle a class of roods that get the business for us. We are agents for the No. 5 Bllckenederfer Aluminum, the traveling man's typewriter. ARTHUR G. WILSON CO.. 110 S. Hill 'Street. A 1672; Main 6428. v 4-1-7 ALL MAKES OF REBUILT TYPEWRIT ers. Bee our bargains, lint rentals In city, $1.60 to $3 a month. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER F.XCHANGB. A 5313. 138 S. Broadway. Main 3!>5) »-13-tl TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT AND HUNTED. All makes guaranteed; repairing. BAKF.R> lIOKV CO. (Inf.) 244 So. Ilrmtdnay. Main 4111)1: A4o'o. 10-31-tf BUILDERS "ready-made houses Investigate portable and permanent houses. Improve your lots. Have an In come Be.- sample home at 72S B. Olive street. AMERICAN PORTABLE HOUSE CO. Established IK9B. *-:■ Imo FOR SALE City Lots and Land* We can sell you a new modern « room bungalow In finest residence Fectlon, southwest, that will bring you 10 per cent or more If rented on the price asked. Owner leaving city. For further particulars see ERIKSON & CO., 105 W. 6th St. Ground Floor. F2374 4-3-: Residence Lots jifMfl-Dalton, near 3Sth, 4. r.xllS. mind— Dalton, near Santa Barbara, 55x135. jl,-,O(v_Sixth aye., near llat, 50x110. jir.r.o— Klghth aye., near list, .10x150. $1650- Eighth aye., near 23rd, WllBO. Jl6.V)—Seventh nve., near 23rd, BOxlM. 117S0—Seventh aye., near :3rd, (oxlso. JISOO— Eighth aye., near 2.'ird, 60x160, Look Chen up; they are under the market. Kuck-Toblas-Hamill Co. 341) BYRNE BLDQ., Cor. Broadway and Third Sts., Los Angeles. Phone F4I3S, Broadway 4087. 4-3-3 SACRIFICE IN BOYLE HEIGHTS TWO lots, 60x160 each, • irner of Gage st. and Finally aye, at the end of Second st. car line, $500 lew than any lots In Boyle Helghtß, but will go for cash. Owner has made other Investments. See us before Wednesday. EDWARDS & I.EAVELLE, corner Highland and Hollywood houlevard, Hollywood, ill. Phone 67844 or Hollywood in, *-3i GRANADA PARK One-quarter acre lots, $42.1, Including street work. Only fifteen minutes from First and Main. High grade but reasonable restric tions Special discounts to home builders. M. E. MILLER COMPANY 702 MERCHANTS TRUSV BLDQ. 3-5-tf Livestock —Poultry, Dogs, Bird* CANARY IJIHDS ALL KINDS AND PRICES at 138 North Toluca st. Temple II::. 3-26-6at-sun-mnn-7t Suburban Property Hyde Park FOR SALE—Our sales for the past month amount to over $40,000. We have only a few pieces left; one tract of 12 Vi acres li a snap at only »1-'OO per acre; nothing else In the vicinity for less than $2000 per acre. Wo are right on J.PD of the hill, south west. Splendid view of mountains and city. Large lots, 60x190, at $400 up. There's money In them. Come out and we will show Hyde Park Realty Co., — Church' street and Kcdoodo railway. Rhone West 4181. . 1-4-1 FOR BALE City Lot* and Lands ' Suburban Property _- FTTS O Iropico 93500 — I<4 acres; 6-room house; land all set in fruit; two blocks from elsctrio cars; (1000 cash; balance easy. $4300 —5 acres; 2 houses; a. good pumping plant; hulldlngs and pump worth I1S00; land is fine for subdividing. $4300— • lots 88x175; 7-room house, orange and other fruit trees, chicken houses and corrals, barn; enough land to raise 1000 chickens; located M block from electric cars. See this place at once. Oood terms. $700— 60x191 In the Ayers tract lo catoM-on the car line. The finest lots and best located for the money; easy terms. $3500—1% acre», 4-room good house and barn; 1 acre In grapes; will be sold on contract on the easiest terms. Why not see this? —50x150; 4-room plastered, well built house and partly furnished; only re quires (200 cash, balance $15 month. —" $1200 —Well located acreage, close in and the only acres at this price In this locality. Tropico Real Estate Co o 8. E. Park avenue and Brand boulevard. 4-4-1 k3«* 3TACY,. r JI & Realty Co. £& rE3TABL.3HED 19Q3J Pan Pedro oltlce, «05 Ueuconj both phone*. Irlff An»el«T "*"fe- .^.HI H Mnrlng. Fgllß. 1 l»-imo San Pedro Boiadl . Election will double real estate values; 3 choice corner lots, 6 blocks from business, $200 each down, balance to suit at 7 per cent. ■■ Be quick. STACY 11EALTY CO., EH S. Spring St. nili, San Pedro office 605 Beacon st. Both phones, 4-3-3 FOR SALE City Lots and Lands Live Stock Sale Every Tuesday and Sat urday at 10 o'clock, of horses, buggies, wagons and harness, at the Fashion Stables, 219 East First street. In tending purchasers should not fail to attend our Eales, as all stock sold is guaranteed as represented in every par ticular. Don't forget the sale days — every Tues day and Saturday, at 10 o'clock. S. WatMns k Co. Auctioneers. -»> 4-4-sun only-tf Real Estate—Unclassified $6000 An elderly lady having 70 acres tn Nevada munty, California, on electric line, between Nevuda City and (jtubs Valley, two miles from each city; 12 acres In fruit and. garden, poara, apples, walnuts, almonds, plumu, prunes,; 1% acres table grapes, acre rasp berries, 5 acres alfalfa, 7 acres timber, tno rest pasture, all under ditch; water piped to 8-ioom hnuae and large barn; packing houMi all tooln and cow k<> with the place. Would aell or might consider H-story house In city. If Interested call 219ti4 J 4-3-2 Government Land GOVERNMENT LAND. We can locate you on a line pleca of gov ernment land in the Little Nile valley, right In Los Angelea county; only 3 hours' rldo from Los Angeles. This land is going fast. ' For further information Bee ERIKSON & CO., 105 W. Sixth at., ground floor, i-li-tt Furniture BBPARATH LOCKED IRON ROOMS. 11.00 per month. Trunks, boxes, eto., Jso to SOo. Phona for our large van when you teove. |1.26 per hour. COLTEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. 416 17-19 San Pedro at. Main office 601-11 8. Main st. Phane Main 1117; FIITI. l-l-tt