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PART Tl FOR SALE lIOVSKS OWNERS OF ■■■ \.; ':'■'■''\ ":; .' .'. "/ ' " ' ' ; College Tract • y Derby Park Tract Deeble Tract College Tract Annex * Elder Place' Elder and Butler Tract \' \ Tr^rrnTn)Ti^T\T^)) And Four Other Large Tracts Western Ave o Square Elder Place /vo o Z under Development FOR NEW MODERN HOMES Homes^ See Us ■/■■■/■ ' J Agents on tract today to show you. Grand Avenue Car marked West 48th St. to 48th and Gramercy Place. <?ff)>T TT^ ■ Tr^\ ° $3100 Modern Five Room Bungalow $2950 Modern Five Room Bungalow H\ r~^\ /Gi \\ A F rr^ ° /T^ /t^ $3100 Modern Five Room Bungalow $2950 Modern Five Room Bungalow =<\/CT\Y\ \V t rVPV\ (T®(^ $2925 Modern Five Room Bungalow $5500 Modern Eight Room Bungalow A\\ V^ \t\X , II Hv^S^^S) $3450 Modern Six Room Bungalow $3600 Modern Six Room Bungalow .:— ■ . Many others to show y®n from $2900 to $7000. Small cash payment, balance like rent. Hardwood floors, beam ceiling*, paneled walls, buffet, bookcases, brick and stone fireplaces, cement porch and steps, tinted walls, bath, toilet, gas, electric lights, sewer telephones, sleeping balcony, double floors, etc. Each home of a distinct style of architecture. Homes built up®n alternate lots, the home buyer is given two years' use of and option upon the adjoining vacant lot. Price in two years under the option to be same as when the house is purchased. Will Furnish the Lot and build to suit you upon same terms. Our auto in waiting at our office to take prospective home buyers out to look over our properties. Our Agents at the College Tract every day. Grand Avenue car marked "West 48th Street" to Forty-eighth and Gramercy Place. t ■ LARGEST co-operative TT—JT /V"nN T"\ /"T 1 czt^ (QF\ 333 33? ScoimttDii BUIILDfINO company ; I LOS ANGEU^S INVESTMENT COMPANY! MnDD Sttireett V\ IN THE-WORLD | J I J [ \>^S Jl* J I J ' f \^r^ J \ 60127 Main 2248 . ; 1 • , ; ■ , - _ ' __-_ 1— ■ -_ "3»Z— M^^^^»^^*^^ .^^^^» ' ' ———•———————————^———_—^— ——————»^ —i^ > _________ , . ' ■ '"'■'.■ ■■ l . .■ • - TH above cut is reproduced from the cover of our new Bungalow Book reduced to one-third of the actual size of the cover. This book is Bxll inches and contains 128 pages of cuts, exterior and interior, of modern bungalows and houses, as planned and built by us. ' Also many pages of interesting and helpful hints on home building. It is just what the prospective home builder wants to help in deciding upon the perspective plan and the full details of interior effects. <J In the book we produce cuts of one hundred homes, from the modest but artistic five-room bungalow, and the seven and eight-room story and a half bungalow, to the ten-room two-story home: Each cut is designated by our Building Plan Number. Various views of the finished and furnished interior are also given, with a scaled draw ing of the floor plans, with full information as to interior finishing effects and cost of construction, etc. •I We have just received from the printer the first edition of this book and are now ready to fill all orders. The price of this magnificent Bungalow Book is but 50c, post paid.; I LOS ANGELBS INVESTMENT COMBWY ', j i j i \y^ j 1 •j i j »— <>/ \^j/ 333-337 S. Hill St. Largest Co-Operative Budding Company In.the World \ FOR SALE '' HOUSES LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1910. FOR SALE iiori-KS FOR SALE liorsKS FOR SALE IKM RBS SNAP 5-Room Bungalow $75 CASH AS GOOD AS NEW MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Buffet, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, screen porch, bath, toilet, tinted walls, beautiful street. i" • Hooper aye. car line on 36th st. THIS IS A GENUINE BARSAIN. Price 52400—»24 a Month.' LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMPANY 333-337 S. Hill St. Main 2248. «01i1. LARGEST CO-OPERATIVE BUILDINO CO. IN THE WORLD. 6-25-6t ! __ , . 1 ■ j Dear Sam: The next time you want to come out to Key Place tract phone mo, F5744 or Main 3526, and my tickets will take you out for 5 cents. You say you want a bungalow there about like ours. Well, you better save next month's rent and use it to apply on a whole month's payment here. Fannie says we never had anything .'"-'.■ •■ . .■.-,;•-• -yv, ... . of our own before, . but now we have ;■ ■' <-. the best little home in the land. It won't take very long to pay for It either. Better follow suit. Yours truly, JACK. ■ 6-21-2 $100 CASH will buy a beautiful C-room bungalow In "J restricted neighborhood, near car line, with 4-mlnute service; balance on easy terms. Take Forty-eighth st. and Grand aye. car, get off at Normandlo aye. ; look for BROCKWELL'S REAL . ESTATE OFFICE 1407 West Forty-eighth St. Phone South 2720 6-15-14 HERE'S A SNAP One of the swellest (-room bungalow! In Lob Angeles. Must be sold at once. Small payment down, balance like lent. See bun galow at 1024 W. 64th st. Take Moneta and ■ 54th st. car. Get off at Vermont and walk one-hair block west. . 1 will make terms to suit your convenience. He quick. 5-21-2t FOR BALE—BY OWNER, NEW, MODERN, five-room cottage, level lot, Mxl« to alley, fruit trees, flowers, barn, chicken yards, gas, electricity; sacrifice at J2500. 6213 MIKA MONTE BLVD. Phone South 5043. Watts car to Fleming or 62d st. 6-22-1 FOR SALE-» 2250; NEW BROOM BUNGA- Iow; Kas, eleotricity, oak floois, mantel, buf fet, laundry tub; near car. 22782. South 6305. • 5-22-1 FOR SALE-NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW with attic and cellar; perfect lawn; leaving city. Phone Hollywood 4371. 5-22-1 NEW BUNGALOW—SISO CASH. BALANCE like rent. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main, 5-11-tt FOR SALE HOUSES "TO PAY BENT IS A HABIT" ; Stop It . Latest system is to buy a modern bungalow $140© Up ■ ?.-,0 Cashliiiluncp Easy Monthly Payments. These 4. 5 and 6-room bungalows are sit uated on nice high ground, largo level lots, inside of old city limits, and built with the best material and all modern con veniences included. Every one paying rent should take advan tage of this opportunity and purchase a home while they last. Come In and talk with me. L. J. CROOKER, With AMES, 316-17 International Bank Bids. Corner N. Spring and Temple Sts. I'hones A 6306, Main 1873. 5-22-1 it ■ Empire Building-' Company A::181 Main 5173. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. We Build Modern Homes $1200 builds a neat 5-room bungalow. We have bouses for sale on terms. »1600 builds a fine (i-room bungalow. We build homes to suit your iMtl , £2330 builds a modern 6-room bunga- We furnish you with a lot. low. *3000 builds an 8-room residence. bulldm*' 1" lolka >ou "*" '"" C°Bt "' >"' liuilding. $4000 builds a 10-room residence. We liare money to loan to build. $5000. See our home that $SUOO builds. rinns and suecifl< made free. Empire Building Company A 3487 . 504 Chamber of Commerce Main 54/2 FOR SALE hoisks 7