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12 PAGES M'MIIKK Ml 1 XVIC/lil . OU 1-Klt .MONT MYSTERY IS DEEP IN TWIN ATTACKS BY MAN WITH GUN Two Murderous Attacks Made in Different Parts of the Cfty Seem Motiveless IS A MADMAN AT LARGE? Citizens Set Upon with Wild Fury in Homes' Shadows- Vic tims in Hospital THE police are Investigating two mysterious attacks on citizens in the shadow of their homes early yesterday. Both victims were attacked by a man answering the same des cription, in the same manner, and both narrowly escaped being shot to death by knocking the barrel of the gun aside and grappling with their assail ant, who beat them over the head with the fury of a madman. Only their cries for the police frightened the man away. P. W. Ehler, an architect living at 1116 Maple avenue, was the first vic tim. He returned from a picnic at Riverside and was ascending the front stairway' of his home at 2:15 o'clock yesterday morning, when a dark form sprang upon him and he felt," the cold muzzle of a revolver pressed against the back of his head. Khler 'dodged' and clinched with his assailant, wno struck him repeatedly over the head with the butt of the re volver until the blood from his wounds blinded him and he cried loudly for the police. The stranger, with an oath, Struck Ehler a parting blow and ran into the street, disappearing around a corner. ■ ■ ' • Ehler, with the assistance of a police man, was removed to the receiving hospital, where, he was treated for severe lacerations of the scalp and told his story to the police. Scarcely had police been sent to the vicinity of the crime when a report readied police headquarters that W. G. Bartoseh had been struck down In tho Shadow of liis home at 1620 Sixty-llrst street and severely boulon. Bartoseh a few minutes later reached the re cetvlns* hospital, where he was treated for a broken nose and deep lacera tions of tho forehead. Bartoseh's de ■CElptlon of his assailant tallied with that »f Khler's. He said that the mini leaped upon him, shoved the gun against his head and that only his nullity saved him from being shot. The two men, according to Bartoseh, strug gled for possession of the weapon, while tho stranger struck him again and again over tho nose and forehead, until realizing that the man was about to fire on him, he shouted for help and brought tho police on the acene, al though not until the man had made good his escape. Robbery was not a motive for the Bartoseh attack as tho assailant made no effort to rifle his victim's pockets but seemed intent on firing his re volver. Only Bartoseh's plucky fight in warding off the aim of the gun saved his life. SEVEN LIVES LOST WHEN SHIP SINKS IN COLLISION Converted Gunboat Rams Steam er in Philippine Waters VICTORIA, B. C, May IB.—The Emp ress of China brought news of the sink ing of the steamer Neustra Sfnora del IMliir on April 11 off the coast of Mln doro, Philippines, after a collision with the Manyan, an old converted gunboat, with a ram. Seven passengers were drowned. The steamer sank while efforts were being made to beach it. There were ninety-six persons on board, and nearly all took to the boats. Two women and three members of the crew who re mained to get their belongings went down and two members of the Philip pine constabulary were lost. Captain Otero remained on the bridge until the steamer foundered and reached a boat by swimming. J. W. VAN CLEAVE DIES OF HEART DISEASE IN ST. LOUIS Bitter Foe of Gompers and Labor Unions Summoned ST. LOUIS, May 16.— J. "W. Van Cleave, former president of the Na tional Manufacturers' association, died of heart disease at his home here to day. Durinff the time he was at the head of the association Mr. Van Cleave be caame widely known because of the bitter controversy waged between him self, as the representative of the manu facturers, and Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. DENVER'S UNION BAKERS STRIKE FOR $1 INCREASE DENVER, May 15.—Two hundred un ion bakers, employed In thirty-five bak eries here, struck today for an Increase in wages. Tonight it was reported fourteen bak eries had signed a new male. The bak ers ask a flat increase of $i a week and use of the union label. Heretofore benchmen were paid $16 and ovenmen $18 a week. FIRE SWEEPS MOUNTAIN _ SANTA ROSA, May 15.—A forest fire raging Just beyond Hood mountain is sweeping across the timber land and pastures near Kenwood, twelve miles <>aat of this place. The ranch of Sen ator Thomas Kearns of Utah Is in the path of the Volunteers have, nded from neighboring sections to fiMbt the fire. LOS ANGELES HERALD Once Upon a Time Many Lizards—Aw, Tell It to Teddy Silurian Music Lovers Trained Cockroaches Lasl to the Mast SAN RKKNARDINO. May CharVned by the music from the pi grupli (vf a picnic party, score lizards formed a circle about thi strument and for hours lay in sll as they listened to the notes of "orchestra." The gathering of the tlliK for the concert took plac Cable canyon, where the chlldr< the Dovore school were picnicking their parents and teacher, Miss Oliver. The school term closed Frida Miss Oliver, who makes her ho Ban Hornardlno, grave the ptcr. tlio children yesterday. The strange actions of th« ii»f they heard the music were w with interest by the members party, which also Included O. B and Miss Kllen Oliver of Stf nardlno, who vouch for the stc DISEASED ORIENTALS LET IN, CLAIMS LEAGUE Asiatic Exclusion Body Immigration Official.* Violating Law SAN FRANCISCO, May 1 ing a meeting which was a test against the policy of 1 ment in admitting aliens tc i try, the executive commi' le Asiatic Exclusion leaguf n strueted today to make f n plalnt against Commission il gratlon Hart H. North of of San Francisco charging h io latlng the law In giving er his country to numerous dis en tals. The recent influx of larf 3 of Hindus was laid at the d of ficials as being detrlmer in terests of labor in th» es and particularly In the ist section. Secretary Nagle of the . of commerce and labor w . to make a thorough invest 'on dltions here relative • rges brought against Nortl dis missal of the official lould tho accusations be subi y the facts produced at tho Numerous papers, Affi davit* and a large data were forwarded to Se jle to night by the Exclus JAPAN MAY WITH FOREIGN CO TRADE SEATTLE. May > news papers say that wr a ties are revised Japan prob withdraw the coasting prlvi i foreign steamers, which w permitted then to carry pa md cargo betweeen the op -Nagasaki, Kobe, Shomlsu, y Yokohama and Hakodate. INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY f- r I*>» Angeles an , ".lyi Monday, fair, warmer. Moderat ; a wind. Maximum temperature yest« i > , % degrees; mini mum, 68 degrees. LOS ANGEL' .. Mysterious twin a .-.-. urlously made by man •with gu . , erent parts of the city, seem r s. PAGE 1 Dude holdup met. >.". J ticker's watch and coin. PAOEJ 1 New lire chief f.i< «o -.. luous task of buying 12,000 ttit f se for depart ment. PAGE 3 Lob Angeles ptlhm las record of seven teen lives f■> 1 in seventeen years. * PAGE 3 Pay-as-you-enter eA i?«i installed on Central avenue ; PAGE 2 Death of Mrs. Shoph. , od Samar itan hospital to be ■ ted. ' PAGE 2 Sunday "schools hold lv , hltsunday rally. ' ; PAGE 12 Dr. Locke In sermon to ' : U. del egates declares womel demand votes on moral questl PAGE 12 Los Angelan ge.ts pat< • method of making .briquettes t> ■ '.wdust. , PAGE 2 Judge Works. Uncoln-Ri " v.,. league candidate for United ii.n.m . nator, returns home from .cam i>:. ;;n i ur of the north. PAGE 3 Probation officials exercls. i .. - ■ control over their charge PAGE 2 Editorial and letter box. »AGE 4 City brevities. ,' 'AGE 6 Hotel notes and personals. AGE 5 Sporting.' , *?■" BS 6-7 Classified advertising.. .. v'•-■.,,\ 10-11 SOUTH CALIFORNi A Los Angeles man saved from -• . <\ ■ surf at Redondo. • SSvV,, <•'-'-' ElO Prominent business men though! . - ,„ • • been caught 'in raid on 1- < |. a.. •■: ' poker games. • * itJ*£ 10 COAST Asiatic Exclusion league charges t gratlon commissioner with adi >'n c .. ■ diseased orientals into this com EASTERN Darkness, fire showers, heat and ••'t ' things predicted by astronomers > i." earth passes, through tall of Hal >''» comet Wednesday. '." ''!" ■.( Taft gives out statement in which '• takes all the blame for the man < ; in which Glavls-Balllnger letter * - \ prepared. ■ , ■ P<\ rt < Midnight conference of senators at t ..• White House plans for peace betwe. j regulars and insurgents. PA Women and children pray while 100 ■ men tight to save town menaced by , forest fires. - / ' PAGB 1 MINING AND OIL , Combination Fraction ships heavy ton . nage. „.;, , / .PAGE ■> Cerro-Colorado,. miles. .Pirns county, ■■-■ Ariz, bought by eastern'men. PAlik » Additional pumps and storage tanks In- -,.-■ stalled to care for Maiicupa-Midway iolLi- •■> ' I'Al«B 9 MONDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1910. HALLEY'S FLIER TO RAIN METEORITES FROM ITS TAIL ■r ;> ival Observatory Scientist Pre dicts an Impressive Display of Fireworks HERS EXPECTING NOTHING istling Battery of Telescopes Trained on Growing Bril liance of Comet ■;<('.- lAwiociatcd Pre»»] TT ASHINGTON, May Ha I ley's I \\ .comet will be greeted Wednes !<!,"- day on its closest approach to the earth by a bristling battery of tel escapes flanked by rapid-firr lenses "In the celestial cameras of the naval ob servatory. Elaborate calculations have been made as to the minute and sec ond the comet will be at a given place in the heavens, where it will be ob served and photographed. Among: the scientists there is some difference of opinion as to the effect the great star will have upon the earth, but the differences are minor. Professor Asaph Hail of the naval observatory would not be (surprised If there were a shower of meteorites. He advanced his theory with the same calmness that he would prophesy a shower of rain. Others, and they appear in the ma jority, expect no disturbances. Edwin F. Naulty of New York takes Issue with Professor Hall, and contends that the tall of the comet Is composed neither of gas nor of meteoric bodies, and that such a shower as Professor Hall deems possible could not follow. "The tall of Halley's comet, to all intents and purposes, is a celestial searchlight," said Mr. Naulty today. '•The tail is nothing more than sun light condensed from radiant solar en ergy and processed through the solar system, exactly as a lens focuses, con denses and transmits light." He says the tail of the comet is not composed of gas, or of minute particles of mattter, or of meteoric bodies. The entire solar system, Mr. Naulty says, is filled with gases in varying states of density. All these gases, poi sonous and non-poisonous, are present in the earth's atmosphere In dense form. C.VUSK OF CHANGING SI'ECTRVM The changing spectrum of Halley's comet, according to Mr. Naulty's theory, Is due to the fact that as the comet's great "tail" of light sweeps through various parts of the solar sys tem it light up differing layers of gases, conveying the impression the tail itself it gasaous. Mr. Naulty says the spectrum of re flected sunlight is always present in head and tail of the comet, thus prov ing that bath parts of it are made vis ible by sunlight alone. "The sweeping of this cometary cone of solar force does cause disturbance in the solar system," said Mr. Naulty. "The earth and all the planets are af fected, not only when they come within the actual cane, as the earth will do on Wednesday, but also by the ethereal waves set in motion by the comet's tall. It is the constant attempt of the earth and its atmosphere to adjust them selves to this disturbance that has caused the prevalent earth tremors, storms and other phenonema. "The climax will be reached this week. There will be no collision of the earth and comet, nor will the earth be en veloped in poisonous gases. The effect of the passage may be to cause great condensation of atmospheric vapors, so that automatically the earth will be provided with a sort of shield which will be like a lead screen used to pro^ tect X-ray operators. "When the comet approaches nearest the earth on May 18, the moon will be full and the conflict of her rays will make observations of the comet more difficult than if there were no opposi tion. "At the nava"l observatory the scien tists have been watching the comet through powerful telescopes every morning just before sunrise, when it is brightest. The observers eacli day can note the broadening of the tail and the enlargement of the head. The heaven ly body will increase in apparent size and brilliancy until Wednesday, when it will begin to decrease, and In a few weeks will disappear into space, not to be seen again for nearly a century." ATMOSPHERE BARS GASES OF COMET FROM EARTH Celestial Tramp Won't Harm the World, Say Chicago Scientists CHICAGO, May 15.—Astronomers of Chicago and vicinity who have lost much sleep in studying Halley'a comet since its appearance this year do not expect its influence will in any way be manifest on the earth. "There can be but little doubt that the tall of the celestial visitor, being some 5,000,000 miles wide, will sweep over the earth, but we will not even feel It," said Dr. D. J. McHugh, as- j tronomer at Depauw university, today. "None of the gases of the comet will come closer than say forty-five miles to the earth's surface. At that <lis tance the earth's atmosphere is much more dense than the tail of the comet. Friction with the atmosphere would destroy it at that altitude. "As for cyanogen gas, that is most y around the head of the comet, ai houßh the sun's repulsion and the pr of the heavenly traveler may oreed some of it Into the tall." ELL TO BTUDY COMET XORK, May 15.—Prof. Percl v. , the authority on the planet M. 'Ned today by the steamer Ne from a European lecture trip er a brief visit to Boston will to Lowell observatory at Flag* i., to make observations of Ha. ie t. / Colorado's Fruit Crop in Grip of Sweeping Storm Sixty-Miles-an-Hour Gale Drives Temperature to Forty Degrees DKNVER, May 15.—Colorado's fruit of the estimated value of W. 000,000 is menaced tonight by a storm, accom panied by a sudden drop in tempera ture, which Is sweeping the state. The thermometer at the western slope registered forty degrees at 10 o'clock and was falling steadily under a sixty-mile gale from the north. * » » HYDE JURORS GO TO BED; VERDICT NOT REACHED I Ir.lva.ta CITY, M=r 15- ——= Hyfl? j jury retired at 10:85 tonight without I having reached a verdict. Deliberations will begin again at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Neither Or. Hyde, lil» wife, nor any. of the Bwope» were at the criminal court building to night. ' WOMEN PRAYING WHILE 1000 MEN FIGHT FIRE Two Companies of Militia Hur " rying to Minnesota Town Menaced by Flames BEMIDJI, Minn., May 15.—Women and children are tonight in churches praying; hundreds of men are out fighting the flames and two companies of state militia are hastening here from Crookaton and Duluth, to fight the flames that are slowly moving down upon the town. The wall of flre started early this morning, about four miles south of the city, and tonight had eaten its way through the dried forests and withered bushes to a point a mile and a half from town. A thousand men are out fighting It. The militiamen are rushing here under orders from Governor- Eber hardt. A dense pall of smoke hangs over the town, and breathing In the town Is difficult. Unless there Is rain soon, or the wind changes, the town seems doomed. Late tonight it was reported the fires, which had reached a width of five miles, had been temporarily checked at a state road a mile south of town. COMET MAY DARKEN SKY, SAYS ONE ASTRONOMER Professors Disagree as to Just What Will Happen Next Wednesday BOSTON, May 15.—Agreeing that no harmful effect is to be experienced on next Wednesday from the passage of the earth through the tall of Halley's comet, New England astronomers ap pear not to concur as to thp possibility of a luminous display similar to north ern lights. Prof. David P. Todd of Amherst col lege thinks the aurora effect probable. Prof. Robert F. Willson of the Har vard college observatory said today that there may be a darkening of the atmosphere, while Prof Edward C. Pickering, head of the Harvard ob servatory, said: "I doubt if there would be any effect at all." Prof. Willson said further that "there may be a shower of charged particles, very small but numerous, which may effect wireless telegraphy. There is no cause for alarm or fear. Cyanogen exists only near the comet's head, and the tail is a good vacuum." Prof. Todd declares that there will be no more sensation than that caused by the rays of light from a distant candle on a person's hand. A propor tionate amount of cyanogen gas is radiated from each, he says. Leon Campbell, another of the Har vard astronomers, thinks a luminous display probable. The increasing brilliancy of the comet as it approaches the earth was shown today when Harvard astronom ers found that the body with the comet, or envelope, had reached pro portions of nearly zero magnitude, the highest stage of stellar brilliancy. The rate of increase in brilliancy is indi cated by the two photometric measure ments taken at the Harvard observa- tory. The first on May 6 showed the nu cleus to be 7.06 magnitude. Another on Friday, just a week later, showed the magnitude to be 4.41, an increase in apparent size of 2.65 degrees. PATIENTS AT INSANE ASYLUM WATCH COMET MASSILLON, 0., May_ls.—The pa tients In the Massillon state hospital for the Insane are so deeply interested in Halley's comet that a large majority | of them are up every morning to see i the celestial wanderer. Many of them think that it Is a signal that the world is coming to an end. Others believe that it is the Star of Bethlehem. Recently the patients have requested the physicians to allow the watchmen to call them. Since the comet has been seen the summons of the watch men has been unnecessary. Interest Is so general that the win dows of the cottages facing east are filled with faces from 2 o'clock till day break. OREGON TOWN BURNED KLAMATH PALLS, May 15.—Fire early today almost wiped out the lit tle town of Bonanza, thirty rnilea east of here. The loss Is about $50,000, with little insurance The building! destroyed were five itprea, two noteU, a saloon, a barber chop and tho postofflce, j PLAN PEACE PACT FOR INSURGENTS ANDALDRICH MEN Midnight Meeting at White House Schemes to Heal Republi can Party Breach USE CONCESSIONS AS BAIT Lukewarm Progressives Urged to Get Radicals Into Line Against Democrats .. [Associated Press] WASHINGTON, May 15.—Whether It is feasible at this late day to wipe out Republican factional lines and meet on some common ground that would unite the insurgents and regulars, is the question before Re publican leaders. It was raised last night at a confer ence at the White House which began at 10:30 and continued until 1:16 this morning. A groat many things were talked over at the midnight gathering, and a revised legislative program was made up tentatively, which it was believed would command the votes of practi cally all regular Republicans. A dis cussion followed on the possibility of certain concessions that might attract all Republicans of the senate. Practically all western senators were present last night, except the most radical progressives—Senators La Pollette,, Beveridge, Cummins, Dol liver, Bristow and Clapp. Among the progressives who attend ed were Senators Nelson, Borah, Brown, Burkett, Dixon, Gamble and Crawford. These men expressed the opinion that the differences between the insurgents and regulars was not Irreconcilable. PEACH IS MADE POSSIBLE The sudden amalgamation of insur gents and regulars of the senate last Friday, which resulted in the adoption of an amendment to the administration bill on the subject of long and short hauls, appeared to have made the reg ulars more tolerant of progressive views on the pending measure. The "getting together" was necessitated by the discovery that the Democrats had formed a solid front to secure the adoption of a Democratic provision re lating to long and short hauls, which was to haye been put In motion after they had voted with the regular Re publicans to defeat the Dixon amend ment, favored by the insurgents. : It would be difficult to decide wheth er the regulars or the insurgents were the more surprised when they learned the plans of the Democrats. A vote | had been - ordered, under the unani- I mous consent agreement, and there was little time for thought. Senator Aldrich advised his colleagues it was time for the Republicans to get together. The insurgents after learn ing the situation acquiesced, and both factions acted accordingly. Neither Republican faction got ex actly what it wanted, but the vote demonstrated that they could "unite against a common enemy." At the White House last night there •was some comment on this fact, and it was agreed If this could be done in the long and short haul amendment to the railroad bill, the case of the remainder of the administration program was not hopeless. V , PROGRAM IS PLANNED When the senate resumes tomorrow the consideration of the railroad bill it is expected there will be a number of informal conferences. Senators Borah, Nelson, Dixon and others who have voted with and against the older Re publican senate leaders are- expected to act as the intermediaries where nec essary. It would not be surprising if an agreement were reached during the week for a vote on the railroad bill. With the subject out of the way, It will be possible to speculate upon a day for adjournment. The insurgents and regulars of the majority in the house are now working In some semblance of harmony, and President Taft appeared satisfied last night with the prospects for his pro gram. The president will devote him self this week principally to conferences with senators and representatives on the. subject in congress. Many decisions of importance are ex pected to be handed down tomorrow by the supreme court. Among other decisions is that involving the. consti tutionality of the corporation tax. YOUTH STEALS TRINKETS TO GIVE TO SWEETHEART Had Promised Girl a Present and Couldn't Resist Temptation "To make a present to his girl," was the excuse Clyde Clifford, a Polytech nic high school boy, gave last night at central police headquarters for the lar ceny of a watch, a locket, several trinkets of small value and fifteen pen nies. Clifford had been employed by Mrs. Mary J. Hayes to do odd jobs about her home, 2312% South Union avenue, working while out of school. Yesterday he entered the house and, according to his own confession, stole the articles enumerated. When ques tioned by Mrs. Hayes he made a clean breast of the Job, stating lie was play ing with a tennis ball, which bounded OVW the transom into the Hayes Nobody was at homo and Hayes fol lowed the ball over the transom. On a dresser in tho room in which he supposed the ball had gone were the watch and a number of other lit tle trinkets. He had promised to give his sweet heart, "Helen." a present and could not resist the impulse to steal, he said. When Mrs. Hayes returned and Clyde appeared to do the evening chores, she questioned him in regard to the theft and he broke down and confessed. Wishing to chastise the youth, she notified the police and Clyde. WaH sent to the detention home to await action of the Juvenile court. STMrT nOPTK"SS« i>ait.t on trains »«. Dll> VjrJLdCJ KJKJI.IJII& . s IIND.VI- sc. ON trains 10c. To Try Dynamite to Check Flames in Placerville Fire Men, Women and Children Fight ing Wind Driven Fire Which Threatens Whole Town FLACERVILLE, May 15.—This city is in danger of destruction by fire- Dynamite is held in readiness to raze a section of the residence district to prevent the spresW of the flames. The fire started at 9:40 o'clock to night and has destroyed the Kldorado county court house. Odd Fellows build ing, Holier! building and several brick structures. The fire started in the eastern end of the town, but a strong wind is blowing to the" westward. Every available man, woman and child is fighting the conflagration, using bucket brigades and high pres sure water system. FlurialuOi uai., is aiso menaced oy a forest fire in the mountains half a mile from the town. 'DUDE' HOLDUP MEN GET BECKER'S WATCH AND COIN Well Dressed Yeggs Then Tell Him to Beat It, Which He Does While on his way to his home, 1218 Maple avenue, Henry Becker, former machinist for the American Laundry company, was held up shortly after 11 o'clock last night and robbed of a gold watch and $14 by two men described as "gentlemek burglars." Becker was turning the corner at Eleventh and Los Angeles streets when two well dressed young men ap proached him. Before he had time to answer their salutation of ••greeting" two revolvers were leveled at him. While one man covered him with a revolver, held In one hand and a flash light in the other, Becker was searched. When his pockets had been emptied he was ordered to "beat it" without raising an outcry. He did. The two men then disappeared and although Becker made a quick call at police headquarters, patrolmen de tailed on the case could find no trace of the men. By the aid of the flashlight Becker was able to obtain a good description of the two highwaymen. He said one was about 24 years old, the other 35, both dressed in the height of fashion in gray suits with light colored felt hats. . PROSPECTORS RACE FOR NEW ALASKA GOLD FIELDS Men Leave Seattle for Iditarod Placers by New Route SEATTLE, May IB.—The first boat load of prospectors bound direct to the new gold fields on the Idltarod and the Innoko rivers, In western Alaska, left Seattle today on the auxiliary schooner P. J. Abier. The schooner carried 25 passengers, all that could be accom modated, who will get into the new gold fields by ascending the Kusko win river. Other prospectors have left Seattle within the last two weeks, but they have gone in by way of Skagway and have had to wait for the Yukon to open below Dawson to follow the ice down the river. By going direct to the mouth of the Kuskowin on Ber ing sea, the prospectors who set sail today believe that they will be able to get into the field ahead of the men who went by the other route. In addition to the passengers the Abler carried 200 tons of provisions, In cluding a large supply of fresh vege tables and fruit. FAMILY TROUBLES DRIVE WOMAN TO KILL HERSELF BANTA BARBARA, Cal., May 15.— Mrs. Emma Nave was found near the beach on the Mesa this morning with a bullet hole in her head and a revolver In her hand. There was every Indica tion of suicide. She had been missing since Friday, since which time her mother, Emma Hughes, made search of Los Angeles, thinking she had gone there for treatment for nervous troubles. Mrs. Nave was 38 years old. Nothing is known of her husband. She leaves one boy, George, who was re cently discharged from the reform school. 11l health and family troubles are said to be the cause. TEDDY STARTS TO LONDON; CHEERS FOR GERMAN HOSTS LONDON, May IC—Col. Roosevelt ar rived here at 7:30 o'clock this morning- BERLIN, May 15.—Former President Roosevelt left here at noon today for London. Herr yon Schoen, foreign af fairs secretary, the members of the embassy and many Americans bade the party farewell at the station. From the window of the train, Col. Roosevelt assured the foreign secre tary that he had enjoyed every mo ment of his stay in Berlin. The Americans gave three cheers and a tiger as the train moved out. NO QUAKE AT PORT LIMON SAN JUAN DEL SUH, Mic, May 15. -Telegraphic communication from Port Limon, Costa Rica, which had been interrupted, was re-established to day*. Reports that Port Limon had suffered from an earthquake proved groundless. MURDERER CAUGHT IN MEXICO EL PASO, Tex., May 15.—Frank Wil son, in Jail In Juarez, has been identi ti.Ml by Chief of Detectives Stranclll and the Mexican authorities as Peter Balcarvich, wanted in Reno, Nev., for murder. He has many aliases and has served two terms in prisgn. l CENTS TAFT SAYS HE TOLD LAWLER TO WRITE BALLIINGER LETTER President Takes Whole Blame of Manner of Preparing Vindi cation for Secretary ALSO ORDERED 'BACK DATING' Executive's Statement Touches On All Charges Except Those of Kerby [Associated Presai WASHINGTON, May 15.—President Taft in person tonight took a hand in the situation concerning the "inside" history of the letter of Sep tember 13, exonerating Secretary Bal llnger from the charges of L. R. Glavis and authorizing the dismissal of Glaviss. Over his own signature he addressed a long letter to Senator Knute Nelson, chairman of the Ballinger-Pinchot in vestigating committee, setting forth in minute detail the sequence of events following his rereipt at Beverley on August IS of the charges of Glavis. The president makes no direct men tion of the statement of Frederick M. Kerby, the young stenographer in Sec retary Ballinger's office, in which the stenographer declare dthe president's letter of exoneration was prepared in Ballingqr's office by Oscar Lawler, as sistant attorney general of the interior department. Tonight's utterance of Mr. Taft was obviously provoked by Kerby's state ment. Mr. Taft declares Lawler did prepare such a letter as Kerby said, but that he did so at the president's specific direction. When he received it he found, he says, that it was not what he wanted to issue, and he wrote the letter himself in the form in which he d«siTed it, using from Lawler's draft only one or two general statements. The president goes still further, and takes up the question of the "back dat ing" of Attorney General Wickersham's summary of the Glavis charges, to which Louis D. Brandeis has drawn at tention. Mr. Taft nays the attorney general's letter was in fact "back dated" and that this also was done by hU specific direction. Following is the full text of the presi dent's letter: TKXT OF TAFT"S IJETTEK "The White House, Washington, May 15, 1910. "My Dear Senator Nelson: In tho hearings before the committee to in vestigate the interior department and forest service, reference has been made to my decision on the complaint and charges that Mr. Glavis filed with me on the 18th of August last, against Secretary Ballinger and certain other officials of the interior department. Tho majority of the committee have decid ed my motion in this case was not in the jurisdiction of the committee to investigate. In spite of this ruling, ref erence to the matter has crept into the record. For this reason, I deem it proper to write you and state the facts with such accuracy as my memory per mits. "Glavis' statement and charges were left with me by him on August IS, 1909. I turned them over to the attorney general, who happened to be in the neighborhood, and he made notes upon his reading. We both had personal knowledge in respect to Secretary Ballinger's attitude toward the Al aska coal claims, which was the chief subject of innuendo and com plaint, for Mr. Ballinger had very early in the administration consulted us both regarding them. "Within two or three days after the filing of the charges, at a meeting at which -the secretary of the treasury, the attorney general and the secretary of the navy were present, a full dis cussion of the Glavis statement was had. It resulted in a general conclu sion that jealousy between the bureaus of the interior department and the for estry bureau probably explained the at titude of the interior department offl ciiN but that the intimation of bad faith by Glavis against Mr. Ballinger and the others required that the state ment be submitted to them for answer. Accordingly, copies of the statement were sent to Secretary Ballinger, to Assistant Secretary Pierce, the com missioner, Mr. Dennett, and to Chief of Field Service Schwartz. BALUXGBB MBMVKRS ANSWKR "Mr Ballinger was at Seattle, but on receipt of the charges he came to Washington to prepare his answer. On Monday, September 6, Mr. Ballinger reached Beverley. accompanied by Mr. Lawler, the assistant attorney general of the departinont of justice, assigned to the interior department. Mr. Bal linger sent to my house on that day the answers of the various persons con cerned with a voluminous record of exhibits. I had a conference with him the evening of the day he came, Sep tember 6, and another on the following evening, September 7. "I talked over the charges with Mr. Ballinger the first evening and asked such questions as suggested them selves, without intimating any conclu sion, and said I would examine the answers and the record, and, would see him the next day. I sat up until 3 o'clock that night reading the answers and exhibits, so at my next confer ence I was advised of the contents of the entire record, and had made up my mind there was nothing in tho charges upon which Mr. Ballinger or the others accused could be found guifty either of incompetency, inef ficiency, disloyalty to the interests of the government or dishonesty. "In the discussion of the second ovr n ing Mr. Lawler, who was present ut my suggestion, discussed the evidence at some length. I said to Mr. Lawler I was very anxious to write a full statement of the case and set out tho reasons for my decision, but tho tlmo for my departure on a long western trip, occupying two months, was Just one week from that day; that I had six or seven speeches to deliver at tho beginning of that journey and could not give the time to the preparation of Milch a detailed statement and opinion us I would like to render in tho mat- (Continued •■ *"••• Tw»*