Newspaper Page Text
12 $8 Crex 9x12 < Q < Grass Rugs ...«?—'• These splendid summer ruBS In greens, browns, - blues and reds are much de sired. Here's a lot of the room size, 9x12; regularly *8, for a crowd-bringing value, 3rd floor, $5.95. The Bargain Floodgates Are Wide Open—Read This Wonderful «™^n Page Filled With Truly Matchless Values .'^lllll day feature*, hows this for Monday? --* ' **' * - ■ of fine lawn and lace, square^and Ginghams ?n t «ss1o 2;t 3e a dr' Ich^ks hof^lnk" Here's a whole page devoted to bargains, bargains in every sense of the word, not just in- — — - - f^***£j2S damX tr"mmed°w aith S o7io;;ar^r^tom|^ Cood7sc ——1 significant mediocre values, but magnetic opportunities, the result of concerted action. AmoskeagGmghams g Q g^gg^-j-^r; gSrSniS? 10 3fC A7orm Clocks .. . OOC No illustrations, no fancy typography, no frills or furbelows, just values and each and 8:JO to *:JU ...... Moilday J.UK. _:..'.,!■■ i..—■ —in ■'■« in ? We've Just received them and every price SO important that this Store will be crowded from the first tap of the morning Here's the celebrated Amoskeag M^"^^^^^^^^ r — w . | "ctu^i/wr "c y gong at 8:30 until the closing time, 5:30 at night. Hh sr-r-sr—• s thfrlLlTs 2000 Yards al Lace lOC Summer Wasn Guaranteed for one year. AH these features have been concentrated on the week beginning Monday, and the price of 6c yard. Less than actual noth eiges anfl lnaertlonB French „_. J?S2_L —a, J« apjjrtsis«ss -lues in this page arefor the first day's selling. . •% »--•,,- t uirs« ;s SS5_£S»J?2a *5;?L"!_»_?--"« Zl'; jJ^of IliUS ats? £" wSS Plan to be here, for you know when the Broadway announces a bargain spread It of »«> - h^ m ffloorl 100loor Nfor Pthis. fg-J'JVS't.'SAV "i* lect from pretty stripes. rl come early. One to a customer. 55c be wort h while attending.' - ' yard r'c- v great deal more. v . DC checks and plain colors. QTL Aisle 3. • ■ _______————————-———— DllTorent »mtns, yara f A leader for Monday, yd.... ■ ~ . , - — "7. ■__B_anß__■—■—■_■—■ra—MH I^^wm.!-, Women's Pongee Silk Suits Dress Hats — A Sensation =• ,-_■_,"_- ™ S An Eastern Maker's Surplus $3, $4, $5 and $7 Values _ 5 _Sr_^ .p- we eav°. r Tir n q uamy : " Inches Real $22.50 Garments ' N^aWy A the Desired Shapes wide; B0 pieces represented In this XVCCtf «p_/_V.^V uui»t*»v» , w ture Monday ,„ tho women's hand iS%H.~" ar 7^c Ready for a Sale Sensation Just 100 of Them s-^'"'."'".':.^2sc "■"•"■■"""^^^ 9*l*l^^ „ , ... ,„ . , •'*-■■■ 'i — 'Tlie millinery section comes forward _J^ *7 m* • ________________ f — \ J^ _* _^X Y°U d°n>t mean ««S S I _^_ -*f _TX _T^ -tf 7i In this bargain spread Monday with an |T* -f ./ _> — ~" Dointv Venetian Fou- I $10 offor *22-50 arme"ts for f 0? ea; do $10 $1— offering of dross hats that wo believe B __= Womens Linen fs\ _ iSb! Monday & ±1) jh ± U *P A S-"^."" 1— '" ™"' *T "* Handkerchiefs . I t>C R.fln looklne fabrics ln such colors "^— nt *!>? in Hi ,■ ' v geies mm hchbuh. t Imitation of Armenian lace edge, and patterns as show up well in sum- I at $22.50. f Just 100 hats in the dress styles, but .-. narrow hemstitched handkerchiefs, mer frocks, would be 25c but for th. And just because this maker had a sur- bargain offering worthy the attention of every woman in Beauties and a feature at this bar sllght weaving defects. - Ar» plus lot of them he closed out the balance to our NeW York buyer at a price that enables US 8 Angeles gain price, Monday. Aisle 3. mo™esVec 9ral M ylrd -• 't' to offer them to you at $10 each. ' Nearly eve ry wanted shape, either small or large. Some pressed shapes, other hand- __■■_-■__-----■---- , .■..„■ i-i- i ■ mm™i , .. . _ . .._ made braid hats. Choice of colors and black. Trimmings of flowers, ribbons and fancy ■"™l ~ll~^~™~_________. Lucky for us and lucky for you that our representative was on the spot. We honestly f(?ather effects. TX/« w/ ,«' e n./«-«i*« ~~^ " : ~~ believe no sale that has been featured ln this city this season can begin to hold a candle to Hats th _ t haye bpen marked $3, 4 , $5, $6 and $7. Priced to you at $1.75 while 100 of W Omen S K^namOlS ana Soft 15C White Crepe the Importance of this offering. them last. Cape Gloves you are needing th,. very material — of „ p(jn&ee uk .^ ln black , navy . Copenhagen, natura, and rose . aSove^pHc^. anWonday youTa^buy^the^ at'l^t X another ,„ .^natural .had. f^ C°that drthlsTar^ri3 offered" you Coats in the 32-inch length, lined with the best quality peau de cygne. Dashing models illustration of the bargain force back of this event. [iTMaTeTaVat de" '' '**** will want to take advantage of It. that have the very nO west style touches, including the Persian trimming on the iapels and - . «?ITr/-VNT C A V<i VLTUT AT T H4TQ X7/TM/ A* •* A more In ***** Monday sale, o9C 3 s,rr»r/.;— 106 ■— J— -»»■• -»-«•'» the "-"'■ pleated —- " see the lot Coffer mond ay ....$1.45 pnlr v c yard -,_■-, How long do you suppose they'll last at this price? Better come down early in th« day. ~" ,„„ , tv v . . , ; : : . *—*—"'"^ —-—--- This , 3 a bargain with a big "B." There'll be action. See them in the window. Small Milan Turbans and Shapes in the burnt straw color. . 16-ButWn Silk GIoVCS ft^Jrl^S^Z. Sale of $5 to 12.50 &A 95 I Women'ssl.sotos2.4B j I Purchase 3850 Yards New J^ftKL-• rr'^';™.Xnr,iri". Tailored Skirts ... «?>4'= Oxfords and Q*c 26-in. Shantee § -tf 35-~_wiw_?£ g^.??.?^. MWr... giC Another rousing bargain from the second floor Mon- PumpS ....^^ PoTiggeS for Big AD C ~fel "^Sc ■---——M —*Ml' day. Tunic models and pretty pleated skirts in a va- Bright New Goods Sale F edtUre* yd. . l ___ a ___ l ____^__-_- a — i -_«, —■ . , _ . riety of cloths and colors. Separate skirts are in a big ... —— _ : a 17iiTIAn Tn WfniteßatlSte .■■•■-. Think of buying ankle strap pumps with Took all the Frisco jobber had of this Shantee pongee, a total r>>n«i we know if you a" This Quality demand now. turned sole 3 tnat were never out thelr of 355() yards The beau tifm summer weight that sells in the $5 Brass Auto Bilhkens you'd want to buy a waist or dress I Choice of panamaS, Serges, mohairs and broadcloths j cartons before. Together with short ■ regular way from 35c to 48c yard. just seven of these to be offered at pattern. Sheer texture for fine lingerie , .„„„ ._ A _._-,, Vlllies ran£rin£T from llne3 Of tan and br°Wn k'd U-98 °X" ' 120 yardS °f U Came forward b^ cx Pr"ss' that we might half price Monday. They are for the apparel. A bin. bubbling f -T1 .DiaCK, Dive, Drown anu ferriy. v .mica i«ti. S iji ft «■« fords and a few e , ksk , n ln the smaller feature It in this sale, the balance to come later. fl . ont of you automobile. They axe bargain Monday in our _£ £ "2"C $5 to $12.50. One big bargain spread for Monday. S l zea- Not old stock, but bright, new, It's a silk bargain that will re-echo from one end of the of solid brass. Buy them _y—» H/~l 3d floor mi [-■■■■■■■■■■■I"- Come early for choice, $4.95. clean merchandise. You'll have no dlffi- city to the other, for this is the class of merchandise that is Monday^at.^hoice. »J>_s._>L/ mtw*w*tm iiinii-B ——_-———^ -1 ' culty in finding your size. There are not most in demand, and when you can secure it at a price con- __________«_______________ —" ~ " " _——— — many narrow widths. Footwear .that is cession of this kind It will be snapped up eagerly. *~~~~~"1^^^^^ Celebrated Arnold S $10 to $17.50 |_>_* Q/S Women S $3.95 $ fj.45 actually marked and low priced at $1.50, The color range includes the most favored shades now in I — — Cotton Suitings Silk Coats. . %pZ'** y ** Bath Robes... _£ $1.95, $1.98 and some few even at $2.48. demand. Just to see It is to buy it. We advise early selection. Cluny Scarfs and Arnold's eoods are the standard of Loose, maternltly and seml-nt- Terry cloth bath robes, made of This Is one of the biggest bargains of SaUareS almost all Bonds. Choice of a broad. ting street models of black taffeta KenulnB terry cloth. Choice of the Monday sale, 95c. , 26-In TaCClUard —» ■* „ 85c All WOOI Af\ __ ,"....< .'i* -,„»«,.. SjSfi^rate kSjSb S-rSiS-SH __«•«._««« 9Q/ , ■ LJ5L....35c «._ M » ..49c gsF__=sfUg stripes Third floor. 1-STC are marked for special selling^t cords. These are practical for Sandals •in Sale /»7C J"*< arrived In time for this A hard finish a -wool taffeta Insertion and one-inch hem. Extra Monday, yard -. from $10 to >17.D0. Monday's either men or women. Regular SandaiS, in Oaie. . „ _W %S Monday sale feature. We could till cloth .In an excellent ranee of el] made _ TheJr launder perfectly. I- ll——-——-■--— -~"i■ price 19.95. Price 13.95. Sale price $2.45. Tan and patent calf barefoot sandals that a book in talking about their shade*. Pastel tones Routes ht Reed from a 2Do feature, -. — - — 7— 1 — — 1 ssr mnrlrerl fnr sriHriql "as beauty and daintiness, but the different tints. A cloth th it is priced for Monday. 19c — — — \ w %c markLd 49c for special suung. price ooncewlon I* what lntere»t* dust repelling and wrviceablo. third floor -" W __ 'jT-k . . —. a, .« Some stores are asking 69c for them. vo i most These are nlaln silks You pay 85c a yard for this " ' _^_________—___—_ 15C Mercerized Pongee a 100 Of the Best $5.00 _» O C\ Ht Sizes 2to 5- While the quantity lasts w °" h an embroidered jacquard regularly ln this bargain event nil 11111-1811--»--»»--M****-~~~ 1~-'l ~-' Monday I Silk Petticoats in Town $ O .Z> D Monday, aisle 8, pair 29c. t t. o n .w. tbc h o'?c\ a 00/o0/ r^d'ai forThr n.s a J > u,tAlan eo, 4her Ja.n du S tra C-t.on i —1 BifiEfsfi =?i_^-?il:-H_t i_tSn srfffi,., 5c s-aasa? s-ag----"" B£s£..7Sc tlve colors; 15c quality. IOC I thlß arealn spread at $3.95 each. Tn) jth ce i ebra te^ 10c Shinola Shoe" ____—. ~ _____-__— Pure linen pillow «ham» or stand Monday, yard -• " fs __^ ———-—— ————— Polish that sells regulerly at 10c. For _- » _, . covers. Japanese drawn worK ana — $4.95 to $6.75 <.r> 95 $i. 95 L^er^. 19 Ct^ 9bo?T^cUom^V londay- Sale Drugs and Stationery SE^J^VSAsS GrOC^r^S Tub Dresses.^) J'^^ White Waists *1 •* not WOMEN'S $1.25 TO $2.25 HIGH Cut Prices Beginning Monday. See Last Night's .a^h^floor^ 1 GrOCeneS at anywhere near such a price? been approached this season In WOMEN'S $1.25 TO $2.25 HIGH Cut .Prices Beginning raonaay. B * at anywhere near such a price? been approached this season In ' J _ r>T7T^r<c< Express. ; Aero Soap Powder, 2/—1 • They're made of fine chambray style, daintiness and variety. KjtiAUhi Jbsil,JLlo I Package. LllOlCe ginghams and dal l»»n. In both Dozens[^ "^ daint| o ™ e oaeJ, l lab n ora »w^ Odds and ends of high grade elastic, beaded Wre just going to give you a hint here of some of the bar- X7VI/■.>.*■» « Bilk starch, pound... J_,d_ tTh e UnTof -«-*. that ta m me br other., R daintily fa.h- S'JXSW fanc^Terslan' 'eTaTt.c ' T'web pains obtainab.e in the 3 days' drug and stationery sale, full JM OtiOnS Ba^lnaw Toothpicks, 2 5C are S;,T Ch lei demandl, "piped , wUb Mli'lcfy! Del". Just one or two of a kind. The buckles detalls of which you will find in last night's Evening Express. , raven Needles pacKa^ , EcHf£VurS.'S E^;HVJ£'£u^^ :n K 'r J-,hr;:.r ril si : h 3 atMo e nday.aSk- $1 i H o U .eh,d „-. ,• : « ho, atm - »r- h .K.: v": r , . o Bmall English WalnuU /-Il, i _ • _ and "one grt"-" Big values at th. ond floor, $1.19. choice V - ,. package nru ß » 10c 80l tie Mi-slon Tonic lie B _ yd R( . mnant Cordu-l^flOlCG pound ."IjIIOICC ! regular prices of $4.95 to $0.75. Few women will be able to re- . , _ Bottle California Grnpe Bottle Maier's Tonic lie roy Hklrt Binding In "•" Armour's Hot Tamale, 1— In this bargain spread Monday at list the bargain importance of juice 10« 10( . 20-Mnle Team Borax 1c plum mid green only | «-* I Ifln $393 this item. Solid UOld Kings <_» f O/i $1.25 to f« Hair Brush".... ,.-„. Rubber Set Tooth Brushes. 19c , 1 box Mourning Pins, J.C Blackberrles^or Mnscat lUt/ _— — 1 Worth $2.75 tO $5 . .-. tf) ± .__/ O 60,- Beef, Iron and Wine 3;k> 16« Bars Castile Sou lie 40 count. . £. —L— '-^- — ' $3.95 tO $6.50 _f» r% r\ _! There are about 300 rings In this lot. Solid gold. Zsc Cathartic Tills 180 lOr an.l 25c Box Paper ......13c » tenors St<"" onord Core Oysters, 2 cans... _, TX/oJcfc «T* £t TV fj set with rubles, turquoise, garnets, topaz, opals, 25c i,iliii Powders 10c Crepe Paper 8c Bull ' __ Upton's or Totl« Js In-^,. . -, &UK WaiStS *T _»* •—' %*r sapphires and other stones. Solitaire, twin and Antlpliloglstlne 3Sc 3 pk c ». Wax Paper 10c dia Ceylon Tea, 111 .hOICf* Made of heavy taffeta silk, all the quality in appearance of »5 waists cluster settings. While these rings are worth SUc.Mlip « 1 spool Thread, 200 pound V^IIUILC "it we make a feature of at $3.95, and others Including up to $6.50. $2.75 to $5 intrinsically, we marked them 11. »l on through the bargain list. Head the full details In Sat- yd., "Lite or black, White or Mack 11*". IC-, -lain tailored models, other, trimmed with fluted ruffle. Choice of for special Now I Monday In this big bargain , or band or ma*l In,« p, , "„ oound» I^C black blue, brown, gray and green, Monday, Becond floor. spread, aisle 3. choice $1.20. ""lay ni>,ni » i.bp j Cnrl | nß . iron> pollsli-l .fIOIPP " Hm"" ••• ■••■ „ __>v/ . ____„ ———.in.. II—«»I1 ii. ninj— —■■ 1111 «—l■' lI——II I—-in-T—ll ■ e( ; teel with wood V^llV/IVV/ Kr«{K>rated Peaches, 2 fm ■— ■!■ I—■■!■■■ ■■■ mili ■»-«»——■—■ ■njimmiii-inmn iiiiii* ■ iiieiiiniini ■ I in- mmm I—■___»_i_-_»s N^ handle ,- , -:™^O'^iT oice «c to 3 . 85 Fine 2 00 Dozen Men's Golf Shirts 65c Each Bo ys ' $ 5 -00 <° $6; 50 s — _fjs; 2ic K. C. Baking Powder, V^llUlfwC __, I*l* ' (b^M'MIVI /V 1 Card Pearl Button*.. JLt^£££ 20c Embroideries A wonder value from the-Men's r Spring DUJtS cart]g - = -— Broadway Hueclal Cof- l\)Q, J~l 111 Half Price rWM r «l'« 2Sr fln^ lOC Annex -or M.m,lay- K olf shirts that Children's B7ocfc tf^ tARZFfinh ' Caril(> Hook , ond fee, pound yj- ■, , —» •__. K^nUOren S ZOC ana H (\f* Will go side by Bide with many $1 , R j i — . . . --, /■ Kycs, lilack or white, Half PrtCe 2Qr n^«« ±\JC values. W, purchased them far Children S Black £ - <t /I QK. WSVS*H «IL. l. *. 3 and 4.. Fancy lowa Corn, » / IJCUreSSeS .. . ■*■ +* w under their real WOFth and are able Sfoc l.: nos .. DC •pH'.OD JLUCLCSI 1 Hair Mop. mcllyfUJno _ CBD' • __ VjIIOICG An opportunity for you to buy . . to mark them for special sale pur- JCOtK/ri(/a ...... T * . brown In the lot \jilUH/C iT-Wnd" « >«t»l"*».V>"™^ hand loom edges, nounclngs and A manufacturer's surplus Stock poseB at Ssc . _»-,-- . n ; .. ... These have two pairs of knkker- i Hair Braid, 22-Inch _ Chol.e rvan«r a t«i" Anl 7SP Each piece outlined with . c .i n£r ] lam an j ann clette Now Monday we want to bring Here S a bargain WOrtll Willie, bQckers , styles for boys 7to 18 length tp pies ? ?,Z.d» P" -^ goldthread. OI gingnam ana lianncicili. men to tne Annex in r ow, i., there - « agt black seamless Stockings years. Herringbones and fancy i wire Hat Stand K i cn and rare embroideries that dresses, also flannelette gowns fore these 200 dozen shirts will go lcl;>L """- __ -,.• ° weaves, including the smart salt x car JO e Collar Sup _, we purchased far under their real ... „._..., „.;.], at, choice 65c. . for boys Or girls. Medium and pepper checks as well as the porters, no sowing.. Eastern Hams r> -i _ worth. and Sleeping garments Wltn we]] they . re mad the . .'.... v n L, or diagonal weaves. These are new $ i, 25 to JKT buttons 60c Sugar Cured,lb.2lC Insertions and bands from 2% to feet . fuilcut^ -to the w^e.^i -riety f , Ti Si nTler «S. fiSST Pant/^uT 3^, SS^^'S.'^.S'^Uo^, I.^- These ar. eastern su ß ar cured hams 8 'To^in^ffrom 10 to 46 Inches Dresses are P.ustcrßrown M,:;*,. 1"".-',,' I!;-!, o,- 'lliu,: Tan! mailorders. Limited number knlcl bk c tyle , Blf bargain ■ »at th. pr.ce. „_,.,. that average from 9to 11 pounds FlOUnclngS from 10 to 4o Inches - V b[a whJ lavender and green o f pairs to a customer, in aisle opportunity,. $4.85. Second floor. ,___,___ M _ WJ _____ M , lM . llM | l _ rff each. A barg-aln offer In from the wide. Or I'rencll Style, neatly trim- n«rn« "• grocery section, for these are much Some are in matched sets. These - , -. iibhoiub. ,8 Monday Boys' Knicker m_< ■ i '— "— _ leu than regular. will be Just the best thing ever for mcd. These are regular 2.1C They're made of fine madras », iMonuay. . coyi, r>.nn.«.cr 7^/~ A*«—' I. o/,^. r ,■,',■-■■_ fine dresses. They were marked to .on , * , fi cloths and percales. Materials that Wash Suits ID\* $10 Trunk,32 to 36-ln. Tdahn Finur *X -r >s* sell reirularlv at 75c 95c $125 $150, and 29c values, ages 2to 6 v , m we This is a bargain op- . laariO J. IOUr (T* •* Ar% ,'-*,"-«■; - , V *■<%'■ M,\nrliv w"**j i • t DOrtUnlty few men can afford to , , ou A These are marked down «from a higher Heavy canvas covered dress trunks. I/a Ancient «D J. •/"4' --/ I $16,"' $J 'iJb> * f * ,' ,Monday' years. Monday bargain fea- £°"lnnk «uiuiu Women Shaped -f f\ price, iv to 10-year sizes; military and fitted with brass finished hardware. /4 DaCK at f-r.»-r-^ W hlle the assortment lasts. you - - *> overlook. „., , , V«t« I I I/* sailor collar styles; choice of plain, blu«, fiber bound, two sturdy leather Celt! rated Besk-No-Further flour; may buy these at Just hair their tlire, _d floor, lUc. -, , If . T . KIDUCU vests — v-' W tans _ a ) SO striped and mixed patterns. straps. Excelsior lock, one convenient another bargain offering from the rial worth. Come down early for Men S IUC J_,inen as* Second floor, Tic. tray, choice of 32, 34 and -j, -. /-» -. fourth floor .roc.-/ section; i-« sack, best selection. Infants 15c and 25c | Handkerchiefs OC Seconds of a 25c .quality that Bo s> 85c to $1 50 trunks MonSd Pa7o«er'.".^O.i/5 «_■__——-——!■ i-iiiiiiii» am i $1.75 to $4.50 Allover Laces— Knit Bootees J. C soft finish hemstitched handkerchiefs we featured specially at 17c. „..,'., nt _X^*T* -_-__^___b__-_>___<-__-_-__■ v v for men. Absolutely pure linen. No phone l . J 11 Knickerbocker Pants*T*- __^ ———-—_——__—_—_—__ Important A% -4 A Great big quantities of these in- or mall orders on this Item and a Mm- Low neck, no sleeves, well ■—— /^J*,^ "\f^*^« «fro OC /^ r C I /I *% «'c">- "'5 «* , , It.d number to each customer. Annex, ' None of them worth less than Sue and _ - - • _ 'j. r* ijne-lvlotion $±).i)5 Uo- Purchase *!> JL •rr«-J fants' knit bootees in pink, blue Monday , 50 . finished No phone or mail from this they rang* up to $1.50 m $5 Leather Suit Cases Cnr-ta rUIUd t * and white. Big assortment of pat- " , " , » i- .. a value ' although marked a feature at f V^UrtS See these beautiful Imported gold and tj«~,i«» „-•„„ lE _ QnH 9r« Men's 15c *-n l Orders On these. A limited 75c. -Mostly all sizes In the line. Dark just right for your vacation trips, And this one mouon necessary in ■liver allover laces, 850 yards ol It. terns. Regular prices 15c and 850. men S lOC |-,j r» u.ucia U" colors. A few corduroy knickerbockers steel frame, two leather strap, all f ldlnu up theso collapsible gro-oart* «hown for the first time. Neat and showy DI( j you ever hear tell of such a Fancy Socks Qo^ number tO each CUStOmer; an.l straight styles. Choice 450, Second ... around case, extra shirt fold, brass Is very eaay. Madn of English leath.-r designs, the moat fashionable now for _, / ,, „,„„„ -.1.-7 There'll he a blir ' .. , . , ■ . . -, . , , , in """ lock and catches. Hegu- _» n /-» r? * cloth, spring brake, rubber tired trimming*. ridiculous price? There 11 De a DIB Almost half the price we've marked a i s le 7 iMoilday, garment, 10c. ■ lar $5 grades. Your op- SS m^3 Wheel*. Ur f e hoori. ___ _, _, ]..■ urn* mat.rial that would cost crowd for these. Second floor, in- them for special sale purposes, for these ° . X & S 50c Blouse '* /<^ _« portunlty Monday "r ••^ —' '. Monday the.* 19.96 C/ Q^ you In th regular way 11.T5, 12, 13.20. " Hm..rtment lc nair are Mcon(li "f the ):"' a" ? 5° grades «•• « •a- •'UI- OIUUK -O C i~» ' valuer third f100r... •?>*._/_» $3, , 60 and »4.80. We took the 45 fants department, lc pair. No phone or mail ord*r» and a llmiud Waists From 10 to 12*J \J\* _■_■_■_■_■_■_■_■■_■__■■__■_ „„ , pieces from the Jobber at our own price, • number to each customer. Fancy color*, , ,_ »»«•««. x i«wi iv vw *_-- «■■■—■—^—■■■—■—■——■—■—■—■_■—__• therefor.! are •'iiubl.-.l to name this bar- MisSeS $1.95 s^ f\ stripes, plaids and checks. Seamless tin Women S 1»C -4 £\ *~ This bargain offerliiK for two hour* Moll- gain price of 51.45 yard. It wont last ... , c - ,_ *^ f§ (* lib. Follow the crowds to the Annex for C fri -Ui'n<rc I IMC duy I1'"r"l No phone or mail orders. $6 45 tO $8 98 Suit -—~~^^^^^^ 1 long. Coma early. Aisle 1. WOOI Sweaters %J \J these, 8 l-10. . btOCKingS J. \S V No „,.,.,, to te n you the Importance of >pv.t^ LU -po.^O UUII $1.25 DreSSed JOmted SFF THF BRAND NEW The misses' department Joins the bar- Tv/r en > s Silk -f >-k Llsle hosiery, light weight, seam- te K. &H. blouses at this jirlee. t'/ya/ja §I.ZO Dolls JOmtea ***• toIMMINGS NF\A/ The misses' department Joins the bar- Four-in-Hands IOC less faBt color- A weight, seam- U"J'°" Su'Cs B:3° tO 10;30 ™~ - Ih^u-S"-'.: 2i«XK Dolls **-*- TR imm?NGS £al" K'VlnK M"nf'a7 W", h *" W°ol Z°:l Four in-Hands IOC U^ faKt co'°r- A I!m'ted """V Union SuitS 8:30 tO X°'3° "JS .7. B«ri__irfi; Sll-SS pretty face, with moving eyes and TKIMMINOb er. In red, white and gray. Double r our in raai v ... *VW of . pairs to each customer. No — ,I«. , 4 „ Made of cowhlde-llnon or leather curly hair. Touched off with a pretty 7 , pieces of the new Tokio silk and em- breasted kind, large pearl buttons and Just inrnglne men's neckwear for 10c. , orders. New mer- 34 pi a i, an. short .leovesV knee length. "ned. Bom* with extra leather cor i^ii^c ilKSii ehhhhse gpl^li iH^gi wMl^.% s-j-nisw M _____ i __ I«o to «o yard. Aisle l. I. 50a, daily at 17c. ■ Aisle 8, pair lOC. : V_-; ''" V •••••••• —■■■ I———— — 45-Inch Plain 25c 1 7 1 r* Curtain Nets ■* * 2^ French nets, plain white or Arabian color, together with a line of our figured nets, priced 25c to be offered In this house furnishing sale for Monday and Tuesday only, at yard, 17H«. The plain neta are limited 25 yards to a customer. T.OS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1910. , Bone 10571. BDVX4944.^^ COfi. 4 TN. LOJ Ahocles. Dinner 25c { Cream of Potato Soup, Roast Leg • of Lamb, Mint Sauce, or Fried Hal ibut, Spanish; New Potatoes and Cream. Ice Cream and Choice of , Drink, 25c. Fourth Floor. Jc« Cream and Cake, 10c. Also Service a la Carte. Cupid Awake and Asleep -i 'jl. r% 25c Framed Pictures ■* That most popular of all picture subjects, Cupid Awake and Asleep. Hand colored and fitted In npat brown framos and brown mat with a lioart-shaped opening. 100 of these 26c values, while they hint, third floor, 12Ho.