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PART II REDONDO VILLA TRACTS AGAIN IN HIGH FAVOR Renewal of Payments Under Sat isfactory Conditions. On to the Sea George. H. Peck & Co. report very gratifying results In the Rodondo Villa tracts. liy mutual agreement of the original owners of the land and tho Title Guar antee and Trust company, the trustees of the property, the firm of George H. Peck & Co. was appointed tho official agent to straighten up matters In tracts A, B, 4, 6, 141 and part of 142. Several months of systematic and con tinuous work and investigation have been done, finding out the exact condi tions of each individual lot. The owners of several thousand lots had Huspendod payment, allowing their contracts to lapse from one to two years, during which time interest ac crued on tlio largo moftgtgM on tho S land, and the cost of the lots advanced $100 to $110 each. It was th<Jn decided instead cf pay- Ing large Rums for advertising to re sell the lots, to give the original buy era the benefit and allow them credit at current prices for all amounts for merly paid to the Los Angeles Securi ties company, subject to a minimum of $20 a lot that was required to relcoM the lota from the lien of the general mortgage, old contracts being canceled and new contracts issued, executed by the Title Guarantee and Trust com pany, thus assuring absolute reliability anil safety for everybody. In order to protect the original buy ers from speculators, a private letter was sent to each of the original pur chUMH, and already a largo number have taken advantage of the offer, and with tho return of confidence In the property and with assurance of valid titles prosperity is returning, and new gales have been made as follows: J. O. Dilley, five lots In block 42; W. H. Merrill, three lota in blocks 9. 32 and 72; .A L. Ewlng, one lot in block 144; John and Lizzie M. Hearn, 9, 10, 11. block J56; C. \V. Coulter, three lots In block 127: J. 11. Meadows, lot 32, block 10; H H Holmes, lot 4, block 10, all in tract A; Martha Bond, three lots In block 67; James Farnell, one lot In block 109; 11. B. Culler, two lota In block 96; Edward Witte, one lot in Mock 109; Anna Nagle. house and lot in block 89; G. E. Allen, house ami lot In block. 94; D. Bond, one lot in block 87; J. A. Bacon, nix lots and house In block 107; Anna Boydston, two lots in block 109; John F.ialoy and If. A. Rlgg», each one lot In block 80. all in tract B; Pete Johnson, lot 5, block 80, tract B. VALUE OF HOLLYWOOD LOTS SHOWN IN RECENT SALES Prices Range from $1000 to $8000-New Homes Building Croake & McCann report the follow ing sales of property In Hollywood: Lot 182x210 feet, vacant, southwest corner ol Pleasant and Vermont ave nues, Mary P. Bailey to Arthur Letts, • till if) ' •°* - Lot 75x250 feet, cast side Vermont avenue, near Los Follx avenue, vacant. Nellie Burlock to Belle O. Itogers, $3375. Bought for a homo place. Lot 28x150-feet to alley, vacant, east side Vermont avenue, 100 feet north of Prospect avenue, Jeannette M. Camp bell to W. E. Reynolds. $2000. Busi ness lot, bought for Investment. Lot 50x135 feet, cast side Holmby avenue, between prospect and Franklin avenues. Max Schlosser to F. M. Guen ninger, $1500. Investment. Lot 50x135 feet, east side Paul place, between Franklin and Prospect ave nues, J. W. Collins to S. K. Phelps, $1300. Purchaser is erecting a dwell ing on the lot. Lot 60x135 feet, east side Paul place, between Franklin and Prospect ave nues*, Clara A. Patten to F. L. Paul, $1050. Will build. Ten lots, each 60x135 feet, on Wil lard avenue and Winona bollevard, In the Glorletta tract, to the following: C. N. Scovllle, L. Allen. J. F. Alex, C. A. Patten, Charles J. Blackshear and S. C. Galnes, at $1100 and $1200. Invest ments. . -i.>i THREE MORE HANDSOME HOMES FOR FASHIONABLE WESTLAKE Two important sales of residence property in the exclusive Westlake dis trict urn roiiorted by the C. J. Heyler company. One of these Is tho property at tho southeast corner of Twelfth and I' streets, 145 feet on the former and 180 on the latter, for $16,000. The pur chaser, J. B. Conn, will erect two handsome homes for himself and his family, to cost ahout $10,000 each. The other sale was 65 feet on Lake street, just north of Twelfth, purchased for $5500 by Frances ('. Maxon, who will build a $9000 residence at once. Both of these properties are In the district knovn as Palm place, and are among the few vacant lots remaining in that neighborhood. SALES IN HARVARD BOULEVARD Frederick A. Holmes & Co. report the following sales: William H. Mouser to Henry Roth, an east front lot, 50x132 feet, on Man hattan place, 200 feet north of Second street, $1400; Interborough Realty com pany to A. J. Spies, the southeast cor ner of Second and Wilton, 58x132 feet, price $1600; M. Belle Stever to P. J. Clinton, a west front lot, 60x132 feet, on Wilton place, 200 feet north of Second, price $1400; Interborough Realty com pany to L. Lavina £mith, the southeast corner of Wilton place and Second, 60x124 feet, price $1750; John L. Plum mer to Grace B. Toroslan, an east front lot on Wilton place, 120 feet north of Fourth. 60x170. price $2500; Raymond D. Friable to M. J. Minder, a west front lot, 50x120 feet, on Wilton place, 100 feet' south of Second, price $1400. Most of the purchasers expect to improve their properties with nice homes. READY MADE PORTABLE! HOU3ES jr. J. Bralnerd & Co., manufacturers ami builders of sectional, ready made and made-to-order portable houses, re port many callers looking at their exhibition houses, and also much ac tivity In the oil fields and mining camps. They report the sale of a cottage to Collin Stewart to be erected at Kern, Cal., and a bungalow to Mrs. Walker, to be erected at Glen dora, Cal. The company Is erecting ■evcral houses in Taft, Oal., for the Traders Oil company, an office build ing and a cottage. The houses give satisfaction wherever placed and are beir.q- used in tho oil fields, mining earnps and at *ne beaches; also In the mountains and ranch sections. Type of College Tract Homes H^^ 1 EZjFI l§fi| VH^M I i GROUPS OF RESIDENCES LIKE TH E ABOVE WILL ADORN LOTS IN OCCIDENTAL PARK SALES TOTALING $17,050 IN TWO POPULAR TRACTS Selections Made by Investors and Active Home Builders E. A. Forrester & Cons, Inc., report sales In their tracts aggregating $17,050, $10,250 being for sales In Angeles Mesa and $6800 In Wllshlre Harvard Heights. Following is a record of tho transfers: Angeles Mesa Land company tr> Mrs. B. A. Hinton, two lots on Eleventh avenue for $1500; to Gregory Groff, an east front on Eleventh avenue for $7GO; to Mrs. Sarah Hudson, two lots on Ninth avenue for $1300; to Jessie M. Baughman, a lot on Eleventh avenue for $1000; to Mary Ackland, a lot on Ninth avenue for $600; to Mary A. Mer rill, tho northeast corner of Klauson and Tenth avenues for $850; to John T. Joughin, the northwest cornei of Fifty fourth street and Ninth avenue for $1260; to Joseph Lang, an east front on Ninth avenue for $750; to Charles l^ang, lot adjoining for $750; to Delos S. Gll lesple, a lot on Eleventh avenue for $700; to Alice Escnlller, a lot on Elev enth avenue for $800. For the Forrester improvement com pany, transfers In Wilshlro Harvard Heights as follows: The southwest cor ner of Seventh and King streets, 10x165 feet, to George H. Jerome, for $3600; to Leroy M. Walker, a lot 50x135 feet on Jasmine, midway between Ninth and San Marino, $1600; to Edwin C. Walker, lot 00x135 feet, adjoining, for $1600. BOUGHT FOR INVESTMENT • D. A. Van Vranken & Co. report the following sales: From John B. Johnson to Susie M. Goldberry, lot 1 In block J, Florenclta Park, situated Just south of the city on the Long Beach car line. The lot is Improved with seven-room modern cottage, practically new. Con sideration $3500. Purchase was made for an investment. .*s CROV/N'OF THEGOsß^^^^^ 5/J f^vßuy Land Where You'll Reap a Crop of Golden Dollars^||f <|||< Where Living Is a Pleasure and Business a Success j|§ /Pi Most Attractive Location on the Yp\ Jow Central Coast of Beautiful California \|^L C*S]S\ Oceano Beach is the natural half-way station between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Its / ■;; Xsj V^fk'A magnificent beach, 800 f«t wide and 18 miles long, has but one competitor (Palm Beach, Flor- / $&() (W§*::Vl Ida), and together with the beautiful surrounding scenery assures to Oceano Beach its de- t&Mfv fclH served success as the future Atlantic City of the West. 1- M IP/ The Natural Outlet for the ' . \.W? W£k San Joaquin and Arroyo Grande Valleys V^O K^^T Oc«ano is located at the mouth of this fertile, green, well watered and far-famed "Garden (S£\V jpyJ* Spot of California." A thriving town is fast springing up about the depot and freight yards •V'p Hi 1* of the Coast Line of the Southern Pacific R. R. and is proving the magnetic center for various J-p BjVl lines of roads and railroads. . /iS I|\ An Inner Land-Locked Harbor . IB l|\ That May Prove Greater Than San Pedro M/ V&l The protected harbor, which steamers have been entering for years, together with the inner Ml -/Jill harbor at Oceano for deep water shipping, the dredging for which is now about to be con- Iff'"^ /j^ ill • tracted for, will save millions of dollars to the growers, producers and merchants of Oceano : MjS?l>«\ V'^fl and lta trlbutluv territory. I \P>h Igl Rich Oil, Asphaltum and Coal Fields— _ }\\V fffi!) Crops of Everything California Produces 111 :| Oceano produces oranges within sound of the surf—within one block of the beach flowers I; i fi|L| spring from the very sands. There is no grain or fruit produced anywhere in the United States I.' 3 IgJl'.'A that does not seem to find more favorable conditions at Oceano Beach. The Santa Maria oil Ji'-'v ||a.,V producing wells are but 16 miles and the Tiber producing wells 5 miles distant. Oil Port, with - $■'■■'/% aaj.v'S the $2,000,000 oil refinery! is not far away and also near by is Tar Springs, producing the finest , . >;£■£s; $P£p ■ grades of pure asphaltum, and El Remy, famous for its grapes and wines, as well as matchless c&<tf:l Yv&yS' mines of Onyx. PWy |tjf Call at Our Office and Get Facts and Figures Bearing m J| Out These Wonder Tales II fcg|J^V Free Interesting Steriopticon Lectures Every Tuesday and Friday at 8 P.M. | {&\^#|jv 121 MERCHANTS TRUST BLDGT>O7 30.BDWY. LOS ANGELES. CALIF. LOS ANGELES TIER ALP: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1010. PARKWAY TEN FEET WIDE AND PALM TREES ABOUND The Arthur W. Kinney company has taken the. selling agency for tho Chap man Park tract in the Wllshlre district, This is one of the tlnest of the high grade subdivisions in the west end, and comprises about fourteen city blocks extending from Wllshlre boulevard inn tii to Fourth street and lying be tween Normandle and Kenmore ave nues. The Fourth and Sixth street car lines run through the property, and massive ornamental gateways mark the street Intersections on Wilshiro boulevard. Tho Chapman Park tract was laid out some time since by the owners. Chapman Bros, company, and there are now eighteen costly homes built or in course of construction. Especial at- tentlon has ben given to the finishing of the streets, and they nre of a high order, The parkways on all streets are ten feet wide, and handsome palm trees are planted their entire length. HOME SOLD FOR $2500 The Cornell company lias sold for Charles E. Foster to 'William E. Blat ter the property at 948 East Forty-sev enth street for $2500. The lot is 50x144 feet with a double frontage au'l Is improved with a four-room cottage. SAN PEDRO Harbor property is a safe investment. The Improvements and the back ing by the government Is itself a guarantee of the future, of the port. The bond issue of April 19, 1910, amounting to $3,000,000, will Increase the valu ation of every foot of land In San Pedro. I have the handling and ex clusive agency for the best and cheapest property In San Pedro. . See me at once. CHARLES MASON lj*» Angeles OlTee, 202 Security Building, Southeast Corner Fifth and Spring it*. Han lVJru Office, 117 West Sixth street. <■■■ BIG FIRM BUYS BIG TRACT OUTLAY ABOUT $130,000 Strong & Dickinson, heading a syndi cate, have purchased 234 acres at How ard Summit for a total consideration of $130,000. This land is adjacent to Howard townslte and the well known Athens-on-the-Hill. The tract has been subdivided into acre lots, streets graded and water piped, with suitable restric tions, and will be placed on the mar ket at once. The platting of tho acre lots Is unique in that they are so ar ranged that as the city grows the acre lots may be practically divided Into either four or five ordinary city lots. The acreage is admirably located, com manding fine views of the country. PROMOTION FOR .G. A. K. HOWARD The directors of the Hibernia Sav ings bank announce the election of George A. K. Howard as cashier of tlio gCW institution, which will open for business In the ol<l quarters of the American Savings bank on the north east corner of Third and Spring streets on or about May 14. Mr. Howard is con sidered well qualified for the position, having been engaged in banking for fourteen years, and is at present man ager of the branch of the American •bank at Vernon and Central avenue. Sensible Talk —with the frills left off Every form of investment should be scrutinized with great care—it is of the utmost importance that every one should be careful in selecting investmentsi. It is better for those who wish to save a portion of their earnings and savings to put it into an established business like "HOME BUILDERS" or other concerns that could be mentioned, than into speculative enterprises that have not been tried out and proved successful. Of course the person who has money to invest—no matter whether the amount be large or small—must be the judge of what constitutes "a safe investment." It should need no argument, however, to convince a careful and conservative person that a concern which has an established business, and which is. now pro ducing a satisfactory profit for its shareholders, offers a greater safety for the in vestment of capital. If an established business like "HOME BUILDERS" can also offer the investor an assured profit of from 8 per cent to 12 per cent on the in vestment, together with a steady increase in value—there is abundant reason why its claims, and statements made, should be carefully heeded. "HOME BUILDERS" has an established business and is paying its- share holders a satisfactory profit—3 1-2 per cent in cash dividends every three months, and beginning May Ist will pay 4 per cent in cash dividends every three months. This isi at the rate of 16 per cent per annum on the par value of its stock. "HOME BUILDERS" is an established fact—an organization with more than Half a Million Dollars in assets and a surplus of undivided profits of more than $100,000. This belongs to the stockholders.. You can purchase "HOME BUILDERS" stock at $1.85 per share for all cash or on payment of 10 per cent down and 5 per cent monthly. 100 shares can be bought by paying $18.50 cash and $9.25 a month. The number of shares paid for at the end of each quarter—April 30 —Tuly 31—October 31 and January 31—of each year will draw the full quarter's dividend. EVERY SHARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BEFORE APRIL 30 WILL RECEIVE THE FULL 3J% DIVIDEND FOR FEBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIL. The foundations for most of the comfortable competencies that men and wo men enjoy were laid in just this way. They began by saving a little and adding to it every weel: or month. Open an Account with "Home Builders" —You can commence with as low as $1.00 on a subscription of 5 shares. Before long you will have acquired the saving habit and be adding to your investment regularly every month. It will earn for you, commencing May 1, 16% per an num on the par value and show a steady increase in value. Buy "HOME BUILDERS" stock now and get the full quarter's dividend—declared April 30. We quote from the report of the Auditing Committee—rendered March 31 — and published in last Sunday's papers: "We find that the annual statement, as submitted by the officials of the company, was within the facts as to the condition of the company, and that, if anything, the condition of the company is even better than shown by the state ment —due to the fact that the officials made larger allowances to cover contingen cies that would seem absolutely necessary. O. J. SWEET, Brig. Gen. U. S. N., Retired; G. FREAN MORCOM, Capitalist, Pasadena; ALBERT H. BEACH, Real Estate, Los Angeles, STOCKHOLDERS' AUDITING COMMITTEE." Send for "Home Builders" Monthly—an 8-page newspaper published for the purpose of disseminating knowledge about "Home Builders" way of doing things —it's free. 129 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Phones-Home 10963, Main 496 GOING TO BUILD? OfficeLoftHotel Buildings Warehouse or Industrial Plants ======== CONSULT Richards-Neustadt DEPARTMENTS: jf~>* Executive. 1 <Uonstruction kjo. E .rrr v>ionstruction v><o. Kogfne#riay. p^h*t^ 703-704-705-706 Wright & Callender Bldg., Constructing. Los Angeles. An Advertisement Becomes an Investment When Placed in THE HERALD . PHONE F5406 DR. L. A. LAUER, Dentist «3«V4 S. Main, oar. Seventh street. To become acquainted with you and es tablish a business here, I will, for v lim ited time, do the highest class of dental work at half prices. Bear In mind that this is no fake an* i that I am no advertising dentist, but that I am simply doing this to build UP a practice. ■ This Is an opportunity you should take advantage of, as I would like to show you what I can do and how easily I oan do It, and how little It will cost. For 15 years I enjoyed one of the finest practices In Chicago, and my reputation among the dental profession there Is Al. Consult me (free), get my estimate on your work before going elsewhere. My system is painless dentistry, said I guarantee all my work. HOURS—* to 6. SUNDAY, » to 19. Shoes Half Price and Less Over two hundred big display bargain tables are displaying shoes for men, women and children, on sale In many instances for half price end less. Convince yourself, and come to the MAMMOTH shoe HOUSE. - BIS South Broadway. 3