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MARKET 'SOLDOUT;' NO STOCK SALES Unusual Stagnation of Trading Said Due to Concealed Railroad Assets CONFIDENCE IN BONDS FELT $10,000,000 of Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Debentures Placed NEW YORK, May 19.—The prnfoH- Blonal olonifnt In the stock market de fined It as "sold out" today, moaning that practically no stocks wore offered for sale. Tho buying was meager to tho point of stagnation, but bids had to bo advanced ntvertheleii to secure stock. DealinKs fell to a lower level even than yesterday. Reading was. most conspicuous; ami tho operations In that stock were us crlbed to a spuculative party lately ue tlve, in Wabashos and Rock Inland. Claims were circulated of large con cealed assets in the Heading treasury in the form of equities in securities held which are said to be undervalued In the company's balance sheet. The Canadian Pacific! rise was accompanied try rumors of intended increases in dis bursements of stockholders. Some of the general developments were in favor of the advance. More confidence was felt In the success of the sale of bonds abroad. Positive announcement of the placing of $10, --000,000 of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louts debentures in France conduced to this feeling. At the same time the rate for call loans ran off to below three per cent, although the almost total lack of de mand for stocks left this showing with out much significance. The banks are gaining cash both from the subtreas ury and on the Interior movement. The retention of the Bank of England's of ficial discount rate was In accordance) with expectations. The feature of the weekly return again was the growth of $22,835,000 In government deposits through the In flow of tax payments and the drawing down of "other deposits" to the amount of $18,680,000 to meet these payments, Tho fact that gold continues to go out from London to various destinations makes It likely that the Bank of Eng land will maintain its control of the money market rather strictly. The postponement of the Chesapeake & Ohio dividend meeting and a re bound In foreign exchange rates were instrumental in the rather heavy clos ing tone of the market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,152,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. it _ NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll «on 213 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem "er New York stock exchange. Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK. May IS.— Following were the S'mocir" High. Low. Ma£ Allls Chalmers Mi « ' •■i:7ioAnml Pf Coper"::::n 70 TO* Wi Am Beet Sugar.. .. ■• ««» ■■■ "•ion do pfd 82 « ■■-]■> '•',',, 200 Am Can Co BJ4 »J4 g^ 100 do nfd T3% "'*« " 74 400 Am C * Fdry Co. 61^ UU jJJM «* rto nfd ■■ ■■ 11S n" ""WO Am Cotton 0i1... OH 63 «X $% do pfd »• »J Amer V.x ■• •• '" -' 500 Am Ice Sec 21% 2414 2414 ■ M Am Linseed . ■.. •• "V* }* ••■«oAnf LocomoVtv;:::«* « « «* ,j o nfd .. .. 106 110 "a'ooo Am P & R C 0.... 80% 791*4 79% 7974 '200 do pfd 104% 104% 10414 « Am Sugar J-J, }-» ,jo pfd '-1 '-' " 800 Am Bteel Fdrs.... 69 55 65% M iooAm T & T C 0....136% 13694 136% 136% 100 Am Tob pfd 95}4 IJH 95% » 100 Am Woolen 35Vi HW 34% 3514 . ... do pfd !"'** IMVa 400 Anaconda 44 43% 44 MM > 400 Atl Coast Lin0...12414 123% 123>,4 124 1700 A T & S P 109% 109% 109% l"0% ... do pfd ■• Will MM* ■'27008 * 0 11214 I"* 1117 112% ' . do Pfd ;" 90 91 j'jOOB n T 81* 81 81 81% 2 600 Can Pacific 195% 19414 19514 19H4 S4OOC & 0 ..87%. 8614 m 87 . ... c& A •• <si 4614 100 C ft a w (new).. 2» M , ITM 2'i% 200 c & Q W pfd A.. 52 51 60H 51 SMC & N W 163 IBIV4 151 162V4 ♦.too c m * St p 139% 135% 139% MVi 100 do pfd 158V4 15614 155% 156% 100 Central Lieather.. 41V4 41Vi 41's <'% ... -do Pfd 107 10S i Cent of N .T 270 EM 100 CCC &St L,.... 85 85 M M .. do ptd •• 100 ■ 104 100 Col F & Iron 38 38 37»4 38 do pf.l .. •• 114% 120 Col Hock 0 & I ''■'<* .8% 400 Col Southern 60 59V4 59% «60H do Ist ptd 7. r,Vi 77 do 2d pfd .. "5 77 lOOOConsol Gas 138% 137 137% 138 ... Corn Products 1614 I"7/* ....... do pfd •• 76H 78 200 Del & Hudson. 173 172 173 ... D 1.. * w 575 600 200 D & II 0 4Ui 41>4 40% - 4U4 100 do pfd 80 80 79V4 80 Distilling Pec MM 3114 400 Dul S B & A 15 It . 15 UM . 100 'do pfd 30 SO 29V4 30 800 Erie 28H It* 28"4 =s% do Ist pfd .. .. 4614 47 .....,.- do M pfd .. :if|Vi 36 300 Gen Klectrlo 150% 150V4 150 15014 100 C,t Northern Ore.. 63 63 62'^ 6314 2,500 Gt Northern pfd..l3S 135% 13514 135% 100 Illinois Centra 1....13514 135H 13414 136 600 Interboro-Mct .... 20% 20% . 20% 20% 400 do pfd £..) 43% 64% 65 ..;..., nter'l Paper > ' .. 11 11% 100 do pfd ' 50 60 ' 4914 6014 100 Intern'l Pump ... 481,4, 48% 4S'4 4814 100 do pfd Bf,Vi 85V4 BSVi 85% ....... lowa Central ...... .. 20V4 -I' 400 do pfd 4014 : 39?; 3014 4014 X C Southern.... .. ... 34. 3414 , do pfd ' -- 67 69 L X & W .. .. 16V4 20 do pfd ; .. ■.. 48 53 - 300 1- & N 147 IMM 141! 14614 MHfkay 8714 BS% ....... do pr.l .. 75V4 ' 71! Manhattan 133 136 400 Mcx Central 29% 29% 2914 2914 ....... Minn & St L ..33 35 do Ist pfd.... lit 681,4 „■ 200 MStP &8 8 M.141 UOH 140 111 ' 200 M Kft T 43 . 41T<, .43; 42% --....... do' pfd .69 71 400 Mo Pacific 7014 70 7014 70% "400 National Lead 78% 78% 7514 78»» do I'M 107V4 in."., National Biscuit 105 io«i,j ....... do I'M 123 124 ■200 Nevada.Cons.. ... 21% 21' i2l 21% ...... N V Air Brake.... .. .73-. 75 2,000 NY Central. 121% 12fllt 120% 120»4 100 NYc &st L.;.. 60 '00 7■ (0 tl : .;... do Ist pfd 100 110 ' - ;. . -j . -"■■ ■■■.. FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL do M pfd 87 05 N V N II & H... .. ..'•■ .. IW>% 4,800 .v v Ont * w.... ■ir,'^, 45 • 45% 46ft 1,800 Norfolk & W 103,4 102% 10314 103% do I'M 90 93 No American 73% 73% 5.200 No Pacific 133 131% 1111 -, 133 Omaha ME 166 do pM 160 175 .; Pacific Const no 112 Pacific Mall .... .. .. 26% -7 6,000 Perm R H C0....1it 134% 134% 134% People'! (Ins 107% 107% ■ 100 I'ittsbuiK Coal ... 19% 1914 111 2"! ....-.., do pfd 68 75 100 CC * fit L....101 101 101 101% do pfd 110 115 100 Pressed Steel Car 8014 33% 3!) 40 .... do pfil 99 100 100 By Stool 8 C 0.... in 40 3!1% 40% 200 do pfd 102% 102% MM ■"'•" 70.400 Reading 164% 169 103% IMW ion do Ist pfd 90% 00% so oi% 800 do 2d Pfd 103 102% 101% 102% 100 Hep a A 1 34% 34% 33% 34% 100 do pfd 98 117% 97% 98% 8.400 Rock Island C 0.... 44% 41 44% 44% ; do pfd 89 90 100 Slow S B & I Co. 75 M 74' -75% St l a a F Ist p 66 70 800 do M pfd 49 45% 48 45% 200 -1 I. A.- 8 W 31% 31% 31 31% do pfd 73% 74 7,200 Bo Pacific j 126% 128 120% 126% 100 Southern Ity 28% 20% MM 28% iii. |.iii .. 533 i 55% 200 Term Copper 2SU. 27% 27 27% Texas Pacific 32% 38% 100 Third Aye 714 7'; '■'■■ 7", To! St L & W 37% 38% 200 do pfd 63% 63% M 64 . ... Twin City II T 11% 113 Union R ar.d P '« 9 do pfd 67 60 6.500 Union Pacific '-::'■, 182% 152% 183 100 do pfd 94% MM 94 96 10O»Unlted Hd.i of S F 33 74 33% 31 35 do pfd 63 «5 IT S C 1 I'lpri 20 22% 200 do pfd J4 7214 72H 7414 I- S Rubber 43 45 i do Ist pfd 112% 113 400 do 2d 11M 79 7.1% 7B 79% 80,100 r s Stool Cor... 73',i 72% 73% 73% 1,300 do pfd 118 117% 117% 117% 1,000 ''tali Copper .. 45% 4G',4 4<l'4 4«% 4,800 Va-Car Chcm Co. 60% 60 60% 61 do pfd ' 120 125 700Waba»h 21 "Hi ' 21 21% 1,900 do pfd 47 46% «14 46% Wells Fargo Ex ISO 17.-1 Western Union "8 68% 100 Westlnghous'e .... 64% «4U 63 I) I' 4 W& L B 4% I do Ist pfd 10 12 .... do 2d pfd 5 I 200 Wla Central 53% 5tM 63% 67 Am Hide & Lea 6 *"-• : do pfd 32% 33% 200 Am Agr & Chem. 46% 46-4 <«% 47 . . do pfd . •• IJJ 1«3 , Beth Steel 27>i 2911 do pM •• r'7 ......* Nat Enamel & B. .. .. • 1"% M .. do pfd 85 95 Pan Tel * Tel S3 3,i do pfd > !"> l°n 800 Int'l Harvester .. 97 96% Ofiv, 96% do pfd •• ÜBJI 121 rT U B Realty "3 74 6,800 W Maryland 48% 47 47% 41 Total shares sold, 222,000. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald hy ,T. C. Wil son. 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem bar New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and. bond exchange of San Franclsoo. NEW YORK, May Following wfro the closing quotations: Bid. Asked. Atchlson gen 4s 9S", 98% Atchlson cony 4s 109 110 I: & 11 Ist 4s 98 MM I It T 4s M* g Colorado Industrial Is 78 80 1- 8 Realty 5s »» 90 Rock Island Col 49 '7% 7,% Southern Pacific ri>f 4n....' 94 94% Southern Pacific Col 4s 90 91 Southern Pacific cony 43 l"fl% 101 Union Pacific Ist 4s 101 1«1% TTnion PaciHc cony 4s 100 106% v a Steel 5s 104 104% United Hallway ts 70 Wabash Deb 4s 70% 71 Western Pacific 6s 94 94% T> & O ret 6s ... 92 92% Japanese 419 91 92 Japanese Ist 4%s 94% 95V4 Japanese 2d 4%s 94% 95 V B 2.1 rend 100%, 101% US 2s coupon ioo% • .. r s 8s reg<l 112 103 r B coupon 1"2 106 XT B 4s re(d 114% 115 IT S 43 coupon 114% 11S>4 Panama 2b 100% 101 Panama 1938s 100% 101 TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, May 19.—The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business to day was as follows: Trust funds—Gold coin, $504,231,869; silver dollars, $489,743,000; silver dollars of 1890, 88, --720,000; silver certificates outstanding, $189, --745.000. Genera] fund -Standard silver dollars in pen eral fund. 81.189,911: ourrent liabilities, $94, --8OT,888; worklnK bajanae i n treaaujy office, J15.333.642: In hanks to credit of treasurer of the United States, 146,601,081: subsidiary silver coin. U1,4M,368; minor coin, J1.372,622; total balance In general fund, 881,04,101. FINANCIAL RECORD NRW YORK, May 19.—Money on call eas ier, 2''f.l*i per cent; ruling rate, 314 Per cent; closing bid, "'i: offered ut 3 per cent. Time loans easy and dull; sixty days, 3% per cent: ninety days, 3%@4 per nt; Blx months, 4(ff per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper, 4%i?514 per cent. Sterling exchnngo firm with actual business in bankers' bills at M.R4i.f 1.54.25 for sixty-day bills an.l at $1.87.25 for demand. Commercial bills, »4.8514@4.53?',; bar silver, 63' ac; Mexican dollars, Me, BANK CLEARINGS SAN FRANCISCO, May 19.—With an In orease of 25.2 per cent over the clearings of the banks of the nine clearing-house cities of California for the fiame week last year, the state established a record for prosperity at (lie. close of the week ended at noon today. The total celarings of all banks of tho clearing house cities was $72,114,343, as against a total of $56,218,935 last year. The clearings for the past week follow: San Francisco ..$15,279,831 Increase 21.3 Los Angeles 17,873,960 Increase 98.4 Oakland ; 3,282,539 Increase 70.S San Diego 1,532,2:4 increase 48.5 Sacramento 1,423,384 Increase 76.0 Fresno • 643,040 Increase 30.3 Stockton 611,911 Increase 58.2 San Jose- 2403,008 decrease 9.0 Paaadena 1,602,441 « ■ ♦ FRUIT MARKET SAN FUANCISCO, May tt.— Fruits-Fancy apples, J1.00iyi.25: common, 50oQ$1.00i Hcrrles —Strawborrlea, |2.G0@5.0u; raspberries, $1,001.50. Oranttes—Navels, $1.50@3.25; Mexican limes, }6.00<iJ7.00. Lemons—Common California. $1.25(34.00. Tropical fruits —Bananap, 75e®|It.oy; pineap ples, »2.00ia>3.00. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NSW YORK, M:iy l'J.—Evnporatt-d applej quiet on spot, but prices are steady, while for future delivery th" market is easy, On the ■pol fancy, Me; oh koi prime, 7®7i40; common i" fair, 14 Prunes are firm on the spot with a fairly active Jobbing demand, quotations range from 2%@8%0 for Callfornlaa up to 30-409, to 4'h'm tor Orcgons. Apricots are *flrm with light, stocks; choice, 1014 c;;: extra choice, 10-?i@ll%e; fancy, 1114© lL"_r ■ Peaches are firm, both for spot and for future delivery and prices are firm. Choice, 6«6%c; extra choice, 6V4®7ej fancy, 6%@7%c. Raisins an dull, but offerings am small and prices are steady; looso muscaltcls are quoted at 3%55%c; chnlce to fancy seeded, 4%#«?io: seedless, 314^ Hie; 1 London layers, 11.2001.23. ■ > You can buy It. perhaps ut many places, but there's one BKHT i>l»c« to buy it-and that place advertises. LOS ANGLES HEUALD: FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1010. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, May 19.—Bank clearings wore »2,746,223.20. an Increase of $837,925.19, as compared with the amount for the corre •ponding date of last year. Following Is a comparative statement: 1910. 1909. 1908. May 16 $3,122,1U.37 $2,385,940.03 $1,737,374.05 May 17 2,987,379.82 2,05(1.873.83 1,620,713.01 May II 3,334,251.38 a,M1.882.71 1,911,843.31 May 19 ..; 2,746,223.20 1.008,288.01 1,947,465.a LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE The market was a lively one, trading being brisk on the morning call and continued with out a halt or- break all through the day. In the bond Hat Home bonds, both first and refunding*, were in demand and gold at 74%. In tha bonk stocks the Inquiry was for Cen tra] National, Equitable Havings and First National and Germun American Savings, tun German American changing hands at 340. In the public utility til Home Telephone preferred moved up to 37%. In tho oil list the trading wfis brisk. As soclatad opened strong, closing nearly 2 points better than the opening, selling as high as 63%. California Midway was again on the down turn nnrl there wr« ft hci4vy sellinG? movement, closing Cl% bid at 61%. The sensational trader was Palmer Oil. There was a rumor early In the morning that there was something doing In this stock and Just before the call opened It was well known that well No. 2 had come In as a big gusher, flowing at the rate of WOO barrels a day. This caused the stock to move up rapidly to 60 and close at 47% at 55 In the afternoon, nearly all the tales being made on the morn- Ing call. It is freely predicted that with this second well Palmer will go •on a 2 per cent basis and the stock will immediately move up to 52. American Petroleum was active and strong at ■ 67. Cleveland was firm at 42%. Union sold at 107% and continued strong at that price. Oleum was very active, Belling at I on buyer 30 contracts and 7% regular dur ing the day. In the mining list California Hills was not quite so active as It has been and showed a ill -.'line of 9%. The trading- was very brisk and brokers were all busy, the exchange _rooms being crowded. -.*-"' ', MORNING S.VT.r.S Ten German American Saving*, 340; 10 Home Telephone, preferred, E7.37V4; 20 Associated Oil Co., 52.8714; 10 game, 53.00; 100 same, 62.76; 8000 California Midway, 62; 100 same. B '"■ CIU; 2000 same, 51%; 1000 same, 52%; 1000 same, BSVIi 60 American ret. Co., f.7.00; 30 name, 67.60; 300 Coallnga Cen., 65%; 1000 Palm er Oil Co., 1.41; 200 same, 1.40; 1000 same, 1.4014; 1000 same. 1.80; 1000 same, 1.58; 100 same, 1.60; 1000 came, 1.56; 4000 Oleum Dev. Co.. 7%: 1000 same. B-30. 77«; 5000 same, 7%; 22,0*. 13-30, 6; 1000 game, B-30, 8%; 1000 same, 8. AFTERNOON SALES One Home Tel. Ist ref. bonds, 74%; 30 Home To!., pfd., 37.50; 110 Associated Oil, 63.00; 10 same, 63.1214; 20 same, B-30, 64.00; 20 same, 63.37%; 30 same, 63.75; 10 tame, B-30, 54.50; 20 same, 63.63%; 6 Am. Pet. Co., com., 67.00; 6000 Cal. Midway, H-30, 62%; 1000 same, S-30, 61V4;; 0000 same, X; 1000 same, 61%; 2000 same, 61%; 1000 Cleveland Oil, 42%; 1000 Jade OH Co., 33%; 13 Union, 107.60; 4000 Oleum Dev. Co., V,i; 2000 same. 8; 3000 same, U-30, 8; oft board, 6 Union, 107.50. BONDS ,:•• Bid. Ask. American Petroleum Co 84 86 Associated Oil C 0..... 07% ■ Corona City Water Co 82 Corona Power and W Co 89 - «« ' Cucamonga Water Co 9814 .. Kdlson Eleo Co Ist r >M Edison Eloo Co old Issue 103 108 Home Telephone Co 84 SB Home Tei Co, Ist rfg 7414 7514 L A Pao Ist con mtg« 104V4 L A Poo ny Ist rfdg 100 •• L A Railway Co H« L A Traction Co Us 103 110 I/A Traction Co 6s 101 106 Mexican Nnfl Gas Co 100 Mission Trans and R Co 96 Pao Klec Railway Co 101 105% Pao Light and Power Co 97% 98% Pasadena Home T and T Co 80 Pomona Con Water Co 94 "•;'•••' Riverside II T and T Co :'■ 76 Banta Monica II T and T C 0... *...;;'. 80 San Diego Home Tel Co 76 Kan Diego H T and T Ist mtgs .. 80 Temesoal Waier Co 99 Union Transportation Co 90 93 U I Long Dlst T and T Co 63 t", ..' Vlsalia Water Co 99 Whlttier Home T and T C 0.... ..;.-,. 10 BANK STOCKS Bid. Ask. All Night and Day Bank 125.00 Ameilran Savings Bank 140.00 195.00 Bank of Southern California 112.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 150.00 175.00 California Savings Bank 118.00 125.00 Central National Bank 176.00 180.00 Citizens National 280.00 236.00 Commercial National 147.00 ..... Equitable Savings Banl. 180.00 810.00 Farmers and Merchants Nat'l.. .270.00 Federal Band of L A 12.00 First National 510.00 German American Savings 335.00 340.00 Globe Savings Bank 120.00 140.00 Home Savings Bank of L A....116.00 118.00 Merchants National 600.00 Merchants Bank and Trust Co.. 135.00 160.00 National Bank of California....l9o.oo National Hank of Commerce....loo.oo Security Savings Bank 320.00 400.00 The Southern Trust Co ' 75.00 80.00 (50 per cent paid up) INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Ask. Col Portland Cement Co 110.00 175.00 Edison Bice, pfd 79.00 82.50 Edison Electrlo com 64.00 65.00 Hawaiian Com and Bug 40.00 45.00 Home Telephone pfd 37.3794 •••; Home Telephone com 5.87' i 6.2.-. Hutchinson 6 P Co 17.00 IS.OO L A Athletic Club 6.60 10.00 L A Brewing Co 90.00 L .: Investment Co 3.00 3.20 Mexican Nafi Gas pfd 60.00 70.01) Mexican Nat'l Gas com-non 30.00 Paailhau SV:o 29.00 23.50 Pao Mut Life iJS Co 250.00 I I • Con Stone Co of Cal 4.25 4.40 Pasadena Home T and T C 0... 19.00 Riverside Home T and T Co 25.00 San Diego Home T and T Co 22.00 Santa Monica B H T pfd , 18.00 Sun Drug Co 100 Seaside Water Co 100.00 Title Q and Tr Co pfd 250.00 IT S L D T and T Co pfd 88.00 35.00 Union Security Corp pf't 100.00 TJnli ■■ Trust Co ..'. 30.00 Whlttier Home T and T Co 90.00 OIL STOCKS PRODUCERS- Bid. Ask. American Pet Co pfd 97.00 American crude Oil Co 1.08 American Pet Co com 67.50 .... Associated Oil 63.62% 53. California Midway Oil Co 51% .61% Central -•"" 204 v Cleveland OH Co '- .42% Coallnga Central OH Co .64 Columbia ]->2"' 1-25* Bnoi OH Co i 1-BJV4 .... Globs , 09V, .1714 lade Oil Co ■>- .35 Mexican Pet Ltd pfd.. 67.75 .... Mexican Pet Letd com 25.00 88.00 New Pennsylvania Pet Co .92 — Ollnda land Co (oil) 58 Palmer Oil Co 1-60 .... Perseus Oil Co -35 Final Oil Co •• "00 Plru Oil und I' Co .18 .... Reed Crude •*> ;•« Rice Ranch Oil Co r 1.10 Bcction Six Oil Co .....' 60 , Trader's Oil Co '. 108.00 Union 1 107.37' i 107.62}* Union Provident Co 105.00 105.75 United Petroleum '• 108.00 West Coast Oil com 9.00 .... Western Union 60.00 95.00 NON-PRODUCERS— McKlttrlck Inv Oil Co .06 Nevada-Midway Oil Co -"I Oleum Development Co 0794 .08 DAILY MINING CALL OFFICIAL'SALES Morning—looo California Hills, .0914. MHTKIJ STOCKS CALIFORNIA— Did. Ask. Cal Hills M Co .0914 .... Consolidated Mines Co 4.00 M .... NEVADA— - ■•'"'<-•;' Johnnie Mng and Mill Co .17% Searchlight Parallel 0114 - .0194 It's as easy to secure a bargain In a used automobUe, through want advertising, as It used to be — and still la—to seouro a horse ar.d carriage. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special service to The Herald by J. c. Wil son, 213 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber Now York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. .SAM FRANCISCO, May 19.— Following were tho closing quotation!: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co is 98% 89 Bay Counties Power Co Bs 102 Cal Central Oas and Blsa 6s I'm Cal Ou and Blue «an M&CT 5s 101 California St Cable Co 6a 101% California Wine Assn '■>« 88 69 city Electric Co 6s ! 90% ' 914 Contra Costa Water Co 5s 1"2 do gen mtg 5s 94 Edison Elbe Co of I. A 6s 100 Kdlnon Light and Powvr 68 HO First Federal Trust Co 6s 101% Ferries and Cllfl House Ry 6a 100 102 Hawaiian Com'l and h 5s 104 104% Honolulu 11 T and 1, Co 8s 103% Lako Tahoe Ry and T Co 6s 97% I.os Angeles Bleo Co 6s loili boi Angeles Gas and Elec Co 55.. 97% 101% Los Angeles Railway Bs 105 I Los Angeles Lighting Gd 5s 100 ! L a Pao R it Ist con mti Es 102% ! L A Pac R it of Cal Bs 100% Marln Water and Power Co 6s 1011; Market Street Cable fin 103 103% do Ry Ist cons mtg 6s 99% 100% Northern liy Co (of Cal) Ba 112% Northern Cal Power Co 5s 100 Oakland Gun Light and II Os 100% Oakland Transit Co 6a 108% Oakland Transit 6s 105 105% Oakland Traction Con 6s 95 90% Oakland Traction Co Be 92 Oakland Water Co gtd os 08 Omnibus Cable Hallway 6s 107% Pacific Gas Imp 4s 86 Pacific Electric Ry Cola 105% I'aclnc Light and Power Co .is 99 Pacific Light and Power (gtd) 55..101 Pacific Tel and Tel Co Ba 99 90% Park and ClifT House Ry Cs 100 102 Park and Ocean R it 6s 100 People's Water Co 5s 68% 6914 Powell Street Railway da 102 Sec 1 to Else Gas and By Ba 100% B [•' Oak and San Joso Ry 6s 104 do M mis 5s 95% S X Oak and B .1 Con Ky 5s 95% S .1 and s Clara Co R fl 4%s 90 ■Pit Rof Cal 6a (1913) W3V4 M 4 s P R n of Cal Ist c mil Ba 112% B P Branch By of Cal 6s 124% S P R R Co Ist rfd 4s 95% ••• Stockton Gas and El Corp 63 106% 8 V Water Co gen mtg 4s 92% United Gas and Elec Co 6s 99% United It R of B F 4h 70 Valley Counties Power Co 6s 99% 100% WATER STOCKS— Marln County 60 Spring Valley Water Co 47% 43% GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co 64% .... N Cnl Power Co con 64% 65 Pacific Light Corp (com) 70 Oro Water '3% 65 INSURANCE STOCKS— California Ins Co m Fireman's Fund 260 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— Presidio 26 32 POWDER STOCKS— Giant Consolidated Co 78% SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Com'l and Sugar C 0.... 41% 42% Honokaa Sugar Co 19% Hutchinson Sugar Plantation 18% Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co 11 13 Makawell Sugar C 0...,; 68% 60 Onomea Sugar Co 6214 Paauhau S P Co« , 28 28% Union fluarar Co 76 ... OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated Oil Co 50 Associated Oil Co 54 64% Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 25 8% Palmer OH »° 155 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers' Association 91 81% Cal Fruit Canners" Assn 100% ... Cal Wine Association 29% Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 6 Pacific Coast Borax Co 114 Pac Tel and Tel (pfd.) 94 do common 3314 Morning sales—3ooo Hawaiian 69, 104; 4000 Pprins V Water 4s. 92%: 1000 Amer River ss, 93; 500 People's Water ss, 69%; 1000 So Pac 4s, fit!; 5 Apsd Oil, 62%:; 375 Assd oil. 63;: 60 same, 52%; 45 same, 52T4; 20 City Elec, 65; 100 Kllauea Sugar, 12: 50 Makawell, 58%: 165 Maknwell, 58%: 10 Pac Tel pfd. 9314: 3600 Palmer Oil, 127%. Afternoon sales—2ooo Pacific Tel 6s, ami: 2MO Peoples, 69: 10 Alaska, 91%; 60 Assd 011, • ■;:. • 355 Assd Oil, 54; 60 Bank of Cal, 413%: 100 Hawaiian. 41%; 475 Hutchinson, 18%; 100 Kllauea Sugar, 12; 100 Fauhaau, 28;; 150 Spring Valley Water, 47%. FLOUR AND FEED Following are the wholesale Drlees on floor end feed, furnished by tbe Globe mill*: FAMILY FT.OUR- Al flour, per bbl 16.20 Al flour retails at J1.75 hi and 95c H sack. Globe Hour, per bbl 16.49 Globe flour retails at SI.M >4 and Jl % sack. Silver S'jut flour, per bbl $5.00 XXX flocr. per bbl 15.00 MEAL 3 /.IID CEREAL GOODS— 10 lbs. :5 lbs. B0 lbs. Al flour 03.60 $.... |.... Pantry flour 3.40 Graham flour 3-30 B.JS 8.20 Corn meal, W. * V 2.80 2.75 J. 70 Whole wheat flour 3.41) 3.85 8.38 Rye flour '-70 3.65 8.60 Cracked wheat 3.90 3.85 B.SO Farina 3.90 3.85 S.BO Wheat flakes, per sack B0 lba 1.90 Wheat Rakes, per bbl. 125 lbs., net 8.00 Elghtr. bbl*.. JOo per bbl. higher. BAKERS' FLOUR-Per W>U— Globd flour $6,60 Eastern graham flour 6.60 Eastern whole wheat flour 1.60 Eastern rye flour 1.6* Bakers' Al flour 5.80 Makers' Magnolia flour 5.70 Bakers' pastry flour 6.60 GRAIN AND FEED— 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 1 J1.95 Wheat, No. 2 (100-lb. sack) 2.00 Corn 1.85 Cracked corn l.Ki Feed Meal I.X Rolled barley 1.45 Seed barley 1.45 ghorts 1.75 Eastern willow charcoal 2.00 Bran, heavy 1.50 Kaffir corn, re<* 1.80 Oil cuke rnea' 2.75 White oats 1.85 Rye seed 2.10 Egyptian com., rvhite 1.85 Scratch food J. 20 Kranlto irrit 70 Chick feed J. 70 Cracked wheat 2.11 Cotton seed meal, per r.wt 3.00 NEW YORK COTTON Special Rervlcß to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. KEW YORK, May 19.-For the past few days ill*- cotton market has shown a liquidat ing period anil tilts continued today. There wi'.s heavy selling of July and prortt taking in the distant months. Today's movement haii th" appearanre of a concerted action to shako out long holdings in July. In the afternoon the market raiUled slowly. Although the near months failed to regain all their loss, the distant months showed eonsid <iable strength. lmismu h as tomorrow is notice day the exchange will remain open all day. Deliveries 9700 bales. Quotations ranye as follows: —Close— Open. HlKh. Low. Bid. Ask. January 12.57 12.57 12.46 12.55 12.57 March 12.61 12.H3 May 15.00 lI.SI 14.71 14.93 14.95 Juno 15.04 15.04 15.04 14.93 14.96 July IS.M 1T..15 14.72 14.98 14.99 August 14.78 14.53 14.4S 14.74 14.75 September 13.61 13.66 13.44 13.39 13.60 October 12.79 12.79 12.(12 12.77 12.78 November 12.67 12.67 12.C0 12.C7 12. rs Pecembcr 12.61 12.63 12.48 12.60 12.61 Spot cotton, $15.20; quiet and 20c lower. COTTON AND WOOL .ST. LOUIS, May 19.—Wool—Higher; medium, grades, combing and clothing. 20@24e: light line, 18©20 c; heavy line, 13(ffl0c; tub washed. 25®32c. Spot cotton closed quiet, 20 point* decline; middling uplands, 15.20; do gulf, 15.43. Bales, 11,600 1...1. Futures closed steady. Closing bids: May, 14.93; June, 14.93; July. 14.98; August, 14.74; September, 13.59; Ootober, 12.77; November, 12.67; December, 12.60; Juno, 1.'.55; March, 12.61. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHIPMENTS OF FRUIT ■ f'arloaili. Oig». I.rm. Tot. • ... WrxlnmUui. May 18 I.V> li III:! . ... To ilttlv thU Nfiiwiii lH;Viii MM UMI • .... to d»t« i"-i HHn --'<>«; :>'«* aatit • r • • : SHORTAGE IN BERRIES FOR NEXT TEN DAYS Second Crop Will Lower Prices. First Shipments of Currants Kegs and butter In the product market are (Ira at present quotations. Butt.r i 86,268 pounds; oisna. 2r>t> cases. The Hist shipment of c-urrnius of the 1 the market yesterday. The shipment amounted t<i two boxes. Strawberry receipts were not over 1500 crates, and the inarkO m firm at 4^60. Tbere will bo a shortage in strawberries for Hi.' next ten days, when second crop will in arriving freely, and until that time prices will remain Him. Cherry receipts were 900 boxes, with market in in at Il(sfl2c a pound for blacks and 7"<(^ for whites. Mexican cantaloupes sold at $6 a crate. Ball peppers declined to &a a pound on heavy receipts. No chango In tomatoes and potatoes, new and old. Sufficient fish of all kinds to meet the active demand Receipt! of produce were: Eggs. 208 cases; butter, 96,25s pounds; cheese, 431 pounds; but ter, 36.258 pound*; cheese, 431 pounds; pota toes, 517 sacks; onions, 610 sacks. I'ItOULCK PRICES — Wholesale prices of produce to retailers, as corrected daily by Market Reporter: ■ •'"j EGGS —Luutti lamii. ctiiiuied, -■•<-, *oca» ranch, case count, buying price, 26c. BUTTER —California . creamery (selling price to the trade), 32% c "' ■'• do extra, 30c; do firsts, 29c; cooking butter, 17c; ladle butter. 2."c. CHEESE—Northern fresh, 16®17c lb.; large Anchor, 17c; Young America. Anchor. l»c; hand, Anchor, 22c; Oregon Daisy, 18®18MjC; eastern '"leu, 19ff20c; eastern twins, He; eastern daisies, lS'ic; eastern long horns, 19',2<520c; eastern Cheddars, 19V4c; Imported Bwlss 30ffi31c; .Incl: cheese. 2:tr; domestic Swiss, Miff Me; cream brick, Me; Itmburger, 20 ©21c; Roquefort, 88 ©400; Edam. (Wi Canadian cream, box, $1. BEANS—No. 1 pinks, $6.75-g>7; No. I Ll mas, 54.75; No. 1 I.arty Washington*, $1.50; No. 1 small whites. IS.SB; No. 1 Blackeyes, J6.25; No. 1 Bayous. $6.50; No. 1 Oarvan zas, 14.80; No. 1 lentils, California. 57. BERRlES—Strawberries, per basket, 4 V 4 @ 6c; cranberries, per hbl., $12.50; raspber ries, 6@7c; blackberries, 6®7c; loganber ries 90c; gooseberries. 10c. POTATOES— $1.25; Highlands, per cwt DOcOil.10; new potatoes, per box, 40@G0c; Watsonvllle, per cwt., 11.0001.85; Idaho per cwt, 90c@$1.10; new potatoes, per box, 40<3>60c, Oregon Burbanks, per cwt., 51.351J1.50; Oregon White Rose, S1.00; Salinas, $1.2531.35; sweets, $1.70@2.00 lug box. ONlONS—Northern Australian brown, cwt , $2; sllverskins, 90c lug box; Nevadas. $.; Oregon, 11,75; Bermudas, $2.50 sack; garlic, FRESH FRUlTS—Apples— 4-tler. $1.75; Bellefleurs. 4Vi-tler. $1.00@1.35; Belle neu.s, 3V4-tler, $1.76; Ben Cups, 4-tier, $1,109 1.59; fall Pippins. $1.50; fall Pippins, «4-tier. $1.25: Greenings, $1.60; Greenings, 4V4-tler, $1 S3- Hoovers, 4-tler. $3; Jonathans. Colo., 12.25; Pearmalns. white winter. 4-tler, $1.75; P^arrnElns, red, 4-tler, $1.50; Pear mains, red, 4',4-tler. $1.20; Smith's elder, 4 tier, $1.60; Smith's elder, 4\4-tler, $1.23; Ben Davis, Col.. $1.25®1.59; Newton Pippins 4 tier, J1.50; Newtown Pippins. 4^-tler. $1,100 1 15- Mo. Pippins, Col., $2.25; Langford's, 4 tier, $1.16; Langfordß. 4V4-tler, $1.15; Home Beauties, $2.25: Spltzenburgs. 4-tier, {1.11: G»nos, $1.60; Wlnesaps, Col.. $1.90; Wlnesaps. 4-tler, Col., $2.60. ■'; -- BERRlES—Strawberries, per basket, 4 "a ® 4c; cranberries, per bbl., $12.60; raspberries, 15c; blackberries. 6o basket. .._« ClTßUS—Seedless grapefruit. f1.75©1; seedlings, $3; fancy lemons. $2.i>0i8>3.25; choice. $1,50®1.76; f«nvy navel orangjs, $1.7602.15; tangerine oranges, **-«>;;. *1.»« ©1.76; Valencia oranges, fancy. $2.50® J; limes. !0-lb. box. 11.25- ' MISCELLANEOUS—Pears, Winter Nel lie picking boxes, $1.50; cantaloupes, $8 a crate; cherries, 90c@51.25; white bulk, 7®3c pound; black bulk, 10@llc lb.; guavas, »er basket, 4®6ci loquats, 2@30 lb.; apricots, luff box, $1.6001.75. TROPICAL, FRUITS — lb. 4© (c; do red lb., «o: Fard dates, lb., 10@12c; do Golden, lb. 7*io; do Persian. 1-lb. pkg @»c: alligator pears, do». $*; pineap ples, 4@6c. , , P FRUITS—-Winter Nellls pears, picking boxes, $1.60; Ruavas, basket, 4<s'sc; loquats, per lb., 12'.4@16c. VEGETABLES — northern, doz. 70@75c; asparagus, green, lb., 6®7c; Bell peppers, Florida, üb., 26c; beets, doz. bunches, peppers, Florida, lb., 250; beets, doz. bunches, base, green, sacks, 75 Hi 90c; cabbage, red, lb 3c; carrots, do». bunches, 23'ij30c; cauli flower, crate, 90c@51.26; ceiery. crate, $3® 173; cucumbers, doz.. $1.05@2; corn husks, cut, lb., 10c; green corn, 400 box; corn husks, uncut lb., 8c; egg plant, lb., 20c; leeks, do»., 85c; horseradish, lb., 10®12c; oyster plant, do»., 85®400i lettuce, ot., 50©75 c; peas, lb.. 3Va iy 4He; parsley, doz.. 25e; oyster plant, doz., 40c; rhubarb, crimson winter, 75c; rhubarb, local 75c8>51.00 box; spinach, doz., 15o; squash, summer, crate, 75cgi$1.00; young onions, doe., 20@30c: turnips, doz. bunches, 20«f250: Mexican tomatoes, crate. $1.75. DRIED —Apples, evaporated, lb IflilOc apricots, lb. 12JT13C; loose figs. whltei box. $1.60; do black, box, $1.35: do Imported, ">* 16@lSc: currants. *H«10o; peaches, lb. 6K@!>oi pears, , >»• 10© "0: plums, lb. 12V40: nectarines, lb. TH@Jttc. Pru^eV-20-JOs? ll®lzc; 30-40s, «o; 40-50.. 7™o: 60-80». «c; 60-70», «c; 70-80«. 5*40; »0. JIB, 6c; SO-lOOS. 40. KAISINS2-crown, loose, 60-lb. box. Is. me S-crown, se; 4-crown. S%o; i-crown London layers. 20-lb. box. lb. $1.16; J-erown. $1.26; 4-crown. $1.90: S-crown. $1.85; Bui tanas' bleached, lb. 9©Mo- do unbleached, lb IVio: seeded raisins. U-ob. pkg. thi@ <v do 12-oz pkg. 6%@«Hc „_,.. NUTS—Almonds, fancy IXL. lh. 17@18o; do Ne Plus Ultra, lb l«o: brazils, 13®14c; eocoanuts. 85c@$li chestnuts. ll@12c: fil berts, lb. 14©15 c; hickory, lb. So; pecans. XX lb. 1214 c; do XXX. lb l«o; do XXXX lb. 17c: eastern jxaa'J'.*, lb. 8@8Ho; do California, lb. m©«oi\do J»p«a. lb. 6^4 ©7c: do Spanish, shelled. No. 1. lb 10o; plnenuts, 20c; walnuts. No. 1. B. S. 'v- I*o lie- do No. 3. lb. lOo; do Jumbos. 17©18o; do 'budded, 184,'20c; popcorn, eastern, cwt. $$.60; do local, cwt. 81®3.25. RICE— Fancy Honduras (Carolina) $«.T5; dr. choice Honduras (Carolina) $«®«.50; J^an grades. $5.75®4: la.and. $.50; broken "rlONET—Extracted, water white, Ib.T® tuc- extracted, white. 7c: extracted, light amber 6©6^c; comb, water white, 1-lb. frames. 16 17c; white. 1-lb. tr»meii 15© "toi light amber. 1-lb. frame*. 10©llo; beeswax, lb. 30c. LIVESTOCK —Packers Day t. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers, litto: beef heifers. 4H©sc; beef calves. 6«e«o: mutton, wethers. $oTso«6.00; ewes. $5®5.60; lambs, 35©37; hegs, lie. . !■;' . POULTRY— Large turkeys. live,' lb.. 26c; small tnurkoys, live. lb.. 22c: largo hens, 4 lbs up. lb., 20c: small hens, 2'k to Shi lbs., lb.. 18c; broilers, IV4 to 2 lbs., lb., 33c; friers, 24 to 3 lbs . lb.. 2«c: roast chicken, per ID., 85c; duck, lb., 22ci geese, lb.. 18c; SQuabs, do*.. $1.50: old roosters, lb.. Us. _,. CHILI— Evaporated, string*, lb. lS«i>2Oc: loose, lb., 17c; Mexican black, lb., 26c; green, Ih. 20©250; chill teplns. lb. $1.«; Japan. 160 HAY. (baled)— Following are quotation! paid by dealers to hay growers: Per ton, barley, $12.50@14i wheat, |13.»0©14; oat »!'io@l6: alfalfa, $12.50: volunteer hay. $8 ©lv; dtraw. $5.50©6. Hay prices to the trade— Barley hay, per ton $18.60; wheat. $16.50; oat. |17.50©18 i alfalfa $13; volunteer. $8@10; straw, $7.80. KKTAIL PRICES iSggs, dozen J°®»« Best butter, per lb Soij».isc Beef, per pound -W^ Pork, per pound 2°«J£ Lamb, per pound jisSr Baubage, per pound "":, c Ham, per pound, whole *»° Ham, per pound, sliced •• 3M Barracuda, halibut, rock cod and yellow tall, per pound Wo Ealmon, sand dabs, pound Mo Herring and smelts, pound «° Oysters, quart ♦ °Y° Hens, pound *f a Fryers, pound... ...., "*° Rabbits, pound • **° CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, May 19— Cattle— Receipts esti mated at 6500; market steady; beeves, 15.60® 8.70; Texas steers, J5.00®6.40; western steers, 15.25igP7.40; Dtockers and feeders, $4,006.(50; cows and heifers, J2.7507.25; calves, »E.50ii7.7r). Hogs— Receipts estimated at 21.000; market slow. 6®loe lower: light, »9.40«i9.7:'j; mixed. $9. 3f.(f(0.75; heavy, J9.35ijj9.75; rough, J9.35fi9.50; good I" choice heavy, J9.50(59.75; pigs, J9.loßj> 9.60; bulk of sales, J9.60©9.70. Sheep—Receipts estimated at 13.000; market steady: natives, J4.00<g'«.90; Urn, J4.oo(f> 6.85: yearlings, $«.^)iir.7.9o, lambs, native, $5.M ©8.90; western, J6.509.00. First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J. C. WILSON jrEMBKU NEW VOIJK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO lIOAKII OK TRA»K THK STOCK AM) HOM) EXCHANGE, S. F. Correspondents, HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO. OIIICKS—IIOTII, \l.K\\M>l:l\. T' \».-t llflh St. Mil.IS IUII.m.NO AMD I'\l.\(l. 1M1T1.1., S. I. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 fc B. G. LATHROP, Manager n^ii^riL^»-""* ™\ CLEARING HJJUSEJJANKS^ NA\nj OKFICEKa r — 7~7T XT .. , tj _. ISAIAS W. HELL.MAN. PresldfnU njted States National Bank F . v - smith, cashier. Capital. $200,000. S. E. corner Main and Commercial. Surplus ami Profit*, 173,000. I 7~. r: —: 7~ZZ ; ~ "" ' rt. 7. WATERS. President. ltizens National Bank wm. v. woods, cashier. Capital. $1,000,000. i U 3. W. corner Vhlrd and Main. Surplus, $500.000. C. — ; T~ir . W a BONYNOE, President, lommercial National Bank ketwman essick. cashier. . Capital, $200,000. f 401 S. Bl.rlng. corner Fourth. Surplus an 1 Undivided Profits. $45.0011. Farmers & Merchants National Bank charles cashier. Capital, $1,500,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus and Profits. $1.900.000. F~. ~ ; ~r ; —" " ' J. M. ELLIOTT, President. irst National Bank w. t s. hauhond, cashier. Capital stock, $1,250,000. B. K. corner S>pnn-1 and Spring. Surplus and Profits. 51.686,000. ! ~ ; ; _ . W. H. HOI.I.IUAY, President. erchants National Bank chab. greens, cashier. Capital. $200,000. B. E. corner Thin?, and Spring. Surplus_&_UndlvlJed Profits. $6W.00«. I jr= — : Tr7~; Tr^T-7 —. " ; jTe. FIBHBURN. President. SintlOnal 2ank Oi wailiOrn.a H. B. cashier. nl Capital. $500,000. „_«.„ II N. E. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus & Undivided Profit*. $m>.M«. —— ; —— ■ ~ " ' ; 5. P. 20MBHO, President. bentral National Bank james b. gist, cashier. I 4 Capital $300,000. U S. E. corner Fourth and Broadway. Surplus & Undivided Profits. $?43.00«. Broadway Bank & Trust Company WARREN OILL.EL.EN, President. n roadway Bank & Trust Company A . w . rrdman, cashier. U ' Capital, $250,000. , U 310-31" moadway, Bradbury building. ' Surplus & Undivided Profits, ga.o>». LOS ANGELES SAVINGS "ANKS \ ( BAI\ TK ' largest and Oldest in Southwest source, $28,000,000.00 rays the highest rates of Intere.t and on the milt liberej term. consistent wlli toiind, conavrvatlve banking. Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets WNAffIiJMNDBW ■«^ THE. BANK WSYH * THE? —*«S^C" J j@r EFFICIENT JEJ9ViC£^ £ JFPRING AND FOURTH STS» m HARNESS M ,.£AsSi.^' SADDLERY CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, member o£ the Chicago board of trade, New York stock exchanpe and San Francisco bond aiui mock exchange, 212 West Fifth street, Los Aiwelu. CHICAGO, May 19.— wheat market to day showed the pervading Influence of the large concentrated holdings which have con gested the market whenever any material quantity of wheat was wanted. .The news of the day was unmistakably and overwhelmingly bearish, the only exceptions being the reitera tion of former reports of any unfavorable sit uation In this stale as a result of the Hessian fly. The weather and crop conditions else where are Ideal, even Kansas telling a far dif ferent story than heretofore. rain having caused great Improvement. Buying by shorts caused firmness early in the day. The market broke sharply after they had covered, then rallied to the highest point as a result of covering by the shorts who had oversold on 1 the break. Leading longs protected their market today, the prospects of heavy deliveries here having; a tendency to demoralize matters. Foreign markets closed tomorrow, and our markets do not. open until 11 o'clock. The corn market again sold off on combined pressure of fine weather, expected larger re ceipts soon from the country, heavier market- Ing at country stations In Nebraska, lowa and Illinois and heavy offerings to the east from Ohio and Indiana. In fact, the trade assumed that the after-planting rush was beginning. The country sold corn here with some freedom today Leading longs in wheat were helping corn' by backing some of the corn sold out yesterday. > . ' „ Oats lost ground although there was a rally late in the day. in which wheat was a big help. Weather fine for the growing crop and offerings from tho interior ara fairly good. Provisions considerably lower early, but ral lied later. Nevertheless values were lower for the day. Considerable long lard sold here early. Buying scattered. Large packers were leading sellers. : • , WHEW- Open High. Low. Close. May 11-"- l.Mt I"'i I.U Tulv ' 1.02V4 1.02% 1.02 1.02% September IM% 1.00% 1.00 1.00J4 December 9S9i .99Vi .95.4 .99U May <"■;, .69*4 ■"'« ■»»* July 61% .61% .80% .61% September 82V4 .824 .61% .62 December 57*4 .57! i .67 .6714 M.y TS.T. 42 .42 .41* Ml* July 40 . .40 ,3J)ty .89% September 3SVS .38% .35% .3854 PORK— jr-v B. Kr 23.00 j,,ly : 23.00 23.10 22.95 23.02 Sept-mber 32.97 22.97 22. 50 22.95 M,iy RT>~. 12.90 15-9° ».m v.m j ii " 12.67 12.87 12.80 12.60 September '. 12.55 12.57 12.50 12.50 , t 'i\"" " i2!i2 tut u.w 12.10 July ". 12.62 12.62 12.55 12.57 September H.M 12.55 12.42 12.47 CHICAGO, May 11.—Cash quotations were as fololws: . ' . ' " No. 2 rye. 7R079Vi0; feed or mixing barley. s"fiss7e; fair to choice malting, 63!?67c (lax seed No. 1 southwestern. $2.0 H.i; No. 1 north western, $2.11' A; timothy seed, $3.30; clover. 111.28; mess pork, per barrel, $23,25@23.60; lard, per 100 lbs., »13.87'/i<212.90: short ribs, sides (loose). $12.7513.00; Bliort clear sides (boxed), $13.75(5>14.00. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 118,000 bushels. Exports (or the week as shown by Uradßtreet's were equal to 534, --000 bushels. Primary receipts were 459,000 bushels. , Estimated receipts for tomorrow— 52 cars; corn, 60 cars; oats, 159 cars, hogs, 20,000 h6ad" Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 20,000 17,500 Wheat, bushel 272,000 31,400 Corn, bushel 60,700 893.100 Oats, bushels 156,600 219,000 Rye. bushels 2.000 2,700 Barley, bushel 28,500 18,000 PACIFIC COAST TRADE BAN FRANCISCO, May 19.-Flour— extras, |.00@6.40; bakers' extras, »6.006.40; Or egon and Washington, 15.0005.50. Wheat-Shipping, »1.62V4<5-1.67'/4. Barley—Feed, »1.1H4©1.13%; brewing, »I.U@ '1.17U; chevalier, nominal. "- , Oats—Red. ttffi®tS3Vii white, M.4TH®I.M; black, nominal. KUletufti -Middling!, M100OJ8.0C; mixed feed J24.oOiijao.oO: rolled barley, 128.00028.00 i oat meal, 14.00; oat groata, £1 .Sit; rolled O«tB, 128.00 Hay—Wheat. |ll.0()l«.M: wheat and oat, l»,«a wiM .mi. 17.00^11.00; tame oat, f'J.uo® 11 M; alfalfa, tS.OO0U.OO; Btraw, M Rei-elpts—Flour 7054, wheat 40, barley 6320, oats l'Jt", brans 36, corn TO, potatoes ISM, on ions 715, bran ]«."., middling* 145, hay --"• ■trmw to, hops -ID. hides I'M. wine 93,300. Beam I'ink, |l.o»©«.Jt; Lima, \Vi ® Coming @ ff by the hundreds and opening \^ by the hundreds and opening \n wL new accounts because our de- jw Jw positors recommend us. Try fl r/ for yourself. We pay inter- W \\ est on deposits. M ttv (77/1 V JfllPFf** w ' Banking Service for Women We maintain a separate banking de partment for women depositors. Expert woman manager In charge. I.ob Angeles Trust and Savings Bank, Sixth and Main. EM&ffll SAmffS DA"* HtmtSMMS bam <BfS imAiutwmiA nortL aio* trimn — MX |&.<L &»81j: months savings ac- ifS/r 3tf counts earn four per cent. One^^^^^UJ dollar or more will start you. £muS*{&Ml Begin to save and earn now. fi3 t& FIFTH & SPRING JTJ. JSL small white, $4.40@4.60; larse white, 5.76@3.«0. Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 75c@51.00 Salinas Hurbanks, 86c©$1.00; Merced sweets. 3@3Hc; new potatoes, 75c(ff$1.00. Onions—Fancy California red, $1.25; com mon, $1.00. Various vegetables—Green peas, 65c®51.00; string beans, 2@4c; eggplant, 10@15c; trreen peppers, 15@20c; tomatoes, 60(575e; dried okra, 750052.00; asparagus, 35@75c; rhubarb, 3®sc; garlic, M®9oc; cucumbers, $1,001.76. Poultry—Old roosters, $5.00@5.50; younff roost ers. $7.00@10.00; small broilers, $2.50@3.80; large broilers, $3.50@4.00; fryers, $6.80@T.50; hens, J5.00W10.00; old ducks, $6.00@7.00; young duck.", $8.Ohio.00; geese, $2.0062.J0; old pigeons, $1.50 ffil.7s. SUGAR AND COFFEE NEW YORK, May 19.—Coffee—; 5 points lower. Sales, 9000 bags. Closing bids: May, .Tuns an.l July, $6.40; August, $6.45; September. $6.50; October and November, $6.55: December, 18.80; January, $6.65; February, $6.67; March, $6.69; April, $6.70. Spot, quiet; Rio, No. 7, B>ic; Santos, No. 4, 9%c; mild quiet, Cordova, 9V45J12U0. —Raw, nominal; Muscovado. 89 test. $3.74; centrifugal, 96 test, $4.24; molasses su gar, 89 test, $3.45. Refined, steady: crushed, 15.96; granulated, $5.25; powdered, $5.35. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE CHICAOO, slay 19.—Butter—Firm; creamer , dairies. Mu2m-. Receipts,, 12.478 cases; firm nt mark. Included, ISOMo; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 100. Cheese-Firm; Daisies, 14@14",4c; twins, 13V4 ; Young Americas, 15c; long horns, 141^ SAN FRANCISCO, Hay 19.—Butter—Fancy creamery, -li'^c; yeconds, 26c. Cheese—Tonug Americas, UKHSM. fSgga— Ranch, 21c; store, UHo. NEW INCORPORATIONS Articles of Incorporation filed with the county ileik yesterday are as follows: Southern California District 1 and Improve ment oompany—Capital, $10,000: Q«o ge «. Johnson, Wlllard K. Ba.lham. Henry I' ii-. B. v. CanuT, William Behade, F'rederleH Adam, it. t. Cooper, director*. National Sar.lseat company— Capital, |1 Gtlbert !■:. Gardner, CharlM \\ Qlblyn, ■' Ok Qardner, Clarence Di urn, director*. Boconusoo Kstato* company—Caplt.i I. ramei Boater, Qeorn Sale, Prank Plan?, E. M. Burnhun, John IJmlsay, directors. MILITIA SELECTS LIEUTENANT POMONA, May —At. a meeting of the members of company D, N. Q. •'.. Sergeant H. I* Benson was elected sec and lieutenant, to succeed Lieut Clark, resigned. Major W. W. Midsicy, Oapt. Duffy and First Lieut. H. <'■ Ludden, arc planning to attend the officers' res- Imentai maneuver! at Monterey next month. The local military company is in a highly prosperous condition. 7