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8 FOR SALE ?:. ; ! BOMBS , __ GILES & KELLS Managers • 'X House and Lot Department WRIGHT & CALLENDER CO. 403 South Hill St. Bargain in a Cozy Bungalow ; $3100 |8100 •3100 ' ' ¥3100 Located on the prettiest bungalow street in the southwest we have this charming ■" roora bungalow on a room}' lot, 50x1:5.i feet, and within two blocks of two splendid car ■lines. Very artistically finished throughout with Oregon pine, stained to a mission fin ish in the living anil dining rooms, and white enamel In the dainty bedrooms, ' kitchen and bathroom, with oak floors in the main living rooms. Absolutely modern and complete. One of the coziest little homes in the city and perfectly planned for • small family. See it with us Monday. ■";•;*; A Perfect Bungalow ■4860 14850 $4350 $4350 This charming S-room bungalow i.« the test value for the money In the city today. It is practically new, just old enough to have lawn and shrubbery nicely growing, and the location on a beautiful southwest street. Granite and cement veranda sepa rate library entrance through French doors. hardwood floors throughout trie house, solid trass hardware and lighting fixture!?, fine, large attic, with stairway, outside sleeping chamber complete, and an automatic water heater which gives hot water In one min ute. To see this perfect home is to buy It At one?. Takes only 1350 cash and $3j per month, including interest. Bungalow Snap in the Southwest $4500 •4SOO $45(10 54500 This bungalow contains seven large rooms, with every modern convenience, and is situated on beautiful Halldale aye- ; nue. There, are oak floors, furnace, beautiful fixtures, extra large bathroom, besides a \ pretty garden with choice flowers and shrubs In abundance. The house was built one year ago for the owner and cost 15S00, Pis worth every cent of it. We can deliver It to you for $1000 less. See this «ulck. ;, . Magnolia Avenue Home *6500 JSH.-.00 $8800 ¥6500 Has eight rooms, facing east, lot 50x140 to alley, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, modern in every way, lot Is worth $6000. Hardwood floors, furnace, garage. etc. We don't have to talk about this; it will sell itself. Coma and look at it with us—lt's a real bargain, i Best Buy in the Wilshire Section 18000 i $!>OOO 18000 98000 I In this beautiful and nightly home, lo cated but a block off Wilshire boulevard, we confidently present tho best all around value to be had in the city's western sec • tion today. The lot fronts east, right at the crest of a gentle knoll: the car is but a step away; restrictions are $4000. or better, all about. In the dwelling itself care lias been taken to secure not only a series of eight handsomely appointed rooms, but also a structure of solid and substantial worth. There are hardwood floors throughout, fur nace and automatic water beater. Stone and cement about the building's front elevation maks the outline very attractive. You could not build the property for the price. •.Eked, $8000. 7 Extraordinary Wilshire Home $14,000 1 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 If your idea of a home Is a superbly handsome, broad front new residence of 11 rooms, standing on a wide 70x150 foot lot, only half a block from Wilshire boulevard, then In this property we have, without doubt, the bargain you are looking for. Buch details as hardwood floors throughout, two tiled bathrooms and shower, furnace and Ruud heater, large attic and store rooms, a conservatory and spacious porches, are to be expected in any splendid, first class home. It Is substantially built, finely finished, admirably located, and you could not duplicate it for the money. Let us -how you and be convinced. Ardmore Near Wilshire Boulevard 118,000 118,000 18,000 $18,000 EAPT FRONT EAST FRONT This is the home we have been waiting for since last January to show yon. After years of experience we have succeeded in Incor porating in this homo every feature which goes toward making ii absolutely perfect. Located on an east front lot. 75x150 feet, on .Ardmore drive, near Wilshire boulevard. The finish throughout is superb; the library Is In red mahogany, 'he living room In Pe ruvian mahogany, the dining room in quar tered oak and the breakfast room Is very quaint and attractive in the old Dutch fin ish. An inspection of the lower Boors will convince you that It Is Ideally planned and flawlessly finished. The balance of the lower floor Is occupied by the kitchen, pan tries and servants' quarters. A handsome, l.road. winding stain leads to the second floor, where we have four immense bed rooms, sleeping porch and two of the m •' elegant bath rooms In Los Angeles, The plumbing Is a special feature, the bath tuba being built in and fully tiled on the sides. We could talk for a week about thin house •hut would much prefer to show it to you. The price of $18,000 will allow just a fair profit and we can assure you that the house Is perfect and complete down to the last de tail. Beautiful Residence on a Choice Wilshire Boulevard Corner $33,000 $35,000 $35,000 ? ■■.•..»«« This modern ten-room residence, in sit uated on one of tin best northwest corners on Wilshire boulevard, with a 130-foot east front exposure by 150 feet on Wiltshire. The house was built three years a«o by the owner for hi- own use, but a = he Is going abroad for a year, he prefers 'o sell rather than rent. The house Ik Modern In every respect. Rooms are extra large and well arranged and the construction !•; ->t thu best. There are two beautiful tile.] bath rooms, also a maid's hath in the house and a man's room in the garage. Lots of shrubs and flowers and a delightful out r doors breakfast room. us show yuu this. GILES & KELLS Managers ' House and Lot Department "WRIGHT & CALLENDER CO. I 403 South Hill St. i PHONES 10745 and Main SO4O. / 5-33-1 FOR SALE HOPMM ■ : ■ I DEAR SAM: Well. I bop you went and did It. Just stopped In at 227 Security bid*., and the manager of'the Key Realty Co, tells me you are pofnpr to take the house next ours right away. ' That's fine, and we'll have the best neighborhood in town before lons, Am getting all my friends looking this way. Had B regular reception yesterday and every one admired our bungalow. Say, but I was easy to spend Imy earnings for five years on rent receipts. win soon have this place all paid for. I like the '•-•■> nt fare on the Tteilomlo Short line to Key Place' tract, it has speed and (seta her© before you know It. , Yours truly. JACK, i P. S.—Don't have to go to the beach this summer—home looks too good to me. I | i E-28-2t Before You Buy See These HIGH-CLASS HOMES WK ARE THE BUILDERS AND OWNERS I They are all modern, attractive, excep- i tionally well designed, located in choice, re- I stricted residence districts, and THEY'RE BUILT RIGHT. INVESTIGATE, and you'll find, that they ! are priced at a figure that makes them the ! GREATEST VALUES FOR THE MONEY i In the city. We are Riving the locations. ! You can go and look at the OUTSIDE. If you are interested call and we'll show you the INSIDE, Remember, we are BUILDERS and OWNERS. That means a substantial saving to you. W790 $3.000— rooms. Twenty- and Arling ton aye. $3,200 —5 rooms. Forty-eighth and South Park aye. $3,500— 6 rooms. Locust and Fountain. 54,500 —6 rooms, 979 Fedora st. $7,500—10 rooms, 1208 Crenshaw boulevard. j JS.5OO— 10 rooms, 1200 Crenshaw boulevard. i {7,500—10 rooms, 1231 Crenshaw boulevard. ! $8,600—10 rooms, 1828 Manhattan place. $10,000 —10 rooms. 1237 Crenshaw boulevard. $10,000—12 rooms, 1809 Manhattan place. If you are looking for a home and none of the above suit, call and let us explain our facilities for building TO YOUR OR DER. We'll furnish the lot and loan you the money. EMPIRE BUILDING CO.. 504 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A 3487, Main 5472. 5-22-1 Dear Sam: The next time you want to come out to Key Place tract phone me, F8744 or Main 3628, and my tickets will take you out for 5 cents. You say you want a bungalow there about like ours. Well, you better pave next month's rent and use it to apply on a whole month's payment here. Fannie Bays we never had anything of our own before, but now we have the best little home in the land. It won't take very long to pay for it, either. Better follow suit. Yours truly, JACK. . B-22-1 FOR SALE — BARGAINS IN HOUSES 9800 —8-room new Cal. house. $15 cash, bal. $10 mo. (10004-room house, close in. $40 • -ash, bal. *10 mo. $1250—3-room house, close in. ?50 cash. bal. *1O mo. —l-room new, modern house (50 cash. ha!. $10 mo. Rl6O0 —5-room new modern bungalow. S.">(> cash, bal. *10 mo. $11003-room new modern house. (50 cash. ha!. $10 mo. (3000 —6-room modern house, Euclid aye. (100 cash. bal. $10 mo. — 5-room new"modern bungalow. $100 cash. bal. $10 mo. (2350 —5-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. $'*."00 — modern house; snap. $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. j;xoo— 0-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. c.3000 — new modern house. (200 cash, bal. $10 mo. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. TAYLOR REALTY CO. Corner East First and Evergreen aye. Phones Dll7lj Boyle. 1866. 5-22-25-2t I Up At Beautiful Beverly Overlooking tie Ocean ami City Only 8-Cent Fare (By Book) Modern, up-to-date bungalow of six rooms, Including paneled walls, beamed, celling, built-in book rases and buffet, open fireplace, window seats. Remember that Beverly is the only tract in the city or county that has as large a. pri vate park and lake. This property lies only one block from car line (both Hollywood and Santa. Monica c-ars), and Wilshira boulevard is nearly com pleted to this tract. Lot r.■ *x"! -1 feet. Price only $3350, and would consider Mil- Ing It t'i right parties on payment of $1.10 cash, $I>iilance monthly; or would exchange, with some other property I have, for good income property, THE F. D. HIOLRR COMPANY, 213 Story Bldg. B-22-1 New Homes It you are looking for a nice, neat home of ■i or C rooms, pit her plastered or California, we can sell them to ynu. The plastered houses ha •■■ cabinet kitchen, tin oom, toilet, living room and two bedroom?!; fine front jforeh and sen i porch. Good, biff lot, uldowalK and curb; In fine local lon ; best ul car service; good school, churches and stores, $950 Up $50 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH INCLUDING 7', We have other property for Bale. On* acre, with windmill and tank, good well; 100 fruit i rt-cs; fair lioukp, tfood location ; (hen i> on easy WTiiiH. Also, vacant lots lor $110 up, on lh« payment plan, C' rm j nil Hrr us utiil we will f.Qvt* you money. You will fin.] On* HIIH |)H 1\ Ittl US, | AIVKItS, goo Heverance bldg; FHSIB, M 2013. 5-22- I i FOR BALK—NEW 4-ROOM COTTAQEJ L.AS tt-rfd, tinted, bath, mantel, toilet, uink, hot water, saw, electricity, pewer connected, large lot, fenced, shed on rear: price. $ISSO, $7.'> down, $13 a month. Call at 4700 Central _»■'•« 6-52-1 CITY LOTS ami i. whs yon ham; on i.jivm-.iiK new six room modern bungalow: small cash payment, IST W. ;.ili Kee W. McKAY, Herald" offlr#. jaj* ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MOftNING, MAY 22, 11)10. FOR SALE CITY LOTS AXD 1. \M>B / r— '—: ■ —"■> 1.1 11.. J • /HOnniDflllC Fill NORTH O' WSLSHSRE ;.. Only a Few Lots Left" >.;* at Original Prices Over $70,000 Worth Sold in the Past Six Weeks A Reason A Reason" ■ ■ -- ■ • "Where else, for. $900, can you buy a lot 50x180 on a 100-ft. boulevard paved with crushed rock, finest of cement work with parkways set to palm and camphor trees, three feet above grade, on yellow car line, gas and electricity good restrictions and tine homes building on adjoining lots. The only property in the entire Wllshlre section that will answer this description is in — Norimandie ■ Park •- ■ ■ And Only a Few Left Remember we are selling lots in this choice subdivision that are worth from' $1500 to $2000 for $900 up to $1200. One-quarter cash, balance at six per cpnt ' Go out Sunday and pick out your lot. By next Sunday you may have to pay an advanced price. Take W. Seventh St. (Heliotrope Drive) car. Oiffceand agent at end of car line, or call up our main office. No trouble to show you the property. — ' "IT PAYS TO SEE US." Edwards <& Wildly Company 232 Laughlin Building, 315 South Broadway. Main 9307. ~ ' Home 1067 - There'll Be NO After-Regrets If You Buy In 1 TTTT TP* TT /T^ TTTf HP (C^ Hlbifjiifllltd Conceded by all to be the most beautiful tract in Beautiful Eagle Rock Valley. There will be a heap cf after-rejoicing, because you will be sure to make money. You can't help it with lots ONLY $375 AND UP with easy terms. Flnristan Heights must bo seen to be properly-ap preciated. Go out and see it with its wealth of fruit trees and shade trees. MAGNIFICENT LIVE OAKS Plum trees, apricot trees and peach trees, "Fair as a garden of the Lord." Street work will begin soon and it behooves the investor to take advantage of the. present bed-rock prices and buy now. There isn't anything In Eagle Rock Valley or anywhere else, for that matter, to • compare with Florlstan Heights at the prices we ask. CONSIDER THE LOCATION Right at the end of the Eagle Rock Valley car line, the fairest spot in ths valley. Bordering on the new county boulevard and intersected by three leading thoroughfares. CONSIDER THE LOTS Lots any size from fifty feet front to an acre and a half in size. Level lots, (loping lots and magnificent hilltop sites. First-class street work, water piped to each lot, gas at city rates. GO OUT TODAY Take your luncheon and picnic under the tree*. Take Eagle Rock Valley car on Broadway going north, get off at end Of line and you are In the tract. E. BECKER Sole Agent CITY OFFICE 630 SOUTH SPRING STREET Home F3038, Sunset Bdwy. 5150 Tract office at end of" Eagle Rock Valley car line. W. D. Roth in charge. Phone East 2595. # FOR SALE CITY LOTS AM) LANDS FOR SALE CITY LOTS AND LANDS $900. t for a Big Lot in Trrry i and on Easy Terms Several fine HOMES are now being started on theM $900 lots, which are only two short blocks from ADAMS ST. THINK OF IT! Adams and Tenth aye.; nothing to beat this section for exclusive ness. You will never have another chance to buy a lot to compare with these at the price, as this tract takes In _ the last of the high ground on West Adams st. You RICH MAN! Come and Investigate some lots we have at $2500 and $5000 on high ground and commanding a view that is unsurpassed anywhere. You can talk about the home yo« want, right on the tract. Experienced builder Is on the ground. We arrange the loans and all other details for any priced home you may desire. REMEMBER, these lots are In the CITY and on a Be fare. No lots more than two blocks from the car. Take red cars marked "West Adams" and get off at Tenth avenue and West Adams street. AGENT AT OFFICE Corner Tenth Aye. and Adams St. EVERY DAY McKenzie-Carter Company 214 Merchants Trust Bldg. 207 S. Broadway A 5962 Main 5"61 " " 6-22-1 Good News TO HOLDERS OF OLD CONTRACTS 131 Tract. We have been made the official agents for all the Redondo Villa tracts except the Cook tracts and the west half of 143. Ar rangements have been made with the orig inal owners of the land whereby we are now In position to Invite all the original buyers holding contracts for lota in any of these tracts to bring In their old contracts, no matter-how long delinquent or how much or little you owe. We are giving everybody a square deal, restoring confidence and pros- There has been a substantial advance in values and small raises in prices throughout the tracts. New contracts will be issued In which credit will be given for all pay ments made on the old contracts. The Title Guarantee and Trust company, trustee for the property, will execute the new contracts Issued in this connection. Prompt attention, courteous treatment, everything that can be done, will be done for your benefit. Come in at once and bring your old contract, or write and send It before a further advance in prices. Pr'C< GEO. H. PECK & CO. 202 Lankershim Building. Corner Third and spring Ets. Home Phone A 4673. B-i7-::-:t Two Fine Residence Sites Price $1550. Lot .'llxlso feet, fast front, on Sixth aye., second lot north of 16th, on west side of 6th aye. Price $1500. Lot 55x130 feet, on Norton five., between Pico and 16th, east front. BOTH ON EASY TERMS, SAY $150 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. THE F. D. BIGLER CO. ■in Story Bids. raa. Sfj Now's' Your Chance TO BUY A BEAUTIFUL D-ROOM BUNGA LOW IN THE SOUTHWEST ON EASY TERMS. THIS PLACE HAS JUST BEEN COMPLETED. EVERY MODERN CONVEN IENCE, PANELED WALL. BUILT-IN BUF FET, CABINET KITCHEN, LOT FENCED IN BEST STREET WORK. SHORT DIS TANCE FROM YELLOW CAR LINE. GAS AND ELECTRIC' LIGHTS. PRICE, $2350; TERMS $100 DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH. NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU HAVE THIS CHANCE IN THE SOUTHWEST. WILL TAKE ANYONE OUT ON SUNDAY WHO MEANS BUSINESS. SEE OWNER, H. L. BLAKE, 143 South Spring Street. Main 6661. PHONES. Home 10683. ■uu^si - mi «-2°-3t TWO PRETTY LOTS in Elyatan Park tract, high and lightly, only pun). $100 cash, balance $10 per month, no Interest. This is one of the best buys in the city. BANGS & BIGELOW 11.- S. Hill st. 5-22-1 FOR SALS INVESTORS, BUILDERS^ ~~ TAKE NOTICE. COO car men employed within I bl/xkn, wait- Ing to buy or rent bungalows on these six LOTS, $600 each. Splendidly located, clou in; must Bell; 1-3 less than adjoining prop erty, A money maker for you. Undoubtedly the best buy in Los Angeles today. Inquire at once, 114 S. SPRING, room 1. 5-22-1 HI •SINK.-'- urr right ON HUNSBT BLVD., corner, 50x150; street work nil paid; this In h fine corner for store with flat above; $1300, ""* BANGS & BIGELOW 416 S. Hll.' •£. 5-22-1 ■ . :•■'■■■ ■ KOR SALE CITY LOTS AND I-ANDB Ingle wo od THE CITY THAT GROWS Bargains in business lots in the new tract just opened; easiest terms possible; ai restrictions. ACRES. ' ACRES. ACRES. Just closing out a dozen snaps in the Kancho. .$350 to $700, irrigation and domestic water.V^: For Sale—sl2so; $125 down, balance $10 per month. Two-thirds aero of land; 3-room house; toilet, sink, French windows, brick foundation; six standard poultry houses and corrals; water piped and completely equipped for raisins poultry. New. WHY PAY RENT? We build to suit, 10 per cent down, balance like rent. . X For Sale—sl9so: $200 down, $20 per month. Now 4-room house; toilet. bath, lavatory and sink: 8 standard poultry houses with runs; piped for water; 114 acres of ground and completely equipped for raising poultry. New. < There are no saloons in-Inglewood. Pure spring water piped everywhere, $1.00 per month. The school facilities are the best. $50,000 high school- Seven acres of playground. Thirty minutes from Los Angeles court house. Car fare 8 cents. Book rate. An ideal place for your home; good restrictions. Gas, electric lights, BEST AIR ON EARTH. FOR SALE—No. 285. $2000. Lot 3 on Regent street, 25xSl, improved by a building 22x40. Fine business proposition, easy terms. FOR SALE—No. 279. $1500, $1200 cash, balance $15 per month. % acre in fine walnut trees, full bearing: three blocks from the street ear; im proved with a new five-room modern bungalow. This Is a snap. FOR SALE—No. 275. $2850. 11-3 acres in the Poultry Colony; four room modern house, barn, eleven chicken houses, all Al, new. Some fur niture; 250 chicks. $1500 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Bargain. FOR SALE—No. 267. $1300, $900 cash, balance easy: one acre, three blocks from street ear: improved with three-room house; forty fruit trees, bearing; chicken houses, garden, etc. This is a bargain. FOR SALE—No. 275. $2500. Two blocks from the street car: Al re stricted district; lot 70x200 feet; Improved with a first-class five-room, strictly modern bungalow. Solar heater; hardwood floors, fireplace, plate glass buffet, etc. $1000 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Worth $3000; sac rifice sale. FOR SALE— No. 268. $2000. >.£ cash, balance to suit: three-fourths of an acre in Poultry Colony, improved with a five-room house, 17 poultry houses, corrals, etc. Good bargain. . IF YOU ARE INTERESTED JN POULTRY be sure to investigate market conditions in the Inglewood Poultry Colony, where exceptional facilities are offered to those who engage in poultry raising. Inglewood Land Go Cor. Regent and Market Streets, Inglewood, Cat. ■'■ - - • ■'■■ ■ - 206 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cat Main 6913. , A 8229. HWHBMWNIHiniMa|aMaMIM M HW MiHMllll ■■■HSMIM««II BB^MM>I"ai"IMMaMMM'MMMHMMaHMIMaMMIIIII LOTS LOTS Western A A venue ■ ■ = ;■••;.■ '■.-:': ■ ■ _^ ,j : . That Beautiful Subdivision Ad- " COLLEGE TRACT AND inininol llif* joining the ANNEX Over 150 lots already sold In this choir* / f% ft fl rrp A tract. Sewer, gas, electric lights, sidewalks. ll /O\ II I flb tHf fiL I Tf°^Tl y***Tf curbing, shade trees, etc. all in; a few choice II (111 111 ft >» ft I /HI IV lotH fronting on Western me. and on Vernon H^'U'liii'iVif^* V^y Jill (UL>cyv> aye., which It Is proposed to convert into 'W a 100-foot boulevard. These lots, fronting on this Intended boulevard, can be had during the f, month of April at $800.00 A LOT AS LOW AS $775.00 for DO-Foot Lots. i )R0 cash, $8 (or more) a month, Including — Interest and taxes. These lots afford the best — chfciicn for Investment In lots than can be found. It you want to pick up a snap In a nice 10 per cent cash, balance small monthly lot that will very rapidly increase in value, payments. Including Interest and taxes. The do not overlook this chance, value of these lots is being increased every Would be glad to show the property at any day by our extensive building operations and time. Agents at tract office every day. Forty- Improvements that we are carrying on in our eighth street branch of the Grand aye. car two adjoining tracts, the line direct to Forty-eighth and Gramerey place. ' ■ ■ ■'.-■■'" HOMES ;:: rr -A n ' IT j Los Angeles Invest*" ment Company 333-335-337 SOUTH HILL ST. Main 2248; 60127. Largest ComOpcrsitive Building Co. in the World PART H FOR SALE CITY LOTS AMI I.ANIW