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X 2 pAGES ] yoU xxxvii. PRTPI?' FtA ril?TV rT*5 by carrier NUMimit fU3 XlvJA^Ji*. o\J- \jHilM li 3 PER month ASTRONOMERS TO HOLD MEETING ON MOUNT WILSON Savants from All Over the World Will Be Here Next Summer COME TO RUBBER AT OLD SOL Conference to Be Most Important Astronomical Gathering Ever Held in America i oTHwNGIviEiUn from mi over the j\ world, members of the Interna -£*• tional v Association for Solar Re search, will meet at the Mount Wilson observatory next summer. to discuss the results of recent studies of the day star and to plan future observa tions. The meeting will be the fourth ever held by tho association, and the second to be held in America. It will bring here the most distinguished con course of astronomers ever gathered within the United States, and it will be by far the most Important astro nomical gathering of recent years. The International association's first congress was held in St. Louis in iaO4, the second at Oxford in 1905 and the third and last at the Observatory of Meudon In 11107. The congress at Mount Wilson will convent) August 29. and will remain in session for several days, if not weeks, no time limit hav ing been set. Formal invitations to the gathering were sent out from the Mount Wilson observatory several months ago, under the authority of the International as sociation's executive committee. Ke sponses to these invitations have been very generally favorable, and it is already certain, say observatory of ficials, that the meeting will prove the most Important ever held in this country. Nor is thu reason for this far to seek. Tho Mount Wilson ob servatory Is admittedly the best equipped in the world for solar ob servation. In Itself it la a strong at traction for men who study the heavens. WIIX OOMJC FROM AFAK Practically every university In the United States will be represented at the meeting, while delegates will also be In attendance from all the im portant universities and observatories of the old world. Prominent among' tho European savants who will come here will be Professor Hartmann, disector of the observatory at Got tingen, Germany; l Jrofunsor Kayser of Bonn and Sir David Gill, for many years astronomer royal at the Cai>e of Good Hope. The problems to be discussed by this congress are primarily Bolar prob lems, which are, in reality, problems of physics; and at Mount Wilson visit ing astronomers will find an equip ment as perfect as modern science can make it to aid them In their research. The observatory Itself, under the direction of Prof. G. E. Hale, is, as is well known, an annex of the Car negie institute at Washington. Pro fessor Hale, by the way, 13 now on his way home from the east, where he wont on business connected with j the coming meeting. The observatory Is about 2000 meters above sea level. Arrived there, the astronomer is at once on the earth and in the sky. On one side he has under his gaze terrestrial nature in its most varied aspects—first, the moun tain, then in the distance the immense azure seu. extending as far as the eye can reach, over all th« silent move ment of the stars. Below him is tho life of two cities—Pasadena and Los Angeles—which seem at night to be a group of stars glowing with a bright light; above them the berene, tranquil sublimity of the celestial world. At that altitude the atmosphere is trans parent, free from heavy vapors and clouds of dust. INSTRUMENTS Of OBBAT VALUE The - astronomers will find :on these heights, dominating the fogs of the plain, an establishment fitted with all the desirable instruments for the spe cial studies which are carried on there. Among them are, notably, several large reflectors. The most important of these Instruments Is a horizontal telescope of 60em. aperture ' and a focal length of eighteen meters, due to the muni ficence of a benefactress of science. Miss Snow of Chicago. It receives the rays . emitted by. the heavenly bodies by means of a coelostat, composed of two plane mirrors of 76cm. and 60cm. diameter. A spectrograph of sm. 50cm. focus .or : a spectroheliograph of . lin. 50cm. can be adapted to It. ■"■• •,. A, well known astronomer and writer who Is i greatly interested in the con gress said . yesterday: . <|l I.STIONS Ol!" VITAL INTEREST "The program of the approaching session includes, naturally, the discus sion of all the questions awakened by the solar problem. Every manifesta tion of terrestrial life derives its en ergy from the sun. It is thus a mat ter of urgent necessity to discover the amount of such energy cast on the earth at each instant by the radiant king of the day sky. This amount was at one time considered to be invariable, and for that very reason it was des ignated as the 'solar constant' —a term which is incorrect, as the radiation varies from year to year, even from day to day, as Is shown by the per petual changes In the aspect of the sun's disk, the number and dimensions of its spots, its faculae and its pro tuberances. For more than a century studies of this nature have been pur- Hued by means of two instruments— the actinometer and the pyrheliometer. "Again, one of the most captivating questions at the present time Is that of the force of repulsion of the sun, which gives birth to the tails of the comets. Is it produced by the pressure of light, according to the theory of ArrheniuM, or is it of electric origin, oathodle or other rays? In any case it seems evident that electricity plays it great rolo in this phenomenon, under whatever form this activity may be found to appear. The recent discovery by Messrs. Hale and Deslandres of a magnetic field in the whirlwind* of the chroinonphen 1 X from thin point of view, of the highest importance." | LOS ANGELES HERALD VISION OF VICTIM DRIVES MURDERER FROM HIDING Slayer of Eleanor Fieber Caught by San Francisco Police SAN FRANCISCO, . May I.—Driven from his retreat, in tho canyons of the Alameda county foothills, where lie hag been' hiding for the last ninety days, George Bessor, who shot and killed Miss Eleanor Ftober. lio.h sweet heart, oh. the night of January 29 in a fit of Joalousy, came back Into the city today to surrender himself to Detective James Reagan, an acquaint ance, and was captured by the police before he could give himself up. Bosßor telia a story of terrible hard nil Ips endured while concealing himself from the officers. Several times, haunt ed by his conscience and a vision of the pirl he had slain, Hessor had con templated suicido. Bessor, who Is a longshoreman, had loved Miss Firber. Going to her home <m tho night of January 29, ho found her In the company of another man. He fired two shots and Miss Fleber fell dead. Bessor claims lie shot to kill Miss Flpber's, companion and had no tnougnt of harming tho girl. FIVE DUCK DEATH AS AUTO LOOPS THE LOOP Women and Children Hurled from Car Which Goes over Preci pice in Pasadena PASADENA, May I.—The most re markable, automobile accident in the history of Southern California hap pened here this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wolfarth, their two little children and A. R. Tobey of Covina were plunged over a precipice 200 feet, the automobile falling on a huge pile of rocks without injuring anyone In the party. The party was out joy-riding this afternoon. Just as they were starting down the Scoville hill In Pasadena their touring car skidded at a sharp turn In the road and plunged over the almost perpendicular Incline. The machine turned over several times, striking right side up. Wolfarth and Tobey were in the front seats and stayed with the ma chine. The women and children were thrown out of the whirling car, but escaped Injury. The car is a complete wreck. The members of the party walked a mile and a half to the electric car and re turned to their homes. TOOK THOUSANDS WITH HER, BUT NOT ALL THE WAY BUFFALO, N. V., May I.—Mary Carroll was taken off a train here while bound from Sacramento to New York, where she was to sail on the steamer Cedrlc for 1 Dublin, Ireland, and died at a local hospital today. In a shabby handbag was found a letter of credit for $12,000 and $400 in cash. The woman was about 60 years old. INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY ' i FORECAST I.os Angelea and vicinity—Cloudy Monitor, probably showers In mountains; light south west wind. Maximum temperature yesterday 64 degrees | minimum 54. LOS ANGELES Wealthy woman charges Jack Golden, actor, snatched her* purse, containing $2100 In gold. PAGE 1 Beautiful young Hollywood matron. Jeal ous of husband, uses cyanide of potas- - stum with fatal effect. PAGE 1 Astronomers from all over the world will meet at Mount Wilson observatory next summer. . * , PAGE 1 Black robber runs amuck with knife,, 'and Chinese, Mexican and German are held up. PAGE 2 Council discovers there will be no elec tion In May. PAGE 3 Man's attempt' at suicide falls because neck Is too tough for knife. . PAGE r 3 Clubwomen i start for Cincinnati conven- . tion tomorrow, •.-' • • . PAGE 8 Police records show heavy decrease In . number of arrests. PAGE 12 Wed on light wager, husband desert* his chorus girl bride. . PAGE i Books prove Dan Cupid Is loafer. PAGE , 3 Editorial and letter box. PAGE 4 City brevities. PAGE 6 Hotel notes and personals. PAGE 6 Sporting. . , . .;. ,;, PAGES 8, 7 Classified advertising. . PAGES 10, 11 Shipping. , ,' , - - T ■ PAGE 9 Mines and mining. J PAGE 9 SOUTH CALIFORNIA School superintendents to urge laws pen sioning teachers and providing free ■ transportation for children to and from , ; distant schools, . ■- PAGE 2 Santa Vc orders key tappers on San . . Bernardino division to use phones In dispatching- trains. PAGE 10 Pasadena" building * permits for April . show growth of.Crown City. PAGE 10 Long Beach Infant will occupy chair made In 1750. ■;,..- . ' - .PAGE 10 Amusements at Venice do regular sum mer business., , ''. I PAGE 10 Five duck death as auto loops the loop •, In • Pasadena, ' ' / \ " PAGES 1 EASTERN ;^ Roosevelt called lnsulter of pope by arch • bishop of Boston. • PAGE 1 President Taffs pet measures all In dif ficulty and • many congressmen prepare | to leave Washington. PAGE i Land work fat» s la believed;* toss-up. PAGE 2 Undertaker declares that his profession Is a gay and happy one. , , PAGE 1 Ward, noted sculptor, dies In New - York at age, of «0. . PAGE 1 President Taft will attoYid ceremonies in Fittsburg, and then—to the., ball game. PAGE 3 Fiendish, tortures being practiced ■In Managua. PAGE 3 FOREIGN , Japan puts screws on foreign land holders. PAGE 2 Roosevelt,^ guest at Dutch tulip show, "backs » up" on the "strenuous ' life." ,' PAGE 3 MONDAi MORNING, MAY 2, 1910. BEAUTIFUL MATRON KILLS SELF AFTER TILT WITH SPOUSE 'Leave Me Alone,' Tells Physi cian, Then Takes Cyanide of Potassium HUSBAND IS NOT LOCATED Mrs. Ella Durant, Popular in Hol lywood Society, Proves Love by Death JtSALOUS because of what she be lleved to be her husband's atten tions to other women in the Hotel Hollywood, where they were guests, beautiful Mrs. Blla. H. Uurant, wife of Li. H. Durant. n prominent real es tate dealer of Hollywood, committed suicide some time Saturday night by taking cyanide, of potassium following a bitter quarrel with her husband. Her body, cold in death and stretched on the floor of her bedroom in the hotel, was found yesterday morning by Dr. C. G. Purnell, her brother-in law, a prominent physician living at 426 Gardner avenue. Particles of the deadly drug with which she had wel comed death were strewn on a tray on her dresser. The Durants were married ten years ago. They own a beautiful home In Hollywood. Part of their married* life was parsed happily until Mrs. Durant began to believe her husband preferred the society of other women. Bitter quarrels followed, and several times separation was imminent, but always reconciliations were effecetd. Recently the woman is said to have been fall- Ing In health as a result of worry. Clerks at the Hotel Hollywood said yesterday that Mrs. Durant kept a light burning for her husband when he stayed out late. Gossip at the hotel has hud it for some time that the two were unhappy and might separate. Shortly after the quarrel Saturday night. Durant notified Dr. Purnell of the affair, and left for Los Angeles, saying he would pass the night with a friend. Dr. Purnell Immediately visited Mrs. Durant at the hotel and found her in a highly nervous state of mind. She paced the floor continually, and despite tha physician's earnest request that she pass the night with his wife, the distracted woman refused, saying. "There Is a time when every man or woman should be alone." The physician attached no particular importance to her remark, and left her with the assurance that he would re turn In the morningl. That was the last he saw of her alive. Early yesterday morning he hurried to the hotel and went to her apart ments. Receiving no answer to his knock, he became alarmed and broke open the door. The body of Mrs. Du rant was lying on the floor. She had been dead many hours. Dr. Purnell would say little yester day about the suicide. It was ru mored earlier In the day that he had bitterly accused Durant of being the cause of his sister-in-law's death, but later he refused to confirm this. A diligent search has been Instituted for Durant, but up to a late hour the man had not been found. The couple lived In Hollyood ten years. ETTA LUMSDEN, VICTIM OF BRUTAL ATTACK, WILL DIE Hospital Attaches Say She Will Never Regain Consciousness Hovering between life and death, Etta Lumsden, the 14-year-old girl who was brutally assaulted Thursday night in the rear of her home, 1039 East For ty-flfth street, by Frank H. Allen, re mains in an unconscious condition at the Good Samaritan hospital. The attaches of the hospital hold out but little hope for the recovery of the girl, and firmly believe she will not re gain consciousness and that all that will be ever known of the criminal at tack has been told by the self-confessed perpetrator of the crime, Allen. At 1 o'clock this morning the girl was still alive, but nurses at the Good Samaritan hospital^ stated her death might occur at any moment. JUDGE HALL'S SON HURT IN AEROPLANE ACCIDENT FRESNO, May I.—Whtpple S. Hall, the aviator, was Injured this afternoon when his Curtiss biplane crashed against the fence at the fair grounds, where Hall was giving .a public, ex hibition. The machine was leaving the ground when it suddenly swerved, the driver losing control. He was hurled headforemost against the fence. His face was severely cut and his back injured so that he was unable to walk. Mrs. Hall and daughter witnessed the accident. Hall, who is a son of Judge Hall of the appellate court bench, had been making trial flights for some weeks at Mendota, in this county. BIGGEST TREE IN GROVE IS NAMED FOR PINCHOT SAN FRANCISCO, May l.^-The big gest tree of the Sequoia grove at Mulr wood, the beautiful natural park of Marin county, naa dedicated to Glf ford Pinchot today.. The ceremony was conducted under the auspices of tho Sierra club, the Outdoor Walking and Nature organi zation. Prof. Alexander J. McAdle and former Governor Dr. George C. Pardee were the principal speakers. CENSUS DISAPPOINTS SEATTLE SEATTLE, May I.—Although 10,000 names were added to the census rolls yesterday and today the result of the enumeration when completed is ex pected to be a bitter disappointment, the total recorded population being es timated at only 235,000, as against 300, --000 in estimates made before the count waa begun. ROOSEVELT INDORSES TAFT; WANTS NO OFFICE Refuses to Run in 1912; Favors Loeb for Governor of New York WASHINGTON, May 2.— Theodore Roosevelt, according to a local paper this morning, has written a letter to President Taft indorsing the Taft administration. The letter also states he will not be a candidate for the presidency in 1912, or for any other office in the interim. It is said that Roosevelt wants William Loeb, jr., for governor of New York. JOHN Q. WARD, NOTED SCULPTOR, DIES AGED 80 Maker of Greatest Equestrian Statues in World Succumbs to Long Illness NEW TDRK. MaJ" I.—Jchn Quincy Adams Ward, one of America's great est sculptors, died today at his home here in his 80th year. He had been ill three months. Mr. Ward produced the equestrian statue of Washington In Union square. Among his »ther well known works are equestrian statues of Sheridan and Hancock in Philadelphia and in New York city the statues of the Indian hunter, the Pilgrim, Shakespeare, all In Central park; Henry AVard Beecher In Borough Hall park, Brooklyn; also statues of Commodore Perry at New port, R. 1., and Israel Putnam at Hart ford, Conn. Shortly before his death he completed a statue of Hancock for the Smith memorial In Philadelphia. Daniel C. French, a pupil of Ward's, in paying tribute to his genius tonight, recalled how Edwin Booth, the great tragedian, posed for the Shakespeare statue and gave helpful suggestions for arranging the folds of the cloak. "But his greatest work," said Mr. French, "a work which St. Gaudens pronounced the finest equestrian statue In the world, is the statue of Gen. Thomas In Washington. There the horse is a real horse In every detail. Mr. Ward knew horses and loved them." FORMER PRESIDENT ALEXIS OF HAYTI DIES IN EXILE KINGSTON, Jamaica, May I.—Nord Alexis, former president of Hayti, died here today. His death followed a brief Illness. His health, however, had been completely broken by the experiences of the last year and a half, after he was deposed and sent Into exile. He was a refugee here since the revolution of 1908 and possessed considerable property In Kingston. MRS. R. A. M'CURDY DIES MORRISTOWN, N. J.. May I.—Mrs. Richard A. McCurdy,-widow of the late president of the Mutual Life Insur ance company, died at her home here today. She was 72 years of age and was married to Mr. McCurdy flfty two years ago. Two children, Robert, and Mrs. Louis A. Thebaudaux, sur vive. REAR ADMIRAL HITCHBORN DIES WASHINGTON, May I.—Rear Ad miral Philip H. Hitchborn, U.S.N., who was chief constructor of the naA'y, died tonight after a long illness. He was 71 years old. MAN AND WOMAN DROWN WHEN BOAT IS OVERTURNED Efforts to Right Craft Exhaust Strength of Pair SAN FRANCISCO, May I.—Losing their strength after a half hour strug gle to support themselves on the bot tom of an overturned fishing smack which had capsized with them in the bay, off Fort Point, Mrs. Louise Schaadt, 22 years old, and John Gabb, 43, sank and were drowned. Russell M. Schaada, husband of the young woman, who was one of the party In the boat, made every effort to save his wife's life and it was only through the prompt arrival of the life saving crew that he was taken from the water just as he was sinking. The accident occurred as the party was returning from a Ashing expedi tion. As the entrance to the bay was being made, the smack shipped her rudder and the boat was adrift in the strong current on a flood tide. In try- Ing to right the craft, the men brought it about suddenly and a large wave turned it turtle. Schaadt's attempt to place his wife upon the bottom of the boat turned H over In the water three different times, and In righting the skiff the energy of tbe men was exhausted. EARLY MORNING BLAZE MENACES FOURTH STREET A flre which started at 1:30 o'clock this morning destroyed the Montana cafe, a one-story structure at 217-219 --221 West Fourth street. The blaze originated In Flsch's curio store, which was ruined. For a time the flames threatened to do serious damage In the downtown section, but prompt action by the flre department prevented the spread of the flames. At 2 o'clock this morning the flre was under control. ACTOR SEIZED MY PURSE AND $2100, CHARGES WOMAN Leading Man at Local Theater Is Locked Up, Accused of Grand Larceny FIND MONEY IN WIFE'S WAIST Police Bombarded with Shake spearean Lines When They Arrest Jack Golden ACCUSED of snatching a purse con taining $2100 in golj from an aged woman In her apartments at the Alexandria hotel within sight and sound of hundreds of guests and attendants Saturday. Jack Golden, actor, who played Mace Greenleaf's part in "Frcm Frou" at the Nielsen theater last week, was arrested with his wife by Detective Carroll yesterday shortly after they had purchased tickets to Chicago from the agent at the Arcade depot. Two thousand dollars was found pinned inside the woman's waist. Golden told the police that Sheridan was his right name, and that years ago he had figured prominently In the ring under the name of Jack Donovan. He was charged with grand larceny. Mrs. S. A. Brooks, an aged and wealthy widow, prominent in philan thropic work, staying at the Alexan dria hotel, Is the woman who notified the police that she had been robbed by Golden, or Sheridan. The actor and his wife created a scene at the police station shortly after their arrival. Golden ran his hands through his hair, and in denunciation of the detectives quoted lines from Shakespeare, while his wife, a comely and buxom blonde, fainted and recov ered at Intervals. The couple had no money outside of the sum they admit having taken from the Santa Barbara woman. Golden recently played on the Pantagls circuit in a one-act comedy called "Professional Jealousy," and has appeared at the Princess theater, Sa.i Francisco, In prominent roles. He has been on the stage seventeen years. C.MAJi IT A I*OAN Golden does not deny having taken thij money, but claims it was a loan and says he slipped a receipt under Mrs. Brooks' door. The alleged theft took place late Saturday night after Golden and his wife had made a propo sition to the widow that she finance them to the extent of the money in volved in opening a moving picture show In Sacramento. Golden had known Mrs. Brooks sev eral weeks, having heard of her chari table acts. As he and his wife were hard up, he visited her daily with money-making propositions, until the moving picture show appealed to her and she finally Rgreed to loan him the money, with the consideration that he give her a proper receipt and sign a contact agreeing to her terms. Golden called at her apartments for the money, which she offered him in the form of a check. He objected to indorsing the paper and requested to have the money turned over to him in cash. Mrs. Brooks cashed the check and returned to the room in the hotel with the $2100 in gold in her purse. "Where is tie contract?" she asked him. Golden, according to her statements, paid no attention to her remark, but rudely snatched the purse from her grasp and fled from the room with his wife. Stunned, the old lady sank into a chair and did not recover suf ficiently to notify the police until an hour had slipped by. In the meantime Golden had pur chased his wife several bits of finery, paid his hotel bill at the Sherman hotel, Fourth and Spring streets, and, according to the police, was making a hasty getaway to Chicago when they caught him. HE MOKI>KII THE MONEY "This is merely a mistake In what Mrs. Brooks cails a contract," said Golden in his cell at the city prison yesterday. "I am an actor. I admit I took the money, but I needed it. We have had a -hard season and hardly any salary. I have played the roles of Hamlet and Othello, and have made good In the best companies playing out of New York." Golden, when interviewed by news paper men, spoke glowingly of his accomplishments on the stage and in the prize ring. He showed them scars on his hands and face and neck, which he said he received while fighting when a younger man through the east and in England. The sporting annuals, however, fail to mention him. Mrs. Golden is almost prostrate at the city jail. Her one thought seems to be for her two children In Chicago. "We've had a hard season," she said. "Poor pay, sometimes none. I wunt to see my babies if I get out of here. We did not intend to rob Mrs. Brooks. We wanted to see the babies first and then start in on the moving picture business." Mrs. Brooks, after arranging for the prosecution, will leave for her home In Santa Barbara. CHICAGO REFORM MEASURE PUTS LID ON TENDERLOIN (Special to The Herald.) CHICAGO, May I.—Gloom pervades the "redlight" districts of Chicago. Liquor, roysterlng crowds and music have been eliminated. A rigid police order forbidding the sale or use of intoxicating liquors In any resorts be came a stern reality at midnight and Chief Steward says it is a permanent reform. Fully 2000 keepers of disor derly resorts are hit by the order and many of them will be forced to close, as their chief revenue came from fancy prices they obtained for drinks. HEARST SUES NEW YORK TIMES NEW YORK, May I.—W. R. Hearst has brought suit against the New York Times, charging libel because that paper published a speech made by Mayor (laynor several niKhts ago in which Hearst was accused of forgery and falsifying a public dicutnent. <"JT\ TPT "F C( )PF • dart 2«. on TRAINS s«. O±l> l*lj-Ej VjUliCiO. MONDAY 80. ONTHAINS 10r. CHERRY GROWERS OBJECT TO LOS ANGELES LABELS Want Product Sold Here Sent Out in Plain Boxes (S.iectal to The Hcral.l.) STOCKTON, May I.—Discovery of thousand! ot fruit boxes with the words "Cherries shipped from Los An geles" printed on them in large letters has caused much excitement and not a little discussion among fruit men. For weeks agents have been going amonp; the cherry growers and offering good prices fur the crop, and when sale was mads contracts were immediately executed which bound the onhardists to turn over the crop as fast as ripe. They did not iisk any questions. Now they have discovered that most of the fruit will bo packed in boxes labeled "Shipped from Los Angeles," and they are undecided ;i to what action should !"■ taken. Many prominent men de ( lare that a meeting should be held and the shippoi s forced either to use a plain box or one with another label on it. Some action may be taken this week at a meeting. ROOSEVELT IS BITTERLY ASSAILED BY ARCHBISHOP Called Insulter of Pope and His 'Square Deal' Doctrine Held up to Ridicule LOWELL, Mass., May I.—Theodore Roosevelt's action in nri meeting Pope Pius on the occasion of the former I resident's recent visit to Rome was called insulting and a violation of Mr. Roosevelt's principle of a "square dial" by the Most Rev. William H. O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, at a public meeting of the American Federation of Cathoiic societies of the diocese in this city Today. John Callan O'Loughlin, former as sistant secretary of state, who con ducted the negotiations between Mr. Roosevelt and the Vatican was severe ly castigated by the archbishop. The archbishop's general subject was "Loyalty." In bringing up the Vatican incident he said: "You who talk so much about the square deal, Mr. Roosevelt, you could at least have waited until you came to Rome and informed yourself well of the position of this institution, and having rone so, if you really meant the square deal, which men now begin to doubt, you would have said. 'No, holy father, I come to you, I stand for honor and reverence and the right, and I cannot as an honest man in any way participate or have anything to do with the institution." "Mr. Rooßevelt, do you really love us? If so. you have shown your affec tion for us in a very strange way. The Vatican knew perfectly well that its action would- be misrepresented. The cardinal secretary of state, Merry del Val, knew perfectly that at once there would be oceans of vilification heaped against him and Mr. Roosevelt allowed him to take the blame. "In the case of John Callan O'Lough lin. Who is he? He says he is a Cath olic and he boasts of it and in the same breath he cables all over the world that the head of his church is wrong and Mr. Roosevelt is the great est thing in creation. That is the sort of a Catholic we are ashamed of. He will live to see the day that he will regret those words." MRS. YOUNG MAY BE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT N. E. A. Chicago Educators Plan to Add to Her Distinctions (Special to The Herald.) CHICAGO, May I.—Plans to make Mrs. KUa Flagg Young, the first woman superintendent of schools in the United States and head of the second largest school system, president of the Na tional Educational association, are be ing laid by Chicago educators who will attend the annual meeting of the or ganization In Boston from July 2 to July 8. If they are successful, as they do not hesitate to a-ssert they will be, Mrs. Young will have another "first woman" distinction. She will be the first wom an among a long line of illustrious educators to hold the important posi tion of head of the great educational association, which draws members from every big city In the country and which presents at its annual meet ings the most advanced educational thought. A BIG STORM HITS KANSAS; EMPORIA IS MAROONED KANSAS CITY, May I.—Severe rain and wind storms reaching almost to tornado proportions at some points are reported from towns in eastern and central Kansas and western Missouri tonight. What is described as a small tor nado swept over Emporia, cutting oft all wire service. The extent of the damage in that section Is not known. A little before midnight a violent rain and electric storm struck Kansas City. The cupola of the city hall was struck by lightning, although no great dam age was done. ENDS LIFE BY PULLING GUN TRIGGER WITH TOE SAN DIEGO, May 1. — William Gardiner committed suicide at his home on B street tonight by placing the muzzle of a shotgun to his mouth and pulling the trigger with his toe. Neigh bors attracted by the report of the shot found Gardiner dead and his head nearly torn off. He was a single man, 67 years old and a member of San Diego Carpenters' union. MEXICAN RUNS WILD EL. PASO, Tex., May I.—One man was fatally shot, another fatally stabbed and a score wounded at a Mexican ball a preliminary to tlif; Clnoo de Mayo festivities—at 3 o'clock this morning. CENTS AQUEDUCT CHIEFS' WORK FLAWLESS, SAYS BETKOUSKI Councilman Declares Close In spection of Project Shows Great Achievements SOME COMPLAIN OF FOOD City's Commissary Department All Right, but Other Boarding Places Poorer UT CANNOT speak too highly of the I work of those in charge of our ■*- great municipal engineering prob lem, the Owens rivGr aqueduct," said Councilman Botkouski last night. "A careful examination of the work on every division of the line failed to show a single instance of careless or slighted workmanship or poor con struction." Tired out from the hardships of a four days' automobile trip across 250 miles of desert and mountains, cov ered with alkali and baked to a rich brown by the desert winds, the council manic investigating committee re turned last night from the tour com menced last Tuesday evening, ready for a prolonged session with a good feather bed, but thoroughly satisfied with conditions found on the great water line. Leaving Los Angeles Tuesday even ing at 9 o'clock the party traveled to Olancho, the northernmost division point, at the south end of Owens lake, which was reached Wednesday after noon. From this point north the water flows in an uncovered ditch, for twenty miles cement lined, about twenty feet wide and eleven deep, and for sixty miles north an open canal about thirty feet wide and seven feet deep, Olancho is the most southern point at which water fs taken into the aque duct. The canal is here fed from the streams which flow down from the melting snows on the slope of the Sierra Nevada range, twenty-five or thirty creeks of clear, cold water en tering it, while it has been proved to the satisfaction of the engineers that sufficient water to keep the conduit ' full at all seasons of the year can be developed from artesian wells along the line of this ditch. The party found work at full blast late at night on this stretch of the work, the steam shovels and dredgers operating at full capacity under electric lights from the power plant at Cottonwood creek. NTABT NORTH ALONG T4NB Thursday morning the party em barked in autos and started north along- the line. "Right here is where I wish to correct a misstatement often made regarding the water which will be carried by the aqueduct," said Mr. Betkouski. "It has been said that water being taken in as far south as Olancho could not fail to be impreg nated with alkali and soda, such as fills Owens lake, in which no life exists, when as a matter of fact the ditch running north from Olancho is fifty ffft above the level of the lake and river, and receives no water except from the fresh creeks which flow direct from the melting snows in the moun tains. "The city owns 80,000 acres of land adjacent to Owens river, but for fifty miles north of the lake no water is taken from the river. For fifty miles along the open ditch artesian wells to the number of six or seven to the mile can be drilled, which will flow about fifty inches each. This alone, regard less of the creeks flowing into the canal, would furnish sufficient water to keep the canal full at all times of the year. "At Cottonwood creek we found the power plant, which furnishes electricity for all the machinery as far south as the Mojave cement mill, to be in fine shape. The creek never runs less than 1100 inches, which is sufficient to de velop 2000-horse power, and In connec tion with the division creek plant, which develops about 800-horse power, furnishes power and lights for t air compressors in the tunnel < nrk, the concrete mixers, tunnel rai) i dredgers and machine shops a south as the Mojave cement mill. From there on the line is paralleled by the Kdison company's line, which Is tapped wherever we need it." VISIT II \t\\ XX RESEAVOIR SITE Thursday night was spent at Halwee, ten miles south of Olancho. A natural depression at Haiwee is being improved to make one of the three large reser voirs which will serve to regulate the flow in the aqueduct, and from Halwee to Los Angeles the water will flow en tirely in covered, cement-lined conduits or cement-lined tunnels. Leaving Halwee Friday morning, the party traveled through the Little Lake country, next to the Jawbone district, the most mountainous and difficult of construction on the entire line. In spit« of the solid granite hills the conduit is being; built in practically a straight line, tunnels piercing one rocky spur after another, while high on the moun tain sides steam shovels are at work gouging the conduit way between the tunnel mouths. Work in this district has been hampered by the lack of rail way facilities and men, but wit'i the completion of the tunnels farther south the forces will be concentrated and the work rushed through. "At each division point we found :i complete headquarters established " said Mr. Betkouski, "connected by I phone with every camp on the enii. line. As soon as we reached a camp Mr. Lippincott would go to the Ft and get into touch with all of hi* superintendents. Within half an hour after the Newhall tunnel had been pierced through tho news was known at every camp. "South of the Little Lake division ia the Grapevine division, mueli similar to the Little Lake district, with many tunnels. In the Freeman and Red Rock division, next south, the line, after running through long tunnels, reaches the more level desert, where the water flows through a cement cov ered conduit, never open. ( CITY WII-I. BAVK J900.000 "Next south is the Jawbone division, the hardest to construct on the entire lino. But in spite "f the fart that thn city had to build roads costing $50,000 in order to reach thU country we will save, by building under our own en- (Continued on I'm;* Tw»J