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4 MEN OF AFFAIRS URGE THE BONDS Strong Open Letters to Voters Favor Harbor and Power Propositions AROUSE PUBLIC INTERESTS Carrying Through of Projects Is Business Necessity to This City Live interest centers In the Los An geles harbor bond election, which Is to engage the attention of the electors of this great and growing commercial nnH inriiistri»| community on Mondsiy, April U. Bankers, manufacturers, wholesalers and Jobbers, merchants and every individual who has the further development of Los Angeles at heart, will undoubtedly cast his vote In the affirmative on the bond issue proposi tion. Many men of affairs in the city have given the subject special consider ation and they are enthusiastically in favqi 1 of the proposition. Following are two open letters to the voters written by John R. Mathews, vice president of the Central National bank of Los An geles, and F. P. Oregon, traffic man ager of the Associated Jobbers' asso ciation, which clearly set forth some of the advantages that will accrue if the bond issue carries: "To the yoters of T,o;< Angeleg: In my judgment the following advanl will ac< rue t'> Ij<~ (Angeles by an af firmative vote authorising the Issuing of bonds for harbor Improvements and the building of a power plant on the aqueduct: After a personal Inspection of five days of the Lot Angeles aque duct and Its possibilities for water and power I am fully convinced that no en terprise has ever been started that will prove of such great and lasting bene fit not only to the city fiut to all of Southern California us the water pow er that will be acquired. l."s Angeles now lims the nucleus for a tr'.'^Mt manu facturing illy. With abundance of ■ and cheap power, as I feel confi dent we will have, this will proye to be one of the largest manufai turlnß cit ies in the southwest. "Add to this the thousand! of acres commencing at the head of the Ssm Fernanda valley, taking in all c,-,st to Bhorb itatlon, thence in a circle south east "to the Los Nietot anil Compton country, and nil we.=t from T.os An peios to Rendondo and Santa Monica, which will b« highly watered, and we yin have "f thli great circle a verita ble garden, with the Increase In pro ducts of the !«oi! occasioned thereby nmi with the manufacturing Industrie* and mineral possibilities d< veloped through water and power acquired through the bonds, if we add tl ■ rus fruits, cereals and mining products now produced contiguous t" this city, It will nerd hut a slitcht stretch of Imagination to tell \is the necessity of rent flri.-i 1 need of harbor facil ities to handle the Immense product! of the above named circle-, the pro ductiveness of which will he inert b} the water and power thus given, mid afford ample room (or veasels frowi all countries to handle the busineH, "Your? very truly, ".lonx i; MBATHEWB, "Vice President Central National Hank of I,os Angeles." "To the voters of Los Angeles: From my standpoint, .is a traffic man, It Is absolutely necessary that the harbor be Improved, notwithstanding how much money is involved, for the har bor la essential for the protection of our commerce, "There is a bill now pending In con gress, amendatory of the Hepburn act, which will eliminate that provision of the 'lone and short haul clause' which permits a railroad to make n less Charge for n longer distance than for a shorter where competitive conditions make it necessary to do so, and while this bill may fall of enactment there are a number of cases which have been presented before the interstate com •merce commission during the pas! Where interior cities-Spokane, Reno and Phoenix—hays petitioned for prac- A i^% • JL *% i? A A Certainty at 25c ste WE'RE BOUND TO WIN WE CANNOT HELP BUT SUCCEED. WE'RE PROOF AGAINST DOUBT OR SKEPTICISM. WE'RE OPERATING IN AN ABSOLUTELY PROVEN OIL BELT. The *■*•*•* **£> MIDWAY 5 OIL CO. is in the center of Section 5-32-23. Section sis in the heart of the Gusher territory. | J^f^^^ The GUSHER ZONE of Midway is the richest in the world. ,/»*.« ■ .You won't find any better oil proposition than ours. Look it over from top to bottom. Low Capitalization. /■% A CUT Low price of stock. Valuable holdings. Extraordinary location. Busy neighborhood. Honest manage- V^/TLwI 1! ment. Rapid progress, of operations. Seven separate and distinct advantages—others have less—none has More. You want the best you can get for your money, don't you? BUY MIDWAY SAT 25c. Officers [ I Pronertv I $100 Buys 400 Shares, Par Val' $400 *••*'*'• ** » 1 VT|*v>» t> J ■ $50 buys 200 shares, par value $200 R. M. HENNINGSEN, Pres. We nave a leasehold of 30 acres in Section 5, 32-23. We are $ioo buys 400 shares, par value $400 M. P. W'ArTB, V. Pres. )n '— between the St. Lawrence and La Belle on one side and $200 buys SOO shares, par value $800 r APT rr' «?pt? tp Treas the Santa Fe, United 1, 2 and 3, Mays, California Midway and $250 buys 1000 shares, par value $1000 CAPT. 1. ... ;. SIICLU, iTeas. pioneer Midway on the other. All around us wells are being $300 buys 1200 shares, par value $1200 ■ Citizens' National Bank Los drilled, derricks are going up and capital Is going in. It's the $400 buys 1600 shares, par value $1600 ■ Citizens Angeles. Los busiest spot in the oil fields of California. . $500 buys 2000 shares, par value $2000 I : ■- J '1 1 "- ■■ —.^^—^—^»^^^ 1 The onl!>' reason why wo are offering stock for subscription at all and at 'any such price as 25 cents a share is this: We have lately taken leas* on adjoining ten acres, increasing our holdings thereby to SO acres, and we must get a second string V HI Ol|t of tools at ■work within ninety days. ■ « As soon as our announcement of Intention to put down a second well was made we found oil drillers, operators, business and men and busy men anxious to secure a stock Interest in our company! Accordingly we reopened the books at 25 cents a share. At this price you buy Into an active, going oil company, having brilliant prospects; with a perfected organization; Mail With a rig up on its property and ready to spud In; with Sam Lamb (none better in.Midway) as our superintendent; and jfif With every fiber of our united energies strained to niuka haste In bringing In a gusher on our ground. Ar Don't let this opportunity Blip, Send your order in today. Get the benefits of advances in price of stock as well as of y^o* dividends from our net earnings, Hesitate, and you gain nothing. Wait and you lose. Get in and you WIN. >^^V/ Midway 5 Oil Co. j&W/, 315 South Broadway \ j^^yo'''''' LOS ANGELES f^l^V :> '>' * 632 Laughlin Building Phone F3012 /f ' * ** /, •• Glimpses of Floral Decorations Used in Rome for Debut of Miss Elizabeth Wood H^^lL' jf^i^ji ?*3-^^y l J^cff'Tu^ ■V' tj^j^ tOt?^ ji^VTiri"^E^^tflJfaJlMT^6f''W^''''* ci itl'""" ' ~ ""it ' •: * • »''■'' z t ?J^'y^^jß^B^iß^^^fT^ffl^^3flP^ ' IS^^^^H^Vb^^Ef^BGw^^wldvvCiiH ? va. R a^^Jß PewF^'M gT tB BKk^P '111 THE PALM ROOM WHICH OPE^S UPON THE LAWN AND IN WHICH THE BOUQUETS AND BASKETS OF FLOWERS SENT TO THE DEBUTANTE WERE PLACED THE MARBLE ROOM OR GROTTO WITH ITS FOUNTAIN AND POOL OF GOLD FISH AND ARRANGE. MENTS OF LILIES. —Photograph* by Bailey. The home of Mrs. William H. Perry ln St. James park is on* of the most adaptable to decorations of all the beautiful homes in T^os Anffeles. The entrance hall with Its srnnd stairway and the large art class window nt the back of the organ forms a setting which gives rare opportunity for the artist. tically the same rates from the east as ai ply to Los Angles. If these, prop ositions are successful they will rob I the small advantage Los Angeles. ,,',* has via the rail lines, by reason of ii.s location as a Wfttei mpeutlve i if ■, c would maintain our commercial prestige we must avail our selves of our natural recourse—sea transportation via tile Panama canal as soon as that avenue la open. This LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10. 1010. On the right of the hall the parlor, with the, grotto opening off, and from that the conservatory, makes a vista which is rarely found. On the left of the hall Is the dainty gold French room with Its gold furniture. Back of this beautiful room is the library with its massive and comfortable easy chairs mid couches of leather The conserva tory opens off the dining room and wll! enable us to handle our freight at rates that will protect our manufac turing and shipping interests and with out this protection we cannot build up a manufacturing or shipping center. "To my mind this Is the most im portant proposition that confronts us. "Yours truly, "P. P. OREQSON, i "Traffic Manager Associated Jobbers' Association." runs the width of the dining room and grotto, and with the long French win dows makes a beautiful picture. The decorations for the reception of Mrs. Parry .'>nd Mn. Wood, given In hnnnr of Miss Elizabeth Wood last WMk, ! wr>rc of such beauty that they were j photographed and The Herald secured two pictures, which are reproduced 1 above. I ACCUSE WOMAN OF THEFT Kthel Btahmer, a young woman, was arrested by Detectives Hawley and Mr Kenzle yesterday morning *nd was locked up in the city jail on a charge of stealing three (heap revolvera from a store where she was employed lv North Broadway. She probably will be arraigned in police court Monday on a charge of petty larceny. Drinking Liquor Playing a Sucker's Game —■—■ « * — m-easm The Man Who Drinks Liquor Is Bound to Lose—His Judgment Is Bad and Business Methods Erratic^The Gattin Treatment Cures the Drink Habit in THREE DAYS- No Hypodermic Infections or Other Dis agreeable Features. TO BE called a "sucker" galls the alcoholic poison from his system. He can't average —the average sober stop drinking until that is done. The Gatlin man ; but when applied to a liquor treatment cures the liquor habit in THREE drinker, the word "sucker" is DAYS by driving the alcoholic toxins out especially galling—it fits him so of the system. That means a perfect cure— well, and in a half-developed opinion he has ! a cure of the permanent kind—for with the of himself, he knows that it fits. disappearance of the poison, craving, desire The idea of a man taking into his system and physical and nerve-demand for liquor a poison that has ruined hundreds of other also disappear and the drinker is as the day men of his own acquaintance and ten he was born as regards liquor. Nervous millions of others with whom he wasn't ac- ness, craving, desire, are but symptoms— quainted, and trying to make himself believe effects of alcoholic poisoning Stored up that he is immune from its evil effects! Is poison is the cause. Directing treatment to a man a "sucker," whatever that word may ward effect instead of cause is why oth«r mean, who does that? ' systems of treatment fail to bring about. You may never have been burnt by fire ' many permanent cures. The Gatlin removes -yet you know that it will burn. You the cause. know that liquor will destroy _ man's brain, Each patient is accepted for treatment at know that liquor will destroy a man s brain, f i ■ his health, his wealth and his business, still the Gathn Institute under a plamjegal con you will drink it. If you stuck your finger *■* to cure in THREE DAYS-cure to in the fire, deliberately, just as you drink *• «*iN satisfaction of the patient and his your whiskey, you would be reckoned a family—or the full fee paid shall be re vour whiskey, you would be reckoned a . . , A . , f , t , . , . j4 fool, wouldn't you? The fire would be a funded at the end of the third day and treat fool, wouldn t you? The nre would be a uATUTMr -ri m- n -. , ■ , ... ♦»..,„ ♦*,„ ,t,:c t ,# , v . ment shall cost NOTHING. The. Gatlin whole lot less injurious than the whiskey. £ y£ars , Institute is TEN YEARS OLD. There tit has been said that Canficld, the no- hag never been a failure to curC( and n)Ore • torious New York gambler, at all times than seven though men have taken the served his visitors with FREE whiskey— .Gatlin treatment. Financial references of all they wanted of it—but his croupiers and the yery highest character. dealers were not allowed to touch the stuff; I{ you cannot come to the Gat i in i n3ti . he wanted brains on one side of the table, tute {or three dayS( send {or the Gatlin but not on the other, he wanted "suckers Home Treatment . It is Just as effective as to play his game— and he knew how to institute treatment if directions are followed make the "suckers." Maybe, though, Can- , Write fpr books of particularS) copie£ of field just wanted to be sociable with his pa- contr acts and other information. (Institute trons and didn't believe that his dealers de- located at H35 So Grand Avc Los An served "social recognition." geles> Cal Long d i stance and local tele- Any man of business man who phones: Broadway 1377, Home ¥1022. drinks liquor, no matter the quantity, needs Mail inquiries answered prompt)- and treatment to eliminate the accumulated strictly confidential. Other Gatlin Institutes located at 1425. Cleveland Pic, Denver, Colo.; 340 So. Highland aye., E. E., Pittsburg, Pa.; 1414 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va.; 1919 Prairie aye., Chi cago, 111.; 403 Seventh St., So. Minneapolis, Minn.; 1506 East Eighth St., Kansas City, Mo.; 1323 High St., Dcs Moines, la.; 8 Howard st., Toronto, Ont., Canada. New York, San Fran cisco, Seattle and Omaha Institutes now opening. "If He Was Cured to Stay Cured ■ i. the Gathn Did It. _" Yosemite National Park and Mariposa Big Trees VUlt them now ii> their •pringtlrae beautjf—tba falls are at tlwir be«t and all tralli op«n. s i Through Sleeper ' I ■ .. . From Los Angeles dally at 8:80 p. m. conn«ct« Information and Booklet* at jj erce 4 -with Yosemlt« Valley R. JR. for 81l at coo So. spring »t., oor. Portal, at park boundary. BUth, and at ArCade «ta- '. __ # _ # Uon, Fifth .tri>«t and On- V/\l 1 C\ft\ Mq/^ITII^ tr.i «■«.«., i^ A n «.i~. oUUUILIII JTaLUU' PART II