Newspaper Page Text
ANSWER THE HERALD'S WANT ADS—BARGAINS BY GOOD PEOPLE FOR SALE Houtta — 1 ; I — —— —* - __ ;» Washington Botlevaircl 1 Acre Tract One, Two and Three-Acre Lots Only %y r XI ) and. Up' niirht on Wa»hln«ton boulevard, half way between Los Angeles and Ocean P»rk. Street car through the tract. Fare only 10 cent*. Rich bla.U garden loam, works like velvet. The entire tract Is covered with a magnificent crop of grain. " Anything will «row In this) rich old dairy ranch i frulU, vegetable*, nnt« and tubers. One ninii has bought 5 acres and planted It with potatoes. He expects to get $1500 worth of spuds out of his patch, and then plant It to another crop , which can mature the same season. Get your children out of the city and on to a Mill* farm where they can de velop their natural powen In the sunshine and fresh country air. Thl» land Is not 30 or 40 mile* from town, but Is In a beautiful delta between city and sea. Thousands of automobiles drive by thin ranch on their way to Venice every day. Street work and water for every lot. A small payment down and the balance by tbe month, or on easy term* to »ult. Ask for MISS SAGAR, with the Alfred E. Gwynn Co. • 303 West Second Street A 1355 9?B Main 492 7 /"■ ■'" " :B Mini gal ows Built Right and Solid Right $ 1 700— 575 Down, $20 a Month Five roomt, bath, screen porch, front porrh, buffet, cement foundations, and In every way complete. Bo farb We have only two more of these *nlemlld home* at thin price, flnl»he<l and re«dy to occupy, and If you want to get a new »KOO residence and save $500, act quickly. They will not last. Fifty-foot lot* with »hade tree* In abundance. KEY I'I^ACK TRACT, WEST EIOHTT-KltlllTll STREET AXD MONETA AVKNIT-. Key Realty Coo 9 Owners G. C. Dennis, Manager. 226-227 •SCUIUTr BUILDING. I 8714; Main 8528| Residence BBIST. j OR SEE MR. MYERS OR MR. MILLER ON THE TRACT. 4-3-tf Artistic. Homes ■at Astonishing Prices ' These homes are located In the Wtlßhlre section. They are fine up to-date houses-three Just completed and two will be completed In a week. All have hardwood floors And beamed ceilings. Best mantels and built-in xideboards. Expensive and elaborate .I. RtrlcaJ fixtures. These homes are worth $6000 each, but they must be Bold quick, and you can buy them for considerably less. Come out this afternoon. Owners on the tract. Prices $4500 to $5000, with terms to suit. AW these houses are within a block of car. Take yellow Western avenue car on Broadway and get off at Klmwood or Rosewood aye. Down town office. "25 Bryson block. A 7746. Kinowl!es-Stsce Co. 4-3-3 A new and thoroughly modern 2-story bun galow of seven nice, large rooms, In fash ionable Hollywood, 237 Canyon drive, between Hollywood blvd. and Franklin aye., and be tween two car lines, situated on high ground with fine view of the mountains; large ce ment porch across entire front of house, blue brick columns, front balcony, same size a« porch; screen porch with laundry tub; toilet, broom closet, rear balcony, suitable for sleeping room. LIVING-ROOM 15x2J feet, waxed oak floors, beamed ceilings, art tile mantel with brass trimmings, bookcases and scats, elegant electric fixtures, celling lights, three art-glass piano windows; DINING ROOM 13x18 feet; waxed oak floor, beautiful 8-foot buffet, with leaded glass doors and plate mirror, elegant electric fixtures, beam ceilings, window seat. DEN 9x12 feet, waxed oak floors, three casement windows, line electric: fixtures, large closet In hail. BED ROOMS, thrte large bedrooms In whlta en amel, large closet*, polished floors, fine fix ' tures; two of the room* open onto front bal cony. BATHROOM 10x11 feet. In white en amel; chiffonier and medicine cabinet with plate mirror: large trunk room. Very best of sanitary nickel plumbing. Large, spacious upper hall, French doors opening onto rear balcony, finished In white enamel, two large linen closets with glass knobs. KITCHEN 11x16 feet, . and very completely equipped, cupboards, cooler, flour bin. etc. Basement 10x16. cement walls and floor. House piped for furnace and gas heat. • EAST-FRONT LOT, 60x135: excellent neighborhood; an Ideal home. PRICE ONLY $6500. Nothing like It for the price In the city. "Will make terms. Must be sold. Thin Is your opportunity to get a fin* home. Phone MR. FIIYE, Main 2045, AtO43. *-3-8 FOR SALE—ON ARAPA-HOE ST., NEAR Pico street, a beautiful 8-room 2-story ■ house, with large cellar, hardwood floors, fireplace and mantel, . range and gas heater, furnace; east front lot 60x123 fuet to alley; large garage. Price $7600. It takes only $3000 cash to handle this property. F. A. BUELOW 349 Wilcox Bldg. '..-.'■' *•*'* FOR FIND HOUSES AT A MINIMUM cost ••• H. D. BALVETBR. 822 Central tldf. •■»■•• FOR SALE HoutOS A Beautiful Sub urban Home Close In, <me block from the yellow car line, In the picturesque Kagle Hock district, thirty* five to forty minutes from town. The owner of this place Is completing his plans for Improving a larger property In the Immediate neighborhood and offers thia i>erfee.tly ap pointed residence for «alo at a const rvatlve figure. The house contains aeven large moms and reception hall, wtda front and back porches, large basement. All ruoms and halls have quartered oak Hours, oak stairway, rtlnlng room wainscoted and equipped with wide buffet In Dutch lead and specially planned serving table. I^argo bath room, with all modern appointments. Oarage with room for two machines, lath house and lounging court. The grounds are lflO.xlGO and beautifully laid out. The lawn, DO feet wide, is terraced two feet above the walk. A pergola of c'hatsworth stone runs down one side of the garden, covered with Gold of Ophlr and Cherokee roses and imported wistarias, all in full bloom. In the garden are some twenty navel orange, lemon, grapefruit and tangerine orange trees, all In full bearing, besides a great vnriety of rare tropical and nrnii-troplr;al shrubbery, vine covered arbors, •tc : garden of 100 choice varieties. Ptos and sycamore trees. Price $7250, fart cash. Commission to agent. Photographs and full particulars from owner. Address BOX 00057, care Herald. 4-3-2t FOR SALE-- HrNQALOW, CLOSE IX $2700 —$270 cash. $!5 monthly, on Fifty seventh street, between Main nnd Soutli Park avenue, das. electricity, street work and sewers. Oak floors, beamed ceilings, open fireplaces, buffet, cabinet kitchens, cement porches, lighting fixtures. Fifty of these modern live-room homes building. San Pedro street car to Fifty-seventh street. Tract office. THE INVESTMENT BUILDING CO. 1008 W. I - Story Bidg. F3175; Bdway 4575. 4-1-tf-d. o. Oil Property FOR PALE-LAND AND I.KARKS IN TBS oil fields; 40 acres In Midway for putting down well. Room 306, 212 W. THIRD ST.. I, _Maln_U24. 4-3-2 Country Property For Sale Oneonta Park Bungalow Near car line; frequent and rapid service to Los Angeles. Furnished, almost new, Ideal, l'Vstory, T» mom mission bungalow, 32-ft. brick porch, floor and walk, pergola, driveway; living and music rooms 15x31 across front; beamed cell- IHsT>i fireplace, furnished in new mlaalon nnd leather, rugs, French doora between living and dining-room; dining room 14x20, paneled, buffet, rug, table, chairs, seat; fine kitchen, tiled sink, cooler, nice gas range, BCTMn porch, laundry, toilet; 3 sleeping rooms, bath, toilet, 5 closets, trunk room; lot 60x105; garage, lawns, flowers, 10 full bearing orange trees; you will find nothing better for the price, $6500. 1928 FLETCHER AVB., Oneonta Park, South Pasadena. Take Oak Knoll car to I,os Rohles. walk o:ie block west and abort 350 feet from Huntlngton drive. Or See Agent J. C. BRAINARD 19 South Marengo Avenue, Pasadena. 4-3-3t FOR SALE—SII,OOO. COVINA BARGAIN 10 acres located *i mile to electric line. This tract is set solid to Washington navels, 8 and 9 years old. and hud a good crop this year; soil a rich loam; works fine and Irri gates the. same; 26 shares of Oovlna water stork, worth $2600; cement flumes to each row of trees. This pruperty Is on a fine corner and commands a fine view. For 15 days this property can be had at above pricti, after that It will cost you $15,000; circum stances cause this rale; terms. BALLAGH & WARREN (Sole Agents) 121 CENTRAL 8L.D0., 6TH AND MAIN. Extensive Operators ot Country Property. T/>S ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING. APRIL I. IMO. FOR PALE Country Property 1 —' ' ' ■' ■ iii- | ii ii i (— ■ " ' For Sale or Exclniainige Country Property City Property 14 Lots, Wilshire . (^(?))[R\ fflKlTldTl 640 Acres; good cattle and alfalfa ranch; district Kern county; per (HUTU ____—————— ■ 8-Room House, near Bcrkcle)^ "=^? fffl (TTI fjTj _. A .. . . ,- , Square W(I lyJiyjlUi 20 Acres; well improved alfalfa ranch; __* Burbank (netting tilu3 (TtllTTllTll ~TT" „ i ... * s*\ _ I _ / __ s 12%) W&lli&niUJiUJiLli 6-Room Bungalow, West #|EJ|| ' ' v Adams Heights district LirQi'vUlvyi 120 Acres; alfalfa ranch; im- Pico Street Business [Js\(jT|fn) proved; near fflKfDfTfl Lot , _____________^_____ Lot; Western'Avc., bet. tn(^(Q)(l})[SffTl ■■:■ ■ _. and Washington, 50x200 WW^^yllJj 10 Acre&; fine orange grove; WP (m (n) IE (ff) near Pomona wMsJaQJuJJ _ A ,„ •• . ,_,,_--. x v,^ \_/1= v^-vii/ 2 Acres on Washington (ap Iff fTTlfTii(fT) ~~ " ' —— street, with home Qj^ lIJJ HJJHJJ 51 Acres; well improved al- (s^^ [5 ffT) (ff) ' ■ > falfa ranch; Kings county .. .@ (j ©HJJUJj 3 Acres near Ocean (^ (n) fff] fffl fTTI 4400 Acres; fine cattle and alfalfa ranch; —————— ——— - plenty of water; per #^ f7Tj(fj) East 4th St., near San # Ijl[g 1 (TTI (TH fTTI acre wB) (I a iyjljjj Pedro; improved; only, [| qJJ 9IJJJ iyj vLU , ■ - Mr. and Mrs. Owner or Buyers — consider the above properties the very best that cash can purchase, and if you are in the market for real estate, would say that you will save money in seeing these before you buy or exchange property. Yours very truly, Fo Do Blgler Company _ 213 Story Bldg. S. E. Cor. 6th and Broadway. F4582 ■ ■ TO Vistula, Tulare Comity /Th /G\ TTT? art sn? Ik 4^ lIJU Train will leave Los Angeles Wednesday evening, April 6, from the Arcade station. TULARE COUNTY lies just half way be tween San Francisco and Los Angeles and embraces 3,158,400 acres of fine orange, deciduous fruit, alfalfa, corn, vegetable, dairy and grazing lands. No section of any country in the world has more perfect days than you will find here. Cyclones, bliz zards, sunstrokes or heat prostrations are unknown. Visalia is the county seat of Tulare county, with a population of about' 7000. The city has both the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe railroads and is the terminal of the Visalia electric line. ORANGE HEIGHTS is only four miles from the Southern Pacific, with an electric line under course of construction through the tract. We have nothing to offer at Government Land prices, but this tract, which is in the midst of a thickly populated community, has all the advantages of higher civilization and con tains some of the finest lands in the state. TULARE COUNTY oranges ripen six weeks earlier than in Southern California. Smut and scale are unknown. This land is absolutely level, is dark, rich, sandy loam, with a red and black adobe subsoil. It is ideal for oranges, alfalfa, deciduous fruits or anything that grows in California. WATER CONDITIONS—Water conditions are perfect, with either gravity or pumping plant, and the supply is unlim ited. We have other all purpose lands that we can offer at price 3 that will at once appeal to all who are qualified to know lands when they see them. Call at our bureau at once and arrange to make this trip with us— for the round trip, with stopover privilege good for ten days. Lecture Every Evening at 8. San- ; Joaqtmiirn Valley Promotion! Bimreatui 531-33 SO. SPRING ST. Phone Main 7456 ' 4-1-«t FOR SALE HOUSES LIKE RENT $800 —2-rooin house, close In, $80 cash. bal. $10 mo. $1500—4-room new modern bungalow. $30 cash. bal. $10 mo. $1800 —8-room new modern bungalow. $80 cash. bal. $15 mo. $2800 —S-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash. bal. $15 mo. $2800 —6-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash. bal. $1A mo. TAYLOR REALTY CO.. Corner East First and Evergreen streets. Open Sunday. Phones 1)1171) Boyle in«». 3-27-tf FOR SALE Country Property Genuine. Snap Country property, 10 acres, Tulare county, $1000; all Improved; three-fourths in wheat; abundance of water, balance of ground used for domestic purposes; house furnished; all the furniture goes with It; chicken corral, vegetables, fruit. Will consider part cash, balance time. This la a genulno snap, and profitable buy. From ,75 to . 100 chickens on the place. Make offer, SEABOARD REALTY CO. Now at 214-216 Copp Building US &. Broadway. 4*l rOR BALE Country Property Large Trees 20 acres with ft B-room house. Rood barn, 7- Inch well, with pumping plant; 1 acre of family orchard, 9 acres of tha finest large eucalyptus trees, hlnk what 9 acres are worth alone. Then there are 8 acres In oats and barley: 1 buggy, 1 cultivator, 1 plow, ] harrow. This place Is only '.» milo from frood town, close to electric station and will make you a good Income. The tree* are there and you can pay H down, balance 1 and two yearn at 6 per cent. Think of It. The wood will pay for the place In a few years. Bee Resh. Ask for l\'o. 82. Resh <& Company 630 H. W. bellman Bldg. Cor. Fourth and Spring Sts., Los Angeles. Main 6784 A 2928 • 4-S-2t Government Palo Verde valley. Riverside county, Cali fornia, adjoining the famous Blythe ranch. Thousands of acres of the richest farm lands In America will bo thrown open to settlement under the United States land laws homestead and desert entry on April IS, 1910. For free Information call or ad dress Rannells Laid Co 127 N. Main St.. Los Angeles. We also have the latest authentic map of the valley, price 25c. 3-23-tf FOR SALE-14500. Alfalfa and Dairy Ranch 11 acres located 4 blocks from the electric linn and tov/n; 3 acres in alfalfa, balance hi grain; improved with i a Email, comfortable house, lull barn, well, windmill and tank; soil a rich loam; works tine and holds the water; abundance of cheap water for irriga tion. EVERYTHING (JOBS—4 cows, 2 heif ers,, 2 good horses, 5 pigs, 60 chickens, cream separator, and all implements and the house hold furniture; all ready to step Into; raw land sells for $350 per acre adjoining. This snap won't last long; terms. BALLAGH & WARREN (Sole Agents) 7JI CENTRAL. 81,n0., DTK AND MAIN. -„ Extensive Operators of County Property. 4-3-2 Nat Goodwin bought a- ranch In San Jaclnto valley. We have several good buys located near his ranch. Palmer & Hsnunoitd 513 Union Trust Bldg. 4-3-3 ~~ STOP! TAKB NOTICB. $5500 $5500 $5500 One of the best buys in California. Twenty acres. House, barn and other buildings. This land has all been cultivated and has been a home place. At above price is $2000 below cash value. Owner has got to have the money, so come Quick with the gold. Don't stop to think, when you can get 20 acres of the best land In Cal ifornia, with buildings, fur less than $300 per acre. . BOWEN REALTY CO. .210 STORY BUILDINa. MAIN TIM; mil. 4-4.-1. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ] I Miss Wing's School for Girls 1226 ALVARADO STREET nor an.l Hnanlln. All departments from kindergarten to college. Prepares for col " "nd unlwmlly. line school for girl. vHltln X Souther. California for winter to uP a"r,.»,t their «ludl<-.. tiMM, elocution, pottery, etc. Private tutortne. Spring term oprni April 4. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal Siinaet West 0344; Home 5:1111. I ___ iN. E. cor. Bth and Hill Ml Entrance on Bth ; st. neet IlKhte'l, ventilated and finest equipped liuslnens College rooms In the state. Call, write or phono fnr full Information. German, English I Shorthand jby experienced teacher. Terms moderns, ' 180 W. list it. Phone South »4lt. unowNSßEnaEn commercial col- Uge. »68-7 W. 7Tl£ Send for catalogue.^ FOR SALE Country Prooerty 104 arres right clone to town, with a 6-room 1',,-Btory house, modern, with a law barn, 7 chicken houses, brooder house 12x38 feet, all glass front, l Incubator for 3.SS eggs, hay barn 20x21, tool house, 8 h. p. pumping plant, 7-ln. well, 65 Inches of water; about 3 acres of oranges. 4 acres of walnuts, all kinds of family orchard, 26 peach trees, 650 feet pipe line, large shade trees, palms and flowers, 1 horse, 1 cow, 200 chickens, hay and corn, harness, harrow, hay rake, farm wagon, 2 cultivators, 1 scale, 1 spring wagon, furni ture, carpets an.l dishes. Think of all this for J9000; fine soil, beautiful corner; a home place and only one-fourth down and two years for balance. This will be the best chance you can possibly get. Only 60 min utes out: close to schools, church, store and bank; elegant road to city; best climate you can get, frostless. This you will find O. K. gee Resh. Ask for No. 21. Resh & Compaay 630 H. W. HeUman Bldg. Cor. Fourth and Spring Sts., Los Angeles. Main 6784 A 2928 4-3-!t BeaMmoot Where Cherries Grow. ' Excellent cherry land, with water, 5 acres ■p, 1100 to 1225 an acre; easy terms. BEAUMONT LAND * WATER CO.. 116 Central Bldg., 6th and Main sts. 2-12-tf Piano* Sari Brown's Excliaige "The Place for REAL Piano Bargains" I buy and sell all makes of pianos. I buy at little prices and sell at little profits. I obtain goods through many channels. I buy surplus stock, discontinued styles and odd lota from local houses. I buy goods In dis pute, arranging settlement between maker and dealer. I buy sample pianos from trav eling representatives. My stock is constantly changing, but you will find unexcelled bar gains here every day. Just now I am offering over 70 beautiful Instruments. They are here for quirk clear ance. I can now sell a fine new piano at )300, 1200, |150 and lower—juat about half real » Borne excellent player piano bargains for wide awake buyers. Pay cash If you prefer, but time payments can be arranged. Come and see my stock. Inspect my price tags. SAM BROWN'S PIANO EXCHANGE Suite 608-617 Parmelee-Dohrmann Bldg., Broadway, between Fourth and Fifth. ; Main 811 or P6665. 4-2-3t ELEVATOR CUTS THE PBICB. REMARKABLE SAVING!. 1 Avoiding high ground floor rent Is just why we undersell competitors 40 to $100 on the BEST reliable old make pianos. Now, $:;;*". ' Piano JlBB, J350. Piano 5297. 1400 Kings bury, $275. $400 piano $330. Tip Top Fisher 8195. Good square $48, With 8 years to pay in. ' You certainly save money by going to ! VAN BANT PIANO COMPANY, Second floor, 720 So. Broadway. 1 "ELEVATOR CUTS THE PRICE!" 4-3-7t PIANOS AT $2.50 AND $3 PER MONTH. Square pianos of standard markes In ex cellent condition. Will sell on the. above •mall payments. OEO. J. BIRKBL CO., 845-347 S. Spring St. 10-28-tf FOR SALE—UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE condition; only $100 for Immediate sale. Call for inspection 413 W. FIFTH ST. , 4-11-tf I 1 ' Miscellaneous Cash Register Bargains I am overstocked with secondhand cash , registers; I will soil you a total adder, 1 , cent to $99.93 at a single sale, full size, braes cabinet, for $35; a fine desk register $10; somo new registers as low as $25 for | cash; one of those big floor cabinet National registers, 6 total adders, 6 clerks' drawers; i It cost about $720; It goes for $350; others too numerous to mention. Not In the trust, J. R. WALLER «43 S. SPRING ST. _ & A 6CHOOLS AND COLLEGES NATIONAL SCHOOLS of Typewriting: 610 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Wanted, Ftnuenta to study shorthand an! bookkeeping. Two dollars a week. Home tire of typewriter free. Spanish, 260 a les son. Classes day or night. 8-!-ta 'S~iir* t''l' or^'''**:isififys-ss _i Ith Floor Hamburger Bltlf., Las Angeles, _.. _ ■ ..----. ■ -■ i .. — T. M. C. A.—DAY AND EVENING COM merclal, technical, automobile, college pre paratory and grammar schools now open. 10-1-tf LOS ANGELE3 BUSINESS COLLEOB, 417 W. Fifth st. E. R. SHRADER. Ph. D.. president since 1890^ _______ 1£ THH nOWELL SCHOOL, 7*l Bi IJROADWAY, coaches In grade and high school studl"". 4-3-3 RAILWAY TIME TABLS SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central aye. Leave | . | Arrl—» 8:00 am] San Francisco yl_ foajit Lino. 8:10 ana 8:15 am San Luis Oblrpo, Pun nobles. 2:30 pm 2:36 pm Del Mont", Monterey, Santa 1:20 pra 7:30 pml Cnis, Ban Jose and east 11:46 pas Ban Francisco and Mojav* ' %■*** pm Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:95 am • SO tun Bakersllold and Froroo 1:00 am 7:60 am Fresno "" 1 7:06 ami 6 '0 pm Bakersneld «:0S asa 1.80 pm and Mojave 1:00 pea Chicago, Kan. City, St. Louis] ' » 45 pm Golden State Limited Dps 1:00 pm The C&llforclan. via 7:16 PCS ______ Tuma, Benson, El Paso < Overland—New Orleana rla li 12:01 pm Tuma, Benson, Marlcopa, Tuc- 1;J8 tot son. El Paso, San Antonio, Houston IS 01 pm Tuma, Tucson, Benson *«:» aid 8:00 pm Lords Demlng, T:l5 am 1:15 pm El Paso i:jo pa •:45 am """^ 8:3« am 8:00 am ii:so ami *:16 am Santa Barbara 2:20 pm 1:46 pm and 7:36 pay !:" Pm Ventura • 8:80 pm 7:30 pm f Wot Ventura) 1:46 pni 1:18 am Oxnard, Santa Susan*, •[ 8:30 sol 2:35 pm M nor park, • ll:S0 so) 1-JO Pm* Somls. 3:30 po| 1 Camarilla • 7: us pig <*O*nar<l only) U:45 pn| ( Bants, Paula via Saurus, 1 ' • :45 am Camulos. Plru, Flllmor«. 11:60 aa* 1:46 pm Batlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:36 p_| i twia, Bummerland 1:15 Sin ~ NordhoCC 2:80 prs) 2 :3b pm| 7:88 pni 7:45 am '•! 8:89 tq • »m Pomona • 7:16 am) 11:01 Colton 7:15 am 8:00 pm IllTaraide. Red lands ant »:36 an» I 4:00 pm Ban Bernardino 11:35 am 6:45 pm (Wot Riverside, Redlan4a 1:30 pm I 15 pm • or Ban Bernardino) 6:25 pn) ——— 7:10 pa 8:55 am Covlna 11:36 an) 8:45 pm| i 7:10 pm 7:46 an T~ China ~F:36~am 4:00 pm 6:26 y~ Santa Ann, Anaheim, Downey 8:65 am and Norwalk 8:80 am 11:15 am 2:16 pm 1:00 pm a* Buena Park, West a* 8:00 pa 1:10 pm Anaheim, West Orange 4:60 pa ('Downey only) 8:65 am| Newport Beach 4:60 pni 8:65 amja Los AlamTtos a| 4:60 pa 9:45 ami nrawley. Imperial, 6:30 __J 8:16 pm| El Centro, Calexloo 8:65 pa • :06 am j San Pedro-Compton • 11:46~ani 8.30 pin • I'Via Long Beach) | 6:35 pa 9:05 am • Lone Beach-'fompton ™"~ 11:45 am 8:30 pm ('Via San Pedro) 6:36 pa »:05 am | Banta Catallna Island 8:35 pig «:45 am --———_____ _______ 7:60 am Fernando * 8:40 am 1:45 pm 11:60 am 6:00 pm (•Motor) , 7:36 pa 8:30 pm) . 8:00 pnt "l:8« am a ChaUworth Park. (See a 8:46 pa) note). (Note— and from River station only.) _^ ' All trains dally except those marked as foil lows: "a" Sundays axcepted; "b" Bundaya only. _ SANTA FE ■ ' Leave | ] _rrlv\ 1 Eastern—California Limited, I 10:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 1:00 pal and Kansas City _> i Overland Express—Dally 4( 1:99 pm Chicago via Denver and 1:80 ass} ■ I Kansas City Eastern Express— Dalij | 7.30 am Chicago via Denver and TM9 aat Kansas City ——~ Tourist Flyer—Dally '. • :0o am C_lc_co via Denver and] (:3i«<s) I Kansas City ' Kite Shaped—Going vlsi *~^ 1:90 am Pasadena. Return via, kH pa), Santa Ana canyon 7:35 am |l 0:00 __1 1:10 am Redlands Tla Paaaden* 1:00 pm' 1:00 pm 1:40 pm 4:30 pm T:4O pa 7:30 am Redlands via, Orange 10:38 an) 10:66 am 6:30 pm " 1:00 pmi 7:86 am Riverside via Pas— j t:4O p—( "7730 ami ~ I 7105~pml 10:65 am Riverside via Oranj* 10:36 «ns 6:06 pm 6:30 pal 7:30 am ——~~~—~~~~ I 7:06 am) 10:65 am Corona via, Orange 10:85 am] 6:05 pm 30 pm 7:30 am I 7:06 ani 10:55 am Ban Bernardino via Orang* 10:36 ana 6:06 pm 6:30 prq 7:35 ami 1 8:30 ami 8:30 am 10:00 ana 10:00 am Ban Bernardlne via. Paw- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm dona 6:40 pml 4:30 pm . ' 6:00 pa «:45 pm "it.".'. 1:00 rm 7:40 pnt 8:55 am i 6:66 am] 2:16 pm Banta Ana 8:25 am 6:06 pm 1:00 prol 11:65 pm _________________________ 6:16 pml "7730~am ™" ~\ 6:56 am! 8:65 am - 7:06 am 10:55 am Fullerton, Anajie__, 8:26 ana 2:15 pm Orange 10:35 am 6:05 pm 1:00 pn) 11:55 pm | 6 pas 7:35 am Ban Jaclnto, Elsinore, He- 10:35 am 10:66 am met and Murletta 6:30 pm 10:26~am nedondo 4:20 p— 2:15 pm ™" Escondldo 1:00 pm 8:55 am Fallbrook 6:15 pm 8:65 am ' Ban Diego anil 8:56 am 2:16 pm Oeronado Beach 1:00 pm 11:65 pm Surf Line 6.15 pal 7:30 am Randaburg __*___ 1:00 pm Bearohllght and Chloride *7:06 am 1:00 pm Beatty, Rhyollte, Gold-eld 8:80 sag : and Toqoi*_ __ SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains "daily except as noted. j "Leave 1 Fir3T"Btreet Station | Arrive 8-35 ami Ban liernardlno, ~TI:SS ana 11:00 am Colton, 10:41 ana, 8:40 pm Riverside, 1:25 pnj 124 pm Ontario and 1 4:26 pna Pomona 6:51 pig « 45 m • • 8:15 ana 8:60 am Long Beach and 11:10 aim • 1:30 pm) 1-20 pm • Ban Pedro 7:00 pm 4:40 pm_ ? _•_*_-", "l:50 amj Santa CaUllna Island 1 7:oo_pni "lTi»"ara| Pasadena I »:45aml 1:00 pm Paaadena I 7:20 pn^ ' TJtah-CaUfornla Special B*o inn Bait Lake, Butte. Denver, 10:09 am and Chicago I I "»b_Ui sioe^Buiiday. s Bun_ajr «oJ/. 11