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WST-'-Th^ Thoroughly Up-to-Date Woman of Fashion rJhe Thoroughly Up-to-Date Woman of Liking H Often Finds a Dash of Economy Quite to Her Liking || . "%m + --s m;,. n Stylish Black Turbans and Hats *** 0m Dressy Millinery for Children grfo - Quaint NeW Motoring Millinery —g, _, woman who has her heart set on a modish black %f fmT -p^XINTY, airy affairs of fancy braid, ribbon, flowers fcf* THESE odd little Auto Bonnets, the craze of the hour in ttf £«^ 1 hat, yet docs not care for anything expensive, may fl || ]g ._/ and chiffon, which add greatly to the attractiveness TJ the millinery world, have given their designers a rare Y% Q 3 choose here from a large variety of correct Spring models, %AJ Hm^ of every girlish face. Any woman with a small daughter to %£& %mjF opportunity for the display of 'their artistic ingenuity, and SMbr %_«P r many of them in the popular turban effects, at only. W dress will be captivated at once by their extremely pretty § W^^^^^M^^MiM^ Exquisite Willow Plumes $7.75 to $35 . ;^n'";,".c"c"';'- ,r, aslowas „, '^^ ,f l 4 - Nobby New Sailors $1.00, $1.75, $2.25 and Up New Panama Hats at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 and $8.50 ,_ s r^\ n m^^Mrfg w^!&nri% fh £wm*J&*' mF Famous Actresses and Beauties m»— t Fancy Embroidered Gloves \^3^^-^s^ <Bp% r^?, dac a Pell is JjlSr^ $**=m of suk to Match the Gown \^e®^^^ pLJ lotiet f reparations . •' TT7 ,_ C [ytj^!^ 7^^**_i^ K^^^J^^v N****" —^ For Complexion, Hair and Hands Unsurpassed Will lie Ljarf*Ciy WOrn j\Jw 011111 # fl&l (T^tT/fffT^il / ' \HT' 1"' CAN unhesitatingly recommend them to women of refinement—in fact, they are In- ArR new SDrlnit shipments Include a full line of these smart Silk Gloves In black, white. 337-9 SOUtll N>v^ (^HIJm *^^ BrOadWaY *^ dispensable to one who wishes to present that well groomed appearance which is \J pongee, gold, gray, mustard and other new shades, priced at Jl.oO ana *i.(i>. ->^^_nayi»^^ _»« w«-*»»^»»jr recognized as a necessary passport to the best society. Every woman owes it to herself $1.50 One and Two-Clasp Street Gloves You itS /■' 25 T*S Sfafe SKOD a/C H i«v«S JktfMW^S to preserve those dainty personal charms which mark the true -— clear, soft 51.50 One and TzVO-ChlSp StrCCt O/OVC.V IOU y* J ti liW WWII© 1»52^033> W t-^3S iWy I***** complexion, beautiful hair and well kept hands. Will Find Here Monday Marked ...... *-•****, * .^ -~ , , *-^,vt r\tit* ***>i»niiar stock* plain and foncy embroidered , . P B RF» :T fitting hlffh K rade Kloves from our re f ular^ stock S~-*\ *-** + * -*^ i backs* In black, white, lan, pongee, mode ana brown, not all sizes in eacn coior. *I"'v <V;-j\ ■ 4. T 111 T^k qualities, fitted for $1.25. _ . >** r an^ ■l& M M/^^'S2 C^^? C^ Long and Short Kid Gloves for Summer in All the New Shades &— ftji IHbw jL/l'l'fV JLXf l^uJW*) /ik "1» OT^ B m w # *'; m^\ f*hi^^^mff W wMJM *'t rT^HE striking beauty of these fashionable silk frocks V/f «f v j^ '»i 'V' SbIP '^4ff** ' 1 WffliM^' A depends upon the firm yet pliable weave of the new CLAD in one of the exceptionally high-class suits felljM^^S^^^H '; 2^ST^^^^^^rffil^^feffi dainty detail of design and trimming. Dresses of which comprise this special offering, you will have / . A< & Pi^^S >#>^^Sr|Mßl ffitfiil'MiSSSßl IB##l foulard messaline, rajah, bengaline, cohenne chiffon taf the pleasant consciousness of being stylilhly and becom- f ~ #» ' )IBhFI I S9 1^», nlv " ° !*" " ' " M ingly dressed The m^terials^etiiplo^ed.^ tlic«r constni^ Wt^ g ?Sf«^^^^^ \*l & * ' ' is n.'ltieeably Thorough «md skillful. Make your selection \ X/^ I^4 V ml { Ill^^m |«Si^3 Jjf IfP J\.H EXCCptIOUaI OppOftUttlty >lond^y at this exceedingly low price -$19.50 / /gUk/'V^Bk|j|^WH^^sl to see«« fl Gcn«/nc BflrflTfl/n /« Unusual Beauty of Design | ; . ' "; H^^^d^^^^^|^^H^^Tl Smart Spring CoatS And Tailoring Distinguish These - — ' * X^X^^^^^^^i^^ffll *^"^^' * ** *& v^^t^*-^ K^rccitiT Ljcrgc £yiL4<i'i's -£"-' i-hinniiiif^aßß^Wfc™***!^ 'SfefebJP liiiii I Si™T ro i<ookets ana fancy buuons; p«y ka CARCELY a woman in the city who is not planning j^v^^^^^T^^T^^f //if *m*^ JHb^OvSh^' B^Pfl I'! if ' effects; light colors in rash- / * severely plain tailored or more elaborate model, the logi- h^i^jJi S^^^^^^t^s&sM. f ■ WjL ] W M JP^^^l^ffiri-B I best values you've seen fur popularity of . / ->H I . |j| v^^p^^l^M^^^ . / Spring Coats and Capes Dainty Lingerie Frocks I ,^^m iffi I J IJII ' Arriving Almost Hourly for the Coming Summer [ fpf ||||i||| • I^h! 1 || i V;^ia \ i ,;'il S J^lfS _ JX _ T N addition to our complete new stock of fashionable \JU- E TAKE a pardonable pride not only in the end- I E^'^xjf fl| I ill llffl^^Sw^^^Ki coats and capes, in a wide diversity of cor v new" dlimy fr <oSwh?ch"c loi3d not^excelleranywherein " """' "' jiB 1 P i 11 WiM I^K^^Kl^^^^pfiMf ,Th is of. special interest to the ultra-fashionable the UnUed States * ' ' ' "VIH f! P- II S^Mm^^^m Hi raill^P^^^^^^^PP woman who wishes a distinctive and exclusive wrap for tHC The new patterns of embroidery employed are particularly attractive, while the ill 111 If BJ| l^flEi P^Hf WBW ' any Purpose. These "unusual" models include Auto Val., Cluny, Venise and Baby Irish laces and extremely dainty hand embroidery 111 11* iII Ml? MmW^M W-''fflfclL ij^PH &2 I ' Coats, Evening Wraps and very artistic Capes elaborate complete the charm of these fascinating creations. Prices range $15.00, $18.50, |||l| | I Mil mE^^S^m^^ W*% "^ ly draped and richly adorned. »• hmbt7 r •/ c v Sinful 9 w^Handsomely Trimmed Suits KlCn UiaCR lailOrea SIMS l\lt mM^^m* Each at a Special" After Easter" Reduction I^/hirh T-Jnwn T nst n. T*nrtinn nf inoir Prims \\M,W^&WmSMiOiiaM'M^^^^Mi&x^ . . ■ rriiiisit jjt*i-t- ukjw %* mkjiukui. \ji x i iv.i ■ \^i M^jtJmtWwm Wr O ÜBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS on beautiful two-piece suits for afternoon and evening wear THIS IS A SALE of strictly high-class, severely tailored and dressy black j^bjH P^W^^^^W w [\\ prove wonderfully attractive to a host of stylish women who have coveted one of these tailored suits of elegant French and English serges, chevrons, voiles and very I^t#i|^ *w|i «f a J«iS-^^^^^^^r dressy costumes of French serge, voile, colienne and motora, but sighed a little over the prices. fine imported panamas. Jk^b^^l VFS€]ps W'X- Many of these arc imported models and are shown in the rarest shades of the season, in- Included in this special price reduction are large sizes, rang- Jf MM I^' eluding the richest of pastel tones. The exquisite hand embroidery and entirely new effects in adaF It dis fP yeS^ 1d m 'that really high-grade,-finely tailored ' .^'^^ rfi//KW^ ' *We cannot too strongly emphasize the importance of this special Monday offering at the BLACK SUITS are offered at sale prices, and we believe that jo&' . 4s~Ss // 1^ following sale prices: this announcement will meet with a quick response. J^"< w $ . /^f^l^^P^ - _ r%r\ *s a--\ Ef\ I£A *l f\(\ ItA(\ e/1 (re (\f\ ~~,A TT*% +sx C7C £\f\ Every price, quoted has been very materially lessened for this j»'**^-^r & \, " JETy, f' $35.00, $42.50, vj4O.(/(/i «*>4".o(/, OOO*UU ClllCl Up TO $ JO.UU $16.50, $19.50, $23 50, $27.50, $35.00 and $$?'ss? We Would Be Pleased to Show You Some of Our New Arrivals in Fashion- Up to $65.00 . i«£r- able Separate Skirts of Voile, Silk and Novelty Fabrics for Spring ' A Charming Array of Delightful Styles In Wired for Two Weeks Ago and Just Arrived An Astonishing Number of New Models Tailored and Lingerie Waists iniimef Monday's selling In Clever 1 ailorea Skirts YOU will be happily surprised at the fineness of : „ .. j. 1 CTII V* .. . KIRTS fashioned in the smartest styles from a *- -. ~ I materials and originality of design which are- . & <~% MF-E* HPflUtltill Silk PPttlCOflt 9 firm, reliable quality of serge and fine import- 4* PJ S ft) the pleasing features of the many dainty, new mod- /5 'UW'U'Uf 111 LJ UK JT V I U%>sUU't><3 e d panama; in light and dark shades su.table for al- W /•OU . - . . ■• ■ ■ , . ■-■• • \ -.- >f* \^m • * V-^, • , most any occasion "^ els offered at this unusually low price............ »®«ffiiM • ■ • -n >. rw t <*«• ;. - ■, m ' i : . ; "• .V*'..',: ,r ,-\:' Better lhan"Bargains" Offered Elsewhere -- .:_,. t ■?:■;*. ;■:;_, w£ff£ -X. rPSPP^i Si. X- r- - at $5 go and &7 so For Style andServiceThese Skirts r Wonderfully Attractive Lingerie at **•<» and $750 o f Serge and Panama Are ,r 0/ Waists-Also Beautifal New ■ our Price Bu^^la^> Our Price Unrivalled 1 JL ..>; WaiStS Of Silk : the arrival of another shipment as N' slylel T^Z ZtJS^ZIZ SS^ .J {JmNTT AISTS which are winning new friends for our $ '~P.2?5 SC°reS WOme" arC "S '■ $' Vj. 95 gored effectS more PleasinK to '"ore sober minded folk. IN 73/ 1 \§^~ Y§ *^ well-stocked waist department. Very exclusive ft "^ * Made of thoroughly . dependable - -^Sk _____ All correct, up-to-date models hurried out to us to meet | YlW' "Wj-l effects for the woman who is particular <j?/C *7 £Z .X_^ silk; deep tailored flounces; all col- \^ the unusual demand for just such prac- <j? /C x-^s^S^O^ rSsSlislS^'^ about possessing the very latest. models *^ Q«-^ O- ■■.-.'... ors, changeable and Dresden effects. ' ■ tical skirts, at ................'....^0.01/ J^SSSS^^ LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1010. 5