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14 From Mines and Oil Fields OIL DIVIDENDS TELL THE TALE Disbursements by Small Califor nia Companies Reach Into Millions of Dollars BEST ANSWER TO DOUBTERS Lakeview. Imperial. Empire and Amazon Are Among Producers That Will Pay This Month Dividends tell the talc, and tho ques tion sometimes asked as to how much money can be made in oil outside large cnmpatiira is nnswprod pretty clearly in the following announcements of divi dends declared for payment this and next month: Tuesday the San Francisco stock ex change announced a dividend of $5 a share on the capital stock of 1000,000 shares of the Imperial Oil company. This dividend comes from the sale of the company's holdings in tho Kern river field, recently sold to an English syndicate, and which the Thirty-Three Oil company will share. The dividend is No. 6S, and is payable to the stock holders May 19. The stock of the Imperial is largely held by the Keith-Mack-Guggenheimer interests. Just how much more of this sale money is coming to the stock holders has not been made public. Prior to this dividend the Imperial had paid J2.000.000 on a capitalization of $500,000. The Thirty-Three has paid $690,000. IjAKKVIEW WIIX PAY The Lakevlew Oil company of Mari copa will pay a dividend in June, the amount to be determined later. It is In a position to disburse quite a large sum, although it has Just ordered the expenditure of $125,000 for ten 55,000 barrel steel tanks, material for which is arriving-, as well as many other ex penses. The company has produced close to 3,000,000 barrels of oil and has over 2,000,000 in storage. It has been deliv ering about 20,000 barrels a day to the agencies, and at the price paid in March, 43% cents, it should have taken in over $100,000 that month, over $250,000 in April, at the lowest possible esti mate, and as much in May. Thus It should be in a position to pay a large sum and still have sufficient funds for further development. Some of the di rectors, however, are conservative, and desire to make the first dividend as low as $10,000, and to hold the rest for future work. The capitalization Is $100,000, all of which is issued, and 51 per cent held by the Union. AMAZON KAKNS |W7C,491 The Amazon and Revenue nil com panies of Pasadena, both members of the Independent Agency, Kern river, have paid dividends amounting to $276, --4 HI. The Amazon is capitalized for $400,000, and has paid $159,491; the last dividend was % cent a share, paid In February. At present there are 30,000 barrels in storage. The company is owned entirely by Pasadenanß. Isaac Bailey is president and R. H. Finney is secretary. The corporation should not be confounded with others of the same name operated in the state. The Revenue's capitalization is $200, --000, and it has paid $116,1)99.89 in fifty two dividends, the last on February 18, amounting to 1 per cent. Today it holds 25,000 barrels in storage waiting for the Agencies to market the oil. R. H. Finney is president and A. K. Nash secretary. Among the leading stock holders is Thomas Earley, mayor of Pasadena. Neither company is listed on any exchange. I%'IXERTON IN FEW YEAKS The Fullerton Oil company, "W. L. Valentine manager, operating two leases In the Brea canyon and Olinda sections of the Fullerton field, has paid $344,000 in dividends in its ten years of existence. Its present payments are at the rate of 10 per cent quarterly, amounting to $60,000 each. They are made in December, March, June and September. The Empire of San Francisco, operat ing on the south half of the northeast quarter of section 30, 19-15, Coallnga, has declared its first dividend of 1 per cent, payable May 81. This is the com pany that a few months ago brought in a well on what was formerly considered the "break" between the east and west sides of Coalinga. It is capitalized for 5200,000, and the last quotations ranged about $3. « » • STEADY INVESTMENT Industrial Oil Co. :. A. 50 cents per share, paying 12 per cent per annum. Production 67,000 barrels monthly. For full Information, 705 Story building, Broadway and Sixth. Charles Victor Hall, Pesident Industrial Oil Co. tf -»»~* Betty Bray is coming to Los Angeles. Stock in the Ojai Valley Petroleum Co. Is Now Held at $60 Per Share - Par Value $100 = A limited number of orders may be filled at this price upon application to Ojai Valley Petroleum Co. 605-6-7 Delta Building 426 South Spring Street <F1701) Los Angeles (Main 8295) JAMES WYNKOOP Pioneer Midway Is Now on Its Second Week as Gusher ■■■• ■ PIONEER MIDWAY GUSHER, SECTION 30, 31.32, NORTH MIDWAY, THAT BROKE LOOSE AT 13,000 BARRELS MAY 13, INCREASED TO 40,000 BARRELS, AND THEN DROPPED BACK TO ABOUT 5000 BARRELS. THE LAST ESTIMATE, TAKEN TWO DAYS AGO, IS PROBABLY A LITTLE TOO CONSERVATIVE MIDWAY UNION ACQUIRES 500 ACRES NEAR SUNSET The Midway Union Oil company, which -wns organized a few weeks ago to operate in the Midway field and elsewhere, has just acquired 500 acres of land east of Sunset. The land is in an undeveloped district but it has long been recognized as prospective terri tory and a recent geological report by Ralph Arnold, who is now in the em ploy of the company, says there is an i v ellent exposure <>f oil sand about a mile west of the property which Indi cates that the formations are probably productive under it. adding that he cosiderg the geologic and structural conditions both favor the presence of commercial quantities of petroleum at reasonable depths under the land. This property is In township 11 north, range 20 west and consists of the southwest quarter of Bection 22 and a portion of section 26. The land in sec tion 22 immediately adjoins the well beine sunk on the property "f the Wheeler-Bancroft Oil company by the Q R ( iil company. It Is understood to be the Intention of the Midway Union Oil company to start several rigs in the near future. OJAI AND MELWOOD MAKE IMPROVEMENTS BAKERPFIELD, May 21—The prop erty of the Ojal Petroleum company, section 21, 2S-2S, is rapidly becoming improved. Manager Trying Carl is now turning his attention to the construc tion of now houses and improving the appearance of the leas.-. Plx wells have been completed and are aver aging about :i"'ft barrels a day. No. 7 is down 3<>o feet and rigs for 8 and 9 are up. Another string of tools will be started soon. Two biff 70-horse power boilers are being- installed. On the Melwood, an adjoining property which is operated by practically the same company, there are two wells and a rig- is up for resuming drilllm;. A new plant of 70-horse power boilers is being erected, DUNLAP IN LIGHT OIL The Dunlap company, operating on section 26, ;s2-23, brought In Its Hecond well Thursday. The casing was per forated Friday and the pumps put to work, but the well sanded up and had toTje reopened. The pumps were put up again Monday afternoon. The well is not a big producer but is of comparative light gravity. Well No. 3 will be started within a few days. I.OS ANGELES HERALD: SINDAV MORNING. MAY 22, 1010. ORGANIZE TO OPERATE IN KERN AND MIDWAY In San Francisco last week the July I Consolidated Oil company, to operate Midway and Kern River properties, was organized by the Wilkes-Hayden- ' Kergan company. The company has I three holdings, two in the Midway and | one in Kern River, and arrangements have been made with Epps & Co. of i New York for the financing of tin company in the east. A vigorous cam paign will be started and it is expected to begin operations shortly thereafter. The company has obtained eighty acres in the southwest quarter of sec tion 35, .12-23. which is behind the Twenty-five Hill, forty acres in the southeast quarter of section 28, 31-23. which is about two miles east of the Mays, and forty acres in the Enos lion in the Kern River field, section >: ::t-^N. The last named forty lies south of the Enos Oil company prop erty. The company is capitalized for 1.00n, --i""1 shares, the par value of which is $1 ea< h. Final organization has not I been effected yet, other than the elec tion of a president and secretary, who are H. S. Kergan and E. B. Davis re spectively. TO DRILL 21 ACRES BAKERSFIELD, May 21.—Bakers fleld men are preparing for an active campaign in Coalinga on the property of the Cream Oil company, which they have organized to drill twenty-one acres of rich territory in the heart of the west side field, adjoining the Ameri can Petroleum company, In the north west corner of section 3fl-2n-i5. A. W. Mason is president of the Cream, M. F. Fliekinger, secretary, and E. D. Uuss, treasurer. NEW ELK HILLS COMPANY A new company waa recently organ ized for development work on the Klk Hills territory. It is called the Midway Emperor Oil company, and is com posed of B. D. Gillette. M. S. Feder. A. Elliott, Charles Storie, Thomas Mc flinn and H. Ehrlick. The company is Incorporated for $2nri,nrio. ERECTS FOUR RIGS No. 1 of the Kensey-Jurgen Oil mm pany, which is located on section 1, 31-23 in the Hills, spudded in Mom day last. The company has erected four rigs. Look for Betty Bray. Oil Reasons • No. 2 My second reason why you should invest in oil is this: You should be a Producer. Go to producing, and you get to the fountain heads of wealth. The producer enriches himself without impoverishing others. It is new wealth. You are the creator. Mos\ men are consumers—always that and noth ing more. The consumer pays the Tariff and the Taxes, the Freight and the Graft. He does nothing . but pay— —pay. Be a Producer. Then you nave something to sell—sell —sell. The consumer pays you. You have it. He has to have it and he has to pay you to get it. Do you.know that an ordinary oil well will earn you more money in a day than you could earn with your bare hands in a month? Do you know that it brings in net receipts which are better than the ordi nary mercantile business? Do you know that if you own a producing oil well you needn't work an other day unless you want to? HOW CAN YOU BECOME A PRODUCER? I know that some men who have ventured in deals • which have not turned out well are still hesitant and fearful lest they may make a mistake about en gaging in the oil business. But there is a sound reason for forming corpora tions to produce petroleum. One man may not care or dare to spend enough to put down a well. He may not have the chance to get hold of property on which it would be wise to bore a hole. He may not have the time to look after the details of drilling or to look into the matters of title, lease and contracts. But a company may form in which some give their time to the office work and others to the field, where all put in their capital and all share alike in the expenses and in the revenues when they come in. Such an organization is truly co-operative and is an ideal manner of investment for the man who has only a few hundreds that he can afford to spare. JOIN CROWN OIL I want every man who has good red blood cours ing in his veins to look into this CROWN OIL Company. I know that it has all the essentials of success. None of the symptoms of failure. IT IS A LIVE ONE. The company is doing things. It is putting down a well in Ventura. It has that well down into the oil sands. There is 40 feet or more of oil in the bot tom of this well. I do not ask you to put your money into an oil company PROPOSING TO FIND OIL. This company has ALREADY FOUND OIL in Ventura and preparing to drill for a gusher in Midway. """"""""T _j Nothing Is the matter with Ventura fl j> as an oil field. Its wells were among BL the first found in the state. They are JSpjo^si practically Inexhaustible. At least JjJTvrjlfno^"! many of them have been pumped for «rj *^v^' a quarter of a century, but the earlier JlT\sA ////y/y/ / we drilling was unscientific. Deeper jP&///\ '////// drilling would bring in larger flows of ?57'//A v/////, oil. All experts agree on that. STONE/ yifi'py I want you to look upon the picture tONGLOM Crates' which shows the "log" of our well to '//// '///////' 10<'0 *pet depth. Then I want you to Y/^k^'' ///////// get a" tne information you can about //////fa £//Yv//' tllP Production of oil in Ventura, about '■Y/////// jy/// the percentage of .successful wells and V//})-(& about the high price for light gravity ■ /£{/////** oil, and when you have all this in yJS*; ■■ "*2? ■'//,' mind, Bit down and write me out your '**&M> s4n*V/^ order for stock in the CROWN OIL .■■S^ \J' CO. ®^**i! ** °v 'act tne sources of informa ->S§gsf2 *i| 10^S<i tlon, write mo, and I will send you the second edition of the CALIFORNIA -^ -^IJ'-Es^s RED BOOK, the historical and statis s§&■%&. ■C'i[) < ' tlcal encyclopedia on the subject. r^|w jT^--.. THIS WILL BE FREE. r V.o 1 Hut send me your order for stock at I '■'•.•;•'.: I.^SiO^ the same time. Make it subject to In- I.■'••■.■■•.•: ■'■:■--.■ :■:■':'■rr*& vestigation, if you like. THE MORE SAn6-:: STONE- YOIT INVESTIGATE CROWN OIL, LT ,/•■:•.. K'9'G.AS' THE MORE YOU WILL INVEST. *^©^^- ■ :_'.';:'j '•';/,■/.•, Don't wait. I tell you frankly thai I don't I ni^s £00''A know when the present price of Mork will I:. •_■ ' :\7 it-jr^y ■ advanco, but I know that It will be noon. ||/^n" :- fsAND^I Crown Oil stock is sold at 15c iHi^ Uoo -',-.::: 1 per share. Buy now, and before l^^lfifirfr*. t;'ie a<ivance ' and I can save you '■:•■'^ r4i«|j| $50 on each 1000 shares. That's lA'"::./:V'*:-jy;V^^B picking up money pretty fast. loil Anp, ; ,.sAMu The stock itself E , hou i d make l^^lfajJ •■■'■•^ViV-i'.v I money faster. '•' -H&IW I* Wire, write or telephone orders -IM."-'';'-;;.^^^ (F3012). A personal talk before invest ■;■':':;• :V- !>•:.■•■.\*"® ing is best. Free maps of Midway and '■:'■ :'.'• '■'.''* .','<'.■ : ■ t '• ! '■ \ Ventura. ' '•; '.v :;-.'!r ■'•.•■■.■ ■.■"'.■ Ki'^ifcJ *S Secretary. 711 Story Building Sixth and Broadway Los Angeles, CaL ...*■■■ " - S«r "^BMF Officers and Directors Id IL President. GEORGE <'. IIAI.DI'JMAN. EL J^k Vice President. 11. L. HUMMi president of m m AKK<-lrr A Mniiser Seed Co. \ Midway-Maricopa Crude t^^y^^^X™*^' °' Oil Stock Is Now Only 6 / , . .■,.„„.. „■■" r>—,4.<. , <?hari» hut Tt Attorney and lllrector, A. J. MITCIIEIX. Cents a Share, but It attorney at law. , -v Will Advance to 7*c mnrtor rARI „ PArBNIIAriI> vl ,, June 1. president shafer-Ooode Motor Co. You want this. This is a good investment. If you buy now you will make more than if you wait and have to pay more. Rig-building has begun. Our foreman is in charge of de velopment work. We are preparing to spud in our first well. Soon we shall be drilling for a gusher. The slock will advance as the work progresses. So why wait? Buy now. Don't be misled. The Lakcview Gusher has now flowed steadily for two months, or 60 days, at the rate of 40,000 barrels a day. That is a production of 2,400,000 barrels of oil, worth over a MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS. You didn't get any of it. Why? Because when Lakevicw stock went begging at 25 cents a share and when the company was anxious to sell its stock to realize funds to carry drilling down a little farther, you wouldn't buy, and nobody else would buy, until one day along came the big Union Oil Company and they bought— over 55% of the company's outstanding stock, finished the well and have been trying ever since to keep the petroleum wealth from funning away. They have saved about 2,000,000 barrels. That will help some. . Now is your chance to buy into a company sinking; a well on gusher ground. You can buy at 6 cents, because we are sell ing stock low to hasten the subscriptions to our drilling fund. Once we have enough subscribed to complete our second well, we shall not care whether any more stock is ever sold. Neither will you, if you become a stockholder now. But if you wait until our gusher is in, then you will regret. It's worth trying. You risk little. You won't have to wait long. You'll make a big thing of it when our stock goes to par; $300 invested at 6 cents a share will be worth $5000 then. Order today. We accept one-fifth from re liable parties. Write for new map of California Oil Fields. International Investment Company 1012-13-14 UNION TRUST BUILDING Fourth and Spring Streets Los Angeles, Cal. Fortunes in /MI Oil investments are safe and prof- mL iS^^^ itable, if based on proven land and **asg*r fg» wtffSiHSr strong organization for develop ment. California is the Oil Center of America. Millions of bar rels are being produced, and millions of dollars are being paid to stockholders in dividends. Why not join hands with men who have made successes in the oil industry of California? Midway Premier has a lease on forty acres PATENTED ground, surrounded by famous gushers, in the very heart of the Midway fields, section 5, township 32, range 23, Kern county, Cal. Two complete rigs are on the property and active drilling has begun. Within ninety days our first big wells will be brought in, and then the stock will be worth $1.00 per share. Get in on the first allotment—so,ooo shares now offered at 25c per share, and it won't last long. Don't wait until the next allotment is listed at 30c. Capital Stock 1,000,000 Shares PAR VALUE $1.00 EACH Treasury Stock 633,333 Shares Examine the Standing of Its Officers PRESIDENT—A. J. Snydcr. capitalist TREASURER—Kern Valfey Bank. and real estate operator of^ Oakland, director— T. Spellacy, owner of VlCr' PRFSIDENT-Frank N. Smith. oil land., and Prominent Oil producer: prominent real estate dealer of Oak- also president of the . following suc land, Cal. cessful companies: Mascot Oil Co., SECRETARY Harry W. Thomas, sue- Premier Oil Co.. Lockwood OH Co., CUMfUI oil operator of Bakersfleld, Illinois Crude Oil Co. on'Co? a W?T"a Oil Co".! Si CruS DUUDCTOB-RUM. O. Smith, capitalist Qll L , o " of Oakland. Cal. ACT AT ONCE, as Only This Allotment of 50,000 Shares Will Be Sold at 25c Fill out this coupon if you 1MTl#?1 «r 2& tf are interested anil mall to IVilUVtr Cl V MIDWAY PREMIER OIL CO., . * m 806 Story Blder., Los Angeles. Pt*Gll)lG|!* Ploase send me your latest -_ # _ _- map of the California Oil flifll f^ f% Field.. j y Vl£ \j\J» Name ' f M FRANKLIN KLINE, Fiscal Agent. Ad( , rPS , H. 806 W. F. Story Building, I/oh Angeles. Ad areas. ••••••••*•• m ■—-——————— California /-" — '' — ■""" V Are You Interested in Oil? Others invested and arc getting rich why not you? The Midway field of Kern county, California, is producing fortunes daily for those who have invested in that direction. The Midway Royal Oil Co. offers you a grand chance to get most lucrative returns. Stock fully paid and non-assessable, be ing incorporated under the laws of Arizona. Midway Royal stock at 20 cents per share looks the best buy now on the market in California oil stocks. ' Full information given and literature sent on request. L. S. BO WEN & CO. Fiscal Ag* nts 322 STORY BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. V. J MIDWAY MARICOPA CRUDE OIL STOCK! 6c —ooiof to 7'/^c without notice. Directors innlst on 10 CBNTH at any early date* IMIiUNATIONAI. INVKSTMEXT CO.. 101! Union Trust lyulldlng. Fourth and Spring Ht«. legislation going on In congress. The PATENTED OILLANDS Klill.v AMI OOAUXOA IIKI-IJS, *ISO TO 11000 I'KK ACHE. KYLE-DAVIES COMPANY 43R Citizen* National Bank lildg. PART II Charlton's Drawing Inks Waterproof—l 3 Colors V Ask Your Dealer. Ijome IBuilher* Gives you opportunity to participate in the profit of Los Angeles': upbuild ing:. Stock now $1.85. Pays 16 per cent, dividends payable quarterly. • - 120 8. Broadway, Ground Floor Mama BSKffißSOjera lloun*. gamUM