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REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING NEWS PART II BANNER YEAR WILL BE 1910 FOR BUILDING Month of May Promises to Finish with About $2,000,000 Valuation 5 MONTHS TOTAL $10,371,198 Seventeen Days in Present Month Show 664 Permits and $1,440045 in Value OPTIMISTIC attaches of the office of the chief Inspector of buildings Saturdnyenthusiastically predict ed that from present Indications the total valuation of authorized Improve ments in the city of I,us Angeles for the full month' of May would ho close to the." $2,000,000 mark, if Indeed that sum Is not exceeded by several hundred dollars. chief Clerk Mark Cohen and his as sistants watch the building permits closely and let none escape. This is to be the banner year in the entire history of IjO.s Angeles In improvement opera tions. The grand total for the year, It Is expected, will be nearly $25,000,000, or $7,000,000 more than for .the year 1906 when the total aggregated $18,15R,fit8. The official tabulation for the month, May i to May 20, for the. seventeen business days, shows that-664 permits weer issued, authorizing improvements valued at $1,440,045, as against 443 per mits and $603,784 in valuation for the same period in 1909, a pronounced in crease, both as to number of permits and total valuation. Analysis shows that of the fi64 per mits Issued twenty-one were for the erection of business structures valued at $574,145. and 301 permits for the erection of new homes, valued at $643, --496. ' The balance of the permits grant ed, "842 In number, were for public buildings, barns, k'if.-i* nd »lterai , valuation $222,404. •It. will be observed that there. Is no cessation in liomp-hnildinK. New dwellings are being erected constantly In all sertjons of the city, and as rap- Idly as they are completed they are oc cupied by permanent tenants. • OFFICIAL TABULATION Following Is the official report sub mitted by the building department, May 1 to May 20, 1910: < ■!••»»— , r>rmli(i. Value. A, reinforced conrretc 8 $33.1.000 O IB 239,145 TV 1-story frame Wl .T.'0.0J.1 T», IVi-Mnry frame 28 19.02.1 I). *-»»or.T frame 40 nil. IHi It, S-«tory frame I Public building*, ■■■(> 4 29.RA8 Bhedn and barn* M 17,618 Brick alteration)) -SI i.-> i.; 7 Frame alteration! 203 104.ni1) Demolitions 7 1,015 'Total* r,r,i f1.440,04r> From Mar 1 to 20. 1909... 443 80.1.784 SAN PEDRO $3,000,000 was just voted by the people of Los Angeles for the building of Public Docks. Warehouses, etc.. at San . Pedro —the foundation to one of the greatest free harbors in the world. The government has Just completed the 000,000 breakwater and has also appropriated over $500,000 for further improvements in the harbor.. The fortification site has been purchased by the government at a cost of $299,000. What more guarantee is necessary of the certainty of San Pedro becoming one of the world's greatest commer cial centers? Property within four ? blocks of the water , front can be bought at $600 and up per lot on following terms: $25 down, $10 per month. Take advantage of the opportunity and see me at once. Prices are bound to go up. CHARLES MASON LOS ANGELES OFFICE, 202 SECURITY BUILDING SAN PEDRO OFFICE, 117 WEST SIXTH STREET Architects, Contractors, Carpenters and Builders use and recommend Pioneer Roofing. dt's the roof that proves. Sunproof and rainproof, needs no paint or repairs. Pioneer Roofing is right for any —flat or pitched —any building. Ask' for samples, prices and booklet. Address Department 76. PIONEER PAPER COMPANY ||f 210-221 South Ixii Ao*elm street, LOB ANGELES, CAT.. ■ " ■-.-*'-, ? .__ ■ A Merchants Bank and Trust Co. ST Branch: 209-11 c BroadwaY Trmn»&et§ a General Sank ?^outh.Bo<>T--«* v 209llS.Broadway. ln« andTrmt Builntia, A Los Angeles Sunday Herald GREAT LIMA BEAN RANCH COMPRISING 17000 ACRES PROPERTY OF IRVINE CO. The planting of 17,000 aoren of bean* on Hit* Nan •Imuiuln ranrh near Banta Ann, owned by the- Irvine company, km completed last week. The Held planted to brant l« the lnrgpst In tin- world owned l>j' one company. I'lnnllng I)rgan April 20. A large part of the bean* I» up, making a Knlrmlltl nlioivliik. and the yield will he Irainriwp. fourteen thou- Hanil oere* are In lima beam. 3000 in hlimfceyf. NEW MOTOR CAR LINE FOR FERNANDO VALLEY Opening of Lankershim and Van Nuys Ranch Fixed for May 25 Many important developments have taken place In connection with the opening of the Lanki-rshim and: Van Nuys ranch, San Fernando valley, which is scheduled to take plaoe Wednesday, May 2R. The tract Is so larffe, ovtir 47,000 acres, that tho board of control has decided to devdte the first week of the open ing to taking Intending purchasers Over the property, thereby, (riving everyone an opportunity to make In telligent selections, actual selling to begin one week later on June 1. OaaoMne motor cars will be placed In operation by the Southern Pacific railway, through the San Fernando valley, commencing Wednejwiay, May 25, and the present schedule, will provide two trains each day. This will he the first opportunity tha public has had to test the utility of these cars in ac tual suhurhan use. That this great property lying so close to Los Angeles and practically unoccupied has been the object of In creasing Interest for nmny years Is shown by the overwhelming demand for literature and information, at the offices of the J«os Angles Suburban Jinnies company. Already two op tions of booklets have been exhausted and the mass of Inquiries and cor respondence has compelled the office force to ke^p long hours. Monday the Barber Asphalt company will oommenoe putting fh^ir equipment on tho ground to build the thirteen and a half-mile double boulevard, a contract for which for approximately one-half million dollars has been let The giving: of disc/Mints to bona. fide settlers who build satisfactory houses. garages und barns has been a popular innovatlon. Tt is stated that large sales are already assured. While daily excursions will be run to th« ranch, commencing Monday, selling will begin June, 1. IN BRF.A CANYON FUI..L/ERTON Fir,!,!"). May 21.—The Fullerton Oil company has passed through 350 feet of sand In each of two wells it has under construction in Brea canyon. One of these is down 2000 feet and the other 3000 feet; both are expected to be finished within 200 feet more. Derricks are up for the next two, which is the number that the Fullerton's policy calls for being In continuous operation. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. Gigantic Beet Sugar Factory Is Now Ready to Handle the Summer Crop ... v- v/jF)ix4k i ■■■I 131 ! I «■ ?■ S * * --*gBwS - jgjz.' "si'TV^-m ill rrfi i^ r A' R wil PLANT IS LOCATED AT DELHI, NEAR SANTA ANA, BUILT BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUGAR COM PANY AT AN OUTLAY OF NEARLY $500,000—HARVEST OF SUGAR BEETS BEGINS IN JUNE How "Village" of Los Angeles Grows Bank Clearings and Building Permits Remarkable Expansion in Substantial Development in Five Months Under Good Government Rule —All Former Records in History of the City Are Broken In these piping days of general prosperity in the "village" of Los Angeles, which has been tinder energetic Good Government rule since January 1, 1910, it is gratifying to direct attention to the many evidences of substantial growth shown by the great metropolis of Southern California. Best indica tion of the expansion of any city is found in the bank clearings and the number of permits issued and total valuation of improvements in the building departments. Comparison of the first five months of 1910 are all to the good .?- ; V''..": ■ BANK CLEARINGS GREATEST IN HISTORY Following are figures taken from the books of the Los Angeles clearing house giving comparisons for the first five months in 1910 with like period in 1909. . , ' • Month 1910 Month ' 1909 January $61,776,089 January : $48,851,66.1 February 59,080,658 February 47,619,248 March =... 73,350,265 March .......... 57,190,668 April 74,041,104 April 56,703,423 May, estimated —■.... 73,000,000 May .... ... „....... 56,165,045 ....-■; . Total .. $342,248,116 Totals $266,530,047 ;;.;j.V Increase for 1910 over 1909, $75,718,069. The clearings for February, March and April, 1910. were the greatest, month by month, in the en tire history of Los Angeles, due to the rapid growth of the city in population and the general expres sion in industrial and commercial enterprises. Bankers and merchants state that Los Angeles is now enjoying the greatest era of general prosperity in her history, and that the future was never brighter for the achievement of results of tremendous importance to Los Angeles and Southern California. r^"^-[ BUILDING ACTIVITY IS MARVELOUS Compared. with the first five months in 1909 in the building history of Los Angeles, the same pe riod in 1910 shows an increase of 1379 in permits and $5,959,2/4 in total valuation of improvements. Following are the figures for 1910 and 1909; 1910 1909 Month Permits " Valuation ■'- Month' '. Permits Valuation January ........ 759 $ 1,766,431 January ..........483 $.646,007 February 788 1,524,269 February 495 584,470 March 1053 1,719,921 March . '.......788 1,154,726 April 930 3,360,577 April 722 1,019,957 May (estimated) 950 2,000.000 May 623 1,006,764 Totals '........ 4480 $10,371,198 Totals 3111 $4,411,924 Increase for 1910 over 1909, 1379 in permits; $5,959,274 in valuation. .. It is predicted that the year 1910, from present indications of building expansions, will close with total valuations around $25,000,000, which, if realized, will be $7,000,000 more than in 1906, when the total valuation was slightly in excess of $18,000,000. Los Angeles is surely going a great pace under Good Government rule. $5,000,000 IN CASH FOR WATER POWER Los Angeles Capitalists Engaged in Big Enterprise in San Joaquin Valley Tremendous sums are invested in Central and Southern California In the development of water power. One of the strongest corporations is tho Sier ra Madre-San Joarjuln Kleetric compa ny, whose qtockholdern are Lob Angeles capitalists. The capital stock of this corporation is $5,000,000, paid up, organ ized for the development of power on the Tulare river, in Tulare county. Tho concern will operate in connection with tho Pacific Light and Power corpora tion and the San Joaquln Light and Power company in supplying electricity to the southern half of the San Joaquin valley- Eight hundred thousand dol lars 1 worth of work has alreaily been done by the company, and $1,600,000 additional 1h to be expended within the year on' the construction of dams and an 8000-horsepower plant twenty-five miles above Portervllle. From there the Kern and Midway oil fields are to be furnished light and power. This plant, above that of John Hays Hammond's Mount Whitney Power and Electric company, will open an entirely new field in power development. No filing has been mnde on tho water for irrigation purposes, and it will be turned back Into the etream. Marlcopa EDITED BY JOHN YOUNG and Taft will be the first towns served. W. O. Kerrkhoff Is pi-psirtpnt, Allan O. Ralrh vice president, and L. M. Farn ham secretary. SALES IN BEAUTY PART OF GROWING SOUTHWEST The Lawrence ri. Burek company, 142 South Spring street, report the follow ing sales for the past week: Six-room bungalow at 920 West Fifty sixth street, lot 40x128 feet, to Glen A. Calkins, for $2976. Five-room bungalow at R45 West Fif ty-eighth street, lot 40x119% feet, to Charlotte R. Johnston, for $2650. Lot on West Fifty-eighth street, be tween Vermont and Hooper, 40x119% feet, to Mary Q. Brady, for $800. Lot on West Fifty-third street, be tween Vermont and Hoover, lot 40x170 feet, to Oarrlt Ilbrlnk, for $925. Lot on West Fifty-seventh street, between Denker and Western avenues, 40x122 feet, to Bickforrl & Wilson, for $600. HOTEL TO COST $100,000 FOR LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN The $100,000 hotel for Lookout Moun tain park near Hollywood, is now as sured, according to the promoters of the project. Plans am now being drawn and ground will lift broken in a few days. Tho hotel will be located on a knoll near the summit of look out mountain and command the. finest view of any hotel in Southern (Cali fornia. It will contain about 184 rooms. It will be reached by the drive up Laurel canyon past Bungalow Land and thence by privata road up this mountain, this road being now prac tically complete GIGANTIC CONTRAC CLOSED FOR USE OF CHINESE IRON Western Steel Corporation to Im port 72,000 Tons Yearly to the Pacific Coast One of tho greatest commercial en terprises recorded for years in thn Pa cific is the contract closed by tho Hnngyang Iron and Steel company of China for the supplying of 36,000 tons or iron oro and a like amount of pig iron from tlio great mines of the Tlyee district, near Hankow, to the Western Steel corporation every year for the next fifteen yenrs. This contract was closed in China by Herbert B. Law, vice president of the corporation, and •Robert Dollar, also a vice president of the concern, who gave out the details of the transaction upon their arrival Saturday from the Orient, where they have been fnr the last three and a hair months. The tirst consignment of pig-iron under tho contract reached the Los Angles harbor at San Pedro several days ago. Verdugo Canyon Land Co. Ha« Juat l»»ned the Moat Beautiful and Ar- Uatlo Illustrated Booklet ever ' published U Lot Antrim. Call or send (or one. . JNO. A. PIRTLW r„ , ■ EVENING EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING IS PURCHASED BY EASTERN INVESTOR E. T. Karl, the publisher, lias sold the Evening Express office building, a tbree-stnry "id basement structure, on the north side of Fifth street, between Broadway and Spring street, to an east ern Investor for *15.i,000, the sole having been negotiated through the agency of. Leo 3. Magulre. The lot Is 84x120 feet, and the price paid was nt the rule of $4500 ■ front foot. The building Is to be vacated about June 1 as a newspaper office, when the Express will take possession of Its new home at 719-781 South Hill street. Mr. Earl paid SBO.OOO for the. Fifth street property In 190%. and expended about ?23,000 In making Improvements. The profit of $100,000 In eight years Is quite a handsome sum. WATER SUPPLY CONTRACT LET FOR ORANGE PARK Contracts for the manufacturing and laying of five miles of vitrified pipe for the irrigation system In Orange I'ark have just been let by the George C, Peckham company, and work will he started immediately. When the pipe is all laid water will be furnished to every five-acre tract in Orange Park, thus in suring a great sufficiency of water, one of the first necessities in orange lands. Interest has been keen in Orange Park. The George C. Peckham com pany has been busy conducting parties over the Orange Park subdivision, which lies Just on the outskirts of On tario. Sales amounting to $!ir,oo were made last week. Mrs. Susan R. Ashley bought lots 24 and SB, comprising ten acres, for $3500. Pr. Clapp of Los An geles purchased tracts 12 and 13 for $3000. Ixits 8 and fl were' sold to Mr. James of Los Angeles for $3000. TWO PROPERTIES LEASED AT $32,000 TOTAL RENTAL The. Jesse H. Taylor company re port havitig made, the following leases: Fire year lease on storeroom locat ed f.44 South Broadway t<> Ales MendelFon Tailoring company, and storeroom at 213 West Fifth street, formerly occupied by Mendelson Tail oring company, ha.-* been leased to ri;)ii & Curtis as h. barber shop. The total amount of rentals involved is $32,000. Tionk for Rotty Bray. "^'^V *^:.:M"=s f?TSS CROWN OF THE GOt^ft^s^-*''*'^ The Inner Harbor, land-locked and fully protected, which Nature evident ly intended here, is today urgently de manded by the rapid development of all the surrounding country. A Watch W Oceano Beach Or iff) The waterway in the body of water which I 5» /£«« will be developed into our Inner Harbor is 1 % /|§£ already from •< to 20 feet deep and it will j^Mr ImM require comparatively little work and out- f's § W'f lay to turn *ms into an oceantraffic accom-' KJ |L, Ur.j ; modating channel. f^Ssi U Oceano Beach 1 # Is Growing H tall -M, V~^ T T M. A. m. mv* L, I m. We are not only continually selling lots and mo H . lands but the town is growing rapidly. wj? Fuv Substantial buildings are being put up x/v|l §£&} business is on the increase and all improve- \VL <™f* merits"? have a very permanent appearance. My § - Values Are § JL Rising » ■y^E'"? Right now —this very week—is the tfis&U' Ti'S-v^' time for you to look into and become i< (convinced of the advisability of an in- i^>j^/: vestment at OCEANO BEACH. We'll make your Dollars grow safely and surely. Drop around to the. office and get Facts, Figures anil detailed in formation that will make you wonder why we're not making more noise about ourselves. FREE INTERESTING STEREOPTICON LECTURES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 8 P. M. 121 MERCHANTS TRU3T BLD67 207 30. BOWY. Classified Section SAN PEDRO FUTURE OFFERS GREATEST PROFIT IN CASH Alluring Section on Coast for In vestment in Real Estate MILLIONS TO BE EXPENDED Government Appropriation for Harbor and Fortifications for Los Angeles Is Liberal Possibilities for profitable invest merits in San Pedro seem to he unlim ited. The largo investors are naturally looking toward San Pedro for the fol lowing reasons: The United States government has just about completed its breakwater, at a coat of $3,000,000. It has appropriated over $500,000 for further Improvements in the inner and outer harbor and has just completed the purchase of a fortification site at. a cost of $299,000, upon which it is pro posed to spend at least 000,000 for fortifications. The Union Oil company or Miner syndicate is expending over $1,000,000 In the outer harbor, filling in, reclaiming and dredging , slips to ac commodate deep water shipping. It is also proposed to build docks and ware houses. The city of Los Angeles has just voted bonds to the extent of $3, --000,000, which money is to bo expended as follows: $2,000,000 to reclaim 146 acres in the so-called outer harbor. This money will also be used for build ing clocks and warehouses to accom modate the deep water shipping; $1, --000,000 to be expended in the inner har bor. The Pacific Wharf and Storage company, another large, corporation, is expending thousands of dollars im proving Its holdings in the inner and outer harbor. All this work is progressing daily, an.l to appreciate the fact one must see It. The outer harbor of San Pedro is one of the busiest spots in Southern < 'ali fornlfl tnday. It is expected that close i '> will be expanded in San Pedro harbor in the next four or five years. The population of that section 11 in- (Continued on rase Two)