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16 Improvements in the Tea Room and Grill A Great Line —_. of New Belts.. J>UC —Persian. Plain clastic belts with very attractive buckles in Gilt, Gunmetai or Oxidized — Light and dark colors. —The best belt values of the year. Monday, 50c. 31,000 Yards of New Midsummer Cotton Stuffs by Sheer Force of Value Dominate This Advertisement : i 1 : l »M«w»»»nn»»»j»»^^ i ——ijwij—■ —sharing honors with the sale of silk dresses. Monday should be -. _: - XT -. » T ir — —» >t . %.t jc a great sale day at Bullock's. O> v^v\ >^iLAov No. 2 No. 3 • No. 4 ■ &!&g&Bgj^, r No. 5 N0.6 _It seems almost as if the department chief had wielded some 1 t?^^^^^ ii^ 1 ,)]|Y' '- ' -\ /^fi^^^^^^S'*' Hfj^S;, magic influence over transportation companies, for simultaneous -ICD 1 C C\ A Plain vSe's Marquisette NeW 1 50 Silk Dresses —A Special Purchase at a Fraction of Worth }[ j .\J\J Sp^^SSi^ sssr a :" aauia i*^ * At 20c Yard—Korah , At 35c Yard—New — —— —On his recent trip in search of new material for regular stocks, our Fashion representative stumbled into the inner Council Chamber Cotton Foulard Sylke Shantung To Sell aS Good of one of New York's foremost Couturiers, and discivered him in the midst of a heated argument with his chief advisers over ISO —whit«> and colored grounds, in _npw .oiors to complete tho O Oeil db OOUU exquisJte sjlk dresses very effective patterns. r9nK e in thl. remarkable value. Merchandise a.S —The prettiest of midsummer styles, and yet they were the occasion for wrangle and hot dispute, because they were all that were CP r=—j 99 _ T tv% /~> J A ' — — left of the season's output and were impeding progress on advance Fall work. All agreed a quick sale necessary; they argued over <T^( XA^nlte vjOOQS AF6 Oan Be Sold "how." One wanted to do this, another that, and still another something else. The chief threw up his hands— /^l^TMTn^n^TlMTfn -' ~~' " —" — r And Bullock's envoy stepped into the breach and said: "I'll give you I \^AlJM^)PlMll I Very Important —To sell it in the way it for the entire lot, and take the trouble off your hands in a lump." ,■ li should be sold— nrO supplement this "Done!" said their owner, and. Presto! the Dresses are here. We never ALL th new shades. —when such values and such —To build a business as 1 special purchase, shouldered responsibility so willingly. We've seldom seen more charm- ■*"*• Delicate evening —the Queen of Handker- qualities as these are con strong as a business can be several lines from regular ing styles in silk. We've never been able to offer such values at such tones; white and cream; chiefs. All linen with hand- cerned. hm. llt Tv r ,*i stock have been marked an opportune time before. Right on the threshold of midsummer, with silver gray and shepherd embroidered corners—3sc or Madras Waistings, 150 to so»--in -in the Confidence of the June ten days away. We're going to sell every one of them at a frac- pl . Us A „„,,»,. „„„ 3 for $1.00. ' checkMatrlpes and figures. Public— A tion of worth, $15.00. 150 Frocks of Messahne and Taffeta, in plain col- ■ „ . , . , " French Crepe, $i-For summer -Bullock's will continue to *dded importance. ofs and strfp" and chetks> and m£my different styles . the merest frac . of styles and colors. \ Do you wonder BuUo^ are Im r^ »:::; <; il, , M grow in the tion of worth—sls.oo. Sale starts Monday morning at 8:30. See win- — " ' _ * V - wide, plain or satin striped. lllll" /^^\ D' K+ \A7 dows on Broadway. Note illustration above. Exact drawings of some of the styles concerned. There are many others. spun" and"an thesel other great Linen Finished Suiting, 15c—36 I ne Klgnt Way ' handkerchief valuea that are Inches wide. Others at 20c. —^^^———^— Illustration I—Of mps- Illustration 2—A mes-. Illustration 3—A rhif- Illustration —A black Illustration s—An poll- Illustration 6—Silver here. 46-ln. Batiste, —Mercerized. ■1 , _ „'■" ■ ■ saline ; ilk in many saline silk dress In r on taffeta Princess anrl white shophf>rri enne dress with' &ray chiffon taf- nimltv Ch»nka and Strinp* ">ni> in as we bee It— shades. Rich self- blue, rose, cream or **"•»• Fr™ f* B" check in chiffon taf- tucked waist. Deep feta dress with -Among them- ■ j Dimity Checks and Stripes. -0c to —This advertisement is a colored soutache pink. Braided waist "tyle, with tuck c ™ ff>ta. Yoke of soft lace yoke with silk black silk piping ""l* , .„„ ._. _ Q _ nf \rr,nrlav'<s trimmings and yokes with tab effect. Half panels. V-shaped hlte net, daintily braiding. Full length and buttons. Lace —Convent Embroidered Hand- Hea Island Nainsook, 12 yds. $2.25. small vi .uunudy a of gri , d embroidered sleeves. Overskirt. yokes of rich net. braided. Accordion sleeves. A very pret- yoke and cuffs. Kerchiefs— for 60c, Sheer linen, French Piques at Me yard. Store news. net. Think of It at $15. $15. . pleated skirt. $15. pleated skirt. . ty style. $15. ■ ' • Pleated skirt. $15. I Unweaves at 35c and 40c yard. Bargain Basement Week—Values ! Values!! Values!!! pjrst —Over 100 Suits $1 Of) Another six days to be given over to the exploitation of this great big bargain store. We want to add hundreds to the thou- : ~r^ 1 r~^i • '■'"- i"^ I / ,-,/ '^ \ / sands who already know that in U OrWdFCI D3.r2f3.inS I( « g^SlW^ Bullock's Bargain Basement they can save money safely —for. only such merchandise as we —■ • '■ — ~^^^^^^^ Sl^^^L can guarantee is sold, and hundreds of items' are spread temptingly out at underprices —What big bargains they are— you will have to TfeSiisPwk. 'WWSmgh every day. The results of tremendous buying victories in the world's great markets. see to understand. . .;" >..^ • i i^^kW»^^' 2^^S^S^~>^. —Read these items for Monday—plan to start buying early. —Styles that are right up to the minute of Fash- V^^PP^' ■* vJSfe^3sP*^ ion—of splendid serge and worsted. <^^^S[ ** j&*^ Genuine Trouville J"_ Big 72x90 Sheets if- Pretty Nainsooks and 1 {■_ For Early Buyers &(\r> \r C (C* C jfesJv Persian Challies at OC Fully Bleached at 40C Sheer Dimities lOC Good, Couch Covers. .. OVC YeS CVen OT l^reaiTl oerge i^''iwVr^» r*mt¥sJT£\ —Aim fnnip flow-r^'i rlpslgns thai —For hmjspkpppprs about i" Ituy hod- —And a lot of tinted F^iSBS an ] —Monday. ExcPllent rovers In iiphl . "™ *——— —^^^— ————-^— —— ... / jNk \\w"'Vl iKr^X lA\nnf'uw/t^C\ are out of the ordinary. A sood ns dins for tho summer, thpw shfpts at cross bar lawns. not a yard hut utrliips on rPd hackK<*nunils. trimmed SllOTt COat st\'leS ill 'M'HV and plain aild invisi- ■ / /Mm \vW \fl //ltil\ 17 I a If^f / i vl V ■ortment of colors, all new and fast, 45? should lie unusually attractive; 3- is a great value. Can't you Imagine with long fringe. Not such .i great * . '. J c t i-j -i / hJ/tM&\ I « »Jy/rAi' 111 i IrSr / jxk.'*" to choosa from. Hundreds of yards Inch horns and welded center seams. th« summer waists to be made from quantity, so plan to buy early. Bar- Die Stripes — iLXaniDleS OI SpleilClia tailoring ! / ijr lll\\\\ i\k\j//M^J/ VWvwKI I Z4IS In this lot, # . these dainty materials? gain values, every one, sizes 34 to 44. * (*^L "ill \T R I ~ \\WilMf/ New and Pretty C n Bargain Values lA^, Splendid White IA-, For Draperies | A-, —The result'of unusually advantageous pur- \~V 11 J/Vs/ ''^' J^S'lMvk'm Flowered Lawns DL lllow Cases at IVY 40-Inch Batiste 1"C These Silkolines. '. lUC chases. Bargains to interest over 100 women \W /^--^ rW^l\ \f /-fv ?/] -Bolt after bolt or th.*. dainty h 7he'ah,n"e"sheeU .t""^ -So fllmy and sheer on. can mo.t -Can bo used mighty effectively. Monday— v4&i& Wl i ¥ I#H Jk PV/ lawns In flowered patterns, polka 4 5 X . i6 -Inch muslin pillow cases, see. through It, and that in what They are In such attractive patterns '. ^ , . ■ . - • ifTW^^yl / L^'\ "* I VI % dots and narrow "tripes, and In Ktronirly . we d. with 3-inch hem.. makes the duality In batiste. This and designs. Some plain colors. „ Summer Outinfr 18-Inch Heavy Q/y I MKlr'< l It Hi/ IL I I ■*. 4 # ».» ll '-"" a" ilavender S n,-, ,„ $ E'! li^Hy.l f. ' "° "° a^re'eV 111 and d"rk ' -111"" si "T-Tnch | A White Toweling.. OC W\ \\ (|[ Ml \hi Over 700 Yards M. Table Spreads of sOr A Strong Line of / 1 Floral Designs in |A Khaki l^C 'JFtnSS? JST^ ■ /ftL"- LlU^^. imAW^htak. New Dress Prints S^C Red Damask... ir.;™* Gi^- and Prints . . .OtC Curtain Madras IUC ,r , ;, ™, ; -, ;^ ;;:r|o K n^^r S //ffrtiM 1150i43l _T,,e pretU.M a reM prln.. in H». i L"«^« M-"'.,^ 1 .*«" -Values we can ,»p h «U. too -*n r rt nl ?^ 1 1^ o Vr^Ctl^Vht^ tl,r j J o,.^,^;'!:!^ »'J^"K ■'-•■/ Barga.n /# / & #^^1^ T« and l.lack flitures and fomo k r dVire.l price 1,, I ih, 1.-lea;- oui strongly. The newest and prettiest ; ".' ' / '■ ," ', xtV ,'|vh\ fr• r- prove a strong attraction. Material JJasement offering. 8o yard. // | ! ! H jffl.. j7 fctt aT^^^iT? ;'-,,-r Jsi"ii"a"" i;:;;:,^,:^; 8:;;:,; 11:;;;;;:: !?StS^^S^?s SSS|o?rrr^!^ ?,on>t^c^ issThis , ■ ///// i: 1 ■•^^ 1 '" unusually pretty house dresses. • • , T . c.,;: n( , c 4f\ Blue Soiesette |C\ /Bill ' i| ■Mm / \\\ tU 2000 Yards Percales 7 1 Mill Lengths of 71c They're Beauties ice Firm Quality 10c « Inch " wf d « at : 19c «u-,,-^-..!2S Jill | » I 1 Specially Priced at /TC Bleached Muslin 'fC v y Jt 1,-T ! ISC 36-Inch 8ur1ap......... IUC ■ 36 n l"cJ ies ,! V,7 -For v,. worth a speclal ■/ M i\\\ /J| |W. gSffiu?«VlSvni^r;n*«p.i k . -Here is an opportunity out oftho Handkerchiefs at ...1^ _ nardiy a ma { erlal Vj lho ußf , fur . -X h .naad >;.Tn7m!;tu nrel U B tvV c »'?o» b'."^ lo^buTu 7 i 111 i (C / itt Ift dots. The prettleit »ummer drw. ordinary to buy good lengths of —Of excellent quality linen, embrold nishlng section Is so much called for £ omo O f ■ these »ultin S s Monday at 10c a yard One of the / /il M lit '< >t I-SM- I M\ material In tan. blue. lavender, red l.learhod mu.lln, 36 inches wide, for er.d in dainty flora designs, some , a , th| ,„„ burUn , Excellent cloth for .ummcr wash suit. They most D o D utlr fabrics for / illllM \' 'ill f ISM' ll V/Wv\ ' and white. Marked at a K reat redue- undermufllns and night shirts A pretty checks «nd hair Ine stripe m tan. light and dark green and red, are , he best of wash fabrics. ".miner wash suits / ill 118 ! ill I / MM 1 irl iUm tion Bm Hi.- Seventh street window*. gulck cleanup, Monday, ■'-•'■ jard. patterns. A great big assortment and for wall and couch coverings. summer wasn suits. , ..;;■•/ ill ; ill nn • I |i\ f WHfcT EH T/MM . . every handkerchief » value; loc. _ New Hairline Suiting 50c .-: / /Mlhiiii ' 'I\\ \- lislißh EBl' vytvAVai. 1000 Yards Outing C-, An Attractive Item {■ , . _ New Extra Size UXr -Runs fun :|li inches «iae. Fancy new pattern., out for the ' /Ml "' I I/I : i il\ \ -,/n9^' iil iWP Flannel. Unusual at Ot Unbleached Muslin OC Table Damask in 11.C. Cotton Blankets yOL n™t time Monday. j, , . . fffl' I if/I | j lli V ' «>j3g^ llMi^-' Another (treat bargain for Monday. —Very r""d quality even weave, Dice Patterns at As/AsfV —White and pray ono.. with nent Danish Cloth for SuitS 25c *~-\ H!,' iS^LIIII '■ •■' V" 1 'MMu^tßt ' Good, firm outing flannel. :■; Inches heavy unbleached muslin. This in an- —Just the opportunity so many stripe borders in contrasting colors. —Sumo gray striped effects and some shepherd plaids. --< L^at^j '•»-• it nfiiiTf'^^^^^ wide, in Tiink, blue, tan an.l gray other special for Monday that should housekeepers hava bean waiting for. Southern California nights makes - ;■ ''rjifflfTOloßli s*^"™" t^" . • stripes, rrlced at a reduction thai add many friends to the Bargain Pretty white table damask, unusually blankets welcome through the entire rlgured OIIKS at OOC """^SSSgEJr should attract scores of buyers. / Basement, go d quality, at a great saving price. year. — 27 inches wide, In gray, cream, tan. old rose and lavender ">« • >v ■ i ■ —— ——' ;—: : ' rhonea—Home 10.118; ll.luh.v. BIRO. IS&iffl&Z£& Ed 1 HhvMaSOl Don't forget — to get your Wayne Wardrobes Monday. Save your clothes. LOS &NGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MOHXIVG, MAY 22, 1910. — have made Mullock's a most delightful place to lunch. —Quick, attentive service— and the chef is outdoing him self these days. —From 12 to I:3o—Wiedoeffs Or chestra, in a splendid program. —(Fried Young Chicken, a feature, on Monday's menu.) —Arrowhead, the famous mineral water, served free. £<T fcavser Thread Silk Stockings $1.75 a Pair Finest Toasted Marshmallows . . LAjO —A bargain—in the purest, most delicious — "niclt-in the-mouth" kind of candy— At 4i>c IK. no sweeter or better inarsli mallows have been made, and no finer sugar or OOCOtnui <ir Candy making could t* used th«n was rut into these ■pm-lal toasted marshuiallows for Mon day, 20c lb. rhoniw—Homo J05l«; IMwb.v. ISIBO. Wayne Wardrobes are moth proof, dust proof, damp proof. Save clothes. PART II —bring silk stockings within the reach of "the many"—with all the beauty of silk, they have lisle soles, and wide top ami will wear longer than silk stockings usually wear —$1.75 pair. —At »0<- pair—Fancy lisle stockings In the «ood shades; reinforced. At hOr Colored Itala stocking! In cham pagne, grny and other shades. —At 60i5—hlack. gau*o Hslo stockings.