Newspaper Page Text
12 —m^^jm - . M»*swMiiMi»-'f— ir"« _ii«h_ " x+%.' ~~-" ' «___.——.^.—.—...—.■..——- "TV "41 1/" * ''* j ■T^ J.J. C* -■ ~— . WHll rattens ■ SHEETS, EACH. '■ 65C I Commg! wSt^^^^T'n^^^^^ UuWbV Lni ltmL=ll^ U Ar^jf^fZ^* Corner Window O out rn^he iTo^V^j^tn^i.^i'ai tern Ve.tion i,tirtment Genuine Pequot sheets, full size, 2 yds. Tnnt'in W u/Tm ffi/llMili uffl y/flff| tl4lffl it **>> fWtmMJWFw Details of - They're made just like -the big folk:- 1 patterns, by 2% Priced at less than the cost of ordinary u\- 1 V*^ IVf'UvllWMVpJWl^/iVWFI WTV^f^WW * '**' Big Shoe Sale. Thl% liul" "lrl xvi" '"' 1"'1" .1n "1:ll<r :l ,u"";: nn \™ S^aTi^o^g^^^^ Come; Window [ O MEIOS7L BDWY.4944^^BROADWAY COR.,4TH. LOSAnGELEX Coming! I a whr^ <1^. tha." 111' .^^^frSt^^^ll^^^ Three Days-Begintijng.^Mon^ >i "^ f xJ^vTFt^tjcs^*- l'*"^-^ Vitrjflj^vZr"'^"TT^ Long ago we decided upon having a house furnishing sale in April, and plans were laid accordingly. Buy- }k, ffl M 3 |q jmSluni.lrwLXß H] P HT'I 5 *«^ H^SSkM^r^^ ♦.^tWV^TJL vjß@l3tql ers were instructed to scour the markets for merchandise that could be presented at a price to bring great v\; FA l/j'Ulil ?«^a || Ii |l PJfflW^l 4 > 3hi '"i '1 h' ' «? r* *ISF^ ■ -^, W' crowds to the Broadway. . . _^ |Jj^lM^«a|. 1 I |«4«=s^vi *S >-*I^yrr=r==->_= r —- l-> i C* >V^Y=stJZ==|'b: The merchandise is here and the sale opens Monday morning, bright and early at 8:30, and . U^ W 'BJ jjfflli Mjl ~Z*> 'X »|b "jjjfiEf tt| KT-iiPlffif7:l^3 f.?^^r VV;// Continue Three Days ~' "I^^ <^ 1 IP^'^MJI ll^OJ-l^ /■|j_ _f_ JL tH ■&>«»% f J LJv-- i *'W^l If you're contemplating the outfitting of a home, whether it be the kitchen, living room, bath room, dining J j.W''*Jlkyi ' yrgpsp—cL3-u '~~i>j> f +.K::.-!!!--* V-V--. jjl"/^^ room or the bedroom, the house furnishings are an important item. And in the great number of value& that jAjL .'foryi _T "T^ \^ V^lj.^ ——.... , _'t^^- T(P OT- -^Tjl"'i"ii:^f >.Bn^<''W appear in this ad. you will find plenty of opportunities to economize in such generous proportions that it , jl£^^|'i<<^v &&-$& "VuaJ^-^^S^ _i^ . - "£w rr^majr" -" -'* ' W ;U pay .You to even figure for months ahead. ..• Don t f mJwT?"-""'^ P** ttar* , > " - ' The principal scene of action will be on the third floor and in the basement, where these departments Worry" fLL j^-.^ OIL, LL__! I [ .- v i[- "Jf ||{v» l I 1 are located. '' ' '■' ' ' , Wash 'r» ': Vm )^'^PtT^!^^^^sf;' J ~r jjj^[<)Mj^ J $th Cri aZ 36-inch Bleached /- _ I 72x90 Bleached Sheets fjQ, I Curtain Swiss, ry Cloths 3C '; j M |fe^^^S|kS >^J*JJi V^^WS^Vyi Towels J-UC Muslin, 8:30 to 10 .. &1* 8:30 to 10, each : -*w*/C Remnants at, yard .. --'v, -,«. are i^^ j Virjf 1 .J £ fftdk\ m%\\ * t'^X?A£3^ 1/1 Can you Imagine buying a full bleached 1000 yards of this Farwell curtain blue bcrder with the ♦ I /fA- • - ! \W^-*sg JjirL^ <^*-*-p>^ % I l*x4o-inch double- Bleached muslin, not short lengths nor sheet for 29c? This Item will be, of swiss and scrim in remnants from 6 motto "Don't Worry" —-1-71 *• ■ " ■■'■ • \r_^rr~ PhK/" «*^^ -^l fVirpn/l *nw n l s seconds, but full bolts and first qual- " '.. 2_«__ v,«,,- ♦„ in to 20 yards. A limit of 25 yards to a In the center. You can- I 1 I ■"-" ' "" " ,j i , ' '■" i W~ WJ i\ th. reaa, l ° \Z itv. naturally at this price is less than course, from the opening hour to 10 customet , A grade that sells at 6V,c not approach thu value . J. , I ®W>s:- Vn/ it fringed ends; regular wholesale. We'll be obliged to restrict o'clock. Full size, 2 yards wide by 2% to 10c regularly. Extra special Mon- *« the^, pr, cc- Thlrd i,.! ill 111 T^y^QS, jj^ ,' / price 12% c; for this tno eelllng by limiting 10 yards to a yards long. Patent center seams. 3-inch day, Third Floor, yard 2c. Naturally noor> * "™ 80- fasTS ill. 'LjuLL* WlwsT £ f v^^fc^ '/I BaJe 8d floor> ca- 10c. customer and saying no phone or mail hem at top. No phone orders, not more this 1000 yards will go quickly at the I ' ' '&?& 01/ fl' 1 ""* """' ftl^ V % *^r|fW^ ■.:/[ ! I orders. 8:30 to 10, yard sc. than 3to any one customer. 3rd floor, 29c. price, so you'd better come early. [ V&ft Jf i Aflw I i«s»i-^- ' ' " IMIITI flp^SJin 75c Blankets, Full 10-4 Size, 39c , Hemstitched Damask Towels *££ 5c #S|TOl|i *lili JtfljlJH T v t TTI- TTTI I • Just the mere mention of the price is enough to bring great crowds to the third floor. - Whoever heard of such a price for a towel of this quality and Eize, ISxP,:.? Hem- *j [kV i "' I Ir^vliicES I[s I 3>»V«fl|l Ir V i |j '•--...'. JJItL: '' These blankets are marked 75c, and while they are termed seconds, we fall to find stitched, mind you. Soft, cotton damask, 2-inch blue or red border. Remember, ' ?vr 111 111 l*~^~:£-—JlJ !| II j_M[_ fo'S oM) ,7 r* rw r ' tH~~ ' l^f" r^ anything wrong with at least 75 per cent of them. At this price we limit 4to a cus- this on Hale from 8:30 to :30 only. No mail or phone orders, none delivered and vj&< ™M" ~ —^^jfiM ■ p^MSt-11l I ( ,|[| '' [\^l- ,-_'. U. ' ■ tomer and say no phone or mail orders. only 4to a customer. Third Floor. __kJLr Sne^:?o RSPlain 9 . Crib Blankets from 8:30 to 11, 25c ' A? e*tos™T V 3O MONDAY SPECIAL-« 1 n -^^^^ t^^^^^^orsa3as ~^^~ to 9 30 ... "** ' to 9:30, 3 for 5c IRON BED *p JL •%J\J ! -H^!^°HSS B 20 P 3-5 ° f b3b y CHb blankCtS in Si« X 42 inChCS tO be °ff"ed at thC ridiCUl°US Price ° 25C £ice for th^fhaa'TSSt Kre?n X MonVy^onlyTn Thrl'day^ v^^J^^^cotS^^S^^^^w Limit of » no phone ordem! pair. Limit 4 pairs to a customer. This item for Monday morning only. of 3 and no phone order*. gale, each $I.DO. i/^^ Sheets and Pillow Rugs, Curtains, Beds and Bedding Linens-Towels I /}""" i ■ ; y^ In these sections the values are so apparent that comment is unnecessary. Read the prices UftU^& FurtlisJlitlCl Sdl& V fy / t ' Sheets and Pillow for yourself. Curtains, Beds and Bedding Linens-Towels \j /i, j \ /~<* In these sections the values are so apparent that comment is unnecessary. Read the prices J-fr\tic/3 T?iivr%\cli\i^ri '• </ ff / Leases foryoaweif. uuu&e i7urnii>nmy &vie j / /•, {((' m. In the following items, many of our most stand- 9x12 Body J* ** 00 CrOSS Striped Madras J^BStatoST °at eC°n° my' D°n'l ' ...„ 1/ ! Vi-w^y ard lines of sheets and pillow cases are reduced R_. cc -l c jf lin9 &'f CL rW//n«r R*/*mv»/? overlook a single item. ,^ {// / to the extreme. It is an opportunity which no Brussels KugS Jh f t »-| ksUrtams KedUCCd $1 75 Damask $1 . 29 $1 . 25 Nap kins .. >^/ j prudent housewife will carelessly pass by. Note A Feature ... . V A*i %J a Ej'~Kg*3 12afcl3kS! Sffi aS" StS«J« 95 M C e Pj? z » mm V\ : XV .'J every item. We quote here quantities, former price, present price tern«; 11.76 »rade ac $1 29. ' ' \ . I V^\\l ' . _. Our Body Brussels rugs at $25 will play an all and sale price: _ . . _. . », _, 90c Damask \ -\ WA^i CV Standard C A Seamless Sheets 55C Important part in this sale of House Furnishings. q uantlty . former Price Prnni Price. Sole Prloe Scotch Damask $1.25 « an l,in« 7"!r \ ?*X I ***^ (\\ __ . , .. v Sir* Clx9o "Standard" seam- because this line of rugß is below competition. H p»lr» *.-..00 $.1.60 »3.»5 Extra weight, 72 in. . wide. „.",,. / Di. rf . Y.-:'^^ \ //*£>» Unblea. Muslin..*T^ ?„„ «l,eef« You may Not 3ust ■ sample line or discontinued designs, SI pairs B.BR S.9S rso different patterns, *I.St. White, '" Inch, rnerceriied; \>^T 1 / /X Think of buying a yard- w th«« Mnndav at Bsc but the brightest, newest and best body Brussels 48 pairs 3.50 «.6O I.M 22-ln, napkin, to match, choice designs. ! M <. / ™o k,;n,,!eaVh led muasim S&.* 1"" M°nday rugs in the 9x12 size, $23. » pjjj; ; : :;:;;;;;:;;s;»* I-" J* ..... *-* N kins Hemmed >fc^ .^^ at this positively qua" Meteor Sheets 45c SIZE 81xl0i AT $22.50 i t>*'* J .' ™ i" »<x» $1 Damask 75c d „ 39c Dozen *^Sn ulous price. Good qual- Meteor Sheets 45C CI7I , , n pppt *i c 28 pairs 5.9S 3.M 2.50 * °»t """" 4<^k>» ltv for ordinarj' uses. 200 Kxtraßize , 81x9 0; made SIZE 6x9 FEET $15 7 pair. 8.00 5.50 M. ™ <iama«k. ; yard, wld^ All ready for une. 1« inch C^VV V^/ uol.s .m sale Monday at, of good quality sheeting. . c ,. n Bungalow Curtains $165 and po,p, border.; plain idK^.^ 1.? <£^^ W* 4c- Qh^fiflc patent center scam. 3-in. Baby's Crib W» «< Shiran RugS Bungalow Lurtains 5>1.05 c( . n , 01 . n 54-Inch Padding yj&^Sk ftV^\ o , c , .. ,- i,,. m a t top- sale price caby s Crib fl» /? i^jtii I i ti/t xvuiyo The , e arß ,,, ,„„!,,,,,, noraitr cur- 54-Inch Padding •«3*s^% ft«? At Seamless Sheets 60c '''"' « lop- S'UI- "-° and Cotton Pad «3? *J „,„ „ , tain«. Bought to sen at a great deal 72-Inch Damask 68c t n . Yard XS2S3V'- 1:. : VviW TlxM "Standard" sheets. 4oC- °" v'"luJ" "U V., v T}n\l<Z S/r)/» higher price, and they're really All linen mind you load ouc x ara TS<>-3 W |Tg , ea ture in the Extra Heavy Thls means a "avlnf of " - w^ "*■ nee UOyS a/C prlced more , „ thls , h r«-day sale ?V" reduced to "' yd Medium weight, excellent X^K §3 Housefumlshinß sale at Xtra "eavy deal. Choice of with pad white Alt alo», th. lln. th. Bhlrvan ru.l turn- you can buy them at 11.65 pair. Ii in nankin, to match ' «ame ai :60 lnch lard! \>^s-\ i AJ HousefumlEhlng sale at g heetg 3 g c and blue crib with pad to fit. All along the line the Bhlrvan rugs turn- They're made of all French net. J;-'?' „™£ ° ««">• »• «»ove; iOa yard. >^-Hfc^^^- I Ilf%. 60c. ■»•••*■ •';"" Salo price Monday only. ble In pr(ce Kor three ITMkI new ship- • '-■- <1"!Itn- ' . >*">!;,:~-»_ ir jVk q Mm i (> « <?hpetr 4"5 c 7"x!'n extra hpllvy linen i menu nave been arriving, therefor th« Oriental Couch Covers $3.25 60-Inch Damask 65c 17-Inch Linen / V* <C*iT7 ft /<-> W. aeamieSS oneeu, t3C finish sheeting. Center T?ahi>c' WiVU-^r A% -4 n.f\ assortment Is truly wonderful. Note the . v , DU-incn uamaSK DOC Tn,.,»linir 1 ?\r It. J^^^il # In^.nucrir bo^ghtTy "Arctic" Pillow ssttK.'&trfa'BS KPflSffia^S*::! SS,f "^s£""*?ll" msw 6" nSlS.** W Z*4 \ \ I-L^Ttf ruU^sf ptrmrTh^ Cases 81-3 c 00 l Blankets $5 SMW «i«ajrf»;»S - 40c PW« 48-Inch 65c Linen Finish Union Linen S^f>-f x^ryV^li: Price. Another good leader in popular plain or plaid blankets, al»o n»9 »i«. »n..-,o value, .ale prlre... . M French Nets 25c Damask 48c A 17-Inch regular 100 union /V-^S^:. / ,iZiJ<*V *^ ! ■»» • «',- tllls BTeat bousefurnish- white and gray; 76 per cent wool. $5 «x"-6 sire, *3.25 value, .ale price. .*1.54> s TO Inchc. wide; larr« line of linen crash, fine for kitchen N'• V><CC^»CiiA '^SJCM^fIJ' » ■ Majestic Sheets 50C Ing sale. 42x36 inches, each. B v Plain French nets. either white or patterns; think of linen fin- „ use. \^l4>^--!y\ \ymr .; e ng : F»-hrm h- -* at Srsssil.«™.«. *»* sample Rugs i ;S^iS AHL^DVir^ oi«T r ling- ■ r:^av\ f^? : "seam^see^hele ,n nsoc r "Beverly" Pillow K.i'-.Vi'^^tii't |l ***' Tapestry and .^| it. . yard. All Linen^Damask^c lOc Yard^ i.He raa* XfSfy^S^N Pillow Cases 12ic Cases 12' c Woolnap Blankets $1.75 Axmmster ty ± Curtain Nets 25c Mm** patterns; exception- <-;;„;■'•'- «»»». ««,« V : f/'''? iK"'^.\ XJ^V-^ft i-vie i.v, hemstitched One of the best values They look like wool, firm. Choice of These couldn't possibly last over two We cannot refrain from enthusing *«__».« V '•< L I .V/ J( ' NmW l) 4. xdb-iii> n nemstitcnea «.„!,„„ to offer In this Rray or tan; U"4 •lx 6' Sale prloi . days. Come and get first choice. 1 1-4 over our line of 25c nets Scari-h Sd.Tnch Damask 16-Inch Crash 5c V • A y. .' ''>'*}, Offl » pillow cases at less than we have to offer ln this $1 .. , y l< 4 yards long. Some fringed, where you will, you win and it hard M-incll UamaSK <W$C A cotton damask crash, red ft hftSTrli^v* rfV»i // the price of plain hem- sal'\ , . ,„,, <silkr>lin*» rnmfnrt<» some bound on the edges. Small vel- to approach the value. Many of these This is the dice damask, half border. V \ V /-\'">iii BitA-H mod ones of equal qual- 42x36-lnch l- ]2C oukuiiuc vuimui is vet t st and A xmlnster sample patterns are priced 36c and were • bleached union, very much , V >' A t «L™ JaVAI |tv i"'.c 45x86-lneh 15c $1 and $2 rugs at each $1. purchased to sell at 35c. In this In demand by restaurants. White Toweling 3^C I iV'.Vl^lSk* I// T\\j *. ™ **, They're worth from 10 to SB per cant I ' three-day sale they are Included at Bale price 42Hc We ll known, rod selvedge, I l/,^--^ '111 \:\ : Poppy PlllOW "Flower PlllOW more ordinarily. _ . ... -!>e- T _ , r»—.««.! on- plain weave ' colored bord- / ' ' —-^' IV J Cases 16 2-3 c Cases 14c $1.25 Feather Pillows $1 60c Linen Warp OQ^ Side .Drape Materials n ,? „, 1, "% lonT , h^CT *pJ>' Made of extra heavy fine Made of flnp bleached Z%\ l^J^/th^ o^TJaK 11"" Inlaid Jap Matting.. O *^C Wo cannot Lrain from calling your ?a!ln Vn?s" " 'o*oT P^\ 10,P Towels 90c Dozen /C^> "^Wfo rre«!e« of muslin. 1« o , mUßlln with 2V4-inch hem RRTFF MFW4 OF BIG ** imagine being able to buy this attention to this complete assort- lwluc .d to 29c. border." nSe-tenth'. of" "c i'^f XL t ESS :::::;:::? 6.:ii c ft t top. Priced in sale at: BKlJib savings iilU Uss .ra^^s at tb« ordinary mant of maurlali for .id. drap.l. $ 2 .soNa P kin S .^STH-'r^ ! / / kj^p- 48x86-lnch :18c 4 2x 86-l n ch 140 SAVINGS prtc. of <Jotton war?, 10c I. what It 1. R*al Bcoteh madra. at from »« to $2.50 Napkins «i ( 'r ii 't b,i ,r^, ill ■ / / "■■^rC PeqUOt P. Cases 19c «5x36-lnch !!;.'!."!!!.'!!.'l6o \ M-" •anltary Couch, like IHu-tra- worth bin w.^havi^too^muoh of^lt^jo S^n'y |r^' to V # d at from lie to $1.65 Dozen »l.«s Hemmed B2d.p«ad.:Bt« C^^^tJU /T"^*^>^_ Genuine Peauot pillow Mx«B-lnch 17% c ronr«nV«« "r-«t. Hit yard, R»ver.ibl« pattern., with Inlaid l«o. The.a arc all linen. I! In. »J»« '•»re, l»ecl»|.r<'» l l»...*l ; 3^!^-\' II 7^ , ; ,ses in Mze^x36 inches. 84x36-!nch We l^^.'n' 3& -.prini.:""! Jf """''-"'■^ A" '--"" rlnK3' ''"" Sa!n Can^c^e^Oc yard. jauare de 3 6a" »£ &££%*&£« *& Y^\A 111 f, i Sells regularly at 25c. "fJope" Bleached $6.60 Cotton Felt Mattress Jo.OO »c. 801 l of 40 yard.. lISjBO. Also Royallne crepe at ISc a- yard. 25c hominwl Kick Towels. 180 \-^ \ y/ff / Bale price 19c. nope rsicdcnca Three Days' Sale ifc £L v . .^. y ■ $1.75 Napkins $1.45 Mc '"r ';i' "'":' Toweta ■ •':"' \ \ //' /// /I Cambric Muslin 8 l-3c Muslin 10c Iron Beds «l) O .PWm^ JTlSlra s! vr I l!.T <i>!.!t"' s ' Mercerized damask. .■■ in., Hnuli n>Dariirr "towc|""so^^"do" \^*^ V? Vi ■//, // I Full S6 inches. Especial- Evrry housewife knows Thl. mean, pracUc-aMy cholceTf bed, 1 PSElLL^^^^i ti" ,»' ex,,a' .p,V ia „",„. ? z X c "^rted^'^uerns- Ilel"m<"" »'"" ""'" Tl'"™ V--^ J IMI J lv desirable for under- this well known brand Of ra , lß , nff up to 30. Almost any tint %]T~ n jTlfV* Just SO of them to be disposed u i.,iv ■ 1175 Safe D rlee Rl»aVh'*d ' hath Towel, ■■'■ • '71 I \^77 VT^tJi Ji muslins. Priced at, yd. muslin. Yard Wide; sale you ß , ,u,m' ask for. Full or » t -.lze. V : hH of; while they last 12 each. H"5. l"it-"t P ?(Jr Hath tart! . . .Ifc ™ !^V/ I /^ *fc<fr***>^J'l SI-lie. Third floor. price, yard lUc. Don't fail to see these. I^ZIZIZZZIIIIIZZZZZIZIIZZZ ■ 2_ y^J?>\ s§l House Furnishing Sale intheßasement=Very Important fQ ■ Wl% A Mor Platen <S5 45 tLgr~\ TT o , c,-,, Wash Tub Bench 59c ji - -n. ■ American Porcelain $4.38 Toilet Set $3.25 \A ! iw^i ' Known J"£^^2» H... #^\( , fc Heavy Steel Skillets 30c These are rpf?ular 75c K ,. a(les . very • .^i'—S, Dishes in Sale tthtl , In This Sale t \\ TO iT*l*-*Jt-Ov\\< hnmprs nnrl a simmeiine burner. Spe- _ S^'V SSc—Xo. 7 size 30c substantial for the price. CAJ These are so nearly perfect that 10 pieces; pretty decorations; set \\ . . tt l i^V* m vun i« v «'■ i- Markpfl 15 75 *> /«^i. >. F^\ * \ Wo—No. 8 »Im> SSc r.,i. Wrincr<»r <R? Q8 *^ JST-^SsM. I" '» difficult to tell them from Includes ewer and basin, covered A -A.. '■ \\JfS^^^)% clal Monday, $a.45. Marked $5.75. fA |f%^^_^^.l,' \ A 43.—N0. 0 size 400 l<alCOn Wringer $1.91} fi/^f^^^k «>••»•• Plain white. ' chamber, covered soap dish, hot ff\ \ W. * .^TF*'. » VIV Hot Plates $2.49 f-Y v I^^K \ , _ , _ ''lk illu.tratlon; a splendid value rVv •':' " 7^'#» 8 and 0-ln. l'lntr, 4e each. water jug, brush vase ana mag. U \J\ \'-^l\i \ This is the "Clipper" hotplate and sold Jf^f'. , ¥ m*^ Wash Tub 67c at the regular price $3.25; sale price ■IQ*\« 7 and 8-ln. plate. 8c each. Sale price $3.2.. f W VILTJj regularly by us Cooker $1.35 iyMJiM,L Heavy StWSA'il? 1 »"• ' • Gray Enamelware . MSiP* ,*?n *K«X "SnTltak.*. M. • $7.98 Toilet Set _ $5.75 _'\ fik \ \\-Sz£&* Spangler Cooker $1.35 wrked low .t Tkc. Bai. pri« e:o. Gray Enamelware i -.^a.j^,^ , Bttractlve ,y derated. V, (tL^ , . ,Mso^ r.ike illustration. Notice how three 4 20c Pail 15c These are excellent second.. Nuto the 75c Tea Pots 50c 'lardinieres fiQ, 'Pa \^^^ «tST7' .it-n-IN .-fin be put on ..!,.• burii.-r. ' WLJ*i££—^SS >L rh.e.e^^an^d grade;,- •■l>- T.-nkeiil.-. Uke»il..n ".Or "W, >^P* Engll.h rock war. decorated. _ Jf^reS JcEj^ , <^^ 11-.'il ■:■■'.' J thereby .avln* room on your Stove |P*<J©===^^Hff*, ; . arc good galianized grade, S ».,;,. <„„■,., I>ot »lc ftjLH}f>W^ reM c Choice of SUe and USe values. C^^^ff 111 I, a|i ,i ; US H •/I quart (,„„„..,<.< tfiS^&fet^ia"^ toU\Jj jSgJ Heavy Tumblers Cups and Saucers ' -^ II « * - /■ fi */: no »/r i mot •■«»• Cooking Kettle, in... uiustra- Jf>"!-1 =.==3^, Heavy 1 umblers Cups and Saucers // %m%<AW $8 Fireless Cooker The "Angelus" $6.98 Mangle $5.95 tion i«c ■'..- ■&~ 6 for 19c 6 for 70c \7/ fl\|| $5.75 Refrigerator $7.75 ) ■ l»/S22ff fcS-SSS,"«. Carving Set 45c 1 f %£ ?£"*s£' t"ml>Uri"*«- ™ t "do.f I"','., r 7 T larly ' \// fu'-'n / i\W These havu two compart- These are. 30-pound ice the sale pure. Including carver, fork and sharpen- I -J*----a-j 1 _ ,_. ,_J._ % \y/ \WM)s^'M-\ meat, and are one of the capacity, Broadway SteDladder Foot er' Excellent value at the price. |M .,,,_,,,.ft 6 Engraved Tumblers 75c Chocolate Pot 45c VV ;i ?; fijM!'rll''--\vrl( I best on the market. price $7.75. ', Oicpiduuv-i uv x « - Knive<? and Forks $1 ™ ™ Hansom shape; decorated. ■ /M. JrAvii/'- ' rVrl .o t> tv» or Also 40, GO, 75 and 100- A W. have these .tepladdan In «lzej 0 knives ana V orKS $1 O^C " //ftv , (>I^9MU^ 48C Patent Mop 35C ]b . capacity, priced up Jj from 4to I feet. Priced per foot He. Oooa steel with hollered handle; > Th.M are thin blown tumbler., Glass Lamps 21c />■*! '11 &%&&,& '^■^'■SM Zll°*n Called the self-wringing to $23. /»^i 10c Dust Pans 7c regularly 11..6; set or (> ror Jl regularly 750 dozen Like illus Compl.-te with No Ibu rand J71,, „ V ,X ■ WftHJl -'■'• "Corona" Roaster / 1\ 6 Teaspoons 65c Kw!y?Wi "i"ion- Sale sr'Ca 6 '°r 3'c' c""m"y ' $ ffhWlP ' ISH&fX Mop Stick atld Brush $1.20 «-LJkA Elite Strainer 15c Th.., ar.^ th, / W-^M $18.00 Dinner Set $13.75 .:.< //// l>* //t//.<Sl l\//f// 20c Regularly these roast- 4>\***r!r^lV Tlu"° f, re ll0«i«n,< I'l, '"'; hlu. and ]|f% Set of 6 for 65c. i fir -^'A I These good German china, 100-plece sets attractively decorated in Jl , §mw "SttB&EVSL srSH^; mm"- /Y\ m^^.mix. fflp?* ~— "'"■'•'^ sas32S gk ' ffl <S^\ M brush and mo stick, sale is-* I'-*"™1 '-*"™ •*"■ —■> 55c Wash Board 35c i/IVA *•»■■ •■•••»■■■»• i4nn -iririP »..0~. a .«,«.«!;:5.!."?. 3,fL,..,. -«l/v JflJiitfmr Price 20c. 11.20. J r.u .I^l These are brass faced. Entire. ///V\ "oU? yery practlcal _ DoooraUd 4>.plaoa American mad., gttii Jnt imM. \ V iwl^&bltl 75° Floor Brush 65c Food Chopper l^^aL metal. ill VJ^ Bvery housewife 50-Piece Porcelain Sets $4.25 -] ,•,*:, \v\ ff'iSflS These are the ions-handled $ 1-50 i F^l'j 50c Wash Board 29c jf\\ \\ "ho"m Bee "„._„. ,-—-5. «-=si J .sr3 hT ,cottase mi. are mad* up (ron ln op'c I ?I/,',","' whit, °ri:ulain- \^ Ml 14 if llm desirable kind. Take ad- This Is the well known 3 [.if. ilj"*^ These are zinc faced. . ¥ U \\ f "g U *vnije C^2_Js-^-4f^-r sjl .;' ■;.;„ l'l«l«, I H-in. 'natter. ' ,'■ • ,',V': , Mn 1 7 ™ vantage of the price. Bteinfeld Pood Chopper. HiS ot-«-«jce II m % c l^fcl !Kt MLt" »hSsB > :.-i».' r'ateh.' i Covered Wan, I |-/y//* 'i Mml -r> /in t- Orinds line, medium or fi i:*y*rtl B Sash Cord 55c I I ■ W^% Either Brooks ..r chrU F* fwiS«ii"ti[PM "I (i s ""l' l'l'"'-- ' ' Nappie. ffi^^^*/!// BrOOmS 40C .bach coarse, as adjusted by a *3 J_l__[AaaJß These contain 100 feet of cord./ • % \ays, with saw edge, de- fcT! ~X 111)28} m^|^» • Fruit l>l*ba». ' 1 Kulier. . . j - **SiSsi^y// These are 4-scwed brooms. screw. No knives to LtT; "'" '"aa^-" Ma tine clothes lines; regu-' % alKiicd to cut new lirend <i33l|—JH*—^ (1 Individual Uutten. I I'l.kle l)i-<li. :=te^!/ Good grade. lose. yS!SVG&Ij lar:y 6c . " or cake. -==»' 6 Cups and Saucers. X Gravy ll.Kit. . LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1910.