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12 LARGEST DEPARTMENTST(M WEST OF CHICAGO BRmDWAY EIGHTHS HILL STREETS ii 5* ATTEND THIS MID-YEAR JEWELRY SALE AND SAVE fiT FILULII I To realize just what you can save, you must see the character of jewelry in this sale. The meager descriptions we have room to give A fIT a* <r»o* c»"3f» _ here do not adequately tell how very exceptional are the offerings at the various prices. More liberal discounts were never known on ill Hi if P\E f\ the coast that's the story in a nutshell. We are enabled to make these discounts, because extraordinary price concessions were granted UUtlOiU I 0 us by the house from which we bought. The assortment is made up of the foreign and domestic sample pieces of jewelry, combs, bar- | APITv one-, cometta i, »i w ». mo™ rettes » etc.—pieces in such tremendous variety you'll be astounded. Scarcely two alike, and hardly a kind or style of jewelry or shell LHUlilw l"ie» cepr^iem-anTe''rt'he goods you might wish that is not included. Our prices in this sale are really just about what we'd ordinarily pay for the goods at wholesale. corsetlere Is an expert and on *>"<=> * i"- • > , j «- y » vf v ttuw>w»» *-. In the Inoe department Mon . «hose Judgment you can de- . ____________________________________________-__-_______________^______________________________________ day them will be a mont In- pend implicitly. In selwfinjr »__,,._. ■ ; . __, .-. -1 «,«_—,.* _ terentlnjr demonstration of iSu raferinroTo'nJdTit^n Buy Now for Graduation and Wedding Gifts. Take Advantage of This Sale See Eighth and Broadway Window —every line Is analyzed and | . ; 1 ' I threads manipulated by dex the model best adapted to .yon _-__r*TH?V ■ • ' trons flllKers will take unto factor? corset Tcomes n at prien /^^KL, Belt pins, gilt, silver, asst. settings 19c -—-—-————--—-——-———. Necklace, coral, amethyst, jet 50c -f^ 3'"\ v anc'""^™ ?"u "^110!%"'!^ h^ Ki mo™rop«in,l for * pr.i" / /J&O&JSPZ&^.'~I Belt Pins. sapphire or rhinestone sets 75c Cuff Links |C| Necklace, many fancy stone settings 35c ,' • m"i. '"»u _« PS* WSS««uS I a^oiuTe y/racf a"d c co^Torf", IWV'".,^ Belt buckles, chased or open work 35c Bright nnd dull gold finish: Necklace, dozen different styles at 19c /y^v >A SS^.'^Sd^JSSL-STSSSI euaranteed those who wear $, >—V " *<X*;'srfi. TKp\t Pine mnct V>»>aiitif,il tjprtino-a 11- fancy and stone settings. Also T-T, _:— lsr;r£ :f S n6 SPttlf.iTs 15.- isX^X f. ' X -■■■■•' widths. -.'.'.'.'. you be ;,r.c. tnem and are nttea by our '%**?■ «g£^ffi£«* - „,^ ".""'"".""" „'•,"," °'^ *'""' cuff links nnd IQ_ ***•■ »""•" lc"6^ alul"= acinus... lie /^I;X I «' our visitors? These lace. I co»etiere«. t?y^v g$ Belt Pins, Fine French Brilliants $1.00 scarf pin sets l"t Hat pins, large, round mountings $2.00 a^l/'/vi* "'" be on snl° ln V ie lace de" D Atf aI Avf^^^_^^v ' *» Beauty pins, gold, plain and fancy 45c . " Hat pins, square, rich stone settings .. $3.50 _^<J?l_l^4^i§^_l partmeiit at '""" "** to «3.50 I ¥91 ~-^^^^S^' '••', Rhinestone brooches with fancy sets 75c _ Hat pins, Roman, etc.; fancy sets 35c N^^^r* -^Imsm^ lIUJUI " '■/'.v, ) IfrSll mju 1 Belt buckles of jet and ebony at >>> 35c BrOOCheS Hat pins, round, oval, fancy sets $1.00 Afe^>s^^^P IMM CD OTTO H_iYonTo_l^n Ififlfll! <£^<§^ Brooches, different set combinations 35c Roman, Pompeiian and silver Side combs, amber, shell and black ..... .25c ! xifij^^^^^^ "'' lIVIII Si ut I U ntJ&DMDCUOJ j^|lL--r--P Cuff links, plain and fancy designs.. 75c «-£• j£&~g?£* Side combs, large plain and carved 10c ■^I^^^Pj| ?l! "n! I™",* " of th- finest French coutn in JM'JlWi'^) Sets'brooches, Roman and Pompeiian 50c eraid and amethyst /DC Side combs, fine heavy stock for 50c ', ,\ N^^v 1 % '•' •••- and decoration, .ma at a fashion's smarted lines. Fined (^(M.zW\ ~J{ Brooches, rhinestones and amethysts.... — Back combs, plain, carved and fancy 19c « t-v/->^. % A ?™SL--?* i_uern. I>?o%!^_.Jl I ri" hlu P^o Irte?i <'he "!,r" l^M I 'vKj '• Brooches, barbaric combinations $1.00 I Back combs or barrette, plain and fancy. .35c '; JS^W^L \ * ' ever,-fancy. «> want M June I set that wtu give p«i»e to the X^K-Sfl Brooches or belt pins, beauties 25c Lorgnette and Back combs or barrette, very rich $6.00 £»p|^\?> «. uuT "h" "oaai,'" I body. and comfort to the >» •*^* U-'L -yy\!~?z Shirt waist sets, beauty pins 19c liV/ltllCllv UllU Back combs, gold designs, rhinestones. .$2.25 jzJJj&linS^S.^<St'Tl -«.' inn v: r»- c. B body. _f>C» * i V sT%^'!_f Shirt waist sets, beauty pins 19c T | / ~, l _ . Back combs, gold designs, rhinestones. .$2.25 £^[zJs*!\^t*Ki\ «"• ' inn t>- r»- o Self R^dnrincr W - '-' r^^^'Brooches or Belt Pins, all finishes 35c Locket Chains Back combs, silver and Pompeiian $1.75 I, 32Sn 2m° . .S-J sen rveaucing **%.^> Brooches, sunbursts, crescent shape $2.00 Fvtril Braid pins, barrettes, back combs 50c fJv&B>i&pJl&' Plain and fancy .nap.^ n« o : Nemos $3.50, $4 >*®^^(''"'*" v- Brooches, coral, jet, topaz, emerald, etc... 19c oucu_i._. Braid pins, barrettes, brilliant sets .... $3.00 V_B^s__S«W o°amVnor aarpau.rn.!...s2o and $5 00 Frl ''i- S^ 1' '^® Brooches, heavy mountings, asst. sets 75c Ar- , »ffe ft _>%#- Braid pins, with Rhinestone setting $1.50 A<l*os^?ir'' > IMD . _.. _^^ftfl^/ Men's sets, scarf pins, cuff links 35c <Hfi ffl V<||ii Barrettes, rhinestone settings, fine $3.75 /• 100-Piece Dinner Set nE _ mi* «.. /* llitWfiTjSs'* k Brooches with drops, gold or silver finish.. 35c ijttib |_| a_|ljßUy Back combs, rhinestone, turquoise, etc... .35c i*X V^%\^k 9 7ir: Rl APII vli K\ Will/ SL **• Brooches, Pompeiian, amethyst, etc...... 45c www •" -jr-r---w. Back combs, topaz and saphires, sets... .$1.50 y^C<^sf\ »ti P pi.d tanJ_».-..#«M».1» DLnUIV 01 LI\U ////// ffi) *4 Cuff links > bright, Roman and others .19c i% to 2 yards long, m gun- Braid pins, gold design, rhinestones... .$2.50 vf_^^^''i <* «-p- cott««e set siss.m No woman-, wardrobe I. real- ' W**«_#_s_aA Pearl belt pins, salt water pearl .....50c metal, .liver ana gilt, some Braid pins, fancy rhinestone sets • $1-75 /^^^ '"• 'I 100-Piece Dinner Set !ineCo^ tVt^ tn. atc,!o ) r >!r Be|t pins silver finish, fancy 5et5;......51.75 »?X, amethysts;' 1! Braid pins or barrette with rhinestones 75c W^^^^\ }, £„ --»•«»,^bjjjj. from thesetti Qualities and # _e W " O './ Belt buckles, Pompeiian, Roman, etc 19c rhinestones, etc. Made up in Barrette or back comb; handsome $6.50 \ h?>A*S^<!>2S> '*• *J and heavily iai- «_i-/ cq prices «c e-ff>tu ri»ht. «{*> fji'^ La VaUiers, jade sets, Pom ii an ..75c delign^^Get^onTor c twom'w Fine barrettes, rhinestone settings $3.75 S"'W^JcJ_^^^i«>V. Ed - Open ■'•"-•••■••;>l7 - bl 42-In. Crepe Meteor M&*°% «3/: s. Smoked pearl necklace, l£ yds. long .. .$1.25 three Monday. They are ■ Braid pins, settings of brilliants $2.00 4\^^vv^s^|^''' **'*'' °°" "* '* 1 at S2 and S2 50 aYd © %iT Necklace, coral, jet, gold, pearl, etc $1.00 "All the Rape " "NTnw Braid pins, original designs; pretty .... .$3.00 li'X^^^^^yJ: 100-Piece Dinner Set I at »_ ana »_.3U aid. jg »j| Necklace, amethyst, turquoise, pearl ...... 75c 1 A" me Kage, ■ I>OW | Rat m all M and setti 75c £ \W^^P6.* Decorate A ».tr._. ohma. em- I A material particularly adapt- © ,-V* V * - ————————————————————______i r- r a <( A • bossed and »-old trao*a floral I ed for evening: gowns; and all Gi__£iiP^ v,*; ®^_4^ --"..Mi _^v > . /fcrC~\ '■ V/^^..'- designs; very light weight, I draped models are especially <i^%-' «c. *<? fssZ^:' --<53. ''•* • :-/^/l\ »^-w>«'- •TTfr/, _ - _ J-i.i^V-t? '» B'\ CToX' ■! •/• Altogether Cl" 7 Irt effective when developed In ' Y%s2l£gfZso*^<e' ■'"' It jillff^Z'- Wr^^i-^-^3^ <" {*<&■ W&iM) >^T^^^\ f%*^ _^^V^s\ H-* ' "^/- * pleasing... V1* •«J« | 1 I IKini CUM A nplendid opportunity to put new cover- pftll 1 IITP New model "Junior Tourist," with all I_ATTI*UPO Our stock is large, qualities best ever CrTTFF (MA/I 110 An ornamental and comfortable H LIJiULLUm inss "" your kii '' h( ' n ■lni l>nthroom lloor3 UU"llHn I A st. 1 tubm - Lightest yet strongest cart lllAllmUU shown for the price. Japanese and ATI IFT ASWmll gliding swing. Operated by the n biiiw-.wiii nt very small cost i ora , t geometrical uu Uflll I U ma de. One motion collapsible; adjustable If in I ■ lIIUW Chinese mattings in any quantity. A "UI ' »-•- UlflllU i| ght est foot pressure. Can be Q and tile effects. Expert layers to put these linolemus m front, dash and back. Reversible hood. BestEng-A#» a- number of small neat patterns . ft- ft ft «- M n converted into bed or hammock. Having levels M ft* | down for you if you wish. Klip lish leather cloth upholstery, \U UK so much in demand. Prices of Ihp <I|P -IhP #11 Ip motion only, will not cause dizziness or sea \ I/I h|| a | Price, square yard \/U\l Roomy and elegant SfOIVV various qualities are, per ycl..._WU| WUU)UWU| TUll sickness. Price, with awning 0-VTIwU vi ■___«^__ij^^i««««.Bi«"»jttu_l KAUMm ■! ~l»l___oD^^9i____Bß__lß_BßH—Bß3SHß____£Bß____G_Eß_Bßß____K&_____SSßSßEDCiHßi9——11—9BM9___Bl_9l_HMBBBB__i_B_HU^B^^k m_______^^_^^jjt^^^^jQfc_J_ j ________E__3^3 BaaE^^—fji^C^?C!^^^-^T*ff_S»J^M!—ds«!irS^Si-T—i3E__l SflCß^—S-K3THCf_FiKlsy^^^?? -the "ANGELUS" sewing machines -,»»' i jhe Basement Store' I Stand Every Test—Guaranteed for Ten Years "^C^T^ i .<a c. ™-v- c. » _ V\ / IV / \N^7 B A Store Within a Store" A sewing machine is usually a once or twice in a lifetime purchase; there- \\ fkT^Y^ *-/ I-- jli..»jti" fore only the best is good enough. The "Angelus" is the best because it is \\ AvnSM^S i These record-breaking values for Monday merit the attention of every person in built by the most highly skilled workmen who use only the best materials. It is M^^Sy^ 1 Los Ancles and vicinity. All are notable bargains; the domestic and wash goods easiest to operate, and the easiest to buy. You save $10 to $25 on each Machine y^xJSHjß^— \ 1 %terns esectally low P™ed. Read every item. Then come and see many more. You can buy either model on our club plan. Cjsj^rv^^f^^ 1 New Embroideries Women's Waists I Women . s 1 $2 Down-$1 a Week—That's Our Club Plan Hi-^li^Eil^S I wide New Embroideries CO y- Tbnt modeli . tailored and Women's £^^Lk UOWn s>l a WeeK 1 fiat S Ulir L-IUD Flan Uf^jrfi^Zl__fl|t|^S Wide edgings, nouncings and corset coy- lingerie styles. Someallover JttS^^BMiV . ,-, , ____jf i 1 ' _ ltfi-^ a B ens, blind and eyelet stitching, on cam- ducked; others lace and em- $15 WS**aP' H' " "Angelus Grand Model 'Angelus' Auto Secretary •"nflr lJ==_Dffi\ I "*•"«- New deslßna- would be lvalue . .. .$1.50 ''^t^!t&^ 1 Like sketch. Has positive action, double A combination ladies' desk and sewing ma- IWTTTW 1 valued YaM 1 19C „„. c .,. „ , StiJtS M&sk^ i lift andad n ron read N "fT 111- AUtOmatl<: «*'"« Made of choicest quartered oak I^hUJI. I *"* ' I Taffeta Silk CoatS -W"-> /^jfWTTl^ | lift and drop. No vibration; no spring. q ' IL^^^Ub I ! Lined or unlined; long or 4* g\-E? i(sAvß/1 IH 1 111 ft and drop. No vibration; throughout. han<s Piano polished. Automatic lift; ball- |Li^S^^_J» I B Tlinrb <\Hb Bhort models. Of long or ith £~\ f\ _*_ MA\ / / ./ill I " Stationary head; ball-bearing throughout. ll:ml P'ano polished. Automatic lift; ball- §£__£__£ _y^H TKlnrb *Zilh *\r>nrinl<! Bnort models, of good chif- t nk sfe^ W J"% ■■■ i_M ii/ //■ 1 Woodwork of select »- o ETk bearing throughout. c r ff^ * B OiUCK JllK JJJKWUW fon taffeta, in black or pon . V/» f^ •-^ *-* iflliF //All I B oak ... $29.DU Mechanically perfect -5745 H You rarely see good blark silk undorpriced. gee shade. Would be cheap V-*' '/£''-_¥ /7 Vl 4 R V mi ■■■■—■i,i ■ ■ ...nil '-, ■ „■—im.'-'i. - / It never oo H out of fashion or loses its pop- « $7.95 . Throe different f/JPfOA 1 "" ~~"""""■■—'"—""■■m—im—■■■ ■ ■miiii i—.■-!■■ in-1 iirr-i r———————————»—— ularlty. Make the most of this unusual op- /IL l™ji \V'J r tpana h ... —.. « --. _,-_ in—!■ i, m .i*iia-~o- aawaaia ■ H portunity. • 50-inch Sicilian wool novelty jill \m w a I Ui-Li ft-llli- 1 Liißili oHillJ I irIBIU I Suiil Ila UU I I Ui*O I 19-inch Black Taffeta, Yd. . . 39C rhh i'i'ust//.' iSuitL",l r or neat shawl t»ll.«JLf iMp i |<« . , Hi- trj ) . A - and bathing A.Qf> collars. All lined MuTt Jfi_f i No store like Hamburger's for Summer white cottons. We show § 19-mch Messahne. Yd .... 45c suits; yard we ood satln -Jf//S| «r g every staple and fancy weave. 1 Bungalow Nets Boys' Suits .™™L™ eZI //I|/|| 1 H In white, cream or ecru. 36 to 43 inches Doublo-bi—asted knic k <« r careful examina- I i li% til fl It's the pride of the department—the pleasure of the shopper— this beautiful white goods counter! And no | wide. Figured^ dotted patterns; /_7 C style in neat wool mixtures, tion and comoar- '////11 \v 1 1 H wonder! We are careful to keep, at all times, full stocks of every staple white cotton manufactured. All H good '' uallty; 2": srade stripes and .checks. Have full i son . " They so ', V /tfjf^ ' U I fancy weaves are added as soon as they appear in the wholesale world, and those who are preparing for |] Barrettes in shell or amber; lOc bottom? a Wlth '"'' "lt bu^ k your sun prob . -iuf|N%K| 1 0 Graduation and Confirmation will find the most extreme novelties here. Price ranges to meet every de- Eg plain or fancy- IDC valuo Now .'. .s_.!/O i em s by offering ■^SMrW-W || mand—at every price the best possible quality. a ——--————————-————---—--—- the most for "^F H I Women's <_» _f OfiT Corset Covers | "your money. f_ g Imported Persian Lawns „ 20c to 75c Plain and Figured Flaxons 25c to 50c | Footwear .. . -'\P J- • s^O For women. Made of good, : ~~ n Sheer French Lawns at 40c to $1.50 Plain Linaire Cloth 20c to 30c 1 just received about 1200 pairs of women's trimm«? I"wtth mllne Domestics Under Priced I Soft, Mercerized Batiste _ 25c to $1 French Marquisettes 35c to $1 | SS^J^w^S&Si^ vK^SWS 1 v^e"*. 48c staple goods at startling prices. Dainty Chiffon Batiste 45c to 90c White India Linon. 10c to 40c I and an sizes. see hui street window. _„ •,■ _ r The very things you're needing |. H values will surprise you. Women s Vests NOW. Monday shoppers will m a ■■■■■■ aKtii ■ ■_■ ■ ' i" 1 ■ I L|sl° finish, soft and elastic, save considerable. H DBoias in Fins GfiiciliHiiis and Tub Fahrins i un^r d »** h ?e:s>;? aKJsrs-3rft» A-ss &ac UWWlillV EEI R «BSV 138 CnrvßßfUl 881 V UIHU IVIM I UUI lUU tl High c ass white mllans and burnt Japanese averaee 15p vest IUC „,.,,..,,, „ H • O I braids, with black velvet bindings. All are average. 15c vest * v 36-inch unbleached muslin. Great /J24-H An Opportunity to Save on Cotton Dress Fabrics—Some Times One-Half—Some Times More H latest styles. Regular %1 _jo JTninn C..J*m c Monday> yard .-. «/•*-. I H values V»ii"O Union JUIIS ■ White plaid batiste. Sheer, i 1 fir* E Tub cottons—at once becomingly charming and reasonable in price. A happy combination, when one re- H ci. • r» For women. Soft elastic dainty; launders well. Yard j-I l/C I members the many yards needed before the summer wardrobe is complete. Many new pieces came in just B «~ a J?22' X Hags j_. _!?«™ Arf h, l n«s?in liiv ™% Heavy crochet bed spreads. Double 79c yesterday. See them Monday. %£"<*£* SSK hTe tX%<&FSg*,jr2i size. Pretty and durable 79C Scotch Zephyrs , A Gin g ha mS 50c French Crepe g iK°a^^:.::::...37c ~TS. 29c M , Unbleached Sheeting t0 ... . Scotch Zephyrs 20c Ginghams 50c French Crepe »* now V^C 3g inches wide; ontains no sizing «^^ 35c and Cue quality—not the ordinary Fancy plaids and stripes In finest An extremely stylish imported cotton I r- —■ ■ "WindiWU Qhswsf*>e intr. Strowgly woven; good for house <- 2Eo grade— Glasgow^ manufacture. American zephyrs-many of them with for summer waists and dresses. H TWmmo// Tin** *tS _ _"V__» "'"UW onauw .„ , . Monday SDeclal yard 5C Exquisite colorings, handsome Persian novelty Btitched designs. An immense Charming assortment of novelty col- |1 lnmmea tlatS &yt GST' 32 and 36 Inches wide. Full "'""«• JHUnu"!r special, yam vw patterns interwoven with 'JCp assortment of these on display 1 C--. ored stripes on soft crinkled <") C~, ) Q Extra \9 Tx •\3 KJ length. In soft mission i — , stripes and plaids .>J(- and priced at IDC ground. Special Monday -iOC {1 _«*»»* '"' shades of green. Complete i —, . c ", .- _'■ , :-_ '-_"-. ; •-'-,■'._ _ _.._. H Unusually pretty trimmed hats loaded with fixtures. A Base- -O Of. Dressing SaCqUCS 46-in. Homespun Crash 25c 45-in. French Lina 25c 27-in. Fancy Corded Pique 25c t| with gorgeous flowers or draped with mem store special.... -so c Made of good ■ < , uallty of dark _. ound [1 O ribbons and velvets. Made up especially ; , . _ Dercale Have fitted bark and holt All H WHITE LINEN FOR WAISTS AND SUITS St. Gall Swisses § -«-•««*-■ ,i« to ,t.«5 values. Be r^Z' b o,Z °*™»» " "• Sse 1 LTmate, I r^rtkflps-ri^ 1-wei^; 4wi:rte h ssssuJErgus l enln^- infe^S^^^Bi 1 s to see these- They're really remark" --~- — ** ga^r c. ar'.?:?::.:r::::!:::^.35c I Special at .._»V/_. for women's suits J7C See these Monday at _>)C ■ m — — — , I •—™> Colin—, white and ecni. .20« I ■ ■ I-: | " LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1910. EVEN THE CASUAL OBSERVER CAN SEE THAT HAMBURGER'S IS THE BIGGEST STORE in Los Angeles or in the west. A great many people know that it is also the best! Do you? Hamburger's is high in every way—big building—big stocks and values—big plans and ideas—big ways of carrying them out. Big men with big minds back of it all. We will not be satisfied until everybody in California or the west—or the world—knows these things as we know them—as we live them. COME AND INVESTIGATE. COME NOW! LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE VEST OF CHICAGO I BROADWAY EIGHTHS HILI STREETS ■ a part in