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Part ll—Pages 9 to 16 CITY GAS RATE TO STAY AT 80 CENTS Public Utilities Board Announces Conclusion in Report to Council ONE INCREASE IS ALLOWED Recomends Charge of $1.35 in San Pedro, Wilmington and Terminal Island Gas Is to stay at 80 cents 1000 feet. Tills is the conclusion reached by the board of public utilities and Incor ported In a report made by the board to the council last night. The only ex ception to this rate is at San Pedro, Wilmington and Terminal island, wnere different condltlonse prevail and where the board recommends that a charge of $1.35 per 1000 feet be madoV The board finds four gas companies supplying this commodity In different parts of the city—the California Kdlson company, which operates the plant that supplies San Pedro and Wilmington; the Economic, the Domestic and the Los Angeles Gas and Electric corpora tion. In arriving at its conclusions the board used the services of Its own en gneer, T. B. Comstock, and called into consultation Roderick MacKay and C. W. Monier, gas experts. In reporting on these four companies the utilities board says: "A very small plant at San Pedro has a present output of such limited amount as to preclude the possibility of earning fair returns upon the neces sary Investment at the rate of 80 cents per 1000 cubic feet now established for the main city. Even if the larger com panies extended mains to this part of the city the time required for such new construction will make It necessary to continue higher rates for the ensuing year. 1 REQUESTS ADVANOK "The company requests an advance In the rate from $1.35 to $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet. After full consideration, In view of all conditions, we are unable to find justification for Immediate reduc tion of the rate. At the same time, wtlh the prospect of growth of business, due attention to the facts will not, In our opinion, warrant any increase. We therefore recommend that the San Pedro rate for gas remain for the year beginning July 1. 1310, at $1.35 per 1000 cub.c feet. "Although this company supplies but a moderate amount of gas, and its busi ness affairs are presented In a loose manner, there Is a suggestion In Its statements that Its costs of manufact ture are low, as compared with others . working upon an equivalent scale. But it will be necessary to examine further Into this question which ' could not, under present conditions, have impor tant effect upon rate making for the ensuing fiscal year. > ■, "This company, although working on a" comparatively small scale heretofore, makes reports which tally closely with the estimates of our engineers. Their apparent costs of manufacture are made to appear less than those reported by the largest company, which, it would seem, should be able to manufacture more cheaply. There is nothing in the relations of the Domestic Gas company to the public which call for differentia tion as to rates. ( VALUATIONS LJSSS "Our staff and committee of engineers have presented valuations of the plant of the r,os Angeles Gas and Klectric corporation, which makes a total dif ference of $2,238,233.35, or about 25 per cent less thiin stated valuations of the same Items by the corporation. A com paratively small portion of this dif ference occurs In total of services anil Established 1889 Assets Over $2,600,000 Energy £&* Valued at \jj* The dollars you -save each month represent stored-up energy— The energy that you have put Into your every-day work. Energy that has a definite cash value. Energy that may easily be converted Into more dollars by placing your savings with us," where they will earn « per cent Interest. By our Monthly Payment Plan you may ' save any specific amount per month you wish, and we will pay you 6 per cent interest. There are no fines or forfeitures should you stop payments — you have already paid in will continue to earn 6 per cent, and you may resume payments whenever you wish. T. There are a number of other reasons why it will be to your advantage to place your money with us, besides the fact that it will earn 6 per cent instead of only 3 per cent or 4 per cent. Call or write for further details. - OFFICERS AND DIRBCTOBS SS!^^~-—^SS^ . , w. 0. co€IIRAN, Pres. J. M. KT,rJOTT, V.-Pres. —VVaMWKIJS"«[ I wi) WOOIAVINB, Treas. A. K. POMEKOy, V.-ITcs. S^JSTJ6Sr—--'-i?^»iiM D. M. CUTHBKRT, Ixian C. .1. WADE, Secy. iJufi State Tftutuat I 223 SOUTH SPRING STREET A^ Wedding Presents /Jlt% ■\ such as Jewelry, silverware and other valuables / 33Sb¥j \ are always treasured highly by the bride and it is / <£/j]Fnp«j| \ a matter of wisdom to place them in our conveni / Si.^i^H \" ently located fire and burglar proof safe deposit f W?t\Ml^ i \ vaults. Rents as low as $2 per year. Merchants Bank and Trust Co. 207-9-11 SOUTH BROADWAY motors some or all of which may be due to the Including of paving of all streets In the company's estimate!. "Street mains have been figured in .letail, and all using tho same units as with the Domestic Gku company. Our estimate on street mnins is 2ti per cent lower than that of the company. On machinery and manufacturing appli ances our engineers are nearly 37 per cent lower. "As th^ estimates arc based upon data, carefully compiled and checked, we have good reason to regard them an approximately correct tor legitimate costs. We are not fully advised as yet on the exact import of these discrepan cies. But, from tho analysis of earn ings and expenses, it would appear possible to produce gas under conditions prevailing In Los Angeles with fair re turns upon actual outlay at lower cost than Is now done, and we contldently beliovo that in another year when we have had better opportunity to go Into the affairs of the companies in more detail we shall be able conscientiously to recommend a substantial reduction in the present rates. "For the ensuing fiscal year, however, In accordance with the .unanlmouß recommendation of our engineers, and desiring to be strictly just, we recom mend that the rate for gas bo main tained at 80 cents per 1000 cubic feet for all companies operating In tho city of Los Angeles, except the area covered by the Southern California Edison com pany In San Pedro, Wilmington and Terminal inl.uiU, where we recommend that the rate of $1.35 per 1000 cubic feet be established for the same period." LET LONG AND SHORT HAUL CLAUSE STAND, SAY JOBBERS Protest Sent to Washington by F. P. Gregson Formal protests against the elimi nation of the long and short haul clause In the present Interstate com merce act have been forwarded to Sen ator Flint and Congressman McLach lan by F. P. Gregson, traffic manager for the Associated Jobbers of Los An geles, and by officials of various busi ness organizations in Southern Cali fornia. Following is the substance of the message sent to Washington from local business organizations: "Kllminatlon of long and short haul clause and adoption of amendments extremely detrimental to entire west, Would take from carriers the right to make rates to Pacific terminals lower than to interior points at their will, which means disruption of rate making basis to entire coast. This Jeopardizes manufacturing and Jobbing interests, and destroys property values which have been built up on present basis. Would abort purpose for which Pan ama canal was constructed, as sea car riers would have no incentive to make but slightly^ lower rates than rail, knowing that railroads could not with out great annoyance and trouble obtain permission to reduce rail rates to meet sea eompetltion. We earnestly request that everything: be done in comingl con ference to hold present long and short houl clause intact." The amendments to President Taft's bill eliminate the words "under sub stantially .similar clauses and condi tions." which is the saving clause which permits the carriers to make lower sea competitive rate to the Pa cific coast than to intermediate points. AUTOPSY CLEARS MYSTERY SHROUDING MAN'S DEATH Ulysses Howard, a patient In the county hospital for the last two years, died at midnight Wednesday under such peculiar circumstances that Cor oner Hartwell ordered a post mortem examination to be held yesterday afternoon. Dr. George W. Campbell held the autopsy at the undertaking parlor* of Bresee Brothers. He gave tuberculosis as the cause of his death. When Howard's wife was notified of his death she immediately insisted that he had poisoned himself. She stated that he had threatened to kill himself several times during his ill ness. LOS ANGELES HERALD FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1010. CLEAN DEMOCRACY SURE OF VICTORY Party. Rid of Machine Element, Is Vigorously Preparing for Coming Election CHAIRMAN ISSUES STATEMENT Good Government Now Watch word of the Organization in Los Angeles I I INFORMATION COMPILED FROM ' STATE DIRECT PRIMARY LAWS Registration clones for primary , election •'•. .July 37 iMnt day nomination papers can be filed with county clerk July 16 Day of primary election (polls open 6a. in.; clone 6p. iri.).. .Aug. Hi Last day on which candidates < may file a statement of ex . penditures with officer author ized to Issue certificate of nomination and duplicate with county recorder in the county where the candidate resides. . .Sept. 13 Registration for general election commences Jan. 1 Registration for general election closes Sept. 28 County conventions must all be ■ held not later than Aug. 31 State conventions must be held not later than Sept. 14 Independent nomination petitions must be filed with secretary of state not earlier than Sept. 0, and not later than Oct. 4 Independent nomination petitions must be filed with the county clerk not earlier than Sept. 19, and not later than Occt. 8 Day of general election (polls open Ba. m.; close Bp. m.) .. .Nov. 8 County officers must file with the county clerk a statement of re ceipts and expenditures by can didates not later than.... Nov. 23 "The new direct primary law, al though it is far from the law desired by the voters of California, because drafted and adopted by its enemies to prevent the enactment of a more per fect primary law, insures the defeat of the Southern Pacific machine and the triumph of Democracy in the pending election." So declared Albert M. Norton, chair man of the Los Angeles county Demo cratic central committee, in a state ment Issued to the voters of Los Ange les yesterday. For several weeks there has been manifest an exceptional spirit of op timlsm and elation at the Democratic headquarters in Los Angeles. The prophets of the party see in the dis ruption of the Republican "organization a sweeping victory for Hon. Theo dore A. Bell, Lorln Handley and other Democratic candidates. Kvery day, Bays Mr. Norton, innumerable letters are pouring into the state and county headquarters in which the committees and candidates are given the most gratifying encouragement. "The one and vitally important prob lem which the Democrats now have to face is to secure clean and competent men for four offices in the county, for none of which there is yet a suitable candidate. "I refer to the offices of county clerk, county auditor, county recorder and county assessor. These offices are among the most important to be filled, and to insure a clean and commendable ticket, which is all we need to win the election, the general committee of fif teen appointed by the county confer ence must busy itself at once in seeing that the right men enter the race. "The general committee will meet at Levy's cafe at noon Friday, May 20, and arrange its plans for this work. It is extremely important that every member of the committee be present. We want only one man for each office, but that man must be such as will commend himself to every Democratic voter in the county." DEMOCRATIC HOPES RRIOHT Mr. Norton's statement cites numer ous reasons for his confidence in the success of the Democratic ticket at the pending election. The statement con tinues: "The present Democratic county or ganization has accomplished since Aug ust, 1908, when it assumed the control of the Democratic party in Los Ange les county, what the Democrats here had been trying to accomplish for twenty years. It has rid Itself entirely of the hold which the Southern Pacific political (Republican) machine former ly had on it. "Up to that time the anti-machine element in the Democratic party did not seem to be able to wiest control from the machine forces. Contest after contest had been waged against the machine forces, and while sometimes a partial victory was achieved, entire control was not obtained. "The organization of the Democratic league in the early part of I<JOB was the forerunner of the downfall of machine control in the Democratic party of Los Angeles county. Working unanimous ly and with that one great purpose harmoniously governing its members, the Democrats of the county achieved their first victory at the Fresno con vention in 1908 when R. F. Goings and Eddie Morris, two of the machine lead ers of the Democratic party, were read out of the party, and so completely ob literated that they have not since dared to show themselves at a political as semblage. These men have practically gone over to the machine element of the Republicans, where they belonged. MACHINE KNOCKKD OIT "The good work was kept up by the Democratic league, which later secured control of the county convention-in August, 1908, in Los Angeles, at which convention no fewer than seven of the Republican machine men were thrown out of the convention. They, also, have ceased to be factors in the Democracy of our county or city. "This work resulted in my election as chairman of the county central com mittee, and in connection with the ex ecutive committee, which I appointed, we hay© so worked in harmony that the rest of the railroad machine element has been completely effaced, and at the conference held last Saturday not one of them dared to show his face. "Another result has been that the machine element in our party prac tically has been forced to go over to the Republican machine push, where they can be properly identified by the voters. "The grand final result has been that the Democrats of good reputation and Integrity have come forth more active ly than ever, and ore now laboring In cessantly and energetically for good government principles. These men pre viously were discouraged, and their new-born hope has given an impetus and proved an inspiration to our new county organization. It is once of the new conditions which unquestionably insure our victory at the next election. "Good, clean government is now the watchword of the Democratic party in Los Angeles. The better element of the Democratic party, as formerly repre sented by the Democratic league and by the Jefferson club, are the standbys of the present good government move ment in this city and county. They are responsible for the recall in this city of former Mayor Harper. They hold the balance of power in the city and county elections. The better element in the Republican party must look to them for support if they hope to bring about a victory for the good govern ment forces in this county. DEMOCRACY WJSIX ORGANIZED "The present Democratic organization has succeeded also in organizing in practically every city of any size in the county. We have political clubs In every important town, and these clubs can be depended on to do effective work whenever called on to do so. Such towns as Long Beach, Pomona, Pasa dena, Compton, Downey and towns of similar size and importance have Dem ocratic organizations of a kind they have never had in the past, and these organizations lend very material assist ance in conducting the campaigns of this county. • "I would say in closing that the Dem ocratic party in this county has never been in as good condition as it is at the present time; that is, it has not had actively working with it in the past men of the caliber and determination that now are taking an active interest in the inner workings of affairs Demo cratic. If the people of this county and state expect to accomplish any reforms in the line of good government they must look toward the Democritlc par ty, as I do not think they can hope to accomplish much with the Republican party on account of the strength of the Republican machine in this county and state. "It behooves all good Democrats, who really have the interest of the party at heart, to assist in securing the best possible candidates for our primary ticket and general election. They must see that only men of the highest type are elected to run for office, and that at least one good man comes out as a candidate for each office to be filled." COUNSEL MOVES DISMISSAL OF CHARGE AGAINST ALTORRE Attorneys representing Orlando Al torre, the former postofflce clerk charged with perjury, occupied the forenoon yesterday In the United States district court In an effort to have the indictment set aside and the case dis missed, their contenti.on being that the offense charged is merely an infringe ment of. civil service rules and not cov ered by the statutes, a* alleged. Judge Wellborn reserved his ruling until to day Arguments on the admission of certain testimony which the defense objected to and to the examination of several witnesses were also heard.. The trial will be resumed this morning. HERING, HEAD OF EAGLES, TO BE GUEST OF DEPUTY Frank E. Hering, grand worthy pres ident of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, will be in Los Angeles Thursday, May 28, according to a communication re ceived from him yesterday by W. W. Dodge, reputy grand president for the state of California. Mr. Herlng's purpose in coming to Los Angeles is to exemplify the new ritual, of which he is the author, and which has been adopted by the Order of Eagles throughout the United States. While In Los Angeles ho will be the guest of Mr. Dodge, who haa planned a number of entertainments in his honor. PAYS FINE FOR ALLOWING DAUGHTER TO DRIVE AUTO Because he permitted his 15-year-old daughter to operate his automobile within the cit" limits, George Mitchell was fined $5 yesterday by Police Judge Williams on a charge of violating the city ordinance. He paid. Mitchell stated that he was teaching his daughter how to operate the au tomobile and had given her permission to run it. He said he did so in ignor ance of the ordinance. The ordinance provides that no person under the age of sixteen years shall be allowed to operate an automobile within the city limits. ASK FEDERAL HEALTH BUREAU Following a vote of the membership, Dr. George H. Kress, secretary of the Los Angeles County Medical associa tion, hiis written letters to the United States senators from California and to Congressman McLaehlan, asking them to support the Owens hill which pro videa for the creation of a federal de partment of health, to be in charge of a secretary of health, who shall be a cabinet officer. None of the three men addressed, it is said, has pledged his support to the measure an yet, though none has declared against It. SHOT CHILD IMPROVING Howard Hughes, 3 years old, who was accidentally shot by his father, Robert Q. Hughes, superintendent of the Whittier irrigation plant, Wednes day night, was removed to his home, 1412 Rich street, yesterday. His condi tion is reported as being much im proved. The father was examining a revolver and, thinking it was not loaded, pulled the trigger. The bullet barely missed penetrating the boy's abdomen. TWO GAMBLERS FINED L D Cole and Claud Hetsel were arrested yesterday morning' while ■hooting craps in Center* place, between Fifth and Sixth streets. They were taken to central police headquarters and later taken before Jud^e Wil liams, who fined them $15 each. Cole paid the fine, but Hetsel, unable to raise the money, must servo fifteen days in the county jail. MOTORCYCLISTS FINED For failure to have a speedometer on his motorcycle, G. W. Brown was given a suspended sentence of fifty days yesterday by Police Judge Wil liams. He was arrested by Officers Coe and Gardner. A. W. Beesemyer and J. Ryley were fined $25 each on a charge of exceeding the speed limit. MIRANDA'S TRIAL TODAY Juan Miranda, the Mexican charged with the murder of Cenon Robles on January 18, in a shack on San Pedro street, will be tried in Judge Davis' court this morning. U. S. Solon Who May Have to Defend Senatorial Seat DEFENSE OF BALLINGER GETS PILES IN TROUBLE 'Prosecution' Seeks Investigation of How Washington Senator Secured His Seat (Special to TJ>» Herald) WASHINGTON, May 19.—Senator Samuel H. Piles of Washing-ton, who injected himself Into the Pinchot-Bal llnger investigation as "the friend from home" and particular champion of Sec retary Ballinger, is likely to himself become involved in an investigation us the result of his activities. When Piles came to the front as a man from Bal linger's own state and testified for hts friend. Attorney Brandcis, for the "prosecution," demanded that Informa tion be admitted telling how Mr. Piles was elected to the senate, find plainly Intimated that the Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate was not only backing Mr. Ballinger but had also secured Senator Piles his seat. The Investigating com mittee refused to make further inquiry along this line, but paid no attention to Senator Root's demand that Brandeis' remarks regarding Piles be removed from the records. Since then the Pinehot-Olavis following have made no secret that they are busily backtrack ing the circumstances of Piles' election to the senate and have freely intimated that Senator Ijorimer of Illinois may have company in a. senate investigation on how he was elected to that body. The matter has created a sensation in Piles' home state and there is no ques tion but that an attempt is being made there to stir up a hornets' nest for the senator. Senator Piles himself evidently does not relish the turn affairs have taken, and on a question of personal privilege addressed the senate and denounced Brandeis' remarks as a fabrication. PATRICK'S HEARING IS POSTPONED TO MAY 27 The preliminary hearing of Percy Patrick, secretary and treasurer of the defunct Unit Loan company, on a charge of passing fictitious checks, which was set for yesterday before Police Judge Williams, was continued until May 27 at 4 o'clock. Patrick Is in the city jail in default of $1500 bail. ACCUSED SWINDLER HELD H. D. Allen, the young musician who was arrested In San Diego on a com plaint charging him with having de frauded the Hotel Lelghton In this city out of $25 by means of a worthless check, and brought back to Log An geles, was arraigned before Police Judge Williams yesterday. His pre liminary hearing was set for this after noon at 11 o'clock, He was unable to furnish $1500 ball. Allen was ar rested in San Diego at the Pickwick theater, where he was working as the leader of a Hungarian orchestra com posed of women musicians. 11 SUES FOR AUTO DAMAGE D. K. Ferguson, proprietor of the Mission garage, appeared i" Justice Bummerfleld'B court yesterday after noon and testified in the civil action brought by him against Andrew V. Meule, from whom lie seeks damages in the sum of $117.20, alleging that he rented a Winton car to the defendant and that while the machine was in his possession it was damaged to the ex tent of $108.85. The remainder of the amount sued for is wanted for the lure of the auto. The court reserved a de cision in the matter until this after noon. DELIRIOUS; ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Raymond Orega, charged with petty larceny, who was taken to the county hospital trom the city jail for medical treatment several days ago, became delirloua early yesterday morning and attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a pice of glass from a broken water bottle. He was dis covered by a patient, who summoned a nurse Oresa was removed to another room and placed under a guard. He will recover. Verdugo Canyon Land Co. Us* Junt Imiipil tb« Moil Brsutlfnl and Ar Untie Illuitratfd Booklet ever publlibed b Cx>* Aoi;ele«. Call or (end for o»e. JNO. A. PIRTLE SENATOR S. H. PILES SEEK OPIUM SMUGGLERS IN SANTA MONICA HILLS Rumors of Contraband Traffic Revived by Story Told by Detective SANTA MONICA, May 19.—Rumors of the presence in Santa Monica moun tains of opium smugglers were revived today when it was announced that de tectives presumably in the employ of the United States Internal revenue ser vice are active in this vicinity. A fisherman, said to be connected with the outfit added fuel to the reports when he told of having gone to sea in a fishing launch recently to pick up several cans of the valuable drug sus pended in a net in a secret place. Will Brighton, former policeman at the Soldiers' home, told of having been on the trail of the smuggles in the mountains near the Malibu ranch for three weeks. Brighton is a detective, said to represent the revenue service. A gang of opium smugglers was known to have had a rendezvous in the mountains several years ago, hut they were frightened away when an effort was made by the government officers to capture them. Their plan of opera tion is said to be such that it is difficult to apprehend them. The opium is sup- Good Sheets for Today That Should Attract Many Buyers —because of the unusual figures at which they are priced— and because more housekeepers are coming to know that the - values that Bullock's offer in these bed linens are values not to be overlooked. Bullock's Special Best Quality Seamless Sheets ' Standard Sheets -Made from good . quality pure 64x90, 65c; 63x90. 70cj 72x90, 75e; —Made from goocl quality pure 8 t bleach seamless sheeting. 54x90 4!>c; 63x90, 50c; 72x90, 65c; SlxOO, 60e; 81x99, 66c; 90x90, 650. Wear Like Bullock's Special Linen Sheets . .., ol —Made of extra heavy pure Good Wear OheetS bleach sheeting. 54X90 60c- 63x90. 65c: 72x90, 70c; 54x90, 75c; 63x90, 80c; 72x90 85c; 81x9o! 7,-ic; 81X99, 80c; 90x99, 90c. 81x90, DOc; 81x99, 96c; 90*90, 85c. Comfort Cribs for Baby , in a Sale for Today A great new shipment of these little beds for little folks has just been received. —Some mighty durable styles in wood and lots of styles in iron. —Today they will be out marked at prices that should prove unusually attractive. Strongly Built d»r A A Chill« $11 Cf\ Wooden Cribs «P«3.UU Iron Cribs 4>11.%JV -A substantial wooden crib with ;', —A beautiful iron crib, with extra A suDsianuui .. high sides, patent sliding front and inch continuous posts and sliding spindles every three inches, front side. Fine woven wire spring. n lls strongly woven wire springs, Size 2-6x4-0. A good safe crib for very elastic, baby. $5 each. —A regular beauty. $11.50. Various Styles «Q A/A A Three-Foot <£} qj in Iron Cribs JbV.UU Cot and Pad. -There are four different styles to —A folding COt" priced " per ■ C"nt —Them are four different itjrlei to under worth go at this price, and not one but _ 3 . f0 0t woven wire cot with patent that l 8 more than an ordinary $9.00 suppor ts and folding legs, value. —The pad is a 20-lb. cotton felt pail, •—One style has continuous posts, an- covered with heavy durable ticking, other high posts with brass bar and — Juat 12 o ( these outfits, $3.95 each, trimmings. —Don't misa buying one of these. —White, ivory or bronie finish, $9. —Fourth floor. 9xll-ft. Velvet (l»|| rA 27x54-In. Velvet (M PA Rugs Priced «pll»OU Rugs Today at .... •Pl»nU Underprlced in a way to at- —73 of them. Persian and oriental tract unusual selling. Floral and •fleet! and colors. Just the rug» you oriental designs. Heavy enough want for those bare ipota on your . to stay flat. $11.50. . floors. Editorial Section SUES FOR HALF OF $1,000,000 ESTATE Dr. W. Le Moyne Wills Begins Action Against Sister. Alleges Prejudice COMPROMISE PROPOSALS FAIL Plaintiff Says His Purchase of Saloon Property Made Mother Cut Him Off Dr. W. LeMoyne Wills began an action in Judge Wilbur's court yester day against his sister, Miss Madeline Frances Wills, for an equal division of property deeded to her by their mother, Mrs. Charlotte L. Wills, on the ground that his father, who died in 1891, left a will declaring the property should be left equally between his two children. By the terms of the will of the late Mr?. Wills, her son was given only an income of $100 a month from the estate, which was estimated to be worth a mil lion at the time of the father's death. The father's will directed the mother to take charge of the property and at her death divide it equally between tho two children. According to Dr. Wills, his mother and sister became angry with him when he invested money in property at First and Loa Angeles streets, on which a saloon was located. In view of their objections to his owning a saloon, the plaintiff declares he was not given his share of the prop erty and that the mother deeded valu able property to her daughter before her death, leaving the remainder to her by a will. The case had been postponed from time to time In the hope of a com promise. Probably more than a week will be required to hear the case. Some of the papers exhibited in the action date back to the year 1800, in connection with property held by the Wills family in Alleghany county, Pa. LOSES CASH AND JEWELRY; ACCUSES HIS ROOM MATE Alfred O. Halstead of the Newport hotel, Los Angeles and Fourth streets, reported to the police that $25 in cash, a money order for a similar amount, a pair of cuff buttons and a diamond pin were stolen from his room Wednes day night. His roommate, Al Koke, was missing the next morning and complaint for grand larcery was is sued against Koke. Mrs. J. I. Finnan, a guest at the Natick house, reported that her room was entered some time Wednesday night and a quantity of jewelry stolen. MAIL CARRIER RELEASED Fred L. Stevens, a Pasadena mall carrier arrested recently on an aban donment charge, was released by Jus tice Ling yesterday afternoon. posed to be oast overboard from freight ers hailing- from oriental ports. An ac curate schedule of their time of arrival is kept by the smugglers, and when the proper signal is received from the ves sels small fishing launches hasten to th? rescue of the. nets and their precious contents. The stuff is then hurried to market, where there is a constant de mo ml for it at a fair price.