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4 Los Angeles Fishermen and String of Trout They Caught TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT—ERNEST KLOKKE, GUS KNIGHT AND LEE GARNSEY BOTTOM ROW—STRING OF TROUT THEY CAUGHT (ON LEFT), AND ADOLPH SCHWARTZ AND LEE GARNSEY TROUT ANGLERS HAVE GOOD LUCK Disciples of Izaak Walton Well Satisfied with Season of 1910 BIG FISH ON EXHIBITION Local Casters Visit Bear Lake Country and Return with Full Creels Trout ia a word to conjure by. You nay awaken an angler to tales galore If you but whisper the name of the much-sought-after denizen of the cool er pools and shady recesses of our mountain creeks. There is no more refreshing sport for the man of af fairs or the man of leisure than the pursuit of the game of [saak Walton. Kxpert fisherman you may be, or only a sorry amateur, with frequent trouble In guiding your files away from the overhanging branches and casting them where they may do the most good, but, amateur or past master of the .sport, you will always remember the days ppent in angling, the pursuit of the most elusive inhabitant of the water, a test of skill and a battle with a lively prize, and the homeward tramp with a full creel and a ravenous appetite, i The 1910 season, starting out with a rush, brought luck to many and disap pointment to few. Barring some of the trout stations where the beaten path lias walked too) long, and a few of the colder pools where the fish are still spawning, the story has been the same, "A great year for trout." Two of the largest of the much desired fish, ex hibited in a local sporting goods store window, have exceeded any records of the past two seasons, one being 28 inches and the other 24 Inches. From the lust of the current month reports have been favorable from all the fishing quarters, and the game has grown in favor thereby. Many of the more eas ily discouraged, having experienced their lirst curiosity pangs of the sport, have now repacked their rods and reels end taken up a recreation more depend able in its results. The home pools are no longr camping grounds;, and the per capita baskets have therefore increased. One Of the most popular of the local trout resorts has been the Bear valley country, nestled among the San Ber nardino range and fed from the cool springs of the highest of the western peaks. A party consisting of inest Klokke, Gus Knight, Adolf Schwartz, Lee Garnsey and the latter's puff-wag on set out shortly after the season was under way for the San Bernardino fish resorts and made a week of II around the big creek. The course followed was up the Cajon road, by way of Victor vine, coming up on the other side, of the San Bernardino range into the Bear Lake country. Their stand for the first cast was ii out a half mile below the Bear i 'rek dam, and the nibbles soon become bites. One day's angling brought them the limit In weight, al though they had a nunibi to spare on the fifty limit. All v re loud In the praise of tho Walton game, and swore great oaths to forßake tin sad sea waves hereafter for the open side of the season and follow the reul side of the sport. .» » » CAR WHEELS SEVER HOSE, AND F!RE DESTROYS HOME Fire starting from un overturned lamp destroyed tlio house owned and occupied by Mr?. 1,. Smith, 5505 Long Beach avenue, nt '.> o'clock last night, The contents, which Included ;i trunk containing caali and papers valued at $600, also burned. While fighting the Hi ■,1 Whlttii oar, 810, crossed the tracks, cutting the hone, causing a long delay to the fire men and giving the flames full head day. The building was a on^-etory frame cottage. The loss "ii ' -Jlldlnif ami con' tents was estimated at $2000. Betty Bray is coming to r,o: An ■» ■ » Look for Betty Bray CLAIMS BREWERS BACK M'DONALD'S CANDIDACY I Chairman of Democratic Commit- tee Says Isadore Dockweiler Also Put Up Coin It was stated by members of the 1 Log Angeles county central committee ' that no Democratic organization In the city is supporting Henry M. ("Mug gins") McDonald in his candidacy for the sate b' nate from the Thirty-eighth district. Mr. McDonald's action In circulating the petition In l.os Angeles, and es pecially his .notion in securing 1250 names to this petition when the maxi mum in the Thirty-eighth district is 4;. ii names, also was severely criticised and condemned by members of the Jef ferson club, who unhesitatingly stated thai they believe Mr. McDonald is do ing this to prevent any other candidate getting signatures in this district. "This is Tammany trickery, and us members of the Jefferson club we do not sanction it." said a number of the members of the executive committee. Albert M. Norton, chairman of the county ci ntral committee, in discuss ing the matter yesterday, said: "I have proof that the money for this campaign is being provider! by Ividore Dockweller and by the brewers and liquor interests. They are paying lv cents a name, while other candtdat are not paying over 7.. cents a name. Mr. Dockweller. I am informed, is pay ing for the expense of circulating these petitions. Just what their object Is can only be left to the public for ln t'r ren "I :mi very much afraid thru Mr. Mc- Donald's action will cause us some dif ficulty In getting out a real Democratic candidate in the Thirty-eighth district. or course, < \~<vy one v-ho, knows any thing about the Los Angeles county ■ racy knows Mr. McDonald is not the Democratic candidate, and has no right to claim the support of the pre dominating element of our party." _ POLICE SERGEANT BROKE LEG WITH CLUB IS CHARGE NEW YORK, May 21.—John O'Con nor, .'i real pstate broker living at 409 Kast Sixty-fourth street, appeared be fore At glstratn Barlow In the west side court and charged that Police ■ ni Thomas i 'onnolly, at tacl tli" East Sixty-seventh street station . had struck him with hla club so his loft leg wa.- broken After hear ing several witi r ■ case was put over and the sergeant vas paroled. According to the i \ Idence the ai assault by the policeman was eighteen month : ngi >, «hen > 'onnolly and another polii n in were called into O'Connor's flat to quint a family disturbance. O'Connor testified that ho had i ented ti ■ appearance of tlio policeman and that they had dra him down three flights of stairs, and when hf> .-• cidentally happened to kick Connolly, that the policemen had held him clow i "ii ■' p i\' ment and struck him so hard f>■ ton eg wa broken. on cross-examination It was brought out that O'Connor had been twice sen ed to th island and has frequent - ly been brought Into court by his wife on ■ ' non-support and cruel tri t men t. Mi . O'Connor appeared as an un- willing witness In behalf of her hus band In the assault charge against the polici man. O'Connor stated that he had delayed ng the charge until the court of '■ n hi i Idi pi d a brought against him for klck ilici man. i[e stati d that the - had found the kick was acci dental. DIDN'T BOTHER HIM "i ifj j oil feel that draft?" the trust ,l his team mati "No," replied tin other as he glanced at tho bunk balance which had Just handed to him hv his secretary, "it was for only a. million, you know. 1' CRUEL FASHION "Tt says here that men are (coin' tor wear flotlu - to inati h ih' hair lids wlntpf." "Thut'H (ronter tnak* it kinder cold fer th' bald-headed fellers, aln'tlt?" Llf<». LOS AN<;i;u:s HERALD: si NDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1010. KISSES BRING $5 ON OMAHA STOCK MARKET Red Lips Tempt Buyers When Busses are Auctioned Off SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., May 21.— "Kissea steady to strong, with a ten dency to higher prices on account of a shortage In the supply," la the quota- | on the hull, tin board In Hie live ■ stoi k exchange trading room here. This quotation was put up a couple of 'lavs ago and will remain at least ' until there is ;t heavy run of the com modity. I'uying kisses at auction is likely to i mi. :. legitimate occupation With the members of the exchange. They have had a taste of it and they like it, 11 gardless of the price paid. marki ting of kiss-.- was begun a day or two ago, when Mlsa Jeanette i !hildH and Miss May Morgan, eh 01 Ing a bevy of young women, swooped down upon the exchange soliciting sub scriptions for a charity bazar that was having ;i run in Omaha. They had tickets for sale, but they did not ap ]» al to tbe live stock men. "Why don't you sell kisses'.'" asked Iph Franklin, a St. Louis horse buyer who happened to be <m the market. "What will you e-ive per kiss 1?" asked Mis-; Morgan, a refined and accomplishd girl. "We will put them up at auction and sell them to the highest bidder," an i wen ii Franklin. "Agreed," was, the response of Miss Morgan, "and the purchaser is to have his choice and as many as lie want, no reduction on account of number." By this time the large exchange room was full '>f brokers, cattle, hog and Bheep buyers and office men. Franklin mounted a chair and an nounced that he was about to sell kisses, the buyer having the choice of kisses. Bach kiss, he said, would be sold single, hut the kisser would be en titled to any number, each to be paid for at the same rate ;es the first. The bidding was lively. Jay Laverty started the bidding al Si. Bids of 50 (cnis and $1 were made until $4.r>o was reached, when Auctioneer Franklin an nounced that he would pay $."> for ths first kiss. This staggered the other bid u ho dropped out of the game. Getting down off his chair, Franklin Imprinted a smacking kiss upon the lips of Miss Childs and followed it up with three more, after which he passed over a $i'O bill. The : tion of Franklin cave impetus to the sain... and after that the sales w ere rapid, the high paid being $4 and Hie lowest $1. iO. Tee session i i harity $121. BITE OF A FISH COSTS THE LIFE OF LITTLE BOY Philadelphia; May 21.—incite ment of a "bite" was too much for lit— tii Adam Woslngski, who as fishing i in a sluiceway this; afternoon at Dela ware avenue and Tioga street. The jerks at his improvised hook and line made his heart Rive big thumps of ■ unexpected joy, but in his haste to "Kit 'im in" the line slipped from his little ! fingers mid he lost his balance. He [ell into the sluiceway and was drowned. With him at i lie time were his brother Tony, 8 years old, and Joseph Ohapliskl . also 6 years old, who lives at 2833 Elkhart street. The two younger lads watched the boy in the water come to the surface and Ink again, and then they ran off, thoroughly frightened. The body was recovered later. A drowning In the Schuj Iklll river at Manayunk was prevented this after noon by the quick work of John Barker and Policeman Harry Moore. Harry Schnaitman and Stanley Shirley, each about 26 years old, were rowing rosa the river at Manayunk when their boat struck d submerged rock and upset. Neither man could swim, and they floundered about helplessly in the wa ter crying [or aid. Barker and Police man Moore heard their cries and went to the rescue, They manned another boat and arrived in midstream not a second too soon, for the men were in bad shape . They were hauled almost unconscious from the water, rowed ashore and hur ried to the Maiiayunk police station, hero they were revived. ■» • «■ ■ JO a* easy to Maura a bargain In a uscil automobile, through want advertising, as It ua«d to lie "lid "till In -to secure a horaa and carriage. ■ WRIGHT WILL LEAD U.S. TENNIS TEAM Determined Effort to Be Made to Take International Cup from Holders FIRST GAMES AT WIMBLEDON Two CaHfornians. McLnughlin and Long. May Be included on American Squad NEW Y/ORK, May 21.—American! have evinced early this season a keen and absorbing interest regarding the details of the United States National Lawn Tennis association's challenge for the Dwight p. Davis international cup. There are several reasons for this desire to know what is being accom plished in the way of sending- a worthy team of representatives of this coun try In r|iie»t of the world-famous tro phy. The widening circle of lawn ten nis Interest in this country is center ing attention upon the executive cotn mttti c of the national association. The followers of the sport—and among this number are thousands who never will be recorded as members of clubs and organizations in alliance with Die gov erning body in this country— are be< om« ins more inclined to hold the officials n sponsible for any shortcomings than heretofore lias been the case. They ba- I lieve that no half-way measures should be taken tip do all that is possible to return the cup to this country, and that anything short of real sportsmanlike proceedings In the accomplishment of this greatly deaired result la to he frowned upon, ami If possible taken into account at the annual election of other executive committees. Under the conditions which have sur rounded the cup since the two peerless Australians Anthony K. Wilding and Norman K. Brookes—won the trophy at Wimbledon, In 1907, Jt is a little early to determine the makeup of the challenging team, and all other impor tant details, for the actual cup matches ar away off at the tail end of the year, in the last of November or the first of Dec< tnber. It may therefore be taken as a fair Indication of a deter mined effort to strike a winning blow for the rot 10n o£ the cup thin year that it is now known that Deals C. Wright, an American of wide experi ence on the courts In both England and Australia, Is to lead the American team. Furthermore, the historic courts at Wimbledon, London, are to be tin* scene of the preliminary ties between the Americans and thn British Isles teams, instead of courts In thia country, and that again the leading players of this nai ion have refused to compete abi oad, MUST BE Ulll I' UP TO WBIOHT While, taken altogether, the results so far obtained may not be entirely ■ ictory to the Ameri an lawn ten nis followers, it must be admitted that half the battle In the accomplishment of most undertakings is in learning the tatu: of the situation, and the ians now i now » here they stand in relation to this year's cup matches, . The team musl be built up to Heals Wright. Those who in the past have , eriticl great American player i i a willing to support him for his generous wlllini ne to give ids time and skill toward bringing hack the ■ trophy. The unfortunate .Id ■ of the situation appears to be the Inability of the top class of American players, not ablj William .\. Lamed, thn singles i Ion; William J. < 'lothier, former champion: Frederick ''■ Alexander, and Harold ii. Huckett, to take places on tlie team, and so making it a lerican, British isles or trallan supremacy. The majority of the players In this country have supi le confidence that Wright « ill work up to his top class form rti spite the fact that last season lie refrained from tournament compe tition, mid In fact played only a limited i mi of lawn tennis. Whether Wright is übove or below par still rn lo he demonstrated, and his early tournament performances are eagerly awaited. ( 'U'-I'lll '■ ■ Of all tile 'c tdl I In t lie east in lawn tennis cii-i le i, Wrlghl alone seems to be tho onlj available player. Wallace F. Johnson. M i, / \— — ; " ; / \4* r I . - , t We ore exclusive «£, 1 Orders \\& m>tSi/)± ReZT I 4» Filled with prompt- \^V\/ • 5&8?55G1 ff f\ C*\ ~ <V X ness an>l accuracy. A^ \ t^ 317 325 M*&3bT 3(2 322 Nf> V ' OIOVeS «|* -|* Purchases amount- ' SO.BROAD'Mf Twd»lWrr SO.HILL ST. \3 Ac-knowlrdßed by V -*« In,: lo j;, or mow SO. BROADWAY "xSSSF* 50. HILL ST. \J Acknouledfred by *J aL lellvered free with- "T»o«^- illscrlmlnßting buy- *£» X In 100 miles of Los A C"l ICITMnT PR ''' s, ,• °.' h '" l,° 4» T Angeles AT ÜbLINU 1 LU . world's best make. *i t \__— _ i — \—■ / 1 Jx. x | 5 Special Sale American , I i Pongees and Shantungs i X Regular Values 50c, 60c, 75c "} p I + Regular Values 50c, 60c, 15c I i Monday at, yard . . J 3C | X In our wash goods department Monday we will offer our complete stock of the above goods ,X t 2":* at one price —35c yard. ?* *• The lot comprises plain shantung in all shades and Diagonal Effects in medium wale, heavy »*»_ *$* texture, in all the desirable shades. New, up-to-date materials for smart summer dresses. *!"* * Be early to secure first choice. . f "J* * *** | TWO EXTRA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY ONLY $ ell . if «|i 25c Value Checked Nainsook—Very desirable for underwear and «b j Paamas • ) Choice at J X Regular 30c Value Lingerie Linnette—For making dresses and fine tin- / X derwear. Has the appearance of sheer linen. Limit of cither material I 16-l-C Yard «l* X v l2 yards • '. ' > 3 y 4 J \ , _-_/ V 4* v 4* t/\ / \ A T SAVE ON NEW Z 1 Handkerchiefs Lingerie Waists | j' Monday we offer the following splendid With Dutch Collars It _, values in handkerchiefs: SDecial *** J Broken Line of Women's ><->, *-* J j Initial Handkerchiefs i I / S J -4« In all linen, with hand-embroidered initials V. .• A • ./ --^ *j* -it in rustic style. «¥» *S* Worth 2OC OX Or c have just received a large assortment of *|* 4* Monday TOT l!-^C these cool and attractive looking waists for *JT T* hot days. They are made with a large A * Also a lot of Dutch collar of allover embroidery, edged X •*• Women's Handkerchiefs with a'- lade; three-quarter length tucked «f* 4» _, .,,., , _ _ sleeves with cuffs trimmed in lace. Side *f* T egUJ arly .W ° rl 2?C atld 3SC 2OC opening, trimmed down front with a wide f I* Monday lit, each LWL str ip ; of embroidery edged with Val, lace. J j* These are broken lines in plain or cross- If you are expecting to purchase a new J[, ~il barred linen and shamrock, with hand-em- waist of any kind you should inspect our X T broidered script or block initials; some with new line, which embraces the latest ideas of »i^ 2* fancy corner design and dainty initial. the best designers. (L I - \__ , . / \ / ♦$• 4! / : : \*^ * / : —\ z 1 Bargain Basement I JL CZS T % The oftener you visit this economy store the quicker your J. % savings will accumulate. Come down Monday and partic- 4 i ipate in the following offerings: % % • *? 5 Petticoats . T incrprip Wash Goods y t< $1.75 values in Hydegrade taffeta or < —' Be values In ._ '>* sateen; attractive models In black, \A/ oir<-f o -i ji^>«- 3" jf a! ue eachn and wine, . $1.25 VVcllbLo Standard Calicoes T I at, Muslin Petticoats Ex-I-t—sat M^'at^?! 8: 3c ± Muslin Petticoats ■«••>«*«»"-•• mda d y ca b t an^ ff!?!!' 3c f JL -Marie with a 17-inch flounce with * 1 •*'«'» * 1 .10, QL.tO ,&, 2 hemstitched tucks and beautiful PaStel PeTCaleS JL *%* embroidery trimming. CI JZ We arc offering a large and * "■•3»-*-» l Laul " *f «4» Splendid value; only «j»l.*<O attractive line of waists at n ♦$* > .. / —, the above prices. They arc !_'!,,,■ values at, yard 7\> »L» T MUSlin UOWnS artl ßt ilTJ llf nelf£'?? elab" In Btylea suitable for dresses or »L «*» ' l"0 . , orately trimmed with laco or kin ,,, ll()S . Guaranteed fast colors. T »4rt 75c values; low neck style, trimmed embroidery. »|* £ with embroidery: • SQ C Fin^ Pfirrflloc •* -5 each :•-•" Curtain Swisses rine Percales T £ Muslin Drawers 36 lncheß wMe to flgured or lsc values at( yard 1254 c + *?* 75c values; lace or embrold- CAf dotted styles, at, Mr '" a '•""'' assortment suitable for *J* At cry trimming, at, pair «"* yard only •I* 3rosMB or men's shirts. |iv + \___— ■ — / f the brilliant young expert of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, who made sucii a record that he received a rank- Ing of third last year, was ill during the winter, and his condition is BtllJ BO line, nain an to make it a matter of pi culation as to whether or not he \yill be able to get Into condition to be in cluded In the challenging team. I hat he N entitled to place and preference is admitted on all sides; this more es pecially as he defeated Melville H. Long In the finals of the national In tercollegiate championship singles last September in a great five-set match on the turf of the Merlon Cricket club at Haverford, Pa. MINI! SHOWS MUCH TBMPKB In that contest the Californian dis played unpleasant attributes of tem per which caused him to be severely criticised at the time and in one othi r tournament Of the year Long man! tested a disposition toward 111-consid ered actions that makes him an un ei rtain factor in a close and trying match. Hia conduct In thlH respect is in strong contrast to that of Johnson, who has well learned ids lesson of holding himself under control even un der the most exasperating circum stances. moiui D, Little has been consjd i member of the team with Wright, but among those who have watched Little closely tor the last two us the opinion is that the best and wisest course will be to try young er men, as Uttle is playing consider ably lieloW the fOrm he Otiee d|.ph:Ved. indeed there u> fi generally expi belief that a Kreat mistake uill be ni,ule if Little is included in the team, md that ir lie is selected it will he more because of past Klory than upon his skill at the present time The American ulayers eligible for the cup team therefore narrow to Maurice : F. McLoughlin and Melville H. Long, the two youthful Callfornlann, who a ■ year ago did the heroes' pan by Jour i neying to a smothering defeat In far ' away Australia after Lamed, Clothier, I Hackett and Little had disposed of ('. ■ P. Dlxon, W. C. C'rawley and Capt. . J. C, Parks, the British Isles team, on ■ the turf of the Germantown Cricket club, Philadelphia. The two Californians and Wright seem at the time, to be the program, l with the possible nomination also of : Wallace P. Johnson or Raymond D. Little, as the rules allow of four men constituting the team that may repre sent a challenging nation. The two Caltfornians under consideration will, in a short time, begin the round of . championship and tournament play In the ast, that leads up to the nationals at the Casino at Newport, it. I. From reports from the Pacific coast bpth have greatly Improved since their sen sational debut here a year ago. Optimistic admirers predict that the foremost eastern wlelders of the rac quet are to receive a rude shock and surprise which will end one of the Oalifornians holding the all-comers na tional title. If either Mclaughlin or Long can make good on such predic tions, then the plans that ate making for the American part of the Davis cup matches can not be Improved upon in any way. . The important feature of the Amer ican preparations Is that the team of players who go out to meet the British Isles teams on the Wlmbleton courts know that they must bo- prepared to journey on to Australasia In the event of victory in the tie matches. There Is to be no chancing of teams this sea sun, according to the statement of one member of the executive committee. The scheme of one team to defeat tho Britons and another for the Austral asians will not he rep,mi,.,| to cast Odium Upon the national body find tho government of the .sport in this coun try. Carefully considered, the efforts to ward securing the best team thai American! can put In thp field are thus early being directed with a degree of sportsmanlike Intelligence that has not always been prominent in lawn tennis affairs, anil thus meet with the apro batlon of followers of the game, where its stimulating presence will act as a magnet in bringing teams from many nations to American courts. BRAVE POLICEMAN IS THIS; ARRESTS HIS OWN WIFE NEW YORK, May '.M.—Policeman Philip Oppenhelm or the NVwtown, Quoins, precinct arrested his wife and daughter ami sent them to the station house in the patrol wagon. Later hr> hailed out his daughter, hut It was sev eral hours before a friend appeared and balled out Mrs. i tppenhelra. Oppenhelm reached his home In th« WOOdslde section about half past four o'clock in the afternoon to find his wife, Annie, and his daughter, Mm. Annie Johnson, who lives in Richmond bor ough, fighting on the street. Mrs. John son is Oppenhelm's daughter by his first wife. She had gone to Woodsldn to see her father md found that he MU not at home. She and her stepmother quarreled and began to tight. The policeman separated them, and U they would not be quiet, he called the patrol wagon.