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10 I Jl'llJL^ JL^alxl N JiJ/iL^lr\ 11 ji^iwaAlL^ ■*-*• > : : LOS Angeles Office Our Facilities for Accommodating Our Clients _ Anaheim Office O. 7. Johnson Bldg., Fourth and Broadway Aire Strictly First Class Opposite Opera House, Anaheim, Cat. Los Angeles ' Cat Both Phones \^ a 2 5 New Office ' Autos Accommodating Salesmen Phone Main 2024 ; — — Liuicky Noo 5116 For Exchange Read This Carefully 30 acres of the finest , soi 1 in Southern California; 7-room, all modern home; extra large barn; 30 h. p. electric pumping plant; underground pipe line; fine lawn, palms and flowers; fine drives and walks. Right close to elec tric line. Lies on double clean corner, oiled roads; impossible to find finer location; near schools and churches; has 10 acres of the finest stand alfalfa that you ever looked at; 6 acres young wal nuts; 6 acres pears; 2 acres ap ples ; 2\ acres oranges; abundance gum trees for wood; fine family orchard; fine chicken corrals; all farming tools; fine team horses, 3 cows, all chickens, abundance of hay and feed. VJ ■ ■ ■ • PRICE ;$20,000 This Can't Be Beat Talk with Us Quick ■The Baikry lealty Co. Exclusive Agents for Lucky No. 516 ; 232-3 O. T. .JOHNSON HOLDING. Phones Main 2.VM; FZSU. BUILDERS |j BUILDERS BUILDERS | BUILDERS | BUILDERS _ ...BU' LPERS I, ~ Z!_TC3Z! -. - - - , Wo (So h™s©m Billing Compaiy 516-520 Mason Building Fourth and Broadway Builds this pretty 6-room and alcove breakfast room bungalow; beams, oak floor; strictly modern. -... _ _^ _ —"* —~- - ._— -:r. INVESTIGATE OU DEPUTATION "Builders of Beautiful Homes and Bungalows" THESE ARE A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS $1650 $1300 Builds 1%-story bungalow, oak Builds pretty 6-room bungalow— floors. This in a very pretty houße, floors, beams, cement porch, brick and Is a snap. trimmings. Blue Print Bungalow 800k —Price One Dollar Low Bids on All Classes of Buildings Frame or Brick PLANS We conduct our own plan department and embody all the new and up-to-date practical ideas in our houses. SUPERINTENDENCE OF WORK j All work done under supervision of expert superintendents, j BRING IN YOUR PLANS OR IDEAS FOR FREE ESTIMATES WE MAKE BUILDING LOANS W. (So Hansom Building Co. 516-520 Mason Bldg., * FOURTH AND BROADWAY Main 4532, F5487 Call at our office and receive a copy at cur booklet, "Ueautiful California Hunan*." ITU i rrn. V»» ' "* ' \ — . x Buy .This at Your Owe Terms — 20 acres \\ miles from Garden Grove. Good u-iOOill liuusc , large barn; 7-inch well, windmill, tank and tank house; 10-inch well, 20 h. p. pumping plant 100 j ins. of water; sells to neighbors; 7 acres in alfalfa; 12 acres young walnuts; 25 full bearing trees. Tfcam of horses, buggy, wagon, double harness; abundance of wood; beautiful location; the very best soil. Everything on ranch goes, except furniture. Price $8500 Easy Terms The Italbery Realty Co e Exclusive Agents for No. 3 232-3 O. T. JOHNSON BUILDING. * Phones Main 2521; F2521. - ■ 10 ACRES $2500— CASH LARGE PUMPING PLANT. Lien on double clean corn r. Best buy ever offered, See us quick. THE DANBERY REALTY CO. Exclusive agents for No. 33. 232-3 O. T. JOHNSON BCII.DIN'O. Fourth and Urondway. Phones Main 2S2lj F2521. "T I LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUJNOAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. BEST OF ALL 30 acres—2o acres 4-year-old budded walnuts, Interset with Bktsuma plums I years old; 7 acres fine alfalfa, 19 acres cabbage. 10 acres barley; cabbage is worth $1*00; line dark sandy loan soil; 4-room plastered house, barn, well, windmill and tank; 25-h. p. electric pumping plant, large new barn; all farming implements anil tools, stock; everything on place, excepting furniture. This Is as fin.- a piece of land that Cali fornia produces. PRICE $17,000; TERMS. THE DANBERY REALTY CO. , Exclusive Agents No. 36. , £32-233 O. T. Johnson bids.. Fourth and Broadway. Both Phnr>»-—K2s«ls Main SSSI. Canyon Springs Ranch ... SOE©IVI§E©M OPENING dM A A PER- ACRE PRICES qpJUUHU) AND UP ' In Five or More Acre Tracts Cash Payment, Balance Monthly Note the above prices and terms. Where in Sunny Southern Cali fornia can you duplicate it? The soil is rich and the land in a short time will pay for itself. Raise alfalfa and chickens or start a small orange or lemon grove. It is a home for the small investor and farmer. >^ : This property is less than two hours' ride from the business sec tion of Los Angeles, close to city conveniences and transportation. It is an ideal suburban home, with PLENTY of PURE WATER. . This tract will go fast. Get the choice buys at the opening prices and terms. The tract won't last long. / Will exchange part of this ranch for clear Los Angeles property. If you have something good and at the right price, talk with Danbery For further particulars See Bambety • Auto Trips Between Canyon Springs and Los Angeles on Sundays Main 2521 F2521 232-233 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Fourth and Broadway | —— - i i *""■ V- ~——j\ ' <sf- v^l, "^ \ ■~^rr-r^..'^'- ■■•-:< —-•-.-'*' «•;•■*>• j»>»* tlfelPlP PLANS aid SPECIFICATIONS IRKf ■ irJl\iCiC for ALL KINDS ON BUILDINGS X MiLiL Lowest bids on all classes of | $1100 ■ BARGAIN - huildinp^ We build anYWhere I Bulk'" «- room '»"««lo\ f ? l?* t, e7 f d l ; B-room bungalow, east front. Wllshlre DUliaingS. we UUIIU cinywiicic tinted; porcelain iilumi.liiu. buf£et, brick dutrlct . « 300 cashi balance like rent, ! in California. mantel, bay window, cupboard, cooking • ____ " =r %Sk o^Wn.7iw?S an(J slas , be sure and see these Orego Line finish. Don't fail BE SURE AND SEE THK.oli. WORK GUARANTEED „ tfl 'cc thlß "lan . PLANS BEFORE BUILDING BONDS FURNISHED *132? lld . IH .^ hou . e . .:x room., mod- All Other Plans According - crn plumbing, hard wall plaster, tinted gvgr 800 p i ani for Joxl to look and stained, all complete; large porches overn net">' et lde!Ul ftn s , Ue .tlon. from. It BUNGALOW BOOK 'ml "'" room»- «ny of them suit you exactly, all right. If tttotT oi-vr/tdt T^r^n 51575 "<>'• teM v" how you want your hOUBB bul!: JUST COMPLETED »5^ storj ..... T^TW'Tou'T^^'llt ; L.. k at sor Prices |li#| |#?f $32^,a. .-roo. .ungalow. compete: £ gr.fn Oregon pine flni.hi b«t |taM '^.^'Snd Jual tv «n'"rpa S ', Workman- Builds 4-room bungalow, complete: bur- porcelain plumbing; two toilets, etc.: £I^*™^^"\ he be , t ' t0 be ha d at the laped; with porcelain plumbing. 'are Porches. price Three hundred aatltfled owners of House and Lot for $2000 houses which we have built In Los el-s . wo have tour lots situated In beautiful are our reference as to our reliability and $825 , North Pasadena on Lundy and Flower, on proof that we keep our promises. Build? 5-room modern cottage, concrete which we will build you a 5-room bunira- ■ _,_,_-. foundation, porcelain plumbing, best low and lot fqr $2000; $200 cash, balance TERMS TERMS , TEP"S plaster, tinted, painted, wired for elec- $15 per month. Also two lots at n0.i0n.1.., make yon tricity; china closet and kitchen cup- 2 block* from Rodondo hotel. And other. If you own .lot we will make you boards; front and back porches. in Los Angeles. ■■.»!«■ i ■•• M, So ¥ EAGER &-COL 328-329 Central Buildingi 6th aod Malm Streets Main 72— F8182 , s-»-i SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ] 6CHOCLS AND COLLEGItj^ Miss Wing's School for Girls 1226 ALVARADO STREET Dot and Boarding. All department* from kindergarten to college. Prepares for co'- Lire and university. line echool for tlrls visiting Southern California for winter to keep abreast of their »tudie». I'Uuo, ol.icution. pottery, etc. Private tutoring. Spring term opene April 4. MISS ETHELWYN WING, M. A., Principal m>i>M-t West MU; Hume 53114. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TYPEWRITING 510 Chamber of Commerce Wanted—Students; Gregg or Pitman shorthand; practical bookeeplng or ar chitectural drawing; summer term. |5 • month, Register at once. __ •-••« f!TM.; C.T A." AUTOMOBILB SCHOOL I'RAC tlral Fhop Instruction ilny nnd evening. New claatu-s this week. Visitors welcome. 5-12-ot ■mi: BOWaUHT SCHOOL coaches in Eiade and high school »tudlc». .Vacatlcn tcuool during Bummer. »-l"v LOOK AT THIS 10 acres of the finest (-year-old budded wal nuts, all Internet With various citrus fruits, lies on double clear corner, close to trac tion lines brnnil new 7-room. nil modern bungalow; cement walk all around house; tin. flowers, lawn and palms; fine large barn. windmill, tnnk an.l tank bOUM; pumping jiiiuit furnishes abundance water; under ground pipe II"''. entire acreage Is fenced with close woven wire; everything In the pink of condition: crops looking flni ; near schools and church. s. .• this befors you obligate on others. PRICE MOOO, HALF CASH THE DANBERY REALTY CO. Exclusive Agent! (or No. 41. 232-233 O. T. Johnson blilg.. # Fourth and Ilroa<lwa.T. Both rhones—Fs3-M: Main lUI, .^3a Los Angeles Jmjjlggj^ Business y >Jk*? College tttW-'^^KV/* Incorporated 1890. ~ ' Tnv^~ Vlt^'-''""' Open entire year I l»lKvU.l'*;^*"« Positions for graduate* '' A ITTaHKI^* Send for prospectus. -i.K^-^H>Kisi. Both phonos. , To^ccr^ —■""* 4;-. w. iiiTu ST. 111U-SX«IiJST-U Y-THK-I'AKK. . ' ' ■ ■■-■ ■» ■ ' ■ ■ SEE THIS FOR A GOOD BUY 20 acres 14-year-old walnuts: crop looking fine; right In the heart of the walnut dis trict; pumping plant supplies npundance of water: all Intarset with young oranges; nice little family orchard: all farm ing tools and stock: good 6-room California house, large barn; 15.000 and 14,000 gallon tank for domestic use; team of horses, cow, 200 laying hens; best location in Orange Co. ' PRICK 114,000, HALF CASIL Investigate this. It's go< i, THE DANBERY" REALTY CO. . Exclusive Agents for No. 60. £32-233 O. T. Johnson bldg., Fourth and Broadway. Both —FUtll Main 2521. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CUMNOCK School of Expression SUMMER TERM Six Weeks—Opening July 5 Reading, Expreailon, Shakespeare. Dra matic Art. Voice and Physical TralnlDg. Dr. Richard Burton of the University of Minnesota will give a special courso on "Modern English Drama." Course of reaulngl by Mrs GriKg. direc toi, and Katberlne Wlsner McCluskey of SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1500 SOUTH FIGUEROA ST. will Hour, Hamburger Bldg., Los Angelas. .' — ' X,- • Per Acre r" "** * We have 40 acres of the finest table grapes in Southern Califor nia. Abundance water stock goes with this 40 acres. Will take part cash, balance 6 per cent. In vestigate this, it would make fine orange land. It's all level. Pros pects, for- crop looks fine. . . ,— ■ ;. See us quick! T-r- Won't last .long at this price, t Really to Exclusive Agrnts 232-233 O. T. Johnson 1.1du., Fourth and Broadway. Both Phones— l2.VM; Main 2521. 80-ACRE WALNUT GROVE $60,000 Impossible to find any better: crop lcoklns fine; trees are all perfectly healthy; havi had the very best care. H'lll be a larg< Income tills year. Look this up. it may be of Interest to you. THE DANBERY REALTY CO Exclusive Agent* No. 34. 232-233 O. T. Johnson hide.. Fourth and Broadway. Phones: Main 2521 j 12531. . - I i . ■.•'■■■ Build Now WE BUILD UP-TO-DATE HOMES AT MODERATE PRICES. WE PREPARE YOUR PLANS FREE OP CHARGE. 1 WE MAKE LOAN'S FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. WE GUARANTEE ALL WORK AND MATERIAL. ■■->/- ..■......: ' . ;. WE PLEASE WHEN OTHERS FAIL. , FOLLOW THE PROCESSION TO OUR OFFICE.' / ' $3750 Snap $3750 Bungalow Lots Here is a chance to get a $4500 home We have gome ideal bungalow lota . . .1,1, mi ti'ii at near the WILSHIIiK BECTION on in the growing AGRICULTURAL, wh|ch „,. win hui , ( f you a hnme t(J suit PARK section at the |^>ove price. an( i on reasonable terms. Why not see Terms $750 cash, balance to suit. these MONDAY? GET A COPY OF OUR BUNGALOW BOOK" 50 BUNGALOWS FOR 50 CENTS Allen Building Company 1123 W. P. Story Building —Phone Fl3O7 — 6th and Broadway Call at our. office and receive a copy of "CALIFORNIA BUNGALOWS" FREE, FREE. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FIRST CLASS CARPENTER WILL DRAW your plans and build your house by day's work. P. NICHOL, designer and builder of artistic homes. Phone EI9U9. 5-17-6 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES HARVARD SCHOOL. (Military) Western Aye. Boarding and day pupils. •10-acru athletic field. Manual training shops. Detailed U. S. army officer. Men teachers. Full commercial course, typewriting, book keeping, stenography. Accredited to the Universities. Write for Illustrated cata- | logue. Tel. 72147. Orenville C. Emory, Litt. D., Heart Master. 3-27-su-tf German, English Shorthand by rxi>ar.«LC«d i«»ch»r. ierins modem* 110 W. flit it. Phone South »41f. "■ Business College, >i>m..-ast corner fclghlu ■nd Hill streets. F6IUO; Main All. BEND FOR FULL INFORMATION. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL CAT alogue describing bookkeeping and shorthand courses? Y. M. O. A. 6-12-tt BROWNSBKRQEB COMMERCIAL COL lsg«, »li-1 W. ITU. Stud lor catalogue. If-11-M LOB ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 417 W. Fifth st. E. R.. BHRADER, Ph. D ; . president since 11*0. 10-M-tl , .•■:.;•'-"' . ■•• '.;; PART 11 Exclange List NO. 516 — acres; walnuts, L oranges, alfalfa; all farming im- I pletnents and tools; fine home; ' large pumping plant. Price $20, -000. This is good. NO. 507 —14 acres. Fine sandy soil ; 6-room house; barn; 8 acres young walnuts. Close to Electric line. Price $7500. What have you? ' NO. 509—123 acres; alfalfa land; land all leveled. Price $17,500. NO. 511—Contains 20 acres. t Fine loam soil. Some improve ments. Large well. Price $5000. NO. 512—1s a good trade. 20 s acres fine soil; good house, large > barn; pumping plant. Cement pipe line. Price $10,000. NO. 514—10 acres near Garden - Grove; new Home pumping; - plat : fine soil. Price $7000. NO. 515— acres Texas land, $50 per acre. What have you? NO. 517—10 acres; 5 acres full bearing olive trees. Price $3000. NO. 518—38 acres Planciahia land; 26 acres walnuts; fine mod ern house. NO. 519— acres fine soil; pumping* plant; Price $10,000. NO. 500 — acres full bearing , oranges. Price $40,000. ;\ , NO. 502 —60 acres alfalfa and dairy ranch ; 35 head young cows; fine improvements. Price $25, -000. NO. 503—10 acres, near Fuller ton ; 4 acres walnuts; 6 acres or - anges; fine home. Price $13,500. NO. 505—30 acres; fine soil; abundance of everything. Price. $12,500. I NO. 506 — acres; oranges, • walnuts and lemons, and they are i , beauties. Price $48,000. , NO. 524—20 acres. Everything ' fine; everything g\>es. Price, $11, -000. NO. 521—10 acres; fine home; good soil; all set to fruit; it's a bargain at $5500. r' V LEGAL NOTICES MOSIOJC OF APPLICATION I lIX IllMnO-. LIUiON OF CORPORATION . In the Superior Court of the State of Call* fornia, In and for the County of Los Ange lee No. 74.261. In tlio matter of the application for dis solution of the Henry Si Brown Motor Com* pany, a corporation. Notice Is hereby given that application has been presented to the Superior Court o{ the State of California, in and for tho County of Los Angeles, for the dissolution of the Henry & Brown Motor Company, m corporation; that an order of the court haa been duly given and made appointing Mon day, tho 23d day of May, 1910, at 10 o'clock; In the forenoon, or as soon as counsel can be heard, at the court room. Department Eight of the court, when and where tha application will be heard and determined, without further notice, If no objections shall then have been filed, or upon five days' fur ther notice to any persons who shall have tiled objections; and directing that notln* be given thereof not less than thirty day* by publication In the Los Angeles Herald, a newspaper published in the city of Los Angeles. County of Los Angeles. State o{ California. All persons will accordingly talcs notlca and may (lie objections to said application. if any they have, on or before 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 23d day of May, 1910. Dated April 20, 1910. ■ (Seal) C. Q. KEYES, County Cleric By D. S. Burson. Jr., Deputy Clerk. «-tl-llt SANITARIUMS THIS WOMAN'S HOSPITAL, Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In th« city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. 1845 South Flower. 74114. l-11-tx CESSPOOLS IMPERIAL CESSPOO^TPUMPINO^CO—Wss take out largest load. Wast (IX; 11040. yVIO-l| • ' ••■ . ■ . / '. V—i