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16 - T, ;■ ■:• t\~'.: - ,-.--"■ ...: : <+^ , ■ . ■ . -■'■■.■■■-■• - . ■. ' .••>,'>■■.. ■■:■■.■".:.-..-.: i■■ ..-, . ■•■■■■ HEALTH AND SCIENTIFIC SANITATION ROYAL ROADS TO HEALTH DR. CHARLES H. HARPER There are two occupations that ap peal to me as being In themselves ex tremely healthful. The singer and the teacher of athletics have means of live lihood which are In themselves an In surance of health. Tou will say, per haps, that It Is only healthy people who can follow these pursuits. If you will look a little beyond the surface, how ever, you will find that most of them have built themselves upon their occu pations. We cannot all be singers or teachers of athletics. But while I am diess ng In the morning I can avail myself of all those things which produce health and vigor In the singer, and when I walk down Broadway to my office I can call into play all the resources of the ath lete. I should not do these things if it were not for the same education that makes them a matter of course and daily habit with the singer and the athlete. Education is the royal road to health. The occupation of the farmer will oc cur to many as a healthful one. Out door life makes it so to a certain ex tent, but if you go among the farmers you will find crooked spines, rheumatic joints and dyspeptic dispositions as common as they are In the city. Physi cal exertion is not a royal road to health. This brings me to the peculiar variety of human ills upon which I wish to Temple of Health . Preservation and Drug- , less, as well as Snrglcaless Natural Healing —Caring all human ' Ills, ■ Including - f-KBXVZUt CURED rMTUftALL^ AND I actually make TRUSSES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS, DEFORMITY APPARATUS, SUSPENSORIES FOR MEN, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTING AND REDUCING BELTS, AFTER-OPERATION BELTS) in fact, sup porting utilities for every human 111. Money refunded If unsatisfactory. You can be treated and cured In my in stitute. In your home or by mail; consulta tion and diagnosis free and cheerfully so licited. Learn the NaturalAlD way. Call, telephone or write for a free sample copy of Potter's Nature AID HEALTH MAQA ZINB: ' It will lead ' you around many pit falls . In. life's pathway. Address Fetter's NatoreAlD. 217 Mercantile Place, Los An geles. Cal. Home phone F7102. i 4^o^*, I Want a Home. I give PURE fj gff Water for 50c. fejjSSia month. For that pur * I^HR - pose you can bo/ m*' !^»^^sl The Jg Sanitary Filter BajSKSPIBSw Company ytLMmt>&&Gsm «* West Ploo street, V^BSaSSaiiSi* Phase* ntMi Broexl *•/ alO*. The "Seven Essential* .to Life and Health" The most complete book ever written on health, states the law* of life plainly and distinctly. Covers physical, mental and spiritual causation and remedies; gives a full line of sanitarium treatments. Takes all the mystery out of mind cure. A simple, practical book for th* home. On sal* at leading i bookstores. ton Eye* and Money—BEST OLASSKS GROUND TO FIT BACH KYK at half " regular prices. ■ .. ' DR. NICHOLS. It years* praotle*; T roar* In present lo cation (but store Is new). Gold Filled Frame* $1 an* us. 1U W. Fifth, between Mala and lartasj. , LOS ANGELES HERALD SUNDAY MAGAZINE show the effects of education In this article. They are the ailments of the alimentary canal, the faults of diges tion, nutrition, secretion and excretion. I do not wish to fall into the ludicrous position- of the young physician who said, when they asked him what he was specializing on, "diseases of the alimen tary canal." Still in the matter of health education there are three classi fications which I find useful —respira- tion and circulation, nervous system and spinal tract, and alimentary canal with organs tributary. If you will classify diseases into these groups they will overlap and become reciprocal in their causes and effects, but if you at tack any given case from the must marked and acute of these angles you will find the shortest road to a remedy. I want to make emphat c at point one of the vital principles of a body-building system as it applies to the special diseases of the allmentaiy canal, indigestion, gastritis, constipa tion, appendicitis, liver and kidney complaints and all the multitude of ac companying ills. Here is a secret that once you grasp it and hold it It will give you more power over disease than an exhaustive study of materia medu a. The alimentary canal and Us aux iliary organs will only work right whe.i they afe set up right. They must be hung correctly on the human frame work. Think of the havoc that .may be traceable to a single mlsadjustment of this complicated system. How long will so simple and tough a thing as a gar den hose last if it is full of kinks? What will happen to a steam engine if you loosen up the framework so that its water pipes and steam pipes and safety valves get into a Jumble? Of course it will blow up or tear itself to pieces. The alimentary canal is thirty feet In length and It is crowded into a spa o less than three feet long. It should be suspended there delicately and perfect ly if it is to work at all. If you get tt into correct position It has a natural tendency to work. It is of no use to run about with digestive tabules, liver pills and laxatives trying to fix up this pait and that. It Is more delicate than the works of a watch. The works of a watch must be hung right before oiling the bearings will do any good. So with the alimentary system, it must be set up and adjusted before pouring in oil will do any good. Then the oiling goes on automatically. Body building is not only the first essential In treatment of these diseases; It is often the only essential. If you will take up a system of body building far enough to learn how you were put together in the first place, how you should be put together and how to put yourself together, I do not much care what you eat if it Is clean food, and I do not care whether you are pitching hay in the field or adding up figures ia a book. You can trust the human sys tem to adjust itself to all sorts of con ditions if it is given a chance. It must have the chance of being In working order. We call It the human, system, and that Is what it must be—sy. tem atic. Every canal, channel and duct must be a passageway and not an ob struction. The system of body building go:s further than this, but I am almost re luctant to go into the specializations because It may detract from the stress which I wish to lay upon the vital p in clple. Possibly from floating around within the torso the stomach has be come soft and flabby. After you hive hung it up where It belongs It can be strengthened and invigorated by the proper kind of exercise. If your liver remains somewhat sluggish after you have taken off the load by h mglg It on the abdominal walls you can reach It too with a specific method of invig oratlon. I return to the Illustration of the singer with which I started. When you sing you assume a new poise, you bring the entire body to Its finest point of balance, the muscles of the chest, the diaphram and the abdomen begin to work, throwing the organs within into place, lifting the weight with which they often overcome each other, and you get a vibration which brings the system back into tune. If you will edu cate yourself In the principle of body building you will get the same results as easily and as naturally. These are a few of my diagnoses. In digestion Is simply an acute touch of Ignorance. Constipation is a symptom of Indifference. Appendicitis is a spe cific lack of intelligence. If there Is anything wrong get at yourself. Set your body up right and Its every activ ity and function will be a manifesta tion of health. When you consider the knife, the poisons and the punishments that are used it seems to me that this is the royal road to health. GARBAGE AGAIN Will someone tell us If we have been buncoed by the health authorities for years? Why have they been telling us to clean up our back yards; that our old tin cans and other outdoor rubbish was dangerous to health; that our garbage cans must be cleaned and disinfected to save us from the plague? A few years ago, two, I believe, to be exact, officers were sent to inspect the back yards all over the city, and all rubbish,. even the most apparently harmless kind, was ordered cleaned up at once, as It was dangerous. Now we are told that while the gar bage station on Aliso may be malouor ous it does not Jeopardize the public health. Why this change of policy? If our old tin cans endanger the pub lic, why may not tons and tons of garbage standing festering in the sun lor hours? Kven if the nearby houses are absolutely screened from flies, which is practically Impossible if there are children to leave doors open, even so may not the gases from this rotting refuse pass through the meshes of the screens ? If this Is not so and the sickness in the vicinity of the garbage station id merely a coincidence where are all of our carefully cherished theories? Why should the people who own then homes in that vicinity and are so un aule to move be subjected to such a stench, even if it is not dangerous? Is there no place farther from the center of population where the garbage can be leit if it must be lett standing for hours? What a pleasant sight and smell for our tourist guests wno are going tv Pasadena and other outlying districts. Surely there must be some way by which our lovely city can get rid 01 this blot. CARE OF THE EYEB Blindness or permanent injury to the eyes often results from improper care of them. At birth they should be thor oughly cleaned of all foreign matter by the phyßician. Thousands of cases of lifelong blindness are caused by neg lecting this simple precaution. Children should not be placed In a position where the sun shines directly into the eyes, as in a baby carriage, etc. Remember they are helpless and must suffer the consequences. School children who are backward in their studies, or who complain of head ache or tired feeling in the eyes should be examined by a reliable oculist or optician, as often the cause is in the eyes. In over one-half the children born the eyeball is more or less abnormal in shape—l. c., too long or too short or the curvature of the front portion is not the same in all meridians. In either case the rays of light do not focus easily on the retina, which in time results In strain or imperfect vision. Most of these conditions can be remedied by properly fitting glasses. Reading by a poor light or on the cars or whilo lying on the back are all injurious to the eyes. The continued use of alcoholic drinks or tobacco often so injure the vision that the vic tim cannot read ordinary print with or without glasses. Dust, etc., in the eyes can often be removed by opening and shutting them in a tub of water. Should an object adhere tightly to or enter the eyeball the assistance of a specialist should be obtained at once. Lime in the eye can be neutralized by vinegar (not too strong). Burning of the eyes by any substance can be soothed with oil (castor oil preferred) until a specialist can be consulted. All corrupt matter should be care fully excluded from the ayes, as some MAY 22, 1910. kinds of this will destroy the eye In three days. Very dark glasses (especially the cheap Imperfect onts) should not be worn except the eyes aro temporarily inflamed or subjected to an intense glare, as they tend to weaken the eyes. Any inflammation of the eyes or eye lids that does not yield speedily to warm water bathing or the use of a simple eye lotion may be of a serious nature and special advice should be sought early. Whenever either distant or close work causes blurring or any distress of the eyes or head they should be ex amined at once, as the difficulty may be easily overcome. W. T. NICHOLS, M. D. A DIFFICULT FEAT And if the comet hits the earth Its triumphs must not be disdained. 'Twill have a batting record which No other comet e'er attained. s^^^j4Sh*'^Bjva^ 'i -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K^BBsißilß^^B^Hli^^^S Is your head clear? Is your breath sweet T Do you ' sleep well ? Do you feel full of vim and vital > steam , all the time, or are you tired and depressed? If you cannot answer these questions satisfactorily there Is , something wrong. ' The Battle Creek system of diet and treatments will work wonders for you. Call today and let - us help you to part company with * ill health. ■ . BATTLE CREEK TREATMENT PARLORS' 424 *3. Broadway, Broadway Central Bldg. . Main 3082—Phones —Home F2404. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE TO v BE WELL? TO HAVE GOOD FIGURE, VIBRANT HEALTH, RESTED NERVES T , I teach you to stand and walk In an atti tude which bespeaks > oulture and refine- ' ment A good figure, gracefully carried, means more than a pretty face—nature's rosy cheeks are more beautiful than paint or powder. . TOO FX.ESBHYT > You can easily remove the fat, and It will star removed. TOO THINT . The . HARPER BTBTHM strengthens your stomach and nerves first. You can be well without drugs. Take DR. HARPER'S SYSTEM of BODY BUILDING, rooms 101-101-JlO Hamburger's Store Building. The Wllhelm, •<• South Grand avenue. Phone FIM4. Rheumatism Free Booklet on treatment and diet. Read it and you will« fully understand your case and cure yourself quickly. Call ■at any of the Sun Drug Co.'s stores or write Uricsol Chemical Co. 800 North Los Angeles street. ' tOANCEB CUBED We cure external canoer ma few' weeks without fall. ■ Investl- , gate our method. We will refef yon to many of , our ' former pa tlenU who have been . absolutely cured. (Breast eanosrs a spa cialty). MRS. H. J. SMITH, 144 M SOUTH BROADWAT, ROOM *. Hours 10 to 4. Phone Mala (Ms. Saafr ' tarlum. Temple 401. ; ; . . Phone Broadway MM German Natiirbpatbic Institute DR. CARL PETERS, Manager. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. KM W. i Sleveatt street, raw Grand are., Lee Angeles. Consultation free. ? Hears from I U I. Breaiajcs aa4 Bandars fey appoint-