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'^■:-;- ■.■.•■^ J^-^. ii_-^;.". ... ■■-•' " " 11*| |, ,1,1,| in'i'mrr—nißiilnii "ii I I ll———i ii iini ' " 'in " Jf7?)§^ "" ''" '' ' "l"l>nl"lt " ■■mutt rm —IV-' __ n Mr- — —■ _..: r^J «^. ____^^ - jp^r - —* -) PART II H Ordinary Piano Standards I II Do Not Apply H 1 '. N" to the Weber 1 fm t I IHE usual piano arguments relate to tone, || ¥M Ito durability, to action, etc. In the ||| If 'x Weber Piano, all these qualities are ||j taken for granted. tm We invite you to listen to the Weber as j|| you would to some wonderful violinist who has || P| the power to hold great audiences entranced. £? ; tm For the Weber is more than a mere crea- ffA H tion of wood and metal. It possesses a soul |1 |;| that speaks in tones of purity and richness, I| ff-i j that might well have been the palette on which || II the master Chopin himself mixed his colors. j|| ml For those who have a cultured ear and who ||| yi|rg| have a fine appreciation of music in its higher |J |H forms, the Weber Piano represents an ideal. Rjj fwi As sole agents of the Weber Piano in this Egi fta section, we request the opportunity of M \M demonstrating what wonderful progress, Eft tO. has been made in the manufacture of £7' 44 pianos during the past few years. j£s m^ Southern California M Music Company 832-334 South Brondwnj. ,^^& Merchants Bank and Trust Co. £2 SI Branch: ' . <>AO 11 c nK vl iv Transact* a General Dank- UK South Hoover «tr««t. ' *w"*H O. Droaaway In* anil Tru«t Bu»lne»f. ["Orchard Dale" | This New Subdivision Now Ready to Offer the Public Situated In the East Whlttler District—a' district renowned for its money-making: email ORCHARD HOMES of oranges, walnuts and lemons. Only one-half hour from Los Angeles via the Pacific Electric cars. Over 600 acres plotted Into lots from two to fourteen acres In size; streets graded ready for oiling, for which contracts have already been made: the best and most plentiful water system In California now belns rapidly Installed, the yearly maintenance of which will be simply nominal. As its name Implies, Orchard Dale is In the midst of small orange, •lemon and walnut orchard homes; ere long this dale, too, will be dotted with just such orchard homes whereon Its owners ran live In comfort, enjoy quietude and "lay up dollars for a rainy day with which to ease old age away." The scenery Is Inviting, Interesting and beautiful. "Orchard Dale" is a haven for those of moderate means—a restful retreat for the overworked professional and business man. Prices $450 per acre upward— payments—low Interest. Special Inducements given the first ten purchasers who build good homes and Improve at once. This Is the coming spot in which to place money for a home or an Investment. Remember, you can'buy 2 acres or more, as you may desire. Get In on the cellar —those who wait pay most. ■ ■ Keep your eye on "Orchard Dale." • . Call and let us show you the possibilities of this beautiful section. We have a beautiful descriptive booklet which we will bo pleased to send to you free. Drop us a postal card. Davison, Smith & Mizener Room 219 Pacific Electric Building ' - " - 4 If You Want Your Home BOr Building to Be Modern jagm^jl You Must: Use 1 Hipolito 1 11 ; Self-Regulating Roller Screen and A I , H - Reversible Window. H' ' '' ■ The most useful and perfpet . combina- I 3 tion ever invented. -' P^to^ts—^^, 3 ast longer. Moro satisfactory. Include them In your specifications. ■ P^^^^ Hipolito Screen and JjMWjfifflM^j Sash Company • 634-38 MAPLE AVENUE - ||!!0 Mil ill !R«« Herald "Want Ads Bring Largest Returns REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING NEWS Los Angeles Sunday Herald BOOM IN BUILDING IS WELL SUSTAINED Record for Eight Days Indicates Another High Mark for Los Angeles 282 PERMITS FOR $446,073 Prospects Good for Continuation of Briskness in Construc tion Activity Brrr/DTN'r; activity for the month of April in Los Angeles promises to match the splendid records of the. three; months of the year. With only eight wiped off the April calendar permits, to the number of 282, have been Issued, authorizing im provements valued at $446,073, com pared with ■ 224 permits and $383,824 in valuation for the same period last year. • Thus far this month 134 per mit! of the 282 were for new lime stone buildings, valued at $274,870. The checking of the applications for the Alexandria hotel addition, $1,000,000, and T»s Angeles Saving* and Trust com pany building. Sixth and Spring, $25, --000, has not been completed, but it will probably be finished In time for the summary next week. Optimists pre dict that the total valuation x of im pr>vemcnts for April will exceed $2,000,000. l»s Angeles In a list of fifty princi pal cities of the United States made a gain of 49 per cent in valuation of buildings constructed In the month of March, compared with the same month in 1909. ' Just watch tho big per centage of gain that will be posted for April. OFFICIAL TABULATION Following is the official tabulation of the Los Angeles building department for the period, , April 1 to April 8, in clusive, showing permits issued and total valuation: <lv-- Permit*. Value. A, reinforced concrete ' 1 $22,000 {■ 10 .04,400 1), 1 -story fnunn 103 l«4,»«0 D, lMi-»tory frame... .... 15 40,836 1», 2-Btory frame i IT ttu.oßs Frame oiled*. buna S* MM Jlri.k alteration* 14 I8,4«l I Frame alterations «!» 32,401 I D.iiii.iltloOH 8 B>s j MM m 1446,078 ORANGE INDUSTRY ACTIVE IN LA SIERRA HEIGHTS One Thousand Acres of Citrus Fruit Now Being Planted One thousand acres of orange and lemon trees are being planted by the horticultural department of the Riv erside Groves and Water company on Its l^a Sierra Heights tract at River side. This Is ail being put in for the benefit of the company alone, and many other owners of acreage in that tract are putting in trees. The orange industry in that locality is being carried on as never before, many Investors are be ing shown over the tract daily, and the company's excursions from Ixjs Ange les are being very well patronized. The tract has been cut up Into large lots for country homes, as well as the larger a< reage for the growing of citrus fruit. U. S. Grant Hinton, the general sales manager of the Riverside Groves and Water company, reports the selling of acreage to Charles C. Fuller, the di vision superintendent of the Interna tional Correspondence schools, a plot of ten acres. Mr. Fuller intends to plant orange and lemon trees at once. James K. France of Banta Maria has pur- Chased five acres which he will pro , ! to set at once into oranges and lemons. Mr. Hinton also sold to M. N. Pratt of Banta Maria five acres to be put into oranges and lemons. NEWMARK & CO SECURE GREATER BUSINESS SPACE Following the announcement that tho larrre wholesale grocery house of M. A. Newmark & Co. has secured a location on the properly of the I^os AnffelM Market company ;it Sixth and Alainoda streets, A. "Ft. Uhittenden of the Indus trial property department of Wright & Callender company announces the sale of a twenty-five-foot lot on Ban ning street, Just east of Alameda street, adjoining the large warehouse of M. A. Nowmark & Co., at the corner of Ban ning imd Alameda streets, to that firm. The purchase was made with a view to enlarging the present quarters at that place, and gives them a total groind area of 22,800 square feat, \\ ith a frontage of 22S feet on Banning street. thus providing room for live freight ears at a time on the Santa Fe spur track which parallels thetr building. The r;ish consideration paid for the property Is not stated, but is believed to bo a record price for property In this vicinity. EXCURSION TO DUCOR The D. J. Wilson I^and company will run another of their $5 excursions next Thursday evening. Berths are free, many application! for reservations are being made.. A good crowd is as sured. Verdugo Canyon Land Co. Uu iuxt laiiueil tbr. Moat Bf nut if nl and Ar tistic Illustrated Booklet ever published ti r.ov ABKelee. fall or send for one. JNO. A. PIRTLE TeL FSB4S. 401-1 Colon Tnut Bids. EDITED BY JOHN YOUNG SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1910. Splendid Story Building Finished, Erected on South Broadway Corner . ja^Hffi '^K^K^^B 7^rß! feßikVHkl x 'BEB^fTB ONE OF THE LATEST MODERN STRUCTURES WHICH WILL BE ADMIRED BY DELEGATES TO NATION. AL HOTEL MEN'S CONVENTION -, (irallam Photo Co . LARGE PARTY IS GOING TO MODESTO APRIL 14 The Modesto Irrigation district peo ple evidently believe that they have a good country for the man of mod erate means and the capitalist invest or, and they wisely use printer's ink to let the world know of their desir able section and profitable products. Elsewhere in this issue will be noticed a stirring announcement of the big special train to Modesto, personally conducted. It will leave the Arcade, depot at 7 p. m., April 11. The object Is to give all interested homeseekers an easy opportunity to see the great extent of alfalfa, dairying, orchards of deciduous fruits and oranges, olives and nuts and to note the wonderful settlement and development of the few years and which is steadily in creasing. The committee's headquar ters is at 52S South Spring street, where nil information about the land and excursion can be secured TWO SPLENDID VALLEYS ATTRACT CASH OF INVESTORS Quietly but surely a combination of capitalists and land owners have I n going ahead half-way between boa Angeles and San Francisco, building up a new town—a new harbor—neW roads and railroads. An astonishing amount of work hus already bfgn done and preparations have been made [or Improvement! that are truly stupen dous, which if carried out—and there seems to be no doubt they will be— will well nigh revolutionize conditions on the central coast of California. The location chosen for all this work is the natural outlet for that fertile part of the Golden State Which puds us well as more prosalolv Inclined have all agreed on naming "The Garden spot of California." The Sun Joaqutn and Arroyo Grande valleys have but one natural nutlet in tiio. Pacific ocean, and it coaet outlet with shipping U cllltlee is an absolute necessity for the merchants, farmers and producers In these rich Held*. Oceano. Beach, as this now place has been named, is destined within the span of a very few years to occupy one of the tore most places, not alone in the minds of the investors, but in the consider! tion of all those who seriously con sider California. It Is lmr.l to decide at present whether the ple»sure-lovlng summer reporters or the business com munity, which Is bound to locate here, will develop most rapidly. PADEN PAYS $100,000 FOR THE HOTEL PEPPER The sale of the Hotel Pepper on the southwest corner of Seventh street Mid Burlington avenue tor Henry s. Pat ten of the Patten-Davies dumber com pany to William W. Padcn was closed ,last week by Horace <!. Hamilton and Charles O. Klmball of the Horace & Hamilton company, consideration re ported $100,000. The property has a frontage of 150 feet on Seventh street and 140 teet on Burlington. The hotel building is a beautiful structure, 75x110. Mr. Paden will make some Improvements in the interior of the building and proposes to begin the erection immediately of an apartment builfling on the adjoining 7f> fee', consisting of 100 rooms, to be thoroughly modern and up to date. Mr. Paden transfers to Mr. Patten a considerable amount of the purchase nrlr.e in caj»h and some raal estate. $125,000 PAID IN CASH FOR SOUTH FLOWER CORNER lilenn N. Deuel of the Wright & Cal lender company has closed a deal with an eastern capitalist now residing in this city for the purchase of the north west corner of Seventh and Flower streets for $125,000. The lot has a frontage Of SSVi feet on Seventh by 118 on Flower. Charles C. chapman of Chapman Bros., is the grantor. READY FOR FALL TERM The big school building erected on Sun Tedro street. Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh streets, to accommodate the needs of this fast growing part of the city. will be ready for use by the beginning of the fall term, and is being built on the half block of land in the McCarthy Greater L,os Angeles tract. Many new homes are now be ing built adjacent to this school. Yd/t AbssAvenag • Beautiful Home Sites :la b RIGHT IN THE , ~Sitaßm!B» x Wilshire Boulevard District $1650 7 ?=s^m%. This is the most attractive homesito opportunity away below the market and must sharply ad in or around Los Angeles today. Other proper- vance in the near future. . ties in this district cannot be approached at Go out today-see the hiffh character-of the anywhere near the prices of Van Ness Avenue improvements and pick out a homeslto ttiwt will Square. It is the established aristocratic home double in value within 12 months. section of Los Angeles. The property is In tho Take Westlake Park car marked "Fourth and very shadow of magnificent homes costing $10,000 Gramercy," or "Melrose Avenue." Get .iff at and nio,-p. Fifth street, drat Wilton place and Fourth The prices at which this property is offered are street for branch offices. The McCarthy Co. Tt^Ku^ 801 NORTH BROADWAY, »-'» W. P. STORY Bl 11...*N(i. in the McCarthy: BIJTXIMXO. SIXTH AND BROADWAY. v 591- m\iv 1303. phonks—pjiii; BROADWAY 2TSO. VAST VALLEY ACREAGE THROWN ON MARKET The Cuyanla Rancho Xo. 1 compris ing 27,199 acre! In the far northeast corner of Santa Barbara county, across the mountains on the opposite side of the Santa, Barbara national forest, is to be divided into small ranches and placed in the market, through F. C. cherry of San Luis Oblspo, manager of the landed Interest! of United States Senator Perkins. This groat Inland valley will be brought Into close touch with the world's markets by means of a railroad down the Santa Maria riv er to Port Harford, Banta Maria and San Luis OMspo on one side, and Bak ersfield on the other side. Ten Pages INSPECTION OF PUMPING PUNTS IN SIERRA HEIGHTS Soil Said to Be Superior for the Culture of Citrus Fruits The Riverside and Arlincton charrT <>f commerco last Thursday were the guests of the Riverside Groves and Water company on a trip over their La Sierra Heights tract. The trip was made to look into the character and quality of the soil. Its adapta bility for the culturo of citrus fruits and it.s water supply. The party was composed of Fran eifl Cuttle, C B. Rumsey, F. T. Mor rison and Secretary May of tha River side chamber of commerce, C. W. Mathews, E3. K. West and W. W. Van Pelt of the Arlington chamber, J. P. Bowden, W. I. Shepherd of Riverside and J. <'■ Avadian, president of the Riverside Oroves and Water company. They saw the company's pumping station No. 1, which is beinp installed ■■.ply JOO miners' Inches of water from sixteen 12-inch wells. Next they were shown over pumping plant No. 2, which is the chief plant of the com pany. There are seventeen 12-inch wells hero, all flowing and have been 1 out thoroughly. The Riverside Oroves and Water c mpany has on the tract Its own nursery which comprises forty acres of select orange land, up against the foothills. The nursery is under the horticultural department of the River side Groves and Water company, and, in charge of Q. A. Lobingier, as sw perlntendent. ORCHARD DALE STATION IS ON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Growing Interest in Attractive Subdivision Near Whittier The Pacific Elrrtrlc Railway com pany hus made a stopping place of tills new subdivision in the Whlttier-La Habra district. Davison, Smith & Mtsener, owners of this tract, are offer ing it In small farms of from five to fourteen acres at $450 an acre up. Re cently a Mr. Wilfrey of Denver pur .! tan acres of full bearing; Valen ncjir this subdivision and paid therefor $.ir>,nOO spot cash. Records show that for several years the orchard netted 17'j per cent on the above price. Sales reported in Orchard Dale are as follows: Lots 75 and 77 to Fred F. Pnxton of 707 Weat Eighth street. Los Angeles, for $6900, who will immediate- ]y plant same to lemons. Mr. Paxton was always partial to Orchard Dale, hut thought he might ill hotter elsewhere. He took a trip north M far ns Washington, stopping lit various points, and then went to Colorado, I!' concluded that, although !i mid find property cheaper in price. Orchard D»l« was by far tho most profitable place for a homo or an in vestment.