Newspaper Page Text
PART It EGYPT TO SHARE CANAL PROFITS NEW AGREEMENT WITH SUEZ COMPANY PENDING ANCIENT LAND LOOKS FORWARD TO DEVELOPMENT British Nationalist Party Opposes the Plans on Grounds That Income from Canal Would Be Dl. verted from Purposes CAIRO, April 9.—There has just taken place an event which all the newspapers, whether they are for or aßalnnt the lirltlsh occupation, de scribe ms being of great Importance in tlip history of Ef?ypt. The<(eneral assembly of the lejrlsla tlve council has been convoked In ex traordinary session to discuss a mat ter which will affect the welfare oft the country, ona way or the other, for tho next hundred years. This malar Is the proposed renewal of the c^fces slons to tho Suez Canal coinpnnßfor another forty years nfter Hififl, the present agreement between the company and the Egyptian govern ment expires. It may stem like looking a long way ahead to decide now what shall hap pen wlxty years hence. Hut tho com pany is anxious to get Its position clearly defined, and the advantage to Kgypt will be equally great. K«ypt needs money for various public works. There Is much land watting to be re claimed and made fertlla, If only tho government could afford to undertake further Irrigation works. Many pM pie bought lands ten years ago, think ing they would Bhortly have water brought to them. But no water has come. There are no funds to spare for It. Hallways, too, are badly DMd*d, Many cotton growers would extend their plantations Into new districts if they could get tholr cotton carried to tli" sea by rail. To sind it on camels does not pny. Here are two ways in which the development of the country is kept back by lack of money for pub lic works. Then there Is education; a better system urgently required; Im possible for lack of funds. Chance to Improve Egypt has now tho chance to make up these deficiencies at no cost to herself. When the i anal was made forty years ago tho company obtained a conces sion from the government for a cen tury from 1869. It was also arranged at that time that the government Khc.ulil receive 15 per cent of the profits, which amount at present to be tween 110,000,000 and $15,000,000 a year. This 15 per cent was unfortunately sur randerad In the financial chaos which led to the intervention in Kgyptian affairs by Oreat Britain rind France, and now Egypt Rets nothing out of the canal at all. Nor under the original arrangement could It get anything for sixty years to come. As H. P. Harvey, financial adviser to tho khedlve, said In a note presented last year to tho cabinet: "Tho actual situation presents this Anomaly, that tho present generation, upon whom falls a heavy part of the .sacrifices entailed by the construction of the canal, derives no benefit from It, Wh«r«M in sixty ytmrs the generations to como will find it, perhaps, a vast Mmree. of wealth. It would he not only fair, but economically a great advan tage to let Egypt of today and the next generations receive a portion of the future profits." The proposal before tho legislative council Is this: That for forty year*, from ]'Mi:>, (he company shall still own the canal, but shall divide the annual TheVanAndaOilCo. Owning 1440 acres oil land, consisting of Sections i£, 22 and 27, Township 5 North, Range 19 West, Ventura county, is incorporated for 1,000,000 shares. A limited allotment of this stock is offered to the public at 15c per share, the pro ceeds to be used for the development of the property. The Ventura Oil Fields are fully proven and produce wells of a lasting and constant flow of HIGH GRAV ITY OIL, which sells at $ 1.20 per barrel. The Union Pipe Line Runs to this vast acreage of oil land, which adjoins many of the substantial and productive wells of Ventura. If You Have Money to Invest Investigate this company. Call and learn what we have to tell about Ventura County and Ventura Oil. Let us show you maps of our 1440 acres of oil land and the producing wells which adjoin us. Buy All This Stock You Can at 15c a Share It Is Sure to Double Inside of Sixty Days The Stock of Some Other Companies in This District Is Now Selling at $60 Per Share This allotment is sure to go fast. The second offering wll be at a greatly ad vanced price, as the land alone is worth far in excess of what we ask for the stock. CALL, WRITE, WIRE Your Reservation of Stock Van Anda Oil Company , 203-204 Tajo Building, Los Angeles profit with tho government. In return for this prolongation of their conces sion the company undertake to pay into tho Egyptian treasury during the sixty years to come annual sums care fully calculated on a fair financial basis. Thcso sums, It is calculated, would in tho period between now and 1969 place at the disposal of the govern ment an amount not less than $450, ■■ (ino.OOO. Tho authority for this flguro is Dr. Nimr, editor of the widely cir culated Arabic Journal, El Mokattam, and ono of the ablest men In the coun try. Wisely spent, such an amount would be of enormouu advantage to a country perpetually In want of funds. The Nationalist party, however, is clamorously demanding that the legis lative council shall reject the proposal. Prince Hussein, tho president of the eounc^, Is so depressed by their a,tti tude and by the personal attacks made upon himself also that he speaks of wishing to resign his post and abandon public life. "Egypt for the Egyptions" Is the cry of tho Nationalists. They say, "I^et us get rid of all foreigners as quickly as we can." Also they argue that if Egypt obtains possession of the canal In 1969 It will be able to make huge profits. Also they profess to disbelieve that the $450,000,000 would no) be applied to the development of ESsypi. "Til., BngUifa would itwtl it," they assert, "or send It to the Sudan." As to the contention that Egypt would benefit to a ki enter extent finan cially by taking over the canal In 1960, It ll palpably unsound. The canal has Mcome io Decessary to the commerce of all nations that they would cer tainly not allow the dues to be raised, and to make the Nationalist dream coma truo with the present rates In force ulilps would have to follow one another through nt the rate "f one an hour, both by nlsht and day, which In absurd. In all probability the canal dins will have to be reduced again before very Ion*?, as they have been rmc« already. There is this to be con- Slderedi too: In sixty years' time the model of travel and conveyance may be as different from those of today as the latter are from those of 18G9. There Is the conquest of the air to be rock oned with. FIND MANGLED HEAD OF FRENCH BEAUTY Atrocious Crime Is Scented by Detec- tives as Torso of Woman Is Found at Dijon, Franco PARIS, April 9.—The discovery In the Rue Botzarls of the mutilated head of a woman, which had evidently been only recently severed from its body, leads to a supposition that another hor rlblo crime has been perpetrated. A policeman named lyjuvelle, who lives In the Hue Botzaris, was out for a wulk with his dog when the animal discovered beneath a'wall a packet containing the head, which had been mutilated out of recognition. It was apparently the head of a wom an between 20 and 30 years of ago, and the blood, which had not coagulated, showed that the crime had only been recently committed, M. Hamard, the chief of the detective force, is attempt ing to discover the trunk of the body with the aid of several of the best Paris police dogs. M. Hamard said that tho crime seemed to have been deliberately planned, and that the face had been mutilated to prevent a pho tograph from being taken which might lead to Identification. Several policemen who saw the head at the Hue Uradler police station be lieved they recogmlzed It as that of a woman of remarkablo beauty. A telegram has been received from Dijon .Ht.itiiiK that the headieaH body of a woman also has been found there. No details are at hand, but It Is won dered whether this discovery has any thing to do with the Paris one, and whether a new form of "Jack the Rip per" has broken out._ It's as easy to secure a bargain In a used autopioblla, through want advertising, as 'It used to be—and still la—to secure a horxe and carriage. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1910. MINING QUOTATIONS • NEVADA STOCKS Exclusive dlapatch to The Herald by L. A. Orlsler & Co., members Los Angeles Stock exchange, 200-201 I, W. Hellmau building, Lot Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, April 9.—The bottom ap parently dropped out of the mining market this morning when word was received front | Golddeld that the $1,000,000 milling plant of the I Goldfleld Consolidated had burnt to tha ground. However, it- Is the consensus of opinion among the leading brokers that no great damage could have been done by fire, as the plant Is 1 composed almost entirely of steel and con j crete. On the strength of the above news Consoli dated sold off SO points to $7. Combination Fraction dropped 4 pegs, Jumbo Extension 4, I Booth 3, Florence 2V4 and Atlanta 1. In the Tonopah division, Midway was offered at 11 cents; for Belmont $8.60 was bid. Mon ! tana, Jim Butler and Tonopah Extension I dropped 1 point each. Following were the closing quotations: GOT,DFIKID DISTRICT Bid. Ask. Bid. Auk. Adam* 1 Great Bend.. 3 4 j Atlanta 12 14 fit Bend An. .. 1 Booth 10 11 Orandma .... 1 2 IHI I) Ex 1 Jumbo Ex .. 28 2!) 1 Blue Bull ..4 5 Kendall 2 3 H it Bonan.. .. 1 Lone Star ... 2 3 Columb Mtn .. 7 U>u Dillon 2 ! Conqueror ..3 i Hllltown Fro .. 3 Comb Frae.. 13 1! Mob. Ex 2 Craekerjack. 1 .. Nev Goldflld. .. 2 Dally 8 <• Oro « | Triangle 1 Red T Ex .. 1 2 !I) II U Con. 1 2 Red Hill ... 4 5 ! Dixie 2 Sandstorm .. 3 Empire '2 St Ives 17 Florence ....202',! 205 Sliver Pick .. 9 11 1 Flor Ex 2 Tel Rose 4 I Fran Moh .. 2 •■ Tel Tiger ... 6 Gldfild C0n..700 705 TONOPAH DISTRICT i • Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Belmont ....260 205 North Star ..1 2 Jim Butler.. U ■.. Rescue Con.. 2 3 Midway 81 Ton'pah Mm.675 Montana .... 85 87 Tonopah Ex.. 81 ... MacNamara. 81 »3 Wst End Con 33 BULLFROG DISTRICT Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Amethyst ... 1 2 Montgm Mtn. .. »1 Bullfrog Mln 1 2 Mayflow Con. 2 3 Bullfrg Nt B 1 2 Tramp Con.. 6 Bonnie Clare 8 9 Val View 3 MAHATTAN DISTRICT Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Manhat Con. 2 3 Mustang 1 2 Manhat Mm .. 1 Beyl Humph. .. 1 Manhat Dex. 3 5 Thanksgiving. 3 OTHER DISTRICTS Bid. Ask. | Bid. Ask. Eagle's Nest 2 4 Pitts Bllv Pk 70 75 , F'vlew . Kagl 16 18 Round Mtn.. 44 BO ■ Nev Hills .. SO 65 Coalition .... 28 30 BOSTON MINING STOCKS (Special service to The Herald by J. G Wll •en, 12 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. BOSTON, April 9.—The market opened with 1 heavy liquidation all through the list. Buy ing, however, was much better than yester day, insiders apparently being willing to take care of their particular stocks around this ■ level. Scale buying waj noticeable In Copper 1 Range, Lftko and Ariz Commercial. After ! the early ruth of liquidation the list Improved I and the close were the best price* of the day. I ■ Following were closing quotations: Bid. A«k. Bid. Auk. Am l'nu .. Mi 614 Mohawk .... 4914 50 do pfd .... 17 1714 Nev Con .... 2014 20% Adventure . 614 1 North Butte. BZV4 33 ■ AUouez .. .. 4:i'» .. Old Dcmln .. 35 Atlantic .... 7 8 Osceola 131 135 Arcadian ... 61i 6% Parrot 161 iUK i Ariz Com .. 17% 18 Qulncy .. .. SO"? 61 1 Apex ;i' 4 3% Santa Fe ... 1% 214 I Boston Con. 1714 1814 Shannon .... 11% 12 Calu and Art 60 61 Shoe Mach.. 69 69% , Calu and 11.170 HO I do pfd .... 29 _29V4 Centennial .. 18 1814 Sup Copper.. 43 4414 Con Mercur. 10 1014 Sup and Bos lift; 12% ' Cop Range. 664 67 \ Sup and Pitts 12H 1254 Corbln 12% 13 Swift .. .... ltH' 105 Daly West.. 8% '■> Tamarack ... s«i'.. 6514 East Butte.. 8 SliWrlnlty .. .. 6% 6?i ran River.. 114 '- united Fruit.l 73 174 Franklin ... 14% 1414 i; 8 8me.1t... 42 4214 Oranby .'. .. 41 45 do ptd ...4!i'4 GU Greene Can. BT4 » Utah Con ... 2114 --"i Hancock .... 18 19 Victoria 3' a 4 Isle Royale. 16% 17 Wlnona 7T4 8!4 Keewenaw .. 4 4Vi Wolverine 125 Lake 60% 6014 VVyandot .... 2' 214 I * Balls, ... 14 1414 Mass Gas ... 781 i 79H Mass Cop •■ 6!i 6% do pfd 93' i 94 Mayflower .. 76 .. Keystone .... 3% 3T4 Mcx Con ... 214 3 North Lake.. 1414 14«, Miami 23 2314 Indiana .. ..2514 26 Michigan .... 6 614 NEW YORK CURB Epeclal service to The Herald by J. C. Wil •on, 13 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK. April Ji— Following were the closing quotations: Bid. Auk.| Bid. Ask. Am Tob cm.438 442 |Nev Con .... 20% 20%| B 8 Gas ... 014 0% Nev Utah .. 1 114 Chi.air,, Hub 2% 314 Nlplsslng ... 10 10' i Havana Tob i 7 Ohio Copper. 314 8% IJ|/L|Y WE ARE SELLING STOCK ... ■ '■ BECAUSE—We have contracted with the T. M. B. Oil Co., a drilling company, to ___/ ™ deliver to us 26 producing wells before August, 1911. We pay the drillers in stock and not in money. The drillers must hurry, in order to fulfill the terms of their contract. They have been bring ; ing in producing wells at the rate of one every 60 days. They have two strings of tools drilling on wells Nos. 9 and 10 at the present time. They must figure to bring in a new well every 30 days. They must work on &inrk three, at once. They need more funds. nil II ■ CpIUU - ( It is their stock which we are offering for sale at the price of $50 a share—par value $100. When they r*i «ai< have sold enough at this price to raise the funds required, we doubt if any more will be offered at any price. Certainly not at $50. -± CCA Ours is a dividend-paying company, having paid three dividends in 6 months. Fourth dividend day dl «|)I/l/ May ia Within the next 30 days we expect Well No. 9 will be brought in. We advise the purchase of this n in stock before the first of May, so that you may become a stockholder of record in season to participate in the 4®y i£f next dividend. It will be 1 per cent. We pay 1 per cent every two months. This is 6 per cent per annum on D £*' ♦ Par> or equivalent to 12 per cent on the cost of your investment. **** VGlll When you buy Oil Stock be sure to buy one which Pays Dividends. If you care to invest in a Califor- PgJ« nia Oil Company, investigate the OJAI VALLEY PETROLEUM COMPANY. It is making money for its stockholders IT WILL MAKE MONEY FOR YOU FROM THE START. Annum — Communicate with the Company If you cannot call, send in this coupon I Ojai Valley Petroleum Co. I Ojai Valley Petroleum 605-8-7 Delta Building, Los Angela- , • *^ ** j . Plea« .d m. your protein, and reBene for me Producing Oil- If^ A /« M« V N° D^ t3 <!,|,r,' M .i,re, of .tock, m.out obligation on my part v, pa**.*. Paying Dividends | V*/Vlll IiCI 11 V I No Salaries I Name " ; ',""■ ' 605-6-7 DELTA BUILDING 426 S. SPRING STREET Add™. • -"•• (H) Phones Fl7Ol, Sunset Main 8295 Stand Oil ...0M 638 Rwhlile. Coal. 29 30 Cn. Strop-n 17 21 Ray Central. 3V t Hi Boston Con.. 17 .20 United Cop .. 6% 7% Itutte Coaln. 2»>4 21' A yukon *]i ** Davis Daly., IT. 2 Inspiration .. 7% 7% Dolores ..6 7 Mas Val new 9 9 1 * Gldnid Con.. 7»4 71iEly Central.. Hi. 1% Greene Can. P,i 9 |Ely Cnn ..... o', 0% Olroux ... "V, 8 South Utah.. 2 2'/ Kerr Lake .. 8«4 8% Olla Copper.. 6% 7 La ROM .... I', 4% Chlno .... 13»i 13% Miami 22', 23-4 Cons Ariz .. 2Vi - i Mns Co of A 43 60 |E1 Rayo .... 2' B 3 SAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKS Sirvica to The Los Aneeles Hirald by L. A. Crislfr & Co., members Los Angeles stock ex change, 200-201 I. W. Hellman building. Los Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, > April 9.-Following were today's quotations of the California stock and oil exchange: — r,, )( .,,im: •- —Closing— 01 excnange. Bid. Aske.l. Mill. A~k"l Associated Oil ... &■>..« *■<« 60.00 60.50 Brookshlro 2."0 ■■•• 2.00 Illinois Crude ... .60 .... .W ..... Palmer Oil I.lTtt 1 -JO }.«tt *•» Premier 1.25 .... 1-25 • ■ • • Sot Oil 1 MJ 2.15 2.50 Monte Crlsto — ».25 3 3.) - *.25 3.35 New Penn.yl 98 1.00 .»S 1.00 Silver Tip 280 8.00 I.M 3.00 Sales—soo Apollo .15; 100 Blue Moon .35; 1000 Brookshlre S. 00; 600 Do Lux 2:40; 200 Pre mier 1.30; 100 do 1.27K; 1000 s W and h .64; 3900 Palmer 1.30; 5100 do 1.27V4: 800 I'acllic States .80; 600 W X Oil 2.95. AT COALINGA CRUDE COALINGA, April 9.—The Coalinga ('rude Oil company, section 26-20-14, is 610 feet deep in well No. 1 wiith 8 1-4 inch casing; formation Is blue shale with seams of sandy loan and hard blue shells. REFUSES TO SELL OIL AT SIXTY-FIVE CENTS J. M. Ui^nziger, a director of the American Oilfields, denied in Bakers fleld last week that negotiations are pending tor the sale of the section 36, §1-82, production of his company to the Standard at 65 cents. Mr. Danziger said that his company would not con sider letting the oil from that section, which is of a light grade, go for that PrA ess 000 barrel tank hM just been completed, another one Is under con struction and another Is soon to De started on the section 36 property of the American Oilfields. The Santa Fe, which has the south east quarter section, has six rigs along tho north line and two wells are drill- Ing, one being down about 400 feet and the other 600. The American has what is considered the find on this section. It is No. .3 and at 785 feet, through one string of 12%-inch casing and with no water, is producing between 1000 and 1500 bar rels of light oil, said to be about 11 or 22 gravity. DOHENY WILL VISIT MEXICO E L Doheny will start in a day or two on a trip of inspection to the ex tensive, properties of the Mexican Pe trol.-urn. Limited, in the Ebano and Huasteca fields of Mexico. Among the interesting projects that will engage his attention is the company's plpj line costing nearly $1,000,000, which is nearing completion. Mr. Doheny will make the journey in his private car, accompanied by several guests, and will be absent from Los Angeled about twenty-five days. UNION COMPLETES DERRICK COAUNOA, April 0.-The Lnion Oil company, operating on the west halt of the southeast quarter of section 4 •>o-15 has derrick for well No. 1 com pleted and will spud in next week. WELL INCREASES FLOW COALINGA, April 9.-The California Coaling Oil company, section 8-20-15, well No. 1. has increased and la now doing a full 300 barrels per day pro duction. . NATIONAL PASSES BOULDERS COALINGA, April 9.-The National Petroleum company, section 8-20-15. 18 2410 feet deep with 8 1-4-li.h casing, going better since the boulders were passed. _ •-♦♦ : REACHES 820 FEET COALINGA. April 9.-Tho Empire Oil company, section 3J-19-15, la about ( S"U feet deep in well No. ] with 1«H --lnch casing. Well No. 1 is making B I regular 300 to 350 barrel production ! daily. A POWERFUL WEAPON They were examining an old-fash ioned shotgun of murderous build. It i looked as if it would be an effective weapon against anything short of an elephant, and its owner wail boasting, With that scorn of fact which is al lowed the successful hunter, of its it kick like anything?" nS"Oh yea] it kicks some," said the pro nrleto'r "but that's the beauty of it. Why once I shot at a grizzly that waa charging me. I mimed him, and on he came If it had not been that the gun 1 kicked me so far back that I had time i to reload I shouldn't have been here to tell the story."—Youth's Companion. PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET <8> NEW YORK, April o.—The metal $ j> markets were quiet and price* practl- £ <& cally nominal In the absence of ex- * 1 Wiiuißes. Tin waa dull at *8«.8O@83.05. 4 ' local dealers quote lake copper at tip 1 *ia.M@lß.Bo; electrolytic. $IS@lS.«s| & t catting, »1S.1»@1». Lea<l. quiet; $4.40 § X ©4.45 Spelter dull at »S.SS@B.6S. Iron A <*> quiet and um-hanijed. <»> OIL LAND For Sale—l6o acres in Ventura county, near Fillmore. In same ridge; tt mile west from the Bardsdale Crude Oil company s land, which la now being profitably worked; surface indications good and will bear ex pert examination; Is known dsHio Butts land. Price $7000. WM. KOBINSON. ex clusive agent, 621 East Fourth street. Long Beacn. Croesus Oil Lands Co. Offers an Opportunity Worthy of Your . Investigation I We do not wish to influence you by means of big advertising. Call at our office and investigate our proposition. Land is well located—in Devil's Den. 424 Citizens National Bank Building Phones — F4355, Main 6576. iw uhmiMbi INTERESTING^ROUTESJTn TRAVEL HONOLULU tSZn*. $110.00 (First Class) S. S. SIERRA 5& Days The twin screw S.S. SIKKKA (classed by Lloyds 100 Al), 10,000 tons displacement, Capt. Houdlette, commander, will sail for Honolulu March 26, and maintain a 21-day scheduli „ on the Island run. This splendid steamer has double bottoms, water tight compart ments, two sets of triple expansion engines, developing over 8000 horsepower, and twU screws capable of driving the vessel over 17 knots an hour. The dining room Is a splen did hall, running clear across the ship, located on the upper deck, away from thj kitchen. The ventilation of the steamer Is perfect, being provided with forced draft, which entirely frees It from the closeness and odors often found on ocean steamers. The SIERRA Is of good beam and provided with bilge keels. The steam«r has been recently equipped with oil burning apparatus and renovated throughout. A wireless outfit hat also been Installed. Nothing has been left undone that tends to the safety and comfort of travelers. The reduced round trip rate of |110 will apply (main deck rooms) for th* SIERRA the same a 9 by the ALAMEDA. Book now for sailings of March 26. April 18. May 7, etc. The volcano Kllauea Is now unusually active. It Is one of the world's won ders and can be visited now at Its best. Book now and secure the best berths. LINE TO TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND—S. S. Marlpoaa and 8. S. Mokola of L'nio 1 line. Bailings March 10, April 15, May 11, etc. Tahiti and back, »125, first class. Ne'f Zealand (Wellington), round trip. ?248.25 first class. OCEANIC S. S. CO. H. M. CULVER 334 South Spring Street Agent Los Angeles The Wholesome Attractions, the Genuine /2\J.S£a\ Pleasures, are found at A>^B^v©\ Redondo Beach &JH|t) FAST AND FREQUENT SERVICE V^.j-^/ via ,; LOS ANGELES & REDONDO RAILWAY From Second and Spring Sts. Band Concerts, Plunge and Beach Bathing, Pishing, Boating, Hunting Moonstones, and many other rational amusements. THE WORLDS LARGEST HOT SALT PLUNGE BATH HOUSE. Continuous water supply. PLAN TO SPEND YOUR SUNDAY OUTING AT REDONDO BEACH HEPBURN & TERRY'S DINING ROOM Will supply you with that Famous Fish Dinner. HOTELS-^EST^UMNTS-RESORTS Roy's Restaurant 166 North Main Street Lunch from 11 to 2—4oc Including wine. Dinner from 5:30 to B—6oc, with win*. ALSO A LA CARTE. MUSIC. :" Cafe Bristol Every ounce of energy of this organi zation is directed toward one object meeting the public's needs. And our popularity Is pretty good evidence of our ໎a/fe#ste»s: Entire Basement H. W. Hellmaa Bid*., Foartb and SDrlng. If you want to enjoy a Brst-cla»» binlnesi man's lunch or a ok 1* dlnm-r or afier-tasx ■ ter supper try The Palace Corner First and Spring. A. JAUMLK, Proprietor, 5