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CATHOLIC CHURCH TO BE EXPLAINED Bishop Keane of Cheyenne Will Give Address at Mason Opera House TO WELCOME PROTESTANTS Roosevelt-Vatican Episode to Be Dr. Locke's Subject at First M. E. Church A series of seven lecture* explana tory of the Catholic church and doc trines will be given in Los Angeles next week by the Rt. Rev. Bishop John J. Kcanq, bishop of Cheyenne, Wyo. This series, for which tho Mason opera house has been engaged, will be under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus of Los Angeles. Hundreds of Invitations have been issued to prominent people of the- city. Tho lec tures will be particularly for the non- Catholics, explaining ths Catholic be lief. The lectures will be given each evening at the opera houso at 7 o'clock, and on the following Sunday afternoon the last of the series will be given, the place not yet having been selected. Bishop Keane will arrive In Los An geles this morning and will bo a guest at the Hotel Alexandria. He will de vote a half hour at the opening of each lecture to answering questions placed in a question box. Tho bishop will take the following for his topio for the week: Monday evening, "Be lief in a Personal (iod;" Tuesday, "Reasonableness of Christian Faith;" Wednesday, "The Worth of Faith In Christ;" Thursday, "Jesus Christ, the Savior of Men;" Friday, "Tho Church and the Bible;" Saturday, "The Pope, His Office and Prerogatives;" Sunday afternoon, "Why 1 Am a Catholic." Hishnp Conaty will preside as chair man for the opening lecture. In addition to his course of lectures Great Sample Shoe Sale fe;;|p^|l Women's $2.50, $3 and K^JWi^■••'•■.'* $3.50 Footwear—Big RW'^Sfeiil^t^^f'^^V Lace and button shoes, all « JiVk leathers, including tans, short vamps, and Cu s2 and S3 j£*wA C 1 /CO Oxfords &i%mW I * Ob' Patent colt, gunmetal, vici kid, black and tan suede, chocolate vici, all heels, short vamps, good widths and sizes. $2.50 and f§ISL «1/i O $3 Pumps W^llk '* J- •O y Patent colt, vici kid and gunmetal, gray suede, champagne, vici Cuban and military heels, sihort vamps, turned and heavy soles; good sizes B, C and D wide; (j»| sri big values .J)I.Oy '■■■■■-. ■■ ■ .^^'^ViWtW^' - Men's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 values in shoes and oxfords, all .leath ers; good sizes; Great Special C?^ CA Monday <)£.t)U ' Boston Shoe Market 'i-%'. . war. BAKTLINO, I'ROPK. 6th and Main Severance Building > Northwest Corner OPEN BVENINQa TIT.iL. 9:30 O'CLOCK. t. l | ... .. d TEETH t; If You Are Interested in Teeth Read jA • Our interests should bo mutual. You want the best obtainable and I must deliver to your satisfaction. My success is due to the careful, conscien tious practice of honest methods, and I claim that it Is good business, for what is, better than a satisfied patient for a ."booster"? I replace missing teeth that in every particular meet the requirements of perfect natural teeth. Let me personally detail this work to you. Re . member, I replace any number of lost teeth. You who have no teeth and must wear a plate, I am proud to offer my RESTORATION PLATE, which has enlisted more boosters for my office than any plate ever offered. It corrects a prematurely old , mouth and re stores the youthful contour of the lips and cheeks. Its masticating quali fications are unsurpassed and its adaptability to the soft tissues of the mouth insures Its being worn' with comfort and ease. Plate-wearers cannot afford to pass up this opportunity. Dr. Humelbaugh, Dentist 305* South Spring Street,? n 7s c pr ri T Thn h gird Daily 8 to 6, Sundays 10 to 12 Bishop Keatie will preach Sunday morning at the solemn pontifical mass at St. Vincent's church in celebration of the patronal feast of that parish. Bishop Conaty will bo celebrant of tho mass at 10:30 o'clock. This will be one of the largest services to be held in the local Catholic churches for the year. The bishops and visiting clergy will bo entertained at dinner by Dr. Glass and the faculty of the college, following the service. ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS i Bishop Conaty has announced the following appointments for the diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles: The Roy. James O'Callaghan, rector , In charge, St. James' church, Redondo, Ballona, Manhattan Beach and Hcr mosa. The Roy. James PrendevlUe, rector In charge, St. Joseph's church, Bakers field. .;>... The- Rev. Edward Schmltt, rector In charge, St, Mary's church, El Centre Calexlco and Holtville. The Rev. J. P. Holden, temporary rector St. John tho Baptist church, Fresno, in absence of the Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. M. McCarthy, V. F. : The Rev. George Doyle, rector in charge, Pala, Pechange, Pauma, Rin con and La Jolla, The Rev. Nicholas Conneally, assist ant rector, Santa Cruz. The Rev. James F. Mitchell, assist ant rector, San Luis Oblspo. The Rev. Thomas Corcoran, tempor ary ■ rector, St. Gorgonlo's church, Beaumont. . •. . The Rev. P. A. Grammen, rector in charge, St. Mary's, .'Escondido, during temporary absence of the Rev. K. A. LaPolnte. . ■ SUGGESTED BY VATICAN EPISODE Dr. Charles Edward Locke will oc cupy his pulpit at the First Methodist Episcopal church at both services to morrow as usual. In the evening Dr. Locke will preach a sermon suggested by tho Roosevelt-Vatican episode. His subject will be "Methodism in Rome: Has It Any Right There?. The Truth About Its Methods of Work." This will not be an acrimonious discussion, but a sermon In the, Interest of truth, justice and fair play. PLAN TO BUILD CIIUBCH At the annual meeting of the Cen tral Presbyterian church, held last Wednesday evening, plans were dis cussed for a new church building, which it la hoped will bo erected dur ing tho coming year. This church, with a membership of 272, raised $2300 for benevolence during the year, and with all , debts paid has a balance in the treasury- Rev. A. B. Prltchard Is pas tor of the church. "Hnsty Signatures" will be the Sun day morning topic of Rev. Arthur S. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. A PHIL 10, 1010. Phelps, pastor of the* Central Baptist church. 11l the evening lie will give his fourth lecture-sermon tn young peo ple, wh«n ho will apeak on "The Cul ture of Music." The new orchestra will lake part. In the service, and for offer tory will play "Musical Dreams." N"l"3 will bo given by J. Harold Thomas. Special meetings will bo held at this church April 1S t<> :;;» Inclusive. Mrs. J. S. Norvell will he. the speaker, The Easter 1 cantata, "Daughter of Jalrus," will bo repeated Sunday even- | ing by the choir of the Bethesda Pres- I byterian church. The choir will bo as slated by'the following! Miss Maude \ Thompson, C. V. Clay, J. R. Williams and F. L. Anderson, 11. C. Blaney Is director. MINISTKKS KMT; It I'ltO'l At the meeting of the Congregational ministers held last Monday at the First Congregational church a protest ( against the action of the Los Angeles Ministers' union in refusing to Invite the Religious Educational association ' to hold its convention In Los Angeles was made. The Congregational min isters recorded themselves as In favor of having the session in this city next year. < '„■ ■ A reception to new members will be heM at the Boyle If eights Method! church, making seventy new members received since the arrival of Dr. W. E. Tltroe as pastor a few weeks ago. j Baptism will also be administered at this service. Dr. Tilroo will preach on ( the subject "Fighting Against God." Monday evening a chapter of the Meth odist Brotherhood for men will be or ganized In this church, with 100 char ter members. ■ • . ;' "Gods of Mini" will be the subject of the address by Reynold fiN Blight, minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship, in Blanchard hall, 233 South Broadway, at 11 o'clock. Prelude on "What Is Di rect Legislation?" "TUB WANIM4IUNC. JEW" Joseph Cohn from Now York city, the son of the famous Rabbi Leopold Cohn, will deliver a lecture Sunday afternoon at 3:20 in the Y. M, C. A. auditorium On "The Wandering Jew." Mr. Cohn will appear in tho white flowing robes of the Pharisees. The Rev. Edward Kirk will preach at the 10:30 o'clock mass Sunday morn ing at the Cathedral of St.. Vibiana. Father Brady will give the evening in struction. The young ladles' sodality will meet at 3 p. m. Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, pastor of Temple Baptist church, will continue his series by preaching on "The Fight with Environment." He will endeavor to answer the questions, "Can a man live in Los Angeles and be a Chris tian?" "Are there any circumstances in life where a man cannot be a Chris tian?" ,1 At the Sunday morning service Dr. Brougrher will (speak on "A Man's Value to Society—ls a Man Worth More than an Ox or a Donkey?" There will be baptism at the morning service and especially Inspiring mu sical programs at both services. HAM BOOSTER BANQUET The Temple Baptist church is plan ning for a "boosters' banquet" next Tuesday night at the Federation club, when 250 of the wideawake members of the church will get together around the table and discuss future plans for the church. The principal addresses will be by Bishop Bell of the United Brethren church and Dr. Brougher, pastor of Temple church. Tho Los Angeles presbytery will meet In the San Dirgo Presbyterian church next week, holding Its sessions from Tuesday to Thursday, inclusive. The annual meeting of the Woman's Congregational Home and Foreign Mis sionary societies was held In Redlands Wednesday and Thursday. Twenty delegates from the First Congregation al church attended the sessions. Next Thursday the missionary societies of this church will hold an all-day ses sion at the church, at which reports will be made from the convention. In the afternoon the Women's Work so ciety will meet. Miss Helen Bosby shell will give a reading at this ses- Dr. William Horace Day will open his second course of five lectures at tho Young Women's Chlrlstian associa tion next Tuesday evening. The gen eral topic of the lectures will be "The Land Where Jesus Lived." A Capitola echo meeting will be held at the Young Women's Christian as sociation Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Brief addresses will be made by the Rev. H. Wray Boyle. Miss Meryle Wolfe will render solos. The Rev. W. D. Landls, pastor of the Westlake Presbyterian church, will preach the second of a series of Sunday morning sermons Sunday on "The Apostles' Creed—Orthodoxy or the Things Most Surely Believed." Sunday he will take for his topic, "The Divinity of Christ." In the evening he will take for his topic "The Christian's Banquet." "A WORKING CREED" "A Working Creed" will bo the Sun day morning topic of the Rev. Wil liam Horace Day. pastor of the First Congregational church. In the even ing Dr. Day will speak on "The Cost of a Boy." The First Congregational Choral club will take part in this ser vice. The Rt. Rev.. Bishop Johnson will preach Sunday morning at St. Ste phen's church, Hollywood, and in the afternoon at, Sawtelle. Plans are be ing -made for the Episcopal diocesan convention at which Bishop Johnson will preside in May. . "Eternal Hope, a Self-evident Fact," will be the Sunday morning topic of the Rev. Baker P. Lee, rector of Christ Episcopal church. In the evening Mr. Perry of the International Reform bu reau will i speak at this church on "Unique California." Melville E. Trotter will speak at the Union Rescue mission, 146 North Main street, Sunday evening. P. P. Bilhorn will have charge of the music. B. F. Pearson will address the City Union Rescue mission Sunday evening at 606 East Fifth street. A choir of fifty voices will assist In this service. LETTERS SEIZED BY PRISON OFFICIALS INDICATE GUILT Conviction of Lieutenant Hofrichter, Accused of P"olßonin.g Fellow Of ficer, Expected In Vienna VIENNA, April 9.—The verdict in the case of Llcpt. Hofrichter, who is accused of having poisoned an Aus trian staff officer with cyanide of pot assium, is expected shortly. Several newspapers published a statement that his guilt has been proved by the contents of the family letters which Llept. Hofrichter tried to emuugle out of the prison in order to instruct the members of his family what evidence to give to the military magistrates. Other circumstantial details are divulged to strengthen the supposition that Liept. Hofrichter may have addressed the letters containing notasalum cyanide. PHICKESTER'S PILLB W~. TOE OIJkMONI) LKANDI j^ Af m i —*■ t-T-rt T *ir *l mViiiiJ Limited Engagement—Only 5 Nights, Only 6 Matinees. Week of April 18th to 23d. Grand Exhibition of Absolutely Complete and \^^^^s^w Unabbreviated 18. ROOSEVELT IN Grand Exhibition of Absolutely Complete and Unabbreviated ROOSEVELT IN c^FRICA £~r— Moving Pictures Like having Teddy right on the atage. ■ > . Finest apparatus to Sensation of the Whole World! America will be iued, producing effect. m Tirid , Mogt Extraordinary, Absorbing, Spectacular and Scientifically Valuable Scenes and Events Ever you will think joaneit in Africa. V.V:, . Projected on Canvas. ■ . ■ • . •■ ; , * j~)^ Auditorium £™ Theater | . j^^ jfijT . Prices 10c, 15c and 25c "See It Right and See It All" 4^^«^^ll Including grand orchestra entertainment of brilliant musical features 7?W[ ( y^^B"|c^^VT Two Full Length Performances Each Day i^v'^Bp^l Matinees, 2:15; Nights 8:15 ilLSfefllwitf KJImK Management requests public to assist in avoiding congestion by securing re- l^^^^Li7^^a^l^^r?^^W^ served seats in advance, at Bartlett's Music Store, 231 South Broadway. -*s <C-^ *..^wSg^fE «§g3»>^* * ' ■ ( Opening Sale J^A W^Mr^^ Fine Shoes (^ >^_S^ V*i^™^/ demonstration of the buying and selling power of the new l^v/ I IV^d •- v Brockton Shoe Store—a shoe store that promises the people of We promise the peo- Los Angeles quality shoes for less money than they were ever Jj^j^ 18 aJJ} I' |^^^^^^> offered before. This shoe store will be the talk of the shoe- of )ow price on V buying public. Standard makes of shoes for every member Quality Shoes for ' V V^^^W^ of the family will be sold at cut prices. With a resident buyer diHdl -* y a "pa? located in Boston, Mass., with ready cash to purchase, and - ug ht here, no f^kJvvSp-K. always on the alert to grasp an opportunity to pur- matter how low the ■ A/V' l2si2S& chtue B°od footwear below the market price, this {JSntSTilrtth Tt t/tr^J&P JL store will offer unmatchable values. All shoe*, fitted, >v/_^SKPBH^g|g3HBBSS* exchanged and BmV f«^i _^x • _J ' I O*. j. T BROCKTON r \ The Opening Sale Starts Tomorrow shoe 1 store These Are a Few of the Opening Low Price Inducements ~~i V \WHLV Women's Queen Quality Bhoes Women's $3.50 to $5.00 Grades of right Men's Satin Calf $2.00 am! $2.50 grades A. VV* Jk> v W7r , «_»»-■-. >or black «P K> »"« miniite B||es in fine shoes or of shoes. All styles—lace and congress. l\V\ T1 1 d.n« °^orti ties- A" httn<l wHt or turn fo Pmorrow r for S * 8 Si 45 ft"\%«_roB-_5K^ welt and turn soles, includln K n6veltles . a- C tomonow for mm WT TVtntl Z'2 n- g Bale prlcg Mi"« f »-d chiid~n'- T-n Bc-^ -vgSMßß^aa^V ' ular $3.60 and »4.00 values. ___ _ _ Goodyear welt solos, all sizes, on the r__Blli&_^t§ij\ Opening sale #| QC Miiv'i Fine Shoes, made by Hurt A Educator last. Opening sale * | /Jil Ej££^%BX\ price eJ>J.i7«J Packard and Crawford, all lenthers, Prlce <pI»W \B WS£=3Wz£s\. 1 $3.50 to $5.00 grades, including 10-inch P^l£i~£^Ms>* . - j high-rut tan boots, with If 9QC Boys' $2.00 and $2.50 Bhoes of «rrcry ilSlSik p»Z-i»---"■.■'- '"""'-•"" 95 saffiJxr^ '^^^^^^^ kid, or patent leather. The „,_,, shoes fop Dl . ess or Work, patent ,_ fants Shoes-Hundreds of pair. «f mil I^B M L kind you pay $2.50 for. Open velour or tan calf, all stylos. RoKular f ine shoes will be placed on sal« for \m.l |_^_ inn Bale' tf> I AC $3.00 and $3.n0 values. Open- Iff Qe the opening of this store >#C — fi_» prL. $1.45 ing sale price •>!.!/* for 4&C 4-4-5 Sou. Broadway . ■ '■ . ■■■. .-.;■ . -. :. BETTER CITY PLEASES BISHOP OF CHEYENNE Rt. pev. John J. Keane Comes to Los Angeles to Deliver Lecture Course Rt. Rev. John J. Keane, Catholic bishop of Cheyenne, Wyo., who will deliver a series of lectures at the Ma son opera house this week under the auspices of Loa Angeles council No. 621, Knights of Columbus, arrived, in Los Angeles lit 12 o'clock yesterday from San Francisco and registered at the Alexandria hotel. Ho was shown the city during the afternoon in an automobile drive in company with sev eral friends. Last night Bishop Keane expressed his pleasure at again being in Los Angoles and complimented its citizens highly on the energy and abil ity they had displayed in its building. "Every time I come here," said the bishop, "I am Impressed with Los An geles 1' wonderful development both along commercial and moral lines. I think it Is the cleanest city In Ameri ca. It would not surprise me to see a magnificent cathedral here some day. Like your Union depot the cathedral has had to wait In order to more fully measure its • requirements," The Los Angeles Knights of Colum bus have arranged to have prominent men preside at the lectures to be sly- en by Biafaop John J. Keane at the Mason opera house beginning Mon day evening, when Bishop Comity will act as chairman of the evening and will make a, short address introducing the ipeaker. Tuesday evening Joseph Scott, onu of the best known Catholic laymen of the city, will preside and on the following: evenings the presiding chairman will be: Wednesday, John B. Burks, vloo president of the First National bank; Thursday, W. Joseph Ford, deputy district attorney; Fri day, D. F. McGarry, vice president of the Hibernian bank; Saturday, Paul McCormick, deputy district attorney; Sunday afternoon, "W. E. Hampton will preside, the place of the service not having bean decided, it' the i,u dlenceg at the week warrant it the Knights will secure a larger auditorium for the meeting. Bishop Keane will devote the first half hour each evening to answering questions placed in the question box at the opera heuse. s. Great Success Local Specialist Cures Cross Ry.i Without Operation Cross eyes are • very often caused by eye strain, defective eyes disturb ing the balance of the ocular muscles, Dr. Jesberg, 828 j Security building, cures crossed eyas |by correcting the cause of the difficulty. He has special success with children's eyes. Dr. Jesberg makes no charge for consultation. If you suffer from head aches, painful eyes or poor:vision, It will greatly pay you to get the opinion of;this specialist. ' v,--,; 9