Newspaper Page Text
BOYD. ACCUSED FORGER, ARRESTED IN BAY CITY Los Angeles Detectives Go North to Bring Man Here Dan Boyd has been arrested In San Francisco On a felony warrant, charg ing him with romery in tills city, ac cording to a communication received \. terday by Captain of Detectives Klaimner. The charge, was preferred hy Harry boomll mid r. C. Looml3, proprietors or the Angelui hotel. It Is alleged that Boyd cashed a check on the hotel on March '.I which was drawn on the Cen tral Trust company "t 1 Ban Franolsco and made payable to Dan A. Boyd. The check purported to have been signed by B. 1... rtogerH. it was .de posited with a local bank for collection. The check WM refused by tin 1 northern concern on account of no funds. , Simultaneously with the complaint of Loomie Bros., a complaint was filed with the .federal authorities here against Boyd by a woman who was a guest at the hotel at the same time as Boyd. She accused him of defraud ing her out of $R0 In cash, a ticket to Chicago and a diamond and sapphire ring, lio Is alleged to have represented himself to ho a United States secret service man. Boyd lefi town before lie could be ar i and went to Chicago. Detectives Jones and Hawley left for Ban Francisco last night to take rsoyd i ciiMoii'- i< i■ <1 bring iiim back. I All! i: OF TK.MI'KH WIRES Motion. Ma*. Mia. Aniiiilllo, Tcxu» M ?• Bo.too « 5(.' Buir»i » " Cnlraso <; •;" Cincinnati « "» IX-nvrr ™ *« El In 52 -i QftlVMtOn I" „'„ Kiiiiiiih City « 5™ Knoxvlilp ;J *7 I.lltle Rork '- «'* MHo« City, Mont M ■'• Montgomery. Ala «« «« New Orli-ftnn M" 1, NOW York «« " Oklahoma ':* ?? Onnilia >•• '* 2° riltNliniK ■ ™ "• Pocatello, Idaho .- •* ?? Portland, Or* D X « Rapid city. 8. l» '« »\ Urn.. 'J *4. SI. 1.0.ii» " X Bt. 1-anl " .* Salt lake 2? •» Boa Antonio <• " ''" sun Franrlaeo "JJ •]! 5,..1(11e J» i! «,,Kl,ln K t.m ..............•.•■• JJ <0 THE CITY Stranger* are Invited to vlalt the mhlbllt pf California products at the Chamber of Commerce building, on Broadway, between First anil Second streets, where froo Informa ilon will be given on all subjects pertaining to tills section. The Herald will pay |10 In canh tc any on» furnishing evidence that will lead to the ar rest, and conviction of any person caught ateaJ- Inc copies of The Herald from ths premises of our patrons. Membership In ths Los Angeles Realty board la ■ virtual guarantee of reliability. Provl llon la made for arbitration of any differences between membera and their clients. Accurate Information on realty matters Is obtainable from them. Valuation! by a competent com mittee. Directory of members free at the office of Herbert Burden, necretary. 525 Se curity building. Phone Broadway 1538. The Legal Aid society at 232 North Main •treet Is a charitable organization maintained tor the purpose of aiding In legal matters those unable to employ counsel. The society Deads financial assistance and seeks Informa tion regarding worthy cases. Phone Home FM01; Main ait. The Herald, like every otner newspaper, Is misrepresented at times, particularly In cases Involving hotels, theaters, etc. The public will please tako notice that every representa tive of this paper Is equipped with the proper credentials, and more particularly equipped with money with which to pay his bills. THE HERALD. AROUND TOWN TO TALK ON MARRIAGE "Marriage and Divorce" will be. the subject of an address to be given by- Judge F. W, Houser at the Federation cluli luncheon today In the Wright & Callender building. W. C. T. U. MEETING The Los Angeles Central W. C. T. I', will hold its weekly meeting this af ternoon at 2 o'clock in Temperance temple. Current events and report! from the state convention will be dis cussed. TO SPEAK AT OCCIDENTAL The speaker at the Occidental col lege assembly this morning will be the Rev. W. A. Hunter, IX D.. of the First Presbyterian church of Los Angeles. His subject will be, "Prosperity Spoiled." The assembly convenes at 11 o'clock and the, public Is invited. The Player Piano Will Music to T/^f■K^^^L IVIUSIC TO f/tf wwwpwl U *—ff if If you want music In your home—and "^<S^§—*~^/4gg^£l%gMi| f havo only a "dead" Piano there—"dead" \^^^ )| because you cannot play—YOU are one who will up- -^ML. 'ral predate the beauties of the Player Piano. It will <**?*. bring music to your home— music for the dance, opera music, classic masterpieces ■of the great performers. Their production requires no musical education in you—yet you can express your own interpretation of musical selections through the Player Piano. Havo the uplifting spirit of music in your homo—music for your own benefit and for the benefit of every member of your family. The Player Piano will bring it. Chnn* Q STEINWAY PIANOLA PIANOS, $1275 TO $2300. ; KdnOOSe BOIIMKR-CECILIAN' PLAYER PIANOS, »1030. ' Front One Terms of #15 Monthly, j , ,_, KRANICII * BACH PLAYER PIANOS, *950. Of TheSe— . Terms of »15 Monthly. ( , ... KCRTZMANN PI.AVER PIANOS, ?BSO. We'll take your dead pi- "^" * Term of #15 Monthly. } . ano in exchange _ and rAKBV!sD . rB PLAYER PIANOS, $850. make you a liberal al- *««.«. Terms of $13 Monthly. upon lt-on CAIHI-LAO PLAYER PIANOS, f650. , any of these Instru- Terms of *1!J.60 Monthly, meats-each the best Mn/rON ,.wi:iv PIANOS. $550 TO *630. player piano In Its class. " Term, of #12.50 Monthly. , Trn J^Jj 1 l\/ITIQT/~' With ill! these player pianos except Stelnna.vs Jt 1 JL\JIjIII IVILJIJJi\U „,, give a generous supply of music free. In, addition to this o6r music ,library, containing thousands of rolls of player piano music, .Is open to the free use of customers. You can exchange your music an often as you desire, dally if you like. Geo. J. Birkel Company IBTEINWAY, CECILIAN' AMI VICTOR UKALERS. ', 345-347 SOUTH SPRING STREET I Some Prominent Men ri VKRYBODY knows about .Mayor w\, Gaynor putting a muscle and s ■" muffler on the. cough of "The Girl with the Whooping Cough," which was produced for two consecutive, weeks in New York. Anthony Mars, the Parisian nuthnr of the spflody piece, has Just sent over his remarks upon tho untimely valedictory whoop. "Noth ing that was In tho slightest degree risque was loft In my play," ho says. "All tho amusing situations wore cut out." From newspaper reports of tho play It Is to be Judged that a couple of the risque features, at least, were left in. New York is not quite as frisky as Paris, but New York is no funeral dirge, and Now York kicked at "Tho Girl with the Whoop." If Parisian Mars think* that New York Is a prude, it munt bo said that Mars In young ami a bit too wild to venture; his Say on these fine points. When New York puts its foot on tho soft, soft pedal, most people aro content to turn their eyes and blush. •George Rronson Howard, the well known author, has been cast Into jail for being a fugitive from justice and carrying concealed weapons. What Mr. Howard's Idea is, is not known, but his bohcmlanlsm must bo of a most unkempt kind if It leads him to carrying: concealed (vi&pguji .io«. fugltlng from Justice. Mr. Howard was accused several months ago of threatening 1, the life of an actress. He was released on ball and failed to ap pear when the case was called. He recently returned and was seized by Washington officials. The. chances are that Mr. Howard is not a mean man. If he would only take the trouble, he might make everything clear and ex onerate himself by asserting that he has an artistic temperament. The authorities should give him a chance tn say whether or not he has a tem perament before they hang or other wise punish him. The National As sociation for the Prevention of Abuse of Artistic Temperament will do well to see that Mr. Howard has none TO BEGIN WORK ON EAGLE ROCK VALLEY LINE TODAY The work of constructing the Eagle Rock avenue line of the Los Angeles Railway company from Its present ter minus to the ulte of the park to be established in Kagle Rock valley will ba begun today or tomorrow, it was announced yesterday. The grading al ready has been completed. The road will i>e ready for operation by August 1. One-half of the extension of the Santa Fe lino from Pacific boulevard to Hunt ington Park, a distance of one mile, has been constructed, and the rest of the road. It Is said, will be finished by Auffult 1. Tho West Ninth street line, from Park View und West Ninth Btreeta to Harvard, a distance of one and a half miles, has been partly fln- Lahed, one track being completed for about a mile. Much grading will be required for the remainder of the tracks, which probably will be complet ed In about three months. BUSINESS MAN GOES •EAST TO CLAIM BRIDE Ellis L. Zemansky, senior member of the firm of Zemansky Bros., will leavo for St. Paul Sunday, May 22, where ho will be married to Miss So phio Tankenoff, a well known society girl of St. Paul. Mr. Zemansky Is the president of the Ellis Jewelry company of this city which has branch stores In Secramento. San Francisco, Fresno, Hakesneld and Coalinga. The marriage will take place in June. The young couple will leave on a wedding tour, visiting all principal cities of the east. On their return they will make Los Angeles their home. ARREST MEN WHO FAIL TO ANSWER SUBPOENAS Three men subpoenaed to appear In the superior court to give testimony In the case of Jesus Miranda, charged with murder, were arrested on bench warrants yesterday by Deputy Sheriffs Alexander and Bepulveda, The men are F. N Miller, W. H. Jackson and Phil llpe Lazaru. They will have to remain in jail until their testimony is taken and then probably will have to show cause why they should not be punished for contempt. STABBING FOLLOWS QUARREL Following an argument over the merits of different brand* of wffiea, Jesus Mora no was stabbed in the heart by Miguel Rodriguez. Morano was re moved to the receiving hospital and Rodrlquez was taken to Central police headquarters, where he was charged with assault. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1010. before ho Ik allowed to suffer for his crimes. Joseph Murphy Is the man who offered a Chicago judge his wooden log as payment for a $.> fine the Judge had Imposed because the previously mentioned Murphy had forgotten him self and had become Intoxicated. Not having $5, thn first thing that Murphy thought of when lined Was his wooden log. Murphy did not stop to consider that the leg was of email value as a marketable, commodity. It might have been worth $5 to him, but to the World, which has little sentiment in barter and trade, the limb—apple tree— was probably worth little more than $2.40. In the first place. It had been worn for some time, so It was necessarily to bo classed as second-hand goods. Second, it was made to order. Murphy having been measured for it by a fashionable Chicago carpenter, so there was a slim chance of it fitting the general public. It must have been very embarrassing to the judge when Murphy made his peculiar proposition. He had enough business judgment to realize the Intrinsic worth of the article in question, and yet it must have been hard to express his opinion upon what to Murphy was surely a most delicate subject. Harper B. T,ee Is ■ Harvard grad uate. Before leaving college he looked over the Held and determined to find Hume vocation in which ins college education would do him some »?ood. Having gladlated for four years on the varsity football team, lio .struck upon bull fighting. There hein^ little work for }i gentleman of that profession In the vicinity of Lee'p eastern home, he wisely embarked for Mexico, where excellent Openings are offered to aspir ing young bull fighters. Tho Mexican field Is said to present more excellent opportunities to bull fighting hopefuls than any other section of the world. Lee was successful in his chosen pro fession In Mexico. He secured engage ments with one of tho most prominent bull ring circuits In the southland. Just now he is on the hench on ac count of injuries received in a recent miff with an infuriated animal. The Theaters Virginia Harned has been secured for a short engagement at the Majestic theater, following James K. Haekett. The Majestic will remain open all sum mer. Miss Harned will have as her leading man William Courtenay, who recently made a spectacular success in tho name part of "Arsene Lupin," the famous detective drama. Frederic Belafieo, who in rehearsing "The Rose of the Rancho" for next week's production at the Burbank, de olaores that Mlsb Marjorle Rumbeau's "Juanita" is going to rival the im personation given by PNUIOM Htarr, who created the role under the direc tion of David Belasoo in New York. Everybody has to work hard this week, the building of this production In a week being the biggest problem that ever has faced the Burbank forces. Tho Kolb and Dill season will close a week from tomorrow night. The suc cess of "The Merry Widow and the Devil" has open so great that this nplendtd production will be Riven one more week. The Majestic will be dark for a week and will then bo reopened by James K. Haekett, who will give "The Pride of Jennieo" for his opening bill. One of the biggest theater parties of the season will he held by the Order of the Eastern Star at the Burbank at one of the performances of "The Rose of the Rancho." Five hundred seats have been engaged on the lower floor for this occasion. The latest word received from the theatrical Insurgents, headed by John Port, Is that sixty more theaters have Joined the National Theater Owners association in declaring for the "open door" policy. This brings the strength of the organization up to 1500 houses, of which, the Majestic Is the local rep resentative. No official announcement has been made hy Manager Morosco as to the local plans. • • • The Oeorge M. Cohnn musical play, "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway," is evidently very much to the liking of the Belaseo audiences, for the per formances this week have attracted a series of crowded houses. However, on account of other play contracts that must bo fulfilled or forfeited,'the Bel aseo management will replace the Co han songs and lyrics with Edwin Mil ton Hoyle's sterling American play, "The Squaw Man." with the initial performance scheduled for Monday night. • • • Frank Camp, who has been playing a variety of thankless roles since his advent as a member of the BebLWO company, will find his first real op portunity to distinguish himself in "The Dollar Mark," when he will have the role of Carson Baylls, the multi millionaire who is the stage villain of the Broadhurst play of love and finances. "The Dollar Mark" will be sent to the coast for a tour of the principal cities Included in the Shu bert circuit. • • • "How Baxter Hutted In" will lie the second production of the new Charles King stock company, commencing with the matinee Sunday. This Is one of the best melodramatic successes writ ten In the last twenty years. Tin 1 l&al three performances of "P.y Right of Sword" will be given tonls'ht and to morrow. ■ •* • Mile. Nad jo, who may be remembered for her previous appearance at the Los Angeles theater last season, is bonked to appear at this popular priced vaude ville house again and will open an en gagement of one week, hi ading the bill commenolng with the Decoration day matinee. May 30. Mile. Nadjo Is an exceptionally clover gymnast. PRINTERS TO HONOR DEAD WITH MEMORIAL SERVICE The printers of Los Angeles are to have a special memorial service in honor of deceased members at Labor temple Sunday afternoon, • May 29, at 3 o'clock. An address will bo made by F. J. Spring and there will be a musical program. The members of the woman's auxiliary will, assist by furnishing Uower3 and by decorating the graves in the union plot in Rosedale cemetery. During 1908, 1909 and so far this year twelve members have died, and the relatives of these are especially invited to be present. The meeting will be open to the. public, and being the first ever held by the union It Is attracting considerable attention. CITY BRIEFS ■ Voice—Conversation, reading, public speaking. New clauses organising. Ida M. Leonard, studio, 806 Y. W. C. A. . building. . Some Women THAT hair Is scarce is known by all persons who watch the markets carefully, but. even the mosi de« voted market fan would hardly think thai it is so scarce that burglar* should Include; it on the eligible lis-l of stealabe articles, Mrs. Qraos Bvam of St. LOUIS does not know why a burglar stole her raven locks a» she slept one balmy eve. There Is no real reason why anyone should want hair these days, n lias been so long since any genuine hair has been seen thai it is no longer expected In even the most exclusive circles. There are SO many satisfactory Imitations that no man should risk his liberty In an ef fort to obtain thi"! original thing. The only plausible explanation that can be given for this thief's strange taste Is that be is a collector of curios, with an especial liking for relict of aivi'iit days. Miss Louim L. Obcrmullrr, hollo girl for an Alton, ill., telephone company, asked her employer to bo allowed to take a few hours off to got married. The employer, a married man probably, at least a man with Borne grudge against matrimony, refused to grant Miss Obermuller leave of absence. Ho might have had a suspicion that she wanted to spend the afternoon at the Alton ball park eating peanuts and drinking pop and throwing the peanut bUtollij ttiiil "'"' l'"P bottles at ill'- Uliip, but, whatever ho thought, he refused. M4ss Obermuller said nothing, that is*, to her employer. Of course, being a telephone girl, she had to say some thing to the customers. She was heard to make such remarks as "Number?" and "Lino busy" a number of times after her talk with the cruel employer, but nothing was thought of It. The time for the marriage was set. Time sped. Hour by hour the appointed mo ment drew near. A half hour before the day and date and the minute, Miss Obermuller left her post. She had stuck beautifully, beautifully. But now she deserted. Then she went and got married. The minister and bride groom, two very essential articles on the property list at a wedding, were waiting. The. Alton Telephone company will now have to employ a new tele phone girl. Serves them right. Tastr 'is a funny proposition. Rome like this and some like that, and what one would abhor another would revel in. There is a woman in St. Louis, Mrs. 'li'irpp Everhart, who is basing a plea for divorce on the ridiculous charge that her husband forced her to plow. The mysterious thing is that any woman of refinement should have an objection to such delightful outdoor The charge. It seems, would be good reason that the marriage con tract be reinforced rather than it bo severed. What ordinary wife is of fend the opportunity of such sweet employment, far from the madding clubs, far from the toil of the bargain counter and the fumes of the midnight supper? What vocation could be more delightful than that of a chauffeur of a country plow? Nature to the north, south, east and west. Nature on all side*. Nature everywhere. To temper criticism with kindness, as the dra matic critics Bay, Mrs. Everhart is an unappreeiatlve wife. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, suffragist, addressed a gathering of nurses in N<nv York recently. Mrs. Belmont told the nurses that they ought to have a union. The possibility of such a na tional calamity makes all thinking persons shudder as the aspen leaf, which is something remarkable In the \vny of shudders. Think of a nurses' waikout. Suppose that you are down with the gout. There is a strike and your nurses desert you. Tou join with other afflicted in hiring strikebreakers. Tou employ a corps of non-union nurses brought west on a special train. The striking nurseß find it out. They besiege your house. They pitch, un derhanded but forcibly a fulisade of pebbles through the window of your sick room. A large pebble hits you on the gouty knee. There is no escape. The house is surrounded by nurses. Let us hope that this terrible picture will never become realized. PREPARE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEMORIAL MEETING Britishers of Los Angeles Are to Mourn King's Death Arrangements are being perfected for the memorial meeting in honor of the late King Edward of England, which Lob Angeles residents of Kng lish, Irish or colonial birth will hold this evening In Temple Auditorium. The executive committee and the mem bers of the Daughters of the Empire will be at the Auditorium this morning for the purpose of receiving contribu tions of flowers which will be used In decorating the building. As several organizations have signi fied their intention of attending In a body, the public has been requested by the executive committee to enter the Auditorium through the Olive street entrance. CORONER HOLDS DEATH OF J. B. HANNON ACCIDENTAL A verdict of unavoidable accident was returned by the coroner's jury yesterday at the) inquest held at the undertaking pallors of John R. Paul over the body of J. B. Hannon, a Southern Pacific employe, who was run over and instantly killed by a switch engine in the Alhatnbra yards early Wednesday morning. Hannon was on his way to work, walking along the. railroad tracks, and did not hoar the approaching engine or signals. A certificate of accidental death was signed by Coroner Hartwell. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of the undertaking parlors. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. Hannon leaves a widow. He had been married two months. The Herald's Exchange Column EXCHANGE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT FOR WHAT YOU DO 10c for Each Advertisement | 10c for Each Advertisement | THEME AUS MAY BE TELEPHONED IN. THOROUGHDRED BUFF ORPINGTON rooaterfl, Cook strain; will exchange for lay- Ins pullets, any thoroughbred stock. 1441 Albany ht. Telephone evenings, West «97. U-10-if TWO KIVERSIDE U)TB, 16bx300~ FOR equity or auto. What have you? »500. 301 8, Grand aye. A 5731. 8175 FOR~EXCHANGE-A OOOD 45-70 RIFLB FOR a good shotgun, or what have you? Addreas BOX 203 Herald office. 4-28-tf wiuTkxohanb «~u>tb IN TUMA FOR lot In aouthwMt or Hollywood or for equity In house and lot. Address W.. 216 Merchanu' Trust Bids I'iinne Sunset Broadway MS. &-20-1 In Hotel Corridors Halley"s romej caused the supersti tlous inhabitants of Southern Califor nia to pull off Rome funny stunts. The negro bootblack at the Hayward hotel barber shop was about the worst of the hunch. Thli bootblack goe« by the name Of "Beans." Ho is as black as coal and all tho numerous fears of the southern negro, oomblaed with other rears he has managed to gather ii|i on his travels from place to plai i . it wasn't the comet altogether that started "Beans" on his weary waj l-'n ,t 1- Wood of tho Hayward staiL helped out a little at an opportune moment, Ju»t for run. While Fred was in the barber shop Wednesday morning be happened to speak of the recent Phoenix hotel (in borne one remarked that It was poa glbie- the comet would set, the hotel ali!i . "Bean i" [.ricked up his He was all ears. Fred noticed It, and that is when '•Beans'" troubles be '"Yes," continued Fred, winking at the barbers, "it undoubtedly was duo i,i the fact that tho comet hit Phoe nix." "Beans" turned a sickly ashen hue. He couldn't shine ohoea, ho trembled so. Fred didn't Hay any more, but presently got up and walked out to the desk. While he was out ".Beans' got v,, n»rvnii« i>i:it ii<> tried to shine a baldheaded mans pate instead of his shoes. Then Fred appeared in the door with a telegram in his hand. "Listen to this," he called to the occupants 01 the shop. Every one turned. "Denver dstroyed by the comet last night. Los Angeles next," \us what he read. "lioans" gave one yeip and dived for the door. "Oood-byl I'se goin', boss! ne i yelled. He went and he hasn't been i seen since. Tha interior of the Lankershim lob by looks like a forest of pine trees with the bark shaved off. They are decorating down there, and while the lobby at present does not present ex actly a OIMSy appearance, Messrs. Cooper and Davis are giving out the assurance right and left that when they get through visitors won't know the place. The entire interior of the big room will be decorated, a new and fancy cigar stand installed and new tele phone booths put in. Later on it is the intention of the management to re-tllo the floor. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. A J Blethen, Miss Blethen and Miss Hamons. all of Seattle, Wash., ar rived in Los Angeles yesterday and registered at the Lankershim. Mr. Blethen is owner of the Seattle Times and with his party is returning from WOULD STAY ERECTION OF WATER BOARD BUILDING Improvement Association May Take Case to the Courts At a meeting of the North, North oast and Northwest Improvement as sociation yesterday afternoon in the chamber of commerce committee rooms, resolutions were adopted in re g-ard to civic Improvements among which was the matter of preventing the water board from completing its new building, by the process of law if necessary. This new building is being erected on the corner of Fifth and Olive streets, against the wishes of the city coun cil, which says the board should be housed in the city hall. A petition was also adopted asking the city council to change the old city cemetery Into a park and also to ap propriate $100,000 for the payment of work on the completed Sunset boule vard. This work will cost over $700, --000 and the council is asked to bear a share of this expense because of the increased cost of purchasing condemned property. A committee was apointed to look up the weed ordinance if any and if one is found which will answer the purpose a petition on enforcement will be pre sented to the proper officials, with the intentions of keeping weeds off vacant lots and sidewalks. Attention was called to the fact that Los Angeles' vantage point in regard to the harbor situation lay in the trans portation and a resolution was adopt ed pledging the association for a mu nicipal railroad to the harbor. DRUGGIST PROVES TO JURY HE DID NOT SELL MORPHINE F. M. Eaton, proprietor of a drug store at Lake Shore boulevard and West Temple street, was found not guilty of selling morphine without a physician's prescription by a jury yes-, terday following his trial in Police judge Frederlckson's court. Baton was arrested May 2 by Officer p\ A. Brown, Inspector of the state board of pharmacy, on B charge of selling morphine to 1,. N. Raphael without a prescription. Raphael, it was alleged, came from the drug store and When searched by Brown had morphine in his possession which he said he had purchased from Eaton. Raphael was arrested ana given a iail sentence of fifty days on a charge of vagrancy. It appears from the testimony in troduced at the trial yesterday that Raphael stole the morphine instead of Baton selling it to him. The jury was out only ten minutes. DR. KING IMPROVING Dr. John C. King of Banning, who is critically ill at the California hospital. showed a slight improvement last night and hopes are entertained for ins re covery. Dr. King is president of the California State Medical society and has practiced medicine in Southern Cal ifornia many years. FOR EXCHANUE-HAVB S ROOM HOUSE, southwest, that I hold at 17000; will exchangn for some smaller property or good ninch property. Address BOX 100, Herald. 4-2»-tf FOR EXCHAI-.OE-GOOD LOT IN SOUTH west; clear; will exchange for California houso and lot to value of WOO. Address BOX 66. Herald. 4-26-tf WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR A good 45-70 Springfield rifle? Address BOX 20J Herald office. 4-M-tt CIGAR AND BTATIONBRt BTORE FINK location; low rent; two bioolu trom i»>«t -ofjloc; BOO; a*M JH'M for food automobile. BOX IM, 11-rald. "*-W-4 the meeting of the Associated Press and Publishers' asosciatlon, held cently in New York city. They will remain heic a few days and then pro- I mi to San Francisco, where an other short stop win in' made h they return home. Other ice.'Hi arrivals at the l.anker shim Include: Mr. and Mrs. (i. P. Win field of Ni ■ V"l, city, !•:. A. Van Ar tuiti of Douglas, ami Mrs, <;. H. Pros! and Miss Virginia Frosl of San Dl- Recent arrivals at the Hayward In clude: Mr. and Mrs. it. H. Jaffa of New York, C. A. Voting of Coallnga, Fred 11. Jon eg of Olobe, Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Crown of Daggett, Mr. ami Mi ■. w allace i!. Brown of Pacific Grove and \V. Taylor Smith of Sin Diego. Thi Island Villa, the name Riven to the tonl city al Avalon, Catalina Is land, will be opened for the summer May 28, the sierra. Madre club of Los Angeles have been chartered the whole cltj I'm thai date. The club mem numborlng about 260 people, will go over to the is'aiid for a two days' OUI uip,. Among 1 those who registered at the. King Edward hotel yesterday were: J. R, Holcomb, Pacific coast agent for the Kansas City, Mexico * Orient railroad: F. T. Qafford of Tehachapi. A. \Y. Xoyes, general traveling pas- Bunger agent for the Chicago Great Western railroad, and J. H. Lyman, Pacific coai t representative for the road; Mr. and Mrs. .Jay W. Ad ams of San Francisco, where Mr. Ad ama represents the Nickel Plate route. New names at the Alexandria In cludes; Walter ft. Reed and Eugene West of New York city, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O'Neil of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Calsfp and baby of St. Louis, Frank Miller of BauMlltO and Mr. and Mrs. It. U. Atkins of London, Eng land. Among those who registered at the Angelus yesterday were: E. M. Allison of Bakersfleld, E. L. Overly, a Salt Lake mining man; Daysle M. Button of New York city, Charlos C, Carlton and F. P. Lyman of San Diego, Louis K. Kerby, former district attorney of San Diego and candidate Tor congress fro mthat district. Among others at the Hollenbeck are: L. M. and F. B. Cornell of Portland, Gus Southworth, an oil operator of Bakersfleld, Louis Meyers, a trunk manufacturer of San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manerd of Tucson, Ben Ifunter, an Independence mining man; \V. S. Mcßae of Tonopah. Recent arrivals at the Van Nuys includo: Charles Freshman of Chicago, George Adams of the Midway oil fields, B. F. Shepard, Jr., of Fresno, Misses Louise and Alien May of San FranclHCO, J. W. Chilton of San Jose, and Joseph Fiuchler and H. C. Moore of Sun Francisco. These -who registered at the West minster yesterday include: W. E. Sprott of Portersville. P. R. Bradley and Robert Mulford of New York city, L. S. McCormick of San Francisco, J. S. Haddock of San Diego and Paul G. McGuire of New York city. HOTELS-RESTAURANTS-RESORTS Ye Alpine Tavern Situated on Mt. Lowe. A mile above the sea. American plan, $3 per day, $15 per week. Choice of rooms In hotel or cottages. No consumptives or invalids taken. Telephone Passenger Dept., Pacific Electric Ry., or Times Free Information Bureau, for further information. ■ __^^^_^^____ g-*\ A Xj*"E* The popular dining place for particular \ j /%. fi M\> people. Menu and service unexcelled. tt^ Music by Bristol orchestra. Entire , TJX) TCnPiIT basement H. W. Hellman Bldg., 4th J3.EY1.13 A KJI-J and Spring. ~~~j^~^^^~ X ———— WE CATER TO YOU! _______ Jl|||p|Ss|& New Hotel Broadway V*wsl!S^J3BMSlmai 20- NORTH BROADWAY, 250 ROOMS, 60 SUITES WITH V^B.l!BeflflDjflaD®BS PIUVATK BATH) 20 3-ROOM APARTMENTS. SUMMER V'YV^fWHliHpffll PRICES. RATES WEEKLY AND MONTHLY. Free bus all Y|'f*niTi |IJ7*TUgL I" trains. Thoroughly equipped to give highest satisfaction. ' the McCarthy co., owner. ~TT ~1 TT2~.^.~ ~~. SEVENTH AND FIGL'EHOA STREETS, Hotel tlintnati los angeles, cai. luxurious. APARTMENTS AND ROOMS homelike. (UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT). FIVE MJNPTIM FROM BROADWAY. The Leighton Hotel American Plan. •; OVERLOOKING WEBTLAKB I"ARK. Rates on Application. Lflghton Hotel Co. G. P. AKMSTEAP. Mgt. INTERESTING ROUTES OF TRAVEL HONOLULU £„ $110.00 (First Class) S. S. SIERRA 5% Days The twin screw S.B. SIERRA (classed by Lloyds 100 AD, 10,000 tons displacement, Capt. HoUJlette, commander, will sail for Honolulu May 28, June 18 and July 9, and maintains a Jl day schedule on the Island run. This splendid steamer has double bottoms, water tight com partments, two sets of triple expansion enginea, developing over 8000 horsepower, and twin (crews capable of driving the vessel over 17 knots an hour. The dining room Is a splen did hall, running clear across the ship, located on the upper deck, away from th« kitchen. The ventilation of the steamer Is perfect, being provided with forced draft, Rrh!ch entirely frees It from the closeness and odors often found on ocean steamers. The SIERRA Is of good beam and provided with bilge keels. The steamer has been recently equipped with oil burning apparatus and renovated throughout. • A wireless outfit hM also been Installed. Nothing has been left undone that tends to the safety and comfort of travelers Th« reduced round trip rate of JllO will apply (main deck rooms) fop the May 28 trip. The volcano Kilauea Is now unusually active. It Is one of the worlds' won ders and can be visited now at Its best. Book now and secure the best berths. I INF TO TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND— S. S. Marlposa and S. 8. Mokola of Union line. Sailings May 21, June 29, Aug. 6, etc. Tahiti and back, $126, tint class. New Zealand (Wellington), round trip, $246.25 first class. OCEANIC S. S. CO. A. M. CULVER 334 South Spring Street Agent Los Angeles : Santa Catalina Island Tr..n. connects with steamer j T^^jJUj \ %s£%££%*:SSl a*! £ at San Pedro leave Los Angeles \ M J%.M/Hs\ i Salt Lake Ry 8:50 a. m. SATURDAYS ONLY— via I'sk-IHc Electric 4:40 p. m.: Salt Lake By, 4:40 p. m. Boating and Bathing the Best PLAN TO SPEIND YOUR VACATION IN THE. TENT CITY BANNING COMPANY, 104 Pacific Electric Building, Los Ange les, Cal. Phones— 4492, F6576. an Framicßsco.Eyreka, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria STEAMERS GOVERNOR OR PRESIDENT—Leave San 10:00 Victoria STEAMERS GOVERNOR M.. EVERY THURSDAY. San Pedro 10.00 /^^^V A M. Hedindo 2:00 P. M.. EVERY THURSDAY. /^*^V STEAMER SANTA ROSA leaves San Pedro 10:00 A. M., Redond/lSL^^^^A 1:00 P. M.. Every Sunday. ■ >:' nWBSlri FOR SAN DIEGO— Daylight Ocean Excursions leave San Pedro 10:301 I \»l I 1 A. M., Every Wednesday and Saturday. -^ 1A VT^Yli/ Low rates Largest Steamers —Quickest —Best Service. M. \j JBf TICKET OFFICE—S4O 8. SPRING ST. Phones—Home F6945. \OjmjA7 Sunset — Main 47. Rights reserved to change schedules. 1^ REDONDO BEACH *%££* THE BEACH OF GREATEST COMFOIU'. All the Best Attractions. Cars Every Few Minutes from Second and Spring Streets, ANGELES ft REDONDO RAILWAY. 25.50 PORTLAND, $20.50 EUREKA— $25.50 PORTLAND, $20.50 EUREKA— berth and meals. $10.50 SAN FRANCISCO First class. Including- berth and meals. $10.50 SAN FRANCISCO Ba roanokb. s.a. a. w. elder. it ■'.'.'»■ Sallln»- every TUESDAY. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO., ill 8. SFRIMtI STREET, LOS ANGELES. Phones Main 6116; FUSO. > T. . . FELLOWSHIP PROTESTS AGAINST PRIZE FIGHT Churchmen at Banquet Denounce Jeffries-Johnson Match Members of the Los Angeles Fellow ship to the number of over 200 Bat down to dinner at Christopher's last evening. Reynold [■:. Blight, minister of the Fel lowship, was toastmaster, and toasts were responded to by Mayor Alexander, Dr. S. Hecht, rabbi of the B'nai B'rith temple, Councilman J. J. Andrews, Mrs. M. K. Garbutt and Arthur Mayers. The greatest of enthusiasm prevailed. There was much chorus singing, and a most delightful evening was spent. Hy unanimous standing vote the fol lowing resolution was passed with much applause: "Resolved, That we, the Los Angeles Fellowship, express our emphatic pro test against the prize fight advertised to take place In our state on July 1. We believe such exhibitions are sub versive of the best Interests of the state, are contrary to the ideals of hu manity, are out of harmony with the progressive spirit of the age, and should be prohibited In the interest of public order and morality. We also believe that the widespread advertisement of the event, and the discussion of the dis gusting detail of the preparations, pan der to the basest passions. Instigate to brutality and crime, and are demoraliz ing- in their effect upon the youth. Wo therefore urge our local press to elim inate the prize fight news from their pages." Among those present were: Gen. and Mrs. K. C. Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. W. Ferris, Dr. and Mrs. T. Pereival Gerson, Adam Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Seckler, Mr. and Mrs. H R. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harrison. SANTA FE FREIGHTING HEAVY; BUY MORE CARS Business Said to Be Greatest in History of the Road Santa Fe freight operatives stated yesterday that the freight business of the southwest is now 20 per cent larger than It ever has been, even during the record-breaking months before the slump, in 1908. Proof of this statement Is found in the orderg which have been placed by the Santa Fe for additional equipment with which to handle the enormous tonnage of traffic. Eight thousand five hundred new flat cars will be delivered to the Santa Fe sys tem by September 1. The Santa Fe has also had to order 5000 new box cars to handle miscella neous freight, including general mer chandise and grain from the middle west. In addition to this order, thin road has placed orders for 1000 dump- Ing cars and 1000 ballast cars, to be used In the track work now under way along the southwestern divisions. An other record-breaking order Is Jor 1000 large cars, half of which will be used for transporting automobiles and the otlior half for furniture. 13