Newspaper Page Text
part in PARIS WILL LIST AMERICAN BONDS European Report Principal Cause of Advancing Prices of Securities LONDON EXCHANGE INCREASE Bank Statement for Week Shows $14,000,000 Gain in Loan Account r Associated Press] if); ',";. NEW YORK, May 21.—The stimu lant for the speculative advance In Stock! today was the revival of the reports of the placing of American bonds in Paris. The subject remained in the rumor stage,' but positive predictions wore heard In stock market circles that formal announcements on the subject would bo forthcoming early next week. Meantime, no confirmation could be had for those vague rumors from the bankers and railroad officials supposed to be more nearly concerned in them. Along with the bond sale rumors came the revival of stories that Unit ed States steel was to bo listed in Paris. Estimates as to the amount of the alleged bond sales in Paris were raised materially abovo those advanced when the subject first came to the stock market attention. The reports of the Paris bond sales, which were the principal Influence in advancing stocks were without effect on the foreign exchange markets. Bills of exchange on London rose again to the highest point touched since the foreign purchases of our bonds broke the market. Demand sterling today was quoted at $4.83.65 which is nearly 1-4 cents on the pound from where It sold when bills were being sold under the Impression that exchange had been in liberal supply against the bond sales. Today's price is but three-fourths of a cent in the pound lower than the high est price of the season in the course of the export movement of gold last month. The pig-iron market is report ed to be Improving in tone and today's news of crop conditions was favorable, the rains In Texas being an item in that news. Trade advices to the mer cantile agencies were mixed and the American Railway association reported another addition to two weeks of 25— 000 surplus curs bringing the net sur plUS to 122.693 cars, a higher figure that! at any time since August 18 of last year. • -<.. 'There is nothing in the known trans action^ of Hi ■ week to explain' the ac tual Increase of $14,000,000 in loans nhri\yn by Die bank statement. The $9. --nOO.WO gain In cash, however, left a mat-gin of Increase in the surplus of $3,886,275 in Kpite of the expanded de posit liabilities and is sufficient to ex plain the en sing of the money market. This ease of the local money market Is a factor, also, In the persistent rise in foreign exchange. The stock market closed irregular and at a reaction from the high prices. Bonds were steady; total- sales, par value, 1988,000. ' United States 3's declined 1-4 per rent In the bid price on call, since last week. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angela*, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board nf trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. . ' KBW YORK. May Following were the - quotations today: Bales. Stock. High. Low. Rid. Ask. Allls-Chalmers 9V4 9% do preferred 32 35 - 12,400 AmalK Copper .... V: 1! 7!»i 72% 7214 600 Anier Beet Sugar.. 38 37*4 87% S8 ....... do preferred 83 94 100 .Amer Can C 0,',,.,. »■ 10 '■>'» W4 too do preferred 74% 74 74 HH 2.000 Am Car and Fdry. 62% 63 62% 62% , do preferred lie 115".. Amor Cotton Oil .. .. .. 11% 64% da preferred ■.. PS 107 • Amer Express 250 --'' Am lea Securities. i 25% M 7» Amur linseed 1314 14V6 p do preferred ■ .. 35 37 . jno Am Locomotive ... 4D?i 40% 49' iBO 200 do preferred 110 110 107 110 ' 8.900 Am Smlt and Rfsr. 81T4 81% 81% 81*6 200 do preferred 106 105 105 106 ' 200 Amer Sugar 124 114 123% 124% ...'.... db preferred .. .. 122 124 Amer Steel Fdrs 56' i 67 200 Am Tel and Te1...137 138% 186% 137 >.... do preferred 95% 97 •.■no Anier Woolen 35V1 8514 M 3314 100 do preferred 100% 100% 10014 102 1.600 Anaconda 44% 44% 44% 46 100 Atlantic C Line .. 121% 124% 124 125 7,100 AT* Santa 11114 111 11074 111 100 do preferred 101% 101% 101% 101% 3,700 Bait & Ohio 114% 114% 114% 114% , .» do preferred 90- 91 9,000 BTt T 82% 81% 52% 82% 4,600 Canadian Pacific..l 97% 196% 196% lM'.i 6,300 C & O SSli 87% 87% 87: „ C & A.., ; 4614 47 mC& O W new 2814 28% 2814 28% 400 do preferred 63% 5214 53% 64 600 C& N W 154 153 Vi 153 164 4,100 C M & St P 140% 1401 i 14014 I*)% 800 do preferred 168% 157 157 158 2,900 Central Leather ..42% 42% 42% 4214 100 do preferred 107% 107% 10714 10814 i Cent of N .T .. 280 2!» C C C & St L .. 85 86 » do preferred ..... .. .. 100 110 1,600 Colorado F and I. 88% 88% 8814 BS% • do preferred .. 114% 120 Columbus H C ft I .. .. 714 8% 100 Colorado Southern. 60% 6014 6014 61 1. do Ist preferred .. .. ■ 76 78 , do 2d preferred .. .. '. 75 76 4.300 Consolidated Ga5..14214 . 140% 14174 142 000 Corn Products .... 16% 16% 16% 10% 100 do preferred 78% 78% 7814 79 ». Del A Hudson .. , 172% 174 , D Ii & W 675 600 800 D & G 41% 41% 4114 41% 100 do preferred 80% 80% 80% 80% » Diamond Match 100% 100% 100 Distil Securities .. 31% 31 .30 SI Duluth aS & A... .. . 14% 1514 20» do preferred...^.. 29% 29% 2914 31 600 Erie, 2614 23 2!) 29% 700 do Ist preferred.. 47% 47 I 46% 47% 100 do 3d preferred.. 3714 8714 3714 8714 100 General Electric ..16014 16014 150 161 ' 800 (it Northern. Ore.. 64 63% .. 114 06 3,600 at Northern pfd ..137% 136% 136% 137 200 Illinois Central ...136 135% 136% 136 1,200 Interboro Metro .. 21% 21 • 2114 21% 800 do preferred 66% 6614 66% 66% 100 Internst Paper ... 12% 1214 12 1:1 1.100 do preferred 62% 61 61 6214 » Internet Pump 48% 48% , do preferred .. 8514 85% 400 lowa Central 21% 21% 21 -22 400 do preferred ..... 40% 40% 40 40% 100 X C Southern 35% 86% 8614 35% 100 do preferred 68 68 elf 69 L, B & West .. .. 17 20 100 ■ do preferred ..... 53 62 60 60 900 T. A N 148% 147% 148 148% ....... Mackay • 87% 89. ....... do preferred ..' .. >, 76%; 78% , Manhattan .. 135 136 100 Mexican Central .. 29% 29% ■• 29% 29% ....... Minn A St L ■ a 8& FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL do preferred .. 63 68 100 M St P & S S M..141 HI 140% 141 100 do preferred ISO 150 149 154 1,700 MX & Toxas 4:t\i 43 4214 «',» do preferred '.. 69 71 4,200 Missouri Pacific .. 71! 71 71% 7214 600 National Lead ... 79% 79' A 7914 80 ii.i preferred 10714 107% National Biscuit 106 . 10!) do preferred .. 1211 123 Nevada COM 21% 2114 N V Air Brake 78 7, 4,900 N V Central 12214 121% 12114 122 N V C & St L .. .. 61 62 ).... do bit preferred.. .. .. 100 110 do 2.1 preferred.. .. .. 87 95 N V N II & Hart .. .. .. IH4 4,600 X V Ont & W 47% 48TJ 4(i'(, 47 3,000 Norfolk & We«trtl.lOH% 10414 104% 104% do preferred .. 88 93 200 North American .."4 74 74 7414 3.900 Northern Pacific ..13314 132% 132V4 153 Omaha ... 141 155 do preferred 160 170 Pacific Const 111 112 600 Pacific Mail 27% 2714 27% 27*4 3,610 Pcnna R X C 0.... lSu'i 136(4 13B"4 135% 600 People* Gas 101% 108% ICBT4 109 100 Pittsburc Coal ...20% 20 2014 2014 ■ 100 do preferred 71 71 70 72 300 PCC& 81 I, 10114 101 10114 ™1% do preferred 110 116 Pressed Steel Car .. 1« 40 300 do prof erred 901J 99 99 100 Ry Steel Spring 89 40 do preferred .. 100 105 46,700 Reading 160% 166 16«% I<>6% do Ist preferred 90% HM 100 do 2d preferred.. 10314 10314 10:{',i 10!% Republic S and 1 3414. 35 300 do preferred 97% 9714 97% OS 5.000 Rook Inland Co ..45% 45% 4515, 45% do preferred 894 90% Sloss Shef S and I .. .. 74% 7514 at 1.. & SF Ist pfd .. .. 67 ,70 . 100 do 2d preferred.. 434 4314 4814 49 400 St L& 8 W 82% 32 32 3214 600 do preferred 7.".',;, 76 76 %'A 10.700 Southern Pacific ..128V4 1274 127% 127% 200 Southern Railway. 2714 2714 27 27% 100 do preferred 6314 6314 63 6314 100 Tennessee Copper.. 23 28 27% 28 Texas Pacific 3214 33 Third Aye .. 014 7 T St I. * W 37 8814 «00 do preferred 64% 64 «3 64 Twin City R T 11114 113 - 1) and Papr .. .. 774 9 300 do preferred 62 62 60 65 27,100 Union Pacific 186 185% ISM« 186% 800 do preferred 95 94% 94% 9*14 United Rdß of.SF 84 87 do preferred 63 64 U S Cast Irn Pips .... 20 22 do preferred 71H 7414 U 8 Rubber .. 4314 43% < 200 do l«t preferred..ll3 113 112% 111 do 2(1 preferred 77 79 60,100 U 8 Steel Cor 85 8414 844 84% 2,900 do preferred 118% 118% 11814 118% 4,400 Utah Copper 47% 4714 47"-i 47% ' 700 Vii-Car Chem Co. 61% 6114 61 >i 61% do preferred 110 126 1,100 Wabash 214 21*, 21% 23 4,900 do preferred 48 4714 4714 47% Wells Fargo Ex 168 176 100 Western Union.... 6814 6814 68 6514 300 Weatlnghouse 66 6414 64% 66 ....... W & I. 10 414 6 do Ist preferred 1114 12 do 3d preferred.... .. 6 6 200 Wisconsin Central. BITi ' 64A 64 65 Am Hide and Lea. .. .. 614 6Vj 100 do preferred 35 St 3414 35 100 Am Agr and Chem 46 46 46 46% do preferred 101 103 Beth Steel 21% 2»H ■ do preferred .. 6814 67 Nat Enamel and S .. .. 20 SI do preferred .. 85 95 Pac Tel and Tel 33 85 .... do preferred .. M 100 1,600 Internet Harvester 9914' 98% 98% 99 do preferred .. 122 123 800 IT S Realty 77 74H 76 77 300 West Maryland ...4814 48 4T14 4814 Total sales, £95,000 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by .T. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New YorK stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of Ran Francisco. 1 ~J\~ ■' NEW YORK. May 21.—Following were the closing quotations: • . . Hid. Asked. Atehlnson een ♦■ ....1 •< 9814 98% Atchlnson cony 4s Uf 111 Ft A O Ist 4s 98 9814 I! R T 43 83 8514 Colorado Industrial 6s 79 80 IT 8 Realty tf • • 90 Rock Island col 4s 7714 77% Southern Pacific ref 4s 94 94% Southern Pacific col 4s 90% »l Southern Paolflc cony 4s 10114 10114 Union Pacific Ist 4s 10114 101% Union Pacific cony 4s 10614 106% U S Steel 5s ..'. 10414 10414 ITnited Railway 4s .. 70 Wabash deb 4a 70 71 Western Pacific 6s 93% 9414 D & R O ref 5s 91% 92 Japanese 4s 91 92 Japanese Ist 4"4» »4«, 95 Japanese 2nd 414s 94<-i M US2sregd '00% "lVi V B !s coupon 100% •■ t- B3s regd If W3 V 8 3s coupon I'- J« ll 549 regd ll«i 1M v VS 4s coupon H4V4 11614 Panama 2s 100 100% Panama 1938 MO . 100% FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK. May Money on call, nominal: time loans, easy; sixty days, 314®'3% per cent: ninety days, S%@4 per cent: six months, 4<iM'.i per cent. . Close—Prime mercantile paper, ,4%@51i per Sterling exchange— with actual busi ness In bankers 1 bills at 4.84.25@4.84.60c tot sixty-day bills and at 4.87.550 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.5r,-V-i 4.S4'.<\ Bar silver, 63% c; Mexican dollars. 44c. Government and railroad bonds steady. FRUIT MARKET FAN FRANCISCO, May 21.—Strawberries, |2.50®6; blackberries, $l©1.50; raspber ries $1(5'4.60; common peaches, 90c; fancy, »1 box; navel oranges. J1.50(8>3.25; Mexican limes 16@7: common California lemons, «1.25®4; bananas. 75o0?3; pineapples, 12,50 @3.50. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YORK. May 21.—Evaporated apples are steady, with a moderate demand for future delivery at 6%0 for November and December. On spot fancy, 10c: choice, B@B%c; prime, 6<3>714c; common to fair, C@6%o, Prunes aro firm, with a good jobbing de mand and small Inquiries. Quotations range from 2%®8%c for Callfornlaa up to 30-403 to 4@90 fur Oregon fruit. Apricots are quiet, but grm. on the small stocks and In sympathy with the coast mar kets. Choice, 10@10%c; extra choice, 10%© 12% c; fancy, ll%@l2lic _ Peaches quiet and steady. Choice, 6@6%c; extra choice, 6%C(i)7c; fancy, 6%@7%c. Raisins tire dull and unchanged. Loose muscatel, 3%©6% c; choice to fancy, seeded, seeded, 4";'if6%c; seedless, 5%@4%c; London layers, f1.2001.26. ' . _-/.-' CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, May 21.—Cattle—Receipts esti mated at 300; market steady. Beeves, J5.600 8.70; Texas steers, 15.00(ff6.40; western steers, }5.2507.40; stockerß and feeders, |4.00#i<i.60; cows and heifers, J2.767.26: calves, $5,601^7.76. Hogs—Receipts estimated at 9000; market steady to strong. Light. ».40<g9.70; mixed, D 72%; heavy. J9.3r.ift9.70; rough, J9.3fi® 9M; Boot) to choice heavy, $9.r,0(«9.70; pigs, 1!) 1049KW; bulk of sales, J9.60(f|.9.66. Sheep— Hecoipts estimated at 1500; market weak. Native, $4.00@8.8O: western, f4.OQ yeurlliiK», J6.50©7.80; lambs, native, }5.75@8.90; wMUrn, $6.5039.00. COTTON AND WOOL ST. LOTUS, May 21.—W001, steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 20 @ 24c; light fine. IIV20O; heavy fine, 13@15o; tub washed. UOlte. NEW YORK. May 21. —Cotton closed nrm at a net advance of 12i8>23 points, spot closed Quiet, 13 points advance; middling uplands, 16.40 c; do gulf, 15.66 c; no sales. Futures closed firm. May and June. 16.17o; July, 15.24 c; August. 16c; Snpt. 13.80 c; Oct. 12.95 c; Nov. 12.85 c; Deo. l!.80c; Jan. 12.76 c; March 12.810. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SI NDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, May 21.-Bank clearings were $2,672,592.29, an Increase of $629,940.42 as compared with the amount for the correspond ing date of last year. Following Is a compar ative statement: 1010. 1909. 1908. May 16 $3,122,114.37 $2,385,940.03 $1,737,374.05 May 17 2,987,379.82 2,659,873.89 1,620,713.01 May 18 t,8M,!81,M ' 2,581,882.71 1,911,843.31 May 19 2,746,223.20 1,908,298.01 1.047,466.26 May 20 2,432,761.46 1,846,509.61 1.659,705.13 May 21 2,572,592.23 1,942,661.87 1,331,647.24 Totals ...$17,195,322.62 $13,325,156.12 $10,208,807.99 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE The market was a heavy one for Saturday, the morning cull being quite a good deal longer than usual, In order to enable brokers to 1111 their unit™. The oil Issues were very active, and the feature of toe day, there being nothing to re port In the other . Issues except Home pre (erred, which sold at 37%. Jade caused a good deal of excitement, open- Ing up at 3.'i and rapidly moving up to 4514, w ~ gaSr. d IS r-=!»t.-.. This csrap&ny M im ported to have brought in a new well, which caused the stock to soar. Central was strong at 2.01, and Union was a good trader, but sold slightly lower than the opening, which was 109. In the non-producers Oleum was the only trader and a very light one. California Hills showed no change, but was traded In at 10. The market was a very good one for Sat urday. The week was the best the exchange has had for a month. MO KM NO SALES 10 Homo Tel pfd 37.62%: 6 Associated Oil Co 64.00: 1000 Cal Midway 6214; 1000 do 62%; 2000 do 63; 1000 do 6314; 4000 do 5314; 1000 do 64; 1000 do, B. SO, 64; 2000 Central 2.00; 1000 do 2.01; 800 Coallnga Cen 56; 1000 Cleveland 41%; 1000 Jade 86; 1000 do 41; 2000 do 42: 1000 do, B. 30, 46; 1000 do 43; 4000 do 4314; 2000 do, B. 80, 4414: 1000 do do 44; 1000 do do 4414: 1000 do 44; 1000 do 45; 2000 do 4514; 1000 do 45%; 2000 do 46; 3000 do. ii. SO, 4614; 2500 'aimer 1.65; 2000 Oleum Dcv Co 7%; 40 Union 109 40 do 108.75; 10 do 108.6214; 95 do 108.50; 20 do 108.8714; 1000 New Perm 1.07. Off board—s Union 109. BONDS ■:.. • ' Bid. Ask. American Petroleum Co 84 88 Associated Oil Co 97% 9814 Corona City Water Co ' 92 ■ .. -; Corona Power and W Co 99 . •••; Cucamonga Water Co 9814 Edison Elec Co Ist r 102 I Edison Elec Co old Issue 103 108 Home Telephone Co 53% 86 Home Tele Co, Ist rfdg 7414 '.-.. : L A Pao Ist con mtgs 10414 L A Pac Ry Ist rfdg 100 L A Railway Co . .. 110 L, A Traction Co 6s 108 110 L A Traction Co 69 101 106 Mexican Nat'l Gas Co 100 Mission Trans and R Co no .. Pac Elec Railway Co 101 10614 Pac Light and Power Co 9714 98% Pasadena Home T and T Co 80 Pomona Con Water Co ...'. 08 ps,.. Riverside II T and T Co 75 Santa Monica H T and T Co 80 San Diego Home Tel Co ■ .. 75 Han Diego H T and T Ist mtgs .. 80 Temescal Water Co 99 Union Transportation Co 90 93 U S Long Dlst T and T Co 63 i>,..:' Vlsalla Water Co 99 °*..', Whittler Home T and T Co 10 BANK STOCKS Bid. Ask. All Night and Day Bank 125.00 American Savings Hank 140.00 195.00 Bank of Southern California 112.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 150.00 176.00 California Savings Bank 118.00 125.00 Central National Bank 176.00 ISO. OO Citizens National 230.00 235.00 Commercial National 147.00 Equitable Savings Ban!: ..' 180.00 210.00 Farmer* and Merchants Nat'!... 270.00 . Federal Band of L A 12.00 „... First, National 475.00 :•: 507.50 . German American Savings 835.00 340.00 Globe Savings Bank .... 120.09 140.00 Home Savings Bank of I, A.. 110.00 118.00 Merchants National 600.00 Merchants Bank and Trust C 0..1.",5.00 160.00 National Bank of California....ll)o.oo National Bank of Commerce. ...100.410 Security Savings Bank 320.00 400.00 The Southern Trust Co 75.00 80.00 (60 per cent paid up) INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Ask. Cal Portland Cement Co ........110.00 175.00 Edison Electric pfd 79.50 81.75 Edison Electric com 64.00 65.00 Hawaiian Com and Sugar 40.00 45.00 Home Telephone pfd 37.50 ! 37.8714 Home Telephone com 6.75 Hutchlnson S P Co 17.00 18.00 L A Athletic Club .' 6.60 10.00 L A Brewing Co 90.C0 L '. Investment Co i.OO 3.20 . Mexican Nat'l (las pfd 60.00 70.00 Mexican Nat'l Gas common 80.00 Paauhau S I- c.'o , 29.00 29.60 Pac Mut Life 1.2s C 0... 250.00 Fac Con Stone Co of Cal 4.25 4.40 Pasadena Home T and T C 0... 19.00 Riverside Homo T and T C 0... 26.00 Sa.i Diego Home T and T Co 20.00 Santa Monica B H T pfd 18.00 Sun Drug Co 1.04 Seaside Water Co 100.00 Title G and Tr Co pfd 250.00 ÜBL D T and T Co pfd 36.00 . 38.09 Union Security Corp pfd 100. Unic.i Trust CO 30.00 Whlttier Home T and T Co SO.OO Oil. STOCKS PRODUCERS- , Bid. Aslt. Amalgamated OH 67.00 62.00 American Crude Oil Co , 1.09 American Pet Co pfd 94.00 American Pet Co com 68.00 71.50 Associated OH 53.62<4 53.8714 Brookshlre OH 2.00 California Midway Oil Co 53% .64 Central 2.01 2.02 Cleveland Oil Co 41 .4214 Coallnga Central Oil Co .56 Columbia 1.21 1.90 Bnoi oil Co : 1.5715 Euclid Oil Co 55 .65 Fullerton Oil 4.00 Globe .18 Jade Oil Co 4314 .46 Mexican Petroleum 1.1214 Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 67.75 68.50 Mexican Pet Ltd com '.... 28.00 New Pennsylvania Pet Co 1.06 1.15 Ollnda Land Co (Oil) v . .6514 Palmer oil Co ...» : 1.62% Perseus Oil Co .35 Plnal Oil Co 13.00 Plru Oil and L Co 18 Read Crude 40 .44 Rice Ranch Oil Co 1.10- Section Six Oil Co • .60 Union 108.12% ]05.37% Union Provident 106.00 107.00 United Petroleum 109.00 112.00 Went Coast Oil com 9.00 Western Union • 120 00 NON-PRODUCERS— McKlttrick Oper Oil Ob .12 Oleum Development Cb 07% .08 :X DAILY MINING CALL OFFICIAL SALES '. 1000 California Hills 9%; 4000 do 9%; 3000 do 10; 1000 do, H. 30, 9%. . LISTED STOCKS 1 CALIFORNIA- - ■ Bid. Ask. California Hills M Co io«i NEVADA- - Johnnie Mln and Mill Co ... .Is% Searchlight Parallel Ol'i .01% SUGAR AND COFFEE NEW YORK, May 21—Coffee futures closes nulet, net unchanged to 5 points higher. Bales, 30<)O bagx. Closing bids: May and June, 6.35 c; July, C.4oc: August, 6.450; September, 6.50 c; Oftober and November, 6.56 c; December, 6.60 c; January, 6.61 c; February, 6.63 c; March, 6.66 c; April, 9. Me. Havre was unchanged; Hamburg also unchanged. Spot quiet; No. 7 Rio, B>4>; No. 4 Santos, ftfec; mild quiet; Cordova, 9Wl2',ir. Sugar—Raw, quiet; Moseovado, 89 test, 3.74 c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.24 c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.49 c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.95 c; granulated, 5.23 c; powdered, 5.35 c. You will have no window or screen troubles If you usg Hipolito self-regu lating roller screen and revorslble win dow. Hipollte Screen and Sash Co., 634 Maple avenue. Look for Betty Bray. * ** SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Special, service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. \ SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. -Following were the closing quotations: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co 6s 98 M.4 Bay Counties Power Co 6s 101 •••, Cal Central lias and Eloc 5s 100 Cal Gas and Elec gen M&CT 6s 1"1 California St Cable Co 6s 102 California Wine Assn 5a « 89 City Electric Co Da M.i 91 Contra Costa Water Co 6« '"2 do gen mtg 5s • '* Edison Klec Co of L A 6s 100 Edison Light and Power 6s 106 11014 First Federal Trust Co I"H4 Ferries & Cliff House Ry 6s 100 102 Hawaiian Com and S 5s 104 10414 Honolulu R T and L Co 6s 10314 . ■• 1 Lake Tahoo Ry and T Co 6s 9714 .. # Los Angeles Kleo Co 5a 10114 Los Angeles Gas and El' Co 65.... 97V4 101% Lob Angeles Railway 5s 105 •• ; Los Angeles Lighting gd 6s 100 L A Pac R R Ist con mtg 6» ....10214 .• L A Pac R Riof Cal 5s 10014 Marln Water and Power Co 65....10114 .. " Market Street Cable 6s 10314 do Ry Ist cons mtg 5s 10014 Northern Ry Co of Cal 6s H214 Northern C.-il Power Co r,s 100 105 Northern Electric Co 6« '■> Oakland Gas Light and II 6s 10014 Oakland Transit Co 63 10814 , •• Oakland Transit Co 6s 105 Oakland Transit con 6s 105 n 3 it!anS Tract's" con Is "''- "^ Oakland Traction Co an 92 93 Oakland Water Co gtd 5s 98 Omnibus Cable Railway 6» I°"% Pacific Gas Imp 4s 85 Pacific Electric Ry Co 6» Mli Pacific Light and Power Co 55.. .. 99 Pac Light and Power gtd 5s 101 ..' Pacific Tel and Tel Co 5s 99 9914 Park & Cliff House Ry 6s 100 102 Park & Ocean R R 6s 100 Peoples Water Co 6s 68 68% Powell Street Railway 6s 102 Sacramento Elec Gas Ry 6s 10014 .i, S F Oak & San Jose Ry 5s 104 do 2d mtg 5s 9514 96% B F Oak & S J Con Ry 5s 96 S .T & S Clara Co R R 414s 90 SPR Rof Cal 6s 1912 103% 104 S P R R of Cal Ist c gtd g 65....11214 S P Branch Ry of Cal 60 124% .'•• j S P R R Co Ist ref 4s 95% Stockton Gas and El Corp 6s 10614 ... i S V Water Co gen mtg 4s 9214 United Gas and Elec Co 6s »9% United R R of 8 F 4s 69 69% Valley Counties Power Co 6s 9914 100*4 WATER STOCKS— ■;;.' Marln County «0 ... Spring Valley Water Co 4714 4.% GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co "14 66 N Cal Power Co eon 65 Pacific Lighting Corp com .. «0 Oro Water :.. «J% 65 INSURANCE STOCKS— California Ins Co ...w. ■• '» Fireman's Fund 260 . •■: STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— Presidio '• 25 3214 POWDER STOCKS— Giant Consolidated Co 7514 -••■: SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Com and Sugar C 0.... 41% 42 Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation .... 18% 19 Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co 1214 .. Makawell Sugar Co 68% 69 Onomea Sugar Co 524 Pauuhau 8 P Co 27% MM Union Sugar Co " OIL STOCKS- Associated Oil Co 6374 6414 Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 2% 2% Palmer Oil 145 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- Alaska Packers As?n 91 Cal Fruit Canners Assn 100*4 Cal Wine Assn 27% 29 Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm S Pacific Coast Borax Co 154 Pac Tel and Tel pfd « do com 33 Bate*— l2,ooo Assd Oil Be 98%, 1000 Mkt St 5s 100 1000 S Pac rfg 4s Ki\. 80 Assd OH 54, 100 Cal Wine 28", i. IS Makawell 59%, 50 North ern Cal Powder 64U. PACIFIC COAST TRADE 1 SAX FRANCISCO, May 21.—Flour, family extras. »61*6.40; bakers, $6@6.40; Oregon and Washington, $5@6.50; shipping wheat, $1.60@1.66r feed barley, 11.19HV1.15; brew ing. $1.16i8>1.1714; red oats. J1.271401.3714; white, $1.47W@1.5714; middlings, $26@28; mixed feed, $24@30; rolled barley, $23@25; oatmeal, $4; oat groats. $3.80; rolled oats, $28@29; wheat hay, $12®16.50; wheat and oat $9@14; wild oat, J7@ll; tame oat, $90 14- alfalfa, ts®ll; straw, 40066 c; pink beans, $6@6.25; lima, $4.2504.85; small white. $1.40@4.60; large white, $3.75®3.90; Oregon B\irbank potatoes, 65® 75c; Salinas Burbajiks, 75c@$l: Merced sweets, 3@314c; new potatoes, 75ci8>51.25; fancy onions, $1.25; common. $1; green peas. 65c@$l; string beans, l@314o: egg plant, 10@1214c; green peppers, 10(fi'20c; summer squash. 50 @75c; asparagus, 75c©$2; rhubarb, 35 0 75c; garlic, 3@sc; cucumbers, 11.7592.50! Mexi can tomatoes. $1(ii>1.73: old roosters,. $5® 5.60: young roosters, $7010; small broilers, $2.5003.60; large broilers, $3.50@4: fryers, $6.50@7.50; hens. $5@10; old ducks, $6@7; young ducks, $8@10; goeae, $2@2.50; young pigeons. $1.5001.75. ' Receipts—Flour, 2230; wheat. 50; bnfley. 6296: oats. 835; corn, 105; potatoes, 1790; onions, 676; bran, 20; middlings. 50; hay, 346: straw, 6; hops, 10; hides, 155; wine, 46,700. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE CHICAGO, May 21.—Butter—Steady, cream eries, S3fi'27o; dairies, 21@25c. Eggs— at mark; receipts, 28,787; cases Included, lC@li)c; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 20c. Cheese—Steady: Daisies, 1431414 c; Twins. )3!4@13%c: Young America, 15c; Long Horns, 14!i(fri4i4c. SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. —Fancy cream ery butter, liSc; seconds, 27c; fancy dairy, 26c. New cheese, 1314®14e: , Young Ameri ca, 14@1614c Ranch eggs, 2514 c; store, 24 c. ■ ■ ■»« > METAL MARKET NBTW YORK, May 51.—The metal markets were practically nominal today in the absence of exchanges. Tin was reported steady at JiJS.SS. Lake copper was quoted at $!? elec trolytic $12.62«.igi12.7r. and casting IU.3THOU.SO. Lead was firm at $4.40@4.50 and spelter quiet at $5.46^5.60. Iron was unchanged. Better Than 1 Gold Marble sells in the market at from $30 to $150 per ton and can be quarried and put upon the market at a minimum of the cost of mining- gold. The rock from whioh the latter is taken yields not more as a rule than from $8 to $10 per ton at comparatively great cost for mining and treatment. For that reason a marble quarry, If you have It, Is better than a gold mine. The — Pacific Consolidated Stone Company has the marble quarries as well as quarries of other valuable building stone that are Inexhaustible. They will never "pinch out." Therefore the stock of the company, in our judgment, at the market is a purchase that should not be overlooked by conservative investors. See us about it. Erkenbrecher Syndicate (LIMITED) 122 WEST SIXTH STREET Home 108«7. M»ln 1377. 1 CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. wit ion, member of the Chicago board n( trad*. New York stock exchange and Ban Francisco bond and .nock exchange, 212 Wait Fifth ■treat, tioe Angeles. CHICAGO, May Wheat market opened at quite a decline over night and has shown only faint recovery at any time despite con siderable covering by shorts and much buying by commission concerns. Ideal weather con ditions In all parts of the wheat country promises to swell the size of the crop, which now, with latest reports on acreage. Indicates one of the largest ever raised In this country despite winter killing losses west and south west and Hessian fly ravages elsewhere. Pop ular sentiment has ben made very bearish by the very low European prices and apparent hopelessness of any upheaval there. May and July at Liverpool today closed at 8914 cents a bushel, and October at $1.00%, while Ant werp closed at 98 cents. Corn has shown much weakness on account of the fin" weather for the growing crop and large Increase In after-planting movement from farms. The latter, however, has been much curtailed from Its former prospect by recent declines In prices. This market, Pt. Ixmls and Kansas City report large offerings. All show weakness. This market off half cont for cash, but is not off as much as southwestern centers. Oats followed other grains. Fine crop pros pects led to considerable cash and future oats sale. July and September differences nar rowed today. A small and unimportant market In pro visions. < Prices oft some In sympathy with weakness in grain and a little pressure to sell by a leading packer In a email way. Other ' packers were buying holdings at the yards. Product is stilt near $1 a hog lower than hog prices. BASKET SASG3SS WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. May I.HVi l.ll'i LOW '•1«V. July 1.02% 1.02% 1.01 1.01 September 1.00«'i -W4 -MH December 9%% .9894 .98 .98 CORN— ' '- May ..* 58T4 .58T4 .6894 .68% July 60% .00% .eOVt .60^ September <^lri MH ■«"'<* - 60"'» December 56% .66% .56% -56% OATS— • May 41% .414 .«OTi -41 July 39% .MM .39 .39 , September 3814" .38% -38 .38% PORK- May 22. 6j July 22.90 22.90 22.70 22.72% September 22.75 22.75 22.6214 22.65 May ...7. 12.6.-, 12.67% 12.85 12.65 July 12.66 12.67% 12.62% 12.62% September 12.47% 12.47% 12.42% 12.42>,4 May ' 12.87% 12.97H 12.92% 12.95 July 12.60 12.50 12.45 12.46 September 12.40 12.40 12.32% tt.BH Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, dull; winter patents, »4.95@6.25: straights, 54.30®4.90: spring straights, $4.70@4.90; bakers $4@5.26: No. 2 rye. 78@79c: feed or mixing barley, SJ©s7oi fair to choice malt- Ing 62«?67c; No. 1 southwestern flaxseed, *2 09; No. 1 northwestern. $2.19; clover, (11.25; mess pork, per bbl., $22.75@23; lard, per 100 lbs.. $12.65©12.07; short ribs, aides, loose, $12.62 13; short clear sides, boxed, Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 317,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 327.000 bushels, compared with 203.000 bushels the same day last year. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 64 cars; corn. 118 cars; oats, 172 ears; hogs, 34,000 head. _-- - > NEW YORK COTTON Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son. 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles. NEW YORK, May 21.—Today's cotton session was quirt with the tone strong, particularly in the July and October options. In the former the recovery was about 20 points, while the distant months were In good de mand on short covering and on new buying Actuated by not quite so favorable reports from the belt. In the late trading prices were a shade stronger and closed firm. Fol lowing were quotations: —Close- Open. High. I-.OW. Bid. Ask. January 12-72 12.76 12.65 12.76 12.78 w»«.h 12-81 12-M May r.'."*."'.""'.1».« is'-17 15.07 15.17 15.18 j une 15-17 15.20 T ,,' " i 15.06 16.25 15.05 15.24 15.25 August"" " M.« 15.05 14.84 15.00,16.01 September 13-65 13.83 13.65 13.50 13.83 OctS .... ..12.83 12.98 12.83 18.95 12.96 November ...12?S 12.75 12.75 12.85 12.87 Secember .:..:.:....12.69 12.81 12.68 12.80 12.81 Spot cotton, 15.40; quiet; 15 higher. Dally movement of produoe: Flour, barrels JB.}» «•«» St"; buS ::::::: «•.«• *»»• Sey:t;^ B ":::::::::::::: sis 1-2 SAN FRANCISCO OIL STOCKS Service to The I-*s Angeles Herald by 1,. A. Crisler & Co., members Los Angeles stock ex change. 200-201 I. W. Hellman building, Los Angeles. SAN FRANCISCO, May 21.-Following were today's quotations on the San Francisco stock exchange: —Opening— —Closing— exchange. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. Associated Oil ... 63.6214 64.00 G3.BtW 54.00 Brookshlre l.« ».« 1.65 .... Illinois Crude .63 .66 .63 .86 palmer OH 1-66 .1.»7V4 1™ 1-G7>j Premier }•■ 1-80 lißs \» Mascot Oil .. . 2.15 2.25 2.15 2.25 Monte Crito ... 325 3.40 3.25 3.35 „,, _ -rin .... I.MVi. 1M I.«M -•8-> -„„ Tin 2.80 2.75 2.85 Salesiioa 'Associated U«: 2000 Blue Moon 24- 200 Coalinsa Central .55; 150 do .67; 200 MonteCrlsto 3.25; 600 New Pennsylvania 1.00; MM Palmer 1.65; 1800 do 1.87tt; 1000 do 1.60; 100 •Rpttv Bray is coming to Los Angeles. ?1 Come Back rap Depositors who have been friends of this bank. I Bring another depositor ■ with you. We pay inter- ■ est on deposits. ff \ffiPff frnt *■ JW//W * ro^iilF First Exclusive Private Wire House on the Pacific Coast J. C. WILSON HE.MBKK NEW YOKK STOCK KXCITANGE CIUtiAOO HOARD OF CItADB TIIK STOCK AMD BOND EXCHANGE, S. T. Correspondents, HARRIS, WINTHROP & CO. OFFICER HOTEI, ALEXANDRIA, 312 Went Fifth St. MII.M BUILDING AND rAI.WK HOTEL. S. F. Pasadena Clients Will Get Instantaneous Service by Calling Home 119 B. G. LATHROP, Manager rm» =za ii L oyßi--»fAncj 3 s s^ CLEARIN^H^USE^BANKS^ ""' SAME "~~ "~ ; OFFICERS C. ,-T,. , -,-, , " 3. P. SOMBRO, President. entral National Bank james b. gist, cashier. Capital, 1300,000. 8 X corner Fourth anil Broadway. Surplus & Undivided Profits. tZU.m. Broadway Bank & Trust Company C^^mSSlfSSiJ""'" rapltal. t2-J),WO. 308-310 Broadway. Bradbury building. •urplus & Undivided Profits. 83,00*. -^ , _. . .... 1 tj__,i- IK A lAS W. HBLLMAN, Pro«ld«nU nited States National Bank p# v , smth. cashier. Capital, $200,000. P. IS. corner Main and Commercial. Surplus and Protlts, 173,000. (\,., Tl : T^ i"™ I;. J. WATEItS, President. litizens National .Bank wm. xr. woods, cashier. Capital. 11.000,000. U B. W. corner Vhlrd and Main. Surplus. $500.000. (~T -,.. ,— i W. A. BONYNOB, President, lommercial National Bank newman essick. cashier. , Capital. $200,000. .»»« I 4(11 fl. Spring, corner Fourth. Surplus an 1 Undivided Profits. $45.000. Farmers & Merchants National Bank charles sbyleb. cashier." I Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus and Profits, $1.900.000. —: —: 7~Z: T~ ~~ J. M. ELLIOTT, President. irst National Bank w. t. s. hammoni?. cashier. Capital stock, $1,250,000. 6.' E. corner Second and Spring. Surplus and Profits. H. 826,000. | 1 ~ ! T"^! ', W. H. HOIXIDAT, .-"TMldent. Merchants National Bank chab. greenb. cashier. Capital, $200,000. _«««. S. E. corner Third and Spring. Surplus ft Undivided Pronu. $BM.OC«. ■ —— ; , : — J. K. FISHI3URN, President. ational Bank of California h. s. mckee, cashier. ." Capital. $500,000. -._-. N. B. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus & Undivided Profit.. $1»,OM. LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANKS ( — AVBwrCrS M AW Largest and Oldest in Southwest / Q»rc« $28,000,000.00 Pay* the highest rates of Interest and on the most liberal terms consistent wltk •omul, conservative banking. Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Security Building Spring and Fifth" Streets^ "^^^^OS^ TRUST COMPANIES _J Title Insurance and Trust Co , fCorner Franklin •■« K«w Sick Street*) . f. resuKß POLICIES OF TITLJB INSURANCD. ; . . ISSUES CBRTIFTCXTISS OF TITIBi 4eTI» Tiy AI.I. TWfTST C A PACITIieW. TKI.. BXCHAMBE U, FACTS About HOME BUILDERS OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated April, 190^. Pays three per cent quarterly on your investment. Has been paying dividends since 1906. We Have No Stock Agents and Pay No Commission in Any Form for the Sale of Stock Stockholders share in the profits in Real Estate (which is the largest part of the profits of j companies of this kind) as well j as the profits in the houses. ; Price of stock is- 85 cents per share. Terms 10 per cent cash and 5 per cent monthly. Only limited number of shares > will be sold at this price. You Should Have at Least 100 Shares Now Before the Next Advance HOME BUILDERS Of Los Angeles 342-3-4-5 Douglas Bldg. Third and Spring Sts., Los Angeles Z Herald "Want Ads" Bring Largest Returns . A Complete banking Home Savings—Commercial — Trust. Rats Deposit Boxes ?i' a year. Los Angolea Trust and Saving! Hank, ; ".Central BldK.. Sixth and Main. Shoes Half Price and Less Over two liiuulivil bie display l<>r|im tftbiM are displaying shoes for men, women an<l clttldren, on sale In many nistancas for half price and lean, c'unvlnca yourself »uj come to the MAMMOTH NIIOE lIOISK. SIS South Uroadivajr 11