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8 GOOD GOVERNMENT FORGES ORGANIZE Friends of Municipal Decency to Form Clubs in All Parts of the City THREE MEETINGS TONIGHT Redistricting Municipality Causes General Reorganization of Voters GOOD GOVERNMENT MEETINGS TONIGHT The following meetings will be held by the Good Government force* of lx>» An geleg for the purpose of organizing club* and reorganizing old precincts, at 8 o'clock tonight. All who reside In the precincts designated, and are interested in good government, are Invited to be present: Moss meeting In chnrch at Thirty seventh and Naomi streets, under aus pices of Good Government club of new precinct 214, J. B. Holley presiding. An Interesting program arranged, and coun cllmanlc candidate* will address meet ing. A large club, embracing the new pre cincts of th« old Fifth ward, will be formed tonight tinder the direction of Dr. K. M. Butler at a meeting of good government adherents to be held at the real estate offices of Kuck & Golden, 8121 South Vermont avenue. All the old clubs In these precinct* will be organized Into the new club. A club will be organized in new pre cinct 8 at the home of Norman It. Wor ley, 2129% North Broadway, B. TV. Bey nolds presiding. "Never In the history of the Good Government organization of Los Ange les has it been bo thoroughly organized or so strong numerically as it is now." Such was the statement made by the secretary of the organization at 318 Fay building, yesterday. "We are organizing and reorganiz ing in scores of precincts," said the secretary, "and are meeting with en couragement in every section of the city and county. "As an example of the encourage ment we are receiving, the organization has just received a letter from Attorney Herbert M. Haskell of Long Beach, in which Mr. Haskell sends us a check for one year's dues and says: 'This organ ization should have the hearty finan cial support of every good citizen of Los Angeles county. It should be both a privilege and an investment to co operate for better government.' " The Good Government organization last night formed a big new club in new precinct 189. The meeting was held at the home of R. M. Steele, 519 Wist Forty-second street, and was pre sided over by R. M. Steele, Jr., and C. B. stubblenVld. The meeting was large ly attended, and much interest was manifested in the pending counoilmanic i ampalgn. I'KKI IXCT Gl/iraS ORGANIZE The cluba in old precinct 15 will be i ganlzed along the lines of new precinct -'j at a meeting to be held at the home of Lutelius Lindley, 2173 Duane street, Thursday night at 8 o'l lock, May 26. Old precinct 104 will also be reor g-arized along the lines of new precinct 197 at a meeting to be held at the real estate offices of J. Frank Ware, 4901 Moneta avenue, Wednesday night at !> o'clock. May 2fj. A club also will bo organized in new precinct 8 by R. W. Reynolds at the residence of Norman B. Worley, 2129H North Broadway, at 8 o'clock tonight. Saturday night next a club will be organized at Downey, which city so far lias had no Good Government organiza- tion. The citizens of Downey, however, have manifested such interest in the matter and are bo eager to form a club Immediately that one of the officials from the I^os Angeles central organiza tion will go to Downey Saturday and help form the club. It is promised that the club will be chartered with a large membership. The meeting at Downey will be held at Manning's hall at 7:45 o'clock next Saturday night. The meting which will be held at the church at Thirty-seventh and Naomi streets, under the auspices of tho Good (Government club of new precinct 214, ■will be one of the most interesting so far held. J. B. Holley will preside at this meeting and George H. Stewart nnd Frederick J. Whirfen, Good Gov ernment candidates for the city coun cil, with several others, will deliver addresses. Aside from the speech mak ing, it is planned to make this mass meeting something Of a rally, and an interesting program has been ar ranged. MISS JORDAN TO PRESENT CUP TO WINNING ORATORS Miss Edith Jordan, daughter of Presi dent David Starr Jordan of Stanford university, will present the cup to the winner of the debate between the Los Angeles and Pasadena high school de bating learns for the championship of Southern California, in the auditorium of riie polytechnic hig-h .school this evening. Leltoy Edwards, who was to have presented the trophy to the winning school, will not be in the city this even ing, and lor this reason Miss Jordan has been asked to make the presenta tion. LEAGUE TO ORGANIZE COUNTY FOR CAMPAIGN Kemper M. Campbell, secretary of the Lob Angeles Lincoln-Roosevelt Re publican league, last night attended an Important meeting of the Long Beach league, held in Coughlan hall, First and Pine street*, Long liuaeh, at which plans were decided for the complete organization of the forces for the coun ampalgn. Mr. Campbell reports that the league is stronger at Long Beach than it has ever born and the feeling there ia decidedly in favor of "insurgery" EDITOR TO SPEAK John S. McGroarty, editor of the West Coast magazine, will deliver an ad dress on "The Democratic Party" at the next weekly dinner of the Jeffer ■on club, to be held at the Hollenbeek hotel Saturday noon, May 21. Mr. Mc- Oroarty was to have delivered his ad dress last Saturady, but the meeting was postponed on account of the Dem ocratlo county conference, which i ultated the absence of the club mem bers from the luncheon. News of the Courts FREED FROM JAIL, SUES PROSECUTORS FOR $50,000 Judges, Sheriffs. Attorneys, Abe Ruef and Others Named in the Suit John Lapique, sentenced to servo ton years in prison by former Judge Jami son of the superior court, and who was freed by a reversal of the jury's de cision by the appellate court after he had spent about fifteen months in jail, filed suit for $50,000 damages In the su perior court yesterday against Judge Charles Monroe, former Judge Jami son, District Attorney Fredericks, Sher iff Hammel Abraham Ruef, and a host of others he alleges conspired to prose cute him maliciously. Lapique Is the Frenchman who acted as his own attorney and has figured frequently in court proceedings. At one time he filed a suit lor $200,000 damage snsuinst former Mayor Sohmitz and Abe Ruef of San Francisco for mali eause of the wholesale collection of has aroused considerable comment be caus eof the wholesale collection of defendants he has named in his latest complaint. He was charged with obtaining money by false pretenses in 1907 in connection with options on land which he alleged he secured from Marie nnd Richard Corcoran on property in the Corcoran tract. Ho was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison. Jurists and attorneys who blocked his efforts for freedom by the habeas cor pus route have been remembered and are named in the complaint. The list of defendants in the suit filed yesterday Is as follows: Judge Charles Monroe. W. H. Jami son, the Franco-American Hanking company, Jeane Dorce, Qiulaume Des sens, Jacque Dessens, L. P. Collotte, Aubln Folx Louis Sentous, jr., Cam nillle Sentous, Abraham Ruef. P. A. Bergerot, Lizzie Sheehan, Richard Cor coran, Marie Corcoran, Clovis Peres, John D. Fredericks. Frank W. Blair, E. J. Fleming, P. S. Michelson, Dun Crowley, William A. Hammel I. H. Brown, T. Colvllle, J. J. Henry, Charles G. Kes-e*. H. J. Butterworth, T. J. K. McCoven, H. H. Heath, Na tional Surety company, Lillian 11. Hammel, John Doe, Mary Doe and numerous others. In his complaint, the plaintiff charges former Judge Jamison with "forging" his instructions to the Jurors who found him guilty of the charge of ob taining money by false pretenses. PLUMBER SUES CONTRACTOR AND SURETY COMPANY A civil complaint was filed with the clerk of the United Ptates circuit court yesterday in whlc)h the National Surety company and John Nelson, a contractor, are made defendants. Ac cording to the complaint Nelson se cured the contract to erect an addition to the Pacific branch of the National Homo for Disabled Soldiers and also contracted to furnish materials for the • rcction of the same. It is further al leged that the surety company, by reason of an agreement with the con tractor, guaranteed to make full pay ment for the materials and labor necessary to build the addition in case Nelson did not do so. F. R. Boag, a plumbing contractor, claims to have installed plumbing ap pliances for Nelson and seeks redress for the same in the sum of $678.50. Hnag claims that Xelsnn and the surety company have refused to remunerate him, therefor he brought suit. SON OF FORMER OWNER OF MALIBU RANCH TESTIFIES J. R. Ramirez was one of the princi pal witnesses In the United States cir cuit court yesterday in the case through which the United States seeks to open roads on the llalibu ranch to public use. The witness is the son of the late Juan M. Ramirez, purchaser of the land from the heirs of Tiburcio Tapia, who came into possession of it through a grant from the Spanish government in 1804. The father of the witness lost ownership of tho land in a law suit Which involved the sum of $60,000. The suit was tried in this county many years ago. Frank V. Hull, a resident of this city, testified that employes on the ranch had attempted to restrain him from crossing the property. J. S. Hous ton, a rancher of Fullerton, testiied to the condition of the roads when he had occasion to traverse thorn in 1893. FIRST HUSBAND LIVING, SECOND MARRIAGE VOID Delila Rozzell secured annulment of her marriage to L. W. Rozzell In Judge Hutton's court yesterday on trie ground that she has another husband living, whom she believed to have died in the Philippines several years ago. She married G. V. Chamblisa in Okla homa in 1892 and when the war broke out he went to the islands to fight (or Uncle .Sam. She never heard from him again, except a report that he had been killed, and she married Rozzell at Fort Worth. Texas, in 1906, When was In the postoffice some months ago securing her mail, she tes tified, she suddenly came face to f ICI with her former husband and the meet- Ing gave her quite a shock, tier former husband greeted her pleasantly and visited her tor B few hours and then left for Texas, she said, and since then she had not heard from him. ANAHEIM'S SPONSOR IS GRANTED DIVORCE DECREE Anna F. De Frees, who is said to have been the first woman born In the town Of Anaheim, which was named after her when Incorporated, sei ured an Interlocutary decree of divorce in Judge Hutton's court yesterday from John ]). De Frees on the ground of desertion. Divorces were also granted to Grace 1,. Johnson from Samuel Johmon for cruelty and non-support: James 10. ' Hall from Laura A. Hall for dysertlon, and Irene C'ady from George C. Cady for cruelty. LITIGATION IS AVERTED Threatened litigation in the Gulllermo Andrade estate was averted in Judge Rives' court yesterday when P. A. Hartman withdrew his resignation as executor and consented at the request and with the cmsenteof the heirs to retain the trust. Mrs. Guadalupe Blinn, widow of the dei i dent, had a petition on rile to be appointed ad inini.-tratrix, but she withdrew it. Hartman's accounts to date show a balance on hand of JlOii.J^ij LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1910. COURT TAKES AWAY SHARES PARTNER GOT FOR NOTHING Frenzied Financier Saves $1000 at Cost of $10,000 M. L. Bellus secured judgment for $10,000 in Judge Conrey's court yester day against I>. I* Peters in an action for that amount in connection with the purchase of the gas plant at Orange. The plaint iff alleged that he and D. L. Peters, with Attorney John W. Kemp, had purchased the plant at what the plaintiff thought was a cost of $28,500. Peters, l.c said, was to put only $lin>o in the purchase. in view of the fact thnt he had an option on the plant. Later when the first payments were made and 40,000 shares of stock had been issued to the three, he discovered that Peters had arranged to pay $27.f>00 for the plant and had $1000 returned to him, which he used as his portion of the payment. On learning this, Bellus, who had been assslgned Kemp's share in the plant, brought an action against Peters f r the recovery of his 40,000 shares on the ground that as he had placed no money in the investment he was not entitled to become a shareholder. He fixed the value of the defendant's stock at $10,000, and Judge Conrey awarded him this amount on hearing the case. TECHNICALITY OPENS JAIL, AND A. SCHULTZ IS FREED Error Gets Him New Trial, and His Release Follows A. Schultz. arrested on a charge of failing to provide the necessaries of life for his wife and children, and who was bound over to the superior court by Justice Summerfield Tuesday, is now at liberty. He owes his free dom to an error made by the court and prosecuting attorney in holding his pre liminary examination Tuesday morning instead of Tuesday afternoon. After being taken back to his cell Tuesday, Schulta became worried over his affairs nnd sent for an attorney. The latter ascertained that an error had been made in not holding the pre liminary at the time set during the arraignment. He demanded another examination for his client. The demand was acceded to by the court and after hearing testimony yesterday, Justice Summerfield gave Schultz his liberty on condition that he supports his fam ily and abstains from using liquor. INSANE POSTAL EMPLOYE MAY BE ORDERED DEPORTED Otto Goldsmith, former postoffice em ploye, who gave himself up to W. H. Harrison recently with the request that he be arrested for stealing a box of matches, was adjudged insane in Judge Bordwell's court yesterday. Evidence was introduced to show that ho had been declared insane in Germany sev eral years ago. United States officials will take hold of the case, and if they find that Gold smith was insane when he entered this country he will be deported. The im migration authorities have secured in formation that he is not a naturalized citizen. TAKE TWO BATHS A WEEK, JUDGE SAYS TO TRUANT An order requesting him to take at least two baths a week is one of the provisions on which Judge Wilbur placed John Herman, aged 10 years, on probation, yesterday. The youngster was brought into court by a truant officer, who alleged that he had played truant from school fur about seventy-five days on a stretch, following repeated truancies. He was placed on probation with the understanding that he must go to school. The boy is one of a family of about eleven children and his unkempt appearance led the court to make pro visions for his keeping clean. DIVORCE SUITS FILED Divorce suits were Hied in the superi or court yesterday as follows: Ada B. Christie vs. James E. Christie, Aury S. li usted vs. Jennie M. Husted, Edward O. Flood vs. Florence Flood, James M. Pearson vs. Gertrude F. Pearson. RETIRED OFFICER FOUND DEAD ON KITCHEN FLOOR Lying on the floor of the kitchen of his house at 1619 May avenue, the body of Prank P. Tomkins, a retired army officer, 36 years old, was found yester day afternoon by his mother, who had returned to the house after being ab sent a few minutes. He was apparently well when she left thu house, .she stated yesterday evening. Dr. Charles G. Dawley was sum moned, and upon his arrival at the house pronounced Tomkins dead. Cor oner Hartwell was notified of the death and the body was removed to the un- I dertaking parlors of Pierce brothers. Tomkins had been confined to his home lately with a complication of dis eases, but during the last few days had appeared to be in a better condi tion. Vs there was no apparent cause for hk« death it was thought that he had committed suicide in a fit of despond ency over his ill-health. An autopsy was ordered by Coroner Hartwell and held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock by Dr. George W. Camp bell, After making a thorough exam ination of the body for poisonous sub- I stances of any kind, Dr. Campbell pro nounced Tomkins' death due to a num ber of diseases, Dr. Campbell will make another examination of tiie body this morning. Tomkins had been married three times He was divorced twice and was living with his third wife, to whom lie had been married two months, Mrs. Tomkins is said to be working as a cashier in a downtown moving picture | show. Tomkins is also survived by two chil dren one a boy 10 years old and the other a girl 12 years old, who are living in the No funeral arrangements have yet been made. _ NOVEL BLOTTERS DISTRIBUTED The Lake Shore-New York Central lines have issued a unique and more than ordinary useful blotter which not only effectively calls attention to the twelve trains operated daily over these lines from Chicago to New York and i: ton, mit this blotter also combines a ride, which will be found serviceable for accurately measuring spaces in drawing: up preliminary forms for wta titi ai statement!, etc Municipal Affairs APPROVE TODD'S WORK IN FIRE DEPARTMENT Commission Officially Commends Former Acting Chief for Abil ity—Makes Brief Speech { A resolution declaring that John G. Todd, for a time fire chief, but now back at his position as battalion chief, was all right and that the commission had nothing against him, was adopted by the fire < --nmission and spread on the records of that body yesterday morning. Todd asked the commission to do this and the commission was; glad to accommodate him, for he really stands high in the estimation of the commissioners. "I want to make a speech," said Todd Just before the commission adjourned > yesterday morning. "It is my first of fense in that line, but I have re hearsed it pretty well and believe I j can get through without falling down. "When A. J. Bley was appointed chief by this body last week one of th»> npwumTwrs said that T hnd been tried out as a chief and been found wanting. That hurts pretty bad. While acting as chief I did the best I could, and if I go back to the position of I battalion chief without some expres- 1 sion from this commission I do so sort of disgraced. If I have done well I wish the commission would say so. The commission did say so and said j it as if it meant it, too. It did not ; say that Eley was not a better _ man : for the place than Todd. but Todd was | satisfied with what was said and can j go back to his former position in good standing. _ NEW FIRE CHIEF PROVES THAT HE PAYS HIS DEBTS Commission Exonerates Him and Considers Charge Trivial Charge! against A. J. Eley, the new chief of the fire department, that he did not pay his bills promptly were dismissed by the fire commission yes terday morning-. Mrs F. L. LeCount submitted a statement to the commission tending to show that Eley ow«d her $92, the balance on a note, but Eley produced an agreement signed by Mrs. LeCount s attorney in it was shown that he was to pay the account $8 a month ■tnd he produced receipts to show that he had kept up his payments. Commissioners Hawley and Robin son were incensed that charges should have been preferred on such trivial evidence and accused Mrs. LeCounfs representative of filing them lust to | embarrass Bley and affect the decision of the commission in selecting him as fire chief. ARISTOCRATIC NOSES MUST ENDURE SOFT COAL SMOKE No more fancy coal for engine com pany No 11 The fire commission yes terday ordered this engine company to burn soft coal like the rest of the en gine companies. No. 11 is on West Seventh street, in the fashionable Westlake district, and the residents there had been much annoyed by the soft coal To soothe them a former commission gave this engine company the privilege of burning expensive hard coal, but the commission yesterday or dered this stopped, as it could see no reason why that particular engine house should be especially favored. TO WIDEN FIRST STREET Final ordinance for the widening of First street from Boyle avenue to 250 feet east, was adopted by the council yesterday. As soon as the money is paid in to pay for the cost of the wid ening, proceedings will be begun to pave the street. POLICE MEETING POSTPONED On account of the inability of several of the commissioners to attend the meeitng of the police commission called for next Tuesday night it will be Held Wednesday nit?ht instead. No meeting will be held Monday night. COMPANY WANTS SPUR TRACK The San Pedro Lumber company has petitioned the city council for a spur track franchise off the San Pedro nar row gauge on Vermont avenue north of Sixty-first street. ARROWHEAD HOT SPRINGS During San Bernardino centennial week trolley oars will run every hour to the Sprint;.-! hot'M. A HEALTH PRECAUTION The Use of Puritas Distilled Wa ter Goes Far Toward Main taining a Healthful Con dition of the System Hundreds of Los Angeles physicians themaelves drink I'uritas Distilled Water and use it in their praotloi . Practically all the leading Los Angeles hospitals an> regular l'uritas üßers. And so are many druggists who require water that i 3 absolutely pure for prescription work. The very fact that l'uritas Distilled Water is thus uaed Indicates that those who know recognise Its value. Hut merely as a matter of common nenflo, everybody who thinks about the question must realise that pure water is a health es •entlal—as necessary to maintain health as [a pure, wholesome food. ]'ure water la "soft" water. It keeps the ■ystem sweet and clean. Our «lty water in yhard" water, containing considerable amounts of mineral matter. These beoome deposited In the body, causing kidney and rheumatic troubles. The common sense plan is to drink Purl Irs. and plenty of it. jf/ou may he absolutely sure of ItH uniform purity—every demijohn, all the time. Puritan is distilled twice and aerated with pure osone. We bottle It In clean glusa demi johns. This work la »<j carefully done that the water reaches you with all Ha whole aome purity intiu'l. Puritan Is Inexpensive '< gallons costs but ■!"<■. delivered within the oiit city bound ary lines. .\t points beyond tins the price la ■ tntle more, owing '" 'he long haul, lar l'uritas customers purchase ' coupon books, thereby materially reducing the ex pense. win n v.'v telephone ask us about them Home 1006S; Sunset Main 8191. Loa Angelei Ice and Cold Storage Co. $1 \*ftHfffflf[?f BCWK49itf*^6ttCADWAYCM. IOSAMO£L£S Half BARGAIN FRIDAY with Big "B" Spllll Silk -Dresses Jilfe In a Wonder Billii jmM*Bm Ckarance Wk Marked $10 to $15 Out-of-the-ordinary trade conditions make it possible for us to vW!yv±£te3Lor*!*' offer these splendid silk dresses in one of the biggest Friday bar y^^i»r^P?HpV 2 gain sales of the season at $6.95. If |l Vis These are dresses of foulards, taffeta silks, messalines and J^ir si II \i mercerized pongees, in blal-k, blue, tan, gray, green, rose and Ij^^ O. j% 11 M other desirable shades. Some are mussed or otherwise damaged. \ *F/£ 'I \ rjk But you'll agree with us. that they are unusual values. Friday i^ 4* \\^Si^ at $6>95> \ I J>4lal^(ila\ $6.50 to $7.50 d* tf Wonderful ast/i j\ I llllltil v\ Capes of Broadcloth *P *J Bargains Friday v/t>/C TNv* 1 I 1 ATM I I\\\ Materials are all-wool broadcloths Blight imperfections are the main /JvvV 1 II 1 \A 1 I l\\\ x-, , reason why we offer these waists. //\Vv 1 I I \SL\I \\\\ »n blue ' tan ' cardinal, gray, rose Rt ;sucrua! price. Borne arc mussed. J£ V 'ii l iji 1 Vfiisil II \\ and Copenhagen. No blacks. Clev- Lingerie models, trimmed with Val. V 1 1 WAf^l \\ U erly trimmed with braids and hut- laces or embroidery; also tailored >KS '\ «li I k^l\l l\ v tons- Noto tho values—toda * 5- «:iists m\\\ Mffl-MPiwash suits.... $3.95 Wash Coats -- VH'.z'O \ ' 11 rlF^ from suits of Mnen or linen- KmiTodtu.^m^led,ll^ CA WTW^ll^Sr' ette- the rormer ln wnlte on'5 r- otn " course, but they will launder. Full \\ iS^^'^vu. ers in pink and tan. Big Friday and three-quarter models. Today /"n , clearance at $3.95. $4.95-. • Five Dozen Js/> -c> Short Percale fy s: Panama A^ /§ It Wrappers at £OC Kimonos JL\)C Skirts «p j£r m O While these last you may take your Made of dark colored percales. These are pleated models. Come In choice for 73c. Loose-fitting styles, in Persian and flowered pat- black and desirable colors. Some finish^brlir Chofce o^black, blue terns. % sleeves; belted back, plain tailored; some trimmed. Bar and cardinal. Today 73c. "" Friday clearance, choice 26c. gain Friday price $2.45. '.','> 29c Fancy Sugars and Creams 18c Pair The illustration shows the identical style of these pretty fancy china sugars /^jPiIPN.•••. and creams. When we say they are regular 29c values you will realize how If(g^t^«u^S''/ -early it will be necessary for you to come if you are to secure these values at, f/1 "i^^kSg^isr--^ —"}^~>v 6 Cups and Jf* Bell Shaped Uimi^Ww^fMwrW Saucers for 4OC Hammer JIOC l?^^^«>;'\ak™|J|(bw These are white, semi-porcelain ware Ordinarily you'd pay 35c. Good, »übstun- >^ »SS-S^"*'^^SiSriS and are perfect. Today, 6 for 45c. »£ J™^^, AS Is ,, CHINA ol)1 , AM) ENDS rORCKI-AIN FRITT fyQn ?P. IPL EN. 8 > Ka''h -/;'•• ,' "V." V" m 9 Most useful pieces of china, which are and BKKKY SETS '£VC :o '= to •> '■'• extension and 18 In. nlgn. ill Kheljr shipped, damaged or odd pieces. Start the season by keeping out the flies. »,„..,.,.,i Tor today at lc 2c 3c 6c and UP English porcelain. Sir small dishes and No phone or ma n orders. 250 each. Sold "As Is." one large to match, 29c. LONG HANDLE «»_ ' , , r> i • inn-Kits for *>c Asbestos Baking p* _, CniXESK SHIRT fif Gray enamelware. Limit of 3to a custo- _. •* Tf* WAIST IRONS &*>l* mcr No phone orders. Each 6c. OneetS .... *-* \* Regular BOc values. The long handled <^Ss«_ 13 Birll3i put up in carton ' 9*" •'"• styles that reach the farthest corners. !^^^^^S"!-«^y'<rCSs T°day" >»>ok Be. ' f— iinii — —^ai i^ its tierman china sets, nicely decorated and <(«S=W>- , gold edged; 60 pieces today for 18.45. 7 OIL <VMETALS BAffK % 4. 4/TRUST COMPAHY 7 J[ "WTTE have money to loan to conserva- fuv yy tive borrowers whose business jus- £ tiftes the accommodation. We have ||k J^ every facility for quick and accurate service » mi and the convenient dispatch of business. ®|||. We appreciate the business of our customers jf and repay them in safety, service and the m^ jF personal attention of our officers to the de- k xL tails of business entrusted to their care. J^ /<^^^K This is the bank in m m tey§^«Mm/.^ to be given as a prize ®mX m& \^gd^F Contest. % 311 WEST THIRD STREET Z Herald Want Ads Are Best