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' * ' ■ ! L — J *JSJ*-fc«kJ»^fcV*-/N_^-lS_l«^Bk^-*>k^ J -^ FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL FRIDAY, THE 13TH: DEAD ON 'CHANGE New York Stock Exchange Has Dullest Day in Many Months CANADIAN GROUP IS STRONG Renewed Rumor of Wabash Con trol of Rock Island Jumps ■ Former's Issues (Associated Press] NEW YORK, , May 13.—Idleness and neglect eclipsed 'all signs of Interest In the stock market' today. Some of tho lighter minded of the trading frater nity found 110 i better explanation for the abstention from the market than the fact that It was Friday, the 13th. The influence of the London situa tion on speculative sentiment was in creased by the evidence of a hardening money market at that center. The foreign exchange market was rather disordered and fluctuated with violence at recoveries from the recent low points. The more authoritative reports of the large volume of Ameri can bonds being placed abroad were without influence on the market. It was said that this was due to provis ion for deferred payments on some of these subscriptions, and consequent postponement of the offerings of ex change bills against the payments. Preliminary estimates pointed to an other large gain in cash for the week by the clearing house banks. The money market showed no change in conditions. Wide movements in a few Individual stocks supplied the' only features of Interest in the market. The sharp rlso in Canadian Pacific was coupled with reports that a disbursement of profits out of land sales was intended. Wa 'bash was affected again by revived reports of control passing to the Rock Island interests. Texas ft Pacific land trust certificates were run up on a few transactions for no other reason than a report that they were being bought by the trustees. The halt in speculation was due par tially to the inconcluslveness of crop conditions. Reports of Insect damage to -winter wheat and to the low tem peratures In the southwest were noted. The week's exports of wheat expand ed more than a million bushels over those of the week before. The bulge in the Canadian group pulled prices up in the latter part of the day, but the movement was incon clusive, and the day's net changes were mostly trivial. Bonds ,were irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,843,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. ■ ■» ■ NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll -■on 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange, of i San Francisco. NEW YORK, May Following were th« quotation!) today: Bales. Stock. Hleh. Low. Bid. Ask. 100 Allls-Chalmers ...' 9»i 994 914 ■'** 200 do preferred 5414 34 34 35 15,500 Amalg Copper ....7014 69% 70 70H 300 Amor Beet Sugar. 3714 3714 3714 38 ....... do preferred .. .*. ' 92 !)5 1,200 Amer Can Co 10 9% 0% 10 ' 100 do preferred 7314 7314 7314 73% , : 600 Am Car and Fdry 6194 61 1114 , 61% do preferred ..... .. ~ .. 113V6 115 • 600 Am Cotton Oil .... 6614 66 66"* 67 do preferred 1(8 MJ , Amor Express ■• 866 380 100 Am Ice Securities. 2514 -''i 2414 25U 200 Amer Linseed .... 14 l«'« 1414 14% 800 do preferred 3614 KM 86 3614 J Amer Locomotive 49 M do preferred 10814 111 9.200 Am Smlt and Kfg 79% 7814 78% 7994 200 do preferred 104% 104% 104 104 j 200 Amer Sugar 12314 1231* 1231 i 124 do preferred ..... .. .. 122 183 . 300 Am Steel Fdrs ... 64% 54 51 :■ •' -= 800 Am Tel and Tel ..136% 13614 136% UK* 800 Amer Tob pfd .... OS 9514 95 97 . ,; Amor Woolen .. 85 3514 do preferred K>!4 100 100 Anaconda 4394 4:1% 43* 43% I 200 Atlantic C Line...124 12314 12314 l:1 4,000 AT & BantS Fe..110% 10914 110 11014 do preferred 10174 1"2 100 Bait & Ohio , 11014 110% 110% HI 200 do preferred 91 9074 90 91 18,100 B n T 8114 8014 80% 8074 12.600 Canadian Pacific. .l 9494 189% 196 19314 11,100 C & O 88 87 87% 8774 100 C & A 46% 4694 45 47 300 C & a W new.... 27 2674 27 2714 400 do preferred 60% 49 6014 6114 400 C& N W... 16214 152 152 158% 4,'«»> .M &St V 138% 137% 138% 13814 100 do preferred 15674 158% 15814 157 3,100 Central Leather .. 4214 41%. 42% 4274 ; do preferred .. 10714 103 Cent o( N J '.. .. »70 390 C C 0 & St L .. 81 85 d,> preferred 1001 i 110 600 Colorado P and I. 3814 38 • 38 38V4 do preferred '113 120 Columbus if <: &I .. .. 814 Hi . 100 Colorado Southern. 00% 60% 80 6014 ■ 100 do Ist preferred.; 76 76 75% 761 i ; i.i id preferred.. .. .. •• 74 76 4,400 Consolidated Ga5..13914 13514 13814 139% 300 Corn Products ....1674 15% 15% 16 ..:..',, do preferred .. 7614 7714 Del & Hudson 171 , 1731j ....;.. DL & \V .'... '..' 655 600 4,800 D & It a 42 40% 4194 4174 do preferred '.. .. 79 80 Diamond Match .... .. 100 10014 100 Distil Securities .. 30»4 30% 30% 31 1,100 Duluth S S & A.. 1674 14% 15% 15% 8,000 do preferred 80%, 2814 29% ' 3014 800 Erie 28% 28% 28% 89 700 do Ist preferred., 47% ■ 46% 4614 4674 do 9d preferred .. ■'.. 3614 ' 3814 General Electrio .... .. 149% 150 • 200 Gt Northern Ore.. 6314 68% 63 6414 1,800 at Northern, pfd..135% 185% 136% 136 200 Illinois Central ..135 135 .134% 13514 600 Interboro-Metro .. 80% 20% 2014 , 20% ' 1,000 do preferred 6574 6514 5514 65% ;.' Internet Paper ..... ..' 1214 1214 600 do preferred 61 6014 00'j 52 300 Internat Pump ... 4714 47 47 4714 100 do preferred 85 85 .85 ' 86 100 lowa Central 2074 80% 20 21 100 do preferred 39% 39% 3814 39% 200 Kansas City 50... 3494 '3414 8414 3414 do preferred ..... .. .. 6814 '7 ........ LE & Western .... *.. 1614 1814 do preferred 45 62 - 400 T, & N 14774 147 14794 IIS Mackay ...... ....... .. 87 8874 100 do preferred 7694 76% 7614 77 100 Manhattan .. " 136 136 135 187 200 Mexican Central .. 2914 29 2»% 2914 Minn & St L .. 33 36 ... do preferred ..'... .. .. 62 6814 700 MStP &S 8 M..14114 138 140% 140% do preferred .. 148 150 2,000 M X & Texas .... 42% 4174 42% 4294 do preferred ..... .. .. tin 71 600 Ml»Hourl Pacific .. 7<l'i 69% 70 70 400 National Lead ...78% 78 78 78% 100 do preferred 10814 108V4 107% 10914 National Tllscult .... .. 106 109 ' ..... do preferred , .. i 12214 126 '" 400 Nevada' Consolld.. 80% 2014/ 2014 \ 2014 .', Alrßrako .. .'. 73 »76 --7 100 N-Y.Central.:; 131% 120% 121% 1:1', . 100 N I C & St L.... 60 60 60 ■■ '■- ,'.*...;.;"U0 Ist preferred;. .. ' ..■'(. 100 *110;f do 24 preferred 87 M N V N H & Hart : 15514 son n v out & w.... 4:1% 4314 43% 44 100 Norfolk & Weßt ..102% 10214 10214 103 dci preferred ■■ 90 93 100 North American ..7314 73V4 7314 73% 2,300 Northern Pacific.l32l4 13114 131% 13214 Omaha 145 IN , do preferred 160 165 inn PaclHo Coast 11l 111 109% HI 100 Pacific Mall 27% 27% 2>i 27 28,200 Penna It 1: Co 1:;..', i:i4!4 13414 134% Pcoplos (Jan .. .. 10814 108% 100 PltUburK Coal .... 1914 1914 19% 20 do preferred .. 69 72 r C 0 & St L 101 10114 do preferred .. 110 115 200 Pressed St.- ! Car. 40 40 09 40 do preferred M 100 ....... Ry Steel Springs 38 40 do preferred -.. 10214 10474 47,500 Reading 16114 160 161 16114 do Ist preferred 90 i 9114 800 do id preferred.. 91 98 9814 9!) 300 Republic S*. I ... 34 Si 3314 »' 100 do preferred 9714 9714 97 98 5,500 Rock Island' Co .. 45% 44% 45% 4514 3.000 do preferred ..... 91 B0«4 90% 91 300 Slims Shef S and 171 731, 74 7414 ....... do preferred .. 115 120 St 1., &SF Ist pfd ■• .. 66% 69 4')o do 2d preferred.. 4D 4814 4514 -49 800 St L & a W 31% 3114 3114 31/4 600 do preferred 7414 74 74 7414 26,500 Southern Pacific..l 27% IX% 126% 126% 100 Southern Railway. 8714 27 26% 27 «o •' ■ prefcrrri E>',i £2% sil,; C!',i Tennessee Copper 26Vj 2814 500 Texas Pacific 32% 32% 32% '83 800 Third Ale 7 8% 7 • 7% 100 Toledo st L &W. 68% 38% 3814. 3814 200 do preferred 64% 6414 64 54% Twin City R T 11l ■ 113 Union I! and Papr .... 8 9 do preferred \. 58 60 --61,000 Union Pacltlo ....lsavi 181% 182% 18214 „' do preferred 84 95 United Kds of S If .. .. 31 34' do preferred 62 65 V S Cast Irn Pipe .. .; 21 , 22 do preferred .. 71 76 600 1 T s Rubber 43% 43 43 43% 1110 do Ist preferred..ll3% 113% 11214 114 200 do id preferred.. 79% 79 75 80 30,800 U 8 Steel Cor 83 82% Bits S3 300 do preferred 11S14 118 11814 11814 300 Utah Copper 46 4514 45% 46% 10,000 Va-Car Che.m Co.. CO 68 69T4 M do preferred ■■ 122 125 4,300 Wabash 23% 20% 22 2214 19,700 do preferred 48% 4«% 4514 48% Wells Fargo Ex 170 180 Western Union 88 69 Westlnghouse 63 6414 800 W&li E 4% 4 4% 5 300 do Ist preferred.. HTI4 9% 1014 11 700 do 3d preferred.. 8 5 51i 6 1,000 Wisconsin Central 63 GO 52! 63% Am Hide and Lea .. .. . 6 614 100 do preferred 3414 , 3414 5314 34 Am Agr and Chem .. .. 46 47 do preferred 101 102 Beth Steel 2714 29% 100 do preferred ..... 53 53 .. 65. Nat Enamel and S .. .. . 20 22 do preferred .. ( 84 90 Pac Tel and Tel 32 35 do preferred 90 99 V S Realty 7214 74 300 West Maryland .. 48% 45% 45% 4374 Total sales, 347,500 chares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son. 512 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange. Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, May 18.— Following were the closing quotations: Bid. Asked. Atchlson gen 4» »S% 99 Atchlson cony ** 109 IWi lialtlmore & Ohio Ist ,4s 074 9S}i Ii H T 4* sr' 8514 Colorado Industrial 6& „— 78 SO U 8 Realty 6s «'» Rock Island col 4s 7i% "s Southern racltlc ref 4s M 84,* Southern Pacific col 4b 60 Si Southern Pacific cony 4s 100*4 101V4 Union Paclflo Ist 4s 10114 IMVi Union Pacific cony 4s 108 10614 ii B Steel 58 103% 101 United Hallway 4s •• "0 Wabash deb 4s '1* •- ■ Western Pacific Ds •• !tr>l.i D & II a rat 5s 92 93 Japanese I* 91 :'.'!; Japaneso Ist 4V4» ;••• 85 : '"'» Japanese id MM 9«t ■)» r a >■ regd i|M < 1«1H r S 2s coupon I*"% US M regd UW JO3W US 3s coupon l°-''t 103U US 4s rentd 1«4 )« ir 3 4s coupon Il4'= 115% Panama 2a !«?• 101 FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK, May 13.—Close: Prime mer oantile paper, 4MOS per cent. _ Sterling exchange stronger, with actual business in bankers' bills nt 4.53.70W4 for sixty-day bills and at (.U.HO for demand. Commercial bills, 4.53ff4.53V4c Bar silver, H%O. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds steady, railroads Ir r'Money on call steady. 3>i®4 per cent; ruling rate, 3% per cent; closing bids, Pa per cent; offered at 4 v rcent. • Time loans steady; sixty days 3\@4 per cent, ninety days 4@4Vi per cent, six months 4©4 Vi per cent. TREASURY STATEMENT . WASHINGTON, May 13.— condition of the treasury at the beginning of business to day was as follows: Trust funds-Gold coin, J5D3,292,839: silver dollars, $430,056,000; silver dollars of 1990, *3. --728,000; sliver certificates outstanding, $490, 056.000. Ocneral fund—Standard ellver dollars in gen eral fund, 81,087,888s current llablltles, $105, --131,4(1; working balance in treasury offices, $18 949,483; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United smt. s, $36,804,841; subsidiary silver coin $21472.959; minor coin, $1,nii7,48i; total balance in general fund, 880,346, 147. — ■»» » • BANK CLEARING 3 NEW YORK, May 13.—Bradstreet's bank clearings report for the week ending May 13 shows an aggregate of J3.180,051,000, as against $3,763,125,000 last week and »3,100,397,000 in the corresponding week last year. The following is a list of the cities: . . Inc. Dec. New York $1,931,776,000 .... 6.5 CliU'iiKO 277.902,000 . 4.6 Boston 151,303,000 .... 6.9 Philadelphia 156,450.001> 19.7 .... St Louis 7<:.44r..(V10 23.2 .... Kansas City 49341,000 8.3 .... Plttsburg 45,68J,000 17.5 .... Ban Francisco 43,513,000 14.7 .... Baltimore 27.748,000 .... 6.8 Cincinnati 25,267,000 2.1 .... Minneapolis 19,547,000 9.3 .... New Orleans 16.629,000 4.6 . .... Cleveland 19.019,000 23.9 .... Detroit 17.534,000 13.9 .... Omaha 16,618,000 10.6 .... Los Angeles ;; 16,223,000 20.5 .... Seattle 12,755,000 .... 6.7 Denver 9,327,000 4.D Portland, Ore 10,177,000 26.7 Salt Lake City 8,550,000 30.7 .... Tacoma . 5,054,000 .....',;■ 1.2 Spokane. Wash 5,481.000 89.S ♦ • •> BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE PAN FRANCISCO, May 13.—Butter— creamery. 270; seconds, 26V4c; fancy dairy. 26c. Cheese—New, 13@1314c;. Young America, 14@1514c. Kggs—Ranch, 26c; store, 24c. CHICAGO, May 13.—-Butter—Steady; cream eries, Miffß7oi dairies, 21@25c. gfrs _Stendy at mark, cases Included, 16® 18c; firsts, 1814 c; prime firsts, 19c. Cheese— Steady; Daisies, 14@1414o; Twins, 1314©13% c; Young Americas, lie; Long Horns, 14V4@14V4c. , • « ' * CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAO, May 13.—Cattle—Receipts esti mate! at 3000; market steady. Beeves, $5.80® 8 70* Texas steers, $3.00(9)6.60; western steers, $5 10©7.30; mockers and feeders, 84.004 cows and heifers, $2.80(817.40; calves. 16.60 Hegs— Rert'ipis eetimated at 16.080; marktt Bo hlvhei 1 l«ht, 89.400t.T0; mixed, 1.70; heavy, $9.36i19.70; rnugh, 69.35< X 1 !,, choice heavjs, $9.46®9.70; pigs, $9.00® 9,(0; bulk of sales, $:).(',"- Bheep Receipt! e»tlmated ai 6O00: market wink. Native. $4.2507.60; western, $4.!." lambs, native, $7.85(U'J.35; woitern, 7.60Q8.M, LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1010. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special service to T. > Herald by .1. C. Wil «on, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of Sao Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.-Following were the closing quotations: .MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co 6s 97 ■'.„■- Boy Counties Power Co Is 102 •'.. ' cm Central Gas and El« 5s 105 '■■■1! Gas and Elec gen M&CT 6s 101' California Street Cable Co 6s 101 ■ > California Wine Assn 6s 87! ' .. City Electric Co r.s [10 9114 Contra Costa Water Co 6».... 103 do gen mtgr 5s . - 94 Edison Eleo Co of L A 6s 100 V,. 1 First Federal Trust Co 6s 10114 Ferries and Cliff House Ry 6s 100 102 Hawaiian. Coml and Sugar 6s 104 10414 Honolulu R T and LCo 6s 10314 -■..•■ Lake Tahoo Ry and T Co 5s 9714 .. J Los Angeles Eleo Co 65... 101% Los Angeles Gas and El Co 6s 9714 101% Los Angeles Railway 6s 105 "■"...-- Los Angeles Lighting (td 6s 100 ■:'.,'■ L A Pac Et R 111 con mtg 53 10214 L A lac it it or cal 6s 10014 .. Marln Water and Power Co 65....101 1 / i C ..5 Market Street Cable 6s 10314 do Ry Ist con mtg 5h 99 100 Northern Ry Co of Cal 6s 11214 Northern Cal Power Co 5s 102 105 Northern Klcctrlc Co 63 92 Oakland Gas Light and H 5s 10014 ■'„ Oakland Transit Co 6s ..., 108V4 '; .. : Oakland Transit 5s 108 i';.,' Oakland Transit Con 5s 105 Oakland Traction Con 5s 97 Oakland Traction Co 6s 9214 Oakland Water Co gtd 5s 9« 98V4 Omnibus Cable Hallway (Is 107% Pacific Oas Imp is 85, ...• Pacific Electric Ry«iCo 6s 106 .■■..'■ Pacific Light and Power Co 6s v.i Pao Light and Power Kid 6s 101 -' ..* Pacific Tel and Tel Co 6s 9914 Park and Cliff House Ry Us 100 102 Park and Ocean R R 6s 100 People's Water Co 6s 6914 70 Powell Street Railway 6s 102?! Sacramento Eleo Gas and Ry .100% 101 S F Oak and San Jose Ry 5s lot'i ><*% do 2d mtBT 6s 96 97 S F Oak and S .1 Con Ry 5a 9514 S .1 and Santa Clara Co R R 414s .. 90 S P R R of Ca! 1912 6s 10314 do Ist c gtd g 5s 11214 s p Branch Ry of Cal 6s 124% B P R B Co Ist rfdsf 4s 95 M Stockton Gas and El Corp 6s 10614 X V.Water Co gon mtjr 4s 92 0214 United Gas and Eleo Co 5s 99% United It Rot 8 F 4s '.. 69% M Valley Counties Power Co 69 9914 10054 WATER STOCKS- „ Marln County 60 Spring Valley Water Co 47% 4814 GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co 52 62% N Cal Power Co Con 63% 6414 Pacific Lighting Corp common.... 6614 70 Oro Water Co 61% 62 INSURANCE STOCKS- California Insurance Co 80 Fireman's Fund 257 2iW STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— Presidio 26 3214 POWDER STOCKS— Giant Consolidated Co 78% .. SUGAR STOCKS— \ Hawaiian Coml and Sugar Co 41% 42% Honokaa Sugar Co 1914 Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation Is% 18T4 Kliauea Sugar Plantation Co 16 Uakawell Sugar Co 5614 Onomea Sugar Co 52 Paauhau S P Co 28 Union Sugar Co 76 SO OIL STOCKS— Associated Oil Co 6114 si% Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 2% 3% MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers' Association 89% 9014 Cal Fruit (banners' Assn lOfi'i .. Cal Wine Association 2714 's.-h Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 5 Pacific Coast Borax Co .164 Pac Tel and Tel pfd 94 do common 33 1 4 *.. Morning sales—2ooo Bay Counties 5s 102; 10.000 Northern Cal Power Con 5s 97; 1000 Associated OH 6s 9714; 11,000 People's Water Ds 70; 1000 do 69%: 2000 United Ry I- 89%; 20 AsH'd Oil 61%; 200 do. buyer 60, 52%; 10 Cal Wine 2514: 20 do 2314; 75 City Elec 53; 25 Giant 79; 5 Ha waiian 42; 45 Makaweli, 57; 300 Oro Water 62. ' Afternoon sales—looo Northern Cal Power Con 5s 97; 50.000 Spring V Water 4.q 98%; 3006 Par Klco 5s 106; 1000 People's W r,s 89%; 1000 United Ry 4s 69%; 75 Aud Oil 51%: 36 ' al Wine 38; 10 do 27%; 15 do 27%; 35 do 87%; 16 do 27%; 50 city Elec 52%; 50 do 52>, 2 ; 50 do 62%; 5 Hawaiian 42; 175 Oro Water 62. NEW YORK COTTON Special service to The Herald by .1. C. Wil son, 212 '/est 1 -th street, Los Angeles, NEW YORK. May 13— Prices In today's cot ton market were well above those of last Dight, and speculation In this staple showed raore activity. Opening practically unchanged, the market gained strength until May and July were selling at the 15.80 c level, and Octo ber 16 points above 13c. In the afternoon some slightly more favorable reports from the cot inn belt and a desire to realize profits caused a »asglng tendency, which, however, failed to carry thfi active options hack to the opening level. Spot cotton here advanced 10 points further to 15.(>5c, with sales of 8194 bales and deliveries or 8300 bales. Quotations ranged as follows: —Close- Open. Hish. I/to-. Bid, Ask. January 12.91 12.93 12.76 12.77 12.78 March 12.80 12.90 12.53 12.80 12.82 May 15.50 15.80 15.50 15.60 15.61 Juno 15.60 15.75 15.70 15.60 15.63 July 16.45 15.79 16.45 16.68 16.68 August 14.93 I.V2S 14.92 15.04 15.05 September 13.73 14.00 13.72 13.51 18.81 October 13.02 13.26 12.97 12.97 12.99 November 12.87 12.88 December 12.83 12.97 12.50 12.80 12.81 Spot cotton, 16.05 c; firm, 10 points up. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO.! May 13.—Flour— extras, $6.00®6.40: bakers' - extras, $6.00®6.40; Oregon and Washington, $.".00^?5.50. Wheat— Shipping, »1.6214@1.6714. !''. Barley—Feed, *1.07@1.05%; brewing, »1.1214@ 1.15; Chevalier, nominal. . Oats-Red. $1.251g>1.37!4; white, |1.4714@1|55; black, nominal. Mlllstuffs— $27.00@30.00; mixed feed, $24.00030.00; rolled barley, 888.00084.00; oatmeal, $4.00; oat groats, $3.80; rolled oats, >.■ 1 29.00. Hay—Wheat, $12.00<fJ17.50; wheat and oat, $9.O0@14.00; oat, wild, $7.00@11.00: oat, tame, $9.O0@14:00; alfalfa. $S.00«j)11.00: straw, 40{i6rie. Receipts—Flour 3711, wheat 120, barley 6520, oats 65, beans 500, ■ corn 80, potatoes 6415, onions 150. middlings 105, hay 170, straw 10, . hides 2540, wine 80,500. Beans—Pink, $5.50<g>5.76: lima, J4.3004.35; small white, 84.4004.80; large white, $3.75@3.90. Potatoes— Burbanks, 80c@$1.00; Salin as Burbanks, $1.00if?>1.10; Merced sweets, S@3!4e; new potatoes, 75c@51.25. Onions— Red fancy, 85c; common, 75c. Various— Green peas, 60c®J1.00: string beans. 3®6c; eggplant, 10@1714c; green peppers. $1.60 ©2.25; summer squash, 60®760; asparagus, $1.75@2.00; rhubarb, 35@75c; garllo, 4@sc; cu cumbers, 60@85c; Mexican tomatoes, $1.00®1.75. Poultry—Live turkeys, nominal; roosters, old $3 00@5.50: do, young, $8.00@10.00; broil ers, small, $2.60@3.60; do, large, $4.00@4.50; fryers. $6.60@7.60; hens, $5.00®».O0; ducks, old, $6.00@7.00; do, young. $8.00@10.00; geese, $2.00®2.50; pigeons, young, <1.60@1.75. COTTON AND WOOL ST. LOUIS, May 13.—W00l flnn; medium grade!, combing and clothing, 23(»24c; light fine, IBst22c; heavy fine, 13@'17c; tub washed, 27/ NEW YORK. May 13.—Cotton closed bare ly steady; net 1 point lower to 15 polnti Futures closed barely steady; May, $15.60; June, $15.60; July. $15.58; August. 15.04; fleptomber, $13.81; October. $12.97; Novem ber, $12.87; December, $12.80; January, $12.77; March, $12.50. NEW INCORPORATIONS Artiflea oi Incorporation filed with the county clerk yesterday are as follows: Camp lialdyoompuny; .'81)1181 $10,000: E. B. MrMullen. A. V. Neff, Fred McMullen, directors. Alpha. Midway oil company: capital $1, --000.000: c, i). Warden, H, vv. Caitleraan, Oole. James H. Watson, directors. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, May 13.—Bank clearing* were $3,221,782.65. an Increase of $1,280,019.44 as compared with the amount for the correspond ing date of last year. Following la a compara tive statement: 1910. 1909. 1903. May 9.......52,436,786.03 $2,137,688.40 (1.961,616.23 May 10 2,781,675.13 3,377,105.97 1.846,021.28 May 11 3,270,665.77 2,834,294.71 2,105,386.67 May 12 . ... 11,880,788.84 '2,310,176.15 1,670,014.20 May 13 3,221,783.65 1,941,763.21 1,613,447.50 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE The market was quiet, but there was no par ticular decline In price*. Homo preferred sold at 37. and Home common at «■; In the public utility Hat. In tho bond list. Homo bonds were very much stronger, the firsts selling at 8414 and the refunding! at 76. The bank stocks were quiet, with no change. Tho oil market was, comparatively' speaking, very light. Associated »old at 61V{. and the trading In this stock was not very heavy. Cal ifornia Midway was strong at the close. Tho change In prices was hardly worth mentioning. Union Oil strengthened up, and after selling at 106 yesterday, woke up with a market at 10614, at which price It remained during the day. Cleveland Oil di not show any gains one way or the other, shares changing hand* at 125. The balance of the producers in the oil list were quite firm, with a good undertone. In the non-producers, McKlttrick operators and McKlttrick Investors woke up. These stocks have been practically dormant for two weeks, and it was Impossible to get anything like a regular quotation. However, they woks up, and after Belling at a close figure, closed very much stronger, but still were below tho promotion prices. California Hills, in the mining list, was firm and active. Parallel also was In demand. The balance of the mining list was quiet. MORNING SAILS 2 Homo Tel Co bonds 83; 2 do Ist rfdg 75; 10 do common 6.25; 1000 Cal Midway 66%: 2000 do 66%; 1000 do 57%; 1000 do 67; 300 Palmer Oil ,-.. i ■<-.!.■ i*> [-..1,,,. If>? 50* 1(\ A f} 1(^ ROtA ; il™ McKittrlck Oper 614; 1000 do's. Off board— L A Investment Co 3.04. ■>' ;--/AFTERNOON SAJLES 10 Home Tel com 37.60; 60 Associated Oil 61.25; 6 Am Pet Co com 70.00; 1000 Cal Midway 67; 1000 do, buyer 31), 58; 10 Mm P Ltd pfd 08.00; 1000 McKittrick Oper 9; 30 Union 106.50. BONUS BUI. Ask. American Petroleum Co 84 86 Associated Oil Co 96% Corona City Water Co 82 < .. Corona Power and W Co 99 Cucamonga Water Co 9^14 Edison Elec Co Ist r 102 Edison Elec Co old issue 103 103 Horns Telephone Co S3 85 Home Tel Co let rfdg ;.... 7314 751Ss L A I'ac Ist con mtgs .. ; 10414 L A Pac Ry Ist rfdg 100 L A Railway Co 110 L A Traction Co 6s 102 110 L A Traction Co 5s 101 106 Mexican Nafl Gas Co ' a. 100 Mission Trans and R Co 96 Pac Elec Railway Co 101 105',i Pac Light and Power Co 97% 99 Pasadena Home T and T Co SO Pomona Con Water Co 96 '..: Riverside H T and T Co 75 Santa Monica H T and T Co * .. 80 San Diego Home Tel Co 75 San Diego H T and T Ist mtgs .. 80 Temescal Water Co 99 Union Transportation Co 89 93 U S Long Dist T and T Co 63 Visalla Water Co 99 Whlttler Home T and T Co «0 BANK STOCKS Bid. Ask. AH Night and Day Bank 125.00 ../.. American Savings Bank 140.00 195.00 Bank of Southern California 112.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 150.00 175.00 California Savings Bank 118.00 125.00 Central National Bank 175.00 Citizens National 230.00 Commercial National 147.00 Equitable Savings Ban!: 180.00 210.00 Farmers and Merchants Nat' 1...270.00 Federal Band of L, A 12.00 First National 495.00 610.00 German American Savings ....330.00 340.00 Globe Saving* Bank 120.00 140.00 Home Savings Bank of L A 116.00 120.00 Merchants National 600.00 Merchant* Bank and Trust Co. .150.00 National Bank of California.... 190.00 National Bank of Commerce 100.00 Security Savings Bank 320.00 400.00 The Southern Trust Co.. 76.00 So.oo 150 per cent paid up) INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Ask. Cal Portland Cement Co 110.00 175.00 Edison Elec pfd : 79.00 , 82.50 Edison Electric com 64.50 67.60 Hawaiian Com and Bug 40.00 45.00 Home Telephone pfd 37.00 Home Telephone com 6.00 Hutchinuon S v Co 17.00 18.00 L A Athletic Club 6.50 10.00 L A Brewing Co 90.00 L A Investment Co , 3.00 3.20 Mexican Nat'l Gas pfd 50.00 70.00 Mexican Nat'l Gas common 30.00 Paauhau S I lo 29.00 29.50 Pac Mut Life i.:s Co 250.00 Pac Con Stone Co of Cal 4.25 4.40 Pasadena Home T and T C 0... W.OO ..... Riverside Home T and T Co 25.00 San Diego Home T and T Co 22.00 Santa Monica B H T pfd 18.00 Sun Drug Co I.o* Seaside Water Co ' 100.00 Title G and Tr Co pfd 260.00 V 8 L D T and T Co pfd 36.00 38.00 Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co 30.00 Whittier Home T and T Co 90.00 OIL, STOCKS PRODUCERS— Bid. Ask. American Crude Oil Co ■ 1.09 American Pet Co pfd 91.50 American Pet Co common 65.23 Associated Oil 61.1214 California Midway Oil Co 67H -.57% Central 1.97 2-.05 Cleveland Oil Co 41% .45 Coallnga Central Oil Co 544 .S6V4 Columbia 1.25 Enos Oil Co ..-. 1.45 Euclid Oil Co 55 .75 Fullerton OH 4.00 Globe ..-. 10V4 iWi Jade Oil Co 34 .3SVi Mexican Petroleum 1.09 Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 68.00 69.00 Mexican Pet Ltd com 27.25 28.00 New Pennsylvania Pet Co 1.01 Ollnda Land Co (Oil) B4>i Palmer Oil Co 1.24% 1.2714 Perseus Oil Co .35 Plnal Oil Co 1100 Plru Oil and L Co 18 Reed Crude 40 .43T4 Rice Ranch Oil Co 75 .90 Section Six Oil Co .50 Trader 1* OH Co '. 110.00 122.00 Union 106.3714 106.50 Union Provident Co 104.50 106.50 United Petroleum 107.50 West Coast Oil com 9.00 Western Union 100. Yellowstone Oil Co 55 NON-PRODUCERS— MeKittrlck Inv. Oil Co .09 .12V4 Oleum Development Co 08H DAILY MINING CALL ' OFFICIAL. SALES Morning—3ooo California Hills 11%; 4000 do 12; 3000 do 11%; 5000 do, B. 30, 12; 3000 do o 1214; 4000 Searchlight Parallel 1%. Afternoon—looo Con Mines 9.00 per M; 2000 Searchlight Parallel 1%. LISTED STOCKS ' CALIFORNIA— Bid. Ask. Cal Hills M Co UK .11% Consolidated Mines Co 8.50 M B.OOM NEVADA— Johnnie Mill and Milling Co ' ... .1814 Searchlight Parallel 01»i .01% Searchlight Western ', .03 FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, May 13—Fruits—Fancy apples, JI.uOSJI.iS; common, 60e®$1.00. Berries—Strawberries. J2.50Q14.50; black ber ries, nominal; raspberries, 51.75&4.50. Oranges—Navels. 51.50@3.00. Mexican limes—Js.so4l-6.00. Lemons—Common California, 51.25C4.00. Tropical fruita—Bananas, 75c^J3.UO; pine apples, 52.00@2.50. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YORK. May 13.—Evaporated apples quiet with prices! easy for spot, but easy for I future deliveries. On spot fancy Is quoted at 10c; choice, 80814 c; prime, lii 1 7Vic; common to fair, 606>,4c. Prune* moderately active and prices firm. Quotations range from 2% &8 ? 4 c for Call fornia* up to 80-40*1. and 4@90 for Oregon*. Aprlcote firm, with small offering! but a less active export demand. Choice, lotg 10V4e; extra choice, 10%«|)U}4e; fancy, 11 % @13Hc * Peaches firm with an Improved demand. Choice, 6&6% c; extra choice, JH«j>7c; fancy, »«4®7VjC. - Kalsins dull and featureless. Loose Mul catelii. 3\lSs?4c; choice to fancy, seeded. 4 % (((' o%k: . MedJCM, 3Vi «'' Is •=; l^mdon lay ers. tl 201ii>1.25." V ' '■■'--.■ . LOCAL EGGS UP A CENT BUTTER IS WEAKER Green Corn More Plentiful-Ber ries Are Higher-Aspara gus Scarce Local eggs advanced another cent a dozen yesterday on lighter receipts, but without affecting the retail price. Quotations now are 27c for ranch candled and (4c for buy- Ing price on case counts. Butter price* 'were stationary despite a decline of lo In San Francisco. Some local dealers wars In favor of reducing prices in accordance with the movement in San Francisco price, but the majority of dealers are too sparingly supplied with storage goods and current receipts to do anything thut will curtail arrivals. However, a fur ther decline In Ban Francisco will Bend prices down here. Cheese, potatoes, beans and cherries firmer. Receipts of strawberries were down to 300 crates and priced Jumped to 31ii8 4c a basket. Another shipment of green corn arrived and sold at 35040 a a box. Within the next day or two liberal shipments of corn will he coming. Asparagus Is rapidly becoming a, thing of the past, and demand In still good. Asparagus advanced lc to 80Tc. The price on cabbage dropped from ,1191.26 to 80c@$l. There were practically no small sized cucumbers In the market. The low price was $1 n 3 against 800 Thursday. The market was dull on "both fruits and vege cables, owing to a shortage. All kinds of fish In good supply. I: Ipta of produce were: Bigg 346 i-iiiili, butter, 10, DO* jnmiiuo, »■ i !•■•■.■•'". -i»,m> p pounds; potatoes, 584 sacks; onions, none; "beans, 400 sacks; sweet potatoes, none; ap ples, none. PRODUCE PRICES Wholesale prices of produce to retailers, as corrected dally by Market Reporter: EGGS— Local ranch, candled, 37c; local ranch, case count, buying price, 2 I'-. BITTER — California creamery (sibling price to the trade), 30c lb.; do extra, 28<4c; do firsts, 27c lb.; cooking butter, 24c; ladle butter, 25c. CHEESE— fresh, 16©17 c lb. ; large Anchor, 17c; Young America, Anchor, l»c; hand. Anchor. 22c; Oregon Daisy. 2lc: east ern singles, 10«20c; eastern twins, 18c; eastern daisies, IStic; eastern long horns, 1914<ff20c; eastern Cheddars, 1914 c; Imported Bwiss. 3O(fi3lc; .Tad: cheese, 23c; domestl- Swiss, 26@Mc; cream brick, 20c; limburger, 20 ®21c; Roquefort 38{M0c; Edam. ts<ai». Canadian cream, box, $1. BEANS — No. 1 pinks, $6.50; No. I Ilmas, $4.75: No. 1 Lady Washlngtons, $4.50; No. 1 small whites, $5.25; No. 1. Blackeyes, $6.25: No. 1 Bayous, $6.50; No. 1 Garvan zas, $4.50; No. 1 lentils, California. $7. BERRIES —Strawberries, per basket, Jib's 4c; canberrles, per bbl., $12.60; v-raspber- ries, 6@7c; blackberries, 6@7c; loganber ries. 20c: gooseberries, 10c. POTATOES—Nevadas, $1.25; Highlands, per cwt , 85c<551.00; Lompoc, per cwt., $1.3501.60; Watsonvllle, per cwt., $1.00@1.25; Idaho, per cwt., 80c@$1.10; new potatoes, per box. 607ac; Oregon Burbanks, per cwt., $1.35«1.50; Oregon White Rose, $1.00; Salinas, »1.3601.38; sweets, $1.75132.00 lug box. ONlONS—Northern Australian brown. cwt, $2; sllversklns, We lug box; Nevadas. $2; Oregon, $1.75; Bermudas, $2.50 sack; garlic, 12c n> FREPH FRUlTS—Apples—Bellefieurs, 4-tler, $1.75; Bellefleurs, 414-tler, $1.0001.35; Belle fleuis, 314-tier, $1.75: Ben Cups, 4-tler, $1,109 1.59; fall" :-lpplns, $1.50; fall Pippins, 414-tler. $1.38; ■ Greenings, II.CO; Greenings, 414-tter, $1.85: Hoovers, 4-tler, $2; Jonathans. Colo., $2 25; Pearmalns. white winter, 4-tler, $1.75; P.armalns, red. 4-tler. $1.60; Pear malns, red, 4Vi-tier. $1.20; Smith's elder, 4 tier. $1.60; Smith's elder, 414-tler. $1.25: Ben Davis, Col., $1.25@1.59; Newton Pippins, 4 tier, »1.60; Newtown Pippins. 414-tler, 11.100 1 16; Mo. Pippins, Col., $2.25; Langford's, 4 tler, $1.15; Langfords.. 414-tier, $1.15; Rome Beauties. $2.25; Spltzcnburgs, 4-tler, t1.85; Ganos, $1.50; Wlnesaps, Col., $1.90; Winesaps. 4-tier, Cal., $2.50. BERRlES—Strawberries, per basket, 314040 1 basket; cranberries, per bid.. $12.50; rasp ries, 16c; blackberries, $@7c basket. ClTßUS—Seedless traperruil, $3.7503; seedlings. $3; fancy lemons. $2.6003.25; choice, $1.60 01.75; fanvy navel oranuas. $1.7502.15; tangerine oranges, Hi-box. $1.50 01.75; Valencia oranges, fancy. $2.5003; limes. 20-lb. box. $1.25. MISCELLANEOUS —Pears, Winter Nel lis picking boxes, 11.50; cantaloupes, $S a crate; cherries, Boe®sl.*s; white bulk, sfl 6c lb; black bulk, s©Bo lb; guavas, per basket, 4itfsc; loquaU, 2<fi'3c 11.. TROPICAL FRUITS — Bananas, lb. 4® $c; do red, lb., tic; Fard dates, ib., 10012 c; do Golden, lb. 714 c; do Persian. 1-lb. pkg. 714 0 8c; alligator pears, dot $6; pineap ples, 4®6c. ».. , , , FRUITS —Winter Nellis pears, picking boxes. $1.60; guavas, basket, 4©sc| loquats, per lb., 12V4@15c. .„.-. ' VEGETABLES — Artichokes, northern, doz. 7ii(i T.ic; asparagus, green, lb., 6®7c; Bell peppers, Florida*, lb., Ssc; beets, dozen bunches, 20iK23c; beans, string, lb., Sc; cab bage, green, sacks, 80c@$l; cabbage, red, lb., 3c; carrots, doz. bunches. 25©30 c; cauli flower, crate, $1.25; celery, crate, $3® 5 7.",; cucumbers, doz.. $1.05 02; corn husks, cut lb., 10c; green corn, 40c box; corn husks, uncut, lb., 8c; egg plant, lb., 20c; leeks, doz., 3Gc; horseradish, lb., 10«12c; oyster plant, doz., 35@40c; lettuce, crate, 60g85c: peas, lb, 2®::c; parsley, doz., 2i>c; parsnips, doz., 40c; rhubarb, crimson winter, 75c; . rhubarb, northern straw berry, box, $1161.25; spinach, doz., 15c; squash, summer, crate, "sc@sl; young onions, doz., 200 SOc; turnips, doz, bunches, I0O25C; toma'.oes, Mexican, crate, $1.35. DRIED FRUITS —Apples, evaporated, lb. »@10c; apricots, lb. 12© 13c; loose figs, white, box, $1.60; do black, box. $1.35; do Imported, lb. 16@lSc; currants. 91401OO; peaches, lb. 6%<S>Sc; pears, lb. 10©12 c; plums, lb. 1214 c; nectarines. Ib. 7V4<ij'B*4o. runes —-20- 11012 c; 30-40S, Sc; 40-50*. 7tte: 50-60s, 6o; 60-70s, 6c; 70-80*. 514 c; 80 --."is, 6c: 90-100*. 40. KAISINS — 2-crown. loose. 80-lb. box. Ib. 414 c; ,3-crown, sc; 4-crown, 6He; 2-crown London layers. 20-lb. box. lb. $1.15; 3-crown, $125; «-crown. $1.60: 5-crown. $1.85; Sui tanss. bleached, lb. 9011 c: do unbleached, lb 3>/4c; seeded raisins. 16-o*. pkg. 6•& 0 7V4c; do 12-oz. pkg. 5140614 c. NUTS —Almonds, fancy IXL. lb. 17<S>18o; flo Ne Plus Ultra, lb. 16c; brazils. 13014 c; cocoanuts. 95c®$l; chestnuts. 110120; fil bert*. lb. 14015o; hickory. lb. So; pecans. XX lb. 12»*c; do XXX. lb. 16c; do ■KXXX, lb. 17c; eastern peaaut*. lb. 80814 c; do California, lb. 5V4 06c; do .'apaa, lb. 614 ©7c: do Spanish, shelled. No. 1. fa 10c; plnenuts, 20c; walnuts. No. 1, S. 8. lb. I*ll 16c; do No. 2. lb. lOo: do Jumbos. 17©18o; ■do 'budded, lS@2oc; popcorn, eastern, cwt. '$3.50; do local, cwt. $108.35. RICE — Honduras (Carolina) $6.75; flo choice Honduras (Carolina) $606.50; Japan grades. $3.754; Island, $.50; broken HONEY — Extracted, water white, lb. 7© IVic; extracted, white. 7c: extracted, light amber, 6&6y.c: comb, water white. 1-lb. frames, 16017 c; white. 1-lb. ttmt«. 150 18c; light amber, 1-lb. framefc, 10®l$c; beeswax, lb. 30c. LIVESTOCK —Packers cay t. o. b Los Angeles lor beef steers, r.i^e; beef heifers, j 4!4©5e: beef calves. 81406 c; mutton, wethers, $5.6006.00; ewes. $505.50; lambs, 35037; hogs, lie. POULTRT—Large turkeys, live, lb.. 25c; small tnurkoys, live, lb., 22c; largo hens, 4 lbs. up, lb., 20c; small hens, 214 to 314 lbs., lb., 18c; broilers, 114 to 2 lbs., lb., S3c; friers, !14 to 3 lbs., lb., !6c; roast chicken, per lb., 26c; duck. lb., 22c; geese, lb., 18c; squabs, doz., $1.50; old roosters, lb.. lie. CHlLl— Evaporated, strings, lb. 18 0 20c; loose, lb., 17c; Mexican black, lb., 25c; green, lb. 80©26 c; chill teplns. lb. $1.26; Japan. 16c. HAY. (baled) — Following are quotations paid by dealer* to hay growers: Tor ton, barley $12.50014; wheat. $12.50014; oat, •;• M>@ls; alfalfa. $12.50; volunteer hay, 58 Bin; Jtraw. $5.5006. Hay price* to the trade— Barley hay, per ton $16.60; wheat. $16.60: oat. $17.50@15; alfalfa. $13; volunteer. $8010; straw, $7.50. RETAIL I'IUCBS Egg., dozen r **»*» Best butter, per lb *»* Beef, per pound •"»»« Pork, per pound. 20®^ Lamb, per pound... •'««« Bausage. per pound... "«♦-«« Ham. per pound, whole f-« Ham. per pound, sliced •"■■■,; Barracuda, halibut, rock cod and yellow tall. per pound }»<= Salmon, sand dabs, pound Z«a Herring and smelts, pound «<> Oyster*, quart ™" Hens, pound J™ Fryers, pound ™ Rabbits, pound «• PROVED "How can you prove that the ultimate oontumer Is a myth?" askod one statesman. "Easily," replied the other. "The gods on high Olympus Indulsed In banquets, showing that a myth Is an ultimate consumer: there fore the ultimate consumer must be a myth; Q. |E. £>." i First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J. C. WILSON MEMBER JCBW YOHK STOCK EXCHANGE CmCAOO HOAKI) OF XBAOH TIIK STOCK AMI HONK i;\(ll\Nr.K. S. F. Correspondents, HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO. OFFICES—JIOTBI, AT,NXANI>RIA. ?13 AVest FHth St. MIM-S BUUJHNQ A>l> PALACE HOTEL. B. *'. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 [B. G. LATHROP, Manager rsst-ss^sssSsS^-SS^ CLEARINGHOUSE BANKS KAMB " " OtTICEBg : 7-= — , _ .... : ! j. c. fishburn. president. ational Bank of California h. 9. mckee, cashier. Capital. 1500,000. — «», N. B. comer Fourth and Spring. surplus & Undivided Profits, $180.000. -— : —— r ' ' ~ ~ F. :jOMBHO,- President. entral National Bank iambs r out, cashier. Capital, J300.000. .«.,.„ S. E. corner Fourth and Broadway. Surplus & Undivided Profit.. $243.00«. B —r; WAIIRKN GII-L.EL.EN. President. roadway Bank & Trust Company A w . bedman. cashier. . Capital. 52W.000. .».» m-m nr^-i.lway, Bradbury building. Surplus & Undivided Profits. United States National Bank r. w. smith, cashier. Capital, $200,000. S. E. corner Main and Commercial. Surplus and Profits. >.3,000. — ' ■—— : TTT ;; —" ~" li. J. WATERS. President. : ltizens National Bank wm. \r. woods, cashier. , Capital. $1,000,000. U B, W. corner Vhlrd and Main. Surplus. 1500.000. . , Ilommercial National Bank newman essick. cashier. lommercial National Bank newman essick. cashier. > 401 3. Srrlng, corner Fourth. Capital nnTumllvlded Profltg. %«.<*»* | m 3 5,,|,,,;, rorner Fourth. Surplus nn 1 mdlvlderl Proflta, Xt.Wfc Tanners & Merchants National Bank charles seVlbr. cashier. |s Capiiai. »i,suu,ouu. F Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus and Profits. H. 800.000. ; ■ '—' J. M. ELLIOTT, President. irst National Bank w. t. s. hammond, cashier. Capital stock. $1,260,000. ■ 1 E comer Second and Springy Surplus and Profits, i 1.625.000. M> 11 —• '■ — , " w. H. HOLLIDAY, President. ■ Merchants National Bank chas. greene. cashier. KM Capital. $200,000. 11l s. K. corner Third and Spring. Surplus & Undivided Profit., |650,0^ LOSANGELES_ SAVINGS BANKS _.._ ECURITY . largest and Oldest in Southwest Resource, $28,000,000.00 Pays the highest rate, of Interest and on the most liberal term. consistent wUll sound, conservative banking. Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets^ ■^■PP^ THE. BANK WITH " THE > ■"■^■T" EFFICIENT SEJ9VIC£^ £ JPPRING ANM* FOURTH STS* Mi HARNESS 77.71°a^7^ SADDLERY HARNESS 815 N. H» Amtele. .tre»t. O t\ U IS Is & I*. M. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son member of the Chicago board of trade, N'ev.- York stock exchange and San Francisco bond and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth :'reet. Los Angeles. CHICAGO, May 13.—Wheat pivoted around lay's closing, ranging up ajid down ie for July and !4o for September until noon, when the entire list ranged sharply higher. Nervous : lions oovored, the earlier of ferings having been Bteadlly absorbed on the weak spots. The market has given evidence that it was oversold on recent declines. News of the day has been decidedly against present values but the bis concentrated holding has been materially helped in It! position by heavy buying by large local speculators, who have absorbed a great deal of wheat today, thus accentuating the congestion and making shorts uneasy. It Is raining today in western Nebraska, Kansas and Texas, decidedly favor able for the growing wheat, »nd thr weather Is warming up northwest, where growth above ground is reported slow as result of the cold weather. corn started strong on open buying by the leading wheat longs, but weakened later on pressure of May delivery by the cash and ele vator concerns. Quite a number of longs un loaded. The market rallied somewhat from low I'oints, Influenced by the late wheat Oats has devel id a rather heavy tone to day, despite the advance In wheat. Crop pros pects are reported excellent. Country telling some, but local elevator concerns are selling more. Receivers are expecting a larger run of oats next week. Provisions scored a fair advance. Packers have been the best buyers of product, but the market has been a narrow one and neither the buying nor selling has been important. MAKKET lUNOES WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. May $1.11 $1.1614 $1.132 $I.H« July ..; 1.04 1.04% 1.0814 1.04 Vi September l.«lVi 1-0214 1.0H4 1-02% December 1.00% 1.01 .JM4 1.01 May 61V4 JSHi .SOU .mi July <\v, .6814 -i;-"- ■'•-'* September !Ts .64 .6854 .68% December 6814 .SSH .58' ■•«>• c iATS— 42% .42% .42% .42* May 42*; .41% .42H .tju July *«% .40% .4014 .40% September 39? a -33% .38 -30% PORK May 22.47'; 23.8 nt 22.40 23.67 Vi July 22.55 22.72VJ 22.82V4 22.734 September 11.60 22.6714 22.53 22.65 LABD— Ma y 13.00 13.02' i 13.00 13.00 July 12.60 12.65 12.57,$ 12.65 September 12.60 13.6314 12.47Va 12.52 Vi RIBB- May 18.6214 12.72>,i 12.62V4 12.72 Vi fuly 11.41 11.60 12.42',f, 12. BO September 12.40 12.4214 12.86 12.42V4 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour slow; No. - rye, VSCcfSOc; feed or mixing barley, 19®54; fair to choice malting, 60©85 c; No. 1 southwestern flaxseed, $2.21; No. l northwest ern 12.31; timothy seed, 18.20; clover, $11.25; men pork, per bbl., $22.75©23; lani, per 100 lb>-., $18.06918.10; short ribs, sides, loose, $12.60 (.; il'.tt 1- : short clear sides, boxed, 113.60018.76, Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 446,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 2,934, --000 bushels. Primary receipts were 320,000 bush els, compared with 654,000 bushels the corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,44 cars; Corn, 65 ears; oats, 136 cars; hogs, 11,000 Articles— Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 17,800 17,600 Wheat, bushels 30,000 10,200 Corn, bushels 166,500 187,500 Oats, bushels 214,200 475,700 Rye, bushels 7,000 Barley, bushels : 34,700 - 15,800 SUGAR AND COFFEE \KW York, May 13.—Coffee closed net unohanged to 60 higher. Sale* were reported of H3.500 hags. Closing bids: May. $«.40; June. July, $6.45; August. $6.50; September, October, November. $6; Decera ber, 18.66; Jaauary, $ti.6S; February. $8.70; March, 16.75; April. $<».7 4. Sput quiet; No. s |-8c; No. I Santus, 9Uc; mild qul*t; Cordora, '.i', <t i Sugar—Haw, steady; muscovado, 89 test. 13.74; centrifugal, 96 tout, $4.24 : molasses sugar, ID test, $3.49. Refined, steady; crushed, $5.95; granulated, $5.-'5; powdered, (5.35. HORSE BURNED TO DEATH a Ore caused by the overturning of a lantern resulted in $200 damage to a one-story frame barn, owned and occu pied by Francisco Garcia, at 923 Sacra mento street, last night. A horse which Garcia, was unable to rescue from the building was burned. 7 © Money H Ju' to loan to\ commercial cub-^^ ?| Money real. Jl to loan to commercial cus-^^k tomers and on improved real m estate. Usual rates of inter- M ff pst. Come in and see us; we « Jl need borrowers as well as de- I \au mmwaj SA tyw £k Mf aWV Safe Deposit Boxes ft Upwards Per Year Provides absolute safety for valuable papers* Jewelry, etc. LOS AXGELES TRUST AXD SAVINGS HAXK Sixth and Main 8t». FLOUR AND FEED Following are the wholesale crlces on float a:.d feed, furnished by the Globe mills: FAMILY FLOUR— Al flour, per bbl $6.29 Al flour retails at $1.75 H and 950 H sack. Globe flour, per bbl $«.4O <V.o>>6 flour retails at $1.90 Vi and $1 H »aclt. Silver S^ar flour, per bbl $5.0» XXX flotir. p»r bbl $S.oa MEALS AIIE. CEREAL GOODS— 10 lbs. 2E lbs. GO lbs. Al flour 03.60 $.... 1.... Pastry flour 8.40 .... .... Graham flour 3.30 8.28 3.29 Corn meal, W. & T 2.80 2.75 2.79 Whole wheat flour 3.40 3.35 8.39 Rye flour 3.70 8.66 8.80 Cracked wheat 3.90 8.85 3.80 Farina 3.90 8.85 3.89 Wheat flakes, per sack 50 lbn 1.99 Wheat flnkep, per bbl. 125 lbs., net 6.09 Eighth bbls., 3to per bbl. higher. BAKERS' FLOUR—Per MlL— Globe flour v 841.69 Eastern graham flour 6.69 Eastern whole wheat flour •••••.* 6.69 Eastern rye flour 6.M Bakers' Al flour 5.Si) li.ikei-s' Magnolia flour 5.79 Bakers' pastry flour 6.69 GRAIN AND FEED— 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 1 81.tS Wheat, No. 2 (100-lb. sack) 2.09 Corn I.Ba Cracked corn 1.89 Feed Meal l.tS Rolled barley 1.45 Seed barl.-y 1.4S Shorts 1.7S Eastern willow charcoal 2.00 Bran, heavy 1.69 Kaffir corn. re<* 1.89 Oil cake mea' 2.7S White oats 1 SS Rye seed 2.19 Egyptian euro, -white I.BS Scratch food 2.29 Oranlto ci it 70 Chick feed 2.79 Cracked wheat 2.11 MRS. ELVA FIDLER DEAD Mrs. Elva Fidler, 53 years old, moth er-in-law of Detective James McNa mara of the Los Angeles police depart ment, died at the home of the latter, 800 Hubbard street, last night shortly before midnight. She was a native of Thompson, 111., having come to Log Angeles about four years ago.. She is survived by three daughters and ono son, all of whom are married. 4 . ♦ DOLLAR STOLEN; PINCH NEGRO After an exciting chase of six block 3 last night, B. W. Sheeley, a negro, who is said to have stolen a dollar in small change from Mrs. Sadie Black, owner of a fruit stand at First street ana Central avenue, was captured by 11. Cohen and H. Greenburg. He ml held until the arrival of Patrolman Berry, who placed him under arrest. ♦-»-♦ DRAWING THE LINE Oil, W* Nisti to tiwte some cocoa lika our mothers used to make. Ami wa yearn to git ■ allea or broad like that they OMd to bake; But, inayt» we're ungrateful, jet w»'ra ■ure wo do not care To feel onoe mora a slipper like out tit hers used to wear.