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2 Buy Land in Yucaipa Valley Extract* from ths following ar ticle, which appeared In the Red land* Dally Review, hit the nail squarely on the head. The, news paper man ha» summed up the sit uation regarding apple-raising com pletely. We. believe that It will be of interest to readers of The Herald. "Bumper crop In the famous apple section adjoining Redlands. Did you realize that Redlands Is ap proaching as an apple growing ren ter its Importance as an orange pro duction, section? "Well, it is. "Do you know that fruit grown In the apple orchards of Yucaipa, Oak Glen, comprising the Redlands apple growing territory, equal in quantity that shipped out of the great Hood River district of Oregon this year? "Well, it did. "Did you ever In your wildest flights of agricultural imagination ■Oppose that two acres of Oak Glen apples would grow fifty tons of fine fruit. "Well, they did. "Did you suppose that apple or chards are this year pressing the valuable orange groves ,<* to value, based on returns to the growers? "Well, they are." • The Big Red Apple VV Country You Want to See It HOW TO JIEACII '111. YUCAIPA. Yuca4pa" joins Redlands, the Gem Cltjr of Southern California, on the east, and YiUL-alpa City is only 80 minuti-s from Rediands by automo bile. Buy tickets to Redlands and call at the company's office, 209 or ange street, Riedlands. 6END FOR VHF.T. IJTERATt'ItK If you cannot come, write for free Illustrated pamphlet and map, which tell In detail a truthful story of the Yucaipa Valley. The Redlands & Yucaipa Land Company courts the strictest possi ble investigation, not only of the land offered for Fair, but the general standing of the company. Refer ences, any responsible resident of Redlands and the Yucaipa Valley, Redlands National Bank, Citizens' National Bank, Redlande; First Na tional Bank, Red lands; any individ . ual banker or business man of Red iands; Dun and Bradstreet's Com m"« rciai Agency, Redlands & Yucaipa Land Company "Oft Onus* »treet, RJCIIT.A'VDS, CAI* <(nl.» On» To» Anjtr-Ul* OfTlii-, 830 VNI Sllth «fi"H, • iround Floor, Mhlu U802; F5035. NOTK—Absolutely no connection with any other Yucaipa Valley land project. REALTY DEALERS BUSY SELLING SAN PEDRO LOTS SAN PEDRO. April !>.— Anticipating an increase in values as soon us the harbor bonds are voted, many ■ real estate deals have . been . put through, during the past week. Most of the sales are outside residence lots. Two good ra,ii( he.s dose to Wilmington have been Bold. i: 11,I 1, arid Charles Menvlg have bought the Lembke ranch of ninety acres lor ('. C. Sharp of I.m* Angeles has purchased twenty- Fix acres north of Wilmington from a syndicate of local men for J19.500. In the ("iaffey tracts fifteen ''"'' near the new extension of the Fifth street car line have been sold to various pur chasers moil of whom are J,os Angeles Investors, at prices aggregating $19.( The former home of John T. Caffey, occupied before he completed '.'La Ramhla." Ills present country home, has been sold to A. P. Ferl of the real estate firm of Ferl ft Blckenbaeh, who will occupy "ie property. T.ots in Ocean View tract have been -old by George H, Peck «■ Co. to , Hulda 'Radlg, Mary Tnffer and John Thompson for $SSO each. Through the . fame firm K. L., president of the chamber of commerce, hat bought n. lot on Eighth street, near Pacific, for $1200. R. D. Frelsble, a lyis Angeles attorney, a lot on Sixth street, near Pacific," for $3500; Mary Boatman, a house and lot In the Pacific Electric tract •■orJIWi; John Thompson, a house and lot in the Oceaji View tract for $1400, and. Lambert Bond, a Vancouver capitalist, another In the same tract for $1800. Frank A. Needham, a patrol man on the local police force, has pur chased a house and lot at Point Firmin for $3100. in account of the uncertainty as to the route the city engineer will recom mend In reaching the outer harbor, there have been few sales made In close-In property. When the report of the city engineer Is finally made public It Is expected that much business prop erty will change hands. BUYING CONTINUES ACTIVE IN M'CARTHY CO. TRACTB The McCarthy company reports the of fight lots In its various pop ular tracts during the pnst week and increased inquiry. The sales: R. O. and Ada Richards, a lot on Fifty-first place near Normandle. fiOx 130 feet In the Xormajidie Square tract, $000 cash. N M. Badger, a lot on Brighton av enue near Fifty-first street. 42x133 feet. In the Normandie Square tract, 1780. Lloyd Montgomery, a lot on Flrty second street near Halldale, 42x130 feet, in the Normandle Square tract. $775. M Sherwood, a lot on Fifty-first place near Halldale avenue. 55x130 feet, in the N'ormandlo Square tract. $7.V>. Vntone Kronka, ft lot on Figueroa street near Blauson, Mxltl fpf>*. in the McCarthy company's subdivision of Brodersen place, $1000. N Krystol. n lot on the corner of Linden avenue and Van Ness avenue, f.oxi;!3 feet, and a lot on Van Ness ay . Due near Unden, 50x133 feet, ln the Van Ness Square t.rn.ct. $4000. Mr Hawkins, bungalow and lot, 143 Wesl Eighty-fifth place, in the Ml i thy company's Moneta tract, lIMO. BIG BUNCH OF MARCH SALES CLOSED BY LOCAL AGENCY The following sales are reported by Kllfoll Brothers during March through the offices of Strong vv Piikinson: Moneta avenue square: 1,. V. Daley, no lot $fiOO; Mary Swart/., two lots, J1200; Herman B. Thompson, one lot. 1 tfinO- T F Leonard, one lot. $600; John Shire two lots, I1J00; .1. A. Hngest, two iots, $1200; Wytitt & Gray, ten ; lots, $fiooo. Arlington Heights Terrace bunga lows w. A. Meßaln, $l«50; ,T. F. Nlch ; olk $I*so. \g\ n Heights Boulevard tract: I \ T'llen $1200; Mrs. Evelyn Mer rill $1200; Dr S. Tf. Boule, 11200; I/. ' H Johnson, $t20"; 3. O. Case, two lots, | $2400- Mrs A. Wuelle, two lots. J2400; Mllburn, $1200; Miss Nellie Mead, 11200. Arlington Heights Terrace tract: ■ ,ye, HOBO; 234 Howard summit to local syndicate, $128,700. LOTS SOLD IN ARLINGTON PARK There has been much activity In the Arlington Park tract, of which C. S. C.itudal is tlie owner and George J. Is agent, and as a reeull seven lots are reported sold last week, as follows: —,_._, To William Swift, lot 7 on Thirty fifth plaj:o ajid Van Ness; to J. J Kel ly lot 86 "ii Van Ness avenue, between Thirty-fifth plate nnd Tliirty-Bixth nlace; to B. P. Kronk'k, lot 22 on Ar lington between Thirty-fifth place and Thirty-sixth place: to Olive T,. S. My ers lot ■".) on Arlington between Thirty sixth place and Thirty-seventh place; ,' ,• c Mttlefleld, lot M on Van Ness between Thirty-fifth place and Thlrty- Fixth place; to Richard Paly, lot ,:t on Van Ness between Thirty-fifth place and Thirty-sixth place; to C. C. Wall, ,, g S „ van Ness between Thirty-fifth place and Thirty-sixth place. INVESTORS ACTIVE AT LOMITA Selling at Loralta subdivision near Wilmington and Fan Pedro continues t0 increase as the date of the coming bond election approaches. The follow eople purchased last week: John indernen, Carl Andersen, Lars plson, Johanna OUon, Sine -Miller, Ann;. Pi i A. and J. Hrier. .1. A. Bta nles Fannie P. Beardsley, Frank Rose. A i! I ymaii William Forbes, Annie F." VVII ns, \ C. Weat, Wayne Rot ..i \u--Mist Waywood and Willis nan. The total sales ag-pregate i value $8025. BUILDING IN VERMONT SQUARE pi VP tnm-e houses were started last ln the Southwest i-and company"! I gpuare. The builders are: p*red f Wise on the north Ftd« of hth street, between HaJldala and Denker. Mr* Emmet Myerant, on the north nf Forty-eighth street, between . i nd Tl estern. W. Wright, on thfVßOuth Fide , p O rt Blxth street, between Dmkc% ■nrd. Morris M, Nelson, on the north side i ith itreet, between Hall- I i lenker. I . .111 the north side of ' met, between lfalliale and I I ienker. BUNCH OF LOT SALES Thi * B. BurclC company re llowli lea for the put FoU! lota in Burck*s Golden tra'-t to Frank Stafford of Tarklo, Mo., two of i are 50xl(M each, at $1800; two 61x101 feet nt. |1700 i,"' ■ ioldi n i ract, 40x128 feet, tn Frederli • I fur $sno. .Four lots In Burck's Normandie Avo nue tract, 4Qx123 feet, to L. P. Schaefer at $750 each. —"*>** LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1010. PLACING NEW GAS MAINS BY THE MILE IN EAGLE ROCK Large Electric Light Plant to Be Established—Old Ranch Sold Eh sic Rock is now invader! by an army of ditch diggers, laying some fifteen miles of gas mains. At the same time the Eagle Rock Improve ment I'MRiic has two propositions be fore it for the Installation of electric light, one of which will undoubtedly be accepted. The contract for grading of boulevards from Pasadena, through Eagle Rock to Gtlend&le, lias been let to Peter Walker, who will immediately corpulence operations on the Eagle Rock section of the road. The. Rri wards & Wlldey company has purchased from F. D. Hollings north, Mrs. Jessie. L. Nuns, W. J. Mc< ',-irroll and William H. Nuss, the old Hollingsworth ranch in the west rrn portion of Eagle Rock. The prop erty consists of some fifty acres of choice foothill land, facing on the Baffle Rock-Glerfdale electric line, and also on the. boulevard. It adjoins the Occidental Heights tract on the west and li regarded as. the choicest piece of acreage remaining in Eagle Rock. ' The newcomers will nt once subdivide the property and install the same class of improvements that they are now constructing in Occidental Heights. The aggregate consideration for the land was $55,000. $1100 per acre. » < » BUILDING PERMITS Following: are the permits Issued since the last publication of the list and classified according to wards: Permits. VaJue*. First ward 2 } 2.31Y1 R»eond ward 3 8,350 Third wart i b.v, Fifth ward s 8,200 Ruth ward s 3.600 Seventh ward 1 14,"") KlKhth ward - too Ninth ward 1 g,200 l Totala M W.SM Franco street, 3020— R. W. Thur her, f,15 South Fickett street, owner j and builder; one-story six-room resi dence, $SOO. Normandle avenue, 4157— Mrs. H. W. I Bohrman, 3523H Vermont avenue, own er and builder; one-story seven-room residence, $2000. Griffin avenue, 414 South—O, 15. I Goodman, owner; E. W. Keller, build- I er; one-story six-room residence, $2000. Forty-ninth street, 1008 East—George H. Dewalls, 4011 Central avenue, owner and builder; one-story five-room resi dence, $1400. Fiftieth street, 1011 East— as above, $1400. ■ • Hollywood: Beachwood —Home Builders, owner and builder; one-story six-room residence, $2800. ' Klngsley drive, 3060—Jacob Shnger man, SI4S Kingsley drive, owner ana j builder; one-story four-room residence, $300. JTuron street, 2015 —J. A. Johnson, i 2K16 Jeffries avenue, owner; H. I. Bon- j ham, builder; alterations of residence, $800. Fifty-sixth street, f,34 West—J. H. Lappe, 227 lOast Thirtieth street, ownor and builder; one-story six-room resi dence, $2000. Main street. 51R South—Kalllsher ea -516 South Main street, owner; C. M. Webb, builder; alterations of bulld ine. $r.oo. Compton avenue, 4S7o_c. H. Gordon, at lot, owner and builder; one-gtory two-room store, $ROO. Main street, r.717 South—Burke Bros., 4'iS South Spring street, owners; J. T. rates, builder; alterations of residence, $800. Fresno street. !)4n—D. H. Hewitt, 61S South Flower street, owner; M- P. Green, builder; otory-and-a-ha!f elev en-room residence, $2400 . San Pedro: Serand street. (S7H West —Mrs. S ]■;. (ripes. San Pedro, owner and builder; one-storj' two-room resi dence, $200. Ban Pedro: Second street, SBn'i West —Jlr=. S. K. Crlpes. San Pedro,"owner nnd builder; one-story two-room resi dence, $2fto. Ban Julian street, 6rw -New Method laundry, at lot, owner aJid builder; three-story concrete barn, $14,000. Avlla street 728 —Edward Arnaz. 752 Avlla street, owner; A. A. Guzman, builder; alterations to residence, $500. Edendale avenue and Ripple street ■ J. A. Qrelner, owner and liullder; one stori- four room residence, 1250, NO SPECULATION IN THIS $1.00 PROPOSITION Security Home Builders Offers Its Stock at Par, $1.00 \ WHAT IT IS WHERE • WHAT IT OFFERS Security Home Builders is a co-operative Building Com- It builds homes wherever the. purchaser wants them It Offer! I proposition that should pay at least 12 per neturuy noina suiuwn . c i » built, provided the chances lor improvement in th« locality cent on the investment the first year, and that should ln pany that is Just beginning business. aro g<^ od crease from time to time. It has an exceptionally bright future before it, and no It do<lg not y, xx ua for undesirable people) nor In places In All homes built belong to Security Home Builders until mistakes or debts behind it. It starts with a clean slate which the chances for advance in valuer are not Rood. While paid for; this makes the security back of the stock the best and has the experience of all the older companies which beitif, liberal with the home buyer it looks very carefully — clear, clean homes. An Investment in this desirable stock work along similar lines, to guide It. It builds homes after to jts ovvn interests. Scattered buildings are better in the is safe—sound— profitable and euro to very materially ad they are sold and floes not speculate or go Into debt. en d than developing tracts. vance in value. This makes a bright future for Its stockholders. Thi» makes a bright future for Its stockholders. This makes a bright future for Its stockholders. The stock in thin vigorous young company which In Just commencing business and has an mi- I As a, savings proposition this stock should prove wonderfully attractive because every stoek unally bright future before It and strong men back of It. is belnu sold at par, $1.00. It can be I holder Is on the ground floor, and because by reason of the security of Its Investment* there Is no tiou«rht In lots of 5 shares or more, for cash or on payments of 10 per cent down and S per cent per ■ possibility of failure. ''/.. -.'• *../>. month . I Nothing so good has been offered for subscription In a long time. Wls« investor* who know a good thing and who keep their eyes open, see In such offerings ttn tills the opportunity to make money rapidly and safely. • '■;'"■' General literature Is free l>v mall or at the. office, or a represents tire will call on you If you prefer. If you have any money that you are thinking of Investing- In a home building preposition, don't make a decisive move until you have ln>e»tlgated this business. Get In at the bottom and grow frith .„. _ . Home hud Builders of Low Cost, High Class Homes Phones— Home F4434, Main 4424 415 &. Hill St., Los Angeles, Col. Jo the Stockholders of the Los Angeles Investment Company ■ ■ _ ■;-,,, - ...... , r The officers of the company are desirous of increasing our small stockholders' Guarantee Fund to $100,000, and have inaugurated a system of calling on every stockholder who has received back his entire investment in the shape of dividends to donate 1 per cent of all dividends thereafter received by him to the Guarantee Fund. This will, we believe, bring our Fund up to the desired $100,000. The <| Fund has increased in the past two and one-half years from $12,000 to over $35,000. Stock purchased by this fund is sold at auction every week. The creation of this Fund has been, in our opinion, one of the best moves ever made by this com pany. It is a general understanding among the public that corporations squeeze out their small stock holders. This company has always protected its small stockholders, and we hope always to be able to say in the future, asi we can of the past, that no stockholder has ever lost a cent by investing in this company. The value of small stockholders in furnishing us customers for homes, and advertising, is too great to be even estimated. Flos anceles investment combany ji ji.\.v/-j|-ji j i— f i - Largest Co-Operative Building Company in the World Capital and Surplus $3,613,000 RAPID SALE OF ACREAGE IN FERTILE MERCED COUNTY The Los Angclfw office of the Ix>n Angeles Co-operative J^anri and Trust company reports the sain of $17,200 worth of land in Its Merced colony during the last two days. Various branches of the company have sold during that time a total of $27,000 worth of this land. These sales were of tracts ranging from five to eighty acres. Tt Is stated that every lot sold is to be Improved, at otne. Tho aver age, sales of the Merced colony since tin tract was placed on the market the first of the year have been consid erably better than one lot a day. Ml r eed colony Joins the city limits of Merced, a town with a population of R-iOO, in the San Joaquin valley. There Is to be an excursion leaving I.os An geles at 0:30 p. m. Tuesday. April 12; round trip, $13.10. Free berths can be reserved by calling at the local office of the company tn the I.issner building. Many Improvements Wanted by Residents of Southeast The Centra] Avenue Improvement as sociation was organized Thursday evening at 4509 Central avenue for the purpose of boosting the southeastern section of the city. Constitution and by-laws were adopted and the follow ing Officers elected: Captain M.."ie, president; Isaac Smith, vice president; i. <'. Cornell, secretary; J. V. Akey, treasurer. The various committees were ap pointed and work immediately start ed on the ffillowinK subjects: C'rosstown street car line, ad vertisinK, ilisiicsnl of storm water on Central avenue, lar ger water mains, more lire hydrants, more fire alarm boxea, more street lights, more parks and street opening on McKinley avenue between Fortieth unc] Forty-seventh Streets, The reßu- lar meetings will,be held the first and third Thursday* of each month at the same place. All property owners and .business men are urged to join and push the good work along Residence of Charles C. Cornell, the secretary, is at 4531 Central avenue, phono South 1522. PERGOLA FOR DOHENY HOME Architect A. F. Hosenhelm Ik pro paring plans fur a pergola of artificial stone to he erected in connection with E. I* Doheny's residence In Chester place. It will lip 140x12 feet, and 12 feet high. The walls will be of hoi low tile, paving of red brick and beams of redwood, and it will be wired for electric lights. TART II GREAT IMPETUS GIVEN TO REALTY AT WILMINGTON During the past ten days realty aales reported by George W. Vansyckla In Wilmington (Los Angeles) harbor reg ion hfuvo totaled morn than $65,000. Among these was tb« sale of 26.70 acres at $760 per acre, fourteen acres at $1000 per acre, both to eastern cap italists; also thousands of dollars In lots to Individual local and eastern purchasers. The market for harbor property is becoming more active every day. the nearer the approach of the, bond Issue, and renewed activity will be witnessed as soon as the bond* are voted. 350 FEET IN 16.INCH POAI..TNGA, April 9.—The Coaling* Royal Oil company, section S-19-15, In about 3M) feet deep with 16-inch stove pipe casing.