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Y0O 9YE TRIED OTHEMS—TRY MEMHLID WHMT PBGES ■ '_ f 'i^ ■ ——"-^————ss»s^ssfs» ADVERTISERS Count six average words as one line. No ad. accepted for less than the price of three lints. . The Herald reserves the rlKht to re vise advertisements and to reject or omit and refund the amount paid. Report promptly to the classified man ager failure to get returns or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or more Insertions are better than one. Try a three-time ad. Results al most certain for anything. For contract solicitors and advertising advice call SUNSET~MAIN 8000 HOME 10211 AND ASK FOR CLASSIFIED MANA^BR specialTrates Want ails. In a word each Insertion. Rooms for rent, 8 linen. 3 times. Rooms with board. 3 lines. 8 times. 25 CENTS HELP WANTED—MaIe and female, 8 lines, 3 times, ' . 25 CENTS SITUATIONS WANTED FREE CHURCH NOTICES Firsit Congrcgatlonall Ctaircl Hope Street, near Ninth. Rev. Wm. Horace Day, D.D. Pastor. SUNDAY MORNING, It O'CLOCK SUBJECT "The Place of Christ in Modern Ethics" SUNDAY EVENING, 7:45 • TOPIC "Finder of Men"—Telephone Ad. All seats free. You are Invited to attend both services. 0-14-1 Temple Baptist Church ROBERT J. BUnI>ETTE,-.D. D., , Pastor Emeritus. ■ Auditorium. Fifth and Olive Sts. DR. .1. WHITCOMB liROUGHBR. PASTOR. Roy. Frank Dowllng, pastor Wllshlre Boule vard Christian church, will preach twice Sunday. 11:00 A, M. : "THE APPEAL OF THE CROSS." 7:30 P. M.l "TUB DARKNESS OF INFIDELITY AND . THE LIGHT OF FAITH." Finest music In the city—solos, quartet, big chorus. Great organ and chimes at 7:16. BEATS FREE. 6-14-1 Ctorisfiai Science Services Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist nt Friday Morning Club house, 040 South Flgueroa st. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. Ser mon from Christian Science Quarterly. Subject, "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday school, 9:30 a. M.i Wednesday evening testimonial meetings, 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, 704 Herman W. Hellman building, Spring and Fourth streets. Open dally, Sundays excepted, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. The Independent Church of Christ- Eighteenth and Flgueroa streets. REV. J. S. THOMSON', Pastor. Sunday service, 11 a. m. subject of sermon, "The Greatest Battle of History." Solo, "These Are They," Mrs. D. J. Kennelly. 8010, "O Rest In the Lord," Mrs. qeorge I. Drake. Duet, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Mrs. Kennelly and Mrs. Drake. Miss Mary L. O'Donoughue, organist. All are invited, especially strangers. 1*"-1 St. Paul's Fro-Catlciral 623 SOUTH OLIVE STREET. VERY KEY. WILLIAM MAC CORMACK. DEAN. ■ 7:3o—Holy communion. v II a m -Litany and holy communion. Rev. L. C. Sanford of Berkeley will preach. 7-46— Evening prayer. Sermon by dean. Top ic, "What Shall We Do with the Prize Fight?" .Special music from oratorio of "St. ( Paul." « Organ offertory, Handel's concerto In F major.' 6-U-2 Broadway CMstiaii Church- Opposite the Court House Bible school, 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by B V Coulter, minister, followed by the communion. At 7:45 p. m. Robert I. Faucett of India will speak upon ■•Christian Missions In India." Young People's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Welcome all. "'l4-1 " lie Los Angeles- Fellowstoip REYNOLD E. BLIGHT, Minister. Ham, service at IJlanchard hall, 233 S. Broadway. Subject. "Fads. Follies and Fal lacies of the New Thought." Prelude on "Is a Rational Tariff Law Possible?" All seats free. , '•"'" PENIEL HALIi 887 8. MAIN. NOON PHAY er meeting dally; gospel lneetln 1 8, v TYPEWRITERS A TY-I'I^VVRiTKU. Look over all the typewriters for sale In town, then b"7 t c from us. Our window epeaks for 1 elf. We have all makes at all -ricks. We sell the best typewriter car bon that money can buy. We sell the best typewriter ribbon that money can buy. Write or call for free samples; If you are con vinced, give us your business. We do not employ solicitors to annoy you, but we handle a class of goods that get the- business for us. We are agents tor the No. 5 lUlck ensderfer Aluminum, the traveling man's typewriter. ARTHUR G. WILSON CO., 320 8. Hill St. A 1672; Main 6428. 4-17-tf jtT.x. MAKKS.OIT HMBUILT TYPBWHIT •rs. Bett our bargains. Best rentals In city. 11.60 to $3 a month. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER -■'. . EXCHANGB. A63IJ. 118 H. Broadway. Main 3961 9-11-tl TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT AND RENTED. All make* guaranteed; ii'imlrlng. UAKKR IIOEY CO. (Inc.) £44*6 So. Broadway. Main 40911 A 4070. 10-11-tt DENTISTS Cl sj^lurA^N.T{Ufl-^6tr"i^Ml«o~xiie»te» Mas.. Us H. Udwajr. JtfSSlr Mala Sal*. t-l-tl PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Fainting, Paper Hanging, Tin! Decorat ing;. Estimates; wall paper, [mints. | J. A. LINNEY * CO., 813 W. Bd. Bdwy. 1758. rZiBO. 4-27-30 PS ', .:-—■" : It's as easy to secure a bargain In a used automobDe, through want advertising, as It used to be-and still l»-to secure a horse and carriage. WANTED HELP—MALE WANTRD—MEN. BY LARGE CONTRACTING company; can learn trade of plumbing, elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles. In few months; no apprentice or helpers work and no expense; 320.C00 contract work, going; cat alogue tree, UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING COMPANY, 647 Pacific Elec tric Bldf. 4-30-tf FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN THE INTBRMA tIonai Correspondence School In exchange for a few hours' light work. Call between 8:30 and 9 a. m., 345 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG. 6-11-5 WANTED—MAN FOR POSITION ON CITY routes; must, have some cash and beat of reference; position will pay $125 per month. See MR. MoKAY, Herald. 5-14-tf WANTED—GOOD BOY FOR MORNING route, south of 7lh and east of Main; pays $9 a month. A.«k for MR. WILLIS at HOI ald offlco aftor 6 p. m. 6-14-3 IIKLT—FEMALE - WANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR * LIGHT housework; no children or washing. Call at 138 WEST 60T11 ST., or phone SOUTH 6197 this ihornlni:. ' 6-14-1 WANTED — SEVEN LADIES QUICK— Beauty culture pays big. Learn right FLORENTINE HAIRDRESSING COL LEGE, corner Broadway. Entrance 327 Mercantile place. i-i-tt LADIES and GIRLS AT home, STEADY or evenings: can stamp transfer, $1.50 do*, upward; original, reliable firm. Room 114 MASON BLDG.. 228 W. Fourth 9-11-tf FREE SCHOLARSHIP in the INTERNA tIonai Correspondence School In exchange for a few hours light work. Call between 8:30 and 9 a. m., 345 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG. 6-11-6 WANTED—COMPETENT GIRL WITH REF crenceß for general housework. 316 N. Lcnionu aye., Hollywood. Telephone 69474. . tf-8-7 HELP—MALE OR FEMALE m WANTED—MEN J.ND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber tr»4e; guaranteed In eight weeks. Cats: we free. MOHLER BAR BER COLLEGE, lit B. Second »t. 7-1-tt WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ON commission to build up bußlness for life. Bit Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-7-tf BITUATIONB—MALE WANTED—SITUATION, BY YOUNG MAN U years of age. Willing to do most anything, but would prefer clerking. Address J. F. X., care 223 East Second St., Long Beach, Oal. 4-16-tf BETHLEHEM FREB EMPLOYMENT agency, 610 Vlgnes street. Main 6726; , Home A4SB4. Men ;or hOMseoleanlng. yard work and general labor. I-24-tf EXPERIENCED BOOKEEPER AND Clerk, now employed, desires to change; willing to leave town. Address BOX 237 Herald. S-U-U PIANIST WANTS SITUATION AT BEACH or In city; read, fake, compose, transpose and arrange. Phono MAIN 4049. Call for pianist. ' 5-n'» WANTED—YOUNG MAN HANDY WITH tools wants any kind of work; can run and repair automobiles. Address BOX 182, Her ald. E-11-7 Vi- SITUATIONS —FEMALE WANTED—A HOME WITH A LIBERAL minded individual who has advanced Ideas, clean thoughts, educated In thought culture, environment to be music, larga grounds, trees, shrubbery, flowers, by middle-aged lady References. Address MRS. E. F. GREEN, 1023 E. 45th St., Los Angeles, Cal. / 6-12-7 SITUATION WANTED-RELIABi.3 YOUNG woman. German, good housekeeper and cook, wants work In adult family; steady place. Address BOX 454 Herald. 6-10-6 WANTED—SITUATION AS NURSE TO ONE or two children by a refined lady who has years of eiperienoai beat of references. Ad dress M. E., 230 Herald. WANTED-PERMANENT POSITION BY bookkeeper, typewriter and cashier, 16 years' experience; references. Address BOX 8566, Herald. 4-19-tt SITUATIONS —MALE AND FEMALE WANTED— IN PRIVATE HOUSE), (20 month, room and board, while attend ing school; school hours from 1 to 6 p. m. P. O. SOX »47. City. i'H-tt WANTED —TO PURCHASE STOCK WANTED— Stock in the Los Angeles Investment com pany; any amount up to $40,000 at $3 a share, G. F., care Globe Savings Bank. «-«7-tt TO PURCHASE—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FKAXHBM beds 768 SAN PEDRO BT. Phones F«(i41: Main 110*. 11-IT-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED— HAND FILE CASES for card system and document file; must be modern and In good order. BOX 221, Her ald. " 5-5-tf PHYSICIANS DR. HICKOK. DR. HICK.OK. SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN, 633 W. SIXTH ST., SUITE 107. Maternity home; confinements, with adop tion If riealred. . Absolute privacy. Moderate charges. Terms to suit. .Examination free. Hours 10 to 4; Sundays, 10 to 1. Phones— F8238, Uroadwa.- 9776. . - 4-19-tt DR. CROCKDR. Specialist for Women. Hamburger's Majestic Theater Building. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREB. • U-:S-13m DR. MARY R. HUTCHESON. NATUROPATH and vital healer, treats all ailments. 6323 PHILADELPHIA ST. Consultation free. , 4-12-tf WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1246 South Flower. F4U4. $-U-U DR. TAYLOR. 81714 S. MAIN ST. Dis eases of women. 8-»-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, \;' for^ai!e^good~grocery business in Bawtelle; present owner 34 years; good cor ner. This la a live business; price $2600. Also a 6-room modern house, lot 60x150, well improved, 51450 cash. Address OWNER, box 132, Sawtelle. . 6-13-31 BARGAINS IN soda FOUNTAINS. paci- FIC coifst soda fountain FACTORY, . 133 E. Fourth st. 4-16-lmo BATHS V . SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. CHIROPODISTS, baths. JEAN LUNN. 620 B. Broadway. BATHS AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. 11l B. "BROADWAY. ROOM 820. l-«4-«mO NOTARIEB i 7 M- WITT. NOTARY PUBLIO. PENSION papers, deads, collections and wills nego tiated. Room 4. £44 M 8. Broad war. 1-11-ti CESSPOOLS IMPERXAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.—WB take out largest load. West 6896; 21010. l-10-tt SEWING MACHINES L WHITE BKWINQ MACHINB CO.. NOW sarmanently located at 714 B. Broadwar. U LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1010. KOR RENT APARTMENTS—FURNISHED AND ITNFURNI3irEI> Hotel Seville 732-734 S. FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotels In the cut. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat; hot and cold water; electrlo lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones: Main 8613; F6635. 4-1-tf 'TUT? CT OIT'r'TC 2" S- FLOWER. THE ST. KHiUlb Main 2290. A 7336. Five minutes from business center; hand some building, cool porches, private tele phones, ■ clean, nicely furnished apartments, $15 to (25; single room!), $2.f>o to 13.00 weekly; $8.00 to 113 monthly. 6-12-3 #4•• ■ ROOMS—FURNISHED GIRARD HOUSE 116 E. THIRD ST. 100 all outside rooms; 60 with private bath; central location; elevator service; steam heat; rates as low as $15 month; with private bath, lit. Main 2330; Home 10161. 3-24-tt IIOUSKS—UNFURNISHED TOR RENT—UNFURNISHTD COTTAGE, 4 rooms and bath; place for chickens; $12 per month. Call at 237 N. Prichard. Phone Main 6654. 5-13-2t FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED (-ROOMS AND bnth; five minutes' walk from Broadway. 229 NY ORAND. 5-14-7 HOUSES FURNISHED FOR RENT- 4-ROOM COTTAGE; BATH, place for chickens; $12 per month. Call at 237 N. Prlchard St. Main 6554. ■ 6-13-3 ROOMS AND BOARD ' —— SPLENDID ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TU bercular patient wishing special diet and care. P. O. BOX 121, Pasadena. 6-14-6 . OFFICES FOR RENT—NICE SUNNY FRONT OF nces on Broadway; large windows and advertising space; also smaller offices. In quire room 4, 244 % B. BROADWAY. 1-37-tt MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY Any amount you want -« iv < to 150,000. Lowest rates—city or country. FRANK C. CURRY, 436 Byrne bids.. Third and Broadway. Phones A7BG2, Main 2165. 6-l-6mo MONET TO LOAN, SECURED BY FIRST and second mortgages on real estate, large and small amounts, or payable monthly. Mortgages, trust deeds and contracts Issued for the sale of real estate bought. NOURbE & CO., 202-204 L. A. Trust £ldg.. Second and Spring. Both phones. tX MONEY TO LOAN 160,000 to loan oa real estate, city or coun try, 6 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOVER & GILBERT, 802 U. W. Ilellmaa Bids. Home phone A>B27; Main 6474. 10-2-tf SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. See US before you borrow money on sal ».ry or furniture. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. (Inc.) 612 Grosse Bldg., comer Sixth and Spring. FB848; Main 4823. 4-8-rt i~iiAviri2o,"ooo TO BE loaned at CUR" ' rent rates on city or suburban real estate; prefer small loans, $200 to $1000. R. W. MOVER. 604 Frost Bldg. F5107. 4-26-lm money: TO LOAN-SALARIED MEN and women accommodated without delay or pub* licity. bOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. »-14-tl R. W. POINDEXTER. 409 WILCOX BLDQ., will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. 6-9-tf MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS. FURNl ture, pianos and any kind of security; low rates. JOHNSON. 33» H. W. Hellman Bldg. »-18-«ino TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 41» Henna Bldg. 10-4-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 O. T. Johnson bldg. 6-7-lmo PRIVATE MONEY. I TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART A SON. 101 H. W. Hellman Bldg. A 766*. ■■ ■ l-l»-« $600 TO $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO.. Jefferson and Main. 4-23-lmo SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED — INFORMATION REGARDING whereabouts of C. W. Pipkin, subscription solicitor, who - left this county without making final settlement with this paper for work done soliciting. Medium height, fleshy, dark mustache with some gray in It. front teeth bridged: low voice and slight lisp. Please keep this card on your desk and If he applies for position with you kindly notify us at once at our ex pense. ECHO PUBLISHING CO., Bakers fleld. Cal. 6-12-3t LAWS ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ARE you in trouble? See us. Strictly confi dential. Consultation free. Probate mat ters, estates, damage suits, accounts, col lections, etc. 324 BRADBURY BLDG., 8. E. cor. 3rd and Broadway. 5-13-lmo ALL RAZORS, SAFETY BLADES, SClS sors. knives, instruments, printer's knives, tools, etc., sharpened better than new. YANKEE GRINDER, 814 S. Spring st. U-11-tl WANTED — AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively highest prices paid. MAIN 3697; F6936. 6-26-12 mo HOSPITALS—DAY AND NIGHT— C. C C. taxicabs. CALDWELL CAB CO. South 8351: 29037. ■ l-t-tf PATENTS — PATENT ATTORNEYS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY. HAZARD * STRAUSS. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. Oldest agency In Southern California. American and foreign patents secured and trade marks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 631* Citizens National Bank Building. Third and Main. Home A 1491; Main 2321. PATENT BOOK FREE. t-8-tt NO PATENT, NO PAY—ATTORNEY FEE cut one half. Open every day and even- Ins. S. O. WELLS, 634 Germain Bids. PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS. ALL COUN tries A. H. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and solicitor. 612 Trust bldg.. cor. id and Spring. ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAWS ;ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ARE you in trouble? See us. Strictly confi dential. Consultation free. Probate mat ters, estates, damage suits, accounts, col lections, etc. 334 BRADBURY BLDG., S. E. cor. 3rd and Broadway. 6-13-lmo COST IN DIVORCE SUITS $13; MARRIAGE laws explained. Come and talk It over. Consultation free. Hours 8 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. 11 to 12. 321 Bryson Block. 5-11-4 mo SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS — PERSONAL. Injury claims specialty; estates settled. J. W. MACY. 638 Douglas bide Phones AB63J. Main 8533. tl B. M. WITTB. NOTARY PUBLIC— •lon papers, wills, Insurance and colleo tlons negotiated. 144 V. S. BROADWAY. f 1.19-tt DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA AND OTHER states free on request. BOX 623, Ooldfleld. Nevada. »-»-tf ASSAYING JOIIjTHERMANI^tMHT. Main. Not satis faction, but arenracy guaranteed, li-ai-tf BUSINESS PERSONALS I I MRS. MASSON. THB NOTED LONDON palmist. Hi B. SPRING, over Owl drug store. 11-.1-M FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE—SNAP, BEAUTIFUL BRAND new bungalow, near car line, artistic, modern, cozy. Hardwood floors, beam ceilings, bath buffet, beautiful electric fixtures. Can't be beaten. . the McCarthy co., 201 N. Broadway. A 6941. Main 1202. 6-10-61 FOR SALE— Moneta Aye. Square, 5 rooms; all improvements; half block from car; 10 per cent down, balance in monthly payments. No interest, no taxes'". The Co-Operative Building Co., 626-7-8-9 Merchants Trust Bldg. :i-11-10t BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN $3760—5275 cash, $25 monthly, on Fifty seventh street, between Main and South Park avenue. Gas. electricity, street work and sewers. Oak floors, beamed ceilings, open fireplaces, buffet, cabinet kitchens, cement porches, lighting fixtures. Fifty of these modern five-room homes building. San Pedro street car to Fifty-seventh street. Tract office. " "the INVESTMENT BUILDING co. 1008 W. P. Story Bldg. F3175: Bdway. 4575. 4-1-tf-d. o. $2600. $200 CASH, BALANCE EASY, 5-ROOM modern house, between Moneta and Flgueroa; gas, electricity, sewer, etc. KENT & MEEK, 6001 Moneta aye. 80. 2509. 5-13-3t VERNON AYE., EAST-FOR SALE-4-ROOM house- street work done, lot 50x150, bathroom, gas, $100 down. $10 per month; price $1000; also 5-room modern. Take Watts car to Ver non aye. 1688 VERNON AYE. 5-14-2t NEW BUNGALOW—SISO CASH. BALANCE like rent. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main. | 5-11-tf FOR SALE—7-ROOM COTTAGE, SOUTH west: must be moved soon. Phono SOUTH 1724. 5-H-4t CITY LOTS ANT> LANDS A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN THE COTTAGE Terrace tract, corner San Fernando road and Elm street on Eagle Rock car line, and Just past the new car barns: $450 and $500 each; $25 down and $10 a month. SEE WERNER, with STRONG & DICKINSON, 147 S. Broadway. ■ 4-16-mon-thurs-sat-lmo FOR —FINE RESIDENCE LOTS IN WILSHIRE BOULEVARD DISTRICT Low prices, easy terms. the McCarthy company 201 NORTH BROADWAY. A 5041. Main 1203. 5-10-8t ■ COUNTRY PROPERTY TULARE COUNTY LANDS All we want is a chance to show you that we have the FINEST ALFALFA LAND In California. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WATER SUPPLY and can give you the best buys In the valley. This is also the * ! ■ Greatest Fruit Country you can find anywhere. '; ■' GO UP WITH US and let us «tart you on the road to greater prosperity. .... E. D. COWAN 201 Mason Opera House. 6*3- IMPERIAL VALLEY AMERICAN NILE No drouths, cyclones, blizzards; marvelous crops: grain, alfalfa, cotton; sunshine; sedi ment soil; abundance of w.ter produce them. Good cheap land. C Cd B4 U buy. 313 Severance Bldg. HAMMERS REALTY CO. Phone Broadway 4664. 5-6-tf BeaMmomit Beautiful country home sites on La Mesa Mlravllla; 3000 feet elevation; mountain water; choice apple, pear and cherry land; 6 and 10 acre tracts. BEAUMONT LAND ft WATER CO.. 316 Central Building. Los Angeles. Cal. 4-28-tf 160 ACRES Fine level land, good water right, small house and barn; some alfalfa and fruit; price $2000. For further information see ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth St., ground floor. F2574. i. 6-12-3 SO. CALIFORNTA-$lOO AN ACRE, $1 CASH, $1 monthly; rich, level, Irrigated alfalfa, orange, grape, fruit land; the crops pay for land. T. WIESENDANGER, room 311. 207 S. Broadway. See MR. FRYE. 6-11-6t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—I2O-ACRE timber land In Ozark county, Mo. price $600. Address 2326 B. 4TH ST., Los Angeles. 5-10-7 ' : OIL PROPERTY WAGE EARNERS, INVEST, DON'T SPECULATE 25,000 chares (no more) oil stock at 250 per chare. Company has 1600 acres, 960 acres of which Is proven ground; one 700 -barrel well completed; now drilling second well; don't owe a dollar; has money in the treasury to complete two more wells; small capitalization and no promotion stock; pipe lines and railroads now building to field; oil paraffins base, running from 38 to 61 gravity and worth $2.60 to $J.OO per barrel at well. See LORS 332 Bradbury Building :-v. ■.. . 6-1-tf SUBURBAN PROPERTY Lj«T Stacy *A#'Ul A Realty Co. M IE3TABLI3HED 1903T1 Ban Pedro office, 605 Beacon; both phone*. Isim Anrrim nfflxn. BUI » Hnrlnir Ft 1 111. . / mun. wed, FOR SALE—S6OO PER ACRE, 2% OR 3 ACRES between the city and the sea; corner; fine sandy loam, level: good roads; Ideal climate; land Includes shares in adjoining pumping plant; vegetables and corn now on land. Take Redondo Inglewood car to Freeman, walk half mile east: first house to right of pumping plant. C. H. SCHULTE. 5-14-2 iiKMruut BBPARATB LOCKED IRON ROOMS. 11.00 per month. Trunks, boxes, eta., 15a to (0a Phone for our large van when you move. par hour. '■' -'■.' COLTBAR WAREHOUSE CO.. _ «li-17-l» Man Podro at. Main oSlo* IO»*U a. Main at. Pnon* Main 1117; JTII7I. t-l-u .. .■' FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY ♦ FOR SALE-BARGAIN. Store building, brand new, with living rooms; large lot, 61x160; lino location on yellow car line; only 12800, Js<» down. OWNER, 629H S. Main. F4791. 5-H-3t PIANOS I PIANOS AT *2.60 AND $3 PER MONTH. Square pianos of standard markes In 'X cellent condition. Will sell on the above i small payments. GEO. J. BIRKEL CO., 145-347 3 Spring St. 10-2g-tt FOR SALE—UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINE condition; only $100 for Immediate sal*. Call for inspection 418 W. FIFTH ST. MISCELLANEOUS == Lookout Mouitaia Park $250 EACH—SS DOWN $1.00 a Week. No Interest; No Taxes s Pure mountain water is piped to every lot; large Improvements are now being made; work has begun on the new hotel; streets are graded; the view Is the finest in South ern California. Many homes are soon to be built; thousands of people visit the park every week. It Is soon to be the great moun tain home resort of Southern California. Electric cars from Los Angeles every fif teen minutes; fare by book, 6% cents. The trend of settlement is from the low lands to the hills. Now Is the time to buy. j WE BUILD HOUSES in Lookout Mountain Park. Fine new house built on any lot you may select. HOUSE AND LOT ONLY $750. one-third down, balance $25 a month. No ' interest, no taxes. This offer made to Induce Immediate set tlement for a limited number of desirable persons. Investigate this at once. DO IT NOW. W. W. Norton & Company 124 South Broadway Ground floor of Chamber of Commerce. ' Phones—Main 2466; Home AIBSB. ~~~ 5-14-1 We Can. Rent lour House for low Get you good tenants and do it quick. This is what you want. We need your houses. You need the money. Let us convince you. See us today. WANTED 10 Furnished Houses at Once I. Are You Going . • ; -to Wove? Let us locate you. We make a specialty of renting good houses. We can get just what you want. Why worry or bother? Let us do it for you. It will pay you to see us. . For a Square Deal Come to Us. We Will Treat You Right. Freicfii-Mclßcyiolcls Realty Co. 721-722 Bryson Building. Phone ASO4O 5-14-1 OLIVER TYPEWRITER. LATE MODEL NO. 6 This Is positively a new typewriter and one of the best. Will be sold at half price. ■' ydu have the cash. Room 11, 244V4 8. BROADWAY. 5-8-7t FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL LITTLE UPRIGHT piano, very cheap. 1315 W. 36TH ST. 5-13-1 BCHOOL3 AND COLLEGES^ J SCHOOL^Sj*N^COULeQjE»^^^ Miss Wing's School for Girls 1226 ALVARADO STREET ii.... „-,, ■>»«■• All departments from kindergarten to collide, Prepare* for eoU le« "ml university Hue school for BlrU visiting Southern California for winter t. ke?p abreast of thflr .tidies. Piano, elocution, pottery, etc. Private tutorln,. Kprl»« term opens April 4. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal Sunset West 53 4«; Home 53114. CUMNOCK School of Expression SUMMER TERM Six Weeks— Opening July 5 Heading, Expression, Shakespeare. Dra matic Art, Voice and Physical Training. Dr. Richard Burton of the University of Minnesota will give a special course on "Modern English Drama." Course of reading by Mrs. Grig*, direc tor, ami Kathorlna Wisner McCluskey of Evanston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1500 SOUTH FIGUEROA ST. LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE!. 417 W. Fifth st. E. R. SURADER. Ph. D president since 18»0. "-"'" THE ROWEL- SCHOOL COACHES IN grade and high school studies. Vacation pchool during summer. ___ BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COL lege. »53-7 W. 7TH. Send for catalogue. HAVE YOU BEEN OUR DAT SCHOOL, CAT alogue describing bookkeeping and shorthand course?? Y. M. . ''. A. 6-1--11 FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ■ —■ ■ Pasadena for Ijs Angeles We make a specialty of exchanges between the two cities. List with us and get good results. Write or phone t CITIZENS REALTY CO. 300 Chamber of Commerce, Both phones—4lo. Pasadena. 6-14-18-21-28-23—6-l-4-8-8t FOR EXCHANGE — I HAVE A CLEAR lot at Redondo, 3 blocks from city hall, facing the ocean fine for apartments or hotel; street work all In; gas. electricity and newer; fine view of the ocean; would trade for lot at Uuntlngton Park, Glen dale or city. Lot valued at $0001 make offer. OWVEB. box 564. Herald office, MISCELLANEOUS FOR EXCHANGE—I HAVE A CLEAR LOT In Colton that I will trade for diamonds, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad | dress BOX 834, Iler-ild. 9-11-tt will TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company an* other mining stock for i stock In California Wave Motor company CReynolds). BOX 242. Herald. 6-26-tf FOR EXCHANGE-A GOOD 45-70 RIFLE for a good shotgun, or what have you? Ad dress BOX 202. Herald. 4-29-tf WHEELED VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES ' NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE Successors to MANHATTAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 1226-28 South Olive Street Phones— Home F5835, Main 1366 Automobiles, new and slightly used, all makes, bought, sold and exchanged. Cars sold on 5 per cent commission basis. Some of our special bargains— 1910 Mitchell, new 1310 Stoddard-Dayton, slightly used Chalmers 30. Chalmers 40 roadster, Cadillac 30, Regal 30, Studebaker E. M. F. 30 Auburn 30, 6-cyllnder 7-passenger Thom as, 6-cyllnder Stevens-Duryea, Autocar, Kissel Kar, Baker electric, Waverley elec tric Hudson 20, Hupmobile and fifty others. Come In and see us in our new quarters. Practically new 7-passenger Steams, 60 -horsepower; price, $2500. 5-14-7t FOR SALE-1909, 6 CYLINDER, 7-PASSEN- Gf-R THOMAS TOURING CAR. LOOKS ANb RUNS LIKE NEW. EQUIPPED WITH MOHAIR TOP. GLASS FRONT, SPEED OMETER. NEW TIRES. MAGNETO, STOR AGE BATTERY, EXTRA CASING, INNER TUBES WEED CHAINS. WE GUARAN TEE THF. CONDITION OF THIS MACHINE TO 881 PERFECT. WB WANT A CASH OFFFR FOR THIS CAR. TELEPHONE MAIN 1366. HOME F5835. SEE MR. BELL 1236 8. OLIVE ST. ■>-'4'7t FOR SALE-ToIjRIST AUTOMOBILE, FOUR cyllnder, 40-horse power, 6-passenger, a bar train If sold at once. Address T. J. OOLD ING. Herald office. : __'" STORAGE LAKGB PRIVATE, LOCKED. IRON BOOMS tor furniture, etc; $1.60 and $2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., 260 to 60c; open vans, $6 per day, or laa per hour. We pack and •hip household goods everywhere at re duced rates. . COLYEAR'3 VAN AND STORAGE CO.. offices 609-11 S. Main st. Warehouse 416-17 San Pedro st. Phones rtin: Main 1117. s-16-tt LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DISSO LUTION OF CORPORATION In the Superior Court of the State of Cali fornia, In and for the County of Los Ange les. No. 74.261. In the matter of the application for dis solution of the Henry & Brown Motor Com pany, a corporation. Notice Is hereby given that application has been presented to the Superior Court of the State of California. in and for the County of Los Angeles, for the dissolution of the Henry & Brown Motor Company, a corporation; that an order of the court has been duly given and made appointing Mon day the 23d day of May, 1910, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon as counsel can bo heard, at the court room. Department Eiirht of the court, when and where the application will be heard and determined, without further notice, if no objections shall then have been filed, or upon live days' fur ther notice to any persons who shall have filed objections; and directing that notice "a given thereof not less than thirty days by publication in the Los Angeles Herald, a newspaper published In the city of Los Angeles? County of Los Angeles. State of CaAl fl° r person 9 will accordingly take notice and may file objections to sail] application, ff any they have, on or before 10 o'clock a. m on Monday, the 28d day of May. 1910. gag APr" C°' O.9KEYES, County Clerk. By D. S. Burson. Jr.. Deputy Clerk^ RAILWAY TIME TABLE SALT LAKE ROUTE ' All trains dally except as noted. -Lea"ve~"T ' First Street Station | Arrive 8-36 am l " San Bernardino, I 8:35 am 1100 am Colton. 10:41 am 3-10 pmf Riverside. 12:15 pm k I 1:25 pm 6-24 cm Ontario and 4:36 pm 4:15 pm Pomona 7:10 pm 8:00 pm —" ~ '. • 8:15 am 6-60 am Long Beach and 11:10 am l:20 pa » San Pedro 7:00 pro 4:40 pm « 3:55 pm ~8:50 am| Santa Catallna Island 1 7:00 pm VT3o~aroj* Pasadena »|11:35 am *" " San Bernardino. Searchlight. Las Vegas, 8:00 pm Scatty. Rhyollte. Gold- 12:15 pm field and Tonopah ~ •Dally except Sunday. ■ Sunday only. German, English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Term* modarat* 110 W. 21st it. Phone South 141*. T: 1 *±i >ki Bottom College, Northeast corner JSlghlU and Hill streets. _'67OO; Main 511. 8-XU rOlt 1-L'H, INFORMATION. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TYPEWRITING 810 Chamber of Commeroe Wanted —Students; Gregg or Pitman shorthand; practical bookeeplng or ar chitectural drawing; summer term, $5 _ month, Hegister at once. 5-6-tt sth lloor, Hamburger Bldg., I<o» Angeles. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL--FRAC tlcal shop instruction day and evening. New classes this week. Visitors welcome. 5-12-5t SANITARIUMS ~ TILE WOMAN'S UOSFIIAX, Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the) city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. 1845 South Flower. F4H4. l-U-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central aye. Leave | I Arrive 8:00 am San Francisco via Coast Line, 8:45 am j 9:30 am 8:15 am San Luis Oblspo. Paso Robles. 2:30 pm 2:30 pm Del Monte, Monterey, Santa 9:30 pm 6:15 inn Cruz, San Jose and east 11:45 pm 8:00 pm _______ San Francisco and Mojave 6:30 pm Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:05 am 9:20 pm Bakersfleld and Fresno 8:15 am 7:30 am Fresno 7:05 am 6:00 pm Bakersfleld 8:00 am 9:30 pm and Mojave ' 8:20 pra ____________ __________ Chicago, Kan. City, <jt. Louisl 9:45 pm Golden State Limited 6:55 pro 3:00 pm The Califorr.lan, via 7:14 pm I Yuma, Benson, El Paso Overland — Orleans via 12:01 pm Yuma, Benson, Maricopa, Tuc- 1:30 pm son, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston 12:01 pm Yuma, Tucson, Benson 6:30 am 8:00 pm Lordsburg, Doming, 7:16 am 8:15 pm El Paso 1:30 pm 6:55 am I 8:30 am 8:00 am 11:50 am 8:15 am , Santa Barbara 2:30 pm 1:45 pm and 7:35 pm 2:35 pm Ventura • 9:30 pm 7:30 pm ('Not Ventura) 11:45 pm 8:15 ami Oxnard, Santa Susana, • 8:30 am 2:35 pra| Moorpark, • 11:50 am 7:30 pm* Somls, 2:30 pm I Camarlllo • 7:35 pm iCamarlllo • 7:36 pm I (*O_nard only) 11:45 pra Santa Paula via Saugus, 6:45 am Camulos, Plru, Flllmore, 11:50 am 1:45 pmf Satlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:35 pm | terla, Summcrland 8:15 ami Nordhoff I 2:3* pm 2:35 pm| | 7:35 pm 7:45 am • 6:30 am 8:55 am Pomona * 7:15 am 12:01 pm Colton 7:15 am 3:00 pm Riverside, Redlands and 9:35 am 4'*sl pm • San Bernardino 11:35 am t.* pm ('Not Riverside, Redlands 1:30 pm S:l5 pm * or San Bernardino) 5:25 pra _______________________________ 7:10 Pm 8:55 am Covlna 11:35 am 6:45 pm . 7:10 pm 7:45 am Chlno 9:36 am 4:00 pm 5:25 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey 8:55 am and Norwalk 8:30 am 11:15 am '—. 2:15 pm 1:00 pm a* Buena Park, West a* 3:00 pm 5:10 pm Anaheim, West Orange 4:50 pm ('Downey only) 8:55 am I Newport Beach 4:50 pm 8:55 am I a Los Alamltos a 4:60 pm 9:45 ami Brawley, Imperial, I 6:30 am 8:15 pm| El Centro, Cale-lco | 6:65 pm 9:05 am San Pedro-Compton • 11:45 am 3.30 pm|* i.*Vla Long Beach) | 6:35 pm 9:05 am • • Long Beach-Compton 11:45 am 3:30 pm (»Vla San Pedro) 6:35 pm 9:05 am| Santa Catalina Island 6:35 pm 6:45 am I 7:06 am 7:60 am Fernando • 8:40 am 1:45 pm 11:60 am 5:00 pm ('Motor) 7:35 pm 9:30 pm | 8:00 pm 8:30 am a Chatsworth Park. (See a 3:45 pm note). (Note — and from River station only.) All trains dally except those marked as fol lows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" Sundays. only. SANTA FE Leave I Arrive Eastern—California Limited. I ~~ 10:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 1:00 pa and Kansas City " Overland Express— 1:00 pm Chicago via Denver and 8:80 am Kansas City Eastern Express— Dally " 7:30 am Chicago via Denver and 7:08 am Kansas City I Tourist Flyer—Dally " 9:00 am Chicago via Denver and 1:35 am Kansas City •———~ Kite Shaped—Going via —————> 1:30 am Pasadena. Return via l:itpa[ Santa Ana canyon 7:85 am 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlands via Pasadena 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:40 pm 4:30 pm ______________________ 7:40 pm 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 10:35 am 10:55 am 6:30 pm I 1:00 pm 7:35 am Riverside via Pasadena | 5:40 pm 7:30 am 7:05 pm 10:55 am Riverside via Oninn 10:35 am 5:06 pm ___^^________________ 6:30 pm 7:30 am I 7:05 am 10:56 am Corona via Orange 10:35 am 5:05 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 ami I 7:05 am 10:56 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:35 am 6:05 pm 6:30 pm 7:35 am ———*— I 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 1000 am Ban Bernardino via Pasa- 4:00 pm 3-00 pm <'.■!... 5:40 pm 4:30 pm »;<K> Pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm 7:40 pm 8:65 am *:55 am 2:16 pm Santa An* .: 8:26 am 6:05 pm I : 00 P™ 11:55 pm . 6:16 pm '7:30 ami <*& I t:55 *m 855 am " ' 7:06 am 10-65 am Fullerton. Anaheim, "*' 8:25 am 2 16 pm Orange 10:35 am „;„ pm !SS 11:-., pm 1:30 pm 735 ami San Jactnto, Elslnore, He- 10:35 am 10:65 am met and Murletta _ <:S0 pm 10:25 am Redondo 4:20 pm TTs"pml Escondldo 1:00 pm ■,53 am Fallbrook «:15 pm 155 am Fan Diego and 6:55 am 2"15 pm Coronado BeacU 1:00 pra 11-65 pm Surf Line 6:15 pm 7:30 am Rantlsburg 7:06 am 100 pml Searchlight and Chloride 7:o* am 1:00 pm Be-tty. Ilhyollte. Qoldfleld 1:30 is ■ ■ and Touopah $jjmm 15