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4 SCHWARZ PUTS BLAME FOR DELAY ON GLAVIS Takes Responsibility for 'Clear v Listing' Claims but Not for Tardy Conclusion WASHINGTON, May 13.—Full re sponsibility for the "clear list ing" of the Cunningham claims and the con duct of these cases before the general land office was assumed by H. n. Schwarz, chief of the Held service, who was a witness' before the Balllnger hot investigating: committee to day. Mr. Schwarz laid the blame for the delay In reaching a conclusion In the Alaskan ■ ases at the door of L. R. ciavis. to whom, he said, he had i all the latitude in investigating them. !l<- said Mr. Balllnger had never taken any initial action on these cases, and that when he had "clear listed" tliem as commissioner of the land office, he had done so on hi? A GLORIOUS »BBB£'itKSi^iWSsjtt9^ .- tL£%&%Pii KS'f'fll wkA P\i^w ■?«&? BJWkB ifcHaw^V Mn&sf tPJ^A^. JFv'Jf Kfcvß^i \f2y-jV|^rv^ Jsv¥*m2Jul n%BL ' CTTTIJtt 'Bt^^?fcwjrWC^Ki' y a4fl^Hff^B^siiitW isflV IssfesW j^fj SlsK bb^LbW glorious honor indeed. JUST A »RD about increases made so fa, ? ince May 7: Flrit. remember that two prizes go to each district lor the greate., am >«^^'\^'>'S published Tuesday. Do this for yourself—the result of your comparison will be the best argument for your getting busy imnmhatelv and keeping evenasungij at ?r slloUlJ b0 comiiareJ "iat published Tuesday Do this for voursclf-the result of your comparison will be the best argument for your getting busy immediately and keeping e\crlast,n b iy at it. 1 - ... ■ ____^_ : ■ _' _ i nnn n,nto T><v»hlp<i 1,000 Gladys Cummings 1,000 DIVISION I Clyde Bess 5,125 DIVISION II Helen M. Browne 1.000 Bank. I^rtle. ................... I.OJJO GeQ Cu , ver ............... 1.000 JJIVIiIUIM 1 • rarner Curran 3.185 *„. Edna Brooks 1.000 n' D PickerlnK 1.000 Myrtle Campbell !.... 1,000 (Comprise Districts A and B) %ssg£^^^ "no Z. C A? the Mr. Sit. Brow 1.000 &^g£g£ l-JJO SSI Chambers 1.000 The city of Los Angeles within the Josephine - Russell 2,822 boundaries of Los Angles city as set Edith Burke 1.000 Carleton Raymond ............... 1.000 Ms. A. A. C0ate^................ 1000 followln« boundaries: Slauson avenue ' __ o soo forth under heading Division I. J. H. Calvert 1.000 M£f J^ p K v^ 1,000 Paul Cook 1,000 on the south, Arlington avenue on the KODert u\s :::::::::::..::.:: im districtc w-L- f-amr> 1000 K'l'Pn fJ5v-^? s ':::;::: ins Atiiort rnlu i nnn Hoover, north co Effle, east to San . , 2i6SO UISIKIV'I Leslie Chudlc 1.000 Ed Richards 1.000 F-leanor_Crow 1.000 SAi tO,oW^ SS.rU« .600 ( that portio^of^An^o^ 8 t TTZ^\ZZZ::Z S S K^^E*".' '! S and Crescent, south along Salt Lake E. H.Hitchcock 2,050 Xnpolcs ,ity as set forth under head- „" ±v«r Collins 1000 SS 5", '" S^Vnr, 1000 Char)^ D-uicVierty l'ooo railroad to Avenue Forty-thvee thence H . v . Huber Ing Division I. and also San Ber- Mrs. Olner Collins l.ow m« Edgar Bhorp \W w " " ■ Vm.n fi s 1000 east to Griffin, south on Griffin to "J 1 so 7 , ; ,lino and Orange counties. Cordon Cruickshank 1.000 Willie Slefjrlst 1-OUO Vemon Elde? 1000 Si rwlblT e^t^Hughes: SS^zr.:: iS M ls s ,vn ( ,K,u T K .k^.,,,, carey 1.000 cla ß enc s es^v -:::::::::::::::: \Z fns^lf|van;-:::::::::::::::: \'Z outH to°HoTirbeck. welt to'Alamedt Charles E. Bent 1.550 . ... , vmum M OHAIIAM. Jr 50.4,. Ml« Beatrice Clark 1.000 m, m Minnie E. Smith 1.000 MU^Effle Frank 000 south to Slauson. Alexander Galloway S "B. F. BKBWICK -.X Lisbon":::::::::::::::: .00 Mr.. C. L. Smlth ......•;.;;;; •; & SSrSiiSiS H H Livingston 1,495 "FLORENCE Hii.i.iAMs 54,-nb Kate Dickinson 1.000 gSward a Snyde? 1.000 Marie Grave. 1.000 DISTRICT A Teona'rdM Stanley 1435 "MB». HKSTKIt T. OBIFFWH 61,100 .Miss Lila Dobyns 1.000 Albert Stone 1.000 Mrs. Alice Grayton 1,000 UlblKlLl A Leonard M. L Stanley . MIS nAZEL WBBBTBB 43.94U Bernard rorrough 1,000 Miss Lillian Sylva 1.000 Mrs. Sam C.-een 1.000 Ted W. Bacon 1.190 Two tar , very , very soon (if not Fimpr Dietrich 1000 George Sala 1.000 Harold Gribble 1,000 All territory within the above boiin- J. L. Irwln 1.100 sooner). . -, VL J ,' nni V. Smith 1.000 c. W. Hagerman 1,000 daries and west of the following divid- Mrs. Ida H. Baker 1.000 •CLAYTON OBICB «,.so Rev. S. G. Dunham 1,000 cathron T!nell LOOO Bet Hardison 1.000 Ing line: Mr>in street, beginning at H." Or Brainerd 1.000 nitin Kv^ry inch a hustler. A M. Ellington 1,000 Mrs. Alice Shugg 1.000 Mrs. Joseph Harris 1,000 Blauson avenue to Spring street, along c. h. Carpenter 1,000 *VIDA „,!„ i ,,,;«nai'' Voti-iittlng' abriitv Mr« J. K. Eldred 1.000 Harry Stanton 1.000 Rosse Hoenshell 1,000 Spring street to San Fernando, San Sam ; Disparte 1,000 r^uy d '"""" ' * " V w Vr- h 1 nnn George Shafer 1.000 BennleHorton 1,000 Fernando street along Los Angeles Harry Emm ons 1.000 „,„.,., Th . „,, w. P. Erbes 1.000 Edith Thomas 1.000 Leonoro Hogran 1,000 river to northern boundary line. The Clara Fensorn 1.000 silss winadeie Tnoma» -i,»« 7 j. O. Enell, jr 1,000 Ray Throrkmarlin 1.000 Mrs. W. F. Hazen 1,000 dividin-r line runs in the center of the. E. L. Howell 1.000 Mrs. Mary I- Inend »j.»m J{ . Edwards 1000 Arvey Tucker 1.000 Mrs C. S. Hamlln 1.000 given streets, hence buildings on the Miss Clara [verson 1.000 Ml«» Susie Thompfon ■;■•••;•:.••. i."'! 10 u'lu'lltri. r . m ., 1000 Basil Tranger 1.000 Miss Martha Hanna . 1,000 west tide of Main and San Fernando Joseph (Reynolds 1.000 *«n lir-rnardln./. representative; brand Miss Marie Edmonds 1,000 EdTre{rey 1.000 Mrs. M. Hart 1,000 are in District A. and those on the William D. Stephens 1,000 ne" a"" 'v'"- ,.. Mary Foy 1,000 R. T. Trennert 1-000 Edgar Hull 1,000 east side are in District H. Theodore H. Washburn 1,000 I'il"1 Holy "••"' Beulah Filpat 1,000 Harry B. Thorpe 1.000 Marcia Hunt 1,000 , K. S. Hull i0,«3. prank Fowler 1.000 Clifton Todd 1.000 Olivia M. Johnson .....' 1,000 ~——— 1 nKTRTfT n Aubrey /A.*; Moody 1»M» *'"%." . J Mrs. Santos Valdez 1.000 William T. Johnson 1,000 "DAnrlinu RptWPPII DISIKICI ii Mi Ft , , Sva| , 9 022 Mary B - Gl«m 1,000 Bert H. Vreenegoor 1.000 Mrs. H. H. Jones lm KeaCling BetWeen a mo"? capable!^owiudyjitartlng G. B. Glover 1,000 Julius Verllng 1.000 Kllr| Kin)? 1.000 , U , • All that territory within the city , pk . ndld , ; .. E. S. Golding 1.000 W. H Watklns 1.000 EBte ji i.,, gage 1,000 the LineS limit, and ewt . dividing line Llonel Clotworthy 8.640 Rachel Cra ; ea . 1000 Mis. .Weiss .000 Chas . Laws ,s 1.000 y™ hß vo o.rt about people 'who, cad as given above. Mrs Ida L. Scharr 6,149 Marie Harding 1.000 J^^^^'Y^Y^^Y.Z: toOO f! u V&wl'. JoSS between; the'Unca. HISS J. VAN ALLEN ... 303.311 Jo lin W. Gloason 4,986 Mrs. Addle M. C. Haskins 1,000 Gladys Wilholte 1.000 us Moser "' 1000 Jr^^Uw^n-'r^t^ Y n» ----——- J.M. Freeman ua **£ K ; Hebb 1.000 1.000 r^,en^"::::::... .:::;• : IV „:,,, ,—. ..■-. Walter H^ Jenkins 3.8=3 Ke^lcK-on V.V.V.V.V.V.V.: Z MS!'^^.---:-- \Z %2WPE6&':™:yII& it's. all important. Don'l say later, "I Tlr ,/ ca "iklalc und ' " Mrs. R. F. Poole 8,018 Tom Hopkins « .000 alter Zahniser 1.000 MrB a McCarmack 1000 wish I known," or "Why didn't you ',;.„„ «,•",, Leila Prince 2.160 Walter H. Hollywood 1.000 M i as Jessie Young 1,000 Miss Gladys R. Menzles 1,000 llvdday lttM are pub l,.hed, W. K. MeLEOD " Vreai' V,^a! H Julian Gobar .. I.JJ MrH \\-illiam Hyde :"::.".:: 1,000 nTQTPTPT H win n, ' «8 i Past r rd juBi Julian Gobar ■ The Lore H. Hannanian 1.000 _.._„.„ Ml"i Drtla'paw l'ooo everyj day; n B tt-«; of. Blgnlfleanceil* placed tiona. Huron A Kennedy 1.800 Rev W p Hardy 1,000 DISTRICT D M £«««,.;«. JP innn brfor. S . their fr.end, and .11 •^GA^C. SIVANOER .......... •• «,0 . _.„. an A filler 1.800 J. W Harper 1,000 A other terri ,ory not included In ftaSa^STp^":"::;::::::: £880 Head over every item, today, tomorrow I)U V' I it"s Mrs. J. R. Pettyjohn 1,390 Frank Hayes 1.000 any of the above districts. ;, . ■ A.M.Rudolph 1,000 XiWlßS^m^T™ f"! AsburxVn »«."• Arnold Lawrence i.wo M v s J^ e A s Jack - n -::"::::::::::: I,'oSo »MRS. CI.ABA «ck.0i... ..... ...«M6i gfVwSSfc ::::::::::::: I'OOO 'Xk/. every fdaV. I contest; news! I Mr.. Victoria A. Smith W.Sao Kathleen Connolly 1.300 K.E.Jones 1.000 oot a lead and determined to hold tt. v rS 8 B Sanchief 1000 1 ■ ■ ' r, c BUckbu™ 10^3 E . L. - Howell 1.300 J.K.Keller 1.000 |c.ever,! ,;■ Mw^S. Branch 1et^............. 1,000 ...dr. r. T. vy.vvr.K imjii Mary Bailiff 7,875 Grant hite 1.300 Don Knight^. :::::::::: l;ggg """noldZ^aVlyVoVeVed^cond'place. IG. P t Scholefleld 1,000 w,,,,, «■,..„... na-hth, M.M. mark? Mrs. Mary Warner 5.860 j. A . Poo 1.250 JSSaJlStti r!?./^Y^Y"".Y.Y. l>o CM. Applestill 8,808 %£**%!%". I*ooo •••MRS. OSCAR 11. smith 133.000 Warner 3,700 Richard Humphrey 1,200 Mrs. S. 'oecher 1,000 Approaching two-star olau rapidly. w' A 'sewni 1000 a«n°dln.w\T.™a« rtUl reC°'d BalUlll" >1 Mrs. Maggie B. Lorlng 3.240 Ida S. Lenan 1.100 Ml.. Evelyn Long 1,000 M j M Leone Jeffries 8,440 M rsP . c. Shuck ••••••"■" i,m •"J.VMKS it. BOCLDIN ir;..v,!) Theodore Moroney 3.010 j. A . We ienborn 1.100 Mls's'Nelille'LanKStaff'l'iiv'lv."." 000 Dltt°" „ Paul Sigr iVa^a •' " 1,000 Hr" ■■■"■.-" j;.-.M.- r c 2,977 ... &^2^^^||g Tu^..,.... ..» M-uer^caggs ............... . ..♦IIKBKK .JONKS 110,881 Mane J. Corson 3.778 o V n "r dintrict.. are lots of p.o- S?vloV M^by ."."..". 1000 Walter M. Coffey 7,086 Adalina goto 1.000 liis brilliant work has earned him Miss Agatha Smith 2,030 . wl|h jnst lou ,| vot , !a —the nnmlna- iayior Muutoy j..«™ And dutQ ()n( , e more Mrß _ jj. Steams 1,000 the laobriauetjolCHiMtlmE Heher." Makingjiiplendld "art—Juat wait and thousand given very candidate ji.o. Morren ii'rr'm 1000 Tu*n narcenti 2,, Cyrus Stilson 1,000 ••HBXRIGTTA HOLMS ,54.188 s?Z™ s s:E's~:=3"ce Col' Samuel Merrill 1,000 liHsiliils g^iß|i Mra C X Lewi. 1.500 .,,,ins,. Miss Laura Memtt 1,000 John GUlespio. 3,100 .storke 1,000 'u l lallemler. may he tomorrow', lead C . R. Mlsner 1.000 Eugen eSproul 2,025 FIorellc( . Strange 1000 .L. W. WILDER 17.803 JuliUB]Coplan 1.800 How allOUt it, you -one thousand.r." . Bert Moody 1.000 charleßAl i ,. n 1,000 c .l. Turner .. >....-1.000 Friends want him In tha two-star R. Hugh McWhorter 1,289 M rs. J. H. Anderson 1.000 Kd Murphy ••••••;•••• }•""" Miss Hattie Anderson .; !. 1.000 Mrs. E. E Vlncorr 1.000 c.a>. right away. Di . Gale Atwater ..■ 1,190 C j are nce S. Baldwin 1.000 Mlm,Jessie McDonald 1.000 * : 000 RuthM Vlrden 1,000 •Slim katk ■. bitty IMS* C arl Jar obson 1,100 wmiamßeal 1.000 r'lKw. !!. ''■".'.'.'■ 1000 Rev. W. M. Barrett 1,000 J..J.Waddell 1,000 .»£*:*£ KA.Lwi^-.::::::.^, I^TT^Z , 000 ™S£i; 1,000 &S!i!S ihi £nr al::::::::::::::::: i L.SS weir.::::::::::::::::::::: Mr.. Anna wolhklll so.atta T. L. O'Brien 1.000 Tomß 1.000 Mlm Alice Norton 1000 Wallace Beebe ..":.........:.... 1000 / Ada Whltemore 1,000 (i. Mils Fry :^||||f,]f K?S=i||lii;s Frank Bradley .::::::::::::::::::::S w Pitman '.'.'.'.'.".'.'. liono :^felliii 1.000 George W. Vv'ilMams iliS **«•«•• * ,:,. M... Virginia P^u.e - 1.000 K^SS-ii':::::::::::: 1.000 KaZf5™^:::::::::::: I.OJO £1iS k.:::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.000 ,^tf»E£,":::::::::::::::::..aS, j-",""""■■ ll" ph. R.orda« O w~n Robert Bird 1.005 Ku f „. /^ m .M- ................... 1.000 ft&Tw&"::::::::u:::::" 1:22s shape. Mrs. J. M. Springer 1,000 Mrs. Charles Bennett 1,000 Mr.--. S. A. I armenter i.vjv (Schwam) recommendation, on the basis of the report of Special Agent Love. Attorney Vertrees, counsel for Hal linger, questioned Schwara for several hours and his ready answers ami quick wit kept the committee in an Uproar all the while. Mr. Balllnger was excused from the stand this morning with the under standing he micrht be recalled for fur thi i' cross-examination. bRAVES READY TO HOLD TO POLICY OF PINCHOT Chief Forester Guest of Lumber Men of Pacific Northwest SEATTTjE, May 13. — chief Forester Henry S. Graven of the United States itmtnt of agriculture declared to day timt the policies {aid down by Glf ford Pinehot, his predecessor, will be rigorously adhered to. Tiiis statement was made at a dinner I given in Mr. Graves' honor by the lum j bermen of the Pacific northweßt. Mr. Graves said he was fortunate In finding bo i omplete an organization as that built up by Mr. Pinchot. No ref- LOS ANC.rXES HERALD; SA'ITKDAY MORNING, MAY 11. 1010. erence was made to the COntTOVOTSJ be tween the former forester and Secre tary Bellinger. President H. R. WlUame of the Chi cago, Milwaukee .<• PUget Sound rail road Rave nn outline of the plan of the railroad in the interests of forestry in the territory contiguous to Its line, which includes the use of oil for engine fuel in the forest regions. Behind this poluy President Williams said then' were reasons oi economy, In thai forest mean less tonnage and more oper ating facilities. FORMER SENATOR CLARK TO SELL HIS MONTANA MINES NEW YORK, May 13.—1t was stated on good authority today that the papers transferring the Senator Clark copper properties to the Amalgamated Copper company would b> signed within a day or two. ' The properties which it Is stated will bo transferred consist of copper mines In Butte and the Butte Reduction works, where the ("lark ores have been treated. » « » —-_ HER CHANCE Mrs. Church—Did you get a chance to open your mouth while calling on Mrs. Gnbli? Mrs. Ootham—Oh. >'•»! I yawned twice while she was singing.— Statesman. 'DADS' ATTEND W. C.T.U. SESSION FROM A DISTANCE •Fathers' Night' Attracts Few Who Are Given Volumes of Advice ■Fathers 1 night" attracted bin few mm ai the \v. <\ T. V. convention last night, but those who were present re ceived some good advice from the : speakers, although on.- speaker said he did n"t believe iii men being honorary members of the organisation, which as sertion created quite an excitement among the women. The second day of the twenty-seventh annual convention of the W. C. T. U. was full of activity from s o'clock in nornlng until in o'clock last night. At the morning session the "sui tendent's quiz" was an Interesting fea ture, with the subjects connected H ilh it. ■Work Among the Colored People w..s th.- Bubject of Mis. Abble ii. Mc- Laln. Mrs. s. c. Bowen *r»i<'- .m ••Work Among Foreigners" nnd Mrs. Mary A Fowler snoke on "Work Amons tin- Indians." nthor speakers wore Mrs. Ada n. Hand, Mrs. Frances M Paine Mrs. Mary A. Oarbutt, Mrs. AHI« Simmons, Mrs. Bertha K. L. Ford and others. The program in the afternoon wan given over to the mothers. in the silver medal oratorical contest six little tots less than (! years of age participated. They were Herbert Thompson Ernest Wood. William (Jipini Balch, Mabel Brinkmeyer, Mnr garet Unk and AUce Hall, all Of rasa dena. The proßram for the "fathers 1 even ing" comprised of •■songs father used to sins" ami addresses by well known speakers. Rev. C, C. Pierce spoke on ••Possibilities and Responsibilities or Fatherhood." lie ;aid: ■•a trite saying is thai the foundation of society is the homo. The in school is" also the home, ami the t\\.. great pillars Of the home are the rather anil mother, ami it is the age of the study of fatherhood and motherhood.' Rev, ay. E. Tilroe followed with an Interesting address on "Father in the Church." Rev. C. La Fontaine spoke in place of Chaplain Nave on "Father in the Home." Mrs. Helen A. Stoddarl spoke on "A Father's Opportunity from a Mother's Standpoint." Fred I. Wheat created considerable excitement In sa>- Ing that men should not become honor ary members. Today will be one of the largest pro grams of the convention, the special feature to the Loyal Temperance Le gion demonstration and parade this afternoon. The convention will open with a prayer service at 8:30 o'clock, followed by discussion at evangelistic work and election of officers. At 1:80 o'clock the children of the legions of the county will assemble and hold a parade, followed by a rally at the church. This evening a cold water ban quet will be held at the Church Feder ation. NEGRO SAYS ANOTHER KNOWN AS 'FAT' TRIED TO SHOOT HIM While on the front porch of his house at 410 Beaton streel last night bidding farewell to a negro known as "Fat," M. T. William, another negro, was fired upon by "Pat." who took two shots at him. missing both tim< s. "Fat" appeared at the Williams home riuly in the evening. After a lengthy conservation he became Insult ng, Wil liams says, and was ordered from tln house. As "Fat" backed oul of the house he drew a revolver, according to Williams, nnd descended ttte steps t'> the side walk. A patrolman was called, but he (li.i not nnd "Fat." , EX-GOV. ROLLINS OF N.H. IS ACCUSED SMUGGLER NKW YORK, May Frank W. Rollins, former' governor 'of New Hampshire and now a banker with Bos ton offices, his wife Catherine and his ■on Douglas were charged today.ln tho sworn complaint of a customs Inspector with conspiracy to smuggle. Mr. i:"i lins and his son were released In $2000 ball. ■ ' ' , The Rollinses were first-class passen gers on the Lusitanla, which arrived today from Liverpool. They brought nine trunks, on which Mr. Rollins de clared only a woman's fur jacket val ued at $800. - Customs officers afterward swore that on the person of the former governor were found several articles of jewelry, on Mrs. Rollins a pearl mounted watch and stud, and on Douglas Rollins more Jewelry. -'.• j%' ' Mr. Rollins and his son were then ar rested and taken before Commissioner Shields. , Frank West Rollins was governor 01 New Hampshire from 1899 to 1901, and la the author of "The Ring In the Cliff," "What Can a Young Man Do?" and other books.