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Mines and Mining JAMES WYNKOOP PROPOSED ARIZONA PIPE LINE ANNOYS STANDARD-ASSOCIATED S.\N T FRANCISCO, April 3.—Tho combinations nf tho great oil in terests outside of tlio Standard Mini Associated-Southern Paclflo to construct .1 pipe lino system from the Sun JoaqUln valUy oil fields to dis tributing iioints ill Arizona and Mexl -10 has created a profound impression here mi capitalists aiid liifii who en gage in big undertaking!. Thoy mar n\ :it the sizo and audacity of tho ■cheme, It Is a stratagem they had no) dreamed of. or course, na usual, tho Standard crowd smiles blandly and the Associated force looks solf natl«f,vingly wise. They fool not ad versely disturbed at the announcement of the big piece of oil news. This proposed pipe line enterprise, to croia the mountains and eater the cli Bert! of Arizona and Mexico, and there deliver California oil at the minimum coet of transportation, and the position of the great, "all-power ful" Btandard In the oil Industry of California With reference to the in dependents, "tho subjects of spoil," are coming In for considerable enlightened discussion. And Hit' Interesting part of theM discussions Is the conclusion that the Standard I* no longer a thing- to be afraid of in the oil business -that Its management has become senile and careless of its crown of supremacy or else Incompetent to "buffalo" tho nil men of the west as It has done nnd LARGE PRODUCTION MAY HAVE TO BE CURTAILED Too Many Gushers and Inade quate Transportation Work Hardship on Business BAKKJUWIBLD, April 3.— How to take care of the production of the Mid way field Is a question that la worry ing everybody concerned. The J'ro dticers Transportation company has lie.en given an Illustration of what may bo expected of transportation coin panlM by the action of tho Lakcvh \v well, which In Bfteefl days produced twice as much oil us the big tanks could hold. The Standard is flooded with Oil and has the production of tho Mays and California Midway, both big producers, to rare for. It Is re ported here that the company will at onctJ begin the construction of ■ ond eight-inch line out of the ti. Id. Tin- Associated Is rushing Us pipe lino In from McKlttrick, but Will not be able to take care of the oil foi acme time to come, it begins to look like a cast) of dosed in wills and cur tailed production for someone. TAKT, April I— An embarrassment of riches) threatens the Btandard In the Maricopa and Midway field*. Tlie com pany has a pipe line capacity Of W0 barrels an hour, 21.600 a day, and a Ntorag'< of 320,000 barrels, (if late tho company has been getting an average of 8300 barrels dailw from one Well, its own No. | on section 10, bMldee tta oilier production in the Reid. In addition It has contracted to tako (are of the production of the Hawaiian, Mays and California Midway, all In the Rusher class; tho Honolulu, United, iOkgle Creek, Ethel D., M. & M. and Mum' smaller producers, Kltlier the Hawaiian, California Mid way or Mays, all of which are ready to open, can be depended upon for an immense production Judged by past performances, and tho Maya and Cali fornia Midway together would quickly exhaust tho storage capacity of tho company. STANDARD-ASSOCIATED HOLDS UP BAY PRICES SAN FRANCISCO, April 3.—Not withstanding Uio present undenlanlo overproduction, both the Associated and the Standard are holding up prices, quoting those rates to buyers which ha\e prevailed at bay points foi several weeks past. There has been no slaughtering nor hint of such action. Instead of taking advantage of the producer at a time which, if not critical, could easily be made so, these two giant marketers are maintaining an admirable poise and by non-activity are assisting great ly in protecting the values contained in tho oil man's commodity. In this connection it is said that neither the Associated nor the Standard hat Riven any Indication, so far, since the .Midway fleld demonstrated itself t< be so gnat, that a move to cut prices at the well was being considered. CALIFORNIA OILFIELDS IS ON ARIZONA LINE SAN FIIANCISCO, April 3.—Accord ing to authentic reports the California Oilfields, Ltd., counts Itself In on the plan lately announced at l.os Angeles to build an oil plpMine from tho San Joaquln valley to Arizona. This line, 11 is a foregone conclusion, will operate in conjunction with the Producers 1 Transportation lino to Port Harford, the two making up, virtually, a single it is not likely the I.imlted's production will ever see Arizona, Its oil will take the place of other oils in the north markets, and these will go to the mines. The addition M the CJmlted'a 12,000-barrel a day produc tion will absolutely Insure the opera tion of all tho allied systems up to tho limits of their capacity. As is well known, the Llmlted's out put is refining oil, but this can bo handled by the Union's refinery at Oleum and tho heavier stuff now being run in that plant could be made to supply the fuel market. IN FIRST CLASS GROUND TAFT, April Ten acres on the past have been added to the Midway Five lease, section 5-32-23, making a total of thirty acres. M. H. Henning sen president of the company, has as sembled all of the material for the first well and the work of building the der rick and setting the boiler will begin at once This is about 2300-foot terri tory and Mr. Henningsen hopes to fin ish the well in eight-inch. Midway ►Five .adjoins the St. Law rence' on the ; west and is looked upon us flrst-class territory. ■ is doing Hie oil men «n<l everybody else in the east. This great and wfin fie.fuiiy distorted corporation, with belts iind belts of s'-alps nt its wai.xt, Ik knocking along In California, in a sort of sin even tenor way, asking to be let alone and occasionally hinting dire prophecies and generally bow wowed condition of the oil business on thin coast, and warning Its personal friends to keep their money out of the business. in view of tiu> Btendard'i (allure to simw any disposition or to make its old time "Rood," tho question Is being seriously risked, "Was not the Stan dard* power and strength made easy and luxuriant by generally lying flown, the giving up of everybody at tho mere proclamation of its coming?" Its failure to stampede; and drive out the westerner! is furnishing many prominent proselyte! to the belief that tho great saucer-eyed BWallOWer hM been the king buffalo of the age, for the first time it ran up against men who would stand was in California, and here it ceased to be a factor of danger or molestation. There arc Just now many hats going up to the independents. That im mortal little band fiat made the famous Stop In i:>o4, when the Inde pendent "11 Producers' agency of Kern county was organised, Is corning In for much praise of courage and clear headed foresight. AMERICAN OILFIELDS DEVELOPS FREAK WELL Fluid from 970 Feet Fills Fifty- Barrel Tank in Forty Minutes taft, April 3.—The American <>n fields ccimpany lias ;i freak well near the center of Its east lino of the south west quarter of section 36-31-22, us compared to other wells In that local ity. At 970 feet a light oil Hand was entered with sufficient gas pressure to make the well flow. Tho oil, which Is uf H gravity, tills a 80-bexrel tank In forty minutes whenever tho valve Is opened. It is being used to supply fuel for drilling operations. The well, known as No. 73. Is rated at 1500 bar rels by the drillers, but K. J. < CDonnell, superintendent on W, considers that rather high, it reached the sand with B single string of. 12-inch rasing. W"]| Wo. «7, a short distance north of 7.1, reached the oil sand at 1200 feet. Well No. so. In the southwest corner of the northeast quarter, is two sfreus into the »and at IMO feet. In No. 61, In the southeast corner of tho north weat quarter, water is being cemented Off at l-'ifiO feet. <in .section 16-32-23 the company has a strong MO-birrel well producing 15 gravity oil and Is down 700 feet with 16-lneh stovepipe In No. 7. Six strings are running on 36, two on 16, two on 11-n-SS, and nno on 18-31-23. Superintendent Harding, formerly With liif Monti' CrUtO and who Roes with the American to superintend op erations on tho ground recently pur chased from the Monte Crlsto. is rlmvn L'.'.rifl feet with the well on 31, and is cementing off the water at 2030 in No. 7 on 3-. Tills well is near the Lake- View gusher, which is 2230 feet deep. On the Cousins lease at McKlttrlek the American oilfields Is Installing an air compressor. BAKERSFIELD PLANS OIL STOCK EXCHANGE Scheme Grows in Popularity and Organization May Be Perfect ed Without Delay HAKERSFIKLI), April B,—Unless the most encouraging of signs fall Bakers- field will have an oil exchange within a very short time. The suggestion was made by Bon A. Hayden and was In dorsed by J. C. Robertson of the linn of Donnellan, Robertson & Co , P. O'Brien, Kenneth Donnellan and a few iit hers. livery man spoken to virtually signified his approval, and telephone and telegraphic communication with outside cities showed a remarkable unanimity of sentiment approving the plan. San Francisco gave indorsement, Los Angeles sent word that thirty members woujd sign up immediately. Three wires came In from Uoldfleld asking for reservations and a number of representatives of Now York curb operators signified their intention of taking seats. One Philadelphia broker age house asked that its name be added to the charter membership. The design at first was to limit the membership to 100, but before night fall the number, including those who virtually became members and those who can bo confidently dependod upon to give support, had grown to 170, and it was seen that the original suggestion was not wide enough In its scope. (Charter membership fees have been fixed at $50, but the fee for listed stocks will be merely nominal, admitting every legitimate company or firm en gaged in the business, without en trance penalty. The listing committee will consist of men thoroughly known in the oil business, with unassailable reputations for integrity and honesty of purpose, and nothing but companies run on the square and dealing justly with the public will be traded in. Either L. P. St. Clalr or Tim Spellacy will be chosen president. .« ■ > STOCKHOLDERS SUE FRESNO, April 3.—A suit was brought here by the non-consulted stockholders in the Madera Oil com pany against the officers and the mi nority stockholders to prevent the sale of an oil claim In the Coalinga field for $100,000. It is asserted that be cause of the discovery of oil adja cently the claim Is fairly worth $200,000, and that while the option holder, a .stockholder in the company, knew of Hi. discovery, he withheld the Infor mation while pretending to be acting for the best interests of. stockholders. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MOHMXfi, APRIL 1, 1.91.0. Completion of well on Coalinga Crude Oil means big advance on Exchanges Coalinga Crude Oil Company stock has been listed on the Los Aageles Stock Kxchange at This Astook"haji beort listed at this time, prior to bringing in the first well on this property, In order to enable the public to secure this stock at its initial low prices before the advance occur?, which usually takes place with tho bringing in of the first well on "n As a'ru'l. rtwhen a company has had production and its stock Has been listed for some time the chance to make Initial profits on the .stock has usually passed. The Coaltnga crude Oil Company own and are aggressively developing a splendid piece of absolutely proven property in the shallow part of the Coalinga field. Their water well lias been drilled and completed, and they expect to finish their first oil well ' °\Vn recommend tho purchase of this stock now at the present market prices between 30c and 86c prior to ths time of bringing In this first well, because when that event Occurs pH'-os on this stock are bound to be very mu>-h higher. Production possibilities from properties in leotlon 20, where th-i Coaiinga Crude, property is located, are so well known that returns can be figured to a nicety. Ex perts place the earning power of Coalinga crude stock at at least two per rent per month On par when the property is develo 1. Such an earning power on this stock, which now ran be purchased at about one-third of its par value, makes thi* an ex tremely deferable investment for dividends: and if the stock is bought now before the bringing in Of the first well, large profits in appreciation of value should be made. Th<- Company is conservatively capitalized rind efficiently managed; the actual field work being under the direction of Mr. Charles Spurlln, formerly Superintendent of the Standard Oil Company. We suggest immediate action by those who are interested. You can purchase large or small amounts of this stock through siny broker on the I-os Angeles Stock Kxuhange, or we will (ill your order at the market price of the day received. Full particulars of the Company; its organization, properties and development work, with rnnps and photographs, will be furnished upon application by person or by letter. Pacific States Guaranty & Land Co. 614 H, W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles MONTE CRISTO LAND ADVANCES IN PRICE Since Doheny Purchase Offer of $500,000 Above Cost Has Been Made Since completing the. deal for the Monte cristo land, the American Oll delde has had the opportunity to sell for ÜBO,MO advance over the purchase price. Negotiations for this tract were taken before the big gusher came in and the consummation of the deal was delayed because "f the objections raised by some of thOM interested to buying so much high priced land. The result was the coming In of Standard wells dose by and the figures were advanced. The I,akev|ew gusher has raised the value since then still more and It could not be bought for a good deal more than the American > liitields paid. The same objections to high prices has, In the cane of a good many other concerns, stopped a few other good buys. The great strikes on the Hat coming so thick and fast have, called attention to this condition. It is not so lung since a number of men whose opinion was considered valuable were suspicious of the Monte t'rlsto land and of all to its east and northeast. If the truth were ever ascertained it is likely that It would be found that Quite a few good chances have been al lowed by big men to slip by. The Monte Cristo land was once owned by the Superior Oil company, now out of existence, which sold it for "a song " There arc quite a few stock holders who feel .sick every time they hear the last deal or the Lakeview gusher mentioned. \V. P\ chandler of 9elma controlled the Superior. ___. NEWLOVE ON PUMP PANTA, MARIA, April 3.—The Union has just put Newlovo No. 35 on the pump and it Is good for about 800 bar rels dally. Work is slow on No. 23 Newlove, which is at the extreme cast Of the lease on the Los Flores line and Is considered » test well. New Bungalow SIX ROOMS —-Easy Terms $3850 On Klngsley drive. In most popular neigh borhood, on lot 60x150; modern In every re spect- hardwood floors throughout; Western avenue car line and just right distance from town. For further particulars call Main 496: Home 10963. Home Builders' Realty Department 40 1! MASON OFEBA lIOL'SE. Manufacturers of Flower Pots, j All Sizes to 24 Inches. Hanging Baskets. All Sizes. Hanging baskets, all sizes. Fern pans. Lawn and cemetery vases. Stove flue thimbles. Ollas in all sizes; fill with water at night and have ice cold | water next day that will keep cold If kept In a shady place. Special ware made on short notice. We carry a largo stock and can fill orders prompt ly. Phone East 50. J. A. Bauer Pottery Co. Avenue Thirty-three and Lacy street. HI 10 Reasons A I Vnii be asked for in "'"^HiPr JB>a!is 401 to 407. Is It Interest we X ff pay? Is It courteous treatment? wk ft Is it they feel more secure? ra ml I, it because they know the offl- ■ W ocrs? Is it because we are a con. U ■ venience, a novelty or a necessi- VI & ty? Get ready to tell. If you ■ M haven't opened an account you do m ■ not know what you are missing. ■ \ALI NICtmMU arJ3fJ^.B^ Jr\. \ TSffi&ll? 6TII AND SI-lUNG. 3*6 \j^y I Oleum Development Company The best speculative purchase of all the oil stocks. Full Information furnished, and orders executed by Fielding J. Stilson Company . 305 H. W. Jl'lliiimi Building. ..:; A"547 ' * " Main 105. CLEARING HOUSE BANKS ' 'NAME ' '__ OFFICERS. United States National Bank i? Afasmith!^'cainiti £%?. . . »" ■ capital, 1800.000. B. B. eorn»r Main ana Commarelal. Burplua and Proflta. HI.OO*. C. it . H J. WA'ItKS, rrcßlilanC •uiens rational sank v. i w. woods, cubia*. ■ , ..",J .-,' ' Capital. 11,000.000. « W. corner Third ana Main. ] Burplui. WOO.OOO. G. Bank newman bsiick. cuiitar. ommociai National Bank newman essick. cubiar. capital, izoo.uuo. <»1 B. Spring, eern>f Fourth. 6urp!-j» and Undivided ProHH. t«.0»%. Farmers & Merchants National iiank I. 'V HIJI.I.MAN, ITaaldent. armers & Merchants National dana cBarucs> retubji CMhiar. \ ' Capital. 11.500.000. rorrmr Fourth and Main. Surplui and Proflti. lI.Xtt L 0««. ~ ; ; r : ~ J. M. hH-l-1011, President. .ist Na ional .bank tv. t. s. iia&imond. cvuuaa. Capital Stock. 11,280.000. B. B. tamer Rucond and «prlnir. Bii lv» »nd Prnflti. ll.tM.OOt. : ~ : TTT W. H. IIOL.LIUAY. PraaldMt. erchants National Bank chas. orekndl cuhiat. Capital I200,00>). ? . T. ♦ornar Th'rd, and Wprln«. Surplus & Undivided ProflU tei».Oo» -ationai Bank ot Cahiornia - b. p. hckeb. ouniar. N l, ; ~l — rr, Capital. tSOO.OO*. Fraaldaab. ationai Bank ot Cahiorma b. p. mkefj. cuniw. Capital. $600,000. V IC. rorn«r Fourth and Bprlnr Sin plus and Undivided TTont» 1180.000. C, -, , B. F. ZDMUKu. prMldent. ...i national Bank , jamf.h b. oibt. cuniir. , ■ ■• • Capital. »300.00 a H. T. rorn*r Fourth anrt Broadway. Snrpliin and UndlvMM rroain. ntf.M*. B.aow y JtJank <k Trust Company la^^a^&£T"* M> Capital. »2».ooo. I<i«-Sin Broadway. Bridhury hul!dln« Surplus & Undivided Proflti. 1225.00*. LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANKS ir^figE CURITY -—« Having s RANK 1 Largest and Oldest in Southwest Resources $28,000,000.00 I Para the highest rates of Intercal and on the moat liberal terma contlateal . 9 with aeond, ronaervative banking. H Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate f Security Buildinc Spring and Fifth Street* CERNAN AHEBIUMIAVINCS BANK •^gapP*" TtiL BANK WITH THE '^BSSMjj?'* ZP"" EFFICIENT VfITHI THE — IHIJI" 1 '" EFFICIENT SEftVICG JTg>RING m AND FOURTH ■*"* I^' LOS ANGELES TRUST COMPANIES Merchants Bank and Trust Co. ££ c^ SSSS Branch: Hoover .tree, 209-11 S. Broadway Transacts a Qeneral Bank -2426 South Hoovar »tre«t. iU>ll J.DIUdUWJJf i ng H[lll Tru?t Business. All Eyes Are on Arizona Mines We know the country. Write us for free booklet. J. E. MEYER & CO. 902 Security Building Los Angeles. Cal. . f G.E.AVERILL 1 The Oil Man has removed to 626 W. P. Story Bldg., Sixth and Broad way. See him for Midway Lands and Leases PHONES: FS44B; Main I*ol. V J Our board of directors has authorized a public offering of our treasury stock at 30 CENTS A SHAKE Los Angeles-McKittrick Oil Co. 221 I. W. Hellinan Bids.; Fourth and Main ' ' streets. OIL Stock 15c a Share The BOOK ISLAND OIL CO. announce that for a short time only Its treasury stock will be offered for 15c a share. "A Hundred Barrel Well Is Worth »100,000." ROCK IS LAND OIL CO., 410-417 I.aughlln Bldg., 315 South Broadway. It's as easy to secure a bargain In a used automobile,' through want advertising, as It used to be—and still Is—to ' secure a horn* and carriage,,. Maricopa Gushers , A new oil company is being or ganized to operate in the cream of the Midway-Maricopa Oil Fields— In the giant gusher territory. We offer a small block of pre organization stock to cash buyers only. We have opened books for subscription at be a share. This is an exceptional chance to get into the Midway-Maricopa Oil Field on good ground with a good company. An oil proposition run by oil men. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. 1012-1018-1014 Union Trust Building, Fourth and Spring at«., Los Angeles. i . ■ Pre-Incorporatlon Stock at 8 Cents a Share Subscriptions will be received by the undersigned, acting for the Incorporates of the company. F. B. WOODRUFF, Attorney, 515 Central Hldg., Sixth and Main sts. BUY NOW At 10c a share STOCK THAT IN SIX MONTHS should be worth ONE DOL LAR HYGRAVITY OIL CO. 404 Story Building. ■established 1807. Home Phone A 1405 Bank References. Sunset Main 1211. BALDWIN & CO. 232 San Fernando Building, Oil. LANDS," I.KASKS AND MINKS i Producing, Properties. Bought and. Sold. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL GROW IN SIX MONTHS TO S QNE THOUSAND DOLLARS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ OIL Public subscription to the stock of the Hygravity Oil Company opens at the office of the company on Monday, April 4th, 1910. 'A new company having just been formed to operate in Ventura County, California. Having 1120 acres. VALUE: The value of this land alone makes it a good buy; this is proven territory with the possibility of opening up an entire new poo! of OIL owned entirely by this com pany. California Oil deposits lie in great beds that are remarkable for their comparatively great depth of rich OIL lakes. OPPORTUNITY: California is the most important OIL section in the history of the world, three-quarters of a million dollars disbursed monthly to stockholders of California OIL properties. You can purchase now at 10c per share stock that in six months will be probably worth par. (One dol lar per share.) This is your opportunity to start on the road to pros perity, by coming in on the GROUND FLOOR. The company is capitalized for $3,000,000, divided into 3,000,000 shares of a par value of $1 each; $1, -000,000 will remain in the treasury. This first block of stock is offered at 10c per share. It is expected that this ground floor offering will be ' subscribed in a few days. Subscriptions will be en tered and allotments made according to the order In which the applications are filed. An early interview will prove of mutual advantage, as it is certain that a closer knowledge of the organiza tion, land and locations will convince the investor of the advantage of owning some of this stock—a reasonable amount of which is almost sure to make early purchas ers rich in proportion to their holdings. STOCK WILL ADVANCE: Only a limited number of shares will be sold at 10& Stock should advance within thirty days. CONVINCING PROOFS: The organizers of this company are backing the judg ment of practical oil experts. The investors' money will go into the development of the property —in this com pany no salaries will be paid to the directors. Upon application we will give the opinions of practical, scientific and ise investors who know the property. Hygravity Oil Company 404 Story Building Sixth and Broadway Los Angeles, Cal Hygravity Oil Company, 404 Story Building, Los Angelea, Cal. I hereby subscribe for shares of the Capital Stock of your company and agree to pay 10 cents per sharo for same. Name • • Address 9