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8 SOUTHERN PACIFIC FACES HARD FIGHT Opponent in Land Jumping Cases Now Pending Is Backed with Millions SAN FRANCISCO. April 9.—lt be comes more and more apparent as dis res are made that the Southern Pacific's legal department has got on its hands the fight of its life in defend ing the company's right of possession to several thousand acres In the rlch ctlon of the Coallnga Held. When Edwin Burke "Jumped* 1 the Southern lie's lands by filinpr location-- upon them and Instituting suit, the matter was looked upon more or less Joka, and the general supposition wai thai the Southi m Pacific would Bnd little trouble In preventing Itself from being "blackmailed." Later develop ments, however, Indicate a more seri ous and formidable attempt to wrest this land from the Soutli.rn Pacific. Two former secretaries of the Interior, Hoki Smith and James A. Oarfleld, have been employed at attorneys In the case, Further than that, it Is said ill unlimited resources are i Mr. Burke. The personnel of <! ganlzatlons, which proposes obtaining possession of the land which it con the Southern Pacific hai no ripht to. includes the owners of some of the largest fortunes In the United States. There can be no doubt that the contestant* feel assured that their point is g-ood and will be well consid ered. They exhibit every confidence that they 'will win the legal iiattle they have Initiated. SANTA FE EMPLOEYS START OIL COMPANY First payment of $40,000 to apply on the full purchase price of $120,000 for eighty acres, tho north half of the northwest quarter of section 25, 31-22, has been paid to tho Visalia Midway OH company by F. C. Ripley and as sociates. The balance is to bo mad-. In two equal payments (if $40,0d0 each, the first June 26 and tho last Septem ber 26. The Visalia Midway is com] principally of Santa. Fo employ* ■ and Vlsallani and immediately upon the receipt of the first payment they de cided to begin development of the eighty lion's, the south half of the toutheaat quarter of the same section. Five wells will be put down. Ol for three rigs have been placed and two strings of tools will be started as soon as the rigs can be made p ady. Fred H. Hall will have charge of the operations. E. L. Rmlth Is presiednt of the Visalia Midway company, Qeorge i>. Smith is secretary and other members of the hoard of directors are Dr. If. M. Hunter, Elbert Lambereon of Vi salia, W. F. Hall of Hanford and Fred 11. Hall of Bakertfleld. Other prom inent stockholders are C. i>. smith, Otto Tuii/.e and W. if. Stuck. There are many other Vlsalians who, own stock in smaller amounts. Fred Hall owns the biggest block of stock. I> B. Perkins, Paul Perkins, Rev. Oeorge E3. Poster and C. D. Smith are among the other Visalia stockholders. The Visalia Midway mi company w.i- organised about eight or nine years ago, and some time later a half in of 25, 81-82 was acquln d. \ contract was .later entered into with the Santa !■'•• company t<i put down 11, the latter taking half the land for developing the piece and obtaining a patent, it is one nr the remaining eighties which has just been sold, leaving the company another i to either sell or develop. Although connected with the . Fe company, it is understood tie' pnr ohaae of the eighty acres by Mr. Rip ley and associates is a venture en tirely distinct from any operations of the railroad company. !•:. I. EUpley, president of the company, Ii one of t!i" Inten ti i parties. CEMENTS OFF NEAR OIL COALINOA, April 9.—The Los An- Coallnga Syndicate Oil company, section 6-21-15, lias cemented oft the wati r at 2432 feet. The water ii shut ofl on a sh.-ll .lust above the oil sand. : While baling tli.- well before cementing there w ; :< a showing i>r oil coming through 2000 feet of water. /\JT "Staple, Rather Than Spectacular" B H rJ A In an article upon the Oil Enterprises in Ventura County, Cal., -^IW™^bW recently published, the author, Mr. Allen G. Nichols, editor of MMw»wß'wutni.!«w|,'iLm..iwmHi m The Oil Industry, makes the following statements: ■ '. ' , The Rock Island oil company 1» now "In the Bespe fields great activity is being shown. Here, too, as in all operating on It* 180-uor* lease in the other places, the early drilling was done along the line of seepages, near Me Scape field. which the sand outcropped, but a better knowledge of formations and drilling conditions has led the operators to drill farther back on the forma- W» (ih»U »lnk oar tint well back from tion where oil could be encountered at greater depths, thus assuring a the floor of the canyon on the Cold- larger yield and a lighter gravity. Since this has been done many of the water antl-c inc. companies are already paying largo dividends and the outlook for the future is of the very best, We expect to put our well down ii,)o or WO feet to the, oil sun,ls and to brins "The transportation problem in Ventura county is solved. Several of in a 100-barrel well. tho companies interested have their private pipe lines. . . . oil will gravitate either to the pipe lines or to the railroad from any field in Yen- A iii|ir line crosses oTir property, with tura county, and in most cases ocean transportation is not more than 20 which we will make connections. miles away. Production of n B gravity -,i win be ' "With the development that has already been done, WHICH AMOUNTS worth about Si a barrel.' a 100-barrel TO NOTHING MORE THAN PROVING UP OP LARGE TRACTS OP well It worth $100,000. LIGHT OIL PRODUCING TERRITORY, and especially with the assur ances that THE VENTURA COUNTY FIELDS ARE EXCEPTIONALLY We offer a striking and staple Invest- LONG-LIVED, make investments here STAPLE RATHER THAN SPEC-, ment, removed from tlie apliere of the TACULAR and certainly as regards prices for the product, which in all hensaiioiiui and spectacular. cases is more valuable than that produced from the farther north." The ROCK ISLAND OIL COMPANY is capitalized for only $500,000. Our officers are W. H. Wise, president; J. C. Dresser, vice president; L. Ashmun, secretary. 'We offer for public subscription a small block of Treasury Stock at 15 cents a share. We "make no misrepresenta tions as to what we have. We invite investors to take a day's trip to our camp and see for them selves. We make no absurd promises. We do assure a square deal and quick action. Soon we shall be drilling. Until then our offer of stock will stand at 15 cents. $150 buys 1000 shares. You may pay in 5 monthly installments if you like. Rock Island Oil Company Ja. %/ 415 Laughlin Building, 315 South Broadway, Los Angeles ROSE OIL CO. STRIKES FLOW AT FILLMORE WELL Four Hundred Barrels Estimated as Output of Producer OXNARD, April 9.—The Rose Oil company, operating in the Fillmore dis trict, struck oil in their well there this morning. The well filled up at 1600 feet nnd the flow is estimated at 400 barrels. The strike created great ex citement in Fillmore nnd other oil dis tricts in Vatura county. JOHNSON WELL ENTERS GAS POCKET; BLOWS OUT The Johnson well, the southeast quarter of .section 7. 11-23. at Sunset, Friday afternoon went into a pocket, causing a blowout, which gave rise to the rumor that the well was a gusher. The report quickly spread and the Of ficers of the company, who live at Fresno, hurried to Tt.ikersrteld. The. well flowed for about half an hour, exhausting itself, and drilling was re sumed Immediately. The pocket was entered at 1318 feet. pipe is JO-inch. The drill Is still above the top of pay sand, this stra tum being expected at about 13S<1 feet. Tl officers do not expect to finish the well short of 180") f. . t. LARGE COPPER TONNAGE Calumet and Heela Is shipping larger tonnage than ever before. The aver age shipment from these niln. ■ a month Is 24.\nno tons, which compares with the average of 170,1 to tons three years ago. This company has paid to shareholders $110,550,000. The capitali zation Is $2,600,000; value of shares, $2.".. The shares Bold at $1000 each when copper was at 23 cents a pound. These mines are well sold up for sev eral months. All the Lake Superior mines are producing at the volume of 260,000,000 pounds of cupper a year. WITH ROTARY RIGS MARICOFA, April 9.—Saturday the Honolulu OH company reached 1100 feet in Its well on section 4, 82-24 and 850 <n It 3 well on section 14. Both welli are being drilled with rotary rigs and making progress, from sixty to ttty-flve feet on a tour. Interesting developments may be 1 for soon In the. well on 4, as the big Kas pressure was encountered in will No. 1 at feet. DRILL THROUGH OYSTER SHELLS COALINOA, April 9.—The Ye Luxe Oil compa-ny, section G-21-IT., has drilled j through a heavy bed of oyster shells into the lower sand, using oil Instead Of water in the hole. The water is shut off above and the company has demonstrated with the oil process that the lower sand is free from water, a very important la it t.. this section, NEW YORK IS READY COALINOA, April 9.—The New York Coallnga <>il company, section 6-20-16, leaned out wells Nos. 1 and 6, Increasing the production. Charles Bpurllng, late with the Standard, In charge of the drilling operations, ll giving his undivided attention to the work. SHOWING IN SECTION 28 MARICOPA, April ft.—The Santa Fp Is reported to have a showing of nil in a well on section 28-I^.-23, east of the old Sunset field. The company Is drilling a number of wells in that lo cality, ami has established a preten ■ tious camp. TRADERS COMPLETE WELL TAFT, April 9.—The Traders' Oil . ompany has finished a new well on Its Midway property at some 1400 feet it is considered good for -!ll> barrels dally on tiie pump. OIL MEN--Attention WE Bl II.I) MOTIONAL, ICKAIIY >I_\l>K AM) POKTAIJI..I; HOI SFS. Just the house for the oil fields. All sizes. Low prices. Delivered and 1 rected at once. Cull, write or H. J. BRAINERD & CO. PhonA A 4740. 561 Clihiiilmt of Commerco, Lo« Angeles, Cal. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1910. ANNOUNCEMENT! The Standard Investment Company begs to an nounce that Oil Propositions of merit and which will stand rigid investigation will be handled on a commission basis. See us for the best Oil Lands and Leases en the market. Remember that every acre of high class territory is as cheap today as it ever will be. We also handle Stocks and Bonds. Standard Investment Co. 504-tj I. W. Hellman Building, Fourth and Main Streets Phones: Fi^o, Main 2902 UNION IN SECTION TEN DEFINES BREAK IN SAND McKITTRICK, April 9.—No sand has been encountered in the I'nion com- pany's well on 10-31-22, which has reached a depth of 200 feet. Opera tors who have made a study of that part of the Midway field declare there is a break which presumably cuts off the sand. This break is said to be plainly visible in the hills north of the Union's < peratlons. gradually dis appearing to the south east. JUSTIFIES A PAYMENT COALINOA, April 9—The Home stake Oil company, section 26-20-14, Is 700 feet deep in well No. 6 with s\- Inch casing. The production of this property now Justifies the payment of a dividend. The company has pro rated the balance of the treasury stock among the present stockholders, who vie taking up the Issue. WILL OPEN HOLE TODAY COALINOA, April 9.— The Consoli dated Oil company, section 18-21-15, stands cemented today. Charles Spur ling, in charge of drilling operations, will open the hole about April 10 and clean out the cement and drill Into : the oil sand, which will be entered at | about 1458 feet. DRILLS IN CAT CANYON SANTA MARIA, April ».—The Prln- I cess Oil company is drilling a well In Cat canyon, where it owns a -5-year "ii 400 acres In sections 33 rind 33, Bye mill s southeast of the Palmer. A ■ amp has I.e. n established, roads built and actual drilling started March 15. INCREASES PRODUCTION COALINOA, April 9.—The M. K. and T. i )il company, section 8-20-16, well No 2, is Increasing in production, making ,t . lose SOO barrels daily. Weil No. i lias been worked on and 4'i-inch casing is being replaced. DISCOVERS QUICKSILVER SAX ANTONIO, Texas, April 9.— While making a mineral survey Of Brewgter county, Ft. s. Dod, surveying engineer of the Texas land office. ,ijs , overed larg.' deposits of quicksilver on lands owned by the state. MIDWAY SECURITY OIL COMPANY In the Heart of Gusher Territory in the Rich MIDWAY FIELDS x First offering of stock to investors at 25 Cents Per Share Subscription Books Open Monday, April 11 • Make your reservations now, by letter, telegraph or telephone. \ «** \ ;T \ % 1» \ \ #*** «jP. # \ y/\ r&\\ \ JV' . \ ' • \ S^ \ .o^ \** \ * S\ Look at the Map— Nuf-Ced Twelve Reasons Why I Advise the Purchase of MIDWAY SECURITY OIL COMPANY STOCK at This Time. FIRST— the company's, holdings are located right In. the heart of the Gusher territory in the greatest oil field in the world. SECOND—Because the company Is already fully equipped and drilling, its first hole being down between 200 and 300 feet on Saturday, April 9. THlRD—Because the company's rig and machinery, tanks, buildings, water lines, etc., are all new, first-class In every way and all paid for. FOURTH — the company's backers are strong people who back . their judgment with their own money, who have obtained the best expert advice and will sink to oil and win success regard less of stock sales. FlFTH—Because the money received from the sale of stock will go Into the company's treasury to be used for practical development and not into the pockets of promoters. —Because the company Is capitalized for only COO.OOO shares, and has placed 400,000 shares in the treasury. SEVENTH —Because the company Intends as soon as possible to list its stock on the Los Angeles and San Francisco stock exchanges and on the New York curb. ElGHTH—Because I believe the company has secured the services of the best field superintendent in the Midway field—a man of wide experience, who thoroughly understands every detail of, the oil industry. NlNTH—Because there are no salaries being paid to officers or directors of this company; everyone having unlimited faith In the MID WAY SECURITY territory and future production. TENTH Because we are on the eve of the greatest legitimate oil boom ever known In the history of the United Statesthis being ■ demonstrated by the wonderful developments during the past few weeks in the Midway fields. ELEVENTH—Because I 'know that this is the most opportune time to buy MIDWAY SECURITY OIL COMPANY stock at this price, as it will sell at a much higher figure in a very short time. TWELFTH—Last, but not least, I advise the purchase of MIDWAY SECURITY OIL stock because by buying now you are starting in on the ground floor with real live oil operators in a real live oil district at the right time and place and at the right price. A. W. SCOTT, Managing Director Midway Security Oil Co. 236 Security Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Main MM I Home I':il8l. An Advertisement Becomes an Investment When Placed in THE HERALD On Gusher Ground 5 c First Block of Stock The MIDWAY-MARICOPA CRUDE OIL COM PANY holds a 20-year lease on an 80-acre piece of ground which is splendidly located for a giant gusher. Our property Is In section 34-12-23 of the Marl copa-Bumet Held. It may be more particularly described as tlie northern half of the southeast quartet section of 34. The Painter Oil company adjoins us on the north. We are in line with all the Marlcopa and Mid way gushers, several of which are In our Immedi ate vicinity. Directly west of us can be seen tho spouting torrent of the Lakeview ffUaher, the daddy of them all, which for 2b days Rowed an average of 40,000 barrels a day, and which has now broken all records and become the GREATEST OIL WELL EVEH lU3- CORDED IN HISTORY. The Lakevlew Is on fractional section 25-12-28. This is right on the dividing line between the Marleopa- Sunset Held and what iw known as the Midway field. It prove* both fields to be practically one and Insep arable. In the Marlcopa Held on se.tion S6-12-23, south of the Lakeview, and a little to the east, are the Wellman group of wells. Including a gusher, and the Kthel D. gusher. The K. T. & O. gushers ure on sec tion 7. over the line. In tlie Midway Bald, on section 30-32-24, northwest of the Lakeview, are the two Standard gushers, the second of which was brought in this week. In section 10-32-24 Is the famous Honolulu gusher, which was the surprise of tho hour becaUM it proved the exist ence of oil In prodigious quantities in a district lying to the northeast, out on the Huts, far beyond the line of previous discoveries. This proves the extent of producing oil territory to be much more ample than bad been supposed. It has stimulated great activity In all tho region. Der ricks are springing up in all directions, and wills are being drilled to prove up sections 20, 28 and 34, In township 32, range 24, and also on tho intervening sections betweeen us and the Lakeview. OUR CHANCES ARE GREAT Geologists tells us that we have a singularly favor able site for a giant gusher ourselves. They state that the formations dip toward our XO-acre plat on three sides. So we are actually in a basin of petrol eum richness. Wo should tlnd an immense flow and an abundant quantity of oil. insuring long- lived pro duction and a big income earner. \\ ,• were exceedingly fortunate in securing this ground. It was coveted by others. Since we became possessed of this valuable lease tho best posted oil operator! In California have approved our choice. ' We propos.? with the funds (UDaclibed already to put lumber on the ground, set up a rig, install a standard drilling equipment and start work without an Instant's unnecessary delay. Arrangements have been made for building the rig. which gives us a dis tinct advantage, as rig builders are scarce In this region, where so many new companies ar« trying to begin operations. A fine crew of drillers has been on gaced. We have the men, we have, the means, wp have the gusher ground. When wo havo drilled 2000 feet our gusher should be found. The International Investment company offers a block of treanury stork In the Mlcltva}-Marlropa Crude Oil company for public niibsi'rlutioii. In surh amounts and at such tenni and prires that every one ran afford to take up some of It. Most of the Midway Oil companies hold their stock at very high prices, and the purchufe of them at that valuation gives the buyer very little chance —almost no Chance at all—to make BIG profits. YOUR CHANCE IS WITH US . When a man is a millionaire he can afford to take small profits, Six'per cent Is a good deal on a million. Hut th.> small Investor- the man working on a salary or a wage—who has only a hundred or two laid by, what does 6 per cent benefit him? Ho wants a chance to get in on the "ground floor" somewhere or some how, in a money-making proposition, where he will get a good run for his money, and be assured a square deal for his ant\ and when he wfns out he will havo a fair start toward a competence. Many poor men have made fortunes by shrewd In vestments in oil. We havo helped some to maka money fast In California oil stocks who have followed our tip and bought stocks when they were low, and now have doubled or quadrupled their money. We advise you to make an investment in oil, and to do it right away without waiting too longr. Don't come in after everybody else Is in! Don't hesitate now, at the psychological moment, to muko a big profit for yourself. Ret aside what you can safely rpare and MAKE TOUH FIRST INVESTMENT IN OIL. ! We urge the purchase of MIDWAY-MARICOPA CRUDE OIL CO. STOCK for reasons as follows: The Property is good. The Management is honest. The Time is opportune, and The Price will never be less, and soon will be more. I' you can afford to buy your own land and put down your own well the best thing to do is to pool your pile with others, and all go In to operate a good property for mutual benefit. Tho BIG money tl to be made NOW. The little profits will como to those who follow you. Don't wait to see what the next price will be. Don't wait until we have drilled our first well, Don't wait to see how many thousand barrels our gusher may spout. Waiting will not get you anything. ACTION WILL. If you don't take this chance others will. International Investment Co. If You Ure Out of Town, Use 1012-13-14 Ililr. Blank INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT UniOll CO., 101: 1:: It Union Trust rp Building;. ' 1 rUSt Please book my subscription for n *l I* share, .n your Midway- BUllding, Marlcopa Crude Oil company at 5c I 1 Olirf ll 'Hill a share. Inrlme find f , ax paid In full. SUNni! """ "" Streets, Address (B) ' Los Angeles USE HERALD "LINERS" part n