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10 CALLS STATUE OF LEE INSULT TO VETERANS Senator Heyburn Says He Can not Tolerate Rebel Flag at National Capitol WASHINGTON, April S.— Senator Heyburn of Idaho, In an address to ntgrht before the old soldiers of the Union Veteran Legion, hurled defiance at the critics of his speech in the sen ate against tho acceptance of the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in Statu ary hall at the capitol. "It is an insult," said Senator Hey burn, "to you gTay-haire<i veterans who risked your all to save this na tion, to place the statue of Robert E. Lee in tho national capitol. To me it Is intolerable to have the rebel flag float beside Old Glory. "When the time comos for the intro duction of the resolution for the ac ceptance or ijec/B statue, another aei mon will be preached on the iloor of the senate and you will find others than myself that share this sentiment." He saij he had examined the rec ords and foui d that when Robert E liee resigned from the United States army, It was after Lincoln had pro moted him to a full colonelcy, and that he drew his pay for such three <l;i>s nftnr ho had accepted a commission from the confederacy. "That." said the speaker, "is the rec ord of the man whom we nro asked to accept as a hero, statesman and sol dier." ' FTHE MARK OF COOP CtJOTHgf KNOW US FOB BEST VALUES ofc.siNCE.iesii =a Special Sale Boys Knicker Suits $4 and S5 Values $2.85 This assortment 1. made up of broken lines of M and *3 suit.. We wish to close, them out quickly, and our selling price will accomplish thl. result. ' , These suit* are double breasted Knicker (.l.vlen, made of strong wear re-slstlng Tweeds, Cheviot, ami «.'a»l mcrcs. All «-»i'4illent ajtaortment of pattern*. Size. to tit boy. of "I to 16 ,v«irs. On salo Monday. Outfitters /or _. , /*ten. Women. Boys v* O/rls 437~439"H1 443 SQQTri 3PRINO I Best Work J| I ] Lowest Prices gjj J | That's Our Motto lj $10 Crowns I I Unsurpassed f;u;illtles and R 1 O expert dental services en- ¥> g able" us to be right up to k g the minute in every In- X H i nee. ' I | PAINLESS I H EXTRACTIONS H 13 Our plates the lost H H contour of the cheeks. H h Free Examinations ■ H Work Guaranteed I "77" Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Famous Remedy for Grip & COLDS "Colds are caused by a sudden sur face chilling of the skin. This makes the blood vessels of the skin contract, i When the skin blood vessels contract the blood vessels in other parts of the body become congested. This state of congestion permits the , microbes, which, In every person, gradually col lect, on the outside of mucous mem- j brane, to get in deeper and begin their \ mischievous work. When the mem brane is normal there are a lot of mi croscopic cells which keep the germs from entering the circulation. But as i soon ns the membrane becomes irri tated these microscopic cells are swept away and the membrane is unpro tected." The use of "Seventy-seven" relieves tho congestion, starts the blood coiirs- j ing Lxiruii^li the Veins a.nd breads up the cold. Handy to carry, fits the vest pocket. All drug stores, 25c.' Dr. Humphreys' Manual, 144 pages of pure medical talk mailed free. Humphrey* 1 Homeo Medicine Co., corner William and Ann ttreeta. Now York. GENERAL QUITS AFTER TROUBLE WITH HASKELL Oklahoma Governor Says Militia man Was Drunk and In clined to Pick Quarrel GUTHRIE, Okla., April 9.—As the re sult of a midnight quarrel with Gov. Charles N. Haskell in the latter's apartments, concerning which state ments conflict, Adjutant General Can ton of the Oklahoma National guard resigned today. A revolver was taken from General Canton during the row, when mutual friends interfered. Canton declares, however, that he did not draw the weapon and had no 'Intention of trying to injure the governor. Governor Haskell stated he would al low the officer to retire. "Isn't drunkenness enough of a rea son for accepting a resignation?" he asked, when pressed for a statement regarding the disagreement. Further than this ho would not discuss the af fair. General Canton was more communi cative. "I went peaceably* to the governor's apartments to talk things over," said Canton today, "and he started a row. He told mo to go to a wanner climate, and I did not try to draw my revolver, as reported, although I carry such a weapon as part of my duties. Far | from trying to injure the governor, I j have saved him several times from be ing hurt." Despite the efforts of friends to es tablish peace, Chief of Police Mitchell ■aid today General Canton would be ar rested on charges of disturbing the peace and carrying concealed weapons. 1 Governor Haskell declined to answer when asked if he sanctioned this latter phase of the trouble. Governor Haskell stated tonight he probably would not accept the resigna tion of Adjutant General Frank M. Canton, tendered him earlier in the clay, following an altercation with the governor at his hotel apartments last night. The governor gave as his chief reason for Ing magnanimous the critical ill ness of General Canton's daughter and the further fact that the old general had then him bodily pain in bygone days. __~^_. INDIANA DEALERS MUST COVER ALL FOODSTUFFS INDIANAPOLIS, April 9.—No more shall tha rich, red rounds of beef and the choice cuts Of porterhouse and ten derloin ha>i£ from their accustomed hooks on the walls or in the windows of butcher .'-Imps, and never again shall arrays of seductive pies, rolls and bread be openly displayed at the bakeries In the cities and towns of In diana, according to an order promul gated today by the state board of health. The board tells the public and trades men that a prime cause of the spread of sickness has been contamination of fish, meats and other foodstuffs exposed for sale without protection from dust and flies, Hereafter victualers must their stocks covered by gla^s or other coses. TORPEDO BOAT PERKINS LAUNCHED ON ATLANTIC QUINCT, Mai^s., April B.— The solng torpedo boat destroyer Perkins, named in honor of the lato Commodore George if. Perkins, was launched to day at the Fore River shipbuilding yards. The Prrklns Is the first of licr clnss, is equipped with two American re versible turbine engines developing 12, --000 horsepower and will use oil fuel. The boat will bo able to at s^a with the battle fleet. PENNY FARE FOR POOR NEW YORK, April 9.—Proposals for ;. limited system of 1-cent faru to en able tlu> city's poor to get to and from big uptown parks during- the buiii nirr monthi have bean submitted to the Interborough Rapid Transit company by Tenement House Commissioner Murphy. The schemo is said to have the indorsement of Mayor Gaynor. CATTLEMAN IS SHOT TO DEATH IN FAMILY FEUD rAWnUSKA, Okla., April 9.—Eugene Hayes, v rich cattle dealer, who 1. under indictment in Koiua.9 City for Killing his partner, I''ilwurd Ifayeo, In v hotel there, «as today shot and probably fatally wounded by Ainoi* Hayes, half brother of Edward Hayes. The men met on a public highway north of Pawliufcka. Amu Brad * href tlim-h, the bullets taking effect in Uugene'. back. Aiuou came to l'awhu.lta and Burrendered, Buying lie shot In .elf de fense, lie him released on bond. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1010. ■ I 5 v v A fij [ W^m '•■*" H a &j W*^h ■*" I ■„,, , , i, ,. n / The Entire Stock of This Big Furniture Store to Be Sold Out Abso- jfe^fe^R^S^P j TiTjjj lutely and Completely. 1 here Arc Just iflt^^Tp^ wWrbbßH 1 y I lnvQ I >ptt b %t\ I. Il'irl-F II cSfT^jSS? M &Jfi. L W ■* Tn ' 1L - *'.'.% Library Table, qnni-tprpcl Kol.h-n 1 'vkfl^^mmP^^^ -JU^rn JV -^**^ y w -^^^- -mm— -^p>- ook 1/(- B x4B in< .|,,. H C|«T <\l\ l*BmlgDJqJoi^ T^ ' .Miiii.v otiirr stylpn $30 Brass Bed And while the buying of the past week wast fast and 'furious, we believe that this week will 51"55™3*5^ bi« po»t», Mcl itnrd. full »■*«■. and an Be even a greater number of these handsome pieces placed in. the homes of Los Angeles. |f |l«x thi»Trt""*"'"!'!'.'" $18.50 Never has a great establishment attempted'to close out in as short a time. Never have <^ MP lIL m | R| guch bargains been offered. But^with us, it is a case of sell now, or send to the auction JJ Ha, " unrnSWFHTSi! 'n seventeen days, so we have marked all goods at about the prices they would bring at #vl jnyb II ill I! 11 Mil auction and they will be sold here at those figures. Don't delay. Get yours now. And if .i^ff^asgsg^) kll 111 fill Hill there is any piece of furniture which you have been wanting for some time but which you &"!&&*&*&.-..■■ ->* ' HI 1I 11 111 I - have hesitated to buy on account of the price, this is* your chance. ||feKrc§ £2 Dubois& Davidson nai' m^^S3 Furniture Comoanv S \| r^^^^jj -■- UXllltiiJ.^: V>4V^JLXA_pdiXJ $40 Mahogany Dresser NL« • < ,-,, Jf«*w df »lgn». »oT»ral $24 50 $14 Oak Mocker, Jxx«e I^atliw cu.h- 010 Oly4. A^/a^Ct* I "t *l**J lon, rarly KnyUsh $8.75 212-214 West Sixth Street _ *^T'" " 11^' Diner, Box Seat Ladies' Desk $50 Leather Davenport $24 Dining Table $££~!!T.mM . ss«£& $9.75 %r^':^.?:.™*?;°'*>.. $38.50 . a^^saaaar^^! i5»6.00 IriSa-i Sale I U. S. Army Goods i T; \ vMk£&3^& I Something to Please Everybody, if You Don't Want to Buy, as Such Goods Are Out of the Ordinary. |: I Vilip/ FOR SHORT TIME ONLY ' "■• I N^^P^/ 137-139 SOUTH SPRING STREET || \*/ Goods from Government Arsenal— Things to Please and Interest Everybody. <j 1 T»1 1 jl, US silver gray blankets, 75x84, best pure all wool, weight 5£ pounds each. Nothing better made. Govern- _■« £ M * % r>llinßetS ment has just contracted for 100,000 at $5.35 each, which is actual cost to make. No other store has such goods. l^feg|^<^ \ W Won't show dirt, won't show wear and will last lifetime. Nothing better for carriage, automobile robes, beds or prospectors, etc.. and B^ijjKJ"^f p! the best blanket in the world for everybody v * 4-5U Rf^^^^ffil P M T^T "O1 C Finest quality. Indigo dye. Very best fast color. Strictly pure all wool, 56 inches f^^^^^^M I I IN 3.VV Jb>lUG »3Cr^C wide, strong as, leather. Such goods you can wear every day in the year. For men it hhSktt IyKS jl I takes 3i yards to make coat, vest and trousers. For ladies it takes 3 3 yards for skirt, 1* yards for jacket. For ladies' long coats, 4 yards. jEJSDSCILJ El Price $1.50 yard. i Sample Pieces of Cloth and Serges Given to All FREE for Test of Dye Strength. |: \i • U. S. Marine Stockings, half wool 25c Pair Linen coverings or : U I Guns and Carbines Linen Pillow CO vers for both sides, par ti y covered with fancy pillows < partl |- m --T..,, •■-* « i • \ „ .. covered with U. S. I Will Be on Sale in U. S. Chevrons, like cut 50c <-,«„„», ; I a Few Days — \*» ~_ s | I Overcoats, new, cost price $13, price $3.00 _ 50 CENTS J Apron, for .11 working people !5 THINGS TO riJMSE LADIES. TOO SVo'r^cy" triS&V.V.V.V.V.Ki'iiI'W-d " | « Abilomlnnl Lands, all wool 10 ■, roiMsi for eil*lng »of» pillow* !W ti Belt, for workmen ami other. 10 « Apron, for clothe* pin., JJn( , n ulllow ( , V e rin«, fancy SO J MB nimihefi, unllimd, laTKe.lze. 2.00 / * ftc ■• -•• Linen <ovem, for tables, etc »10<l ■ ?M Blows KhirtH. all wool 1.00 ,7M H.ittonH, army, 0 on » Leather .trapH for «h<H>l l.ooka 10 V ItiiK* fur rampiJiK. «-«m'li 85 'M ' iir.l :v-,"i .i» HIUJTIiSr . ) Nankeen underMiirbi for ladles , 23 ' ' I | Blue all wool llannel shirt. 225 /| BIU. »iwye. 86 i'wl.pj., CANDLE A Navy cap ribbon*, hIIU and Bold 08 | Bayonet »et« for your room .15 ,'/) L per yanl . , ricK / lvtllc-oiit». made of wool hand* 00 , m Bull*., with cord, 3.75 0 Bag. .cloth and &aD« . SconceH, miule of V. S. bayonet. *1 00 t<*. Blue mrue, |ier yanl ISO /M leather ■•■■•• 3 -> Efv'i.iWf Hofa pillow top*, chevron, on SO i | Coat., khaki. 30-37-38 »1,« 1.00 <A BnoklM. U. S. pA^. NttJ „ Kail" r'bl.™»e*. for school* OS | 3 Couto for carriage, anil autos 1.00 . fJI eagle ,M . / ffi\ * Safety i.ln« U. S., dozen ** I (oat* for .mokl.. Jacket. «.©0 <^9 Bayonet «■!« for your A * £? 8. coat of arms on plaque. 35 lit dollar., V. S. linen 01 - \<m room : '' Ml (?*) . J-' a iirmv "imm.l silk m Hate, caps, helmet. [M B n«ket., various, pur« |j?M fl^ ' :JJ; a™f, "Tmake nndenvoar 10 • y Jtimpem, ilallo™' white niiiow.-::: :::::::::::: 50 W ""•—, ........ JiyrHM. fiaUor Jumper for r r!): ><'':. rink. ::::.:::::::::: «M» f* IJnen c«ver. for fancy pillowi 50 <l,evrons, for fancy iffl^S© ' Baronet ... *»•<"» ti S«<re. navy blue, 50 mcli» wide, yard 1.50 RS >■"!» pillow. ..... 0.. K| uuron*t sconce* *■'•>"*> w Mocking, half ».k>l, pair 23 M Chevron., gold, for IfifflD ■, . one ba\oilet sconce ?1.00 r.sjj Nhlrt», all wool, best 3.25 St fancy work ...... 25 HUB Lf^ . ' i.^hh ml .i»I » «n< • $ , (X) hldrts umler. ,Wton, nankeen 25 O <'..r<!». fancy .r* for ff ffj «™,l .M ■ 75 I Trou*er«. pure all wool ■:::::::::::::::::::::- '»■> >lj^f^ i-urtaln. -iv \ W \£J v^tv e.itl»*e* • :.:.i:.::.*::.; *150 i Trou-ers. khaki l">0 C"*\",\ dua<7"' ""'"- , u> l J wa officer.'' sword. • ** »» | Trouwrs working . Hn ,, H<: 50 . MiflEdfeJß '""""'"K- , "°•■■•■■»' °° . l LJIinV n v ualr ;• »° M Ordiiance Materials etc. ■■cap* for home dust- ir 7i,. U »° |tf Angnlar bayonets, with *c«liliard!< . 33 i!. X 0i """• X < I O^^l^. Open Day and Evenings from Ba. m. Until 9p. m* N I BAVONCT fj "TRACTIVE I ! I V~" '^tS Goods from U. S. Government Arsenals . €CJL^ I I \WT^ Goocls from U* S* Government Arsenals CjL^ I | |-£^8f « 137 AND 139 SOUTH SPRING STREET (jtf i^^§^ s^ * 1 1 \^^¥ S===:: . ,W. S. KIRK, Manager. »55835?s I 75Pc^ 1 I Things and Goods Unusual to Interest and Please Everybody That No Other Stores Have. Catalogues with Prices Are Handed to All A^| "Stl .1 || at Door. Guns and Carbines on Sale Tuesday Next, 12th. - ' 'If AUTOMOBILISTS LEAVE VICTIM TO DIE IN ROAD SACRAMENTO, April 9.—P. J. An derson, an HRod carpenter whose home is at UriKhton. a suburb of Sacramen- to, was killed this morning on the M street road by Joy riders in an auto mobile. The automobile did not stop after striking the man and officers are now looking for the owner. Anderson was returning home on a bicycle from a-meeting of the Carpen ters' union when he was struck. Sev eral hours later he was found on the side of the road and taken to the re ceiving hospital, where he died. He leaves a wife and several children. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING IS CORONER'S VERDICT PLACERVII,LE, Cat. April 9.—A. B. McCoy was found dead with a bullet hole through his heart yesterday near his home five miles southeast of Dia mond Springs. The coroner was sum moned from hero and went to investi gate the case, with the result that a verdict of accidental shooting waa found.