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I'AHT M FOR SALE SriIMUVVN I'ItOrKHTY Looloit Mountain Opening Sale AMI This Week " . Lots $250 Each . , $5 Down, $1 .a We.ek . ; No -Interest—No Taxes DO IT NOW W. W. Norton k Company 124 SOUTH BROADWAY Ground Floor of Chamber of Commerce. V Phones—Main 2466; Home AlBBB. 5-22-1 Station Villa PASADENA Hill Avenue and Mountain Street. (Take North Loop car to Hill avenue, via E. Orango Grove) Lots $1500 to $2500 200 and 207 feet deep and 60 to 80 feet frontage. Growing section— Fine location—Splendid view—Majestic pines —Finished street—Lake Vineyard water —All city Im provements—Uniform restrictions —Good car service—First class neighborhood—Near to schools—YOUß OPPORTUN ITY. , Citizens Realty Company, Inc. / Suit* 1 300 Chamber of Commerce, Pasadena. Both Phones 410. (Members Pasadena Realty Board.) •llTi A THUS GREAT HILLTOP ' 2$ M*4? J^O With Its maKnlflrrnt boulevard system, occupying a proud r>"l- 1 PTFI V ■ tlon directly In "TIIK iwm Of DESTINY" of this splendid O -TV .. olts of ours. .fronting on Vermont.— Bydlona;, Hoover. Flgueroa. mini Moneta and Main (the Harhor houlevard now bring constructed •¥* TS\, ■■■■ through ATHBN»-ON-THB>-Hlljr.), Together with Its 8 KANT * "*» ■ m «-» BLSCTRIC LINKS TO TOP OF 111 1.1.-no climbing, affords the w-p ir-ii I g Bl most ideal residence conditions to ho found in the rltv. l^^^*> I I a f 1 ■■ street Improvements b^lntf rapidly installed .it a cost .if more / rim- M |1 than JIOO.OOO. Ftm. water for (lie year. V FINER LOCATION' I 1 , II THAN wii-hiui; OK iminuiKiii AT (im;.iiith iiik L J £ •■■>*>■ COST TO Vor. An.v (.'in- ili-Nlreil. \M> OM.V ■.'."• MINI II - — < |L^J\ FROM IHtOAIMVAY." HlllxlHK FEKT FOR *l)O0. Wisely re- TTP CJ^4 strlcted, any terms. Not many, lots at this price, but some. ■ Ha See them! Moneta avenue Redondo car, Broadway, Main or Mo- - I ' m/ ' neta avenue. Strawberry Park car, Broadway, Seventh or Grand .. I . avenue; and San Pedro car, Third, Hill or SlJttPcnth. (Jet round- | I JBt\ ~^~^__ trip tickets to ATHKN.-. Mr. Belton will refund fare paid and . • "^^TJ show you the property, _ > | *JT ' hv WATKINS & BELTON / (t ,j^ 1)J full up l*l)O7i liduiiy. 1,1611, 101) Slim»on Hulldinit i jjij SOUTHWARD MS Have You Studied The Map of Los Angeles- Its Surroundings and Development? If You Have You Know Which Direction the Trend of Rapid Progress Is Taking IS 18 MINUTES BY TROLLEY. CLP/B IN FOR A SrrcfRPAN ACREAGE AND LOT BT'fIniVTRION? 18 IT REASONABLE TO ASSUME WITH THE CITY'S SOUTHWARD SPREAD, THAT THIS SECTION WILL BE PART OF THE CITY BEFORE LONO. AND BRINQ CITY PRICES? CAN YOU HAVE BETTER CAR SERV ICE THAN THAT AFFORDED BY THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC LONO BEACH LINE? IS IT PROOF THAT OUR TRACT IS RICH SOIL WHEN YOU CAN SEE. ONLY A FEW FEET OFF. A WELL-KNOWN RANCH ON WHICH IS GROWN ALMOST EVERYTHING IN FRTTITK AND VEGE TABLES. AND A OREAT NUMBER OF CHICKENS RAISED? IS IT DESIRABLE TO HAVE FREE WATER PIPED TO YOUR ACRE OR IiOT? IB IT A CONVENIENCE TO SECURE IT ON TERMS OF SMALL MONTHLY PAY MENTS? When a tract of land nearby recently sold, without water, at a price greatly In excess of OUR PRICE WITH WATER, does our offer constitute an attractive purchase? Lots and Acres With Free I'lped YVntfir On Easy Monthly I'li.tmcntu If Your Answer Ie "Y«e," Let Is Mhow You Your Future Home. Golden State Realty Company, 120 West Sixth Street. FsBB4—Phones—Main 84 6-22-1 OAK KNOLL ADDITION FOR SALE ALL LAHIiK LOTS $2!>00 AND UP % CASH, BALANCE 1 PER CENT ALL CONVENIENCES N. M. MURRAY <<> 110 Pacific BUtotrlo Bldg, ONEONTA PARK FOR BALE LOTS GUxIBO TO 170 $1100 ALL CON YE NI EN CBI N. M Ml Kii.W CO, HO raclflc Electric Bldg. FOR BALE .mßiunAN pkoPßim For Sale For Bstrgßims In choice building sites, orange, groves and oak tree properties in Huntington drive sec tion, Alhambra, Blast Pasadena, Sierra Madro and Duarte sec EDWIN G. HART & CO., who make a specialty of these properties. Edwin Go Hart <£t Company 726 11. XV. HELLMAN 11LDO. A 8613, Main 4274. L. A. R. B. *, - b-22-suns-tf LOS ANGELES. NEAR—FOR SALE OR EX change—Twenty-acre alfalfa ranch, $6000; house, barn; want cottage; all In crop. Ranch, 90 acres, good alfalfa land, lots of fruit, 2 artesian wells now flowing. house, 9 rooms; burn; near railroad; 2 horses, 1 cow, chickens; all Farming tools; price $5500. AH in crops. Ranch, 40 acres, till In crop: 2 artesian wells, house, barn, 20 miles of city; prlca $8000; near R. R. For Sale, or Exchange—Six miles of city limits on P. E. railway, ranch of 33 acres; .V) acres walnuts, 2 acres alfalfa; family fruit, plenty of water; house, barn, outbuilil- Nngs; owner Is old lady; wants home In city; $850 per acre. Also 5, 10, 15. 20, 40 acres, price $300 per acre, all ill alfalfa, near electric road. For these and others see H. F. BACON. 13S 8. Broadway. Phone Main 4204, Home F2821. . ..r-v ... 5-23-1 VjY* 3tacy_ *JA h Realty Co. M I ESTABLISHED 190371 Bau ivdm iiiilrr. «ofi Beacon | both plume*. I^>« AiUfflM Ifffl""- Bal H »n.ln» Ft 111. ' San >Viirt>. close in, coming jJLßiNfcoa i.OT 60x135; Kiel SNAP, $4000; worth more; 6 rooin house thrown In free. STACY REAL TY CO., 531 Spring St., or San Pedro. for" sale-qlendale—corner- LOT ON improved street, 75x175; mixed fruit: $750. terms. MRS. WRIGHT, 313 West Third street. Room 204. (1 5-22-1 FOR SALE— ■' OR 10 ACRES NEAR SANTA Ana car line; $275 par acre, terms. MRS. \VRiaHT, 313 West Third. Room 204. 6-22-1 BITBUKIIAN PROI'EHTY— FOR SALE— Corner on Central aye., 54x150, $800. This would be cheap at $1000. This cut for a quick cash sale. Street work all don* and paid for. We are going to Bull thU and a few others. I ! M. B. MILLER CO., Exclusive Agents 703 Merchants' Trust Bldg. 5-17-tf ALL OR PART 200x174 CORNER. GLEN dale; new. modern (•roomed, story and a half bungalow, one block from car: street work done.; gaji, electricity! 1 $sooo. will con -1 elder good acreage. Addres* BOX 318, Herald. . ■ . ', 6-23-1 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. FOR SALE BUSINESS rmirF.BTV IMH 14500 - ' — I«MO DANDT BTTSTNESa INCOME PROPEBTT STREET ON THBKE BIDES Own your own business block, Only 10 minutes to First and Main. Con bo made to pay I 1) per cent on Investment. Owner going easf, will sacrifice. ' MBRRItiL * FOOD 210 Central Hldg. Exclusive Agents 5 11 I FACTORY BITES! FACTORY BITES! i Nothing but FACTORY SITES. With spur-track switching facilities. SPUR-TRACK KIOAI-TY CO. 2152 K. Seventh St. Phones— Office 41722, residence 72(504. 6-15-!2-2t FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE— Very best large, unrestricted corner on S. Flgueroa St., opposite Agricultural park. Will accept bungalow If suitable In High land Park or Alhamhrn. See owner's agent, .1. FRANK BOW EN, 440 Douglas hldg. 5-22-3 FOR BALE—APARTMENT norm:. Venice— M-room apartmenl house; lot fioxl>o; the handsomest and best furnished: finest location at the beach: fine income. Will sell at less than ■":t; good reason for sacrifice sale. FERGUSON & EBTES, 121 Merchants Trust bide. 5-22-31. in :- m.i: Must sell my stationery store, as T am called north; stock worth J7OO. Will sell at Invoice. Fine school supplies: good trade. Call 121 MERCHANTS TRUST BLDO. .'i-L'2-at OIL rKOPERTY WAGE EARNERS, INVEST, DON'T SPECULATE 25,000 chares (no more) oil stock at 25a per share. Company has. 1600 acres, 960 acres of which Is proven ground; one 700 -barrel well completed; now drilling second well! don't owe a dollar; has money in the treasury to complete two more wells; small capitalization and no promotion stock; pipe lines and railroads now building to field; oil parafflne base, running from 38 to 62 gravity and worth $2.50 to I-.&0 per barrel at well. See LORS 332 Bradbury Building i-i-ti FOR SALE— We are selling a limited number of acres of high grade oil land from $2 to $25 per acre. See us now. WILSON-BADGER CO., 530 Security Bldg. Home ROISI. 5-22-24-25-26-27 FOR SALE—IO ACRES OF OIL LAND IN section 19. 2S-2S. Kern oil fields. Apply W. H. SHAW, 622 S. Broadway, room 310._6-22-l J^ INCOME PROPKRTV INCOME PROPERTY PAYING $100 PER month. This Is a good buy for somebody, as this property is getting better all the time. Come In and let us tell you about this. '''it.- BANGS & BIGELOW 115 B. Hill St. 5-22-1 9-Room House, Modern Two small cottages, lot 50x120, paying $100. This is a bargain nt the pi Ice, $13,500. ■ ( BANGS & BIGELOW 415 B. Hill St. 5-22-1 POULTRY, BIRDS, I»OGS, SUPPLIES FOII HALE—THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH collie male pup. Call or address MR. E. PEDERSON. 1524 Bellevue aye. 5-22-3t COUNTRY TROPERTY FOR SALE— Forced to Sell at (Dice Price $4000 10 acres; 8 acres set to fine Valencia oranges 1 year old, Interact with alfalfa between the trees, ready to cut; will cut l.i tons to th« acre; finest stand we have seen anywhere; two acres In potatoes; Interest in a 60-h. p. pumping plant; 150 inches of water, which is worth $500; horse, buggy, wagon, all farm- Ing Implements and tools, 150 budded Vol. orange trees ready to set, furniture and crops Included; everything goes. Owner go- Ing away. Come early If you want this snap. No. 150. Resh & Company 630 H. W. Hellman Building Cor. 4th and Spring Sts., Los Angeles. Main 6784 , A 2928 5-22-1 Great Bargain. Alfalfa Laid $30 Per Acre 320 acres, only 3 miles from town and r. r., KERN COUNTY. Deep rich lonm soli, every acre good; In artesian belt; unlimited cheap water adjoining- Improved ranches. Part of an estate and must be sold. We hold option and can positively deliver. This Is a rare bar gain. Let us tell you more about It. Phones Broadway 1946; F2730. HEISLER & ELLIOT 911 Story Bldg. B-22-1 Tulare Co Extraorfiiairy Offer We have 180 acres of the very choicest orango land near Terra Bella, that we have been authorized by th». owner (an easterner) to sacrifice. Adjoining land selling at $75 to $110 per acre, hut our price so much lower that we refuse to quote In print. To the home seeker or speculator this Is worth Investigation. Act quickly. See SCHWEITZER & SHIMP 610 Union Trust bldg. 5-22-1 FOR SALE—64O ACRES, $700 CASH, OTHER half long time, buys choice Riverside county orange land; grow anything; silt soil, sub trrlgutcd, plenty water, no alkali or hard pan and near R. H. Should be worth $100 per acre In a year. Title perfect. But you must act at once. Would sell half. / CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 641-2 Han Fernando bids;. 5-22-1 \ ■ Beamimont [ Beautiful country home sites on La Mesa Mlravllla; 3000 feet elevation; mountain water; choice apple, pear and cherry land; 6 and 10 acre tracts. BEAUMONT LAND ' 4 WATER CO., 31« Central Building. Lo» Angeles, Cal. *-J»-tt FOR SALE . COUNTRY riIOrERTY / For Sale or Exchaige $4500 . 10 acres near electric station, school and good neighborhood; 3 acres In 4-year budded wal nuts, 2 acres alfalfa; 66 fruit trees, grapes and berries of every variety. ■ 5-room modern, plastered house, abundance of water, good barn, chicken houses, brooder house, incubator, Jersey calf, SO hen?. 125 young chick, 3 stands of bees, farm wag on surrey, top buggy, plow, harrow, cultl ■ valors, sled, rake, feed cutter, all farming tools and implements, 6 tons of hay, all ■ ■ crops, also $20 worth of lumber on pjaco. Will exchange for Olendale up to $2000 or ' half <a=li. balance ; years. Don't delay, Get busy and ask for No. 151. Resin St Company 630 H. W. Hellman Building Cor. 4th and Spring Sts., Los Angeles. Main 6784 A 2928 8-22-1 Antelope Valley Bargains Alfalfa, Pear and Apple lands (frrat strides are being made these days In the development of the Antelopo valley. ill the northern part of Los Angeles county. and land values are Jumping. If you want to get some of the excellent raw lurid In the artesian and cheap pumping water belt at ground floor prices, it behooves you to act at once. Nowhere else In the United States Is there the opportunity to buy first class land, smooth, level, rich soil, next to or close by producing ranches, where the water supply is unlimited, and within three hours' ride from a great city, at the very low prices still prevailing on some of this land In the Antelope valley. Pears and apples of national reputation are grown in the valley, and it is destined to become the greatest alfalfa producing sec tion In Southern California. SEEING Is BELIEVING. But nt present prices you cannot afford to buy anything but the best. We have some snaps in the VERY BEST LAND-at from $15 to $81! AN ACRE. INVESTIGATE NOW. We are headquar ters for this section. Talk with us. ORANGE COUNTY REALTY CO. 206 Wllcox Bldg., 2d and Spring. ~ 5-22-1 FOR BALE— $3000. The Banner Little Ranch 5 acres: the prettiest five-room plastered house, veranda two sides, fine large rooms, artistically decorated, cozy and neat; pretty lawn, attractive arbor; nice family fruit, Immense shade and eucalyptus trees, barn, good pumping plant and water distributed over the place for Irrigation and domestic use: land all fenced and on main oiled road and clean corner: only 35 minutes' run from Los Angeles, close to nice town and electric line, and all in fine grow ing crops.. •.«■• Included with the place are 2 cows and all chickens, all farming Imple ments and tools. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHOICE, SEE THIS. Fine soil that will grow anything. It's really worth MORE MONEY. Easy terms. WILLIAMS BROS. CO. 236 Ii W. Hellman bldg., 4th and Spring sts. A 2758. Main 6590. 5-22-1 FOR SALE—S32OO Fruit or Poultry Ranch 351 acres located right In a fine town of 15,000 people and on a fine, corner; fronting on a 'fine 100-ft. street, and in a rapidly building section. The soil is a fine, rich soil, suit able for fruits or poultry; domestic water piped to property and 37 shares of water stock; 150 apricot trees, 20 peach trees, 6 plums, 'i acre In alfalfa; gas and electric ity within i.. block. This tract Is now ready for subdivision; in fact, It is laid out now and can be sold at a good profit at this price. This little tract will make a dandy home place, close to a good town. It would make an Ideal chicken or fruit ranch. It will pay you to Investigate this. BALLAGH & WARREN Extensive Operators of Country Property. 721 Central bldg. 5-22-1 FOR PALE—S4SOO. DAIRY AND ALFALFA RANCH Eleven acres, located on the electric line, 11 mile to town: three acres In alfalfa, bal ance In grain; Improved with a neat 4-room house. small barn. NOTICK WHAT IS IN CLUDED: Four fine cows, two horses, five pigs, sixty chickens, ducks, cream separator and alt implements. If you can appreciate a snap. Investigate. Terms. BALLAGH & WARREN Extensive Operators of Country Property "21 CENTRAL BLDGJ 1 5-22-1 ANTELOPE VALLEY—FOR SALE—WE handle bargains only. 40 acres, 10 seeded to alfalfa, good stand; flowing well, 100 Inches water; $2500 cash. -' 640 acres all In cultivation; 320 acres wheat; fine soil: 8 miles of railroad town; $35 per acre; crop Included If sold this month. 640 acres good level land, covered with sage ' brush: for nulck sale at $7 per acre cash: must be sold. 90 acres close to railroad town: fine soil; $20 per acre; terms. The above land all in water district. Antelope Valley Realty Co. 105 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Cat., or Lancaster, Cal. 5-19-22-2t Suburban Acreage Snaps $3100—5 acres near Alhambra and Pasadena* $3750—3 acres, new bungalow, same location. . $6750—15 acres. GARDENA garden land. $650—Per acre, dandy WILMINGTON subdi vision. $4500—17 acres SAN 1)1 MAS orange land. MERRILL & FOGG I 210 Central Bldg. ."'->.; 5-22-1 IMPERIAL VALLEY AMERICAN NILE No drouths, cyclones, blizzards; marvelous crops: grain, alfalfa, cotton; sunshine; sedi ment toll; abundance of w.ter produce them. ' Good cheap land. C '.J B« U buy. 313 Severance Bldg. HAMMERS REALTY CO. Phone Broadway 4064. 8-6-tf FOR~SALE-160 ACRES OF GOOD LAND with plenty of water, only $660. For further particulars sec ERIKSON & CO. •t . I:' 105 W. Sixth It., ground floor. 5-22-2 OAKDALB. CAU-1100 AN ACRE. $1 CASH, $1 monthly; rich, level, Irrigated alfalfa, orange, grape, fruit land: the crops pay for land T. WIEBENDANGER, room 311, 201 . B, Broadway. Kto MR. FRYE. MMt FOR SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR BALK— 112,500. HERE'S THE IDEAL 'X> acres of the finest land in California, EVERY FOOT OF IT. Good 6-room house, large barn; water piped over Lee, mul 150 In, stream for Irrigation; high ground; located only 46 minutes run from I-. A., near th<* beautiful town of i mi' i ton. right on ma mi county oiled roadi with highly Improved ranches all around, ELEGANT CHOPS on the. en tire acreage; also all kinds fruits, vege tables and Immense, sum trees. in cluded in .i fit.' i' am, wagon i harness, farming implements nn<l tool?, cow. chtcki nn, etc., and all crops. Every thing In the pink of condition; In fact, it'« -n< of the choicest ranches in Orange county, Ideal for oranges, al falfn, walnut** or anything else. A pleasure* to show this elegant ranch, and the price is low. Terms. WILLIAMS BROS. CO. 23( 11. W. Hellman bide., 4th and Spring sts. B-22-1 20 ACRES~IMPROVED Four nil I^3 west of Anaheim, one nil In nnrth of electric road; 10 acre* In alfalfa and balance in potatoes and grain ; hou^e, barn and pumping plant; two hordes, cow and BGO chickens. Price $10,000. Will take Los Angeles, Panadena or acreage. B. F. HUNTINGTON CO. 304 Chamber of Commerce Phones 624 Pasadena 5-22-25-21 San JoaqMlmi . Valley Early Orange and Alfalfa Lands Best buys in bearing orchards Linrisay-I'nr tervllle district; large and small tracts, acreage. HEISLER & ELLIOT nil W. P. Story Bldg. Phones: r>-nnri\vay J:'t<;, F2730. 5-22-1 CAN YOU SAVE $5 PER MONTH? WE ATtE handling the best eucalyptus proposition over put upon the market. This is for the small investor as well as the larger one. $5 will give you a start on a possible fortune. Call and see us. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 402 Central bids. r B-22-2t KERN COUNTY ACRES, Take Notice—64o acres of the finest land in Kern Co., Cal.. for $.15 per acre; good oil prospects. FERGUSON & ESTES, 121 Mer chants Trust bldg. 5-22-31 ■ ■ z MISCELLANEOUS Seventh and Central Avenue Cheap w tt Lumber and Building N Material %x 6 Bevel R. W. Siding.. ..$l7 per m. Redwood $14 per m. Pine ; $16 per m. Shakes $10 per Shingles, full count $2 perm. Nails 4e per lb. Paint $1.45 per gal. Stain 50c per gal. Rooting paper, per roll $1.20 Our six-horse power upright engine, our eight-horse power upright boiler, fine condition, complete, only $100 Two-thousand gallon steel tank, "Water," in fine condition, only $75.00 Pure oil stain Me per gallon Pipe, all kinds and sizes, new and second-hand. Three-lap R. W. rustic, $30; Ix 6 O. P. clg. 2 sides $22.50 Hardware, sash and doors. LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES *•■*'■. 5-22-7 FOR BALE—HALF A MILLION FEET OF second-hand lumber in all dimensions, half the price of new. 100.000 second-hand lath, 75,000 second-hand brick, flooring, rustic, sec ond-hand stain*, mantels, casing-, shinglrs, base, office fixtures, roofing tin. pipe all BIBPS, 8-horsa power upright boiler with ." ft, stack, in fine condition; 40-horse power Pooh pas engine, fire escape, porch column, two fine refrigerators, just the thing for restau rant or hotol. Everything to build that house cheap. WHITING WRECKING CO. Eighth and San Pedro Sts. CHEAP BUILDING MATERIAL. GOOD NEW LUMBER, ALL KINDS AND sixes, $12 to $1S per thousand. Cedar shingles, full count, {2. Let us figure everything to complete your building, Lumber, sash and doors, plumbing material, builder's hard ware, rooting tin. 11.60 par square; new por celain sinks, basins and bath tubs. Complete line of soil pipe and fitting, sewer pipe and all connections. We sell to anybody at any place ■'"• to 50 per cent below all others. ONE MILLION FEET OF SECOND-HAND LUMBER AT ASCOT PARK. We are wrecking TWENTY-SEVEN BUILDINGS, Come, pick out what you want at about half the price of new. This is the best sec ond hand lumber we ever had. Come, buy a carload. It will please you. PLUMBING GOOnS-New and second hand bath tubs, sinks, basins, etc., '-■:■ to 50 per cent cheaper than you can buy them any other place, He sure and see us after you have gotten the other fellow's figures. We'll WHITING WRECKING CO. 415 East Ninth Street FOR BALE-OB EXCHANGE FOR HORSES, nice little Electric Auto. We have no use WHITING WRECKING CO. 415 East Ninth Street S-X- V^.'^»"fi -"" &-22-1 j^oTt UPRIUHT PIANO TM FINK condition; cheap. 1315 W. 38TH ST. 5-22-1 ■_. * FOR SALE MISCEIiLANEuim Bo You Wait to We do not. list your property unless we can. If you have and can list with us at actual value we can sell or exchange it and do it k—THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. We do not believe In telling you something which wo cant do. That not business. PERHAPS YOU HAVE LISTED with other agents who have not tried to turn it. That's no reason we do the same All we want Is your property to handle, you want a quick turn and a square deal THAT'S WHAT YOU GET IF YOU COME TO US. WE SELL, EXCHANGE AND RENT PROPERTY QUICK—IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT COME AND SEE US. 1 ' WEST FORTY-THIRD PLACE 7-room bungalow, strictly modern throughout, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, den built In, mantels, china closets, linen closets, everything that heart can wish for, for only $500 down, balance on easy terms. One block from Moneta car line. 10 minutes' ride to 3rd and Mam. This is. a bargain. See us at once. 2 WEST ADAMS Beautiful 6-room bungalow, finest residence district in city; sold at a sacrifice on easy payments, 3 FORTY-SECOND STREET B-room modem bungalow; gas, bath and electricity; good barn and chicken corral. Price $2200, on easy terms. See us. 4 WEST FIFTY-FIRST 2 beautiful lots, north front. Price $650, on easy terms. Only two blocks from car. ? 5 FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET ' . - - - - Near Figueroa. Beautiful 4-room bungalow, strictly modern through out; $300 down, balance on easy payments. Only $2000. This is a snap. See us at once. 6 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD We have 2 beautiful homes; hardwood floors throughout; 7 rooms, extra large bath; beautiful garage with cement floor and cement drive from street. This is a bargain, and for prices and terms we can surprise you. See us today. 7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 8-room house, modern, west front, on good street. We can give you a bargain in this property. It will pay you to see it. 8 HOLLYWOOD 7-room, strictly modern; corner lot; $800 down, balance on easy terms. 9 FOR EXCHANGE—City income for ranch, 2-STORY business block on Moneta aye., in good business district. 2 STORE ROOMS, 25x70, on ground floor— three-room flats, 2 four room flats, 2 office rooms above. Finest built building In this section, and renting for $130 per month at present time. Will take about $2000 to handle. Want ranch. What have you? 10 FOR SALE— 6O ACRES 1% miles from Ran Gabriel, near car line; good alfalfa or walnut land. This property will be ripe for subdivision within a year. Beautifully lo cated. Price $500 per acre. If you are looking for an investment you could not do better anywhere. Better see us. It will pay you to investigate this property. . ! Fre^cl-Mcßeytolds Realty C© Phone A 5640 721-722 BRYSON BUILDING j ■ ■■-•-- \ rovcx Alum AND Frit tenches Thousand Acres For Exchange , ... „ 30 Acres part or all of the richest, finest Boil, ditch or artesian water: all In crop—beet., celery, alfalfa; it. fact, anything that grows out of Good ***** '«"». with all kinds fruit, wal the ground; being leased from year to year; "'»*• 0™»«". apples, peaches, etc.; 6-room from IKS to $50 per acre. The price is low bungalow, large barn, good pumping plant, tor a quick sale and will be selling for °ow- wagon buggy, surry, mower, rake, double the amount In less than two years. **"■"»■ everything to make farm life pleas- Now is the time. Consult us at once. ant anil £««•"•' » miles from city anl Now is the time. Consult us at once. Will take on this business or ..mi-bu.l- near car >'"<■• Th >'-ars lnoome s" ""M ba ness property or first mortgage bond.. ■*« lM» than $3000. Offer »J some good city 11 , property for this up to $13,000. — 2© Acres ——— Beautiful orange ami lemon grove; han<v« " "™' some income, with still better future outcome! .._,„ absolutely no freeze; 14 acres full bearing, balance young lemons. Fine soil, abundant AHifznflifsn II im<dl water- r!aißaln at J:s'- Wlll taki moa /T\ull(wlllll<Ut U-rf(CU.llJl«Jl cm residence to $15,000, west or south., 40 Acres — — 'Solid to alfalfa; will cut 12 tons to the acre: —— over ■:-'""1> worth or personal property; two """ residences, two barns: water to sell it _. „ - y will do your eye. good to look at It with us. , ILJJSIII fl*V" HuUCU llii O^, A handsome Income, Will take some city * *^ property as part payment. ,'. •/ IR^SlirTlClhl —— Here it Is, J4't acres, level, rich, all flrsi ■ ™™"^ ■ class; about 10 acres has Borne alkali; which ZHZT is now in pasture and will grow finest beets or alfalfa. Think of this. 10 miles from city IT^HM! A ftPia rfTrrF/niTirif* on el<lc"trlc cal" linr ' B0 acres 1n alfalfa, bal -11 Clljl— C yirOVe an gram and pasture; splendid residence; ____ large barn, corral. and stalls for cows; »plen» night in a thriving town. Had a $2000 crop did pumping plant; abundance of water; is this year. Next year should be at least $3500. in perfect order for dairy; absolutely the New 5-room bungalow, good barn and plenty cheapest property to be found; land around of water. Is a snap and will take good is selling for MOO per acre. Get busy. We'll residence in city or lot as first payment. show you a real snap. Waybriglit-Butlcr Company 528-529 SecuHty Building CASH REGISTER BARGAINS Full size National, fine working order, $25: full size total adder, 1 cent to $5.99 at a Blngle ring, $35; full site total adder, l cent to $99.99. just the same as new, $45; one of those $725 Nationals, 6 drawers, 6 total adders, tape and cheek printer, all the nicks and notions . you can think of, for $325; fine desk register, $7.50. Yours for Bargains, J. R. WALLER . 643 S. SPRING ST. : . 6-22-1 \YF. HAVE FOR BALE NOTE FOR $700 SB cured by trust deed on Boyle Heights prop erty worth $2000, first lion, Interest 8 per cent. HAMMACK'S LAW OFFICE, Amer ican Bank Bldg., Second and Spring its. 5-20-3 "FOR SALE-NEW »-FOOT CABIN BOAT ready for engine. *»■>'. Will tak« horse and' buggy a" part payment, PHONE I*'4Ul7. 5-22-3t FOR SALE MI-< ! I ' \M <>l 1 , DESERTION AND FAILURE TO PROVIDE ARE JAIL.VHLE OFFENSES. NEW MARRIAGE LAWS EXPLAINED. $.12 coats. Consultation and advice FREE. Come up an.l talk it over. SECURITY LAW AND ADJUSTMENT CO. 321-22-23-24 BRi'SO.M BLOCK SECOND AND SPRING SI'S. Attornfys lor ttaa PeoPlo.'Spja; Hours 8:30 to s:ou. Wednesday and .Saturday evenings, 7 to S. 6-22-1 WILL BELL MY PERSIAN COAT, ERMINR collar and ' »iT. hip lenuth. fit 3s bust measure; value $225. Will take part muiu-y and diamond ring. BOX 157. Herald. ,■' I FOR BALE—A BARN; COMPLETE CAMP. Ins and r. —( ■ ■.■mil.' outfit I' Jay. 79S B. WASHINGTON BTKKBI. 5-32 -t , FOR BALB-I-ACBS.BHAWL, MARQUISE heirloom, in perfect condition. Apply It-'* WEST ADAMS •-»•» - ... n,i _^^ , | 9