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2 EXPERT PRESENTS FIGURES ON GOAL Alfred H. Brooks Gives Testimony at Ballinger-Pinchot Investigation GLAVIS LETTERS ARRIVE Witness Christensen Expresses Opinion as to How Thief Got Into Box ■ ; i —^——. [Associated Prrss] WASHINGTON, April 9.—Alfred H. ! Brooks, mineral expert of the geological survey, resumed the witness.chair to day when the Ballinger-Pinchot com • mittee resumed Its deliberations, after 'opening the Glavis box from Seattle and hearing Andrew Christcnsen's ex !planation of where he found the twen ty-four missingl letters. Mr. Brooks said that on arbitrary (figures It would require 4913 years to !exhaust the coal supply of the United 6tates, which comprised 60 to 70 per cent of the visible supply of the world, lie said that figured on the basis of future Increase of consumption at the rate of i Increase In the last two or three years rthe supply would last but 100 to 150 (years. Improved methods of consump 'tlon had resulted in a decreased use of Coal, the witness said, but lie thought [there was little occasion for alarm as to the exhaustion of the supply. 1 Mr. Brooks favored In a general way the leasing of coal lands, but thought I the Alaska field too far away to permit the employment of that system. At the afternoon session Andrew i Christensen took the witness stand for 'Ws cross-examination by Attorney '3randels. The witness declared it was fhlß conviction that the letters were, put In the box. "By you?" Interrupted Brandeis. "No; by Olavls," retorted Christen , Ben. "All the evidence indicates that , fact." Because of the dull morning session there was some difficulty In getting a I quorum for the afternoon session. Only «lx members were present. ACCUSE BALLINGER OF REFUSING HIS DUTIES Claimants to Oregon Lands De clare Secretary Delegated Work to Assistant Pierce WASHINGTON. April 9.—Declaring that Secretary of the Interior liiilllnger. because he bad b**H BOUBMI £<>r a numb'r of lMii.l claimant! In the Sllet Indian reservation in Oregon, now de dinei tn give them the benefit <>f his judgment since becoming secretary of the Interior and "has attempted to delegate to Mis assistant, Frank Pierce, tiic duty Imposed by law on him," and thai the latter hai dei Ided adversely to them, William 1). Bales, Thomas Holverton and Levy M. Qilberl to day tiled suit In the supreme court of the distriit of Columbia for Jnjunc tii us i" preveni the execution of the order of Mr. P Hah i iays ml employed Mr. Ballln p,.r in L9OB, ami that the latter Hied Id tip' i.iii< t tin 1 then secretary of the lnttrior a brief urging that patents be Issued to Bales. By alleged Irreg ularities In- chums his title to the en try was clouded and Mr. Pierce has rendered against him a decision which j s about to become operative In Ore gon unless thr court prevents it cution. Hales and the other claimants de clare the law nllows nn appeal to tho RECORDS Mjk Shattered With \Sr Ease MOTORDROME World's Most Spectacular Race Course Championship Auto Races Today 2:30 p. m. £& Apr. 10,13,15,16,17 tpjtt^ Try A T\T Fastest Track in 11 1 AIN the Entire World SPECIAL ATTRACTION BARNEY OLDFIELD and 210 H. P. "Blitzen" Benz vs. RALPH DE PALMA and 200 H. P. "Mephistopheles" Ffat. 25 OTHER FAMOUS DRIVERS—23O ENTRIES ADMISSION—FieId, 50c; Grandstand, $1.00; Boxes, $2; Auto Gate, including Grandstand, $1. Box Seat Tickets Now on Sale at Hill Street Station. RAILROAD FARE 40 CENTS ROUND TRIP MUSIC BY GREGORY'S BAND OF OCEAN PARK Take PLAYA DEL REV cars at Hill Street Station or along Hill and Sixteenth Streets. Cars every few minutes. AFTER THE RACES VISIT THE BEACHES T TT^TVTT/^T"^ Chiaffarelli's Concert Band— V PJM It jT^j Dancing, Boating, Bathing— v •*—'■»- * XV-/J—/ New Bath House Ocean Park—Santa Monica Band Concerts, Dancing, Bathing -DT7T\/"^TVrT\/~\ 13T7 A r*TJT Delightful 10-Mile Ride Along the Sea Krll-AJINIJU JP-E/AV^li Band Concerts—Bathing Los Angeles Pacific Ry. S°s°i b^SpSSJSkmi secretary; that they are entitled to It, and that the action of the assistant secretary Is without warrant of law. When Mr. Ballinger's attention was drawn to the suit he emphatically de nied having baen attorney for the claimants or that thero was any spec ial reason why Assistant Secretary Pierce had handled the cases. The lat ter bad disposed Of them, he said, in accordance with his general assign ment of handling land office matters. Retarding the charge that lie had been counsel for tho claimants, the secretary declared that after he had retired to private life from the com mlsslonersbip of the general land of fice bis name bad been signed to a brief In the eases by J. H. Ballinger, a distant cousin, In conjunction with li|s own signature. The secretary said this was done without his authority and when the matter was called to his attention he so advised the interior department nnd requested that his name be stricken from the document. LACK OF ROMANCE ON SHIPS DETERS YOUTH Witnesses Testifying at Merchant Marine Hearing Say American Boys Not Available WASHINGTON, April 9.—Waning of the romance of the sea Is keeping the American boy off the crew lists of the American steamers nnd palling cr.aft more and more, according to witnesses yesterday before the house committee on merchant marine. The committee was considering the bill to amend the laws relative to American seamen to prevent uncler mannlng and unskilled manning of American vessels and to encourage j the training of l>oys In the American merchant marine. Officials of the coastwise and Inland steamship lines testified they would welcome Americanization of their crews If the Americans would stick to the work, but now they had to use Greeks, Spaniards and other aliens. Representative* Harchfleid of renn sylynnia declared the American through freight rates to nnd from for eign ports operating as an unjust dls- | crimination against domestic ship ments, were made by s shipping trust. and were dictated from London. Ant werp. Hamburg, and other foreign shipping points. PROF. HANDLEY GIVES TALK Prof. L. A. Hundley of Oceldentai i college secretary of the League of Justice, addressed a hie mretln* In the | City hall at Hnntinßton Park last even- j iiiß under the auspices of the Hunting-, ton Good Government club. D. R. Ly ons was chairman of the meeting. An j election will be held Monday for city; trusties The lochl Oond Government; club was on« of the first of Its kind to be organized In the smaller cities i about Los Angeles. AMUSEMENTS____ 1 Christian Science Lecture By FRANK 11. LEONARD, O. 8. B. of BROOKLYN. K. I. Sunday Afternoon, April 10th, 1910 AT 8 O'CLOCK. ADMISSION FRKE, _____ —— ——^— ——^—^^ TIUIID ST., Between THE NEW EMPIRE Main and Lo» Angeles. l)( j , >T s_VU DBVIIXK-10 CENTS-IT TO »ATK < OMKDV-Sl-ARKLIXi; ■KIT«— KIKOI'KAN WIIXIAI.TIKS—The VJrßlnla UMHII ««npany, from the bl> drcuu -Tony Rl.«-. conges, of acrobatic and comedy monkey^ount y ere,., and WWtfl.l4 the noted baritone- Original Blograph motion picture hoop S ro, er _I-red WhlifleKl. the noted baritone-Original Bloeraph motion picture, etc. 8 810 ACTS riCRPOmiAXCES --""■ " ■"" and "P. M. A"-V- , . RINCESS THEATER lSS£JifiSSJ^*£~ "'thb pniNrEBB BTOi S i■■ iMPAKT prewnt. tho M«rrjr Mustaal BttrlMqne, ■ mi KSSM^ra^^gwrvi THREE SHOW- liXll.V— '•■■* and B:15 p. in. l''-l' '-- '"■ -Oc, -'"■ m BASEBALL TODAY— Apsu^S. ». ». »•—•'«•■ . VEHNON r.AHK, Vernon vs. Portland April 8, 23, 10—io:so. All Game* at 2:30. Sunday Morning at »rnon. 10:80. __^. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SIXDVY MOJIXING, APRIL 10, 1010. WOMEN UPHOLD EQUAL SUFFRAGE (Contlnnrd from r««e One) trlct president of north; Mr«. Barry, president Alameda district; Mrs. Wil liam Hitter, president southern district; Mrs. William Baurhyte, Los Angeles, president Los Angeles district; Mrs. R. L. Hargrove, Madera, president San Joaquin district; Mrs. W. P. Black, president San Francisco district. A motion was made this morning by Mrs. W. C. Bryant, Los Angeles, that the Invitation of San Francisco and Alameda districts to hold the biennial 1912 General Federation of \\ omen s clubs In San Francisco be Indorsed by that body and that Mrs. J. W. Orr and Mrs. A. P. Black be appointed a committee to present such invitation to the biennial at Cincinnati in May was unanimously carried. good RO.\I»S DISCUSSED The ticket nominated is generally pleasing to the southern delegates, al though friends of Mrs. Frank A. Hume, Long Beach, are disappointed that she did not receive the nomination for secretary Instead of auditor. It *Is probable Long eßach will have the next federation meeting on account of the favorable proposition Of the Hotel Virginia. Riverside also will try for the convention and San Francisco. Governor Gillette was guest at a dinner given by Mrs. Hume and fed eration ..dicers and spoke on good roads in the evening. He said: ■Wom en cannot vote, but can help build up the country, develop and beautify all sections. Club women are largely re sponsible for these improvements. He urged the good roads bill on economic and esthetic grounds. It will bring more tourists with automobile? here, and also open general travel through the beautiful scenery of canyons and mountains." Mrs. Hume responded and said: "While we cannot vote we Will pay taxes on those bonds and help In thßUSsSf'j. Waters, William Baurhyte and Morris Albee are guests at the Potter with their wives over Sunday. • *> — CHARGE $70,000 THEFT TO TEN RAILROAD SWITCHMEN _—— — Men Accused of Belonging to Syn dicate to Rob Cars KANSAS CTTY. April P —Ten switch men employed by tho Kansas City Southern railroad were arrested today, | charged with operating a syndicate en gaged In uteallng poods In transit over the company's lines. . About $70,000 worth of goods Is said ! tr> have been taken within the last two years ilothlng, dress goods, firearms, liquor, cigars, shoes, foodstuffs and I even lawn mowers are Included In the | list of articles taken. AMUSEMENTS . -Pelasco~theater2 ' ~\r™2£ k^A^^S^.^SS^. I THE THIRD WEEK OF THIS GREAT SUCCESS STARTS TOMORROW NIGHT J This means that the theatergoers of Los Angeles will have just one more week Tn which to see what is admittedly th« best romantic play that has 1..■. ii written in years, played by the leading stock company of the country, with LEWIS S. STONE and all the other Belasco favorites in George Broadhurst's new play, ■' I I SfUES Every newspaper in Los Angeles has praised this big play and the magnificent production as one of the sure tire successes of the year—ever since the first perform ance two weeks ago, the Helasco has been crowded to the iloors with enthusiastic audiences that have said the same thing—no such substantial success has been recorded by any romantic play In years. 1 THIS THIRD WEEK IS POSITIVELY THE LAST | The hundreds that have been unable to get seats for THE GARDEN OF LIES will have but this olio week In , which to sea this big Broadhurst hit—seats are now on sale for the last week and they're, selling Just as fast as the expert Belasco ticket sellers can handle the money. Better hurry and get your seats right away—otherwise you stand a good chance of being disappointed. ■ Regular Belaaco prices for this real success. Every night, 25c to 76c; mat inees TODAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 25c to 800. ;; NEXT WEEK— George Broadhurst's famous dispenser of gloom and life-saver for the glum, "WHY SMITH LEFT HOME." The hap piest, snappiest, cheeriest and merriest farce you ever saw. Seats now on sale. IN PREPARATION: Mr. Broadhur»t'l newest. biggest and best play, "THE PRICE." First production on any sta^e. at the Belasco Theater, Monday night. April 26, with LEWIS 8. STONE, Florence Oakley, Adele Farrlngton, Ida Lewis, Helena Sullivan, Frank Camp, Howard Scott and other popular Belasco players in the cast. Seats for "THE PRICE" will go on sale next Monday morning. Reservations now being received and when accompanied by check or money order will lie filled in the order they tire received. "THE PRICE" Is GOING TO BE THE DRAMATIC SENSATION OF THE YEAR. Lnc AWfITTT TT<5 THPATPB SPRING ST., Matinm Today. Ub ArMUJl,l^i> lrtJlAlh'K NKAU roIRTIt. » SHOWS NIOHTLT Palmer and Blccutl, I BEIIXAKU 1 i/j Theodon HRthaway and Moors AND Martlnettl and Grosil The Laugh-O-Srope | ORTII | Alf. Rlpon POPULAR PRICES— 10c. 20c AND JOc. GPAMT) OPFPA HnTT^P MATINEES TODAY. 1UB7; Homr A 1967. KAfMiJ UfliKfl JIUUSI^ r\\onn Main 1987; Home A 1967. dljok COMMENCING MATINEE TODAY Pi r^S* ' —-, Ferris Hartman ;>> I\' W£ - ■ AND HIS MERRY ASSOCIATES WILL GIVE THE : V I V '''* '""" FIRST PRODUCTION BY A MUSICAt* S'T.OCK ' ft^flL f-%^ COMPANY OF AUGUBTIN DAL.Y'B FAMOUS BNXI -':■ *4 «^^^^^V •* ms\ :-IS" MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS. "; -v? ■ * 1 with THE ORIGINAL COSTUMES OF THIS I IX)NT>O.N r I'HODUCTION, VALUED AT |30,00 U. W : " ' ''"' I j ;; "Passed by the Pure Fun HP tb ..' "Cj Laws of Two Continents" jjß&igM . mjjlSkL Kontu now unlMnir fast at th» popular &rt\\« of Hart 6^?L Wr I -V man price*. Matinees TODAY and Saturday, lie. IP^ *l«jffl| He and BOc. Bargain matinee Tuesday, 10c «nd -'."'■ FERRIS HARTMAN »£» n!--1"' 15*' :6c ' 60° and 76c as "Chambuddy Ram." NFXT ATTRACTION—GEORGE M. COHAN'S GREAT HIT, "GEORGE WASHING TON, JR." BEAT RESERVATIONS CA.N NOW BE MADE. To Whom It May Concern: • THE Theatrical Managers' Relief Association wishes to take this means of thanking one and all who so kindly assisted in making our Benefit such a great success. We par ticularly wish to offer our very sincere thanks to the Board of Directors of the Assistance League, who donated all the beau tiful flowersi which were sold by ladies of the "Merry Widow" and Ferris Hartman companies for a very neat sum; also, to the most estimable ladies who allowed the use of their names as Patronesses. PATRON ESSKS v urns if T VIIFN >•"*• FRANK S. BICKI. M is' v H il\RlV\M BARIXHV. MRS. STEPHEN < 111-NTIXOTO». mrH: «w™,, iakvis haklow. mks howaj«6 c. hpntinotow. \ii-s \t I \v r ism II MRS. W. <). KKHCKIIOrJ . MRS* MARY A.BHIGOfI MRS OKAKVIIXE MAI GOWAX. Mis" ERNEST' A. HUV\NT. KM 111 (ill 1.. MACNEIU MRS lOIIN .1 BYKNK MRS. O. M(H)IM-WOOI). us s ,[|"miv Mil*. lIIMIU MORGAN. MRS" SAM! I I. IKWKHS rI.OVF.R. MRS. JOHN G. SI OSS IN. JJ mi< nil! I li:\\:ll MltS. (lIAIIIKS MONROE. Ms JOskViVV <'* wr-KS. Ml.»- WALTER SCOTT NEWHAIX. I' \\,,il\M V INN MR-S. JOSEPH 1. SXKTOKI. MS I I.lviN T BARI «■««• MARK MBMST SKVKR.WNCE. MR*' Wllm'aM M\V OABLAMS. MIJX. CHARLES SII.K.NT. >! c"s' msKCwmrn. mrs. othkman SIII.ANO. a! ks! I:|| \K V.Rll I ITn -lIE-;. OTHKMAN STKVENB. tiiom. M*. JIKI I.InV. -.111 S(>N. MR*! < AMKKON IIisKINK THOM. mhs' WALTER J TRABK. MRS. I. N. VAN M \S. mUs. JXl'o yon SCHMIDT. »1». W. 11. WORKMAN. THEATKICAJ, MANAGERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION. lELSEN THEATER 0. A. QI'INTARD. Manager. % */f lELSEN iWiliAl£-K or-na Aye ., > ear Seventh. VU> ~^ Aff HORTENSE NIELSEN *$&}& In a massive scenic *-y * •»-) TV/TTJ* TVT With MACE *-EA*' production of V^ <£* X\. JLVX I~J I.N as Don Jose. BARGAIN* MATINEES TUESDAY AND THURSDAY—ALL BEATS 25 CENTS. Satur day and Sunday matinees 10c, 25c, 50c. Evenings, 16c. :'sc. 60c, 75c. . Week of April 11—FROU FROU T EVY'S Third and Main. Tables Reserved. h^ irXT-Estrellita | The sreatert of all Spanish danoers. BOSANQUKT, Ch3.nt3.Tlil GEORGIA RUSSELL and ROGERS. STEWART and EL- I WOOD. KAMMBRMBTBR'S ORCHESTRA. AfUrnoon Ten. a to 5:81). After Dinner, 8:30 to 10. After Theater. 10:30 to 12:30. TV/rTjTTPTT THI?ATT?P " " TIIlK1» VXKBXt, EMPIRE THEATER Bet , Maln an d to. Angeles. DEVOTED TO SELECT VAUDEVILLE 8I?l?ATITT>17 Af>TC Q The Blograph Motion l'lctures. 8 rhj£\L UKXii AUb O Matinee Dally. All Seats 10c. Two Shown Every Night—lo anil 20 Cent*. LYMPIC THEATER The llome of "llf "nd Novelllei- OLYMPIC THEATER The Home of HUi and NovelUe»- ALPHIN & FARQO present "A. Mutt nt the Races.'' Greatest of all cartoon comedies. Ten big Singing and Danrlng :i Prices, 10c, 20c. tic. ALM GARDENS SKATING RINK PALM GARDENS SKATING RINK Be Graceful and Skate at Elishteentb and Main, Afternoon and Evening. Beat Decorated and Equipped Rink on the Const. M'^Soic^TBURBANITTHEATER mui"ibS' BBgJ?^^ l^C STAOm 't'r\ THE LION AND THE MOUSE PRICES 25c. 6"c 760. MATINEES SATURDAY and SUNDAY, ISO, except first ton rows, 60c. Gallery 10c. . ' NEXT WEEK—Th« vivid western drama, "TUB I.OVE ROUTE." HAM3URGER'S MAJESTIC THEATER . nSJS^Sxh: ' ~^~ BEGINNING TONIQHT—TUB PEERLESS COMEDY PAIR, ( " KOLB m DILL I In their grreatest novelty, ■" "THE RICH MB. IMKKJK>'ir.KISn!B." _ *_; PRICKS 25c, 50c, 7Bc. $1. MATINEES WEDNESDAY and BATTTRDAT, IN. 50c, 750. i.a»i*te-.i!;|Vaudevillel!r iK?''?i^Miri' I iMiiln and Clillilrrn. I V I*lA\*W V ***V | American Attrnftlon«.| Miss Ida Fuller . . Lottie Williams & Co.. "La Sorclere." j 1 "On stony rt™nil-" Charlene & Charlene tvt«#.j«-« Clara Belle J erome &Co Entertainers. WlatlXlCC "Joyland." Charles Ahearn Troupe Today Winona Winter n ,, ' Comedy Cyoll«t». * UUay I'""" "Cheer-up" QlrL Felix, Barry & Co. ' \ Reynolds & Donegan •The Boy Next Door" Dancing on rollers. 1 aJ ORr-HEUM MOTION PICTURES NIGHTS, 10c, »sc. 50c. 7lie. WATINKKS DAILY, 10c. 28c. 80c. . THE AUDITORIUM WrSvtr U * "S^" ; THE ARTISTIC WONDER OP TWO CONTTKTENTS. ' Tomorrow Night and Tuesday Night at 8:30 , WITH A WED NESDAT MATINEE. P -, "1 The Revival of Classical : gm^^^i^LLAN I ~3 j cTVIAUD C_S*. J— * Ji^t x\. IN '••. 'WM& "M ' And Her Art li^r^WP? "-'Wi ASSISTED BT "fy • ! ' .1 A Symphony Orchestra \ tfSfr C , Tflfirrnm. Sun Francisco, April S. ' W J '. <3$ Mannpter I!.-li>mer, Lei An«e!e», Cbl. " t^^^i^ )m ' Dvery Allan performance »old out. t?f«? :3«||| K^f ■ Thousands turned ami Greatest «u0 *%... ' - cc.s since ordinal Pattl. [ *?•'* ■» - . : .. , '." . '^~t (Signed) GREENBAUM, lyocal Mgr.' ■ Seat sain at Bartlett Co. Prices 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2 § and Auditorium box office. 9 ___————— s "DLANCHARD __HALI" l E.HEHYMER, ; LANCHARD HALL Manager. , I _ , beautifully• Jllusfrtsged^ I j BAUMGARDT I I LECTURES I SUNDAY EVEN INO, APRIL. 10. 1:11. f. NORWAY— REVISITED M SEASON AND PTN-ai.y: TICKBTB at BAR TI.KTT Mrsn- CO. *"{A I SIMPSON AUDITORIUM— First American Appearance of M c^Vladam Adenee I The World's Highest I Soprano I Thursday evening. April 14. Seat, now selling at Bartlrtt SliiMc Co., Sl« Broadwsj. Assisted by ROUND WAVL, tenor, MARY I* ODONOI MM. MKAD. fluttot. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 I The ? of Your /#%\ Week End Outing Sfgs I Is a ? of Class I Mount Lowe special excursion rate $2.00 round trip, Satur day and Sunday. ... A visit to "Ye Alpine Tavern" will convince you of its superior ity over any other first-class mountain resort on the Pacific, coast. The panoramic views from the mountain trails are most beau tiful, and you cannot afford to miss taking a peep through the great telescope at Echo. It is conceded that no other trip is so diversi fied, so inspiring or so beautiful as this. Through cars 8, 9, 10 a. m. and 1:30 and 4 p. m. Long Beach The Atlantic City of the Pacific coast, where there is always some- I thing doing. Ocean excursions. Mammoth Salt Plunge, the Famous * Pike; Largest and Most Attractive Pleasure Pier on the Coast; i Double Whirl; Figure Eight; Dancing at the Majestic. The | Famous Virginia, Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening, ' Fishing I from the Pier. ■■. ; . | Other Beach Points I Naples, with Still Water, Launch Rides through miles of beautiful | canals. Dine at Hotel Napoli; excellent service. |j 1 Newport,' Huntington Beach, Balboa, and Sunset Beach—the | Fisherman's Paradise. It's a glorious ride along the Surf Line for h miles. Point Firmin, with the Government Lighthouse and Break- j| water, are attractive. ; Valley Trips 1 ' Casa Verdugo, the Old Spanish Restaurant,' where you can enjoy ft a Genuine Spanish Dinner amid semi-tropic scenes. Covina, Azusa, | Glendora, Monrovia. \, fli Sierra Madre ; I | An ideal time to visit the Orange Grove District. The trees are | white with bloom and the air filled with their fragrance. Dine at If the Foothill Inn, Azusa. v Other Points of Interest ft Rubio Canyon, San Gabriel Mission, Cawston Ostrich Farm. GO SOMEWHERE—GO BY TROLLEY Fast and Frequent Service from Mammoth Sixth and Main Street &1 Terminal. PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY