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PART U UNITED PREPARES FOR BIG OUTPUT On Several Midway Properties New Work Is 2eing Pushed to Early Completion WELLS APPROACH OIL SANDS Additional Production Will Be Se cured by Time First Divi dend Is Paid in June A reported Issued by the United Oil company to stockholders Bays Its well on property No. 1, which was nub leased to the Blue Grass company, Is now about 800 feet deep and In favor able formation. ' ■ Work will bo started on property No. 2 of the United within the next few days and it Is the conviction of the management that there will he a well brought in on this property before tho end of thirty days. The water was ce mented off In this well about a month ago. causing a shutdown while the cement was setting. : On property No. 3 of the United rig building is In progress and the camp la being established. In regard to these properties the United people call at tention to bulletin 406 of the United States geological survey, which shows these properties well within ■ the oil producing belt of the west side and classify them with the better oil lands, thereby confirming the judgment of C. F. "Whlttler. president of the United oil company, who made the selection. On property No. 5 the United is es tablishing a camp and getting ready to lay water linen, and will lose no time in getting these wells started. The name applies to property No. 6. where material Is on hand for three rigs. REPORTS STKADY PRODUCTION Of the producing wells H. B. Selfert. superintendent of United property No. 4, reports as follows: "Well No. I is making about 600 bar rls nnd flowing steadily. ■'Well No. z is flowing steadily and making about Win barrels. "Well No. 3 Is pumping about 300 barrels, hut making lots of sand." The company has finished drilling well No. r. at n. depth of 1310 feet and Is perforating the casing. The. well is reported to have every indication or becoming a profitable one. Well No. 4, which the United people decided to deepen In an endeavor to se curn another large sand has reached a depth of 1580 feet and is making PlWell No fi Is over SCO feet deep and the eompwiy is rigging up for wells 7. 8 and 9, and expect to have all three, drilling within the next thirty days. The United will declare a dividend of 1 cent a sbure on .June 10, this being the first dividend, to bo followed by regular monthly dividends, aggregating 12 per cent a year. This percentage will probably be Increased as additional ■wells arc brought Into production. NORTH AMERICAN RONS TEN STRINGS OF TOOLS New Company Pushes Develop ments While Caring for Pro duction of Thirty Wells The North American Oil Conselldated. which recently took over the property of the Mt. Diablo oil company alons with other well known Midway proper ties, Is one of the most active companies In that Held. The, company is running ten strings of tools in addition to earing for the production of about thirty wells. Dur ing the past week two new wells were finished up and another well is nearlng the finishing stage. The company is confining Its principal development ■work to section 22. '*^.""> l ■ 'The North American Oil Consolidated ■was formed to take the place of the Hartford Oil company that previously had large holdings in the. Midway. The deal for the lit. Diablo property greatly extended the company's holdings, which at. present are as follows: Three-quar ter* of section 16. 32-23, 220 acres In section 22, 32-23; three-quarters of section 27 and the. southeast quarter of section 34, 32-23, and 180 acres In section 26, 32-23. including the. old Mt. Diablo property. ': # : > • The company has extensive plans for development work and Its different properties -will be the scone of much activity for some time to come. The territory now being drilled insures a quick and largo production, as most of the wells are finished at less than 1500 feet and have from 100 to 350 feet of live oil sand, the production running from 100 to 250 barrels a, day. Superin tendent Kurtz, who was in charge of the Premier property at Oalinga for a length of time, is directing the drilling of the new company. r JANUARY ENTERS SAND IN MT. DIABLO REGION Ground Less Than Year Ago Was Considered Non-Productive and Outside the Zone TAFT, May 21.—0n ground that less than a year ago wan considered non productive, referred to as "behind the break." the January Oil company is in 100 feet o£ coarse, rich sand at 1760 feet. Tho January in located on the north west quarter of the southwest quarter of nection 26-32-23, the Mount Diablo section, and has a royalty on for ty acres. The company was promoted by B. A. Hayden of Bakersfleld. The stock is listed on the New York curb. Tho strike in the January was made at a. slightly greater depth than some of the wells to the east on the same section. The oil Is a trifle lighter and tho sand coarser. STARTS FIRST DRILL Drilling is now progressing: on < the property of the Morrlll Oil company, section 2R,, 31-24. :• Midway. This ; is a now ■ company and- th« spuddlnjj bit was dropped.- only last ■ Saturday. Look for Betty Bra& Crown Well in High Gravity Territory of Sespe Country -.-.'■ ■■.-■-■.. 1 "- '.' .' ' ■■_" " ."- THIS HOLE IS BEING DRILLED BACK ON THE FORMATION AND HAS ENTERED THE RICH OIL SAND AT 1125 FEET, WHERE THE BAIL. ER SEVERAL DAYS AGO BROUGHT UP A QUANTITY OF VERY . LJGHT OIL IRON CONTROVERSY STIRS SENTIMENT Chamber of Mines and Oil Ar ranges for Lecture on Timely Subject Tta"» Los Angeles chamber of mines and ol! has Just concluded arrange ments with Professor Oscar H. Rein holt to deliver his lecture on the Iron mines of the Lake Superior legion on Friday evening, June 3. Members of the organization and their friends are cordially invited to he present. Tho lectures will be Illustrated by stereop ticon slides, and specimens of the ores and geologic formations of the district will be on display. This lecture is timely, in view of the recent disposal of tho Iron Chief mine, and adjacent claims In Riverside county, and tho possibility of conditions similar to thos<> existing in the Luke Superior region being developed in Southern California, proving of immense commercial ad vantage to Los Angeles. Professor Reinholt was connected with the Lake Superior iron mines, now owned by the United States Steel corporation, for a number of years; whs also assistant superintendent of the famous Fcnohscot mine, and also rendered valuable aid to the state geo logical survey of Minnesota In prepar ing the official map of the Mesabe range In 1R99. Professor Reinholt was also assistant superintendent of ex plorations for the United States Su-el corporation for several years. INSTALLS OWE EXHIBIT The chamber of mines and oil has been busy for the last week in pre paring and assembling its exhibit for the state convention of the. National Association of Stationary Engineers, which is to be held in the Hamburger building, beginning tomorrow. The chamber's booth was completed and the exhibit installed yesterday morn ing, and it has already attracted con siderable attention from the other ex hibitors. The mineral cabinets forming a part of this exhibit contain specimens of ore and minerals from California. Ne vada, Arizona and Mexico. In addition there arc exhibited a few selections from the mining and scientific library established and maintained by the chamber, also a number of panoramic photographs of mining districts in Arizona and Nevada, and two excep tionally fine views of the bakeview gusher. The oil exhibit comprises specimens Of Mphaltum. of the several grades, also the fuel oils and distillates. NORTH STAR SPECIMENS The chamber of mines and oil has just received, through the courtesy of the. Nevada county promotion commit tee a complete exhibit of the ores from the famous producers of that county. The exhibit includes s^clmens from the Empire mine, the oldest quartz mine- in California; also a group of specimens from the North Star mine, which was located In 1851 and has been worked almost continuously since that time. In the exhibit from the North Star there are wall rocks and ore from The depth of the shaft on the pitch of the vein is now 5400 feet, and the approximate production of the mine to 1910 was J27.000.000. This exhibit will probably be labeled and placed on dis play early next week, and will prove a notable addition to the ore exhibit of the chamber. STRIKE OF MOLYBDIUM IS MADE ON PROPERTY IN SAN BERNARDINO CO. A strike of high grade molybdlnlte ha* tiern made on the San Antonta claim of the Great Gold Belt company* holdings ' In Baa Bernardino county, according to Alexander McLaren, mho Is at the Hot lMsbeck, having Just arrived from the mine. As the demand for (hi* metal 1* rapidly Increasing the. a valu able addition to the commercial assets of the mine, Specimen* of the tnol.vhd alte are being exhibited at the office of the company, 522-62S Grant Huldng. Mr. McLaren report* a good showing of water In the San Antonia shaft and 1* preparing to Install machinery for mill ing, purposes. * .;... . ■ L Betty Brss is eooUjjffJoi £gajkaSßla& LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE ANY CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE IT POISONS DEEP GLANDS WITHOUT KNIFE OR PAlNj^^ A VEGETABLE PLASTER. iP^^^^K NO PAY UNTIL CURED ¥ « '5000 CURED, SWORN TO. f /fc _^ ._. <§S People you can tee and I fSS sSSn «2 talk to. Judges. Law- fl^f ITS=** ISS\ yen,Drsand/Ministers I I . k]j ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. I /L~\ *)) ANYTUMOfcLUMPorSORE \ - - ff ON THE LIP, FACE or BODY \ / « MOMTHS IS CANCER. V 1 BOOK SENT FREE, y^^st^-<^\ with testimonials. t&Xlfsf A Hundreds cured after WGlj£S_/ V^-^oa operations failed. Poor mmtJSCIf&iSSSL cured at half price. mfm*ZJ> /4SSim GANGER IN WOMAN'S BREAST i Begins a small lump and ,If neglected &W3S 1 fA 1¥ >JK.d^ic lXi. 1?! npAdd?S d. DR.&MRS.DR.CHAMLEY.^d^ Mmagtrt U. S. CANCER CURE, LARGEST In the WORLD 745 AND 747 S. MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES, CAL KINDLY MAIL TO SOMEONE WITH CANCER IWEAKMENI If you want to get well, assist Na ture to cure by using ELECTRO THERMO DILATORS, which com bine electricity and dilatation, and are a positive cure for Piles, Hem orrhoids,/ Constipation, Insomnia, Rheumatism. Stomach, Liver and many complicated ailments. Our appliances are sold under a very broad guarantee; use thirty days and if not found entirely satisfac tory return to our office and we will refund the purchase price. Call and examine these appliances, con sultation strictly confidential. If you cannot call, write for free book let. ELECTRO-SURGICAL. AP PLIANCE CO., Rooms 407-409 I. W. Hellman Bldg., 411 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. , :,'.■, CANCER Cured without the knife or pain. Three doc tors. Seventh year In Los Angeles. Our office* and sanatorium fitted for the scientific and effective treatment of cancers and tumors. Specialists of 40 years' experience In charge. who treats all cases with the NEW GERMAN REMEDIES. Breast tumors removed In 1 days without surgical operation or pain also without removing any tissue. OUR NEW METHODS: guaranteed. Pay when cure* Internal tumors treated. Skin cancers killed Instantly; FEE 110; no pain or blood. Our references, cured patients. ■ Y :\y r THE GERMAN REMEDY CO. Rooms 224 and 225 San Fernando Building 4th and Main St... Los Angeles. Cal. New Cure-BOOK FREE *"<£& IN Z^ Chronic Bronchitis, Blood and Sand In ' Urine, Catarrh of the Bladder TheTeleconi Drugless Treatment Has astounded the people wherever given. No other treatment has been given with such great success as the Teleconi treatment, which is now being given at the Rosslyn Hotel, by the Teleconi Company s staff of operators, under the direction of a licensed medical director. The Teleconi Company Operated Successfully at the Savoy Hotel, Denver, Colorado, for Over a Year This tour is made to introduce Teleconi, j ""'"'< \\- W -Til The medical director will not accept pa preparatory to establishing a national sani- E \ft tyt&f* %'^M tients suffering with cancer, locomotor tarium, hence the time for enrollment is M ,/t„> * 'W: ataxia or any of the constitutional com short '■ wSiil^^M^^^^l^^^ plaints that are known to be incurable. Tcieconi is not a curc-aii. It is good tor W^7'*uCilbS '"'■| a very definite class of complaints and BSBK^IP^; r\t£\~^.o at Dnccivn would do no good whatever in certain other ,J< .i'v;^; l^ft &WB3m OttlCeS at KOSSiyn very definite diseases. It has cured hun- I Hotel 443 SOUth Main dreds of cases of indigestion, torpid liver, *M t }* _, v constipation, rheumatism, paralysis, nervous W^^B^^^^pl felHi Street, between FOUrth collapse, so-called appendicitis, and all man- " j t^'j: 1_ I~\£f U —c ncr of complaints due to a disordered con- \^^^^^M^/^^J:^'W:T'SI and Jrlltll. UlllCe nOUIS dition of the stomach and liver. Also other Pa^jffl- HM£^ f * '' ' Q4- 11 m 1 irr\ r% tTI weaknesses and conditions not mentioned 1 ; Wjmlr^^*& 7"'^« ■* tO x^i HI., +* If %! jj.lll. here due to a misunderstanding of nature's iWEfflßßSsmk "*■ Wi^fiSM' -v-rriJi- A n l r laws. -"'SSkiwBSBi No Sunday hours. Ask Teleconi is especially beneficial to those Wk M * i a. -. 4 who have broken down under the dissipa- Wg& • M *' r \z*<i* W»^'JW| eleVatOr DOy tO ClireCt tions of so-called society life. The continu- JfftT • . r^ , ous round of pleasure in receptions, teas, «X * YOU tO the I eleCOni heavy dinners, late hours and the loss of Jsm : "' ' P'' % - -''-tf * J sleep brings on a condition bordering on ■ BM^™™™"^™^™"^^3 ComOanV S rOOHIS. nervous prostration. ' E. H. AUJSOK, »n Original Teleconl Man. v>vn_i \j j What Is Teleconi Treatment? This question has been asked by scores of persons since the coming of the Teleconi Company to the Rosslyn Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal where they have quiet but harmonious quarters, and dozens of letters have been received from various parts of the western Empire from persons who want to know more about this rightly termed Science of Teleconi, the drugless treatment in healing the sick. Teleconi is a new word. It was coined after successfully working out the theory of health vibrations. The word is get ting in harmony with the vibratory force. . , ,;_,l #, __ Teleconi occupies the same position to the physical being in the matter of health vibrations as the Marconi system of wireless telegraphy does to the delicately adjusted instruments at the sending and receiving stations—both must be in true and in absolute harmony. Founded Upon Scientific Basis There is a great deal more to it than that, of course. It is founded upon a scientific basis and in the treatment of the unseen forces of nature, which, learned men declare, are. the strongest in the universe, are em ployed to their fullest extent. . Materialists deny all these things. They argue it cannot be true be cause they cannot see the forces, hut their denials do not carry much weight in the face of the fact that electricity, a trem»nrfous force, cannot be seen. What is gravity ? Has anyone ever seen it or grasped it with his physical senses? It is there, everywhere. It is that irresistible force which "holds us to earth day and nU?ht. Scientists say that were it not for gravity ballooning would cease to be a fashionable and expensive sport. What is life? Wo can see a living being, but who, except the Author of all things, has ever seen life? Whence does it come and whither does PHYSICIANS SAID MRS. GRAHAM HAD "FLOATING KIDNEY" Vowed She Would Escape the Kalfe and Came to Tele coai Operator! DIAGNOSIS WAS WRONG Was Suffering with Nerve, Stomach and Liver Trouble —Tele- coni Curei Her Another case wherein Teleenni has done wonders is that of Mrs. Irticy Graham, wife of the t'nion Pacific agent at Da cona, Colo. Mrs. Graham was told by phyeiclans that she had a "floating kid ney" and she was urged to have an oper ation. The real* trouble constated of a number of ailments all closely related. Her nerves were out of order, her stom ach frequently bloated and, as a result of this, she suffered from palpitation .of. the heart. Her liver was also deranged. Mrs. Graham was determined to escape the knife. She vowed she would die before she'd submit to an operation. Reading of the excellent resulu Teleconi was attain ing in cases similar to hers, sho investi gated and found the. stories true. She then applied at the Savoy hotel offices for treatment and is today practically a well woman. Her circulation, which seemed to be con siderably impaired, is now normal, and her heart is much better. Mrs. Graham also posse»ses more strength and- is again fetllng that she has something to livo (or Her eye Is ngaln bright, her com plexion clear and h<r heart light. A» to h«i ailments— they havo practically disap peared. People who have known of her case often wonder just what part ot her anatomy she would have lost had phe. bt«a put under the. knifo for that so tailed ■'floating kidney." Teleconi Cured Both J. D. Crull of St. Louis. Mo., an en gineer. Buffered from stomach trouble and for weeks was unable to take out a. train He went to Alamoaa. Colo., to visit an aunt. There he saw In the Tost how the Teleconi treatment waa curing the afflicted. He became a patient her*. The treatment did him so much good that he was Instrumental in having his aunt Mr». Martha Chance, come to Den ver and tako a oourso for stomach af- Teleconi Company Rosslyn Hotel, 443 South Main St. diction. Both have found health. Mr. Cull saM he felt like a new man in two weeks. Other Cures P. R. Gordon of Holcnshnrmifrh. Scot land, traveled 5000 miles to take the Tele coni treatment at the Savoy hotel for a. disordered stomach and bowels. He read of the Teleconi cures In the Denver Post. The treatment relieved him of all fore ness in the stomach anrl Inteitlnee ami maiie It possible for him to eat heartily. He counts himself a well man. L. D. OTtnn of Tierthoud. Colo., wore a tru*p and steel brace when he went to the Savoy hotel to be treated by the Teleronl operators for a crippled back. He fount, relief Immediately and was put on th» highway to health. He threw aivay his brace. W. L. Murray of Ault, Colo., was sick with stomach trouble for eighteen years. Then ha tried the Teleconi treatment at the Savoy hotel, Denver. lie now eats three big meal* a. day and haa been brought to health from the verge of ner vous prostration. Surgeons operated on John Walker, a miner near l^adville. to relieve n pre» sure on the brain which, they Paid, was causing paralysis in hla right ifR. The pressure was removed, but the leg was still paralyzed. He came, to Denver, en rolled us a Teleconi patlrnt. When he reached the Savoy hotel he could not bend his knee or ankle. Now he walks as freely as he ever did. Neuralgia of the encruciatinK variety called tic doloreaux. and chronic eorebru splnal menlngltlH had kept Mr». H. Haalr ton of St. Louis In hospitals for months every year for fix years. Last summer she came to Denver on the advice of her physicians and took Teleconi treatments and now is entirely relieved ot her pain. Little Children Saved from Death Paralyzed from the waist down by nn attack of lever that left her almosl dead, given up by the family physician and one of the best experts of Denver as a cripple who would never walk a iUp, lit tle Naomi Flshman, child of Mr. and Mr?. 1 Flshman of Kidney, Neb., has bean entirely cured by Teleconi. She runs and plays all day long, without any pain or lameness. Thr«o doctors gave up little Josephine MaestaH to die. Her father. Fred A. Maestas of 4680 Humboldt street. Denver, carried her almost dying to the olflc-es of the Teleconi company at the Savoy ho tel, and now she in perfectly we. 11' to tho amazement of hundred, of neigh hors. Mie wit up and played after the third treat ment and in a few .lays was running all about the house. it go? Of what does the life principle consist? Can it be manufactured in a laboratory? Chemistry has been able to duplicate almost every nat ural product, but the human being is yet unborn who/can m*k5 v an r j2. r"; flclal grain of wheat and put the ingredients In it to make it grow. rhebe are the things that baffle the materialist; he cannot answer. Science of Health Vibration Teleconi la the master science of vibration, by the employment of which wonderful results have been accomplished in the I-.ast and through out the Middle West during tl%r past IS years. Even the originator of the treatment dow not know its full possibilities, but has worked tor years on the theory of health vibrations and to understand its ,opponent Partaand its effects upon the physical system. But as to what It Is he is as n h. at sea as was the foremost electrical expert when a scnoolnoy asked him, •■What is electricity?" A fall from an Inlerurban car at Fort Lupton two years ago left J.. D. Orion of Herlhoud apparently a cripple for life and a nervous wreck. After he had tried all the doctors he could afford he came, to Denver and tried Teleconl. After the first treatment he threw away the steel brace the doctors had bound on him, and In a few werks was almost as well as betore his accident. Alfred Peterson, a rich puEar beet far mer of Berthoud, suffered many years with rheumatism before he found the one treat ment that would cure him. After three weeks of Teleoonl treatments he walked without pain and without a. limp, slept like a baby and enjoyed life more than he had been able to do for many a year. Massage, drugs, osteopaths, baths, doc tort—everything he oould think of—John Peherdy of Hartford. Conn., tried for his rheumatism, yet it tortured him for years until, happening m *m« to Denver, he heard of Teleconl and tried that. In two weeks It did more for him than all the medicine lie ever took, and in a month he was entirely cured. The doctors tried to put Alfred Sleele Into a plaster east for three months a* an experiment with his rheumatism, but he is publisher of the Svenska-American ska the Swedish newspaper of Denver, and could nol afford the time, .lust then he heard of the cures wrought by Tele conl and began taking the treatment. In ■ fen weeks he was entirely cured, and now. six months later, he has no trace of rheumatism. Rheumatism In her joints made it im possible for Mrs. A. L. Kaln of Frank town, Colo., to co up or down stairs. She suffered for four years, when she heard of Teleconl and began taking treatments. After almut three weeks the elevator at the Savoy stopped one day and Mrs. Kain walked UP four flights of stairs to take her treatment. -That shows whether it is curing me," she said. "My left les was practically dead and I could scarcely walk at all," says \V. R. Barnes of Flrstvlew, Colo., "when 1 be- Ruth Gibson, a beautiful girl of three, daughter ol A. M. CHbeon and wife of I&16 Clark street, "niH wai !-i' pan bj an attack of poliomyelitis. Doo- Uirn said one leg would always lm three inched shorter than Hie other. Bui In Ihree v eeks Teleroni hail her walkinß alone, and there Is new no iliffcrtncc in the length ot her legs. For the first time In his life. Rudolph Osesx can stand alone, and walk. Th< lit tle fellow was an Invalid from birth and never learned to walk or .veil stand. But his mother bad him Riven (lie rlclei.>m treatment and in three weeks he WM wheeling his tny bear about the room in a hiißgy. The prospect now is that ho will ii>. entlrelj cured and will grow Into h strong, healthy man. He lives with his mother at IWJ Lincoln Street. pan taking Teleconl treatments. Two weeks of that has done more for me than all the drugs and hot baths I look in two years. i can walk without a limp and without pain, and that is whal I call a cure." "Three weeks ago I could nol .-limb a flight of stairs to save my life," said Mi <:. M. Stems of Omaha, "but. the other ,iav whan lie- elevator stopped I climbed lo the fifth floor of the Pavny for my treatment." Another week ol T< leconl cured Mrs. Sterns permanently, and she re turned home happy. • Hoi Springs, electric treatment, baths, massage, drugs atvl everything else he. could think oi failed to cure T. F. .lohn- Bon of Thermopolls, Wyo.. of a stubborn case of rheumatism. He suffered great pain until he heard of Teleconl and came to Denver to try that treatment, in lesa than a month he was well and went back home to astonish his friends with his recovery* John Walker, a Ueadvllla miner, win paralysed on one side iiv an aoeideni In whirl, ins skull was fractured two rears ago. After an operation and all kinds or medicine, he came to Denver and began Teleoonl treatments ami In tares weeks could walk up and down stairs, and was almost perfectly well. 'I'll.' dooton had. said he would always be a cripple. After an injury to his spine. W. C. Can non of Rock Springs, Wyo., h stockman, was unable for live > eai s to (Til a dajr'S work. His nerves Were in very bnd con dition. Me brought a carload or horses to Denver on purpose to take the Tele oonl treatment, and in less than two weeks he wenl home, entirely cure.l. Hi; could scarcely credit his good fortune. All her spare money for years wenl to nerve specialist*, and yet Mrs. C. 8. Qroei - beck of IMS Bouth Cherokee street was not benefited until she read in the Tost of the cures wrought by Teleconl. Then |. took the treatment, and in weeks she was in bettor health than for many years. Her friends arc all amazed at her cure. Snattered hi rveii, tollowtn* an Injury i,, ii, i Bpine a made life b oonatani tor meat Tin 1 Mrs. L. D. Kinmi'.'l of Akron, C. unlil she «iis broUßhl t" Denver anil took the Teleeonl treatment, Noi only ,11,1 it heal her tortured nerves, but n - moved the causa the injury to her spine, in :> !■« weiku nhe whs perfectly welt and walking as well as bi for* sin was hurt. Arthur Rawinusen, a yonng man of Bly, Elbert county, hud raftered trona childhood with Bt, vans dance. His bodily Infirmity whs so great thai his mind was affected, bade fair to grow worse with the scats. Hut his father brought him to Denver, gave him il" 1 Tel Mil treatment, and he was taken back home a different person. There is no doubt* that he will be entlreli wall In a short time. Paralysis left Mrs. Anna Barnetl of Casper, Wyo., so crippled thai for throe years ."lie walked with s cane and bad to be helped on the stall v. .t. Three weeks of Teleoonl enabled her to walk anywhere alone, ui> and dowo stairs and along the urowded streets. 15