OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, April 05, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-04-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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16 PAGES^j
Vote Boundary Changes Menace
Validity of Nominating
Test Case Needed to Ascertain
Signatures Necessary in
Many Districts
A3 'A result of Investigations made
by Charles Wellborn, Democratic
police commissioner, and Albert
M. Norton, chairman of the Democratic
county central committee. It was
claimed last night that many If not all
of the nominating petitions Tor the
August primaries may be invalidated,
and that a chaotic condition In pre
election affairs Is Imminent if a test
case Is not at once taken into the
courts to decide on what basis the
vote of the precincts Is to bo estimated
by th« petitioner*.
A number of petitions now are. being
• circulated, and several already have
obtained what until yesterday was gen
erally considered the requisite number
Of signatures.
It was discovered by Mr. Wellborn,
and later also announced by Mr. Nor
ton, that the problem of estimating" the
party vote of the precincts is one of the
most difficult which politicians ever
have beo nealled on to solve In local
campaigns. Mr. Norton said:
"The California election laws plainly
state that In order to get their names
on the primary tickets the candidates
must obtain the signatures of 3 per
cent of the voters of one-fourth of the
precincts of the county. This law also
. plainly states that each candidate must
secure not lens than 3 per cent, and not
more than 10 per cent, of the. voters
affiliated with his party at the last pre
ceding general election In 25 per cent
of the total number of precincts.
"About half- of the precincts of Los
Angeles were recently changed, and
the whole vote thus shifted and divided
so that there is no way at present of
estimating the total party vote of a
majority of the precincts.
"There were 350 old precincts, the
boundaries of GO per cent of which were
changed, so thnt them are now 306 new
precincts, hut the forty-six newly cre
ate I precincts' it will readily be seen
fn.r from represent the precincts In
which ' the votes cannot now be esti
mated. • '
"For Instance, old precinct No. 2
was changed and new, Nos. 2 and 3
were created from It; new precinct No.
fi3 contain! ■ part of old precincts Nos.
35, M and 38; new 64 contains part of
old 30 and 37; new 65 contains part of
37 and 38; new 68 contains part of 38
ami 39; new 67 contains part of 28, 37
and 39; new 69 contains part of 180 anil
183. nnd so on through most of the list.
"The petitioner cannot tell, at pres
ent what is the vote of any of the pre
cincts so affected, because there is no
way to ascertain the vote In the por
tions taken from the old and added to
the new precincts.
"The county' clerk Is required by law
to make affidavit to the petitions filed
with him, but ho Is unable to do this
under the present conditions, and a
most complicated problem confronts
the various candidates.
"I have looked Into the matter close
ly, find from Investigations It would
seeem that a majority If not all of the
following precincts may be thrown out,
fig petitions circulated In the precincts
mentioned must be invalidated for the
reason that no one can say whether
here Is less than 3 per cent or mom
than 10 per cent represented on the
petitions therein circulated. There
seems th be no possible way to tell
what Is the actual vote of the pro
cincts affected. The precincts I refer
to are Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6. 6, 9. 11, 13, 14,
IS, 16, 26, 27. 28, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
43, 49, 60, 51, it, 53, 54. 55, 58, 57, 58,
61, 62, 63. 64, 65, 66, 67, 69,' 71. 80 81, 04.
95. 101. 123. 124, 129, 137. 138, 142. 143,
146. 147. lf>2, 163, 164. 16K, 166, 167. 194,
201, 202, 204, 205, 211. 212, 214, 215, 216,
217. 218, 219, 220, 221. 224.
iii:«>i iiiin hot cask,
"Three per cent of the Democratic
vote In the county at the last flection
amounted to fiRO votM, and 10 per cent
at tho las<t election amounted to 2200
votes. Tho least number that can t©
signed to ■ nominating petition is tit,
to be ohtalnod from the entire vote of
each party in 25 per rent of the pre
cincts. Tho largest number legally ob
tninutile is 2200, to 1«» obtained from
25 per cent, or one-fourth of the total
number of precincts.
"Taking for example new precinct
No. 63, which is mndo up of portions
nf old precincts Nos. 3f>, "6 and 38.
ROW Is the petitioner to know Just
how many votes It is necessary for
him to get in new No. 63, when he does
not know, and has no way of estimat
ing, whnt proportion of the original
vote of Nos. 35, 36 and 38 was trans
ferred to the new precinct, and on
what basis ran he compute?
"Tf the petitioner pets signatures on
nny basis of estimates so far eoncelv
abie, he Is very apt to get less than
the legal minimum, and If ho goes' at
it recklessly, to make certain of se
curing enough signatures, he Is very
apt to get more than the legal 10 por
cent maximum. How are the candi
dates to estimate?
"Under the election law, no estimates
can be computed on the old precinct
lines, therefore no logical or satisfac
tory estimate can be made in the new
"What is 3 per cent or 10 per cent
of the vote of precinct No. 67? What
would be a safe number of signatures
to secure in that precinct? It is Im
possible to say.
"Undoubtedly a test case must be
made, and that Immediately. In the
meantime It looks to me, and to oth
ers who have investigated the mat
ter, that petitions already circulated
and held roadv for filing must De in
vulidated, and when a decision has
beeon rendered these petitions will have
to start over again.
"Meanwhile, it would look as though
i iinrtidates now in the field had best
withhold their petitions until some def
inite conclusion can be reached."
For Ixm Anprlrn and vicinity—F*lr, Tnrs
<lay; somewhat warmer) light, north wind,
changing to until h. Maximum temperature
.vr-lcnla.v. 74 i|e>{i'ri-pi; minimum temnera
ture, Hit degrees.
Democrats expectod to Indorse candidacy
of Bell at caucus next Saturday.
Probably 700 Democrats will attend state
conference in Los Angeles April 12
and 13. PAGE 14
Charges of registration fraud made and
warning Is Issued to voters of city.
XiOvett - encourages commit on union
station project and probes matter of a
elt» In this city. PAGE 1
Civic bodies are earnestly supporting
various Improvement bonds. I*A < # 3
Legality of recent vote on exclusion at
Venice Is contested. I'AciE I
Park commlri'oners will meet this
morning to li-u-n Commissioner O'MM
veny's choice ior park superinten
dent. I'AOE 8
West Seventh street' corner sells for
$125,000. PAOB 5
Mother wins lawsuit Instituted by her
noli. v STW PAGE I
Mayor will veto ordinance placing age .
limit on flagmen. PAGE 8
Congressman Richmond P. Ilohson may
stump state In opposition tO Phil A.
Btontqn. PAGE I
Sidney A. Butler will enter race for su
pervisor against "Tvs" Uldrldge on
return from. Europe. PA< -
Nominating petitions for primary may
be Invalidated because vote In new
precincts cannot he estimated. PAGE 1
New England hotelmen leave to attend
Los Angeles convention. I'Ai IE 8
Jews are. urged to become members of
Independent Order of B'nal Ji'rltli.
Speculators give up claims on Yuma
farm unit* PAOB 9
Fifteen fine numbers make up program
for theatrical benefit. PAGE] I
Supreme court of United States holds
Los Angeles rights to waters of
river are paramount. PAGE 9
Editorial, letter box. PAGE 4
Marriage licenses, births, deaths PAGE 14
Society, clubs, musical. • PAGE 7
News of the courts. PAOB •
Municipal affairs. PAGE 8
Mines and oil fields. PAGE 13
Markets and financial. PAGQ 12
Theaters and dramatic criticism.' PAGE 7
Classified advertising. PAGES 14-15
Officials capture manlao who escaped
from ration through clew furnished, by
man's parents. , PAGE 1
Veteran seeks to canc«\ debt by marrying
girl to whom he loaned »20. PAGE 11
Pasadena will vote on 1500,000 school bond
Issue April 20. PAGE 11
Rival launch owners fight duel with boats
at San Pedro. PAGE 11
Two Ban Franclcco eraoksmen cap- ,
tured after sensational running -re
volver battle with police. PAGE- 9
Body of Alameda man Is found In Ne
vada stream and foul play ,is sus
peotad. PAOB 2
United States JudgA.La Cambe refuse* to
punish American Sugar company for con
tempt of court, as petitioned by grand
Jury. PAGE 3
Army expert board believes Panama canal
should pay for Its own fortifications.
Senator Cummins prevents agreement to
vote on administration railroad bill Sat
urday. PAOE 2
Vavldlty of rittrlmrg Indictments at
tacked on ground the foreman of grand
Jury was not legally qualified. PAGE 1
State Senator Conger of New York, accuser
of All.la. resigns. PAGE 1.
Supreme court emphasizes rights of rail
roads under constitution In Nebraska and
Arkansas coses. PAGE} 2
Twenty-three arrested In Washington
on charge of operating bucket shop.
Cardinal Merry del Val, papal secretary
of state, blamed by Italian press for
refusal of Roosevelt to have an audience
with the pope. PAGE 1
Colonel and Mrs. Roosevelt and their
daughter Ethel are entertained by the
king and queen of Italy at grand din
ner In royal palace. - PAGE 1
Ad Wolgast and Matty llaldwln matched
for twenty-five rounds here In June. ;
Jack Johnson slimed by McCaray for ex
hibition bout here last week In April.
Portland Coast league team arrives to
open series today with Vernons at the '
chutes. PAGE 10
Official announcement Is made that the
Emeryville races will be run every week
day in future. PAGE 10
HHESLAU, Prussia, April 4.—Prof.
Richard Abeprg, a distinguished chemist
and professor of chemistry at the Uni
versltv of Bieslau, was killed while at
tempting a landing following: a balloon
flight yesterday.
Prof. Abegg, who was fond of bal
looning, ascended here yesterday In the
balloon Silesia, which belongs to the
Aeronautic society. He was accompa
nied by a. woman relative and Karl
Qeratnl, an engineer.
Strong wind currents were encoun
tered, and when the balloon 1 reached
the vicinity of Tessin, in Mecklenburg-
Schwerin, it was decided dangerous to
continue the llight. Accordingly the
gas valve was opened and the balloon
dropped slowly to the earth.
Gerstel and the woman landed safely,
but before the professor could get out
of the basket a Rust of wind caught
up the half-deflated balloon bag and
dragged the- basket along the ground
for bonie distance.
WASHINGTON, April 4.—Hugh. U
Dlcksoa of Son. Bernardino, general
counsel for the | Brotherhood* of lire
men and, Englnemen, attracted atten
tion today when he was admitted to
practice before the supreme court of the
United States.
As it fireman Dlckson lost both his
hands. ' Afterward he studied law. To
day he signed the roll of attorneys by
holding a pen between the stubs of Ills
amis. ; .■<.'< • :-■.
*■ , ■
Reads, with Ashen Face, Confes
sion That His Usefulness
in Senate Is Ended
[Associated Press]
ALBANY, N. V., April 4.— Rising to
a question of personal privilege In the
senate tonight, Senator Bean Conger,
after reading a statement in which ho
declared he fully realized that, as a re
sult of the Allds bribery charges, his
usefulne.su as a legislator was at an
end, handed his resignation to Lieu
tenant Uovemor White, a duplicate of
which he later filed with the secretary
of stato.
With ashen face and trembling hand,
he rend while his fellow senators lis
tened with intense interest, and when
he Had Rnlsned ho sent his resignation
to the desk and quickly left the
Mr. Conger read how, at a private
conference where the qualifications of
former Senator Allds for the position
of Republican leader of the senate were
being considered, he was asked to de
clare iiis position, and said: "I would
not ai>d could not voto for him."
Conger then related how later former
Senator Allds, on tho iloor of the
senate, denied the truth of Conner's
statement! and demanded an investi
gation. In conclusion he read:
"I am informed some of your mem
bers profess to feel they cannot re
main in the senate If I am to be here.
I have no desire to remain a member
of this great legislative body If my
pies,nee is to give offense to any of
its members. I realize, and from the
beginning have fully realized, that
with feeling here as it is, Yny useful
ness to my district p.s a member of this
legislature Is at an end. I cannot af
ford the expense of a further hearing
and another trial, and I feel I ought
not to impose the expense thereof on
the state. Needed legislation ought not
to be longer delayed and so I am go
ing voluntarily to surrender my office."
Senator Oobb's resolution providing
for a committee to prepare charge!
against Conger is vitiated by his resig
Telegram from Mexico City Fur
nishes Official with Clew
to Whereabouts
tonio Torres, the maniac who escaped
from the Pattern asylum Thursday on
the mount which he forcibly took from
a woman rider, is tonight In the coun
ty Jail, awaiting the arrival of authori
ties from the institution. The "tip"
which lead to the capture of the escape
singularly came from the City of Mex
Leaving the asylum the maniac ran
his stolen horse until it fell exhaust
ed and dying, a/id then continued on
foot to Beaumont. There he tele
graphed his parents, wealthy Mexi
cans, at the ("ity of Mexico. Instead,
however, of his father wiring funds,
h« notified B. M. Guercro, a Los An
geles Mexican commission agent, who
is hiß son's guardian, of his where
abouts. Guerero went to Beaumont
and found the asoaped maniac asleep
under a tree. After a fierce tussle he
loaded him on a train and brought him
here. Torres is said to have been
disappointed in love while attending a
military school in Mexico, resulting in
his becoming demented.
EL. PASO, Tex., April 4.-rA special
from Rqswell, N. M., says that Mrs. F.
P. Fisher, assisted by her husband, at
tacked Probate Judge J. Evans on the
street last night and horsewhipped
him. Mrs. Fisher alleges Judge Evans
insulted her. Judge Evans denies the
charge and has sworn out a warrant
for the Flshera. '
Wife and Daughter Also Honored
by Victor Emmanuel and
Queen Helena
Former President Receives Jour
nalists but Declines to
Discuss Affair
[ Associated Press]
ROME, April Twice today Theo
dore Roosevelt was the guest of
King Victor Emmanuel.
The king: received the former presi
dent at an early hour at tho Quirinal
with particular warmth, and they
talked together for nearly an hour.
This evening there was a grand din
ner at tho palace given by the king and
queen in honor of Col. Roosevelt and
his family. The queen herself directed
all the arrangements, desiring no detail
Should be neglected.
In all Mr. Roosevelt had a strenuous
day. After his meeting with the king
he visited the Pantheon, where he was
the object of a popular demonstration.
He lunched with Ambassador Irish
man, and received the Italian Journal
ists in the afternoon.
Tomorrow will be less busy, In the
morning he will drive with the king
and will probablyspend the afternoon
sightseeing. lie will be the guest of
the British ambassador at dinner in the
The former president and his party
arrived at the entrance "f the ijuhiiiijl
palaca at 8 p. m., where tho door of his
carriage was opened by the Imp
figure of the royal doorkeeper, magnifi
cent in scarlet livery, with SWOrd and
baton and cocked hat.
After a short conversation all the
guests, including the American ambas
sador and Airs. I.eishman and the staff
of Mm embassy, adjourn* I to the pri
vate dining room of the king, a largo
hall hung with modern tapestries and
decorated with immense plants and
The dinner was enlivened by the mil
itary band in the gardens telow.
The queen had at her right Colonel
Roosevelt, then Princess Helena of
Servia, Major J. F. Landis, military
attache of tho embassy; Countess Guic
elardtnl, John W. Garrett, first secre
tary; Princess Psjerno, Kormit Roose
velt and Count Tozzonl.
At her left sat Ambassador Leish
maa, I'rlncess Vera of Montenegro,
Commander Andrew T. Long, naval
attache; the Ducho:-s C.razlolo-Lante,
C. S. Wilson, second secretary, and
Count Guicelardlnl.
At the right Of th<> king sat Mrs.
Roosevelt, the Marquis di San Giu
liano, the foreign minister; Mrs. Lan
dis, General Brusali, Miss Ethel
RooseVelt, Count lirambilla and Duke
Cito, commander of the royal cuirras
At tho left of his majesty were Mrs.
Lelshman, Count Gianotti, Mrs. Gar
rett, Count Mattloli, minister of the
royal household, and Princess Viaro.
Ambassador Lelshmans lunch to
Mr. Roosevelt included as guests Pre
melr Luzziatla, the Marquis di San
(iluliano, minister of foreign affairs;.
Mayor Nathan, Count Gianotti, prefect
of the royal household; Signor Bol
latl, a director general of the foreign
office; the members of the American
embassy and several Americans, In
cluding John B. Coolidge of Boston,
ex-minister to Nicaragua.
After the lunch Mr. Roosevelt re
ceived Dr. Carlos Manuel CM]
Cuban minister, who presented a mes
sage and greetings of the Cuban gov
ernment. He also received Dr. Wal
ling Clark, head of the Methodist or
ganization in Italy, and tho Rev. Dr.
B. M. Tipple, pastor of the American
Methodist church in Rome.
A number of Italian journalists called
on the ex-presldent this afternoon,
but Mr. Voosevelt declined to discuss
the Vatican incident.
Papal Secretary of State Accused
of 'Rude' Diplomacy by
Italian Papers
WASHINGTON, April 4.—The. coinci
dence of a rail by Cardinal Gibbons at
the White House bo closely following
the Koowevelt incident at Kome occa
sioned no little excitement in WnsliiiiK
ton today. It Is said the prelate's visit
wail arranged a week, ago and both
President Tart and the cardinal stale
the "Incident" was not dlsciwsed In any
* ■ "It is too delicate a matter to iIIs
(USB," said Cardinal Gibbons, when he
win asked If he had broached the'sub
ject In any form. "It i* my practice to
pay my respects to the president from
time to time an I happen to be In Wash
ington. My call today was of tbat na
ture and nothing more."
ROME, April 5. —Commenting on Mr.
Roosevelt canceled audience with
the pope, the Giornale d'ltalia, the or
gan of former Premier Sonnlno, says
the incident between the Spanish papal
secretary of state and the former col
onel of the Rough Riders, who became
so popular in the war against Spain,
demonstrates Cardinal Merry Del Val'l
permanence in the Borgia appointment
will not augment the cordiality be-
(Continued on r»ife Two)
Chanler Is Impatient for Fair
Prima Donna to Answer
His Proposal
[SpMUI to The Hera M.]
NEW YORK, April 4.—Former Sher
iff Bib Chanler of Dutches* county
has admitted to friends that ha In "let
ting no moss (row on tb« cable" in his
courtship of Mme. Una Cavaliori, the
beautiful prlma donna who recently re
turned to ber home in Italy after first
promising the insistent young Ameri
can that who would answer iiis proposal
of marrluße by cablegram on Ajiril 15.
As tho beautiful singer insists on mak
ing tho affair "a romance by cable,"
Chanler has entered into the spirit of
the game. Eacn day for several days
past he has wired beneath the sea a
letter urging his claims, and he says he
will keep it up until he g-ets his final
"yes" or "no."
Mmc, Cavalier) has frequently been
described as "the most beautiful wom
an In the world." Last winter she Is
.said to have received over 100 proposals
iif marriage, but laughed them off.
However, prior to going- to Italy she
admitted to a swarm of insistent re
porters that she liked Sheriff Bob bet
ter than any man she ever knew, and
the prospects of another international
wedding are generally considered rath
er bright. However, Cavalieri insists
on having until April 15 to "think it
over," and the final answer will not be
until then.
Chanler has a fortune of $3,000,001, and
Is a member of the famous Chanler
family of New York and Virginia. He
gives much of his time to painting, and
lirst met Mme. Cavalieri after begging
for an opportunity to paint her por
trait. •
District of Columbia Officials Say
Four Mere Will Soon Be
"WASHINGTON, April 4.—Twonty
three arrests of persons indicted In
connection with the operations of
bucket shops in the District of Colum
bia last Saturday have been made by
the department of justice. Assurances
have been given that two other de
fendants will bo surrendered in this
jurisdiction tomorrow.
Four persons yet remain to be ap
prehended, their names, according to
the department, being William p.
Lewis, Edward 8. Boggs and Robert A.
Guy at New York and Joseph Gaskins
at Baltimore. The officials say they
have no doubt these persona will be
arrested soon.
. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 4.—ln the
Kussell will contest before the probate
court hero, th<- issue being a half
share in the estate of the late Daniel
Russel, tin' man from Fresno,* Cat,
who claims to be the long missing
son, Daniel Blako Russell, was denied
the risht to intervene.
Counsel for the estate then begun
his argument for the will, basing his
case on the claim that the petitioner is
not Daniel Blake Russell, but James
D. Rousseau, a western ranchman,
burn in lioinhay, N. V., who is "en
gaged in a marauding expedition from
the Had Lands of North Dakota on
the exchequer of the estate of the late
JDanlel Russell.
CSTTVr/~'<T L 1 /"VYIiTli'Q • n.vn/T, %<•; SUNDAY, 80
!*>lJ\( *\A 4j kA)I I.IV>. ON trains, 6 CKKTS
Railroad Chiefs Attitude Regarding Depot
Project Gives Much Encouragement to
Delegation from Commerce Chamber
President Probes Deeply Into Matter of Lo
cation, and Next Important Step Is
Conference with Ripley
UNION station committee of chamber of commerce confers
with President Lovett and finds him ready to admit that
present facilities are inadequate.
Former Senator W. A. Clark, president of the San Pedro, Los
Angeles & Salt Lake railway, advocates a union station, providing
satisfactory arrangements can be made by the three transconti
nental lines.
That the Southern Pacific cannot afford to abandon the pres
ent valuable site of the Arcade depot but will proceed with the
erection of an adequate station is declared to be the conclusion
reached by Judge Lovett.
Determination expressed by chamber of commerce committee
and prominent individuals to urge the need of a union station now
and endeavor to secure an agreement between the railway chiefs
before any one system begins the construction of its own individ
ual station. _^
I" OS ANGELES will have a union
. railway station If the chamber of
■* commerce committee which has
the subject in charge Is ablo to carry
out Its determination to bring the rail
way chiefs to a realization that the
city needs such a depot, and needs It
Members of the committee conferred
for an hour with Judge Robert S. Lov
ett, president of the Southern Pacific,
last evening at his apartments )n the
Alexandria hotel, ant] departed con
vinced that Mr. Lovett "ill act soon,
and that what Is uppermost In his
mind now is what is most available
for a new station —union or otherwise.
Those In the party who conferred
with President Lovett were F. W.
Rlanehard. chairman of the union sta
tion committee of tho chamber of com
merce; Arthur L#>'tts and Robert Harsh
of the committee, and John W. Mitchell,
representing the Municipal Art com
Officials close, to Mr. Lovett yester
day declared thnt tlie Harrlman chief
had decided against abandoning the
Fifth Itreet site, and would proceed
with the erection of a depot adequate
to the noeds of tho railway and tho city
on the present location of the anti
quated Arcade structure. Whether the
Santa Fe and Snlt Lak^ can ma.ko ar
rangements by which they will com
bine with the Southern Pacific in the
use of tho new station, or whether rep
resentatives of the city's treat civic,
and commercial bodies can persuade all
the roads to unite on the Fiftli street
site, probably will not be known until
after Mr. Lovett's conference with
President Riploy of the Santa Fe,
which will be held in San Francisco
the latter part of this week.
In Impetus to the union station move
ment was given last night by Former
Senator W. A. Clark, president of the
San Pedro, Log Angeles & Salt Lnke
railway, who in a statement to a Her
ald reporter said he believed n union
depot, provided satisfactory arrange
ments could be made by tho railroads,
would be advisable, and also expressed
tho belief that a common depot would
bo the more economical. President
Clark further stated that in case the
Santa Fo railway does not join In the
union station project he would favor a
station to be used by the Southern Pa
cific and the Salt Lake lines.
F. \V. Blanchard, chairman of the
committee which conferred with Presi
dent Lovett, was optimistic last night.
"President Lovett undoubtedly re
alizes that Log Angeles needs a better
railway station," said Mr. Blanchard,
"and he virtually admitted that the
great traffic of the 'Southern Pacific
would warrant a depot to cost between
$500,000 and $5,000,000. We feel very
much encouraged and while Mr. I,ovett
did not commit himself regarding the
union station project, and probably will
not do so until after his conference
with President Rlpley of the Santa Fo,
we know that he is considering the
subject, and today he passed a large
part of the day investigating the propo
sition. The committee intends to do
everything in its power to bring the
union station dream of many years to
.. g[ .— ,i.. realization. If a union station
is to be built in Los Angeles, now is
the time —before one road builds an in
dependent depot."
Former Senator Clark, president of
the Salt Lake railroad, in an interview
last night at the home of his brother,
J. Ross Clark, 710 West Adams street,
Bald he favored a union depot for Los
Angeles, providing satisfactory ar
rangements could be made between the
three railroad companies—Southern Pa
cific, Santa Fe and Salt Lake. "It
would not only be beneficial to the
city," said the senator, "but it would be
cheaper for the railroads. It is a
weighty subject to decide on hastily,
because of the varied interests of the
railroads involved, and the result of
my conference with Judge Lovett this
week remains to be seen. I would
favor, however, at least two of the
roads consolidating in a union depot
If the other held out. The Santa Fe
already has good quarters and is well
equipped in its present location to
handle Its business."
"Los Angeles," said Mr. Clark, "Is
going to be a tremendous matropolltan
center. This city is at the door of the
orient and its proximity to the Panama
canal and South American markets Is
going to balance the oriental trade
evenly for Los Angeles against her
northern competitors. Not the least to
be figured among your hip assets Is the
southwest. Tes, there are many rea
sons why the three railroads hero
should unite and give, you a union
depot, but as I said before it is a sub-
Jecl that cannot be hastily decided be
cause of the terminals the Santa. Fe,
Southern Pacific, and Salt Lake already
hive established here, and whether
Los Angeles gets a union depot or not
will depend In a great measure as to
what arrangements the railroads can
Referring, to railroad conditions else
where, Mr. Clark said:
'I suppose that the waterfront of
San Francisco is pretty well boitKht
up and monopolized. Tt would not sur
prise me If Gould and Hill build to an
other harbor somewhere along tho
coast between San Francisco and Lcs
.Mr. Clark will remain in Los Angeles
Several days, during which time be
will confer with President Lovett of
the Southern Pacific, and will then
leave for Jerome, Ariz.
In addition to considering the subject
of a new depot for Los Angeles, Judgo
Lovett made a trip of Inspection over
the Los Ange|es-Pactflc railway yester
day In company with R. P. Sherman,
its general manager, R. C. (rillis and
several prominent Southern Pacific offi
cials. At Venice they were accorded a
receptloti by Mayor H. B. Eaklns and
President Fred K. McCrirver of the
Venice chamber of commerce, and were
shown the. beach.
A reception will be tendered Judge
Lovett Wednesday night by the Loa
Angeles chamber of commerce.
The reception will be informal. F. Q.
Story is the chairman, and the mem
bers of the receiving committee are
asked to report to him at 7:30 o'clock.
F. Q. Story, chairman; Mayor Alexan-1
dor, board of directors of tho chamber
of commerce, union depot committee of
the chamber of commerce, excursion
committee of the chamber of com
merce, Judge TUcknell, Judge. McKln
ley, Walter Trask, H. R. P.oynton, If.
H. Newmark. Qeorge H. Stewart,
Fred Baker, A. B. Cass, II S. McKee,
General Charles Forinan, W. C. Pat
terron, E. W. Jones, Dan Freeman, W.
,T YVashburn. L. J. C. Spruance, H. C.
Zombro, John Alton, Stoddard Jess. T.
H, Gibbon. K. P. Bryan, T F. Ihmsen,
Harry Chandler, E. T. Kearl, M. C.
■ O. B. Parish, Frank Simpson,
K. M. Bnyder, T. J. Cunningham, J. R.
Grant, r! N. Bulla, William A. Ham
mond, E, H. Ragby, F. T. Morris, Hor
ace E. Rhoads, J. B. Lankershim, O. T.
Jo inson, J. O, Bllllcke, Harry Alden,
Gome Hart. W. J. Hunsaker, R. W.
Rurnham. Marshall St'mson, Leonard
McFie E. J. Rrent, A. L. Barker, J. P.
Fredericks. A. H. Volght, E. J. Stan
ton, P. J. Brownstein. Morris Cohn, F.
W. Kins'. Edward D. Silent, James
Cuzner. Qeorge R. Patten. Motley
Flint, Leo Youngworth. W. G. Kerck
hoff, W. M. Garland, Perry Weldner,
C. H. Plummer, P. O. McDonald, J. A.
Anderson. A. J. Copp jr., Joseph Mes
mer M. H. Sherman, E. P. Clark, J.
McMillan, M. J. MeOarry, Tom Gra
ham, J. J. Byrne, Tom Peck. James
Slaupon, John P. Burk, J. Henry Wood,
H. G. Krohn, Dan Murphy, R. J.
Waters, Charles Green. J. C. Kays.
W'.lllana R. Roland, George Steekel.
Robert Marsh, R. A. Rowan, Bid
J. Mnnony, H. Jevne. J. R. Newbcrry,
3, M. Elliott, K. Cohn, H. W. Frank,
C. C. Desmond, Arthur I^tts, D. A.
Hamburger, J. M. Schneider. >J. B.
Blackßtone, Frank Coulter. T. 11. Dock
waller, J. L. Matheson, C. M. Btaub,
Louis Tsaacs, Louis F. Vetter, eOorge
Alexander, Judge Rordwell, Phil Ptan
ton. Captain Ferederi'ks, James KM
rldge, R. W. Prldham, Joieph Bartorl,
T. F,. Newlln. W. L. Valentine. Peece
Llewellyn. Homer Laufrhlin, ,T. O. Bul
lock, F. W. Fnvun. Tlom-er Hnmlin, F.
J. Hart, L. R. Hewitt. W. T?. Mathe-n-^,
John P. Coyne, W. K. McVay, Newman
Essick, A. W. Klnney, C. A. Canfteld.
Dr. K. T. Dillon, Leslie Clark, Dr. J.
R. Haynes. Dr. W. W. Beckett, Dr.
Nornian Bridges, Phllo Beverldge,
George H. Btxhy, Norman Martin, S.
F. Eldridge, John R. Mathewß.
WASHINGTON, April 4.—James J.
Hill, the. railroad magnate, passed some
time with the president today. Mr. Hill
said he had just come from the-west
and called on the president to pay his
respects. "Farmers In the. northwest,"
said Mr. Hill, "are a month ahead of
time in planting their crops because of
the fine weather."

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