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PART 11 Bargain WeeK • ' ' i ..' ■ "*~ m miuMUL- vzw~it& «g«ii_n% Delicious, appetizing, soft and :«^ free—fro: -free sf Old Plantation Gin. Over 100 « < j^ df^ hL / B^, (J_| 2= 1000 WeeK X \V ■/// , • 1 WeeK | 100° per Bottle Be Right Jar odini ees Ja Given Away es Peach Brlndy Start the meal right-Man- GlVeO Away L a St ,On, '«-^J^^^l/^M®^Wl^/'X. Gt >^ C hattan or Martini Cocktail. All This Wcek _ As Long as They Last, One S^MH^^ SST.n^f & Wp^ C 1 V C A* -4 S\ S\ With every purchase of any article in this a<l. we 9/^^r^^^^^\'^^^i=i=^= ' never hidden by the clouds of competition, rhey radiate J)l,£u A% -«| _TW _TW With every purchase of any article in this ad. we >v^-a^^~^^^y//>;^^^b^S^V\\ lygggga^X. neV er,hidden by,the clouds of competition, l'hey radiate Hir Ja. w «=» n»^ Xt if 1 .-.,..„,„',. °ne °f tlH"° jVinicres.. <^^X" »> ' H^kSSt?l^ ihi;?"'^- 0 Per Bottle T^ R lil 1 In this not one of the most generous offers ever mada x^ /y^^Z<^^^"^:^J^^^/^':<^^s :=:^^^ ——"*"* compass of our sue. , It points In the rilit direction •1/ H m\J\J hv any house In thin city? We do this ■«> that you may jr /^ yy^T^X ■'/.fNv'/iO.v'^^SiO^C where a dollar sreta a sure enough! hundred rents' worth. —— ~ "~" v » ura"tn^u^o^mru^rwSi S //^f, wv fl-J^V^^CS . FREE DELIVERY youcan , tgetthis everywhere Nature's Own Remedy. " make, of you a rustomer today. tomorrow and -very / // f[l 'VM| V\\VX _ « *% « -^ , Po wine and oiive oil. g. jgg j« ~.*-. o«r f<&' \\V\ 3-StarSwan Brand Pure Apple Olivene Port free deliver // -r Im/A '\' \ v Wine Brandy Olivene Pert —— uwmmim^ \ Wme Brandy Ask Your Doctor. UlCl rlantailOßl DB»r California's Best, Most Wholesome 0 CM A i\ Pure and Wholesome—Mild and Mellow Greatest Tonic U 1 F fc^ % $1.00 _^^ Now7sc 1 -£sr lLh;*k(»V « I II (Does Not Include the Palm) /wBSBk AlH©riCft.ll On = d -nr:f om« it A frozen Quarts-Bottles Returned a Gallon, Including the Jar, fflmk Champagne straight liquors in this state; A/MWn^ With your order we give you free One Of the above 117^—#1% <£1 CA * fl^il^Trft ißilMvlll^^ As good as the imported. over 106 ,-roof. Per quart, ffW 1 1||1 Jardinieres. ■ WOrill *pI,J\J a \jalltElll JHIiiMHS A n /«fe ma $1 SJIHH Old Platonic Whiskey With your order we give you free one of the above {SgSSS $| e 25 B -ill MWiW *"" rlatOnlC WnlSllfey Jardinieres. SrfiMl %Pl«^tJ —^ iL»l^^ , ' f|yS "My Old HentucKy Home G°°d Night" Old Angelica Wine Old Port Wine §Btt a Quart WJmS^ NOW NOW Old Angelica Wine Old Port Wine g^pPg Q • Americaohalt §^0p €19^ America s Greatest tiOi: Old Muscat Wine, Old ToKay Wme i||^^S Olive Oil WhisKey >SiSar* $i»^^ RndGrandestLiuor^^^ Old Sherry wiae, Old Claret Wine From Fresh R iP e on, Cur; Enough Tonic. lr%^^^iE^ For an Honest Quart, Blended or Bottled in Bond JBPJSjS r\ ps» Full Quart, HiHllllJ WUh your order w£? gjye you free one of the above WUh your order we give you free one of the above « p X^£ d*"l f\£\ 'iJIJJJJJiW Jardinieres. Jardinieres. '■■■lIW " VJO'V 4)lo||\| We Are the Straight Liquor House-We Are the Bottled-in-Bond Liquor Hause~We Are the Honest Value Liquor House Large *°ttle ' _ I Better Than The Best to Be Had Local Beers n -' «s/^^|. Bargain Weeh ,^.. ZBxS' sr--^**- Bargain WeeK flaw_——!■■ i——■_————- extra old Sauterne Wine. Per bottle...t^>l a VU - _____________—__—-————-—-—-----———--——--———-—--■---——- FREE DELIVERY On account of possibility of breakage customers are kindly requested to take jardinieres with them. FREE DELIVERY Phones- Home a 1272, Main i64i Los Angeles' Greatest Liquor House, 108-110 South Broadway, Near First Phones-Home a 1272, Main im SIERRA MADRE CLUB PLANS BIG OUTING Members and Friends Will Leave Saturday for Excursion to Catalina Island Dancing, hunting, fishing, boating, tennis, golf, mountain climbing and a dozen other diversions, covering three days of fun-seeking and fun-making on beautiful Oitalina island are em bodied In the elaborate plans that have been made by the entertainment com mittee of the Sierra Madre riub for the first annual outing and picnic of the members of that popular mining organization. The party, made up of members of the club, their wives and families and many persons outside the organi zation, invited as guests of the mem bers, including: visiting mining men to this city, will leave the Pacific Electric depot at 9 o'clock next Saturday morn ing for San Pedro and on the Catalina steamer, either the Cabrillo or the Her inosa, for Avalon, which port they ..111 reach about 12:30 o'clock. A grand fish barbecue has been ar ranged for the immediate entertain ment of the party, after its arrival, in the Grove, on the edge of the golf links. This happy arrangement by Chairman G. Alfred, Mayiand will thus postpone the need of any thought re garding the inner man, during the three days' stay, until the members have had an opportunity to rest from their land and sea voyage. The Island Villa has been'secured for the entire party, where sleeping ac commodations will be ample, the party thereafter being' at liberty to secure meals wherever individual fancy takes them. The club will take Its own orchestra, thus Insuring music at all times of the day or evening. A grand ball will «rrve as diversion for the first evening, the Pavilion—the largest on. f the Pacific coast—having been ■ secured. Sunday and Monday will he devoted, r IT Cough Up Relieves the bronchial tubes for that cough .m.l that cold—stops it. Pure tot A A Rock and Rye. Per bottle $I.UU to the thousand and one pleasures to be found on the island. Reservations are rapidly being made by those intending to take the trip and enjoy the three day gambol. Those who have not made such reservation would do well to do so this week at the Sierra Madre club, in order that full est accommodations may be arranged. The outing will, in effect, serve afl an out-of-doors club warming, for the pur pose of getting tIT» members and other mining men together, preliminary to the hard campaign now ln'fore the mining interests of the southwest In making the American Mining congress, which meets here September 26 to Oc tober 1, tl-e Mt? success that the oc cailon demand's. WAR VETERAN DROPS DEAD AT VERNON PRIZE FIGHT A <'ivii War veteran, thought to ho B. Pollette of 164 Kast Fifty-fourth street, found the excitement of yester day:; prize tight at Vernon too much and dropped dead In the bleachers, presumably from heart failure. Two physicians in the audience did every thing possible to revive the stricken man, but without success. The body was brought to the receiv ing hospital by J. W. demons, chief of police of Vernon, the trip in being made by automobile. Search of the dead man's pockets revealed only one possible clew to his identity. This was B gas bill made out to B. Follette, IH4 Sad Fifty-fourth street. The man wore a Q. A. R. button. The body was turned over to the coroner. NEW INCORPORATIONS Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday In the county clerk's office by the Alamitos Oil company, which capitalised, for $1,000,000. The purpose of the company is to promote oil wella, mining claims and mineral rights. Tin' Incorporatori are c. j. c. Taylor, d. Pansher, it- J. <'n\is, G- w- Bear an<] '!'. ii. Green, di of Long Beach. ILL MAN HELD UP William Gonnlgle of 7:in Pico street reported to the police that he was held hi- by two negroes at Fifth street and Central avenue early Saturday morn- Ing and robbed of 12. Qonnlgle is em ployed by the Merchants 1 Ice company. iiettx Jirax Is coming to Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MQHMNd. MAY :.»•■>. hho. FANCY STREET LIGHTING IS BAFFLING PROBLEM Municipality Seeking to Establish Square Deal in the Light ing of Streets Third street has come forward and asked for ornamental lights from Hill and at the meeting of the streets and boulevards committee yesterday thft request was referred) to the board of public works. Councilman Andrews is anxious for the streets and boulevards committee to adopt a policy to be followed by the city in the future in regard to or namental lighting. At present there is a "gentlemen's agreement" with a former council that Main, Spring, Troadway and Hill street lights are to he paid for by the city and property owners on alternate years, but the cross streets not only pay for their electroliers and lights without aid from the city, but dig up in taxes to help pay the city's share of the fancy lights on the lour principal Streets. Andrews believes that some policy whereby the city would agree to pay one-fourth of the lighting bill for all the streets all the time, would be some where In the nature of a square deal and for that reason it appeals to him strongly. As soon as the utilities rate ques tion is settled the streets and boule vards committee expects to get at this matter and determine .some policy to follow in the future. Meanwhile Pico, Seventh, Sixth and Third street want to know If the city intends to help them pay their light ing bils. NEW ASSESSMENTS ORDERED New assessments for the opening of Sunset boulevard from the Plaza to Marlon avenue and the widening of Hill street from. Pico to Washington were ordered by the streets and boule vards committee at its session yes terday morning. The committee be lieves the .1 ■ 'ssmnit inequitable and has asked the board of public works to make entirely, different ones. For Heart Trouble Stimulates, Invigorates— Double Strength I'ure Brandy, old private e>tock. &i rr\ Per bottle $l»*J\f SIXTY-SIX NAMES DRAWN FOR JURY DUTY JUNE 1 Venire Ordered by Judge Moss for Department 10 A venire of sixty-six talesmen was drawn In Judge Moss' court yesterday and they will have to report for jury duty in department 10 on June 1 Those sgelected are: Harrison Albright, 532 Homer Laughlin building; A. L. Apfell, 751 North Hill street; E. K. Alpauuh, San Gabriel; Walter Armacost, Santa Mon ica; Max Adler, Sierra Madre; H. Am? old, 646 South Main street; J. T. Bur ton, 1102 Lake avenue; James Biggs, 1511 Griffith avenue; Walter E. Brawn, 537 Bradbury building; Charles A. Baldwin, Pasadena; Luther A. Briggs, Santa Monica; T. C. Beat tie. Pasadena; Thomas Murk, Santa Monica; C. A. Brown, Duarte; George H. Bixby, Long Beach; Randolph Bassett, Long Beach; F. A. Brode, 901 West Thirty fourth street. Isaac. Cooper, San Gabriel, John B. Coffin, 639 South Broadway; T. K. Curry, San Fernando; M. T. Conger, 2930 Stephenson avenue; F. S. Conger, Pasadena: S. •H. Curry, Pomona; Thomas B: Chapman, Rivera; T. E. Cleland. Florence; R. G. Doyle, 512 Stimson building; F. K. Eckley, 224 Henne building; Myron A. Griswold, Tropico; William T. Gray, S3O West Forty-second street: George H. Gage, Pasadena: H. R. Gage, Ocean Park; Henry Hanson, Pomona, Dan Innes, Lankershim hotel; Harry M. Jack, Twenty-ninth ' street and Compton avenue; James F. Ker, Pasa dena; W. D. Longyear, Fifth and Spring; Edward N. Lyon, 5540 South Flgueroa; D. C. Mulock, Alhambra; L. H. Moore, Long Beach: W. S. Norton, Gardena; John R. Ms thews, Central National bank; Guy E. Moore, 3932 Trinity street; S. Nordlln^er, 323 South Spring street; A. L. Oldham, San Ga briel; W. A. Perry, 256 South Spring street; Thomas Pasco, Fourth and Olive streets; L. P. Prltchard. Pasa dena; Emit. Peschke, 248 North An derson street. . ■ Henry F. Porter, Downey; Henry Clay Pratt, Panadenn; Thomas Rafortv, r.nmnnda Park; W. J., Ranktn. 881* Norwandl" street: Hoy Solving. Santa Monica; Will B. Smith. J?aj»adan«4. «»' I Do Not Suffer Those pains to continue. Blackberry Cordial, the sure kind, <J»1 A A Per bottle tPI.VJ'U F. Shaw, 1006 Burlington street; E. D. Spencer, Los Angeles; J. E. Simmons, Santa Monica; Alfred Stedman, Mon rovia: Frank E. Strong, Long Beach: Frank H. Thomas, Los Angeles; F. L. Trozell, San Fernando; J. G. Warren, Los Angeles; Henry T. Wilkinson, Po mona; Walter Wilford, Hollywood; John F. Zarger, Los Angeles. LEAVES VALUABLES WITH FRIEND; MOURNS LOSS William Graves is no longer the trustful, confiding individual he. was. An unidentified acquaintance whom Graves met at the. beach Friday after noon changed all that. The story, as Graves told it to the police, is a sad one. Graves met the "unknown" on the Venice strand. They became quite chummy on short acquaintance, and Graves tried to Induce his new friend to join him In a swim. The stranger, however, declined. Graves decided to go it alone and suggested that his companion take charge of a watch and $60 for "safe keeping." "I just gave them to him to hold," Graves explained to the police >> day: and on the record in detective. headquarters the entry of the case concludes: "He's holding them yet." RO3 HARDWARE STORE F. c. Richardson, manager of the Western Hardware and Iron company, 534 South Main street, reporter] to the police yesterday morning tnat his store had been enured through a trap door in the roof of the building and about $300 worth of cutlery and other articles stolen. The loot included fourteen re volvers, and the thief left the store as he had entered it, by way of the roof. RECOMMENDS AGAINST SPUR A report of the board of public utill ttes tiled with the city clerk yesterday is adverse to the council granting a spur track franchise mi Alhambra av< nue, near Workman, to the Association Supply company. The board recom mends the spur be not granted, as it contemplates connecting with the third track the Southern PadflO has on Alhambra avenue and which the su preme com i has reeenily decided tin 1 ralli o id had no rlgni to maintain. .Look tax. -Beltv. -Hxmj» Bargain Week GOING EAST AND BACK AGAIN The Following Attractive Fares for Round Trip Will Be Made ■ From Los Angeles and other stations on May ' 25, 26, 27, 30, June 2, 3, 4. 13, 14. 15, 24, 25, 28, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 25, 26, 27 and Utter to Missouri river points and return $ 60.00 Chicago 72.50 St. Louis, Memphis and New. Orleans 67.50 Houston and Mineola, Texas 60.00 Baltimore and Washington 107.50 Boston 110.50 New York, Philadelphia and Montreal 108.50 Duluth 79.50 St. Paul and Minneapolis 73.50 Toronto 95.70 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 55.00 Saratoga, on Juno 30, July 1, 2, 3 98.10 Detroit, on July 3. 4. 5. C, 7 81. Milwaukee, on July 25, 26, 27 74.50 Return limit three months after day of sale, and longer in some instances. Stopovers allowed and no extra charge for going via one line and returning via another (except via Portland). GOOD ON LIMITED TRAINS OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC 'tin ■mnirtimr* nt i,os Anjjplp* offices, COO I. Spring Pam den a, 11X Ka«t Colorado hlrrs-t. 11