OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, April 30, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-04-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOr.. XXXVII. PIMflV* ft ft f^I?lV rr<a i»y CAIIKIEB
MMBKIt 211 1 lUJLV^JIj . OV V^lZiil J.O i»KB MONTH
Wife of Juror Is Lying Seriously
111 in Hospital, and He Is
Called to Her
Dr. F. L Hall, First Expert to
Testify, Tells of Swope
[Associated Press]
KANSAS CITY, April 2!).—Somber
shadows of another Impending
tragedy darkened the courtroom
today and compelled a recesi In tho
trial of Dr. B. C. Hyde, who i.s charged
with having polsonod Col. Thomas
Swope. Mrs. William Beebe, wife of
one of tho jurors, Is lying at tho point
of death In a local hospital and the
court recessed todsiy while the griev
ing husband hurried to her side, be-
Ilevlnf ho must bid lure farewell.
All Kansas City Is dlicuislng thll
latest tragic development in the Swope
caso and wondering If the weird chain
of tragedies are merely coincidences.
The death of Dr. O. T. Twyman, one
•of tho state's most Important wit
nesses, almost at the hour be was ex
pected to testify, caused wide comment.
The desperate illness of Mrs. Beebe,
which may compel postponement of tho
trial at any Instant, has Increased it.
With the calling of l>r. Frank 1...
Hall, a pathologist, to tho witness
stand today, the trial entered the com
plicated realm of expert testimony.
Dr. Hall assisted I >r. Ludwig Hek-.
toen of Chicago to make the autopsy
on Col. Thomas H. Swope's body on
January 1, and later conducted an in
vestigation to determlnn. If possible,
the source of the typhoid epidemic In
tho Swopo residence.
Practically all the examination of tho
pathologist dealt with the condition of
Col. Swopo's vltnl organs at the time
of tho post mortem.
On redirect examination, Pr. Hall
Bald -he believed there was nothing
about the organs to indicate a death
from natural causes.
"Do you think Col. Swope died of
apoplexy?" asked Attorney Atwood,
for the state.
*"1 do not," replied the pathologist.
', Prompted by Dr. Hydo and bringing
Into use scores of medical terms, At
torney Frank P. \Valsh cross-examined
the witness. -
The cross-examination developed that
Col. Swope's kidneys.were not normal:
that uraemlc poisoning would have
caused symptoms similar to those
caused by cyanide of potassium; that
there was some hardening of the ar
teries, and that the intestines showed
evidence of a tumorous growth.
In closing his cross-examination, Mr.
Walsh asked Dr. Hall If he did not tell
him a few weeks ago that If he had
been called upon to give a death cer
tificate In Col. Bwope'S case he would
' have ascribed the cause to senile de
"I did." answered the witness.
After presenting a long hypothetical
question In which the symptoms of Col.
Swope were fully described, Mr. At
wood asked:
"Now, In such a case, what would
you say?"
• "I should say the patient had been
polaoned," replied Dr. Hall.
Mr. Walsh then asked a hypothetical
question emphasizing the old age and
weaknesses of Col. Swope and nsked
If, provided it was not known poison
had been administered, the witness
would say death had resmlted from
poisoning. '
"No, I should not Raj* it In that
case," responded Dr. Hall.
The witness said he was unable to
locate the source of the typhoid epi
demic in the Swope residence. It
peemed to him, he testifed, the perms
tiiul been Introduced In a mass by
some one bent upon scientific experi
ment. This suggestion, marie to Mrs.
SwOpe, shocked her, said the patho
Dr. Elmpr Twyman testifed during
the afternoon session that hn made
several testa for meningitis upon
Chrisman Swope nml none of them
showed ho was suffering from this af
Dr. Hyde contended, however, this
was the cause of the young man's 111—
ness, Dr. Twyman said. Teat* for
typhoid fever were readily responded
to, added the pliyslrlnn.
Mrs. William Beebc, wife of one of
the Jurymen. Is In a critical condition
at a local hospital. It is feared the.
trial may be postponed on account of
her Illness or death at any time. Her
husband was called to her bedside to
day, compelling a short recess of the
Dr. Hyde refused to enter the cause
of Chrlsman Swope's death in the death
certificate ho signed, testified Henry J.
Ott, an undertaker, today. Mr. Ott said
the physician told him to get Dr. G. T.
Twyman, who also attended Mr. Swope,
to fill out the blank. This was not
dune, and the certificate is still In
Mrs. Hyde spoke to R. B. Mitchell, an
undertaker, a day before Col. Swope
died, about getting a coffin for him,
testified Mr. Mitchell today. The un
dertaker said Mrs. Hyde told him her
husband had said Col. Swope could not
The morning session of court was de
voted largely to the testimony of un
dertakers, cemetery employes and per
sons who guarded the bodies of Col.
find Chrlsman Swope and James Moss
Hunton after their deaths.
COLUMBUS, 0., April 29.— W. H.
Leavltt, former son-in-law of William
J. Bryan, tonight sent Mr. Bryan a
telegram In reference to the remar
riage of Mrs. Leavitt, saying:
•Have no intention of stopping wed- v
ding; wish Tiutli much happiness, but
I mean to have posse.* 1--'"" of my chil
For I/<m Angeles and rlrlnltyCloudy on
Hat unlay; light west wintl. Maximum tem
{irraturo yesterday 08 degree*; minimum
trmperature 41* degrees.
Krnnk Allen OOtlfesses ho attacked Miss
Etta I/iiiiiMlon; victim still unoonsolous.
I'AclE 1
Wife fll™ will of late Millionaire Thomas
Illtinib, disposing of $2,000,000 estatn.
Ilrarlnjr'of "Gloomy Ous" Witt on forgery
charge set for Mny 6. PAGE 6
Al Malalkah templo welcomos Imperial Po
tentate Hlnos. I'AOB 5
Aqueduct Inspectors get severe sun
burning sjong aquoduct. PAGE] 2
Southern Paclfio wrecking train return
ing from wreck crashes into switch
train. PAGE 3
Robert Steere, pioneer, passes away after
Innc Illness. I'Aflß 9
Machine pact to make Bell dead one Is
denied. PAGE 9
Woman hurls clock at hucband; misses
and resorts to carving knife. PAGB] 1
Court's decision .reduces Charles Alexan
der's work, but his pay remains the
same. PAGE 9
Rrd-hot liarpnnn* pierce hides of the hlßh
way commission. PAGE 8
Italian arrested fnr refusing Information
to ouuos enumerator. PAGE 12
Ernest Wlrth, who murdered his wife, says
"Thank you," when sentenced to death
by Judge Willis. PAGE 9
Editorial. PAGE 12
Clubs, music. PAGE 13
Marriage licenses, births, deaths. PAGE 14
City brevities. PAGE 13
In hotel corridors. PAGE ||
Karkets and financial. I'AGE 7
Mines and oil fields. PAGE 11
News of the courts. PAGE 18
Municipal affairs. PAGE 16
Citrus fruit report. PAGE II
Shipping. PAGE 11
Classified advertising. PAGES 14-11
Churches. PAGE 13
School bond Issue in Pasadena falls of
necessary two-thirds vote. PAGE 14
Schooner Aloha drags anchor at Redondo
K.'iich; bumps pier. PAOE 14
Ban Bernardino kids, boy 17, (rlrl IS, don
double harness. PAGE 14
I/Ong Hearh grub peddlers plan co-opera
tion to offaet htgli prices. PAGE 14
Find OOipees frozen lashed to rlggln* In
wreck of fisherman. PAOE 2
South Sea Islanders kill and eat two Pres
byterian missionaries. . PAGE 2
Sheriff of Marln county Berves warrant
charging grand larceny on H. P. Flan
ncry, head of San Francisco police com
mission, as he lies 111 In bed. PAGE 1
Ventura couple celebrate golden wedding
anniversary. PAGE 3
Bcnate regulai* defeat Cummins'
amendment u> railroad bill. I'AGE 3
Zelaya publishes confiscated letter from
I.tunard Oroca to mother. PAGE 3
Illness of juror's wife may halt trial of
Dr, Hyde. PAGE) 1
Balllnger takes stand, defends his actions
and calls Glavts a liar. PAGE 1
Alameda woman "kidnaps" her children
and seises milk wagon and driver when
pursued; police auto catches her. PAGE 2
Bulls put up $15,000,000; absorb world of
cotton._ PAGE 1
CHICAGO, April 2!>— Mrs. Laura C.
Cummings, wife of Norman P. Cum
mings, tho wealthy Pasadena real es
tate dealer, whom she recently reported
to the police as missing, declared to
day In a schedule filed in Municipal
Judge Goodnow's court, that she. had
been deserted by her husband and is
without money.
The schedule was filed as a reply
to an attachment suit for $181 85, in
stituted by John T. Snayne & Co. a
few days ago. Two trunks seized
on attachment were returned to her
on an order of the court Wednesday.
Mrs. Cummlngs in her schedule made
the following affidavit:
"I, Laura C. Cummlngs, declare on
oath that I am the head of a family
consisting of myself and child, and am
deserted by my husband and that I
have no property other than necessary
wearing apparel which is scheduled be
low. I have no cash."
Then follows a modest list of cloth-
Pinned beneath his overturned auto
mobile, J. B. Kuhn, a building con
tractor, had what he termed a miracu
lous escape from death last night as
!!•• was going to his home, 141!:' West
Ninth street. He suffered a broken
nose, his face wa.s badly skinned and
his body bruised.
When the auto which had turned
turtle was removed from on top of
the injured man It was thought the lat
ter was dead. To the surprise of those
attracted by the accident he arose and
was able to walk to his home, where
he was attended by Dr. E. G. Goodrich.
The accident happened near Kuhn's
home. He was crossing the. street, and
In an endeavor to dodge another auto
he swerve. 1 sharply, causing his ma
chine to overturn.
HONOLULU, April 29.—Following the
arrest of four Russians today on the
charge of inciting disorder, a mob of
500 of their countrymen surrounded the.
police station, and a battle with the
police followed.
The mob demanded the release of
their leaden and defied the order to
dispense. The police brought the fire
department to their aid and a stream
was turned on the mob, which had
passed in front of the jail with women
and babies held In front as a shield.
The hos£ failed to break the mob en
tirely and the police drew their clubs
and charged. The mob scattered.
PARIS, April St.—Then Is a serious
uprising- of nattvea In Nyiis, Portu
guese; Kaat Africa. King Murla, at the
head of numerous tribes, has mas
■acred the people and burned the set
200,000 Bales Grabbed Up in a
Jiffy on New York Cot
ton Exchange
Big Cleanup Is Credited to Saga
city of 'Big Four,' Though
Estimates Are Hazy
[Associated Press 1
VfEW YORK, April 29.—Two hun
\\ dred thousand bales of cotton
dred thousand bales of cotton
-»-' were swalllowed by the bull
clique on the New York cotton ex
change today. The first day of May
"notices" pasod without as much as a
tremor, Fifteen million dollars, it Is
estimated, went from bull pockets in
the course of transactions, but so easily
was the cotton absorbed that after a
preliminary flurry there was no great
At the end of the day's operations
tho bull leaders, Patten, Scales, Hayne
and Browno, were apparently more
strongly entrenched than ever., Trans
actions were twice as large as any
prevloius day's business in the history
of the exchangre.
Inasmuch as the shorts have until
May 31 to meet their contracts, It had
been predicted by sorneihat today's
transactions would represent only a
part of the cotton to be delivered, but
as the day progressed it was the
opinion In the trade that the bulk of
the staple they must produce was
Although tho "big four" are known to
have cleared a large sum, no authorita
tive estimates of the amount could be
obtained. None of the bull leaden
would indicate the amount of cotton
he had under contract, or which was to
be delivered Monday. Their ultimate
profits will depend largely on their
success in disposing of their holdings
to spinners.
Eugene N. Scales, one of the "big
four," as the leaders in the bull move
ment are called, said the bulls would
turn over every bale of cotton delivered
to the spinners,
"Not a bale will go to speculators,"
he said. "The gamblers will have to
look out for themselves."
It is estimated that not less than $6,
--000,000 will be required to finance the
cotton delivered this morning, that
amount representing the volume of
money which the bulls must produce in
addition to that which the banks will
loan to them on the cotton which now
passes into their hands.
Nevertheless, the May situation is
regarded as fairly well cleared up, and
if it is, the bulls will turn to the July
market, In which they are already
heavily long, with the hope of repeating
successful operations.
Covering by scattered short Interests
today sent up prices sharply, and the
advance for the day in the general
market ranged from 2 to 26 points
above yesterday's close, while May con
tracts closed at 14.76 cents, 35 points or
$1.25 a bale, above the close of yester
SALES COSTS $40,000,000
Southern Senator Says $600,
--000,000 Worth Sent Abroad
WASHINGTON, April 29.—"The In
vestigation Into the sales of cotton
which Attorney General Wlckersham
Is conducting has cost the American
people nearly $40,000,000."
This was the assertion of Senator
Smith of South Carolina in the senate
to.lay, while spaakinp in favor of a
resolution directing the attorney gen
eral to ascertain the names of the per
sons who sold the cotton to the New
York pool, the operations of which
have recently reecived much attention.
Mr. Smith said that whereas only
$40,0d0,000 worth of .manufactured goods
had been exported last year, $600,000,000
worth of raw cotton has been sent
abroad. This year the cotton exporta
tion, he said, would be about
Further along in his speech he de
clared the machinations of the stock
exouange were in favor of foreign buy
ers. The resolution was then adopted.
It directs the attorney general to in
quire as to the names of the party or
parties or corporations that sold the
cotton alleged to have been bought by
B pool of purchasers, who are now un
der Investigation by the department of
justice; also as to the prices, whether
or not they owned the cotton at the
time of the sale thereof, and the "price
of spot cotton In the south on the date
of the contracts."
LONDON, April 29.—The budget,
which has kept politics in a turmoil
for the last year, received the royal
assent this morning, thus becoming a
law on the anniversary of its intro
The house of lords and the house of
commons met in formal session today,
not more than a dozen members be
ing present, to hear the royal assent
read. Both houses adjourned until
May 26.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 29.—Clif
ford B. Harmon of New York, the am
ateur aeronaut, will make another start
from San Antonio in his balloon New
York the latter part of Juno or the Hist
part of July In an attempt to win the
Lamh cup.
This Information is contained In a
letter from Mr. Harmon to Allen Buetl,
local weather forecaster and made
public today.
£^JCSmmmSSSES '"'"O^
\ atirßßtf-MJik, ' >^H
HARRI.Sm.TRG, April 29.—The jury
in the case of Joseph M. Huston,
the Philadelphia architect who
was Charged with conspiracy to de
fraud the state in connection with a
furniture contract for the state capi
tol, today returned a verdict of "guilty
of defrauding the state."
The court told the jury to find a ver
dlct on the charge of conspiracy, which
is the Indictment, and the body was
sent back.
Woman Whose Husband Failed
to Keep Date Gets Busy
with Carver
After throwing an alarm clock at
her husband while he was asleep in
bed, Mrs. Hilda White obtained a
carving knife and stabbed her hus
band, C. H. White, in the back, while
he was explaining to the landlady the
cause of- the rumpus in his apart
Domestic Infelicity was the reason
given by Mrs. White for attacking her
husband. The alarm clock did not
strike the Intended mark, but the
carvinp knife found a resting place in
White's back between the shoulder
When the blood spurted from the
wound Mrs. White became ularmud and
telephoned for the police ambulance.
When taken to the receiving hospital,
White was weak from loss of blood,
and his wife, who was taken to central
police headquarters at the same time,
refused to speak to her husband.
While white was being treated at
the receiving hospital, his wife was
booked on a QBarge of ussa\ilt with B
deadly weapon. To the desk sergeant
she said her husband had Men drink
ing and failed to meet her at 6 o'clock
last night as was planned. When he
returned to his rooms in the St. Louis
apartment house, 1141 West First
.street, he refused to explain to his
wife where he had passed tho evening.
After he retired he was awakened
by an alarm clock—not the ringing of
the alarm—but as the result of one,
being tossed against his head.
He arose and when the landlady,
Mrs. May Arnold, went to the room
to remonstrate against the disturbance,
White answered the call. It was tlion
he was stabbed.
Law Faces Problem in Case of
Determined Faster
SEATTLE, April 29.—L. E. Rader,
former member of the legislature, for
mer deputy state treasurer and a lead
er of the Populist party when it dom
inated the state of Washington, in ly
ing in a room in a hotel in this city,
almost dead from voluntary starvation,
begun twenty-seven days ago on the
advice of a woman doctor who pre
scribed abstention from food and drink
as a remedy for all ailments.
There Is no one with authority to
compel Rader to take food. The only
way of saving his life, the city physi
cian says, is to have him declared in
sane and feed him forcibly.
The corporation counsel was asked
today whether the city physician may
take such action.
Ruder is at liberty under $2500 bail,
awaiting trial on a charge of swindling
by means of a land lottery conducted
by the Southern Pacific Land company,
of which he was secretary and man
PITTSBURG, April 29.—The contro
versy between the 40,000 union miners
and operators of the Pittsburg soft
coal district was settled late tonight.
The miners return to work Monday.
Grand Larceny Charged Against
Head of San Francisco
Police Commission
Doctors Certify Accused Man Is
in Such Condition He Can
not Leave Home
[AssorMatod Proas]
SAN FRANCISCO, April 29.—Henry
P. Flannery, president of the
board of police commissioners of
San Francisco, was today indicted by
the Marin county grand Jury on a
charge of grand larceny.
Flannery was formally placed under
arrest by Sheriff W. P. Taylor of Marin
county and Deputy Sheriff -Martin, late
this afternoon. The warrant was
served upon the police commissioner
as he lay in bed at his home.
Doctors' certificates were shown by
Mrs. Flannery stating that the pa
tient was still too ill to leave his room
anil Sheriff Taylor announced he would
remain until Flannery had recovered
sufficiently to accompany him across
the bay to San Rafael,
Taylor had been in the house only
a .short time when he received word
from his office that a bond for $:'OOO,
the amount required by the court for
Fl innery's release, had been filed with
the county clerk of Marin county. Tho
sheriff was satisfied as to the legality
of the procedure and left Flannery's
Captain of Detectives Eugene Wall
was with Flannery for some time to
day. IM I<i ih y, a politician, was also
a visitor, and Secretary Charles Skel
ly of the board of police commission
ers called during the afternoon.
nuom root h<k»i r,ui>
The indictment of Flannery followed
an investigation of the Marin county
grand jury into the operations of a
gang of alleged poolroom bunco men
and wire tappers who were arrested
In a raid on their headquarters at
Sausalito by Sheriff W. I*. Taylor and
District Attorney Boyd.
The men were arrested on complaint
of Robert W. Wood, a young Fresiio
rancher, who lost $1000 to the pool
room operators after winning a num
ber of minor bets which he had placed
with them.
At the time of the arrest of Joseph
Abbott, Frank Hazel and Frank Mc-
Sherry, It wa.s charted that Flannery
had Interested himself in their cases
to the extent of securing legal serv
ices for them.
Later the arrested men denied this,
and the story was not revived until
Abbott testifed before the grand jury
Wednesday that he had come to San
Francisco relying on a promise that
police protection would be extended to
him by Flannery.
When the news of the confession be
came public, Mayor McCarthy sus
pended Flannery from his position as
Mad of the police commission of that
city. The Maim county grand Jury
m»t again today after a recess of one
day and the indictment of Flannery
quickly followed. The grand jury Is
*till 'considering the evidence regard
ing Flannery, and it is reported that
nl In r indictments against him on dlf
ferent charge! may be brought.
Flannery is the proprietor of a sa
loon and was a Democratic presiden
tial elector in the last national elec
tion. He was appointed a commis
sioner of police by Mayor McCarthy,
and was in charge of the finanqial
part of the Litter's campaign.
District Attorney Fickert today said:
"If we can find that bribes were
taken for the purpose of giving free
dom or immunity to such men in San
Francisco, that would constitute brib
ery, for which an indictment could
"The evidence in the hands of the
Marin county authorities may lead to
much more sensational charges and
may form the basis for a wider Inves
tigation In San Francisco. The oppo
site also may be true, though.
"We will use tho Marln county evi
dence as the foundation for such an
investigation of criminal acts com
mitted In San Francisco, for which
Flannery as police commissioner could
be Indicted." :,'.
Boys Arrested at San Bernardino
on Way to Desert
Walter Hollaway, Henry Globen
feldt and William Horton, aged 9, 10
and 12 years, respectively, were arrest
eu in San Bernardino yesterday while
driving across the country towards the
desert in a buggy which they had sto
len from a livery stable there. They
were taken back to San Bernardino
and locked up in the city Jail. Proba
tion Officer MeLaughlin left Los An
geles yesterday afternoon to bring
back yig youthful disobeyers of the
law and take them before Judge Wil
bur in the juvenile' court.
It is alleged by the detectives that
the youngsters stole a horse and bug
gy from the stables of the board of
education at 1350 San Juliar street,
on April 27, and drove to Colton. Here
they tried to dispose of it, but failing,
abandoned it and walked to San Ber
nardino where they stole the second
horse and buggy they were caught
driving. They had a large stock of pro
visions with them and it is thought
that they would have committed a
more serious crime if they had not been
apprehended. They are said to' have
had guns with them.
Horton and Globenfeldt have been
out on probation from tho juvenile de
partment on a minor charge and it is
thought that Hollaway has been be
fore the same court on some charge
or other.
Etta Lumsden, Victim of Youth's
Attack. Still Unconscious
in Hospital
Without flinching, wtlhout a trace of
emotion, Frank Allen, I,'i-year-old son
of W. S. Allen, yesterday confaaMd to
having attacked Etta Lumsden, 14
years old, at the home of her parent!
at 1089 KiiPt Fnrty-flfth street. The
gin is in a critical condition.
Young Allen vm placed under sur
veillance Thursday night hy Detectives
Ititch and Roberdl when traces of
blood were found on a rack where he
had hung his cap In his home. Despite
questioning by the detectives, he main
tained he knew nothing about the brut
al MMUIt.
Yesterday morning- he was taken to
central police headquarters, and before
Captain of Detectives Flammer, De
tective Uiteh and Probation Officer
MeLaughlin he made a confession of
how he had attempted to assault the
girl and later fractured her skull with
an ax.
He was taken to the juvenile depart
ment of the superior court before
Judge 'Wilbur, and after a consultation
was taken to the county jail, where he
will be detained pending the outcome of
tin- injuries indicted on the girl.
The Lumsden girl was attacked about
7:30 o'clock Thursday, night while
sprinkling the lawn in the back yard.
.Mrs. Lumsden, when her daughter did
not come into the house, went into the
back yard and saw the girl lying un
conscious on the ground. She was re
removed to the Good Samaritan hospi
tal, where until a late hour last night
she was in a critical condition. She
has not regained consciousness since
the attack.
Young Allen talked freely of his
crime in the county Jail yesterday. He
told of every incident connected with
it but discredited the statements of the
detectives who arrested him that there
were blood stains on the bat rack in
his home. "I never use that rack any
way," lie said. "If there is blood on
that rack they put it there.
"I don't know why I struck the girl
except that she suddenly angered me.
We were standing In the garden talk
ing together. She rejected my advan
ces and I struck her hardly knowing
what I was doing until I had reached
the street. Then it came before me.
I did not try to get out of the city
because my conscience would bother
me. I want to atone for my sin. My
only grief is that the shame of this
will rest on my people. The fact that
my sister has a brother who has done
this thing worries me the most."
Allen was extremely nervous and
started at the slightest sound, He
glanced about the room. Pale and hag
gard he was waiting for news of the
girl whose death he looked on as his
own. Aside from his own interest he
appeared to have no sympathy for his
victim. Asked if he feared the con
sequence of his crime he replied that
facing her mother and father In the
courtroom was what he dreaded most
of all.
Allen was placed on probation by
Judge Wilbur nearly two years ago,
after he had been found guilty of
stealing things from one of the public
school buildings. He made regular re
ports to the probation office and some
idea of the grip that the probation of
ficers obtain on the minds of the
young may be seen from the fact that
it was to a probation officer that Allen
Detectives had endeavored for sev
eral hours yesterday to secure a con
fession from the youth, but he stead
fastly refused to confess to anything.
Probation Officer McLaughlin was
called and he asked the boy if it was
true that he had struck the girl.
no ro.nrLAiNT out
No complaint was sworn out against
Allen yesterday for the reason that it
was thought best to wait and see if
his victim died. All afternoon Deputy
District Attorney Donnell kept in
touch with the hospital, but late in the
afternoon the girl was still alive.
A peculiar feature of the case is that
Judge Wilbur showed an indisposition '
to place the case in the hands of the
district attorney's office, preferring
that it should be investigated by the '
grand jury.
HAVANA, April 29.—Martin Morua
Delgado, secretary of agriculture in
the recent reconstructed Cuban cab-
inct, and former president of the sen
ate, died last night at Santiago de Lns
Vegas. He had been in ill health for
several months. Minister Delgudo was
54 years old and was the most prom
inent negro political leader In Cuba.
Denies the Accusations of Others
and Defends Actions as
Cabinet Officer
Many Prominent Washington
Women Attend Hearing
and Show Interest
TAssociated rreps]
TTTABHINOTON, April 29.—Indl*-
IV nantly denying ho liad hoen
' * guilty of any wrongdoing, Kich
ard A. Balllnger, secretary of the in
terior, made a bitter attack upon his
critics while a witness before the Bal
linsrer-Pinchot Investigation committea
today, and characterized many of the
■worn statements of his principal ac
cuser, L. K. Glavis, as "wilful and de
liberate lies."
Led on by his attorney, Mr. Vertr^es,
the cabinet officer, answered one by
one the indictments of those who would
destroy him. He referred with ap
parent pride t % o Theodore Roosevelt's
oft-repeated hifcn estimate of him, par
ticularly the former president's state
ment, when he (Ballinffer) was com
missioner of the land office, that he bad
"secured a $26,000 man for $5000." Ho
wept when lie started to read a letter
he had w rltten Garfield.
He defended his conduct in connec
tion with the Cunningham coal cases,
and stated emphatically he would take
the same action today as he did when
at the head of the land office, if he had
the same record before him.
After leaving the land offi, c. Mr. Ral
linjer declared his only connection with
Hi" Cunningham cases was in bringing
east from Seattle an affidavit of Cun
ningham and giving it to Secretary
Qarfteld. For this service, he said, h<i
Had received J-00 or $^50, which he re
garded as traveling expenses.
lie said when he became secretary of
the interior he refused to pass upon the
claims in any way.
Attorney Vertrees Btlll haa to ex
amine -Mr. Balllnger on the subject of
water power sites before Mr. Brandeis,
counsel for (Jlavis, and Mr. Pepper,
counsel for Pinchot, begin their cross
The secretary's testimony today dealt
almost exclusively with the Glavii
charges; tomorrow it will embrace his
attitude toward conservation and the
beginning of his controversy with
I.Hi >t<T Pinchot.
In tin; Wilson company's cases Olavis
had testified Bulllnser had drawn up
i row agreement giving his client,
Watson Allen, a right to purchase four
claims afti r patents had been secured.
As the Claims had not been proved up.
GHavli contended perjury would have
had to nave been committed to secure
patent! for those lands.
Mr. Balllnger today emphatically de
nied he had ever prepared such an
agreement, and characterized the story
as "another case where this man Glavis
deliberately attempted to build up a
case to besmirch my character."
"I bitterly denounce his testimony in
that connection," added the secretary.
Questioned about Glavis' statement
that he had mot Mr. Ballinger in,
Seattle in the summer of 1908 and that
the latter told him the Cunningham
claims were in a bud fix, Mr. Balllnger
Interrupted his lawyer impatiently.
"That is a deliberate lie," he ex
claimed, "and like many other of hia
statements to this committee. It is a
contemptible attempt of that man
Glavis to besmirch my character."
Passing on to the time when he be
came lecretary of the interior, Ballin
ger said he "burned all his bridges be
hind him. dissolved, his law firm and
severed all connections with corpora
In reply to an inquiry from his law
yer ai to whether he and Garfleld had
parted friends, Mr. R-Ulinger said:
"Yes," and started to road a letter
he had written to Garfield after he had
returned to Seattle.
"My Dear Jim," he began.
Then his voice broke and he stopped.
Mr. \'ei-trees took the letter from him
and read while Mr. Balllnger recovered
There was a reference in the first few
lines to Mr. Hallinger's mother, who la
still living, but very feeble, and this
reference caused Mr. Ballinger to be
tray emotion.
A social event would hardly have at
tracted a larger proportion of women
than attended the hearing today. Mrs.
Balllnger was there, accompanied by
Mrs. Wickersham, wife of the attorney
general. Mrs. Pinchot, mother of the
former forester, and Mrs. Justice Lur
ton also were there.
"The defense" hopes to conclude by
noon tomorrow. If this hope is realized
Mr. BrandelS will have Mr. Ballinger
in hand all afternoon.
Guest at Gould-Drexel Wedding
Loses Costly Jewels
NEW YORK, April 29.—Thousands
of dollars worth of diamonds and a
rare Hungarian opal are being hunted
for high and low by srne of the most
discreet members of the Municipal De
tective bureau on orders from head
quarters to recover the gems at any
cost, but to keep the facts about the
robbery secret.
Where, when or from whom the
jewels were stolen is not publicly
known. It is generally understood
that the woman who was robbed was
ono of those prominent in the quieter
and more exclusive circles which
•formed a part of the Drexel-Oould
■ eddlnr,
The opal is centered in a brooch
valued at $5000. The other stolen arti
cles include a pair of diamond ear
rings valued at {3000

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