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PART 111 'Duro' Mountain Car Used on Daily 60 Mile Stage Route Between San Diego and Campo * ! itfc '' fe^jjwyfl^t^^^j^ jpj^jfLj j^ffi^^ffi^^.'^^x *. , y^-i r^ ' '-/ •v l .j- 1 r}'-'^ 1' w'^fj~r.- ', -'^*, -"'J^vi* AUTO COVERS 3000 MILES IN 6 WEEKS R. A. Dallugge and Party Go from Los Angeles to Mexico in Pope-Hartford DESERT RUN IS HARD TEST Many Natives of Adobe Towns See Automobile for the First Time One of the longest trips of the year was completed last week by B. A. Dal lugge and party in a 1910 Pope-Hart ford touring car. In six weeks' time the party covered 3000 miles over some of tho worst roads to be found any where. They went through the sage brush country where there was nothing more than a burro trail to follow, crossed railroad bridges, pulled through the deepest of desert sand and climbed terrific grades. From tho advanced civ ilization of Los Angeles they went to the country of old Mexican adobe man sions, where life Is In Its most prim itive stage. Many natives saw an au tomobile for the first time and at ono email town the entire school gathered around the machine and refused to leave, despite the frantic clanging: of tho bell by an excited teacher. The party Included Mr. Dallugge and Wife, Mrs. B. Oulrado, John D. Cooper find a 2-year-old boy. Mr. Dallugge's story of the trip was interesting. "Our route out of Los Angeles," said Mr. Dallugge, "was over the upper San ISernardlno road and over the Cajon paaa. Dropping down to Vlctorvllle we found the going good all the way to Daggctt. From there on stretches of Band became more frequent and at some places the car was forced to get down and lug. Our road led us through liUdlow to The Needles. Reaching the Colorado river we followed tha west side of the bank to Parker, which is Hlxty-flve miles from Needles. There is a primitive ferry at this place, but In order to save time we went over the railroad bridge. The railroad company discourages this practice and tho approach to the bridge wav very steep and dangerous. At one time the car slid and we found the front wheels suspended in midair with the entire weight of th» car rest ing on the fly wheel. "When we saw the condition we felt that our trip was at an end, but after a little work we managed to get the car on the track and found that in spite of the terrible strain it was uninjured and ready for the hard trip before It. From Parker to House we found thirty-two miles of Bandy, washy country. At one place ■wo wore forced to go down the center of a sandy wash in order to get under a low railroad bridge. The top of the car hit the bridge and it was necessary for the men to dig the sand away un der the wheels In order to get tho car tinder. "After leaving Bouse we began to approach the alfalfa district around Jinekeye, Ariz. It was certainly a pleasure to get off of the barren des ert country into this district of green ery and cool breezes. From Buckeye to Phoenix wo ran over thirty miles of sand and rocky, rolling country, From Phoenix to Tucson we found a fair road and made good time. At phoenix we loaded up with supplies to take into the Altar district. We found nftcr potting our load on that we had 4"'0O pounds of passengers and baggage. "It is seventy-five miles from Tucson to the Mexican border over fairly good rond We crossed the line at Sasabe, where our baggage was searched for firms and ammunition. Guns are not permitted to b« taken into the Mexican district r.n account of the Taqul trou bles Our district was a day's run Into Mexico and after reaching our head quarters we spent several weeks In touring through the different districts, traveling about 1500 miles In Mexico. MANY ORGANIZATIONS PLAN CLUB RUNS TO BAY CITY An Indication that the good roads meet at Tanfomn track May 29 and 80 will be a great success Is the an nouncement that the automobile or ganizations of Fresno, Modesto, Mer oed, Santa Cruz. Watsonvllle, Del Monte, Monterey and San Jose are planning club runs to San Francisco (or the occasion. Among the most enthusiastic- sup porters of this meet are the annexa tionlsts of San Mateo county, who be lieve that the proposed road improve ment to be made with the proceeds from the races will tend to bring them closer to San Francisco and in conse quence increase their chances of an nexation with that city. LOCAL FIRM CONSTRUCTS FINE AEROPLANE ENGINE It has remained for a California company to brlnß out the most perfect aeroplane en •rtne 111 the world. There Is now on display at tba RarSße of the Pacific Motor and Avia tion company, on South Flower street, one of tbaM handsome new engines with a guarantee of 30-horse power, and which weighs but 158 pounds for It Is built of the new metal, ■•mecadamtte." which la no heavier than aluminum, yet has three times the tensile ■ tn-ngth. This enßlne Is capable of a 200 --pound thrust with the propeller, and will force a Rale of wind that will drive an aeroplane (t 7l> nillPd an hour. Several local air craft now In course of non ■tructlon will be equipped with this engine, «nl under right conditions Los Angeles should produce an aviator who will be the peer of all the man-bird*. DUROCAR PROVES WORTH ON MOUNTAIN HIGHWAYS Local Factory Turns Out Remark- able Machine for Work The Durocar factory has had a de mand for special cara to fit unusual demands, and has met It with great success. By the use of the remarkable two-cylinder motor, geared according to the use and load, splendid results have been obtained. An Illustration of this was the suc cess of the mountain car used In San Antonio canyon to roach Camp Baldy. It carried an overload all the season and made the 12 to 15 per cent grade on the high, with eight to thirteen pas sengers and baggage, with ease. Dou ble chain drive was used. The success of this type of mountain car reached the Campo stage people at ban Diego, anil they Insisted on ono being built for them, and as they have a 60-mllo hill grind instead of the five miles in San Antonio canyon, tho Du rocar factory put on two sets of trans mission hooked tandem, which gave a possibility of nine different speeds and a power for every work. This Campo car has shaft drive and is finished up as handsomely as a large touring car. Every day It fulfills its mission, taking the place of three horse-drawn stages, and carries its big load In less than half the time of the old stages. The Durocar factory Is now filling some orders for trucks up to three-ton burden, and has a Bteady demand for the delivery form of wagon. With tho factory hero customers find the advan tage of great value to them, being able quickly to pret any part or have any change made. CARS SHOULD NOT CARRY MORE THAN CAPACITY Oakland Man Says Overcrowding Cause of Breakdowns The average motorist, as he spins along In his car, never gives a thought to the amount of ingenuity and labor required to perfect the machine he rides In. "Take the springs, for In stance," says M. L. Pulcher, secretary of the Oakland Motor Car company. "When they are designed their carry- Ing strength is figured bo as to take care of the weight of a top. gas tank, wind shield and other accessories. "Quite a number of owners are care less as to the number of people they carry They seem to forget that when a car is built to carry five passengers, it should not be loaded with seven or eight for the extra weight has a tendency to strain the springs and lessen the elasticity of them. "Springs are manufactured with graphite between the leaves to make easy friction and to prevent squeaking. One must be positive that he under stands the construction of a spring lr he is to take It apart, for the novice is not likely to do this properly, and un less the leaves are marked, he Is likely to make a mistake. "After all. it is the little things that count in the care of a motor car. When the car Is being washed it is well to clean the spring shackles, washing out all sand and grit, for neglecting to do this causes the sand to wear away on the spring bolt, making the spring fit loosely. . . "Inspect the spring clips often and make sure they are drawn tight. Loose spring clips are sometimes the cause of broken springs, the strain being thrown on the center bolt, causing the breakage." The Oakland Motor Car company broke all Its previous records last Wednesday by shipping seventy-five cars. GOES OVER PASS DESPITE UNUSUAL FALL OF SNOW Owner of Cadillac Says Car Over- came All Obstacles A. n. Bowman, who loft I,os Angeles to drive to Chicago In a Cadillac 80, Is finding the trip replete with adventures. His car wai the first to cros. the Chlco pass since laßt summer. He mounted to the height of 7000 feet after a very rough Journey and at the top encountered five mile* of snow. In a letter to M. H. dreer of the Don Lee company. Bowman wrote as follows: ••Monday, May 16. we left Magalla to cross the Chtco pass, elevation of about 7000 feet Wo came this far north because we were told none of the passes south of this onuld be crossed on account of snow. Wo reached the summit at 3 p. m. after having enrountered five large trees across the road. Celled by Btorms. In some places we were compelled to remove them before we could go on. After we passed the top we en countered four to five, mllos of snow. In many places we were compelled to drive down the face of mountain where no road existed over rocks and logs, and In places while trying to crosi on top of snow we found ourselves supported by pan and fend ers on top of crust, our wheels having lost traction. "Monday night we were forced to camp near top of pass, ami tndny noon wo reached the bottom. Our engine Is working per fectly and thanks to good luck, we had no trouble or breakage except one spring. "We have the honor to be the first to cros* the mountains this spring, notwith standing the native* predicted our failure. We leave in the morning for Wlnnemucca, Nev 200 miles away, and hope to reach there not later than noon of Thursday. We are now convinced that the Cadillac Is as good as the b«*t and then some." It* as easy to securo a bargain In a used automobile, through want advertising, as It used to be—and HtiU U—to secura a .horse •nil carriage. Look for Betty Bray. LOS ANGELKS HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAYI 22, 1910/ INDIANAPOLIS TO HOLD FLYING MEET Managers Knabenshue and Mo ross to Handle Novices in Contests MACHINES WELL IN CONTROL Aviators to Assemble at Motor Speedway for Flights June 13-18 That practically a new era tn avia tion will be ushered in by the Indian apolis meet is definitely assured by reports from the Wright aeroplane camps at Montgomery, Ala., and Day ton, O. The men who are to fly the Wright machines at the Indianapolis motor speedway June 13 to 18 have been making remarkable flights, at times ascending higher than 1000 feet In a strong wind. Walter Brooking is making dally flights, while Arch Hoxsie is another promising aviator. The Indalanapolis meet will be fhe Initial opportunity for these men to demonstrate their skill. There is keen rivalry among the Wright aviators, now that they see the possibilities of the aeroplane, and they are anxious to start the season of 1910, by establishing a complete set of records. If Manag ers Knabenshue and Moross will allow them to do s« they will go after the world's records every day of the meet. Orville Wright proved in demonstrat ing the Wright aeroplanes for the pu pils at Montgomery that the new ma chines may be held under control for the accomplishment of feats heretofore tleemed impossible. He Is rising under adverse co^-Mtions and frequently in the face of extremely brisk winds. 3 CARTERCARS ENTERED IN THE GUDDEN TOUR The Cartercar company, Pontiac, Mich., has entered three cars in the Glidden tour, a model G and a model H for the Chicago trophy, and model L for the Glidden cup. This is the first time that a friction driven car has ever been entered in any of the big national tours. "The reason the Cartercar company has nev er gone into these tours heretofore," Btates an officer of the company, "is that previously we have never been able to spare the time nor the cars. With our present greatly improved fa cilities in both space and equipment, we are now putting three cars in the tour thl3 year." AUTO TOOLS Sixteen automobile makers are ad vertising automobiles to the farmer in the 450 farm papers of the country, and most of them are arguing that the automobile will keep the boy on the farm and make life more livable for the wife. Automobile men are con stantly being astonished at the price fanners are willing to pay tor the best cars, and the way they are paying is in cash, with as little fuss as if they were buying a new draught horse. During the coming summer experi ments with materials for the construc tion of roads that will withstand motor traffic better than those now in use are to be made under the supervision of the road inquiry division of the de partment of agriculture. Probably the most interesting work will be a num ber of experiments with mixtures of Portland cement-concrete and asphal tic base oils. It is hoped that this combination will give the high tensile and compressive strength of the ce ment and the great toughness and malleability of the asphaltum or bi tumen. The manager of a taxlcab company of Boston has requested the Massa chusetts legislature to pass a bill mak ing the evasion of taxicab fares a pun ishable offense. He declares the city ordinances of Boston aro sufficient for that city, but says the measure he suggests is needed outside of Boston, a;i the state courts have decided that evasion of fares cannot be punished under the present state laws. Baltimore physicians now have the rißlit of way with their automobiles in all the streets of that city, the same as fire apparatus, police patrols and ambu lances. They are allowed to speed to sickbed calls, to the aid of injured workmen and the like without being halted by the police, while trolley cars and wagons must make room for them. In order to distinguish the physicians' cars from those of other owners, the police department has provided each physician with a sign about tive inches square, bearing a red cross. France leads the world as an exporter of automobiles. The United States is second in rank. Statistics compiled from official publications show that the exports of vehicles from France in 1908 amounted to $24,569,000; the United States in 1909, $8,667,397; the United Kingdom in 1909, $7,610,267; Italy in 1908, $5 533 000; Germany in 1908, $3,031,000. A new process for paving streets with vulcanized rubber has been invented by a Brazilian, and promises to revolution ize the rubber trade in that country. Vulcanin, as the compound in called, is a mixture of Crushed stone or coarse sand with a vulcanizing- medium, the coiiiposition of the latter being a secret of the manufacturers. Betty Bray is coming to Los Angeles. Buy a Paterson "30" A CAR THAT IS LIGHT, STRONG, SWIFT AND SILENT—FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, $1500; FOUR-PAS SENGER TOURING CAR, $1500; FOUR-PASSENGER TOURABOUT, $1385. SOLD COMPLETE WITH MAGNETO, FULL LAMP EQUIPMENT, ETC., F. O. B. LOS ANGELES. THE CAR THAT WILL TAKE YOU ANYWHERE AND BRING YOU BACK. YOU CAN HAVE A DEMONSTRATION AND GET YOUR CAR THE SAME DAY. . . , . „ *>*-**' = We Also Carry in Stock ~ MiVhplin Ti re* Gas Tanks—All Makes ITIIV/llVllll J. 11 V/CJ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO RECHARGING TANKS. WINNERS OF ALL, WORLD'S RECORDS. You will find every size of every gas tank made here, and at the right We have a complete line of all sizes for all uses. Equip your car with prices. If you live out of town and want your old tank recharged, send it MICHELIN TIRES, for they will last a lifetime. ; « : in to us by express and get it back the same day. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BODIES, SPRINGS, TOPS, WHEELS AND PAINTING. i^l,w™ r»« & Psi*i,*sJ Prk And THE MOTOR SHOP, Inc. ) 1238-1242 S. Main Street VjlOlClHan d Dulllcl <UU. (Successor to Pico Carriage Works) ) Los Angeles Broadway 2725; Main 8061, F1561 or F6521. $) s> — ===== =QA V^W^V^^imA IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE HlSslSSflA I Grabowsky Power Wapns We Can Show You X The Highest I "The Grabowsky" is in a class by itself—entirely different in X Recommendation. | design and construction from any and every commercial car on X is an endorsement of superiority I the market. X . f rom expert motor car engineers. I "The Grabowsky" is the only power wagon in the world X Ford Mofor Co _ Regal Motor C o.~ I having features that guarantee it to last longer than any S Co.-Chalmers Motor Car Co.- i other power wagon— costs less for upkeep and gives S ** IVX r k^u. v,»m* . m ■ ■_ fl better service while it lasts. v X Brush Runabout Co.-Maxwell-Brtscoe Co. | "The Grabowsky" removable power plant X —B. F. Everitt Co., after learning what others g allows instant inspection at any time without X offered, purchased Grabowsky Power Wagons. 1 holding up the car in service. jt I "The Grabowsky" hardened steel X rpi , T *\KA* TTo D«rk-.r a On«« riaimc I bushings mean freedom from extensive X They Made US PrOVe Our Claims | repairs. Many other "Grabowsky" X Their unanimous decision was "The Grabowsky" excelled all 1 SSVXure^hat'eanTn" 1 / "< " every standpoin.-and so -The Grab,**?' is used for I enormous saving of time MX trucking at the plants of more automobile concerns than all other g and money, and the life of SW^P*' power wagons made. | the car prolonged indefi- Im^ What stronger endorsement of Grabowsky superiority can be obtained? 1 nitely. s The World's Best Commercial Cars I ~———^———^— —^— We earnestly court comparison—That's where & y-^ "'-JfZ^^T^^^f U "THE GRABOWSKY" SHINES—by comparison IP^'^^P I i i ■ii ' , H^fff^} •'. Write, phone or see us at once '^^S^^Si «» i » Q Hoffman! Harpv^we co|l^iM-rQlAi< Hawley, King & Company •' """'BOWE"' * 3ON3^) ill Hawley, King & Company W~^p^^k im^fm 224 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal. Did It Ever Occur to You That In the most difficult, most severe automobile com petitions the greatest responsibility falls on the tires? No matter how perfect the rest of a car may be, if the tires are not what they should be, the car will be hopelessly outclassed. No sensible automobile user, though he may never race his car, will deny the great usefulness of racing as thu severest test of a car's speed, power and reliability. Tires that make good In the racing game will give the average user the most for his money. Goodyear tiros have withstood the severest tests of rac ing. No other tire has made a record equally as good. Goodyear tires wear longer and better and give the most satisfaction. We will be pleased to discuss this important matter with you. W. D. Newerf Rubber Co. 949-51 SOUTH MAIN STREET wn. Main 6463- San Francisco office 545-51 Golden Gate avenue. erald "Want Ads" Bring Largest Returns A m nlftv Bekins Motor Car Co /\llipiW/\ 1026 So. Olive St llormerlj Aluerl<-aD-Simplex.) A f j ac Bekins Motor Car Co.. iWIUO 1026 So. Olive St. ViiimC \r Durocar Manufacturing Co.. l/UrOCdl 929 South Los Angeles g£l4iasL ;»& *» X tjO FullytqGlppea &^^^ 118-1130 S. Olive St. PatArcnn Pico Carriag« Co rdltlsUll Pico and Main — i ' ' ' ' " Tirfcstottc Greatest mileage tire on 9 » W vv*r V*** All sizes and types. WBm "B" *9 mh *V #"*« HRBSTOXE TIRE * .JL JL lAalB JLmM 9»mo . 957 South Main stmt. 3