Newspaper Page Text
6 WANTED HELP— .- i; : ' EARN $50 TO $250 A WEEK! SUREST, easiest, newest money-making proposition. Agents wild with delight. Make $4.25 on every sale. John Logan gave up $13 job driving; team; now makes ISO a week. W. H. Morgan, Ph.. sold 75 nine days; profit $315.75. T. a. white. 111., sold II four days; profit $53.75. F. E. Poole. Mass., sold »lx first day; profit $25.50. C. I-, Goff, Mo., sold E first day; profit $21.25. Hundreds do ing the name; so can you; easy. Keep on reading: marvelous, dazzling success of our New Home Vacuum Cleaner opens up rich | field for agents. Sells for $8.60; weight S | lbs.; easy to carry. Powerful, double action mHchlne. New principles; nothing else like it; does name work as the $100 kind; constant, terrific suction gets all dirt, dust, germs out of carpets, rugs, mattings, etc., i on floor. No more sweeping, dusting or j house cleaning. No motors; no electricity. | Child or frail woman operates. Think of ■ the field! Every woman has watched, I wished, longed for it. Bell 9 out of 10 families. Make more money In a da: than you do now in a month. Give up every thing; you will make no mistake. Send postal today for agency, full description, free sample R. ARMSTRONG MFG. CO., 124 Alms bldg., Cincinnati, O. 5-22-1 J RANTED— ONCE, I EXPERIENCED | solicitors; good wages and sternly employ ment for right men. Apply Circulation Manager, Herald office, Monday morning. I 5-22-1 i JVANTED-MEN. BY LARGE CONTRACTING ■ company; can learn trade of plumbing, elec- i tricity, bricklaying, automobiles, in few | months; no npprentlcn or helpers work and no expense; $20, contract work going; cat alogue free. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING COMPANY. HI I'acir.- Elec tric Bldg. _4-30-tf WANTED- LIVE MAN IN EACH COM munlty to own and operate a business in hi! home; profits are $200 each week; money comes In every day an i all yours; brand new business; no canvassing; no capital; particulars free. FRANK C VOORHIF.S. desk C. I. Omaha, Neb. 5-22-4 WANTED— MUST BE WILLING TO learn and capable of acting as our repre sentative; no canvassing or soliciting: pond Income assured. Address NATIONAL CO OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 922 Marden bids., Washington, D. C. 5-22-1 YOUNG MAN-STOP WORKING FOR " per week: take a course In piano tuning and make $3 to $10 per day; good tuners al ways in demand; tern reasonable. WEST- j ERN SCHOOL OF PIANO TUNING, :!)'. 8. Flower st. Phone A 4567. JS-22-1 A GENTLEMAN TO FINAt'CE ONE OF the finest propositions on the Pacific coa*t; over $150,000 already Invested. Do not an swer unless you have at least $20,000. This is no mining proposition. Address BOX 216, ! Herald^ 6-2.__ ■ SALESMAN VISITING GENERAL STORF.S can Increase his Income handling our at tractive tine of blankets, flannels, dress j goods. etc. Liberal commission. THE | LAKEWOOD CO., box 414, rhila. 6-22-1 WANTED—ICE CREAM MAKER FOR RED- j lamls; single man with some knowledge of j candy making preferred; steady position for neat, quick worker. Phone East 593, City. 5-22-1 WANTED—FIRST CLASS THEATER ON white oil and lubricating; also compounder and grease maker. Answer Immediately, Adress BOX 159, Herald. 6-22-1 ' WANTED—BOOKKEEPER TO INVEST $100 or more, first payment on Ban Pedro 1"'. balance monthly; will make you money. STACY REALTY CO., 631 Spring, Or San Pedro, 5-19-4 j WANTED—MAN FOR POSITION ON CITY routes; must have some cash and best of i reference; position will pay $125 per month. See MR. M WAV. Herald. 5-14-tf I A GENTLEMAN OF ARstITY TO ASSIST in Belling Oceano Beach and Pan Joaquin ' valley lands. FERGUSON & ESTES, 121 Merchants Trust bldg. 6-22-3t ISO MONTHLY AND F.XPF.NSFS TO RTaTI" able men to post sign*, distribute samples, ! make collections; steady work. S. SILVER TON, Box 30, Chicago. 5-22-1 LEARN TO MAKE FANCY PEARL PIGNS | and metallic window letters; no experience necessary: signs made to order. W. .1. EDWARDS, 123 N. San Pedro st. .5-22-1 WANTED— MAN TO LEARN OUT side laundry work; must have good rec ommendations. Apply 1143 CROCKER ST. | i-20-3 HELP—MALE OR FEMALE WANTED—FOUR LADIES, BEAUTY CUL ture; pay big; learn right. FLORENTINE HAIRDREBSING COLLEGE, world's largest. 227 Mercantile place, corner Broad- . way. 6-15-tf i WANTED— MEN *ND WOMEN TO LBARN ; tbe barber trs*Ce; guaranteed In eight weeks. Cats^nrue free. MOHLBR BAR BER COLLEGE. 11l H. Second St. T-l-tl A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WHO UNDKlt stand hotel business. Good proposition to Christian Scientist. FERGUSON & KSTKS, 121 Merchants Trust bldg, 5-22-31 | WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ON commission to build up buslneos for life. 616 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-7-tf AGENTS WANTED—MAN; Ml\S'% BE WILLING TO learn and capable of acting as our repre sentative; no canvassing or soliciting; good Income assured. Address NATIONAL CO OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 922 Marden bldg., Washington, D. C. 5-22-11 . AGENTS WANTED—BIG MONEY; Ex penses paid no experience required; variety portraits, bromides, photo pillow tops. :;0c; frames at our factory prices; credit given; j catalogue and samples free. RITTICR ART STUDIO, l-'ll W. Madlsi n, Chicago, 111. 5-22-1 AGENTS - SUN KAY INCANDESCENT burnt fit a!! lamji.-; 100-300 candlepower light; prices defy competition; Investigate, SIMPLEX GASLIGHT CO.. 23 Park Row, New York. 5 22-1 AGENTS—COME IN; TUB WATER'S FINK; customers crazy to buy; agents telegraphing orders: ne.w»*«t, biggest; making com* blnatiun. PARKER CHEMICAL CO., Chi cago. _ ■■ 6-22-lt FREK SAMPLES—AGENTS ONLY-FAUCET Strait splash preventer. Send 2c stamp mailing cost}. £» profit daily and upward. Lot us prove it. P. W, BKBD, »: Keade ■ St., N. V. 5-22-1 PARTNERS PARTNER WANTED-WHO CAN FURNISH • uio or some cash, in well established html ijp(-h that will net Jl''<o per month or bt iter, FHENCH-Mi 'I l.s REALTY CO., 7.i Bryi n Uldg. » :i 1 HOUSES— l'l'liMMll.n FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED Al RENTERS Three or four 5 to 8-room furnl«heri homes north of Jefferson, west of Main, south of Temple. We have tome Al renters who are depending on us for (heir summer homes. French-Mcßeynolds Realty Co. 731-721 Hry»on Block, I'honx .\Sfl4o. _____ _ 5-l»-4t WANTED—TO PURCHASE STOCK WANTED— Stock in the Los Angeles Investment com- I pany; any amount up to $40,000 at i.l a Khars. | : G. V., care Globe Savings Bank. ——- 4-27-tf : TO PURCHASE—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FEATHER beds. til SAN PEDRO BT. Phones ) 1041; Main 110«. IJ-17-1/J h'OR RENT ATABTMENTS—FUHNISIUtD AND UNFURNISHED Hotel Seville 732-734 S. FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotels In the eu/. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat; hot and cold water; electric lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones: Main R513; F«63S. 4-1-tl ELEGANT, NKWLY FURNISHED APART j ment, 4 rooms, private bath, telephone; mod | mi conveniences; reasonable to right par -1 ties. WEYOAND APARTMENTS. 6 mln ute* 1 walk from 3d and Broadway. 101 S. FIOUEROA ST. 6-23-1 TO LET—3 FURNISHED. ONE UNFUR nlshed, pleasant front rooms. 1234 S. Grand. 5-22-1 FURNISHED GIRARD HOUSE 115 E. THIRD ST. 100 all outside rooms; 50 with private bath; central location; elevator service; steam heat; rates as low as $15 month; with private bath. (25. Main 2330; Hcme 10361. | a-34-tf SANTA BARBARA, 126' si 111 BROAD.'. way, nicely furnished rooms, permanent and tra lent. 5-22-7t ROOMS—FURNISHED anil UNFURNISHED CLEAN, LARGE, DESIRABLE ROOMS TO let to desirable parties at reasonable rent: good location. 727' a B. Broadway, NAHANT HOUSE. 5-22-1 FOR RENT—NICE FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman: private family; tine location; modern, 1815 S. Flower st. 5-22-1 BOOMS AND BOARD FINELY Ft SHE D ROOM, MODE S3T with or without board. Low rates; near \\ stlake park. THE HAVERHILL. 1231 W. Mli st. Take Westlake park car. Phone. Main 4108. 6-22-"t HOUSES—UNFURNISHED TO LET 20« N. BREED ST.. ELEGANT cottage, 5 rooms; fine grounds, bath, gas, electricity, lawn, flowers, choice neighbor hood, three 5c car lines; $IS. THRELKELD, owner, -'-' Exchange bldg., 321 W. 3rd St. Phones Main 393, 8253; residence, East 800. 5-22-1 FOR RENT—7-ROOM MoDERN HOUSE, gas and electricity; garage, large lot: rent 125 month. 848 W. VERNON AYE. Grand avenue car marked W. 4Mh st to Vernon aye. 6-22-1 FOR RENT—4II W. AVENUE 50. HIGHLAND Park, 6 room, all modern conveniences, open air sleeping rooms; vacant Juno 6; rent $25. PHONE 39036. 5-22-1 TO LET (-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN, HOT and cold water, bath, electric, gas, flow ers. 174 W. FORTY-FIRST ST. Phone South 1521. 5-20-S FOR RENT—7-ROOM HOUSE AT 1426 E. 4:' th St., $15 month. Apply 810 S. F. hide. Phone Main 3526 MR. CARTER. 5-22-1 FOR RENT—3-ROOM CALIFORNIA HOUSE] large yard; gas: rent 17.50 mo., water paid. 6SI EAST 47TH ST. 5-22-1 FOR» RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, 510 W. 22d; Inquire at 508 W. 22d; 122.50, water paid. 5-22-1 HOUSES FURNISHED ROOM COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FUR nlshed, 522 8. Coronodo. Apply at house Sunday afternoon or phone -1944. 5-21-2 FLATS—FURNISHED NEW, MODERN, LARGE, SUNNY I AND « room flat, furnished or unfurnished: summer rates. 1233 S. GRAND AYE. South 1930. 5-22-1 FOR RENT—BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED flat, convenient location. 1615 S. FLOWER ST. ' 5-82-1 FLATS—UNFURNISHED TO LET JUNE IST, Two upper flats In Howen"« Villa, Come and see th. iii. ■!■ Hi S. FIOUF.ROA. 5-22-3 STOREROOMS STORKS FOR RUNT IN GROWING SUBURB of 1..s Angeles; excellent opening for drug store or general store; three months' rent free. 405 Mason Opera House bldg. Home l'iw:;. 6-22-25-2t OFFICES FOR RENT NICE SUNNY FRONT OF flees on Broadway; large windows and advertising space; also smaller offices. In «ulre room 4. 244 Vi 8. BROADWAY. PHYSICIANS BrThICKOk! DR. HICKOK. SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. Treats all diseases of women under a POS ITIVE GUARANTEE. Ladies who have for merly paid for each treatment, whether ben itited or not, will appreciate the difference. Pay only for satisfactory results. Charges moderate. DR. HICKOK gives modern antiseptic treatment and patients are in no danger of | blood poison or Infection. Everything is sterilized before use DR. HICKOK provides a private home, with nursing, for women In confinement. Expert care and home comforts at reason able Kite- Confinement! by modern mth ods are safe and free from pain. Adoptions if desired. DR. HICKOK gives personal attention to ■ every case. Consultation is free and confi dential In all troubles. Any woman not aat lsfled With her condition is Invited to call for free consultation and free examination. DR. HICKOK carefully examines every case and gives an honest opinion anil reli able advice free X-RAY EXAMINATION inafln when necessary. If a ease is accept ed for treatment a cure is guaranteed, Mod erate charges for satisfactory results. Terms can always be arranged. Hours 10 to 4. Sundays 10 to 1. Phi F8236 for appoint mc-nt at nth* times. DR. HICKOK, 632 W. 'th St., Suite 107. 5-20-tf DSL. CROCKER. Specialist for Women. Hamburger's Majestlo Theater Bulldlag. Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREB. u-:i-i:m WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1245 South Flower. F4U4. »-U-tI DR. TAYLOR, 317*4 a MAIN ST. DlB eaaps of women. l-i-'t ATTORNEYS AT LAW "FREE- COSTS. $3 TO $12 NEW MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED Com* advanced In <larnrtee suits, ll"ns ami attachments Hring or n ill this ad., en titling you t.> (yon consultation and advice. Pn it now. SECURITY LAW AND fNVKhTMENT CO., 321-22-23-24 BRYSON 1'.1.K.. I'll & SPRING. Attorneys for the people. S'OTAHIKI PUBLIC. EXPERT PUBLIC LAW STENOGRAPHERS, Hours: S;::o to r,. Wednesday and Saturday -■.nines, 7 to R. A superior iii'lEe said recently: "BKWARF. OF ATTORNEYS WHO SDVERTIiH THEIR ROOM NUMBER ONLY." 5-22-1 LAWS ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ARE you in trouble? See us Strictly confi dential. Consultation free. probate mat ters, estates, damage suits, accounts, col lection.-, etc. GUARANTY ADJUSTMENT CO, 324 BRADBURY BUILDING, Southeast Corntr Third and Broadway S-13-lmo SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS — PERSONAL Injury claims specialty; «s'it"j settled. J. W. MACY, 636 Douglas bid,,-. I'hones ABU 3. Main 0533. tr E. M. WlTlit. NOTARY PUBLIC—PEN stun papers, wills. Insurance and oolleo* lions oeguttated. 244 Vi a IihUAInVAT. 1111 l DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA AND OTHER states free on request. BOX 623, Goldfleld, Nevada. ;.-li-if NOTARIES E Id. WITT. NOTARY PUBLIC! pension papers, deeds, i^.ctlons and wills nego tiated. Room 4. m» 8. Broadway 1-11-U LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1910. BPECIAL NOTICES DESERTION AND FAILURE TO PROVIDE ARE JAILABLE OFFKNSES. * •--■ -■ NEW MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED. $12 costs. Consultation and advice FREE. Come up and talk It over. SECURITY LAW AND ADJUSTMENT CO. 321-22-23-24 RRYBON BLOCK SECOND AND SPRING BTB, Attorneys for the people, Hours B:3ft to 5:01. Wednesday and Saturday evenings, 7 to ». fi-22-1 <*!£&*, Caledonian l^fi| ] __fc ||!ssl "'" relenrsite KMPIRF. sSvJJraB ijj )_£ I>AY with ron"rt ■ml v«iLcvir!»r llB"rr "' HI''IIAKI) HALL, 888 8. Broadway, ~^*2*QpS§!E^ M«.T 24, at «p. m. CAN YOU SAVE 15 PER MONTH? WK ARE ' handling the best eucalyptus proposition ever put upon the market. This is for the small Investor as well a--- the larger one. $r, will ! give you a start on a possible fortune. Call and see us. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 402 Central bid*. 5-2!-2t 1 PEOPLE'S SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, BUR bank hall. Sunday services; 9:30, healing circle, Mr- Hyams, leader; 10:30, lecture, Col, J. L, I'ryden; at 2:30 L. Madison Norrls will give demonstrations of his wonderful power .1- a message bearer, after which the different mediums will hold message cir cles; 7 to 8, specially arranged concert; S, flower seance by Mrs. H. Hysms. who Is known throughout this country and Europe as a most convincing psychic. 5-22-1 " "™ "~" ' *"7*"" Win BOTHER WITH HIRING A COL lector'.' A good collector draws a big sal ary. Let us collect your bills anil save you the worry and Inconvenience, Wo make a specialty of collecting bad bills as well as current accounts at the lowest rater. Prompt returns. WALLACE ON NON. collections, 610 San Fernando Kid*. 5-19-4 LAWS ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ARE you In trouble? See us. i Strictly confi dential. Consultation free. Probate mat ters, estates, damage suits, accounts, col lections, etc. GUARANTY ADJUSTMENT CO. 324 DRADBURY BUILDINQ, Southeast Corner Third and Broadway C-13-lmo LEGAL NOTICE— TO WHOM IT MAY concern I, Georgia V. Baker, intend to sell and convey all the furniture and fur nishings at '-'51 North Flower street, city of Los Angeles, to Ben Seelie. GEORGIA V. BAKER, Hotel Alhambra. 5-19-5 CAMP MEETING OF THE SPIRITUALISTS under the auspices of the People's Spiritual church will convene at Mineral park. South Pasadena. July ■' and continue until July 31. Prominent speakers and mediums will be present. 5-12-1 ALL RAZORS., SAFETY BLADES. BCI9 -sors. knives, Instruments, printer's knives, tools, etc.. sharpened better than new. YANKEE GRINDER. 114 8. Spring St. 11-lt-ti WANTED- ADDRESSES OF PERSONS WHO witness) 1 sovr-i'al slugging affrays on Maple ay. between Fifth and Sixth st. Wednesday night, around 10:30. Address BOX 455, Her old. ______.' NOTARY PUBLIC Z. T. INGLE, CONVEYANCER, E. C. GRIBB CO., 123 8. Broadway. A 2210, Main 4040. 5-19-lmo PAINTING, tinting and varnishing; first class work at live an.l let live prices, Phono Monday. Home SSIS, Main 4343. Resl dence 1043 W. 17TH ST. 5-22-1 WALL PAPER BARGAINS—MOIRE PAPER, 5c per roll; Ingrain, 20c for three rolls. SHEEHAN'S, 900-903 S. Broadwr.y. 5-16-lmo WANTED—LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively highest prices paid. MAIN »597; F5935. 6-iS-Hmo HOSPITALS —DAY AND NIGHT — USE C. C C. tulcabs. CALDWELL CAB CO. South 1*81: 29017. t-t-tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOE BUSINESS FOR SALE On account of poor health I must sell my shoe business, the best location in city ; have fine cash trade. Stock in splendid shape; cheap rent: must sell at once. Will consider real estate as part payment. This will stand the most rigid investigation. See PEARSON 203-204 Tajo Building Tel. Bdwy. 3843, Home FSS4S 5-22-1 OWNERS OF LANDS, FOREST, MINES AND valuable concessions may receive co-opera tion of J2.• 000 financial Institution In or ganizing and financing meritorious proposi tions < Latin-American preferred) by sending details to FREDERIC BROWN, manager. Ut Broadway, New York. 5-22-1 WILL my a WELL PAYING BUSl ness connected with the agency for a big ... :.:■ house, or will take partner In it with J5OO. Address BOX Sii, ll' raid. B-S2-81 BARGAINS IN SODA FOUNT PACI FIC COAST SODA FOUNTAIN FACTORY, 1.13 E. Fourth st. 5-15-lmo WHEELED VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES NATIONAL AUTOMOUILE EXCHANGE, Successors to MANHATTAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 1226-iS S. Olive St.. Phone—Home F6535, Main IM6, A" few of our big bargains: 1910 Bui i.. 7-passena:er, fully equipped, $1900. Sterns. ; passenger, fully equipped, run Mitchell, cost JIT'", our price, Ji 1". l!il(l Cadillac 30; a snap our price, *11' V). 1908 Chalmers 30, fully equipped, 11350. ISIO Hudson 20. brand new. $1050, Locomobile, fully equipped. (lion. Btoddard Dayton, 5 passenger, J350. Dragon 30, cost 12750, price 1760. Chalmers 40, roadster, 11750. Stevens-Duryea, 6-cylinder, 11100. Kissel Kar, 6-passenger, |1100. Regal, 4 passenger, $1000. Reo. 5 passenger, $350. Hupmoblle, (580, Studebaker K. M. F.. 30 h. p., B-pasnenger, a special bargain. $1000. linker Rlertrlc. $700. Pope Waverly Electric, $550. We are the largest and most responsible dealers In slightly used automobiles of all makes, all sizes, all prices, In California. We will sell your car on a 5 per cent com mission basis. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. 1226-29 8. Dive It, 5-22-tf FOR SALE IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION, a 2-cyllnder, >0-n. p. automobile; has de lachable, with singe and double top; tires nearly new; cheap for cash. Apply at S. UNION AYE. 5-24-31 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—I9IO CADILLAC, 5-paKsenger touring car, M H. P., fully equipped, looks and runs like new. MR. Hi BOOK'S cor, 1238 S. Olive st. 5-21-3t FOR SALE-TOURIST AUTOMOBILE, FOUR, cylinder, 40-hor«e power, 6-passenger; a bar gain If sold it once. Address T. J. GOLD ING, Herald Bice. »-!•» Bl'OOlßfl kTTJI HA I. E -AT A riARCJAIN, Ill'HßKK tir>- .urivj in KOtKi i.j.itir; $U 2301 SHKHI liAN 1 >iT., lluvlo H"i»>"- l-»a-l FOR EXCHANGE RKAL BSTATK I Exchanges On Cash Prices 195 acres between Lindsay and Porterville; fine orange land, at $150 per acre. 40 acres; orange and walnut grove; well located. Price. $45,000. Lot on Sixth avenue, between Pico and Sixteenth streets; east front. Price $1800.00. Apartment house, well located; good 'income and worth the price of $o().000. Six-room Modern Bungalow, Western District, near Wilshire. Price $4000. Two seven-room new modern flats, well located. Price $0000. 32 acres fine land within the nine-mile circle oi the city; 80 shares of water. Price $12,800. WHAT HAVE YOU? WE DO BUSINESS ON CASH BASIS EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT X Do Bigler Company 213 STORY BLDG. F4582 — Big Bargains FOR EXCHANGE—VERY CHOJCT 3-ACRE, highly improved, chicken, fruit and alfalfa ranch: modern house, barn, chicken corrals, : chickens, implements, water, close In, choice subdivision, Florence aye.; only $5500. Will Bell on easy terms or take clear city. 40 acres highly Improved. good buildings, water live, stock, agricultural implements; Ue.iondo car, Lawnriale; $25,000. Want east ern or city income for equity. 40 acres choice land, all Improved; 10 acres alfalfa, good stand, fenced, flowing well, abundance free water; Rosamond: $2600; also 160 acres. $3*oo. Want city, Arizona acreage or Phoenix. 15 acres Improved, half oranges, good build ings, pumping plant, free ditch water; Bald win Park; $7500. Want city home. 22 acres oranges, very choice, Hfverslde: $30,000, Income $5000. Want. city. 162 acres, fenced, cleared, good soil, Lan caster; $1000. Want lot or Glendale. 5 acres very choice, good buildings, Gar dena; $6000. Want city. Su acres. 5-room house, good barn, part wal nuts, Santa Ana: $8000. Want city tor half. ■ 4.1 acres Improved; 14 acres alfalfa: barn, flowing well, Lancaster; $1500. Want Glen dale. 10 acres oranges, lemons, buildings, San Diego: $8000. Want city. 10 acres Improved, fruit; «snno. Want city for half. 10 acres highly improved, flowing well, Nor walk; $5000. Want city. 6 acres very choice, Rivera, good buildings; ■4000. Want Oregon. 10 acres extra choice, oranges and general fruit, good buildings, stock. Implements, fur niture, everything complete, near San Diego; $11,500. Want city or Pasadena 18 acres very highly Improved, walnuts, buildings, water. La Habra, in oil district; $24,000. Want residence to $5000, balance easy. 5 acres Improved on Moneta car line; $6500. Want city home. 40 acres part alfalfa, flowing well, build lnge, fenced, Lancaster; 14000, Want busi ness or rooming house. Half section, rellnquishment, choice, Kern county; $SOO. Want good lot. 10 acres choice subdivision, close in, San Tllero highly Improved, elegant orange and lemon land, water; $5500. Want city or beach 34 acres Lugo, choice land, highly im proved, buildings, fenced. Thl« is close In property on electric; $20.0Wi. Want clear city for $13 00.1 equity. This will drut.l" in value. F.legant l«-room flat building. $S0 monthly income; good location, Denver; $8000. Want C 'IS2-acre me farm, Burlington, Iowa; $18,000. Want city. SO-acre highly Improved. choice northeastern Kansas farm; $6400. Want city or acreage. IS3-acre very highly Improved Elgin, 111., dairy farm. $!>« acre. Want southwest Choice income properly. ! stores, with liv ing room!, 12 per cent Income, Muskegon, Mich. Want California. 8-room strictly modern Denver home; $70», Want California. 140-acre improved farm. Knoxvllle. Term.: $3000. Want city or beach. E-room modern cottage. sunset Beach, nice ly furnished; $2500, Want lots, city or Holly wood. Will a.-Mime or pay cash. 8-room strictly modern beautiful home, Ocean aye.. Ocean Park, elegantly furnished; $7000. Want city. 7-room modern horn*. Hollenhork park: $fisoo; also 7-room strictly modern home and two '.3-room homes: elegant Income; Ocean Park Want acreage near Kansas City. 4-room furnished house. Newport; 7-room modern home, San Pedro; $6600. Want acre age for both. 20-room furnished hotel building, Newport. Want ranch. 2 bungalows. Pomona. Want Panta Monica. «-room modem cottage, Santa Ana. Want city or ranch. beautiful I'l-room Pasadena home, double lot- $14 000. Want clear eastern. n-roem modern Sierra Ma Ire bungalow; $3300 Want city home. 6-room. 5 lots. Whittler. Want Long Reach 5.r00m strictly modern bungalow. West 41st; $3.t00. Want lot, auto or motorcycle for $SOO- equity. Submit propositions, balance See lit for exchanges everywhere, Choice propositions. IDEAL REALTY COMPANY 200 Severance bldg.. »th and Main. Phones—«lBsl, Broadway 8237, 5-22-1 FOR EXCHANGE-CITY PROPERTY FOR country property, and country properties for city properties. AH exchanges arranged "ii an equitable cash value for both sides. Try us BLACK BROS., 20S-9 H. W. Hellman Bldg. 1-22-1 FOR EXCHANGE — 1 HAVE A CLKAR lot at liedondo, 3 blocks from city ball, faring the ocean; fine for apartments or botel; street work all In; gaa. electricity and newer; fine view of the ocean; would trade for lot at Uuntington Park. Glen dale of city. Lot valued at 1900: make offer. OWNER. box 664. Herald office. FOR EXCHANGE—IO ACRES NEAR RED lands, all in oranges, i- yean old; Income $3000. Want house west or southwest to $6000; balance time. See BEDFORD, with Bowen Realty Exchange 210 Story Bids- Main 7342, F22M. WM "~6-Room" Modern Bungalow In southwest, worth $3500. Want cheap acre age near Lob Angeles. Owner, R. M. RUB. BELL, 514 Douglas bldg, "--- ro KXCHANGB-HUNDRKD-ACRK TEXAS ranch, unimproved, worth $10 acre, to ex change for oil stocks, automobile, musicnl Instruments, furniture or what have you. Address BOX 155, Herald. 6-22-1 "•ASH for PROPERTY. ANY kind, any where If you want to buy or tell, address NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS AGENCY, .Minn, cunll' W4UHMHI FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE—CITY MODERN HOME on hi^ii ground; 7 rooms, fin*» condition; nice |ol price 13000; mortgage 12000, 8 per rent. Miik. off<?r. MRS. WRIGHT, 313 W. Third, Room 204, »----! : ■ .. =— MISCELLANEOUS FOR EXCHANGE —1 HAVE A CLEAR LOT in i niton that I will trade for diamond*, furniture, auto, or what have you? Ad drees BOX 434. Her .1 111. »-»l-tt I WILL TRADE BTOCK~fN BISHOP CREEK Gold company and other mining stock for stock In California Wave Motor company (Reynolds). BOX J42. Herald. t-3ttf ; FOR EXCHANGE—A GOOD 45-70 RIFLE for a good shotgun, or what have you? Ad dress BOX :"2. Herald. 4-29-tf L I MONEY TO LOAN GREATER LOS ANGELES and vicinity. J3oi> to (20,000 to loan on conservative nrat mortgages. i *<■ our own capital; no commission, Act promptly. THE JOHN M. C. MARBLE § COMPANY . H. W. Hcllman Bldg. MORTGAGE BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY Any amount you want 56 ) to »■.■',■■'. Lowest rates—city or country. FRANK C. CURRY. 436 Byrne buig., Third and Broadway. Phones A 7803, Main 2165. 6-l-6ma MONEY TO LOAN-, SECURED BY FIRST and second mortgages on real estate.- large and tznall amounts, or payable monthly- Mortgages, trust deeds and contracts issued lor the sale of real estate oougbt. NOURSE & CO., 202-204 L. A. Trust IHcJg.. Becond and Spring. Both phones. tf MONEY TO LOAN (50,000 to loan oa real estate, city or coun try, 5 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOVER & GILBERT, 102 H. W. Hellmaa Bldg. Horn* phone ASB27; Main 6474. 10-3- .. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. See US before you borrow money on sal ary or furniture. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. (Inc.) 612 Grosse Bldg., corner Sixth and Spring. F8848; Main 492}. 4-1-cf I HAVE J20.000 TO BE LOANED AT CUR rent rates on city or suburban real estate; prefer small loans, 1200 to $1000. R. W. MOVER. 604 Frost Bldg. F5107. 4-35-lm MONEY TO LOAN—SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO.. 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. »-»-« R. W. POINDEXTBR, 409 WILCOX BLDG., will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. t-9-tf MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS. FURNl ture, pianos and any kind of security; low rates. JOHNSON. 139 H. W. Hnllmao Bldg. l-is-smo TO LOAN —SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henna Bldg. 10-4-tl DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 t O. T. Johnson bldg. 5-7-lmo PRIVATE MONEY. « TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART & BON. «01 H. W. Hellman Bldg. A 7552. *-l>-tt $500 TO 110,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO.. Jefferson and Mala. 4-23-lmo MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE; 7 per cent; no commission. 1617 Reid **'■ i-lt-S MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE— per cont; no commission. 1617 REID ST. 5-11-7 BUSINESS PERSONALS DESERTION AND FAILURE TO PROVIDE ARK JAIL'ABLE OFFENSEH. NEW MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED. |12 costs. Consultation and advice FREE. Come up and talk it over. SECURITY LAW AND ADJUSTMENT CO, 321-22-23-24 BIIYBON BLOCK SECOND AND SPRING STB. Attorney* fur the people, Hours 1:30 to 6:00. Wednesday and Saturday evenings, 7 to *• •5-22-1 LAWS ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ARE you In trouble? Sec us. Strictly conft u ntlal. Consultation free, Probate mat ters, entatcß, damage nits, accounts, col lections, etc. GUARANTY ADJUSTMENT CO. 324 BRADBURY HLUG. Southeast Corner Third and Broadway 5-22-tf-sun only LADIES—ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR CHI - Chester pills, the Diamond brand; for 25 ' ycurs known as best, safest, alwayu reliable. Buy of your druggist; take no other, Chl chester Diamond brand pills are sold by druggists everywhere. sun-tue-thu-tf WANTED— ~~ ~~ ~~~ The present address of Miss Elsa M. Bergheer. MARSHALL BTIMBON Rooms 801-2 Wright & Callcnder Bld«. Main 4441, Home FTB27. 5-22-1 MRS MASSON. THE NOTED LONDON palmist. 322 8. SPRING, over Owl drug store. 11-Sg-tf ONE TIME NOTICES LAWS ■on I DOMESTIC RELATIONS. ire you In trouble? See us. Strictly confi dential. Consultation free. Probate mat ters, estates, damage suits, account» l col lections, etc. GUARANTY ADJUSTMENT CO. 334 HHAUItrItY HLUG. Houtheatt Corner Third and Hmaihvay 5-:2-ir-»»p only | SOCIETY MEETINGS LAWS ON DOMESTIC RBIIA.TIONB. AHK you In trouble? Bee us. 1 Strictly confi dential. Consultation free, I'rohato roat i rs, estates, damage suits, accounts, col lections, etc. GUARANTY ADJUSTMENT CO. 324 BRADBURY lil.Kti. Southeast Corner Third and Broadway fi-22-tf-sun only ASSAYING aom^assay" oFrioir ™"~ HI 80. UIIOADWAT. ' Gold. 755. Gold, silver, $1. (Sold, silver, copper, $1.25. Gold, silver, copper, lead, *t.50. Every assay In duplicate. Pulp saved. / 12-3«-sun-tf toil's HERMAN, 2311,4 8. Main. Not satis faction, but accuracy guaranteed. 11-il-tl DENTISTB 1)11. llAl?ll.UA'iiSrrui"-¥«s~Mije >.-!.■ Thesis) eld*., SW 8. Uiill, f»tMilj Main Sat*. 1-1-U FOR SALE LIVE STOCK Blrdlanid Just arrived and enjoying semi-liberty at BSrdllainidl Fifty Japanese robins, known as the Pekln Nightingales Thr greatest of all aviary lupin. \\ . shall .--oil i mm at n low price tUla coinUK week, also Imported tti'rman \ lilfncr and Roller CHiiai'ics, talking parrots, squirrolß, and other pots, cages, kppils, foods t remedies, go Id II eh aquaria. Visitors Welcome Come and cc« us. OPEN SUNDAY i. m, qaiDER, 13H1-1311 Central aye . IjOs Angeles, Cal 5-22-1 Fi IR VI^K I lli:AI' OF BEST DRAFT horses In Los Angelea; pick ot -I'l head. Call Sunday a. m. no dealers. 660 Mateo St. 0-22-1 FOR :'!,i HOnOUOHBRED I l.i:\\ 1'.1, -lyn Better pups. P. H. TAVI.uK. 6423 Bon sello, South 8144. 5-22-3t srnnivisioN 1 SELL THE EARTH • R. S. MASSETT— —■ SUBURBAN sin DIVISION 10' i acres at Alhambra, MS ft. frontage on Wilson aye., 1071 ft. frontage on Mission road; a splendid proposition to subdivide. brine on these two Improved streets and within "i mile of electric car line; bank, school, library, etc. This tract will divide up Into about :.:: large lota that ought to sell at an average of MM each. A hand some profit when you can buy It for $i;,mo. n p. BABSETT tom 8. Broadway 5-22-1 itKMiUUi ■XPARATB LOCKED IRON ROOMB, $1.00 . per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., :5o to 100. Phone for our large van when you move. $1.25 per hour. COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. 411-17-19 Ban Pedro st. Main office 609-11 8. Main st. Phone Main HIT; FIITI. l-l-tl GOVERNMENT I.AMIS "government LAND* 160 acres for $160 Fine level land, rich sandy loam, right In Los Angeles county. We can accommodate six more persons. Party leaving Monday night. May 23. For further information see ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. SIXTH ST., Ground Floor. B-M-5t PIANOS PIANOS AT $2 50 AND IS PER MONTH. Square pianos of standard markes In ex cellent condition. Will »ell on the above small payments. GEO. J. BIP.KEL, CO., 146-347 8. Spring St. 10-18-tf FOR —UPRIGHT PIANO IN FINS condition; only 1100 for immediate sale. Call tor Inspection 413 W. FIFTH BT. 4-11-tt STOCKS AXD BONDS FOR SALE—STOCK IN THE TRADERS' bank of I.os Angeles. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main. 6-16-7 HOUSES FOR BALE—THE BEST AND CHEAPEST bungalow In Vermont square, 5 rooms, new and modern in every ways price |J«W; It's worth $3600, and you mako your own terms, as the owner has to leave town. This Is a big bargain. No telephone Information on this. Bowen Realty Exchange " 210 Story bldg, 5-22-1 _______ FOR KAI.E— DON'T HO A T?UN<i INTII. you have seen this beautiful tour-room bun galow, all modern, for ONLY $1650 ■ , Nice lawn and flowers, full bearing walnut trees,< clone to good school and car line, .V fare; .Vi-ft. lot. F. A. BUELOW \ Snle Agent, MS Wllcox bldg Main 8913, AB22D. 0-22-24-2J-at BEAUTIFUL HOME AND APARTMENT house site, Horford M., Just off. 7th, !i-room modern house, rented for 160 per month; right In the city and only walking distance; 110,600. BANGS & BIGELOW ii:. S. inn st. 5-22-1 LEIOHTON AYE MAUNIFICENT, I.AHOE. Btonp front bungalow; a beautiful home among shady old peppers In beautiful Went Park tract. Be* it and be convinced, Must be Bold at once regardless of price, Come nut today, Agents with good clients call. 1075 LEIQHTON WE, E-22-lt FOR SALE-WIG SACRIFICE, ELECJ ANT s room bungalow, superb Improvements; fine location southwest, near two car lines; be (lulck; help me out and you get It; part terms. See OWNER, 1169 W. 38th place, 5-22-2t FOR BALE—ONLY $2600, TKRMS 'i li''<' M house, Furnished, on Vernon avenue; lot Xx 150. This is a bargain. MARTIN .v MARTIN. 510 O. T, Johnson Bldg, 5-38-1 FOR sAu-: nil nil- WANT A NICE HOME on terms like rent? Wo offer a 8-room mod , in cottage on valuable lot near U. H. P. fur >,: 100 See It If you want a home easy. .i. A. WACIIOB, 3413 Vermont avi 5-22-1 FOR ILK A ; ROOM MODERN house; a large cellar, fine palm trei-a. lots of now its i,,.. lawn I will Bell this place at a hi a bargain; 50-ft. lot. 1302 E. 18TI1.. cloM to Central avu "•V-'-l PART II FOR SALE HOUSES The ' Chance of a Lifetime! For those who contemplate buy ing a bungalow home. You don't know a well built home till you see ours. Come Omit oe Sunday Take car on Broadway or First Street marked "East First Street" and get off at Brooklyn Avenue. Walk one block west and we will tell you how you may get a home that suits you in every respect at a minimum cost. We absolutely guarantee you The Best Built Home in Los Amgeles for the Money Don't fail to come out Sunday and see the tract and style of homes we build. i P.B.Fletcher&Ca Cor. Brooklyn and Townsend Houses If you are looking for homes note tha following: ■ * 7-room house • $2900 5* room house 11360 (i-rot>m house $3400 All these houses are new, high beam celling, hardwood floors, Lath, toilet, gas and elec tricity. Bargains in ■Lots We have a number of fins lots, nicely located In Vermont Square, ranging In valu« from $700, $750 and $800. $73 ly all that Is required down; $13.50 monthly. Call on us for bargains in the southwestern part of city. Tracy E. Stalls k Co. 4710 VERMONT— AM) VERMONT South 405, South 41, Home 2G21«. 6-22-1 homes For Sale and Exchange A Selection of Bargains in Homes, Lots, Acreage and Income Property $1330— 1 -room house, largo cellar; lot I"X 150 close In; 6 minute car service; $150 cash, $11) month. This Is « splendid bargain. ..._ i , $1000— 4-room house, corner lot 50x150, Brooklyn Heights; 1550 cash, $12 a, month. A growing section; big bar« gain for working man. ar;,-,0 5-TOom bungalow, new and modern; lot 40x135; many Improvements, which add greatly to its value, all included. Brooklyn Heights. $300 cash, $20 a month gives possession, $'•1(10Look! This modern 5-room bunga» low, lot 40x134. close In; fine loca tion, dose to car; $125 cash. $20 % month. Big bargain for quick buyer. 13800 —6-room bungalow near new high, school, modern throughout; lot BOj( 133; terms very reasonable. Yo*- should see this. Chamlcy Sons 745 SOUTH MAIN ST. Main 847 F3473 --"I RIW YOCIt OWN HANK! ACCUMULATE! al your home. Owning lots in best part of southwest, I build to suit buyers, Small cat-h payments; easy terms. West Hit, Mnln 1725. palton avenui oar, Broadway to Dultmi switch; i-hort block north on l'aiion to ii, -. THOMPSON: B-22-3t Knit SALi^f .0"; Jinn cash, balance like rent; I'l-i'iuim rottuge. mantel bath, toilet, sink, wa?h busln. hot water, gas, sewer con ■ nrcted. Call at 4700 Central aye. 5-tM