OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, May 22, 1910, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-05-22/ed-1/seq-14/

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Neat Bungalow Home in the Golden Tract
V^r :**l pew IM ■ W^* : : r«Wi
$400,000 IN CASH
Huge Dredging Enterprises in!
Progress at San Pedro
Growing Activity in Realty Deals.
Investors Alive to Impor
tance of Situation
In rill Us history Pan Pedro has
never shown greater development ac
tivity than at present. The entire har
bor section feels the quickening touch
of fresh capital placed daily by wise
investors, whose, faith in the grrnt fu
turf> <if the harbor towels is unbounded.
Owners of manufacturing enterprises
generally are preparing for the future
with commendable energy. The Pacific
Manufacturing company has enlarged
its plant so that it now lias a capacity
of 26,500 brick per day with drying
sheds to accommodate, a ten days' con
tinuous run. It is expected that the.
output for the season will amount to
about four million brick. Many orders
arc on flic from northern ports, vessels
going from San Pedro to load lumber,
taking this product at a very low rate,
rather than go light altogether. This
is an advantage that could well be In
vestigated by Los Angeles jobbers.
The most Important news for Wilm
ington that has developed for some
time, is the fact that the new grade
proposed by Homer Hamlin, city en
gineer, and the. board of. public works.
providing for a fill of seven feet on
portions of Canal street and at other
points in proportion, is likely to be
accepted without a protest.
As is well known, the present town
site is as it lias always been, about
three feet above the level of the sen.
In some places the tide backs up al
most to the business houses. There
are many depressions in which the
water stands for long periods after the.
winter rains have ceased. If the plans
of the board of public works are ac
cepted this area will all be filled to a
point which will afford a complete and
excellent system of drainage and will
add much to the sightliness of. the town
as a whole.
The appropriations provide for nearly
$400,0110 to be spent In dredßinc In botii
the east and west basins and ft is
known that a portion of the one mil
lion dollars In bonds which have .inst
been voted by Greater l,"s Anjreles
■will be spent in the same manner.
This will make available a v.i.-t ma-
This Is the Exact Photograph
At $5000
It Is a Sacrifice
In the Wilsliirr District, No. 3823 Elm wood avenue, lf-story
8 rooms, well built; best of sanitary plumbing. Large garage,
cement floor and pit. Cement porch fl<->or and driveway. This
house is new anrl never been occupied. Lot 50x145, all fenced.
South front. If you want a home investment see this. Come
out today and look it ov<
Take. Bimini Bath<= far marked Western Avenue to F.lm
wood avenue. ()nly $350,00 cash payment, balance $50 per
month, including interest.
The Knowles-Stice Co.
terial which can be had free of charge
for filling purposes so that the only
expense to be Incurred by the property
owners will be the raising of a few
buildings to conform to the new grade.
The board of public works has given
the people assurance that when the
work is tar ted it will be pushed with
all of the expedition possible so that
the period of temporary inconvenience
may be made as short as possible.
It Is likely that Wilmington Dock
i be made ;<s abort aa possible,
is likely that the Wilmington Dock
company will commence work on the
proposed $20,000 hotel at the corner of
.Second and Canal street." at once, now
that the question of grades Is to be
. amicably settled.
I Indicative of the. interest in real
I estate on the coast attention Is direct
ed to these transaction.:
George H. Peek & Company report
the following Rales: To John Stewart,
lot on Fifteenth street, near Mesa,
11800; lot in Grand View, John Spring,
1860. Lots in Ocean View tract; one to
John Spring $925; house and lot to C.
O Puckett, $3200; lot to I. Bond, $1700;
lot to John*A. Polaerk, $1900; $1700;
to John A. Polaerk. $1900; lot to
Del. Dedriek. $850; lot to Albert .Temle
ion $1300; three lots to Frank McDon
ald $2650: two lots to G. D. Cunning
ham $1700; lot to Mary Magnussen.
$900;' two lots to Belle Friesweek, $1800:
lot to Mary Porter. $1300. Lots in Pa
cific Improvement tract; two to Anna
«• Improvement tract; lot to J. M.
Allen, $sno; house and lot to J. M.
hards. $2000; lot to John Reagan,
$100. Lots in Point Firmin tract; two
lots to L. Hayes, $4200; lot to Grant
Karr, $1600. Six lots in Carolina tract
to Hunt & Dolan, $4500; lot in Carolina
tract to T. "Wells, $1060.
The Stacy Realty company reports
the sal* of lot on Sixth near Bay View
to H. B. Stone, $900: lot on Third street,
near Pacific, to N. A. Young, Jr., $1300;
lot on., Bay View avenue, near Fifth,
to C. A. Williams. $1000; lot on Fifth,
near Otis. Mary A. Simpson, $950; two
lots on Sixth, near Bay View, to R.
Mitchell, $1800: lot on Sixth, near Bay
View, Ira C. Zeh. $900.
The Gaffey Investment company, lot
In Centinela tract to H. L. Campbell
and R. Scott; lot in Mirador tract to
ip Gaffey Investment company, lot
■entinela tract to H. L. Campbell
R Scott; lot in Mirador tract to
G. Engstrum; lot in Valainbrosa tract,
M. A. Simpson: lot, same tract, M. L.
calf; three lots, same, to R. Mitch
ell and I. C. Zech; four lots in La
I Mlrada tract to F. W. Johnson: two
lots in Buenos Ayrea tract, Louis Kape;
lot in Mirador tract, C. L. Williams;
lot- in same tract, Thomas H. Canett;
lot in same tract, C. L. Brown: lot in
Km Buenos tract. A. Brown.;
in Mirador tract, C. L. Williams;
in same tract, Thomas H. Canett;
in samp tract, i. L Brown; lot In
v>y-« subdivision. M. A. Brown;
lot In Arcadia Park tract, M. A. Na
•rham and Hardy Bros, sold lot
and bungalow, W. H. Jose to Lee Aug
ustine on Second near Grand avenue,
$2000; lot on Third, near Pacific, Angel
Klizgavey to Charles Nlchola.l Abbott
& Co. sold lot on Twelfth, near Pacific
to B. B. Llppman, $1175.
Cary & Wheatley report the sale of
n. lot in the Mlllside. tract to A. Berg
of Ixis Angeles for $1200; the corner
of Sixth and Main streets to A. B. La
11. B, Llppman. $1175.
ry A- Wheatley report the sale of
t in the Millside tract to A. Berg
/io Angeles for $1200; the corner
Ixth nnd Main streets to a. B. La
Count, $2500; lot In Millslde tract to
Hugh Johnson for $1000; two lots, same
tract, to Fred Hallett. $1000 each.
Hay, Hardwick & Brown report the
pale of two lots In block B, Banning
tract, to George R. Warren for $2450;
lot in same tract, to M. Forbes and
wife, $1650: lot In tract 731, S. M.
Robinson, $900.
Architects Are Kept Busy Draw
ing New Plans for New
Further expansion of I,os Angeles is
Indicated by ho building activity in
evidence In all sections of the city.
Architects report to the Builder and
Contractor many orders for plans for
new structures. including the follow
Norman F. Marsh, plans for two
story and basement residence to be
erected on a ten-acre, tract between
Los Angeles ;ind Ocean Park for
Robert P Sherman, general manager
of the I,os AnETolep-Pai ific Railway
company. It will cover a pround spare
100x78 feet and will contain fourteen
rooms The living room will be 3nx22
feet and the dining- room -.'4sxlS feet.
The interior finish will be in curly red
wood and Japanese oak with beam
ceilings and panel wainscot. The
floors will be of oak throughout. There
will be five mantels of stone, pressed
brick and tile, and four bathrooms
with tile floors and Vitrollte wainscot.
It will also have furnace, heat and an
automatic water heater. A garaeo
and superintendent's residence are in
cluded in the improvements. Cost,
f. j".nnn.
Harry Sopor is having plans drawn
for a two-story residence to be erected
at the corner of Central avenue and
Tloiiy street. It will be modern in
every respect and will cost $Bnon. Mrs.
Frazier, recently of Los Angeles, Is
planning- an $8000 residence and garage
to he constructed on central avenue.
Other residences in the same locality
will be erected by Joseph Loblt, George
Truffle. .Ta.-U McMnhan and Mrs. Caro
line Brown.
George T. Plowman and Paul A.
Xeedham have designed two residences
to be built In the Normandic tract by
the California Bungalow company.
The rosl jvill be about $3hoo for each.
\v. .1. Baundern his pr pared plans
and is ready for bids for the erection of
a two-story and basement frame resi
dence to be erected on the west side <>f
Vermont avenue, just south of Sixth
Street, for Mrs. Emma Henderson.
Train f.- Williams are preparing
plans for a two-story and basement
residence to be built on West Sixteenth
street for Mrs, <'. <;. Bailie. It will
contain nine rooms and will have blue
brick porches, cement porch floors,
concrete foundation and basement, rus
tic exterior, plastered gables and
shingle roof, cost. $soon.
Charles E. Shattuck is preparing
plans for a one-story brick Karape to
be erected on South Olive street be
tween Eleventh and Twelfth streets for
Hush Glassell. It will ho 60xir.0 fet
and will have steel columns and lin
tels, trussed roof, cement floors, pits
and washracks, pressed brick fronts,
Malthoid roof, lavatories, plumbing
and electric wiring. The offices and
showrooms will have plate glass win
dows, beam ceilings, panel wainscot
and transoms of sheet prism Rlass.
• larrett &: Blxby have, prepared plans
for a. two-story and basement ten-room
frame i% siden< c to be erectdd at Ingrle
wr.nd for A. v. Ferguson,
Julius W. Krause has been commis
sioned to prepare plans fora two-room
frame oohool building to be built on a
part of the Raneho Inglowood for the
board of school trustees of the Raneho
school district. It will have concrete
foundation, modern plumbing, electri
cal appliances and so planned for ad
ditional rooms.
Handsome Bungalows Planned
for This Home District
Th« r Md 'arthy company reports many sales
in the last two weeks, < penally in Its fine
southwestern tract. N'"nn;m.li<> Avenue square.
To B n Honnri. a M on the corner o!
Fifty -flm! place and [Tall - avenue, 60x130
ten; $1025.
To Patrick Cummin**, two lots fin Fifty
flrpt place near Hallln avenue, 42x1.*i0 feet;
To Lounnberry .C- Harris, a lot-on Fifty-first
street b*tw« n H&U4ale an l Normandl^i 16a
130 feet! $f>7r..
To G. Johnson, a lot on Fifty-first street
near Dalton, 43x130 f>~pt: J7M.
To K. Small and I, Herti»tpr, a lot on the
owner of Fifty-first street aril Brighton ave
nue, 60x130 fret, and a lot on Brighton near
Flfty-flret l=treot, MxlftS fret; total $1750,
r . Mis. i:. Ott, * 10l on Westminster nvc
m\* near T>lndi n, ".nxl"" f«et, In Or- M>
«!arthy nompany'a Van N'eaii Avenue Square
tract; lIWO
To Otto Fjefevr**. B. lot on Fifty-fifth street,
between Moneta avenue and Main rrre.et, In
tho McCarthy company'i Fifty-fifth Ktre»t
tract, 40xn« feet; 1960.
Another beautiful bungalow lias hwn planned
for th© McCarthy company's Normandle Ave
nue Square tract. The cement Id*wall and
curbs are all nearly completed. There is preat
hulldlni activity In this unction of the city.
Following aro tlio permits lß*ued
sin<-« Hip Insl publication of the list,
and classified' according in wards:
Ward Permit*. Values.
rir.i 1
Horond '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.!;!!'.!! i . - -■■•>
Thin) 6 ?-'.*«;
Fourth '• " -"'."«"
Fifth ■■! &XSM
Sixth 1 I."*
Prvonlh 2 4.700
Ninth 1 M 5
Tntalu -I »:»..Kii7
Woobward avenu* and Mlddlebury
street—ll. F. Bcauchamps, 406 Wood-
Are You a- Stockholder
, „ ii i■ — ■ ■ , ■ IJM l.rlla— 1-JtlJ!/ -■ ' .■ . - . >
Largest Co-Operative Building
Company in the World
If not then you had no share in our Fifty-Seventh Quarterly Sash Dividend, amounting to
which was paid to our 4427 stockholders on Monday, May 16, 1910. This dividend made a total of $355,640.52, paid to our
stockholders at the four dividend periods of the last year. During this same period our profits from three departments of our
business alone, namely, real estate, building and construction, and interest received, amounted to $428,085.25, showing a balance
of $72,444.73 in excess of dividends during the year. This does not include profits from our general real estate, rental loan, in
surance and architectural departments.
It is an easy matter to open a stock account with us and add to it from time to time, and get in line for all
Future Cash Dividends
which are paid every three months on all stock, whether paid in full or bought upon installments.
30.000 shares of unissued stock now on sale at $3.15 a share. This price will be advanced to $3.20 a share on June 1, and
to $3.25 a share on July 1. $1.00 will open your stock account, which will secure five shares; pay balance weekly or monthly.
All stockholders share in all profits of the company. No one has ever failed to get his money back upon demand.
No commission paid to anyone for selling stock.
Every dollar of your money goes to work at once.
All small stockholders are absolutely protected against loss, if they desire to sell their stock by a guarantee fund held by
the Globe Savings Bank. Your stock can be turned in as payment upon a new home at any time.
TUT /^\ T"\ /T TSV f~o\
li ) v y>>^y i i y k j *—f
333-337 South Hill Street
Capital and Surplus $3,728,524.00
ward avenue, owner and builder; one-
Btory four-room residence; $1000.
Hemlock street, 818— G. W. Archer,
at lot, owner; S. S. Reardsley. build
er: one-story one-room stable: $200.
Wilton place and Third street— J. W.
Minderhout, 021 South Flower street,
owner and builder: one and one-half-
Btory seven-room residence; 1360.
Pico street. 116-18 West—J. A. Mur
phy, owner: J. A. Crook, builder; two
story garago; $is.66ft.
Cummtngs stre< t. 427 South—A. Karn
ofsky, owner: S. Adler, builder: ono
stnry one-room residence; J44S.
Forty-seventh street, 1*27 West—J. F.
Trenton, owner and builder; one and
one-half-story eight-room residence;
$2800. . .
Berkeley avenue, 21—Charles O.
Norse, owner and builder; alterations
of residence; $500.
Twenty-third street, 150S Hast P. P.
Patterson. 1543 East Twenty-third
street, owner; 1... M. McKinnon, build
er; one-story five-room residence;
Ardmore and Second avenues—Chap
man Brothers, owner* and builders;
one-and-one - half - story seven-room
residence; $4000.
Sixth street, fils--Cn West—Title In
surance company, owner; Grant &
Vess, builders; alterations of residence;
Miami street. 4"6—Dr. Dill Hastings,
owner and builder; two-story eight
room residence. $6000.
Klthea. street, 3435— T. Davis, 3717
Dayton avenue, owner; A. M. Wraynse,
builder; one-story three-room resi
dence; $300.
Harvard boulevard and Fifth street
j, c. Roberson, owner; A. M. Hull,
builder; two-story nine-room residence;
Harvard boulevard and Fifth street
—Same as above; two-story garage;
Eastlake avenue. 2."1 North—William
Shaw, at lot. owner; B. F. Peree,
builder; alterations of residence; $300.
Rosewood avenue and St. Andrews
place—Sinclair and Jones. 831 Security
building, owner and builder; one-story
six-room residence, $2500.
Arapahoe street, 962 Albert Oleo
vie.h. owner: Milwaukee Building com
pany, builder: two-story eight-room
residence; $6400.
Figueroa street. 2317—Mrs. TT. 1,.
Mac Nell, 2408 South Figueroa street.
owner and builder; alterations of resi
dence; $30,000.
Mateo street. 597 — Union Oil com
pany, owner and builder; one-story
three-room garage; $4500. '.
Hollywood—Winona and Hollywood
boulevards—A. T,. McOue. 122 Wino
m.i boulevard, owner and builder; two
storv eight-room residence. $3SOO.
Hyperion avenue. 13S2—Wilhelmtne
Stegoman, 1411 LUclle avenue, owner
and builder; one-story five-room resi
dence; $1500.
VAN'OCmVER. Wash.. May 21 —
Speakers In the Auditorium have been
complaining recently of hr-incr inter
rupted by Vancouver's bullfrog chorus.
Otlw: citizens have mentioned the,
nightly occurrence as if it wrro a re
flection upon Vancouver* character as
a metropolis.
But 111 police are powrrlfss.
The fill made for the treutln of tlir
North Rank railroad recently created
'» dam" through which In the past few
days the. wntei< haw seeped. As if by
magic myriads of fro have come to
life and their raucous medleys every
night, Sunday included, have caused
heart Mirnlnps amone the (singers nnd
speakers In the Auditorium near by,
niin have been interrupted.
A train of 180 l>arf< passiner over "'"
track made the only noise heard here
recently that could drown the noise of
thfl froJU completely.
Sales Aggregating $11,025 in
Fine Home Section
Bine thfir last report sale* havo b«pn made
In Vermont *quar« by th« Southwest Land
company aggregating $U,«2.">, »x follows:
To Miss Aiiffiifta Johnson, lot on thn south
bMb of Vernon, between Harvard ami West
ern; JSSO.
To A. V. Perttlrison anil A. O. FolMm, lot
on th» north plrto of Forty-sixth street, be
tween Hal Male and Conker; IBM.
To Charles H. and O. M. Amos, lot on th»
p.outh side of Vernon, between Drake* and
Harvard; |928.
TO Arls F. Br»'1l»y. lot on the. north Ude Of
I Get Possession of a I
I Lomita Farm Acre I
dose to Ins \ii K eles, clo.se to San Pedro. Wilmington and a great harbor. Close, to electric
na? line freauent service. Abundance of good, pure, soft water for both domestic and irriga
t"n purposeii with good improvements, and sold at a price less than much "dry" land is sold ■
tor In the Immediate neighborhood in largo tracts.
<flk 4f\ C A *«ay ¥To $10 an Acre Down
s|)4Zis 311 ACIC Up $10 an Acre Per Month
[„ t stoo and think that a SlO bill will place you in immediate possession of this property. X
You K e[ an acre not a small, restricted town lot You get rich Mil that will crow almost any- ■
thine and YOU Ret the water to put. on the land piped right to your door.
The Breal development work at San Pedro Harbor is going to increase the value of these ■
lots A splendid boulevard is going to be built right through Lomita These lots are selling ■
r,t as you will see upon Investigation of our map at our Los Angeles office.
Com.: In and get map and literature and arrange to go down and see the property. Do it
now while we still have l.omita Farm Acres to sell. If you cannot come in you can mail $10
and leave the selection to us. You can buy a Lomita Farm Acre with your eyes shut and not
make any mistake.
I W. I. Hollingsworth & Co. ■
123 West Sixth Street H
NOTE—Carriages meet all cars at WestOD street on Sun- pi...., \ Main 3361 I
day forenoons. Take Gardena->San Pedro car. on Hill street. flwues ) p J^g
leaves Third and .Main streets on tlie even hour.
Forty-eiKhth street, hplwppn Denker and Har
vard; HOO,
To Victor Fatrosso. lot on the north fide,
of Forty-eiKhth street, between Denker and
Harvard; $DCO.
To Mr* Anna Pteinmetz, lot on the, south
fide of FOTty-eiithth street, between Halldale.
and Denker; $1100.
To Charles .1. Tnide, lot on the north side
of Forty-eUhth street, between DenkPr and
Harvard; $925.
To Mrs. Bernlce R. Pmlth, lot on the north
Fide of Forty-flßhth street, between Denker
and Harvard; $925.
To Charlen .1. TrudP. lot on the north side of
Forty-elKhth street, between Denker and Har
vard; »50.
To K. C. O"Haner, lot on the north sldo of
Forty-eißhth street, between Denker and Har
vard; 1825.
To Glenn A. Henderson, lot on the north side
of Forty-ninth street, between Normandle and
Halldale; $750.
To Mrs. Minnie B. RelU. lot on the north
nldp of Fiftieth street, between Normandle
and Halldale; (US. -
One thing to be said in favor Of the
bargain counter Is that it is the mak
ing of woman.
(Continued from Tsge One)
creasiriß dally, and San Pedro is des
tined to become one of the riiost Im
portant seaports on the Pacific.
Following- Is a list of the gales for tho
past two weeks, reported by Charles
Mason, leading realty mm at San Pe
Lots B. fi and 7, block 24. Rudeclnda
tract, to W. Bryson, $2850; lot ,15 block
25.. Rudeelnda tract, to J. Kives, I860;
lot 9 block 2*. Rml<>clnda tract, to .T.
Kevls, f!)50; lot 17 block 24, Hudrr-inda
tract, to I. rvarno, $050: lots 1 and 2
block 22, Rudeclnda tract, to M." Mas
ter, $1800; lot 26 block 22, Pacltic Imp.
tract, to 1.. Reny, $750; lot 27 block 22.
Pacific Imp. tract,'to K. Rnny, $760;
lot. 20 block 22, Pacific Imp. tract, to
Bfirtha Graham, $650.

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