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6 News of the Mines and Oil Fields AMERICAN PETROLEUM INCREASES PRODUCTION Two Wells Are Brought in on Sec tions 19 and 30 at Coalinga FOUR HOLES APPROACH SAND Company Installs Additional Fa cilities for Handling Output to Pipe Line The American Petroleum is continu ing to Increase its production. Within the pant week Superintendent Thomas Crumpton brought in two wells, No. 16, in the northwest corner of si 19, 20-u>. Coallnga, which la doing In tho neighborhood of 800 barrels, and |fo. 6, on north SO, which is very prom islng nail at tin- present time is doing around 800 barrels a day. ]n addition to t!.<s.< two new pro ducers, (Superintendent Crumpton has four more In th« sand and abuul ready to be mi the producing list, In addition i everal others which will soon be drilled In. The properties of the American Pe troli un ai i oalinga are the great activity and operations are being generally extended. North 10 is proving to be a very pro ductive propsrtyi and one of the great- Mt wi 111 in the weft side district Is drilled there. This is No. 3, and lias been maintaining an average dally pro duction of 1800 to MOO barrels since the ing brought in. The company Is Installing additional facilities for handling its product ion. The big pipe line which was recently construct d con itlng up with the As sociated line is running the produi tlon. A big is-6-is pump is being Install) d at the i entral station on si ctli i which has a capacity of about 18, • barrels a day. The pump will be kept busy handling the production. Forty sras engines have been ord< n d for work on the different drilling wells. Two have i» "ii Installed and are in operation with satisfactory results. BE«.l\* OH KBGTIOM *IX nt development on the W. K. bii.i Mohawk property, along with Othi r work In the locality, caused the oompany i" begin operations on Its ■action ii. 20-15 property. Five rigs viii be started there In the very near future. Bunkhousea, 28x100, are be in: oi trueted along with a cook house, 72xi\ wash house and bath housi foi Hi accommodations of the i barrel water tank has been Installed on ;he hill and' three miles f four-inch pipe h is b< ■ n laid to »up njj the operations. The drilling will i as possible. Four wells to !"■ completed within tin- next iii dayi are Nob, ."., n and __———_ ■■■ hi ii . _ ,_—■^ — ■iiggggg .jißpK Previous to this only mt^S?mi''^^^^ s*k filV^^ 100,000 shares have ««;• a¥ CXC Jl J*w^&sk Wm l£? a Am been placed upon the What Is a Safe, Sound Mm g m I n --^ &> fTH Pt\ fdr March*;?i Thi %\ dThe an d Conservative %# ■ I_# *■» ▼ MIIVIII> • subscribed 0in Wtwe OWe i|iiiii^l^^ai ,-^,^ lMM , M^,^,^,wa ,^ flft^HH^~ —■————■ hours. A Safe, Sound and Conservative Oil Investment is One Which Eliminates All ! Elements of Chance—an Investment in a Company Which Is Operating in Proven Territory -a Company OWNING EVERY ACRE OF ITS LAND, i Free of Debt, and Operated by Oil Men of the Highest Standing and Integrity. This Is What Merchants and Bankers' Oil Stock Means to You the company (no commissions or brokerage will be paid to anyone-all money going into the treasury for developmentP«JJJ"> at^^ol^s™ 20, 28-28 (L official map), paid for in full by the officers and directors) 160 acres of patented and proven oil land in the Kern River field, being the Nor«*2nd O? BTnkerV and other successful companies. G. G. G. G. Gillette, and friends already have organized and placed on a producing basis the California Midway, Wellman Cld ar^^^duC inq has been phenomenal. Read the quo- Gillette, Sydney Smith and others organized the Famous Consolidated Midway Company. The success of all these companies, which are now producing, has been pnenomenai. Keaa uic q taUOn Kern River land is absolutely proven Oil land, with 250 and 275 feet of oil sand. Each well produces from 40 to 60 barrels daily, * ** years Conservative experts and investors consider the Kern field the most valuable in the world, as it is absolutely sure and reliable-furnishing a constant The company also owns 160 acres in Section 4, 31-24, North Midway, which will also be developed with the P™"^ ' oi :fJ SS h to beein dri lling. Eighty (80) wells will be sunk The Merchants and Bankers' Oil Company is free from debt, has its property all paid for and has $40,000 m the treasury with which to beg m atmmg t( £ ai y 32 00 barrels per day, on the Kern River property, the work having already been ordered and it is safe to " cent !" dividends annually, or within which, at a low estimate of 50 cents per barrel, will pay the stockholders $1600 a day, $48,000 a month and $a 76,000 annually, wnicn win yay ( f 7 per cent of your investment. This is a conservative estimate Tt is the intention to put down and complete five wells per month. The object of offering this allotment of stock is to enable the company to more rapidly push the development -It is the «e,^ oJ l° p offered the invest ing public in years. It is . For a safe, sound and conservative investment, with an attractive speculative feature, the stock of this company is the Jest-that ha«; been divid ends within six months, V . not a gamble in any sense. It is a certain, productive investment. This stock will be listed on the exchange within ninety days and will be paying dividends witnin The directors of the Merchants and Bankers' Oil Company ask the fullest investigation of their property, titles and ownership, — ■— —— ■ ——■————■■—-—— ——- and also of the character, standing and responsibility of their officers. ... ' , . Application for stock of the Company can be made by mail, wire or in person at the Company s offices. Allotments will be made in f\ID FPTOR Q • the order in which applications are received. VVIV. l/IIVJ!*Vf 1 V/IVO • . —^— JUDGE J. W. CAMPBELL. .Ohio ■liLm.lllllißWM.iMil mil m———————— ■—————^——— ■—" ' '" ——————— LEE B DURSTINE, Banker and Capitalist _ a _ <*** President North American Life Insurance Co., -Newark, N. J. «_ a % A J|| W% 1 9 /W«WH -T^ ttk DR. W. A. FRANCE Capitalist and Banker Merchants and Bankers Oil Co. |J^!::;:^gssss ' — '~-^± ~ wk •■«•- G. W. LUCKEY .'.'.'.'.'.' R. R. Contractor and 'Oil Producer 604-605-606 Story Building • S. P. MULFORD Attorney and Banker, Los Angeles O\J4-O\/*>-OV/O 3tOrV DllliCllllS FRANK F. PEARD Banker and Broker, Baltimore wwt vw»/ ww jo -* o SYDNEY SMITH Capitalist Los Angeles, California ' JUDGEJ _; jjmwii _ _ _ a a*% DR W A FRANCE........ Vice President and Treasurer PHONES: Home F2BOO v Sunset Broadway 4680 geo. c. hart. ...... ......... .................. secretary ■■■ *'■;'•;■ ■ ' ' • .'. ' i. ' ■ •■■'.■ ' •■'■"-•'■. V.'.'' ■'•'".' . ■ ■ ' ' ■ • • • ' JAMES WYNKOOP LIGHT OIL SAND UNDERLIES SUNSET DISTRICT, IS THEORY THE belief that a lisht oil bearing sand underlies the entire £ ii, id gains credence. Developments during the t .ns! week tend to strength en the belief, and locators are now be ginning !•' turn their attention to the untouched greater part of township 11-24. The Pacific Punnet in section 34. 12- M is drilling a test well which is now more than ..200 fi el deep ami is still drilling in a sand struck at iOxO feet. The wells in this vicinity are com paratively shallow, being finished from . ,>;,] ...,,,,i from ■'■■ to 1,, barrels from a 100 foot stratum of sand, i'li' 1 test well is still drilling i and from all Indications is goin^ to make a good producer. It is stated I that the gas pressure is strong and I unless the well shows up exceptionally 12 on section 19, 2n-lf> and No. 5 on north ;:0. All are in the sand and arc siiouiii!.; up promisingly. The op.ratii.n Of the Nevada Po .:;, has caused the American to beixin the protection of the east Hue of its section 30, 2<)-i:.. Five new rigs ■ have just been completed along this line. Work is being rushed. One well is down TOO feet with 12' = -inch casing, iin the second row of section 80, Nos. V. '.1 and 10 an- nearlng the 101 mark. No. 11 on section 10, 20-ir. is down 17(10 feet and the water in Nos. 7 and 8 on north 30 has been cemented off and drilling will be resumed tho end of this week. The American Petroleum has one of the most extensive properties in the Coalinga field and development work is being pushed rapidly forward. Tom Crumpton has direct supervision over the work. T. A. O'Donnell is the ii, i,i manager of the company, but since the organisation of the Amer ican Oilfields Limited and other i Poheny enterprises O'Ponnell has 1 'little time 10 spend in Coallnga 'and additional responsibilities have ; fallen to Crumpton. EAGLE CREEK SHUTS OFF WATER WITHOUT CEMENT taft, April The Eagle Creek ha* been able to shut off the water with ! out cemetlng No. 2 well, as at first 1 planned. The 10-Inch casing was driven tightly Into a shell at 1407 feet, and the hole, after being bailed out. was found to be perfectly dry. A small bit was put in to drill through the ; shell. Underneath the, shell the bit en tered a shale which, after cessation of work for a few hours, gave forth oil in the bailer, The 12-inch is now being pulled and the well will then be drilled into the sand. Well No. 2 is flowing steadily, pro ducing 500 barrels dally. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1910. I good, it is thought that the sand will be thoroughly explored. The Ananeonda, Which is also drlll | ing a test well in section 12, 11-24 lends further support to the theory. ; The No. 14 well, which is being drilled for a lower sand, went into a deeper pay streak at 200 feet Sunday after having gone through a water -and. Wells on this property were finished up between 1200 and 1500 feet. The water sand which underlies the producing stratum at this depth was thought to be the drilling limit, but by the recent drilling a second sand has been tapped. The quality lias not been eenernlly determined but those acquainted with the operations ! declare it to be Hunt oil bearing. If a production Is-obtained from tin lower depths generally throughout the Held, the value of the produeine: sec tion of Bunset will easily double. CONSOLIDATED MIDWAY STARTS IN KERN FIELD The Consolidated Midway, which is gradually extend ■'„■ its operations in the Midway field. Is to drill ten wells on its Kern river property, 80 acres in the southwest quarter of sec tion 21, 2N-2S. Three strings of tools will be started at once, preliminary work now being done. E. A. AViltse. the well known New York mining engineer who is inter ested in the company and haw re. ent ly taken (barge of the general ex ecutive work, was in Bakersfleld Mist week with (i. K. Monnette, the Ix>R , Angeles attorney, who Is also inter ested in the same company. With J. M. Pnnzlger they are Inspecting the . west side properties, which consist of three holdings, a lease from the Jnde on section 15, 32-23 on which their No. ■ 1 well is down 1020 feet; No. 1 on frac-i tlonal 30, 12-23 is down 784, while on section 32 the derrick Is up and prep eratlons are being made for drilling. .Mr. Wlltse Is enthusiastic over the prospect of the oil Industry anil has assumed management of the Consoli dated Midway affairs. He Is a busi ness partner of John Hays Hammond in ,i number of mining properties and apparently likes the oil business as well if not better than mining. CASTLE WILL SPUD IN COALINOA, April 9.—The Castle Oil company, operating on the southwest quarter of section 4-20-15, has material on the ground for building. Rig for well No. l la completed and will spud in next week. The directors are S. A. nuiberaon, Jr., H. A. AVhitley. J. O. Hlckman, Stanley J. Fay and P. .1. Muller. CALIFORNIA EXPORTS EXPAND TO INCLUDE DOMINION OF CANADA SAN FRANCISCO, April 9—Ship ments of crude oil from this customs district 10 chile, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Salvador, Gorman and French Oceaniea and Canada in 1909 amount- : ed to 1,(W0.000 barrels, valued at $4.">4.- | 921. A feature of the exports were the shipments to Canada. No crude was exported to that country In IBM, while in 1909. 1R.476 barrels were shipped there. Crude exports to every coun try served, except Guatemala, In creased in V.109. Panama and Chile hnve extended their oil fuel greatly. The business in February and Mar. h, 1910, also shows a material Increase over the same months of 1909. During the first fifteen days of March a car go left Port Harford for IVnama amounting to 1,880,000 gallons, or 45. --000 barrWs, valued at $27,000, and two Cor chile, amounting to a total of 5,074,000 gallons, or 1-0.509 harrrels, Ued at $58,200. Thus the total for two months and a half is ISSS.I'U barrels, valued at J209.500. over 3.1 per cent in quantity and over 10 per >•■ nt in valuation. Dur'.ng 10ns the entire exportation of crude wns 42fi.o:fi barrels, \ alu.d at $215,000. Thus shipments for the first two months and a hall of 1910 cxi ceded those of the whole of 1908 by 33,319 barrels. This year's shipments of crude are those of the agencies, as the Union is one of their members and their sales agent, find all the oil Is pooled, That the business is growing is a good j Sign for them. MIDWAY-COALINGA TO DEVELOP IN TEMPLOR The Midway Coalings Oilfields oom pany is the name of a new oil com pany which has Just purchased a sec ! tlon' of land in the Templor district. The t!4'i torn are located In Motion M, 27, 19. The company has headquarters in the Union Trust building, Los Angeles, and 1 will, It Is said, begin at once to prove \ !up on this property. It is capitalised for 1,000.000 shares and some of the stock will be sold for development pur poses. Crown Oil company's Ventura well | No. 1 was HO feet deep Saturday. As depth Is gained the gas pressure in- j creases. Within the next few days It is expected the first oil sands will be en countered at a depth of about 1000 foet. The company intends to sink tlie well into the third oil sands, which are be lieved to be about 1500 feet below the | surface. All of the lumber for the com- i pany's Midway property has been de- | llvered and mi order placed with the Oil Well Supply company of Los An seles for a complete (standard drilling equipment, which is to be delivered within fifteen days. Rlb builders now employed by the. Midway Five Oil com pany will build the crown derrick and bunk house. Midway [Premier Stock Backed by This Property Twenty-year lease on forty acres, being blocks one and two of the north half of the southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 32 south, Range 23 east M. D. B. & M., of the Midway district, Kern county, California. And by These Officers and Directors President, A J. Snyd.-r, Capitalist and Keal BeUti Operator, Oakland, Cn\ Vice resident, Frnnk N. Smith, prominent real estate dealer of OaklandAal. Secretary Harry W Thomas, successful oil operator of link.islicld, Cal. Sim secretory of the, R. P. T. on Co., lha (t. w. A i!. oil Co. and the lUlnoii Crude (Ml Co. \ m Treasurer, Kern Valley Hank. Director, Hon. T. Spollacy. owner of oil lands nnd pronunent oil producer, president of the follow1n« eucceeeful companies: Mascot oil Co., Premier Oil Co., Lockwopd OH Co. and Illinois crude Oil Co. Director, RnfUl C.. Smith, capitalist, Oakland, Cal. Will Surely Make Money for Its Stockholders * A complete rig is on the way and the management expect- to bring in their nm well within ninety days. In the meantime an Introductory block of 60.000 shares is offered at Twenty Cents a Share C!et buoy nnd crnd in your iUbecrlptlon at once if you wish to make money in a gilt-edge, hona fide In vestment hacked by men who have made dividend-paylnß oil companies. Midway Premier Oil Company M. Franklin Kline, Fiscal Agent F3690 806 Story Building Main 4972 A HERALD WANT AD IS A PAYING INVESTMENT. TRY ONE I'ART 11