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I - V [6 PAGES PRICE: 50 CENTS : |'XX MONTH roi,. xxxvn. NCMBBH :J'.'.l TAOS INDIANS HI RANCHES; TROOPS RUSHED TO SCENE Woman and Children on Northern New Mexico Farm Are Attacked GENERAL UPRISING IS FEARED Settlers May Go After Marauders Before the Soldiers Can Reach Region [Associated Press] SANTA FK, N. M., May 13.—Governor Mills this noon received a request from Judge John R. McFie at Tao» for a company of militia to suppress an outbreak of the Taos Pueblo Indians, who yesterday raid ed .several homesteads north of Taos, out fences, drove off cattle and attacked the wife and children of a homesteader named U S. Meyers. Keel ing at Taos against the Indians is in tense and serious trouble is feared. At 4 o'clock this afternoon Governor Mills Issued an order for fifty men of companies V and X to proceed to Taoa. They left on a special Denver & Hio Grande train at midnight and expect to arrive at Taos tomorrow forenoon. Gen. A. Brooke has ordered Com pany H of the New Mexico national guard at Santa Fo to hold itself in eradlnesi to proceed to Taos at a, mo ment's notice on a forced march. Ihe company was until recently a cavalry troop and is the crack military organ ization of the territory. Telephone and telegraph wires have been cut by the renegades. The uprising of the Pueblos, who for years have been a peaceful and law iibidlng people, is believed to have been caused by the punishment of Pueblos by the territorial authorities. For years the Pueblos have governed themselves, electing their own chiefs and village councillors, who tried and punished malefactors of the tribe ' without re course or appeal to the territorial au thorities. YOCVG BUCKS VIOLENT Some months ago an Indian of the Isleta Pueblo, who had been impris onod by the territorf;il officers, ap pealed to the tribal courts and the councillors of the village were put in Jail. Since then the Indians have been unruly and it is believed the outbreak is the result o£ fear by the Indians they would lose their lmieii-prized in dependence and the inability of the elders to control the young bucks, who believed the authority of the village councillors was on thu wane. For several weeks ranchers near TaOS have found their fences cut and their stock missing, l.ut the discontent of the Indians culminated yesterday in Uif attack on the Meyers household. The taking of tho census is also be lieved to have caused much unrest among the Indians. When the enumer ators reached Domingo and Fan Dia PuebloSi they were refused all in formation concerning members of the tribe uinl were threatened With vio lence. It was only after they had threat ened to call troops and former Gov ernor Curry had gone personally to the chiefs and reassured them about the purpose of the census that the In dians were persuaded to answer the questions. Several eastern artists are believed to be in the Taos country making sketches of Indian life. Taos is the oldest ami most picturesque of tho Pueblos. WIFE AND CHILDREN OF SETTLER LEFT FOR DEAD Troopers Ordered to Bring in the Warring Indians ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., May 13.— Governor Mills dispatched two com panies of state troops, with Held equip ment, and members of the territorial mounted police for the scene of the Indian uprising at Taos on a special train over the Denver & Rio Grande ut midnight. The troops have orders from the adjutant general to protect settlers and bring in warring Indians. The Indians gave settlers notice that unless they left the valley by daylight they would be killed. The telegram received by the gov ernor this afternoon stated fifty picked Taos braves, under the leadership of a young chief, had raided the valley, driving off horses and cattle and set ting fire to many buildings. Mrs. Li. B. Myers, wife of a settler, and he> babies wore assaulted and left for dead. Settlers who attempted to resist the Indians were driven away. The troops must march thirty miles from Serviletta, the nearest station, to reach the village of Taos. The settlers are arming, and only the prompt ar rival of the troops can avert bloodshed. It Is : ared by the settlers the San Juan and other Indians of that section will Join the Taos braves and that a general warfare may result. It is said the older men of the village are opposed to the uprising, but the young braves took matters into their own hands and went on the war path. OFFERS QUEER SORT OF LEG BAIL AND GOES FREE Chicago Judge Remits Fine of a Wooden-Legged Boozer CHICAGO, May 13.—Joseph Murphy was arrested on a charge of intoxi cation In Gary, Ind., yesterday and lined $5 and costs, by Judge Mayer in the city court. Murphy had a wood i n leg and unscrewing it, offered the leg to the court in payment of his fine, saying it was all be had. He then knelt before the court and plead ed for mercy. The judge told him to screw on his leg and gave him money to get out of town. LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For I.<>» AiiKrliN anil vicinity: Cloudy Snl iinliiy, n'llll kliowith In mountain*! light, past wind. <lmn«lii(t to north. Maximum temperature yesterday ': degrees; minimum temperature 63 degree*. LOS ANGELES Mrs. Minnie Maloney tries to take poison, but husband saves her. PAGE] 8 Mrs. Lillian Charnnck Hmead beglna Butt to have her father declared an Incom petent. PAGE 8 Streets and boulevards committee of city council favors grooved rails. PAGE 8 Commissioner Humphrey* of works board asks city council toJttcrease pay of treas urer and auditor's forces. PAGE 8 Guy Eddie Is favored for city attorney, to euooeed Leslie Hewitt. PAGK 8 Mrs. Clara Kuper of Portland will come to Los Angeles to prosecute Thomas Hughes, private detective, on bigamy charge. PAGE D Husband charges wife drank with raven men at one time. ' PAOR i S mer Shcpers, 10 years old, killed by Ver non avenue car. PAGE 9 Willis Booth declines Republican nomina- , tion to United States senate. PAGE 9 Democrats meet today to "endorse" candi dates for county offices. PAGE 9 New York society sidetracks attempt to oust President Haley. PAGE 9 Mystery veils alleged attack on F. M. Bell by unidentified persons. PAGE 9 Fire underwriters hold convention behind closed doors. I'AGE 13 Man snys he secured marriage license just to fool mother. PAGE 13 Wife and three children appear, in court with former policeman accused of theft; man to bo tried May 25. page 2 "Dads" attend W. C. T. U. convention— ' from a distance. PAGE 4 Clubs. PACE 6 Sports. PAGES 6 AND 10 Markets and financial. PAGE 7 News of the courts. PAOE 8 Municipal affairs. PAGE 8 Mines and oil fields. PAGE 11 Editorial and Letter Box. PAGE 1- In hotel corridors. PAGE 13 City brevities. PAGE 13 Noted men and women. PAGE 13 Marriage licenses, births, deaths. PAGE 14 Classified advertising. PAGES 14-15 Citrus fruit report. PAGE 11 Building permit*. PAGE 11 Shipping. PAGE 11 Churches. PAGE 5 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Contractors hold that slip in earth's crust caused breaks In Little Bear valley dam. PAGE 14 Bonding companies to make good 120.000 shortage In Bane's accounts. ■ PAGE 14 Pasadena high school student wins orator ical contest at Throop. PAGE 14 Frank F. Skelly of Santa Ana removed to Jail to avert lynching. PAGE 3 COAST Neck ' broken, slayer strangles to death after twenty-two minutes orr gallows. PAGE 3 Judge I^ennon orders Flannery jury be closely watched. PAGE II) Tenderfoot bandits unable to fight because of excessive hunger. PAGE 3 EASTERN Hyde case goes to jury, but verdict Is not reached; balloting will be resumed this morning. page 1 Mary Harrlman. to be .Tune bride; mother going to Honolulu In July. PAGE 1 Taos Indians raid ranches In northern New Mexico and attack woman and children; troops sent to scene. PAGE 1 Congressman Martin of Colorado says he has connected Mlndoro Development com pany and Henry W. Tat't with the sugar trust. PAGE 2 Millions of rats overrun Summit, N. J.; Pled Piper la wanted. PAGE 3 Rich Jewelry haul Is made by New York customs men. PAGE 3 Reduction In size of paper money is likely. PAGE 3 Ex-Governor Rollins of New Hampshire, wife and son are accused of smuggling. w PAGE 4 1" tday, the 13th, proves a dull day on ■change. PAGE 7 Senate factions agree on compromise amendment to the provision of the rail road bill affecting long and short hauls. PAGE 1 One mechanic killed, another may be dying in 24-hour auto race. PAGE 1 FOREIGN Russian Jews must leave Kiev by June 14, Is order. PAGE 3 P.oosevelt Inspect home for wornout work ers near Berlin. PAGE 2 DEATH GOMES BUT AUTO RACES GO ON Lewis Strang's Mechanic Killed. and Another Believed to Be Fatally Hurt BRIGHTON BEACH, N. V., May. 13. —Death did not halt the dizzy swirl of the 24-hour automobile race that began on the oval motordrome here last night, but a trilling disarrangement of the signaling system stopped all cars for twelve minutes. William, P. Bradley of Newark, N. j., mechanic for Louis Strang, who drove a Marion, was fatally Injured at 12:18 this morning when his car skidded at the turn In the stretch, crashed against the fence and turned three somersaults. Ho died an hour later in the Coney Island hospital. Hubert F. Anderson, who was driving for Strang at the time, escaped with nothing worse than scratches. Strang said tin- car would be back in the race again within ninety minutes, but at 2 a. m. It was still off the track. Just an hour after the first accident the Cole car, driven by W. Endecotr, likewise skidded into the- fence. The chauffeur and mechanic escaped injury, but the car was badly wrecked, and at first sight it was not known whether It could resume. At 2 o'clock this morning there was a third accident. Buick No. 2. driven by George DeWitt, skidded at the turn In the back stretch, hurled against the fence and turned turtle. DeWitt was not hurt, but his mechanic, Jack Towers, was taken to a hospital badly hurt. The doctors cannot tell whether he will live. :■". The 2 a. m. score: Buick No. 1, 269 miles; Steams No. 2, 258 miles; Rainier, 256 miles. . SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1010. HYDE JURY VOTES ELEVEN TO ONE TO ACQUIT PHYSICIAN Verdict Is Not Reached, and Bal loting Will Be Resumed This Morning ACCUSED DISPLAYS BRAVADO Smiles at Impassioned Appeal of Prosecutor Who Urges That He Be Hanged KANSAS MTY, May la.—The final vote of the> jury, it in unilernloml, tvus 11 lo 1 for wquitlal. \\ lien Im uortnned to cast Ills ilrrlcllng vote with the rpßt of tlin Juror*, it Is said (lie man who Is holding out for conTlctlon Mild he would think the matter over tonight and Rive lilh decision In the morninjr. I Alaoclated Presi 1 KANSAS CITY, May 13.—The case of Dr. B. C. Hydo, accused of murdering Col. Thomas H. Swope, went to the jury at 9:55 o'clock. After the jurors had balloted for an hour and forty minutes tonight with out reaching a verdict they were sent to their hotel for the night. They will resume balloting at 9 o'clock tomor row morning. Grown weary after more than four weeks of imprisonment, the balloting time was greeted with sign* of relief by the Jurors. During the final hours of the closing: addresses, which occu pied the entire regular court sessions for two days and entered Into extra night sessions, the Jurymen often looked at the clock and moved rest lessly in their chairs. When Jamea A. Reed closed the state's iinal argument tonight and Ju,dge Latshaw indicated the Jury was free to begin voting on its verdict, the twelve men walked quietly from the courtroom. The court Informed them it would wait until about midnight for a ver dict. If none had been found at that tini". Bald the court, they would be sent to theft lintol to return tomor row and continue their deliberations. Dr. Hyde smiled as the arbiters of his fate retired. Turning to his wife at his side, he said: "I'll eat dinner with you Sunday, Frances." Off on another side of the courtroom sat Mrs. Logan O. Swope. Clustered about her were all of her living chil dren, with the exception of Mrs. Hyde, The Jury filed past her as It went to Its room. As soon as the room was cleared sufficiently the Swope family went home. COURT ROOM CLEARED Immediately after the jury had re tired the crowd was ordered from the courtroom, but the crowd who, day by day, have fought for places from which they might best hear the testi mony, were unwilling to leave upon a mere request. They wanted to remain until a verdict was delivered, but the court would not permit it. In fifteen minutes after the close of the argu ments the marshal closed the room. Every marshal in the employ of the county was drawn into service. They were warned to clear the room as soon as possible and to use strenuous ef forts to prevent a demonstartion. More than a dozen personal friends of Dr. Hyde and wife remained in the room with the couple. The scene more resembled a social gathering than the convention of intimates about a man whose life was in the balance. Seated in the center of the little cir cle of people, the physician lighted a cigar, tilted back his chair and be gan to tell stories. Soon the party was laughing and joking. But the aged father of Dr. Hyde was not present. The long hours of the trial have exhausted him. When the last speech was finished he went to his hotel and retired. While Mrs. r. c. Hyde wept convul sively, Prosecutor Virgil S. Conkllug today asked the jury to inflict the death penalty upon the physician. HYI>E S.MII.KS AS UK IS FI.AYKI) The impassioned appeal Of the pros ecutor did not move Dr. Hyde. When Mr. Conkling had ended his plea to the jurors to send the defendant to death the physician turned about in his chair and smiling at his wife said: "Why, that man wants to hang me." Btlll sobbing, Mrs. Hyde put her arm upon her husband's shoulder, but said nothing. Attorney James A. Reed began his final argument for the state at 7 o'clock tonight. He argued at the outset that Dr. Hyde began to collect the testi mony last December to use in his trial, although at that time no charge had been filed against him. "He did not go to Mrs. Swope when he found he was suspected, and plead witli her to have autopsies made on the bodies of Col. and Chrisman Swope to prove they did not die of poisoning," said Mr. Reed. "No; he left, the house and came to Kansas City and employed experts to begin the study of poisons." The reason Dr. Hyde said "I don't remember" so many times on the wit ness stand, averred Mr. Reed, "was because he could not weave falsehoods fast enough to cover his evil acts." Dr. Hyde was characterized as a phy sician who had grown so accustomed to suffering and hardened to crime that he was able to commit the'atrocities he is said to have committed in the Swope house without flinching. "They are trying to hide this man's guilt behind the skirts of his wife," said Mr. Reed. "Do not listen to them. I say as the years go by ahe will realize how much better it would have been if, on the night of last December IS, she had remained with her mother, as she waa asked to do." MADB BOrj) BY GRKKI> FOB <.< The attorney describe*! Dr. Hyde's greed for gold ns one that made him bolder every time he accomplished a crime apd added to his wealth. With Moss Hunton gone, he said, the phy sician was nerved to do away with Colonel Swope; the coming into his hands of a part of Chrisinan Swope's property led him to poison Margaret (Continued on !*•«• !»•,' Daughter of Late Railway King, Fiance, Friend of Family and Harriman Home MARY HARRIMAN TO WED IN JUNE Mother's Preparations Lead Vil lage Folk to Conclusion Early Nuptials Is the Plan (Special to The Herald.) TURNER, N. V., May 13.—1t was an nounced here today that Mrs. E. H. Harriman, together with her daughter, Miss Carol Harriman, would sail in July for Honolulu, and it is believed the marriage of Miss Mary Harriman, for which no date has been announced publicity, will take place before her mother departs from New York. It is reported here in the village that the event, to which all the townspeople are eagerly looking forward, is set for an early day in June, as orders have been issued by Mrs. Harriman to have the estate at Turner and the Episcopal church near by renovated and prepared for guests, and that this work must all be completed by June 1. Charles Cary Rumsey, the bridegroom to be, is known to be preparing for some big event and for a long absence from the city of New York, where he has his studio. The man who will claim the favorite daughter of the late railway magnate aB his wife is the son of Laurence D. Rumsey of Buffalo. The engagement is the result of a ro mance between the capable daughter of the great financier and a young sculptor of promise. Mr. Rumsey is the son of a successful business man, but has given all his attention to art. He has for some years spent most of his time in New York working at sculp ture, and has been seen little even by his friends at the Harvard club. , Nearly all his time was spent in a little studio at the top of an old-fash ioned building at 65 East Fifty-ninth street,between Park and Madison ave nues. He first met Miss Harriman four years ago at the Meadowbrook club races. Later he undertook some work at Mr. Harriman's new house at Arden. Miss Harriman was her father's con fidant In many of his business affairs, and was trained especially to under stand the management of the estate at Arden. Mr. Harriman's confidence in her judgment was so great that he made her one of the executors of his great estate. She has been in active charge of the Arden farm's dairy and the 45,000 acres of the Harriman Orange county farms. Mr. Rumsey is 30 years old and was graduated from Harvard in 1902. He spent several years in the study of art in Boston and Paris, and afterward settled clown In New York. He la known in art circles, although he has not exhibited very much of his work. He had a bronze statue of an Indian at the Pan-American exhibition at Buffa lo, and later held an exhibition of his bronze work there. He is a good polo player and has hunted with the Genesee valley pack. In his love for horses he follows his uncle, Seward Cary, who for a number of years drove the Red Jacket coach between Buffalo and Ni agara Falls. Society has been confi dent that Miss Harriman would marry Robert W. Goelet. Young Goelet was the choice of Mr. Harriman, according to reports, as the king of the railroad world always took him on his tours throughout the country. OIL MEN LODGE PROTEST AGAINST THE PICKETT BILL Tell House Committee It Would j Mean Loss of Millions WASHINGTON, May 13.—A delega tion of California oil producers opposed to the Administration conservation measuro, known as the Pickett with drawal bill, appeared today before the house committee on public lands. The oil men assert that it' the bill as It passed the house becomes a law it will mean millions in losses to the oil men who began drilling for oil on government land. The land was with drawn from entry before oil had been struck. Members of the California delegation told <>f how various amounts from $60,000 to $100,0C0 had been .spent In drilling on land later withdrawn and to Which they would have no right. One witness told how his company had .spent $646,000 in one field in Cal iforina and struck oil in but one well. He said his company would have to discontinue operations if the with drawal bill forced it to cease drilling. It was stated that the Standard Oil company was in a similar position; that the operators were regal-ding its rights on government land. The oil men desired that the law bo changed bo the withdrawals would apply only to vacant and unoccupied land. MRS. PAT CAMPBELL ILL CHICAGO, May 13.—Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the actress, is ill here of nervous prostration. Her engagament at a local playhouse has been can celled for next week. MARY HARRIMAN AT RIGHT OF RCBERT W. GOELET, WITH C. C. RUMSEY, BRIDEGROOM.ELECT, AT LEFT OF MANSION TO BE GIVEN BY MOTHER TO BRIDE. FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH Or was the comet to blame for all this ? LINEMAN FALLS 25 FEET; HIS CONDITION SERIOUS Falling thirty-flve feet from a tele graph pole at Forty-sixth street and South Park avenue on which he was working yesterday morning, E. L. Baich, 25 yjars old, of 732 West Ninth street, an employe of the Edison Elfc tric company, suffered a broken left leg and collarbone and possible Inter nal injuries, the extent of which is not yet known. After lying on the ground for forty five minutes without medical attention, despite the protects of a number of pe destrians who offered their services, lie was removed to the Crocker street hospital. The delay in removing him to a hos pital is placed upon the foreman, John O'Rourke, who was In charge of the crew with which Balch was working. Balch was on the top of the pole when his spurs slipped. His belt broke under the heavy strain and he was precipitated to the ground. His condi tion is serious. EXCHANGES RAGS FOR SIMON'S FINE SUIT S. Simon could hardly believe his eyes when he entered his tailor shop at 122 East Seventh street yesterday morning. Where one of Simon's finest serge suits had hung the night before there was in its place one of the rag gedest, most dilapidated suits of cast off clothing that Simon had ever be held. Simon, considerably peeved, asked the police detectives about It and they told him it was. Friday, the thir teenth. Simon said he didn't care what day it was, he wanted his serge suit back. The detectives promised to take the case under advisement. Simon told the police that the man who exchanged suits had entered a shoe store adjoin ing Simon's place and had brpken down a door between the two store rooms. ENGINEER'S SKULL IS FRACTURED BY BOARD FRESNO, May 13.— J. E. King, a switching engineer of the Southern Pa cific company, was probably fatally in jured at 3 o'clock this morning, when ho was struck a terrible blow on the head by the loosened running hoard on a box car of a freight train pass ing his own engine as .it stood on a siding. The man was removed to a sanitar ilum, where it was found that his skull had been fractured in two plates, just over the left eye and at the base of the brain. Pieces of broken bone had penetrated the brain and the man is still unconscious. No hopes are entertained for his re covery. NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH UNDER WHEELS While crossing Fifth street at Hill street early last evening E. J. Beans, 65 years old, a retired merchant, was run down by a boy riding a bicycle, which threw him against a moving eastbound Washington street car. Beane was thrown to the ground and narrowly escaped being run over by the rear trucks of the car. He sus tained several abrasions about the body and a slight laceration above hia left eye.. We was taken to his rooms in the Occidental hotel, 4L'S South Hill street, where he was attended by a physician. His condition is not serious. GAPES AT COMET AND COYOTE TRAP GETS HIM LONG BEACH, May 13.—While rub bering at the comet this morning Jay Gleasori. who lives near Anaheim street and Temple avenue, itepped into a big steel trap which he bad »et to catch v chicken devouring coyote. At the time Mr. Oleasoii wore a blanket and a heavy pair of shoes. The latter I him from serious injury. Another mem ber of his family released him from the trap. UTvpT 1? f filTI-^ • DAILY te. ON TRAINS M. OlxMjrJLjJll KjKJJL lJ^liJ . SUNDAY 50. ON TRAINS 10* ON ROOF TO SEE COMET SLIPS; FALLS TO DEATH OAKLAND, May 13.—His desire to view Halley's comet caused the death of Frank H. Covert, an electrical line man, shortly before 4 o'clock this morning. In order to obtain an unob structed view of the wandering comet Covert had climbed to the roof of his home last night with two friends and made his bed there. In moving about, while attempting to see through the morning mist he slipped and fell from the roof, forty feet to the ground, fracturing both his skull and spinal column. He died on the v.'ay to the receiving hospital. Covert was 28 years old and an em ploye of the Home telephone company in this city. He was a native of Mich igan, was unmarried and has no rela tives in this part of the country. Those in Michigan have been notified of his death. TRIES TO CUT WIRE WITH NIPPERS; KILLED PHOEXIX, Ariz., May 13.—A blind ing flash of green fire, an agonized scream and the sickening odor of burn ing flesh is the story of the tragic death of E. E. Crandall, an engineer for the Mesa Dairy and Ice company, who was electrocuted here today while trying to cut a telephone wire with a pair of nippers. A broken wire had fallen across the government transmission cables, which carry a current of high voltage from Roosevelt dam to Phoenix. Crandall tried to remove it. Death was instan taneous. The flesh on the arm and hand in which he held the nippers was strip ped from the bone by the current. Crandall was 50 year? old and leaves a wife and three children. DAN CUPID AFRAID OF DOUBLE HOODOO Friday, the- 13th, and Pan Cupid have nothing In I'lmmon. This was evident yesterday when the marriage license clerks were idle, save for three inter ruptions. Cupid is supposed to he no respecter Of days or persons, but the "jinks" of the thirteenth coupled with the' hoodoo of Friday, frightened the little chap out of a clay's work. Those who braved the double terror yesterday and ol talned licenses to wed were Edward H. Bautser of San Pe dro, well known in the harbor town, and Blanche K. Buekhout of Los An geles: William T. Chambers and Chris tine ('. Brunolt, both of Los Angeles, and Harry Kntghten and Lillie Tur ner, also residents of the Angel City. THIEVES STEAL CASH, GEM AND AN AUTO C, B. Kellogg, 750 Alameda street, reported to the detectives yesterday that his room at that address was en tered Thursday while he was at work In the front yard and $41 in cash and a half carat diamond ring stolen. William Virges of Lamanda park re ported the theft of his seven-passenger Stoddard-Dayton automobile from in front of the Grand opera house about 9:30 Thursday night. The number of tlir automobile is 28,352. P. Metz, 617% East First street, re ported that his room was entered early yesterday morning while he was asleep and %H and a gold watch taken from his trousers. CARELESS THIEF LOSES $100; STEALS 33 CENTS SANTA ROSA, May 13.—A thief who broko into the office of the Northwest ern Pacific railroad at Schellville on Tuesday night stole 33 cents from the cash drawer in the ticket office. Dur ing his brief stay in the office he dropped from his pocket an envelope containing a JIOO bill. TILLOT3ON CONVICTED HOLTON, Kan.. May 18.— F. 11. Til lotson was found guilty tonight of kid naping Marian Bleakley, the "Incuba tor baby." CEIVTS SENATE FACTIONS AMEND SECTION 4 OF RAILROAD BILL Agree on Compromise, Each Be lieving It Has Outwitted the Other Side SPEECHES INSINUATE 'JOKER' Change Affects Long and Short Provision of Measure—Some Feeling Exhibited [Associated Pros?! WASHINGTON, May 13.—8y a sudden welding late today of supposedly irreconcilable fac tlong tlie senate, by a vote of 56 to 10, adopted a compromise amendment to the railroad bill tor the regulation of relative charges for long and short hauls. The agreement was reached chiefly because each faction apparently thought it was getting the better of a shrewdly driven bargain. Some senators tonight suggest the supremo court may have to arbitrate the ques tion as to which faction's judgment is correct. Before adjournment Senator Bacon sought to show that Senator Aldrich, leader of the forces in charge of the bill, had voted for a revision different from that which he had advocated during: the long debate on this ques tion. Bailey remarked that Mr. Bacon was mistaken and was quoting from his rial ley's) remarks. "I hope the senator from Texas will not interfere," said Mr. Aldrich, laugh ingly; "the senator is trying to justify his action in voting with me." "That is the time I usually justify my vote," retorted Mr. Bacon. While upbraiding regular Republicans for what ha asserted was a change of front, Mr. Bacon was interrupted by Senator Atkins, whose ruddy face was wreathed in smiles as he asked: "Well, you're happy, aren't you?" This sally plainly iritated the Geor gian senator, for he retorted rather sharply that it took "a very little thing to make some people happy." "Maybe the senator will find that it is a big thins," said Senator Atkins, beaming across the chamber. Significant glai)< 81 passed between senators on the floor, and people in the galleries began to suspect that the com promise just effected meant something different than appeared on its {ace. SSCTSCK FOUR AS AMKMIKI) As adopted, the new provision strikes out of section 4 of the interstate com merce law the words "under substan tially similar circumstances and condi tions," and also eliminates the proviso of that section and amends the section so as to make it read as follows: "Section 4—That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act to charge or re ceive any greater compensation in the aggregate for the transportation of passengers, or any like kind of prop erty, for a shorter than for a longer distance over the same line or route in the same direction, the shorter be ing included within the Vjnger distance, or to charge any greater compensation as a through route than tho uggregatt? of the local rates: but this shall not be construed as authorizing any com mon carrier within the terms of thia act to charge or receive as great com pensation from a shorter as from a longer distance. "Provided, however, that the inter state commerce commission may from its knowledge, or from information upon application, ascertain that tho circumstances and conditions of the longer haul are dissimilar to the cir cumstances and conditons of the shorter haul, whether they result from competition by water or rail, then it may authorize a common carrier to charge less for the longer than for the shorter distance for the transportation of passengers or property; but in no event shall the authority be granted unless the commission is satisfied that all the rates involved are just and rea sonable and not unjustly discrimina tory or unduly preferential nor preju dicial. "And provide, further: Thrtt no rates or charts lawfully existing at tho time of the passage "f this mandatory act slial be required to be changed by reason of the provisions of this section prior to the expiration of six months after the passage of this act, nor in any case where application shall have been filed before the commission In ac cordance with 'he provisions of thia section, ponding B determination of such application by the. commission." Of the fifty-six votes for the amend in, nt, twenty-two were given by Re publican senators who had opposed th« insertion of any lonpr and short haul provision in the railroad bill: thirteen by Dmoerats and the rest by Repub licans, chiefly insurgents. The negative vote was equally di vided between Republicans and Dem ocrats. BROUGHER STIRS BAPTISTS WHO GATHER TO HEAR FOLK Substitutes as Speaker, Rouses Great Enthusiasm (Special to The. Herald.) CHICAGO, May 13.—Former Gov ernor Folk of Missouri was unable to fill his engagement to speak before the Northern Baptist convention to night at the University of Chicago. Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, sue. to Robert J. Burdette as pastor "I Temple Baptist church, I/Og Angelea, was called on to speak in his place. He captured and enthused the conven tion in an address on the signili. of the Northern Baptist convention. He declared it meant greater work, greater unity, greater giving, greater power. He advised the Baptists to stop knocking tho University of Chi cago and each other, and got together and stick together for the ultimate triumph Of God's kingdom in the world. At the close of tho address he left for Kansas City, wheYe he will preach Sunday In Calvary Baptist church.