*.• • THE 11HHAI,l» CO.
President anil Editor.
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Founded Oct. 2, 1813. • Thirty-sixth Year.
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The only Democratic newspaper In South
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Population of Los Angcics 32/ ,Goo
BEI^ASCO—"Forty-five Minutes from BYoad
. way."
BIIRBANE —"The Rose of the Rancho."
GRAND-"How Baxter Butted In."
I.OS —Vaudeville.
MAJESTICKoIb and Dill.
OLYMPIC —Musical farce.
l'RlNt>ESSMusical farce.
» ■ »
MR. FRANK E. WOLFE, who for
six years past has been con
nected with The Herald, first
in the capacity of city editor, and dur
ing the past three years as its manag
ing editor, has resigned his position
and retired from Journalism in order
to obtain a much needed rest, and
also to devote his attention to impor
tant private interests.
Mr. Wolfe has been with the paper
during some of the most strenuous
days of its existence, when it was fight
ing for the recognition as an instru
mentality of good government that it
has achieved. In his capacity as man
aging editor he made, himself :in im
portant factor in the contests which the
paper has waged in behalf of a decent
city for decent people, and by tiiis anil
other services he has endeared himself
equally to the patrons of tho papi r
and to Its owners. Tbe best wishes of
the latter go with -Mr. Wolfe, and their
earnest hope for his success In every
thing that ho may undertake.
CHANGING the namn nf th<» Pro
testant Episcopal church to thp
American church, has an ulterior
Figniflcanco which may bo lost on
many laymen; and appears to have
been Ignored by opponents of the
Change. The progressive plement of
the church that has reen known as
thp Protestant Episcopal Is definitely
committed to a policy of Christian
union. Tho day of "tho church" may
be a long way off; but It Is to "the
church" with Its one foundation and
its one doctrine that the progressivists
;iro moving.
A united or federated Christian
church must at some period replace
the inharmonious, competitive Chris
tianity of our age Th" competitive
n of the multiply divided church
is responsible for an Incalculably \ast
amount, of extravagant waste of en
deavor and of inoiitiy. Economy de
ma nd a reduct! in of this riotously
prodigal ecclesiastical "system" to
some semblance of Christian co-opera
tive unltj and economy may win over
Christendom to common sense where
sentimental arguments r.r doctrinal ap
peals have filled. The Eplsi opa I
branch ol tin church universal In a
pioneer In v sreat movement which
gome div will Iji I even as
its sister social economic movement
Will son:.- day he suerc ful, . nd ihe
American church (without sacrifice of
Individuality nf ritual or want of ;
ritual), will I" a highly us.-ful and
powerful null compi tltlv
ecclesiastli ll | n which will I
nn.si potent i icti r In the ustal
ment of Christ I .in th<-oi
in practice, not onlj on Sunday, but
nn Mond VWdiu
Thursday, Friday lay
Senators Hale, Clay and Gallinger
say the American people have gone
wild over sea armament, and that "if
we do not stop we will bankrupt the
nation. " Our magnificleni navy is am
ply sufficient for national needs. When
a,, , tain line is reached, generosity be
comes extravagance and extravagance
is' (v a te. It looks as if the nation
mlelit have to defend itself from some
of Ub would-bo national defenders.
IF ANYTHING was needed to put'
the finishing "kibosh" on Governor
Qfllett'l scheme for Issuing eight
een million dollars of state bonds, to
be spent by tlio representatives of a
corrupt politic*] machine in the pre
tended construction or highways
throughout th» state, that thing la
found in the communication of j, m.
Eddy, secretary of tin- California Good |
Roads association, to the board of <ii- ;
roi-tora of Unit association, lately made j
public. Of tho many objections to the ]
bond proposition discussed by Mr.
Eddy, onp should alone be sufficient to
utterly condemn the proposition In the
minds of all honest citizens, and to
accomplish Its overwhelming defeat.
Mr. Eddy says:
"Perhaps it may not have OC( urred I"
the authors of this project that if the
interest provision of the measure is
enforceable, it is possible to tax every
county of the state for fifty years' in
terest, except the county of Pnn Fran«
clscn, from which, by the terms of the
act Itself, tho authorities are estopped
from constructing roadways. The oth
er counties of the state may be called
Upon in fifty years to pay over J'JO.
--000.000 In Interest on these bonds, be
sides their share of the $18,006,000 prin
But (he <ity and county nf «un I'ran
olsco—the rlrhe«t mnniiipallM nf the »lale.
me center or the automobile trade —through
thi> extreme running: of the act's conßlruo
tlnn, is exempt from any interest burden
on tile bonds, while every other city in the
Mhli* MlMains such a proportion of the in
terest burden as the rounty In which such
rlly is situated shares In the supposed bene
fits or niilpa#je-r<mt of the Mate system.
"I fully agree with the principle that
the large cities^, should share in the
cost of construction and maintenance
of country highways for modern traffic,
especially for roads designed for thor
oughfare traffic. But I deny the con
stitutional power or right of the legis
lature, or the people themselves, to de
vise and enforce a law creating a pub
lic indebtedness purporting to lie uni
form In its provisions, yet exempting
the largest and wealthiest community
In the state from the larger part of the
I burden of such Indebtedness. Will
these become valid state bonds if the
principal assumes to be a lien on the
whole state while the Interest is con
fessedly a lien on a fraction of the
state? Whether or not the lawyers
will be able to secure a solution of. this
question in time to construct the 'state
system of highways' before the bonds
mature, the equities of the case will
never be adjusted until we are given a
highway law through which every
community in the state bears its just
share of the tax burden."
From the foregoing it would appear
that the present state board of equali
sation does not represent all the friends
whom our sister city of San Francisco
has In the state government. It Is
quite evident that the governor, at
whose dictation the law was drawn and
passed, is as much interested in pro
tecting the people of San Francisco
from bearing their Just Share of the
burdens of the state government, as
were the members of tho state board
nf equalization, who by their unjust
valuations Imposed taxes upon the
Southern California counties largely In
excess nf what they should Justly pay,
nnd correspondingly lightened the tax
burdpn of the people of San Francisco.
Them was probably no doubt In the
mind of every honest citizen nf avi
Intelligence and observation, that the
goyprnor's scheme for hondinp the
state In the huge sum of eighteen mil- i
linn dollars to construct public high
ways had its origin primarily In thP
dpsirp to strengthen the political ma- j
chine to which he owed his political
eminence In the Btate. The fart that
It was proposed to make this bond
Issue n bunion upon T.os Angeles ■
ty, which had already provided for Its
own highway? by a bond Issue of thr .■
and a half million dollars, and should
therefore have been exempt from any |
additional bunion, was enough to have
condemned it In the minds of all our
citizens. Hut when, In addition to this
Injustice, it la shown that while Los
Angeles county, which has already pro
vided for her system of highways, will
be called upon to bear the burden of
this bond Issue, the city and county of
San Francisco wi'l escapi the payment
of any Interest upon the bonds, the
governor's s. heme becomes so doubly
unfair and unjust as to make it un
thinkable that it shall receive the sup
porl of anj honest, fair-minded votei
U is pretty safe to say that as soon as
the voters get a chance al the gov
ernor's scheme it will be so completely
burled under an avalanche of negative
that it will not again be heard
} ENJOYMENT "t 1 a franchise does
i' n..t give a railway company pro |
J prietary overlordship of a Btrei i,
. m ,j t |i.- Good Government campaign (
to make the street railroad companies
keep Hi" streets In good order and fit
for general use has the Indorsement
of all citizens. The railroads have
shown remarkable Indifference to pub
lic welfare, comfort ami safety )>y the i
gross carelessness in evidence at many
portions of their trai
OwliiK tn the neglecl of the rail
roads some streets are prai tically
blockaded against all forms of traffic
cxci pting Hi.- cars. The law requires
railroad companies to pave their
and portions of the street on
St( |, are being taken to remedy a
state i i affairs «hlch nas been a
rrltat lon, annoyance and
rallwaj ■ will
,,i I ■ ■■ ■■!■: the streets
and botch tin pa\ Ing woi k. Th< y
must give Lo A.ngelea quare deal.
Among the I:liikk and personages,
Theo loi c floo levelt, American, loomed
large aw a personality The Indivlduali-
i v ,i I'ol Roosevelt needs neither
trni)|ilnKH nor "flummery." ll" repre
cnti the Itepublic, by Him grace of
tf/OT/SM A*J'<S ELF- , W^MMf * ! p V^^^^^^^?>^>J7 tfUST, FOR
TT NOWkEPGE of the truth shall
X make us free; yet many puz
■•^ ssled modern men and women ask
Pilate'B frank question: "What l«
truth?" The man who would seek
truth would do well to refuse to re
celvi the testimony of the sects against
the sects. Christian Science is not very
old; yet we have the Emmanuel move
with its proclamation it is just
■ml is orthodox. A local phy
sician in a current publication accuses
both ' 'hristian Science and Emmunw 1
Ism of being "nothing but suggestion."
11" proposes ;>> substitute for both
drugless healing founded on a frank
system of plain s ugge I lon, unaided by
religious bi
From the pioneers of divine and n.'
tural healing we turn to the old guard
of orthodoxy. But In vain do we look
lur a^n ii'i'ui among ■ thai for
so manj years have persuaded them-
Cerent and they are
right, that they have come to believe
it firmly.
In order to acquire a correct m
attitude In the bewildering clash of
claims, we would do well to recall the
old story concerning James Stuart, the
Scotch king of Britain who ordered
ihe i: mslation ■ f I tio Bible « hich is
i Ible for many of th • sects. Hav
ing been p atered by people who com
plained the courts of justice were
biased, James announced he himself
would sit and hear causes. But ho did
not li.ir causes. Ha only heard one.
That was enough. ll' li i n< i to the
tony. He listened to counsi 1 on
both sides. Time for the decision ar
rived. James looked helplessly from
one learned counsel to the other, then.
thumping his desk, roared: "The Dei!
tak the carles. THEY'RE BAITH
\V i think Jameslnn attitude misfit
WPll li" adopted toward the sects. \'v
bellevi there Is truth in every Beet and
In cvi ! v religion undpr the sun; and
that is why so ninny Beets and relig
ions have flourished year after
' enl ury a fti r century.
Truth in Judaism? Yes. Truth In
Buddhism? Yes, Truth in Mohamme
danism? yes. Truth In I'nitarianism?
Yes. Truth in Christianity. Why, there
musi be ALL TRUTH In Christianity,
or it would not be manifested in so
many different phases and guises. The
Methodists are right. The Baptists are
right. The < !athollcs are i iirht. The
\i- rlsiiis . The Episco-
palians are right. The Salvation
Army soldiers are right. The Congre
gntionalists are right. THEY ARE
ii conclusion i hei c Is no escapei
Therefore ivi musi believe there is
truth In all, an I wli.n the truth Is
unhindered by bigotry and unhampered
by pri judlce and unwrirped by tra
dition, it will go forward on Its liberal
lslng mission making mankind free.
For truth Is liberal; it is not con
servative. It Is radical, it is not re
ai ; lon rj. it i- broadening It is not
hi n owing. Let us gvt away from
jangling and wrangling, and seek the
truths; thai reverence for the Lord,
we hay cle ired our minds •>( preju
dice, bigotry, seel antagonism, we will
have prepared them for the unhindered
reception of the initial truth behind all
truths; that reverence for Hih Lord,
the greal power of the universe, Is the
mlng "i' «Isdom: and Ha Ine con
stantly In a reverent attitude to the
, upreme power, we shall begin to be
wise. Wisdom will guide us t" the
truth, and the truth shall make US
Charlea EdwaW Russell calls it the
••SCIENTIFIC corruption of politics."
Max and alack, that grafting should
have become a learned profession In
in.- United States! Let us help to
amend this frightful condition "'
fair*, bj advocating ami working for
a restoration of the Ur*l [irnuii
The Modest Martyr
"\TO minister has been president of
'|\ the United States, but moderp
-*- ' presidents occupy ministerial pul- j
pita without a qualm. Although not
licensed to preach by any theological
body or members of the ministry of
any church, they preach upon lnvlta
i tion.
We have no persona] reference, but
cannot resist the temptation of reviv
ing Leigh Hunt's joke on the lay
preacher. Charles Lamb, author of
"Essays of Ella" (one of the most
graceful and entertaining writers In all
the range of literature) had a bad stut
ter, which overtook him at Inopportune
times. But lie was a firm believer In
icular power to dispense eloquent
wisdom to iilf friends
Unto Leigh Hunt he, F.-ti.i one.day:
"Hunt, d—d —did you ever heat me
p—p p —preach?* 1
•| never heard you do anything else,"
his genial friend.
In Insisting f>n the purity of milk
the health authorities of this
city are rendering a great service to
the community. After all, it is much
more Important Loa Angelea city milk
should be pure than that Loa Angeles
county doga should be muzzled. And
that reminds us some of the county
era are wondering how they can
solve the problem of herding fiery and
untamed cows with muzzled poodles.
ivuvron onf kind's funeral and an
other's coronation, the r.vitish taxpayei
will be -stuns" for "a pretty penny."
Still, the proverbial shopkeeper of Al
t lie immovable, non-progressive,
iter-jumper—will tell you It's good
for trade! He thinks he gets more out
- royal shows than they cost him.
and, thai h'MMK his state of mind, why
attempt to reason with him, and what's
i the use of pitying him?
All self-respecting citizens "ill be
mortified when they read a teacher
who did his duly for the state of Cali
fornia during forty long years lias been
sent to the stat" home for feeble-mind
HE IS DESTITUTE. The commitment
la a shocking reward for duty well and
faithfully done. II is a disgrace to
i lalifornla,
It should not escape the notice of
i-, a dei b thai Cornelius Vanderbilt is
chairman of the Roosevelt weli me
committee. A gr< at deal h > I
about the Vanderbilta, and we ■
fully testify to the fact this Vanderbilt
•■is different." This la the man who
red himself for railroading by
serving In the shop and bj learning
how to run a locomotive, "He's all
The comet's tall having proved to be
a sidereal fizzle, the alarmists are out
of ammunition again. But they won'l
remain inactive. We confidently ex
pect that having been deprived o£ the
morbid pleasure ol anticipating the dls-
QHtroua end of the world they will fall
back >>n the Japane are. Well
1,, Hensible. Don'l lei them worry sou
Not the bane Jingle of a worldly eoln,
Though It could purchase wealth and land*
Nor yet the homage of the universe;
Nor friends In power and of mighty rule;
Nor travels over lamia beyond the sfas;
Nor all success In (his or other worlds,
With strength of Alias or of Hercules,
Can recompense thy torn.
Nor Orpheus' lute with Hr iwml melody;
Nor St. Cecilia with her long divine
Nor yet the music of the heavenly «phi
Can *o<jtho my bou! and lull me Into sleep,
Ko I have bartered thfe; anil all things else
Hreni no« hi bubbles that »re passing lair,
And have no plate nor time In man' i endeavor.
s, t for Hi' '< things 1 sold my ''"i" "' "■"•■■
State Press Echoes
a ■ iv bach in 1771 Joslah Woodbury
of Beverly, Ma.-s., tlius published hla
happy emancipation from matrimonial
"Beverly, Sept. 1«, 1771- Kan away
from Josiah Woodbury, cooper, his
house i igue for seven long years,
Musury OKI Moll, alias Trial of Venge
ance. Ho that lost will never seek her,
ho that shall keep her 1 will glvo two
Bushel of Beans, 1 forewarn all Per
sona In Town or county from trusting
paid Trial of Vengeance' I have hove
nil the old (shoes) 1 can mid for Joy,
: nd all my neighbors rejoice with me.
A good Riddance of bad Ware. Amen!
Joslali Woodbury." Tribune.
Instead i>f s;t\ii r_ an> portion of th"
l which Senator Aldrich
sprts Is being wasted by the Rovern
ment annually through "obsolete busi
ness methods," the Tafl administration
threatens to break all records in the
history rif thi government In the enor
mous expenditure of money, II looks
now as If tli" appropriations for ihis
session of congress would cxi eed the
appropriations of the last r< i
.siuii to the extent of about
This will be ;> billion dollar ses.' ion and
then some.- San Bernardino Pr< ss.
More than two weeki ag" our lire
department received an Invitation from
t. . i: iwood City firemen to partici
pate in the firemen's rare to be hold
there on July 4. Our men replli d to
the Invitation asking that rules and
regulations governing the ra c be lenl
to them, hut so far they have rei eived
no reply If they hear from the Red
wood City men (shortly there la every
probability that we shall send another
champion team to the Redwood City
celebration.—Santa Clara Journal,
""'flowery civilization
But Miss years remind;: the country
that there is another kind of Boston
cirl Shu comes nearer being the real
thing In Boston culture, up to date.
It la physical training: as well us men
tal study, It makes women fine,
strong and healthy, in body as well
M in mind. It Is the latest flower of
New England civilization.—San Jose
Herald. ____^_
Far and Wide
sir taw It in the win low,
She went inside ''" rlonr,
She stood before the mirror,
■\nd Iked It more and more.
She asked the prlce-waa •tMjcered-
J.ooke.l at her watch, then lied:
"I'm late fur m appointment,"
And Ijtilckly got outside.
All night she saw the vision
.dance fore her eyes.
Herself there In the mirror
And on her putts the prize, _
"What matters wart, or Jnbot,
Or gloves, or this or ttiM! ?
•Twill take my I"'" «> dollar,
Hut that's my Easttr hat."
H. C. OF L.
"Yes sir." says thi Irl, "candy
ro ne up a quarter on the pound."
Regretfully the young man walks
away and calls at anothei Bhop.
■ \ r, s, sir." explains the sal
there "flowers have gone up this
week. Roses '"' d dollar more on the
doz< ii"
With a doleful look the young m in
. the shop, murmuring to himself:
"The higher cost of loving will work
many hardshpis." -J
"Tou were very cold laat evening,"
phoned the young man to ttm sin he
had called on. Then he added anxloue
ly "What's thf> outlook for tonight?"
' "Fair anil warmer tonight," came the
promptly.—Rocky Mountain
Male VUltoi"—Do you hftve any ath
lctii's here?
Fair \;issarlnn -Will, there's hardly
ii girl hiTc i>ut can twist gome man
•round her little fllngsr.—Princeton
Mrs Jones has n new hat."
"Well, you look mightily pi
nboul It."
"■you .in:t t,H™iit in e«« bow it looks
on her."' Houston Po«t.
Left-Over Work
of Legislature
of 1909.
I A T the legislative session of 1907 nn
AT Innocent appearing measure of
ii\iii).-cni appearing measure. "f
•*-*• large possibilities whs Introduced
and became a law. it provided that
no citizen of the state should i" per
mitted to hunt In California without
first paying $1 for it hunter's license.
Under the terms of the measure citt
i rens nonresident of the state are re
quired to pay 110 and foreigners $25.
At tin- time the highest estimate
placed upon the probable revenue to he
derived from the hunters' tax was.
$25, I.i year. The first year that the
law was in force, the fiscal year end-
Ing Juno 30, VMS, the total tax collect
ed amounted to $110,579, almost five
Ulrica the estimate.
It was found, too, that In practice.
1 practk'ully the whole tax was paid by
residents of the state.
Under the law the money thus col
lected is turned over to the fish and
game commission, With the state ap-
I proprlntlona placed .it the disposal of
tile commission and the lines collected
and turned over to It the (118,579 tax
I money swelled the commission's in
| eon\e that year to $184,467.70. Previous
to the fiscal year ending In June, 1908,
the commission's work had required an
expenditure Of about $50,000 a year.
\\ .'i this amount the commission did
very good work.
With its sudden increase of the
i funds an era of prosperity dawned for
I tile commission. Elaborate offices
j «ere opened In San Francisco. Sal
aries were generously Increased; that
of the chief deputy, for example, being
raised from $2400 to J.3C00 a year. At
the time the state officials under the
rank of governor were receiving only
$3000 a year. The chief deputy of the
fish commission received for some time
$600 a year more than the secretary of
state or the controller.
Costly panic birds were brought Into
the state, most of which vanished In
a day. Deputies were employed nt
generous salaries, elaborate expense
accounts were presented and allowed.
It soon became evident that the $184.
--467.70 income of the commission was
being used to build up a political ma
chine of great possibilities. And,
finally, ,is the last count against the
commission 1, that body failed to file In
the Siptemhe.r before the legislature
■■1 190!) convened the biennial report of
its activities and expenditures, as is
required of all state officials and com-
I missions. These reports are required
that the governor may be prepared to
make his biennial report and recom
mendations to the legislature. Governor
(iiiiett wrote his message of 1909 with
out the advantage of having the report
of the fish commission before Him.
The reform clment demanded an ac
counting from the Bah and game com
mission, and to that end an Investiga
tion was instigated. But the machine
had prepared for such emergencies by
fortifying itself on the fish and game
committees particularly the assembly
committee— to which all measures
touching upon the game laws were re
ferred. .So notorious was this that bit
ter complaint was made of it on the
floor of the assembly.
When the resolution for Investiga
tion of the commission was Introduced, I
it was referred to the assembly fish
and game commission. Assemblyman
Ureer sprang to his feet in protest.
■■It is useless to refer the matter to
the committee on fish and game," said
Oreer "for We all know what that
committee will do. We'll get no action
there. I.*t the resolution go to some
committee that will give it considera
(Jreer was right. The committee, In
the face of the Strongest evidence that
the tish commission should be made
subject of legislative Investigation,
refused to recommend that such In-
Important Educational Legislation
Is Programmed for Next Meeting
(Sun Jr>*e Merrun-i
LIVKJ.Y and vigorous discussion of
the most Important educational
questions of the day by nearly 100
county and city school superintendents
of California ai their annual convention
held in Riverside, resulted In substan
tial agreement upon a definite legisla
tive program tOl improved school lawn
to be advocated by the leading school
people of the state.
These legll latlve recommendations,
distinctly In the line of progress, in
clude plans for medical supervision In
the schools, raising the maximum age
limit for compulsory attendance, the
amendment of the law to brinff Indus
trial and agricultural education within
the working scope of th i schools, re
! tlrement salaries for teaohers, and a
■ biennial census which will result in a
ylng of 1100,000 a year.
The convention closed Its week's ses
sion with a pledge to use the utmost
effort to bring the National Educational
lation to San Francisco In IBU,
with a resolution favoring the lull now
under consideration In congress to en
large the effectlvi ness of the United
States bureau of education, and
adopted unanimously a resolution com
mending and Indorsing the adminis
tration «f Edward Hyatt, state super
intendent of schools.
Some oi the more important legis
lative recommendations are as follows:
Amending high school law to make
possible county polytechnic and agri
cultural schools and Joint county pa
, r< ntal schools,
i.v,,.,,,;,,,.■ , oMvtitutiona] amendment
Copper Magnate's Vindication Cost
Millions of His Big Pile of Dollars
ACCORDING i" the verdict of a
New York jury, F. AugU«tU«
Heinze, noted promotor, flnanoier
and speculator, tlifi not, as president
,■'• the Mercantile National bank of
New York, over-certify 1600,000 In
checks for his brother 1! brokerage
flrm; neither did he misapply that
amount ow money to further a •toch
,j,. ; ,i in united Copper, "Not guilty,
sal i the jury, and Mr. Helnse, trium
phant In his struggle with the federal
government, walked out of the court
room. .
it was b long, hard tug-of-war, but
the millionaire copper magnate man
aged to save himself from being pulled
over the line, of courM, be was a vic
tim of a "foul conspiracy." Whoever
heard »f an indicted millionaire who
vi.i Mr. Heinze resorted to tne
ntlonal method of vindicating ms
honor. He employed ■ large corps ol
skillful attorneys and he attacked tm-
Indictments on numerous Incompetent,
Irrtlveant and- iram aerlaJ mounds.
Finally hi; was forced to trial and v
of the
Game Law
vestlgatlon be had. There was no In
With the fish and gnme committee*
staked to prevent questioning of the
commission's activities ami amend
ment >r the laws governing that body,
reform of the game laws at the session
.ii 1909 was made Impracticable. Such '
measure! never got beyond the com
Assembly bill 433, for example; re
pealed the act of 1907, by which the
generous sums received from hunters'
licenses go to the commission^ The
measure was Introduced In the assem
bly on January IG. It was referred to
the committee on fish and game. That
committee held It until March 10. It
was then returned to the assembly,
only fourteen days beforo adjourn
mi lit. with recommendation that it do
not pass. Even had It had a chance
to pass the assembly, at that late date.
It could not In two weeks have been
Forced through the senate committee
on fish and game and to final passage.
Loss radical measures were intro
duced for correction of the abuses
practiced under the law of 1907, but
these were given no better considera
tion than was assembly bill 433.
The moat Important of them was In
troduced in the senate by Walker and
in the :;::.. ;r,My |>y cvuliiarfuru, inn
measure provided that one-half of the
moneys collected from the sale of
hunters' licenses, and on account of
fines for Infringement of the state
game laws, should be paid to the coun
ties in which collected, the second half
to go to the fish commission.
Walker's bill was Introduced Janu
ary 15, It went to the senate com
mittee on fish and game. It was not
heard of again.
Rutherford's bill waa Introduced
January 12. It went to the assembly
committee on fish and game. It is
.still with the committee.
Sanford In the senate and Preston
In the assembly Introduced a measure
which provided that $50,000 should be
paid out of the fish commission fund
each year for bounties for exterm
inating coyotes. The measure was re
ferred to the assembly committee on
fish and game. It was never returned
to the assembly. The senate commit
tee latr In the session returned the
bill to the senate without recommen
dation. Bui the measure never got to
the third reading.
With the senate and assembly com
mittees on fish and game standing in
the way of any practical reform of the
fish and game laws, the many meas
ures Introduced to that end were
blocked in the same manner as the
three measures given above. The leg
islature adjourned without any of the
proposed reforms getting beyond the
committees. :
yut even more persistent than the
objection to the methods of the fish
and game commission was the com
plaint made at the capitol that the
game laws of the state have not been
framed for the best protection of fish
and game for the whole people, but to
suit the purposes of those able to
maintain game preserves. But all
measures to correct the conditions
complained of were blocked in the fish
and game committees and no progress
was made toward reform of the fish
and game laws.
As a result, Juries In the northern
counties of the stato are refusing to
convict violators of the game.laws,
while .-it leant one prominent newspa
per of the state Is openly advising Its
readers to ignore tho moat objection
able of the unpopular statutes.
Under such condition! there seems
little doubt that the work of reforma
tion of the fish and Bamo laws at
tempted at the session of 1909 will be
one of the features of the session, of
I 1911.
pormittins election of city superinten
denta ofr a terra of six years.
indefinite tenure of teachers: that
is, to Insure permanent employment of
teacher! who prove worthy.
A state-wide law for teachers re
tlrement salaries.
Legal provisions for county health
and development officer.
Provision that funds of joint district
bo deposited in the treasury of the
county where the schoolhouse is lo
j .,te(i—to insure better expenditure of
! funds.
Raising the maximum age for com
pulsory attendance in elementary
schools from 14 to 17 years, and also.
! to make this effective, providing for
' the transportation of children living
more than two miles from school.
That the law be amended so as to
permit the participation in institutes
by trustees, providing that the ex
penses of one trustee in each district
be paid I" attending county Institute.
Favoring increased fund 3 for pay
meni of teachers and the maintenance
and Improvement of schools.
Providing for biennial school census
Instead of annual. Apportionment of
funds in made bionmilly, so there la
no need for annual census.
Amendments to school code to define
more clearly the principles of school
Payment of interest on school orders
at the rate of V 4 per cent monthly
when district is short of funds.
These brief statements will serve to
Indicate the ends to which the school
people are working and the lines along
which legislation will be shaped at the
next meeting of the legislature.
(San Francisco Bulletin)
jury gave him the vindication for
whi.h he yearned.
However, It was a most expensive
vindication, Mr. Hi Inze admits that
the ease which he lias Just beaten cost
him between 14,000,000 and $5,000,000.
Thai sum represents what It cost him
to employ business methods which,
with all respect to the New York jury
that conserved his liberty, wore at
lea.pl a trifle peculiar. Possibly Mr.
Heinze and his- kind will some day
pome to the conclusion that peculiar
methods do not pay. If they wish fur
ther testimony on that point they
might find it-to their advantage to con
fer with the heirs of the vanished es
tate of the late John A. Benson.
» »♦ —
"Do you really think it necessary
to give Mrs. , Big wad anything on her
"Yes, Harold, we really must. She
remembered all our children at Chrlet
mw, ami now the )pa»t wo qua do 1»
to retaliate."—luck .