OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, May 22, 1910, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1910-05-22/ed-1/seq-16/

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Fourteen hundred memben of the
American Woman's league arc ob
d T\i t li the belief that June 30
will be a day of triumph, for they have
taken on themselves the solemn vow
Hint the title of the beautiful bungalow
offered by the Los Angeles Herald
■hall be vested in the name of the l.os
Anpeles chapter on Hi. last day of the
month of roses and weddings. Every
ma.n. woman and child feels his or her ;
individual responsibility in this sreat '
proposition. Hint means the acquisition
of a valuable propert} and Indirectly
the winning of hundreds and hundred!
of dollars worth of special prizes.
For the benefit of members not fully
understanding the terms of the contest
the Los Angeles office of the American
Woman's league. 4L'4 Blanchard hall,
issues this statement:
"There fire four capital prizr<=, the
most eovetabir being a seven-room
two-story bungalow, worth (5300, with !
a 6(lxlB0-foot lot in College tract, Eight
sranrt prizes nnrl Innumerable upecla]
prizes arc offered every two week* upon
the increase during the fortnight
period. The votes secured during these :
periods count in the great total which
wins the capital prize. Through the
splendid CO-operation of the members,
Miss Van Allon, the league's candi
date, has won a $L'."iO lot in Brawley and
a $600 piano, which have been formal
ly turned over to the American Wom
an's league. In addition to winning
property valued nt {860, the Los Ange
lep chapter Is in the lead for the bunßa
"Miss Jennie Van Allen, local repre
sentative of the Los Angeles chapter,
'•was nominated the first day of the
contest and a few weeks later offered
, to turn all votes to the league, tog-ether
•with all future winnings, if the Los
, 'Angeles chapter desired to enter the
i contest for the purpose of acquiring the
1 bungalow as a temporary chapter
•house and a permanent league home,
i The proposition met with the unani
mous approval and support of the
chapter, and though distracted by the
: ardent desire to win a trip to the great
i national convention to he held in I'ni
! versity City June 9-10-11, the members
■ have bent every energy In securing
I subscriptions for The Herald, with the
result that the league leads with over
' 200.000 votes.
"Lat -week a member came into the
Office and Inquired: 'Isn't Miss Van
! Allen winning anything for us? 1 'Why,
' she. won a 1250 lot in Brawley!" 'Oh,
! yes. I know about that, but isn't she
'winning anything rise?' 'Certainly.
i she won a $600 piano! 1 'Oh, 1 read
i about that last week! Hasn't she won
' anything else?' 'Well, she is in the
■lead for the bungalow!' 'Yes, T fig
j ured that out for myself, but isn't she
1 winning anything else?'
"This is a spirit of discontent that
i If backed by yearly subscriptions will
I win, not only the bungalow, but the
I chief special prizes offered every fort
-1 night. One member exclaimed: I
don't care about the JBOO piano: I want
the bungalow,' but accepted it with joy
when she learned the increase applied
upon the grand total. The voting pow
er of a dollar depreciates every two
weeks, the scale diminishing from 200
votes in the beginning to 135 votes at
the close of the contest. Therefore it is
Important that subscriptions be rushed
to headquarters. 424 Blanchard hall, at
the earliest possible moment. Renew
als are greatly desired but clubs of ten
new members bring 100 votes on every
"One of the most important pledges
made the members Is that aft
er becoming identified with the
American Woman's league there
will never he any fines, fees,
dues or assessments; that all the
wonderful privileges of the organiza
tion will be absolutely free to members
and their dependent children— a great
Inducement to people who are weary
of being taxed at every turn. Hut the
■winning of the bungalow Is a matter
which every member is vitally inter
ested There is nothing intangible in
. the beautiful building and in making
the appeal to secure subscriptions to
win it. the leaders feel that members
are securing an equivalent for their
money and trouble, In having the priv
ilege of reading the Los Angeles Her
ald, a 'paper fit for the home -a paper
that has stood for some of the greatest
reforms in the city-a paper that was
the first to recognize the importance of
the American Woman's league in Los
Angeles and open a column for the
news of the league.' The American
Woman's league is proud to recognize
The Herald as its official organ in the
west and from the east will come a
nenerous support in the future.
"The winning of the bungalow means
the establishment of headquarters for
free classes in any of the 200 courses on
the list. Thus far the formation of
Classes has been delayed for lack of
classrooms, which will be obviated by
possessing the bungalow. It means fine
auarters for the official business of
the chapter, headquarters for regular
and special meetings and social affairs.
Also the opening of a woman's ex
change and employment bureau, of un
told value to the producer and consum
er to the employer and employe. Ihe
magnificent $25,000 chapter house to be
built by Mr. Lewis is a certainty, but
It takes tlnVe to build. The bungalow
will be ready for occupancy within
twenty-four hours after it is won.
"To make the winning an assured
fact the Los Angeles chapter will give
a big benefit performance for the
bungalow at tin Gamut club, 104:.
South Hone street. Saturday evening,
"May 25. A program of extraordinary
attraction* will be presented and will
include celebrated professionals, the
best local talent, a clever skit, a rare
musical treat and a brilliant Imitation
of Maud Allan's brilliant work. A full
house will mean 65,000 votes for the
bungalow. .;,
"The response to the appeal for sub
scriptions has been bo generous that
the officers of the I/'-- Angeles chapter
■wish to express their public apprecia
tion to the loyal members who have
come from the sick room, and have put
aside their business responsibilities and '
home cares to add their efforts to that '
of the candidate ho Is doing all in
her power to work out the tremendous
problem of winning for tho league a '
prize from candidates who are match-
Ing their brains and influence In a '
contest thai is the fairest and Hquarest j
ever presented to the newspaper pub
lic. Congratulations are coming in '
from all over the went to the Log
Angeles chapter, barked by substantial
assistance. The east ami the west ex
pect us to win Find wp can If we 'all
pull together.' "
At a special meet of the Arizona ■
chapter No. 1, held nt the home nf
Mrs. Ellen L. Harwood on Friday
evening, the permanent organization of
the chapter was effected. The follow
ing officers were elected to serve for
the remainder of the year: President,
Mrs. Laura Crable-Benard; first vice
president, Miss Xeila Yaple; second
vice-president, Mrs. MtiKgle McDonald,
and' secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Frank
The chapter will soon qualify for a
$2500 chapter house. After discussing
the outlook for the league work In
Tombstone, the meeting lout ned for
the regular meeting, to be held at the
homo of Ml C. H. Hicks.
At the last meeting of the Pasadena
chapter ninety-three members were
formally accepted, which makes a most
Every Dollar You Spend at The Gem Buys a Bargain!
,^^ The Gem's 1 >^ I The Gem will sell you a regular _^_^^ The GEM will SAVE (JT/l
s*&*£*&^sr c nmnilc ' /fh $4.50 Solid Comfort High Grade /!^^^3 you money on } f/M
•^^^^l amouS gyyil Handsome, REED ROCKER for SpgD; Bedroom Furniture! |l£|
f^^^Hl 4M A Gas f|gfflgfif)j (Jt^> CA $1.00 DOWN fcg^lll-/ tutc rm nr\T 34
ti^r^H JpIU Rqnoe KinroS^ tyjL.DV 10c A DAY f^^^MW THIS GOLDEN I##n| l
-^Se^B i3"^'S^ MiX r f^====±^F[ Buy a GEM WASHER and IK^L OAK HRF^SFW iJS^|
a re K uiar sis value: four . '^GK^j R uy a GEM WASHER and X I?: "linS/i « „ i^JV^aoj^iv u i_,|
>Ci "1- and oven, full-v raK2\ save your back and Wear =^BEg| A regu lar $9.00 value for only #rl
tfipSaraig Ruarantccd. for only . |«J and tear on your clothes. O^H^ L e*^ «i Down
W Slants a Day irU $9.50 ?gg ggi^ &T __ .35,50 iSc^P^
aUnlimited Credit FREE-Not a cent does The Gem charge for interest!
\r&A A Regular $6.50 Full Size New f^T. et\ Ts~J*A<,^~ 1 The GEM will SAVE^^^^gg.
I^^^^Style Enameled Bed- TIIIS $12.50 ilandSOme you Money on best|lE?pW
/fSiS^S^;;;;;'^" 1 tU here in Massive Rocker ft ""'"'»%',) Refrigerators Hi
ft Ml™™S^«bM At 1 ho, (.cm for only IYIdSMVC IVU^IVCI /^Qrh^r-inl /?/ lVClllgCiaiV/ICJ ifesSdH |M
t3JSlfeiiB|pP. $3.75 ■ VDF E? ; This Week il A regular $12 golden |i^^ll
An Iron or Brass Bed at The Gem JJ^^-J «*pL Sfk?SSSSSr-IP® ■
dl»1 r^/\ nmi7M 1 A/, A T>AV with every purchase h m /^^\\m^>'^ c^} 111<IJVC IVClllgCiaiUi f w dyi
$1.00 DOWN, 10c A DAY of $75 or more , cash (!fcf|l|[lifer at the Gem, Q5O ISLH
tfrfrti A Regular $7.50 Full Size Brass or T Thc h 7 s diL ker is . ) pOP^JISf r] for only ... wO'=
U-4sLUk • ... iTrimnied Enameled great wg solid com- \\M(( (U ~'"^^^\M\ ,3 tp vatt t Tin? attt nT? rm\\Ti\j
JMPBJwtElTrnn RpH— fort style; seat, back V fflftlKt,, , |lhli IMI /f IF YOU LIVE OU 1 VI IUW JN
lii SSlfwsffll"m" d"fgn as shown here in and arms covs ed in s \fE^JP^{i f ltl>f Wf 'te to The GEM for an thin^ you need "~
MH|l||iS picture- i^e / e£- price oni y -ffe e ch^. J^^lll^^ 1 Our prices will save you money-we pack
"^^sg^xgi|[ij \immP $4.7 5 si ?n shown in pi<:t;-ire here, or choice of sev- Vm\s< goods carefully & ship promptly to any point
eral other designs—FßEE with every $75^^tojjjjj!l'' ___^^__ - _^_^___^_^—
The Gem Rents the <£*i^f^yt order- M N^^lf
Best Wheel Chairs in \Tk ./[ 'aa-~^^™-omm~B*i~™ • R1177" !K^&l^^^^^»
imwim^j 4-V* f~^'4- 4- _jfc^=J»/^^'/*il Tin" linn accommodates the public In more ways than one. First, we J II / C j^i<^g=g^jggitf^^g^»jyi
[J»lp*gsB§j| tile V>*lty 3.1 'W^^^^^mi make it possible to buy furniture at lower prices than yen will find in any I|II / fit "C— 'Jx^^S' (fe
iP'P^^ll T>^-k»^n In ■#•- D <-»■*- no iSllh!? lfwr%iJ store in l.os Angeles, enabling you to save money, not only on one article, I! I If / j= %3 *$ W\ jjjw
l|n|B|Spj| rOpUlrtr JtVaieS J|<!r«*Pw/ '"" <"' everything you need for a complete home outfit—furniture, rugs, tjE*2fgdi M $ $ O IV
£^icl Inr1) i r h ILJ A ——• j — ____ /O| Ir M IIUAJL»n Ir^^ '^"it^ 1 tfev •
BSKBB^t u r?e9 BuyS 3 high-grade. (jjll * * 701-703 " *^Uloßl^ 90c Extension ™ 9' A Table
l&fT^^msWft^W^lJ roM- W(1 :iU style, easy folding U^ 1 701-703 s,Main St. ji« • c*? Buys a golden oak Extension Dining Table
TTflMBr 'taken 1™ "'"" Cart at Southwest Corner of Seventh and Mam sts fini ; h CO bier seat Nicei y finished-a good. a e*s\
\/i hwBBUm rQ?i& where in r — t r> Home Phone. F 7061 Sunset Phone Main 3456 Dining Chair at substantially made table.rfljZJL. 7j I I
southern cai- The Gem ! Complete House Furnishers-Cash or Unlimited Credit. THE GEM. at The Gem *fr j-«^- w
remarkable Increase in membership.
Much of this success is due to the local
representative. Miss Ellen Louise Hlg
bey, who has been unanimously chosen
as" delegate to the national convention
at University city June 9, 10 and 11.
There ate forty-one members in the
Pa.so Robles chapter who are ambitious
for a chapter house. Next Sunday's
Herald will contain a full account of
the beautiful floral carnival given un
der the auspices of the members of the
chapter, who expect to realize a goodly
sum toward buying the lot. Meetings
are held regularly on the first and
third Tuesdays at the Alexandria ho
tel. At the list meeting Claudia. Hazen
White was unanimously chosen as the
candidate for state regent of Cali
I.OS <;atos
Mrs. Alice M. Gillette, the able local
representatives of the Los Gatos chap
ter, writes: "Hurrah for Los Angeles
chapter! You must have slept stand
ing to have accomplished so much in
so short a time!" The Los Angeles
chapter reciprocates in wishing the
game success to the Los Gatos chapter,
which is working for a $4500 chapter
house. ____^_»
—♦ » »
All Kinds of Hardware Found in
Stomach of Kansas Porker
KANSAS CITY. .May 21.— An un
usual find of junk was found in the
stomach of a seemingly healthy hog
that was slaughtered at a St. Joseph
packing plant, This was the assort
Forty nails, fifteen staples, four
screws, nine pebbles, one snap, four
iron nuts, two iron bolts, one brass pin,
one piece of porcelain, one No. 10 shot
gun .shell, two buggy top fasteners,
live pieces of iron, three spools, one
small metal picture frame, six pieces
of zinc, eight pieces of wire, one piece
of glass, one piece of brass.
When the unusual mass was found
the attention of Dr. C. M. McFarland,
a. veterinary surgeon and a government
inspector at the packing plant, was
called to it. lie extricated the junk
and hipped it to Kansas City, to be
placed on view in the museum of his
alma, mater, Hie Kansas City Veteri
nary college. The, collection was
mounted on cardboard and now at
acts much attention in the college
••Isn't it unusual to find such stuff
in a hog's stomach ?" Dr. Thomas
Turkman, one of the faculty, was
■■it is not unusual to find hardware
of all kinds." replied the doctor, "but
it is something out of the ordinary to
find such a lot of ii. Just look through
this museum here and see the differ
ent tilings taken from the stomachs
of animals and it will astonish you."
A Voice Over the I'lionu— la this Mn.
Tingle)*** residence?
Tin- Maid—Yen.
The Voice— la Mm Diddle there—Mrs.
Athertnn Blddle?
The Maid —Ye». si.,-'* playing bridge with
tier cluli. I'm buih nhe can't come to the
Tim Voice—Well, Jimt My m her rlslit
away, pw-nse, that her residence fs burning
The Maid—Thank you. I'll let her know
as Fouu a* they tininli the set. I known she
wouldn't Unl him I" disturb her now. U<>o4
by.— ,-': Paul r>l*palch.
Look for tty Bray.
jx)s \m;i:u:s mkhald: sindav MORNING, may 22, isno.
Christian Science Handles
Evil with Single Purpose
All ethical teaching since time began
has concerned Itself with the destruc
tion of evil. Every system of religion
and philosophy the world has known
has attempted in one way ami another
to deal with evil, and with more or
success, according to the truth
and sincerity of its methods. Christian
Science undertakes the question o£
handling evil and stands with single
purpose upon Scriptural teaching for
its power and authority. Christ Jesus
disposed of evil in his lawful and com
plete destruction of the sin and piek
ni -.> ami death which confronted him,
as no other individual in history has
done; and his works surely prove him
the one "Wayshower" who has laid
the foundation for the certain destruc
tion of ail error. All forms of Chris
tian belief have held to Christ Jesus as
the Saviour, but these beliefs have been
so varied and so inadequate that no
mortal, by means of any one of them,
has been able to remove human ills
from his experience as did the early
disciple.- and this situation naturally
convinces us that religionists have
tailed correctly to understand the basis
and tile rule of Jesus' teaching, and
only [partially demolished evil be
cause they have known only "in part."
Christian Scientists are finding in the
teaching of Christian Science a fuller
knowledge of God and His law than
they have had heretofore; and they
are Impressed with a mighty hope for
a whole deliverance Horn ail that op
poses God as they live and obey what
Christian Science shows to them about
God, God's man and God's universe.
Christian Science deals with evil by
recognizing it to be always primarily
mental, and it reaches the root of the
matter by urging Its adherent to at
tend first to the reformation of himself
and to get about the correction of his
own thought. Christian Science de
clares that evil is of mental origin,
and has for lta authority Jesus' teai h
lng that the sin Is first In the heart.
Evil must be mentally re< ognlzed, be
lieved In, feared or Indulged, in order
to appear at all; and logically, to cast
out the fear of or indulgence in evil is
to begin at the right i nd lor its de
struction. He who ceases to liate k
cannot do harm. He who can put aside
appetite and greed, cannot defraud his
brothci-. And Christian Self nee not
only helps you, through showing you
how and why evil lias no more power
than you give it, thus to conquer your
self, but it goes farther and teaches
you that when confidence in an under
standable God lessens your I'eai' of and
belief iii evil, you are logically less
assailed by the evils, which threaten
you from what seems to be a source
outside yourself. Not only can the.
tempted or sin-burdened mortal aban
don more easily his sin, by the help
of Christian Science, but you who fear
that evil may make unhappy the good
■■I earth can come out from such bi
lief ami see righteousness divinely pro
tected In the present hour wherever it
. nil-' God's blessing. Christian Science
demands that you cast from you all
belief that evil can op.-rate in human
affairs, and that you cherish contin
ually in your thinking the understand
ing thai God, good, as divine Mind
rvw here, has all-power, knows
oldy good and sends only good Upon
humanity. Doing this you transform
your consciousness. Fear of evil, and
i sequently evil, will abate in your
experience, and a happier, healthier
condition here on earth will be yours,
it is true that much evil leem to
• xi*t in the world over which >uu huvu
no control. But If you obey the teach
ing of Christian Science and change
your thinking about this, the evil at
large will have less and less control
over you, and that is the Important
consideration. You can govern your
own belief In evil and cast it out as you
| practice right-thinking, ana iw more
than this is required of you. To be "a
law unto yourself" is all that you can
do, but this is enough to deliver you,
and it lessens tho bulk of evil believ
ing in the world at large by the
measure of your own overcoming. To
reduce the world's evil by destroying
your own sense of evil Is to be a true
reformer; and to begin any oilier way
than in correcting your own thoughts,
is to fail.
Christian Science, then, is in thfi
world to cope with evil and to remove
all human belief in it. Its teaching
takes issue with all philosophies which
Ignore evil, and. on Hie other hand,
with all religions which endow evil with
supposed power. To declare, in Chris
tian Science, that God Is all. and all
power, by no menus releases you from
detecting and uncovering evil; rather
does it emiip you for the task. Nor
does Christian Science permit you to
believe that evil Is any person, place, or
thing: it teaches you its unreality In
the sight of God, and upon this basis
helps you to prove it unreal to your
self and to othl is anil so line! Tree loin
from it.
<hristian Science urges you. because
all handling of evil is mental, to dis
tinguish clearly between dealing with
evil and associating with it. Your first
step is to detect evil its evil; something
subtle may have been disguised to you
as good, and you must see it as evil be
fore you can be ready to dispose of it.
Your next step is to refuse to associate
mentally with this bit of evil, and to
deal with it promptly and effectually.
To detect evil and then to go about
relating it, or to hold it in thought by
worrying, fearing, lamenting, brooding
or otherwise cherishing It, is to associ
ate with it and lo give it all the life ;md
activity it needs to perpetuate It. Your
only way, when you detect an error, is
to refuse to think ii or to let it think or
speak through you. According to your
Rteadfatsness in excluding evil from
thought after you have once unmasked
it, do you deal with it scientifically, and
according to this* same steadfastness
are you blessed.—Chrlßtlan Science
Erlck Hortlck appeared before Judge
Willis In department eleven yesterday
<m a charge of violating the terms (|t
Ids parole, Hortlck was arrested on a
charge of grand larceny In Pebruary,
and after pleading guilty wns placed
mi probation for three yearn, Mrs.
Hortkk went i" the district attorney
office several days a>;ii and complained
thai !:■ ■!• husband had beaten her.
in court yesterday Hortlck Informed
Judge Willis that another man was
Implicated In the case, and that he was
justified in punishing ins wlf«. The
ease wai continued until -Monday.
Wo dor.'t suppose a Scotchman and
an Irishman will ever be able to peai i
fully settle an argument, because the
madder a Scotchman yets the slower
I:, talk ..ml tie- -lower lie talk: ttr
hotter the liluhman fuels.—luck.
Mrs. Danford Says That She Was
Ejected from Office
Mrs. Dora D. Danford objects to be
ing thrown out of her husband* office.
In fact, she objects so strongly that
yesterday she swore to a complaint
charging C. I>. Warden, Danfords for
mer partner in the law business, with
To Deputy District Attorney McCor
mick Mrs. Danford explained 'hat she
had gone' to the office to remove from
it certain articles belonging to her hus
band. .\ controversy ensued between
herself and Warden, and she, accord
ing t.i her story, was unceremoniously
hustled out of the room, the attorney
using what force was necessary to ac
complish the purpose.
Mis. Danford is the wife of W. J.
Danford, disbarred attorney, who is
now in the county jail awaiting the da
termination of ''is appeal from the con
viction secured against him in the su
perior court on a charge' of forgery.
Probationer Likely to Be Held for
Old Crime
Edward llartigg, !J«1 Kas L First
street, was arrested early yesterday
morning by Patrolmen Shy and (lam
ash for having so far forgotten himself
as lo throw a clock at his wife, llar
tigg was in a. playful mood when he ar
rived at his home, after a. night out,
and remarking, ■'How time Hies," let
drive with the clock, which struck his
better Wttlf on the arm.
The man was arrested cm a technical
charge of disturbing the peace. Ho
will explain it to Judge Williams to
morrow, but that may not end the mat
ter, as iiartigg is a probationer from
the superior court, having been given
a three years' probal ioniiry sentence a
little less than a year ago for burglar
izing a. Main street store. Probably he
will now base to serve the remainder of
that sentence in prison, his probation
having been violated.
A petition for the annulment of the
marriage of Walker I. Mitchell and
Annie .M. Mitchell was filed In the
county clerk's office yesterday. The
proceedings were commenced by the
husband, and it is let forth In the
complaint that he married his present
.11, in Tiicoma, Wash., March ">, 1909.'
Several years prior to that date he was
married to Jeneva Mitchell, but their
marital relation! were not pleasant, so
they separated. Mitchell then heard
that his wife was dead, and his mar
riage to Mrs. Mitchell No. 2 followed.
On February 16 of this year he learned
that, wife No. 1 was still alive, and as
Mitchell had not secured a divorce from
her, lie now seeks to untangle the mat
rimonial difficulty by separating from
the second woman who took his name.
Uctty Bray U coming to Lu:> Angale*,
Union Painless
Dental Company
"Painless Dentistry That Is Painless"
We can make you a plate for
$$4 that we guarantee to be
JBt equal to any other dentist
A $15 plate in fit.
.jywwl We will give you a 22k gold
Mr ■ crown that others charge $10
M wkM f°r f°ur dollars.
f| I Our four dollar bridge work is
JjHL guaranteed to be faultless.
Silver fillings as low as fifty
cents. All work is absolute
ly painless.
We can afford to do this work at these prices
on account of our large offices and our' ability to
buy materials cheaper than any other dentist. Re
member, we do Painless Dentistry that is Painless.
10 years' guarantee with all work.
Union Painless Dental Co.
7031 South Broadway Corner Seventh
Hours: Bto 8 , Sundays Bto 1
-Fits Corrected-
Many Persons Who Purchase
Tailor Made or Ready Made
ED. B. WEBSTER, 214 Mercantile Place
Guarantees to Change All Kinds
pakt ii

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