Newspaper Page Text
¥©O°¥E TJR'iEIDJ 6TMEiS-TR¥ MEMHLO WHiTPMES ' FOR SALE • .'•*.; T-- HODSKS SNAP 5-Room Bungalow $75 CASH AS GOOD AS NEW MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Buffet, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, screen porch, bath, toilet, tinted walls, beautiful street. Hooper aye. car line on B«th st. THIS IS A GENUfNE BARGAIN. ■<:- Price $2400—(24 a Month. LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMPANY ■" 333-337 S. Hill St. Main 224*. - M"*- LARGEST CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING CO. IN THE WORLD. /■: 1 . i-15-6t Dear Ram: The way to get to our houpe ■ } Is on the Redondo Short Line via Moneta avenue to the Key Place tract. It only takes 25 minutes. Come out any time and brine the kids. Fannie has the swell garden. Tours truly. JACK. 6-50-1 FOR SALE— Moneta Aye. Square, 5 rooms; all improvements ; half block from car; 10 per cent down, balance in monthly payments. No interest, no taxes. The Co-Operative Building Co., 8211-7-8-3 Merchants Trust Bldg. s-11-10t ' $100 CASH will buy a beautiful 6-roorß buniralow In restricted neighborhood, near car line, with 4-mlnale service; balance on easy terms. Take Forty-eighth st. and fir.'md aye. car, get off at Normandle five.; look for BROCKWELL'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE 1407 West Forty-rlßhth St. " v.".» Phone South 2726 6-15-14 BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN $8760—5275 cash, $25 monthly, on Flfty •eventh street, between Main and South Park avenue, Gas. electricity, street work and . sewers. Oak floors, beamed ceilings, open fireplaces, buffet, cabinet kitchens, cement* porches, lighting fixtures. Fifty of these mofWri five-room ■ tF.fty'. Uel <le ln n t ln gan Pedro street car to Ftfty-seventn TH K Tract office. nciT.niNO co IKE INVESTMENT BUIf.DINO CO. JOOB W. P. Story Bldg. F3175; Hdwny. 43T5. FOR SALE HOUSES $7000-* rooms, strictly modern, beam cell- Incs. hard wood floors throughout, cement porches, furnace and garage: corner lot: on the IOW side, 24th St., Is paved. Tills la a snaD Owner must eel! at once. SMITH & SMITH, 312-14 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 6-20-1 NEW BUNGALOW-$l6O CASH, BALANCE like rent. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main. ri 1'" 'COUNTRY PROPERTY Walnut &we 27 Miles from Los Angeles 21 acres, 11 acres In 12-year-old soft shell walnuts; 10 acres In 6-year-old (ratted nuts; all nice, thrifty trees. The soil Is a OOOD SANDY LOAM. This grove Is adjoining pome of the btst groves in the country. ORANGE fOTJNTY IS NOTriD FOR ITS FINE WALNUT GROVES. On this proper ty is a California house, barn, well, wind mill and tiink and tankhouse. PLENTY OF CHEAP IRRIGATING WATER. About two miles to center of good town and only 27 miles from Los Angeles; two good rail roads; trains run all times of the day. This property at $11,000 Is certainty a bargain. If you are looking for any kind of property in Orange county we can suit you. ORANGE COUNTY REALTY • COMPANY Main (89. 206 'VVllcox Bldg. A 6692. Second and Spring. Orange county office, Anaheim, 6-19-2 IMPERIAL VALLEY AMERICAN NILE No drouths, cyclones, blizzards; marvelous crops; grain, alfalfa, cotton; sunshine; sedi ment soil; abundance of w'.ter produce them. Good cheap land. C 'A lit U buy. 813 Severance Bldg. HAMMERS REALTY CO. . Phone Broadway 4684. _ - ' 6-S-tf »-- — ■ —'"■' — ~~^~~~ ——————— ..;•: Beam moot- Beautiful country home sites on La Mesa Mlravllla; 3000 feet elevation; mountain water; choice apple, pear and cherry land; 6 and 10 acre tracts. BEAUMONT LAND & WATER CO.. 111! Central Building, Los - Angeles. Cal. : 4-28-tf MJUNII'LJUS SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS, II 00 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. 260 to SOo. ' Phone for our largo van when you nova. 11.16 par hour. . COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. 415-17-19 Ban Pedro st. Main office to»-ll ■. Main st. Phone Main HIT: FJI7I. S-l-U BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR BALE— ■ . •' BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1200 per foot— on Hope at., between Bth and 9th. $60,000—Lot on Pico, near Flower, 71x160 to alley; Income $225 per month; $15,000 down, balance five years at 6 per cent. $COO per front Corner on South Main, 88x120; $6000 down, balance terms to suit. This Is a good buy. Big corner on Temple St. lat a tmap. • ;-,.".,- SMITH & SMITH,' ' ' 312-14 O. T. Johnson Bldf. ; 6-20-1 FOR SALE CITY T-OTS AND I.WKS LOTS ■ ■■ LOTS Western \ i A venue \ Square > I . r (L/liUlMir(s> . That Beautiful Subdivision Adjoining the 9 College Trad As Low as $775.00 for SC-Foot Lots 10 per cent cash, balance small monthly payments, including interest and taxes. 'The value of these lots is being increased every day by our extensive building operations and improve ments that we are carrying on in our two adjoining tracts, the College Tract and Annex Over 150 lots already sold in this choice tract.' Sewer, gas, electric lights, sidewalks, curbing, shade trees, etc., all in; a few choice lots fronting on Western avenue and on Vernon avenue, which it is proposed to convert into a 100-foot boule- | yard. These lots, fronting on this intended boulevard, can be. had during the month of May at $800 a Lot ; $80 cash, $8 (or more) a month, including interest and taxes. These lots afford the best chance for investment in lots that can be found. If you want to pick up a snap in a nice lot that will very rapidly-increase in value, do not overlook this chance. Would be glad to show the property at any time. Agents at tract office every day. Forty-eighth street branch of the Grand avenue car line direct to Forty-eighth and Gramercy place. . HOMES LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMPANY 333-335-337 South Hill Street Main 2248, 60127 Largest, Co-Operative Building Company in the World ...*" "".'.' ... , ■ ' ■ 5-1-1 | ■ CITY LOTS AND LAXDS How's Your Chance TO BUY A BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW IN Till; SOUTHWEST ON E.ABY TERMS. THIS PLACB HAS JUST BEKN COMPLETED. EVERY MODERN CONVEN IENCE PANELED WALL, BUILT-IN BUF FET CABINET KITCHEN. LOT FENCED I # BEST STREET WORK. SHORT DIS TANCE FROM YELLOW CAR LINE. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. PRICE. $.'350; TERMS $100 DOWN AND $M PER MONTH. NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE THIS CHANCE IN THE SOUTHWEST. WILL TAKE ANYONE OUT ON SUNDAY WHO MEANS BUSINESS. BBH OWNER, H. L. BLAKE, 142 South Spring Street. Maln66Gl. r _ THONES. Homelo6Ss. ■BJLteuJSl&t • |-20-st FOR BALE—LOTS— Corner on South Burlington, 60x140; good for flats or apartment house. $1750—Lot on South Union aye., 40x140. $2600—Lot on South Union aye., 60x183 to alley. $5250—L0t on West Sixth , street, near Lucas, 60x160, for flats or apartments. $700—Lot on 59th place, near Hoover; $100 down, $10 per month. SMITH & SMITH. 312-14 O. T. Johnson Bide. 6-20-1 VERNON AYR. EAST, FOR SALE-4-ROOM house; street work done; lot 60x150; bath room, gas. . $100 down, $10 per month. Price. $1850. Also 6-room modern. Take Watts car to Vernon avenue. 1688 VERNON AYE. 6-20-1 SUBURBAN PROPERTY % Realty Co. M rE3TABLI3JIED 190371 bun Pedro office, «o.i Beacon s both phone*. *f^ >n«l« t^^. XXI H Hnrlnr FtlU. San Pedro, ciostj m, coming iii.aiNlij»& iaJI 60x135; 810 SNAP, $4000; worth more; s room house thrown in free. STACY REAL TY CO., 631 Spring St., or San Pedro. . 60 ACRES, W, MILES FROM SAN GABRIEL, near car line, good alfalfa or walnut land. This property will be ripe for subdivision ' within a year. Beautifully located. Price, $500 per acre. If you are looking for an In vestment you could not do butter anywhere. Better see us., It will pay you to investi gate thin property. FRENCH-McREYNOLDS REALTY CO., 721-728 Bryson Bldg. Phone_As64o : __ _■ _• -jO-lt OAk.DALISrCAL.-HOO AN ACRE, $1 CASH, $1 monthly; rich, level, irrigated alfalfa, orange, grape, fruit land; the crops pay for land T. WIESENDANGER, room 311. 207 B. Broadway. See MR. FRYE. 5-17-4 OIL PROPERTY WAGE EARNERS, INVEST. DON'T SPECULATE 25 000 chares (no more) oil stock at Kb ncr share. Company has 1600 acres, 900 acres of which Is proven ground; one 700 -barrel well completed; now drilling second well; don't owe a dollar; has money In the treasury to complete two more walls; small capitalization and no promotion, stock; pipe lines and railroads now building to field; oil paraffine base, running from 38 to 11 gravity and worth S2.GO to $J. 60 par barrel lat well. See LORS 332 Bradbury Building LOR ANGELES HERALD; FRIDAY MORNING, MAY ->0. 1010. FOR SALE CITY LOTS ASP LANDS oovi:knmi:nt lands GOVERNMENT LAND 160 ACRES FOR $160 Fine level land, rich sandy loam, right In Los Angeles county. We can accommodate nix more person*. Party leaving Monday night. May 23. For further Information see ERIKSON & CO. 106 W. SIXTH ST., Ground Floor. 5-19-5t SUBURBAN I'KOrEKTY— FOR SALE- Corner on Central aye. 64x150, JSOO. This would be cheap at 11900. This cut for a quick cash sale. Street work all done and paid for. We are going to sell this and a ■ few others. M. E. MILLER CO., Exclusive Agents 703 Merchants' Trust Bldg. 6-17-tf INDUSTRIAL rHOI'KRTY INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Corner 21st inc. and Santa Fe railroad, 223x150; price 86500. Lot on Bast 9th street, 100x130; corner of alley; price, 20,000. 7 acres In city limits; 900 feet on Santa Fo railroad; only $17,000. > '* SMITH & SMITH, 312-14 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 6-20-1 MISCELLANEOUS Main 269. F4OD2. <^XI L UN BE R^ll^ Seventh and Central Avenue Limber Cheaper :.;. Ban. Ever ; Building Material ■. ..\-''-.■•■■; : . . «:i6 Bevel R. W. Siding $17.00 per M Redwood $14.00 per M pine $16.00 per M Shake* , 110.00 per M ; Shingles, full count V! per M Nails .....4o per lb. Paint fl-45 per gal. Stain 50c per gal. Roofing paper, per roll $1.20 Our nix-horse power upright engine, our eight-horse power upright boiler, fine condition, complete, only ; $100 Two thousand gallon steel tank, "Water," In (In* condition, only $76.00 Purs oil stain, 800 per gallon. Pipe, all kins and sizes, new and second-hand. . Three-lap R. W. rustic, $30; Ix 6 O. P. clg., 2 sides $22.00 Hardware, sash and doors. LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES. 6-16-7t WE HAVE FOR SALE NOTE FOR $700 SE ' cured by trust deed on Boyle Heights prop .' erty worth $2000. first lien, interest 1 per . cent. HAMMACK'S LAW OFFIOB, Amer : lean Bank Bldg., Second and Spring Bts.. 6-20-3 FOR BALE—LACK SHAWL, MARQUISE •; heirloom, 'In perfect condition. Apply MM ; WEST ADAMS. 6-80-3 FOR SALE HmOjPXAIOBffM DO YOU WANT TO TURN YOUR PROPERTY We do not list ynur property unless we can. If you have and can list with us at actual value wo can sell or exchange it and do it quick. THAT'S OUR BUSI NESS. Wo do not believe In telling you something which we can't do. That's not busi ness. Perhaps you have listed with othor agents who have not tried to turn it. That's no reason we do the same. All wo want Is your property to handle. You want a quick turn and a square deal. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET IP YOU COME TO US, WE SELL. EXCHANGE] AND RENT PROPERTY QUICK—IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, COMB AND SEE I-;. Below are a few bargains. Tho prices are right. 1. ! 5. WEST 43D PLACE. 58TH STREET, 7 Tinn\i miNrrJATOW strictly Near Figuoroa. Beautiful 4 a_sr^_ife ffis I ■ »•"»-"*• »■ ■• can wish for, for only $500 down, once. Imiuin'' "ii ra»y ii-inis. Gun **• block from Moneta car line, 10 Wikhire Boulevard minutes' ride to 3rd and Main. WliStlire rsouievara. This is a bargain. See us at We have TWO BEAUTIFUL. once. • H O M E S; hardwood floors 2 throughout, SEVEN ROOMS. -',• extra large bath, beautiful gar- WEST ADAMS. age with cement floor and cc- Beautiful 6-ROOM bungalow ™n b V'^n '__? for^pric™"and nneal residence.district In city; ?erm/ gwe can furprl.f you" See sold at a sacrifice on easy pay- today I merits. 3> " 7. 3. '• 42D STREET Or Sale or Exchange. B-HOOM modern bungalow; gas. ™" S^£^ ' bath and electricity; good barn ™ n e ive you a bargain in this and chicken corral. Price $2200, £Spert™ « wiU pay you to on easy terms. See us. see it 4. " 8. WEST 51ST. HOLLYWOOD. TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS, north SEVEN-ROOM, strictly modern. I front. Price $650, on easy terms, corner lot; $800 down, balance on I only two blocks from car. easy terms. Freicl-Icßeyiolds Realty Co, Don't Forget—Our Phone Is A 5640. 721-722 Bryson Bldg. 6-20-1 -n —.—. •^—- —— ■* ■' ' _ WflfCS, AlfflH AND . Fmit lacks ' •■„, Orange Oirove For Exchange 68 Acres .30 Acres ' . flood sandy loam with all kinds fruit, wal . Can't be beat in the valley. This m , tgi orange", apples, pearlies, etc.; 6-room will give you a 15 per rent net income. Wo bungalow, large barn, good pumping plant, want you to see It With us. lln ndvanlages <°». wagon, buggy, *urry mower, rake, * , . harrow; everything to make farm life pleas ure too numerous to mention. \ou must see ant and pro fl( a bi 12 miles from city and It to appreciate It. The price is fixed for a near car line. This year's Income should quick sale or will exchange for a bu»ineHS be not less than *3000. Offer us some good block or -mi-basin—. city property for this, from $15,000 to $30, -block or scmi-buslness. •i ■. uo( j — 20 Acres . Beautiful orange and lemon grove; hand some Income, with still better future out- A II ■(? <m H -if tr* <m <vn <fl come) absolutely no freeze; 14 acres full IISHIirSI lL^SLiniO hearing, balance younit lemons. Fine soil, abundant water. Bargain at $35,000; will « A a ____ take modern residence to ¥15,000, west or . W ACreS - southwest. . ■ Solid to alfalfa; will cut 12 tons to the 10 ACiTCS acre; over $3000 worth of personal property; I'uil bearing navels and valenclas, with two resiliences, two barns; water to aril. It few tweets; 5-rooin modern residence; good will do your eyes good to look a, It with" us. barn S^LSS^SS^&JTSSg bftSrt^ A handsome Income. Will take some city gun urhan town; price $13,000) want city property as part payment. residence to $8500; balance terms. Wayforigfot-Biiitler Compamy 828-529 Security Building^ Spend Next Saturday at ■Lookout Mointaln OPENING ; SALE— $250 Each .$5 Down. $1 a Week No Interest—No-Taxes Round trip on Hollywood electric car, including automobile ride through Laurel Canyon, 20 cents. Tickets at this price must be bought at our office before Sat urday noon. DO IT NOW DO IT NOW • . . . - Wo Wo Norton ■& Company 124 SOUTH BROADWAY Ground Floor of Chamber of Commerce. Phones—Main 2466; Home AIBSB. 5-20-1 ) 1-IANOB LOST AND FOUND PIANOS AT 12 50 AND »3 PER MONTH. r r^^«"P^^^^7o?Tri?B^rTr Bouaro pianos of standard markes In •_• STRAYED—FROM CORNER _Abl_AK_ AY. S"nt «nd?Uon: Will Mil on th. abov. and MlMlon road, one bay mare and colt; ■mall nayment«. GEO. J. BIRKE_ CO.. mare 6 year* old, weight from 9W to 1000 Si 141 a Rnrln. st 10-2»-tf ■ lbs., mane and tall out; colt has white face " »«7 B. t»prin» . and scar on rlKht front leg, and limps. FOR BALE—UPRIGHT PIANO 'IN FIN- Finder return to 1333 MISSION ROAD and condition- only 1100 for immediate sals. reii-ive »50 reward. Phono Bdway. 2743 or ; Call for inspection 413 W. FIFTH ST. 1779. 6-°-1 ■ — ■■'" BTRAYBD—FROM 343 SOUTH HILL, STREET ■ , STOCKS AN.. BONDS . coach dog £%££ hnvlng naino "S. Ollle- HTOrKS AMI) BONDS Cd I-o« An K He H , «'«l..' on. collar. Find.* for sai.B—STOCK IN THE TRADERS ■ pleaM return li. i or phone Broadway NUg r bank'or^-oa AnVole.. T. _. O-BIUIBN • , Home F«9B and reecive reward. »R. CO., Jsffcrson and Main. s-16-7 SrOCK.W_LI* •» -v * FOR SALE MISCEM.ANEOUS SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES J SCIHOOLS^AND^COLLEGE* I Miss Wing's School for Girls 1226 ALVARADO STREET Day and Hoarding All departments from kindergarten to college. Prepares for col lege and university. Fine school for girl, visiting Southern California for winter to keep abreast of their studies. I'lano, elocution, pottery, et«. Private tutoring, bprt»« term opens April 4. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A.. Principal Biinset West 63 it; Hume 53144. CUMNOCK School of Expression SUMMER TERM Six Weeks— Opening July 5 Reading, Expression, Shakespeare, Dra | matlo Art, Voice and Physical TrainlDg. Dr. Richard Burton of the University of I Minnesota will give a special course on "Modern English Drama." ! Course of readings by Mrs. Grigg. direc | tor, and Katherlnu Wlsner McCluskey of Evanston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1500 SOUTH FIGUEROA ST. , ——i ■ ~~ ■ ! Sth Floor, Hamburger Bldg., Los Angeles. " NATIONAL SCHOOL of TYPEWRITING 510 Chamber of Commerce Wanted—Students; Gregg or Pitman shorthand; practical bookecplng or ar chitectural drawing; summer term, *5 a month. Register at_onoe : _"_' _ T~M~crATAUTOMOBI__ SCHOOL-PRAC tlcai shop Instruction day and evening. New ! classes this week. Visitors welcome. B-13-" THE ROW_T_T~iCHOO_ COACHES IN grade and high school Btudies. >«»\ l™ »<-hool during summer. PHYSICIANS rTrT^mrKOlT " TTr^^? ICKOK:' DB- BPKCIAI.IBT FOR WOMEN. Treats all diseases of women under a POS ITIVE GUARANTEE. Ladles who have for merly paid for each treatment, whether ticn elited or not, will appreciate the <««?«"«■ Pay only for satisfactory results. Charges IiICKOK glveß modern antiseptic treatment and patients are In no danger of blood poison or Infection. Everything is sterilized before use. „_ DR. HICKOK provides a private home, with ' nursing, for women in confinement. Expert care and home comforts at reason able rates Confinements by modern meth ods are safe and free from pain. Adoptions lf DRSIr HICKOK gives personal attention to every case. Consultation is free and confi dential in all troubles. Any woman not sat isfied with her condition is invited to call for free consultation and free examination. DR HICKOK carefully examines every case and gives an honest °Pl"'°" £& able advice free. X-RAY EXAMINATION 1 made when necessary. If a case is accept ed for treatment a cure Is guaranteed. Med iate charges for satisfactory results Terms can always be arranged. Hours 10 to 4. Sundays 10 to 1. Phone F8236 for appoint £ R nt HICKOK. STW. 6th St.. Suite ~~ i DR. CROCKS*. Specialist for Womea. Hamburger ■ Majestlo Theater Bulldlß* Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREE. „„.„„ —~r' WOMAN'S HOSPITAX ~ o^ o rb, Busriou a tn,? ass bn. TAYLOR, SI7V4 S. MAIN ST. DlS ea«pB ft women. _L—_ ■ SANITARIUMS IHE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL I Exclusively for women and children. Best I equipped and homelike hospital In the I city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. - IMS South Flower. F41»4. I-ll^tt LEGAL NOTICES '. NO-I-ic^ OF APPLICATION tor JDISSO- I LUXION OF COIU-ORATION In the Superior Court of the State of Oall i fornia. In and for the County of Los Ante r "in the matter of the application for dis solution of the Henry & Brown Motor Com pany, a corporation. , Notice is hereby given that application ! has been presented to tho Superior Court of 1 the State of California. in and for the " County of Los Angeles, for the dissolution '' of the Henry & Brown Motor Company, a •' corporation; that an order of the court has been duly given and made appointing Mon day the 23d day of May. 1910. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon as counsel can be heard, at the court room. Department Eight of the court, when and where the application will be heard and determined, without further notice, if no objections snail then have been filed, or upon live days' fur ther notice to any persons who shall have filed objections; and directing that notice be given thereof not less than thirty days by publication In the Los Angeles Herald a newspaper published In the city of Los Angeles? County of Los Angeles. State of CaAn or persr,n 3 will accordingly take notice and may file objections to said application. ?f an™ they have, on or before 10 o'clock a. m on Monday, the 23d day of May. 1910. Dated APr" aG 19K_YES. County Clerk. By D. S. Burson. Jr.. Deputy Cleric^ Notice to Stockholders of the Ontario and Kan Antonio Heights' Uallroad Company. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of resolution and order of the < board of directors of the Ontario and San Antonio Heights Rail road Company, a corporation organized and ex isting under the laws of the state of Califor nia, unanimously adopted at a regular meeting of said board, duly held on the 21th day of March, 1910. at the office of said corporation, In the city of Los Angeles, in said state of Cali fornia, a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation is hereby called for and will be held at the office of said corporation, at room 624 Pacific Electric building, In said city of Los Angeles csaid place of meeting being at the principal place of business of said corpor ation and at the building where the board pi ! directors usually meet), on Thursday, the 26th 1 day of May, 1910, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon lof that day for the purpose of considering and 1 acting upon the proposition to Increase the cap ital stock of said corporation from one hundred and fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars, divided Into 6000 shares of the par value of thirty (S3O 00) dollars each, to one million dollars 000,000). divided Into 10,000 shares of the par 1 value of $100.00 each. Tho amount to which It la proposed to in | crease tho capital stock Is one million dollars. By order of the board of directors. Dated March 24th, 1910. cHAs Secretary of Ontario and San Antonio lights. R" **" C°' a . a6 -4.1_8-IS-22-2!>-E-«-13-20 RAILWAY TIME TABLE SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. "Leave First Street Station [ Arrive i 8-35 ami San Bernardino. 8:35 an. 1100 am Col ton. 10:41 am «WBm RlversWß, 12:15 pm i 1 1:25 pro 6:24 pm Ontario and 4:36 pm 4:15 pm Pomona 7:10 pm , 8:00 pm ' — : —" • 8:15 am ' 8:50 am Long Beach and 11:10 am I 140 pS s San Pedro 7:00 pm .4:40 pm _ 3:65 P"1 I *BT6o~ain Santa :.illna Island | 7:00 pm i «:80"_mi* Pasadena * 11:35 am , ———" San Bernardino, Searchlight, Las Vegas, «00 pro :Jeatty, Rhyollte. Gold- 12:16 pm ; * v Held and Tonopah I "•Daily except Sunday., a Sunday only. SUMMER SESSION University of Southern California, summer fission, 1510. Students, and particularly teachers, aro hereby notified of the oppor tunities offered at the College of Liberal Arts, U. 8. C, Wesley avenue, during the six weeks beginning June 27. Classes will be conducted by the regular (acuity In biology, chemistry, drawing, education, English, French, Gorman, history, Italian, Latin, mathematics, physics and Spanish. CreC.s given have full university value. For further information apply to the registrar of the university, 3,,00 Wesley avenue. wed-sat-sun-18t German, English Shorthand by experienced teacher. Terms moaerat* Hit W. ii*i *i- ?iiuu» ouutii »•**. Business College, Northeast corner Eighth ■nd Hill streets. F6700; Main 511. BKNI> FOB riLI, INFORMATION. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL CAT alogue describing bookkeeping and shorthand courses? Y. M. C. A. 5-12-tf I BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL, CO_ lege, 953-7 W. 7TH. Send for catalogue. . . . , 10-21-tl LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 417 W. Fifth St. B. R. SHRADER. Ph. D.. president since 1890. 10-81-U BEWINQ MACHINES WHITE SEWING -ACHINH) CO.. now prmanently located at 714 B. Broadway, - RAILWAY TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central aye. Leave | I Arrive s'ioo am San Francisco via Coast Line, 8:45 am 9:30 am 8-15 am San Luis Obtspo, Paso Robles. 2:30 pro 2:30 pm Del Monte, Monterey, Santa 9:30 pm 6:15 pm Cruz, San Jose and east 11:45 pm 8:00 pm , ' , San Francisco and Mojave 6:30 pm Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:05 am 9:2o_pm Bakersfleld and Fresno 8:15 am ~7:3(Tam Fresno 7:05 am 6:00. Bakers Held 8:00 am 8:30 pm and Mojave 8:20 pm Chicago. Kan. City, ot. Louis 9:45 pm Golden State Limited 6:55 pm 3:00 pm The Callforr.lan, via 7:14 pm I Yuma. Benson, El Paso Overland New Orleans via 12:01 pm Yuma, Benson, Marlcopa, Tuc- 1:30 pm son, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston ■■ 12:01 pm Yuma, Tucson, Benson 6:30 am 8:00 pm Lordsburs, Doming, 7:16 am 8:15 pm El Paso 1:30 pro 6:55 am 8:30 am 8:00 am 11:50 am 8:16 am Banta Barbara 2:30 pm 1:45 pm and 7:36 pm 2:35 pm Ventura • 9:30 pm 7:30 pm (*Not Ventura) 11:45 pm 8:15 am Oznard, Santa Susana, • 8:30 am 2:35 prn Moorpark, • 11:50 am 7:30 pm ' Somis, 2:30 pra Camarillo • 7:35 pm I (»Oxnard only) 11:45 pm Santa Paula via Saugus, I 6:45 am Camulos, Piru, Fillmore, 11:50 aai 1:45 pm Satlcoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:35 pm terla, Summerland 8:15 ami Nordhoft I 2:3» pm 2:36 pm| 7:35 pm "7:45 am • 6:30 am 8:55 am Pomona • 7:15 am 12:01 pm Colton 7:16 am 3:00 pm Riverside, Redlands and 9:35 am 4-0« pm San Bernardino 11:36 am C.4C pm ('Not Riverside, Rod land* 1:30 pm 8:1G pm * or San Bernardino) 5:25 pm 7:10 pm 8:55 am Covlna 11:35 am 6:45 pm I 7:10 pm "7:45 ami Chlno 9:35 am 4:00 pm 6:26 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey 8:56 am and Norwalk 8:30 am 11:15 am 2:15 pm 1:00 pm a* Buena Park, "West a* 3:00 pm 6:10 pm Anaheim, West Orange 4:50 pm ('Downey only) 8:55 am] Newport Beach ~ 4:50 pm "8:55 am|a Los Alamltos a 4:60 pm 9:46 ami Brawley, Imperial, I 6:30 am 8.15 pm| El Centre Calexlco | 6:66 pm ViSiTaml San Pedro-Compton • 11:45 am 30 pml* t'Vla Long Beach) 6:35 pm 9:05 am • Long Beach-Compton 111:45 am 8:30 pm| (*Vla San Pedro) 6:35 pm 9:06 am Santa Catallna Island | 6:35 pm 6:45 am I 7:06 am 7:50 am Fernando * 8:40 an 1:45 pm 11:60 am 6:00 pm ("Motor) . ''. .v. 7:36 pm 9:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 am a Chatsworth Park. (See a 3:45 pm note). (Note— and from River station only.) All trains dally except those marked as fol lows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" Sundays only. I SANTA FE " ,•-••-■■'' Leave ___________________ | Arrive Eastern—California Limited, ~ ' M:00 am dally, Chicago via Denver 6:00 pea and Kansas City Overland Express—Dally"™ "" 8:00 pm Chicago via Denver and 8:80 an Kansas City " Eastern Express—Dally """""""""" 1:30 am Chicago via Denver and T:08 am Kansas City ~~~~~ Tourist Flyer—Dally ~ ~~~— ■ • :00 am Chicago via Denver and 6:85 am Kansas City ~~~~""~ Kite Shaped—Going via ——— —» 8:S0 am Pasadena. Return via «:30 pa Banta Ana canyon "7:35 am ! 110:00 am 8:30 am Redlandi via Pasadena 1:00 pm 1:40 i>m 6:40 pm 4:30 pm 7:40 pm 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 10:35 am 10:65 am 6:30 pm 1:00 pm 7:35 am Riverside via Pasadena 6:40 pra "7:30 ami T~7:06 pm 10:65 am Riverside via Orange 10:35 am 5:05 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 am 7:06 am 10:65 am Corona via Orange 10:35 am 6:05 pm 6:30 Pro 7:30 ami 7:05 am 10:55 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:35 am 6:05 pm 6:30 pm "7:35 ami " ~ 8:30 am 8:30 am 10:uO am 10:00 am Ban Bernardlne via Paaa- 4:00 pm 2:00 pm dena 6:40 pm 4:30 pm , , .»--' 6:00 *ra 6:45 pm '8 J' ' : ... ... 8:00 pm t V" ' •) 7:40 m 8:65 am 'Si !'l!!l 6:55 am 2:10 pm Banta Ana M ' 8:25 am 6:06 pm 1:00 pra 11:55 i>m 6:18 pm "7T30 am 6:58 am 8:65 am 7:06 am 10:66 am rullerton. Anaheim, 8:26 am 2:15 pm Orange 10:35 ant 8:06 pm 1:00 pm 11:66 pm . __L? I"" 7*35 am San Jaclnto, Elslnore. He- Wss am 10:65 am met and Murletta 6:30 pm 10725 am Iledondo T 4:20 pro Til 6 pml Kscondldo 1:00 pm 8115 am Fallbrook 6:15 pra 8:66 am Ban Diego and 6:65 »m 1:16 pm • Coronado Reach 1:00 pm 11:55 pm Surf Line 6:15 pm 7:30 »m Ran<l»burg 7:0» am 1:00 pml Searchlight and Chloride 7:05 am 1:00 pm Beatty, Rhyollte, Ooldneld j 8:80 an . and Touqßaa 1 15