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8 Sun's Rays Through Comet Make Tail; Says Mallery That the famous tall of Halley's com et is nothing more or less than the suns rays; that the earth in reality did pass through the tail, and that these thories have been borne out by the actions of the mysterious sky wan derer, is advanced by Ellis Mallery. a prominent geologist of Los Angeles. In addition to being a trained geologist Mr. Mallery is an astronomer. In dis cussing the comet and its tall Mr. Mal lery stated: "The visible tail of the comet In Its greater entirety is nothing more tlian light refraction caused by the deflec tion of the suns rays as they pass through the comet's head. "It is known the head of the comet is composed of various gases which In come more dense as the center of the body is reached. The more attenuated of these gases form an envelope around the central nucleus which, then reasons to believe, possess more or less solid matter toward It* center. "This gaseous envelope surrounds the nucleus much ns ourt atmosphere envelopes the earth, only that In the Instance of the comet the envelope is proportionately much thicker. "That this envelope is highly trans parent has been determined by die ob • nervation of other heavenly bodies which are plainly visible through it: In fact our atmosphere, though seem ingly thin and transparent to us, Is ex ceedingly more dense than the major portion of the cornel's head. CO.MT.T I.IKK A I.KNKK "This explanation bring* us to more vital point—the tall questlo The matter as Just pet forth descrll inff the existent conditions of th head, make a clearer Interpretation i the tail possible. These gases sur round the central body- In cone layer, tint! this Bpheroldal structun coupled with the transparent nature • the pases, make it logical to ai that hero is a factor, potent for Hgl refraction. "The rays of the sun ac the; upon the surface of this gaseous : are absorbed and deflected the same i a lens absorbs light rays and deflect them to a common center, where the cross and diverge to an ever lncreasin degree until they disappear by th process of lost effectiveness throug scattering. It is therefore seen nlong this line of reasoning that we have in the com et's head a body of the. necessary composition and of suffleinet siz'- to gather and project rays of lisht to a considerable distance through gpace. The diameter of the head, which has been estimated to be 106.0nn miles, it spoken of as a lens, would certainly be one of some magnitude, quite large enough we can assume to project a Shaft of light to the distance through spare such as the twenty million to thirty million miles which h:is been as cribed to the comet's tail. TKOJECTS SIN'S BATS "In substantiation of this the nearer the comet's head approaches the sun the longer becomes it^ tall, which Is in keeping with the known principle of optics. As the source of Hsht Is ap proached there is a proportionate in crease in the number of light rays Which fall upon the object, and there fore b greater power of projection is embodied in the lense. ■'Some contention to this Interpreta tion of the matter might lie raised on the ground that such deflected rays would be invisible because of tho ab of matter in space to reflect them. l!:iscil nn the latter belief much weight has been given to the theory that the tail must necessarily be composed of particles of matter as a constituent part of the parent body, and that these min ute particles accompany the. head through the heavens. The tall Is ad mitted to be exceedingly rarifled; so exceedingly so that it is difficult to Imagine such matter could follow a traveler which has the propensities of thjs speed merchant of the skies. "It seems on the other hand reason able to presume that the matter which permeates space even though It be infinitesimal, is still sufficiriU to re flect the concentrated rays passing throufrh the comet's head. Such <in explanation as outlined would furnish a simple solution of some of the mys- FIRST PEACHES OF SEASON ARE SOLD FOR $3.50 CASH Drop in Cantaloupe Quotations. Butter and Egg Prices Remain Firm . - In the produce market there was no change Saturday In eggs, butter and cheese prices. Egg receipts were 3t>3 cases, butter 88,564 pounds. Rivers Bros, received the. first consign ment of peaches yesterday, the box selling for $3.60. Royal Anne cherries sild nt 12e a pound and blacks at 14c. Receipts were compara tively light. There m 3 a b!;r slump In cantaloupe quotations on heavy receipts from the Im perial valley and Mexico. The melons sold at wholesale prices rnnqinn from $1 to $4 a crate, according to size an>: QunUly, No change in prices on potatoes, toma toes, apricots and asparagus. Supply of all kinds uf fisli in excess of demand Receipts of produce: Ekks. 3G3 cases; butter, 88,1r,4 pounds; cheese, 2232 pound 3; potatoes, 78 Faoka; onions. 330 sacks. rrioDi'CE l'llli 1 Wholesale prices of produce to retailers, us corrected daily by Market Reporter: EGQ3 —Local ranch, candled, 28c; local ranch, case count, buying price, 25c. BUTTER —California crcameiy (selling price to the trade), ijc lb. : do extra, 3nc; do first', 29c; cooking butter, 17c; '■* He butter. 25e. CHEESE—Northern fresh, liJIJIT'.- lb.; large Anchor, 17c: Young America, Anchor. 19c; hand, Anchor, 22c; Oregon Daisy, lSftlS'-jc; eastern r'-»«lefl, l!K;20c; eastern twins, 18c; pastern daisies, lIU-jc: eastern long horns. ]9Vi'Tt'2oc; eastern Cheddars, l&Hcj Imported ' Fwlss. 3O'T(3lc: Jack cheese, rlo-n-'Sti' 1 Swlts, 2i»'?T-6L'; cream brick, 20c; limburger, f>'2lc; Roquefort, 3S(i74oc; Edam, ibuJ; Canadian •■ am. box, $1. BEANS—No, 1 pinks. $H.73fJ7: No. T 1.1 --mas. 5^.75: No. lj(«-rd>" Washingtons, $4,60; No. 1 small will WS|s.2r.: No. 1 Blackeypn, $r.."5; No. 1 BayoTii $6.",r': No. t Garvan zns. $4.50; No. 1 lentils, California, ?7. rj enft IE —Strawberries, per l>a*ket, A^^'n Pc; cranberries, per bbl.; 812.60; raspber ries, '■.■'(;, blackberries, 6ff"e; nber rica. 20c; K-ioseberrles. 10c. POTATOKS—Nevadas, $1.25; Highlands, per ,■.,',:,,- 1 I pof.iiof^, per box. 40^6Oc* WatWinvllle, per cwt., $t.00g)1.2!; Idaho, per cwt., ■' •',i $1.10; new potatoes, per Im'X, 40(S'60c] flieg'on r.urbonks, per cwt., 11.86111.10; Oroßon White Roue, $1.00; Salinas, $1.2!i31.5u; sweets, $1 75@2.00 lug box. ONIONS —Northern Australian brown. ewt , $2; sllversklr • 90a Mis bnx: Nevadas, 18! Oregon, $1.75; Bermudas, $l.;o^l.CO a Btick; garlic, 12c Ib. FRESH FRUlTS—Apples—Pell«fleurs, 4-tler. $1 76; Bellefleurn. 4V4-Uer, 51 'if/! IS; Bello fleurs, 3'i-tler, $1.76: Ben Cups. 4-tler, $1,109 ] 09; fall J'lpplns, $1.60; fall Pippin*, 4H-tler, $1 25; Greenings, $1.60: Greenings, 4Vi-tler, $! $5; Hoovers. 4-tior. $2; Jonathans, Colo.. $■> 25; Tearmalns, white winter, 4-tI.T, $176: I. Jinmlns, red, 4-tler. $1.60: Pear mains, red. 4V4-tler, $1.20; Smith's cMer, 4 tler, $1.60; Smith's elder, 4^-tler. $1.25; Ben Davis. Col., $1.2501.59: Newton Pippins, 4 tler 11.60: Newtown Pippins. 4H-tler. $1,109 116: Mo. Pippins, Col., $2.26; Longford's, 4- teries now acknowledged to be much in doubt about. For Instance, such as the splitting of the tails of most comets, a common phenomenon as observed by us, could be readily accounted for by the separation of the sun's rays by the solid part or nucleus which would act the same as If an opaque substance were inserted in the central portion ol a lens. BXriiAINS TAIL'S direction t "Even a more perplexing phenomenon would be explained In the now unsatis factory accounting: for the tall always pointing away from the sun. Under the present accepted theory the end of the tail must travel farther and fas ter than the. head and it do.s not seem to be consistent with known facts gov erning the moHon of bodies through space to believe the sun on the on" hand exerts a repulsive force which ■ drives the finer particles away rrom the head, and on the other hand would allow them to move latterly at the same rate or at a greater rate than the head. "The annarent curvature of the tall ! might also be attributed to light re fraction. Objects as observed through our atmosphere and which cast their I light through it obliquely have their rays deflected and the nearer the hori zon the greater the distortion. Thus the curved appearance of the comet's tail as it lies low in the sky could be explained. "A certain amount of repulsive force . verted hy the Run as the comet rushes j around its orbit may drive the gases ; i away from the head in streamer fash ion, but it is inferred these hug com paratively closa to the head and that the cyanogen and other gases as i shown by the spectrum to be present in the tail do not extend to its outer con fines, or anywhere near so. Therefore at the point of the earth's transit through the tail it could be truly said this object of which we have been so object of which we have been bo much In dread is really nothing but sunlight. "The reason we did not see the tail of the comet at the appointed time when we were at the appointed time •n we were supposed to pass through may be explained by the fact of our lino of vision having been brought par allel with the rays of light, and when we have passed to a position again where our vision crosses them, the tail will appear as brilliant as before. iwith tho rays of light, and when have passed to a position again re our vision crosses them, the will appear as brilliant as before. TALI, IS CONE OF UGIIT "In carrying out the foregoing, to more exactly represent the matter, the tail Instead of being a solid shaft of light would be a hollow shaft or cone of light with a dark central portion, the darker area being caused by the denseness of the central portion of the comet's head cutting out some of the light rays. "The reported appearance of the tail still In the eastern sky when it was due In the west may have been caused by deflection of the rays entering our at mosphere or by the pressure on them exerted by the reflected light of the earth. But aside from this men tion which may be considered compar atively logical In the greater immn- , i Blty of the tall we are allowed to be- j lieve we passed through the tail on schedule time and that we will find this unjustly censured tall to be very regular in its behavior as It gradually disappears from our view on its Jour ney toward Its outward destination In space. "By accepting the version outline.. this brilliant object which ha 3 inhabited our morning eky for several weeks past and which will continue to Inhabit and which will continue to Inhabit our evening sky for some weeks more and which has caused all sorts of emo tions from those of mere curiosity and wonderment to deepest awe and con sternation among the human boinar^ of the earth, would seem to be nothing more harmful than any welcome ray of sunlight which might penetrate the gloom of a sick room in soma tenement house or find its way into the dark recess of a dungeon to gladden the heart of some unfortunate there who has heard nothing of our co-net. In his Ignorance he has not suffered the fear which has afflicted so many of his more fortunate fellow creatures who Bre fortunate to roam creatures have heir freedom to roam tho earth have become terror stricken at the same cause which bears Joy to their less fortunate brother In the dungeon." Her, J1.15; Langfords. 4%-tler. $1.15; Rome Beauties, $2.25; Spltlenburgs. 4-tler, 11. 85: Ganos, 51.r.0; Wlnessaps, Col., $1.90; Wlnesaps. 4-tler, Cal., $2.60. . ' —Strawberries, per basket, 4,£ @ 6c; cranberries, per bbl.. $12.50; raspberries, lac; blackberries, Cc basket. ClTßUS—Seedless grapefruit, $2.75(3 3 seedlings. $3; fancy lemons. $2.50@3.25. choice, $1.50@1.76; fanvy navel oran»J». $1.75@2.15; tangerine oranges, 14-box, $1.50 01.75; Valencia oranges, fancy. $2.50@3; limes. 20-lb. box. $1.25. MISCELLANEOUS— Pearl. Winter Nel lis picking boxes. $1.50; cantaloupe, 51': 4 a crate; cherries, 90c@51.25; white hulk. 7@Bo pound; black bulk, 10011 a lb.; guavas, per basket, 4®Bo; loiiuats, 2®So lb.; apricots. luk box, $1.6n@1.75. ?";<,''• , , TROPICAL FRUlTSßanana*, lb. ' 3 6c- do red, lb., 6c; Fard dates, lb., 10©12 c; do Ooiaen. lb. 7H«i do Persian, 1-lb. pkg 714 @8c: alligator pears, doz. $6; pineap ples, 4'i''' FRUITS —™!nt*r Nellls pears, picking boxes, $1.60; Kuavas, basket, 4@50; loquats, per lb., 12'^®15c. VEGETABLES —Artichokes, northern, doz. 70{r7uc; asparasus, green, lb., 6@7c; Bell peppers, Florida, üb., 25C.J beets, doz. bunches, peppers, Florida, lb., 25c; beets, doz. bunches, bage, groen, sacks, 75®90c; cabbage, red, lb., 3c; carrots, rloz. bunches, 25ft 30c; cauli flower, crate. i)0c«"i $1.25: ceiery, crate. S3rfp 3.7 C; cucumbers, doz, $1.50@1.C0; corn husks, cut. lb., 10c; green corn. 4'ic box: corn busks, uncut, lb., Sc; ejrg plnnt. 11. . 20 ; ](■ ks, doz., BOcj horseradish, lb., 10<312c( oyster plant, doz., 33Hi 40c . lettuce, cl . 50®73c; jicaa. lv., 3 '.- 1 41.,, ; parsley, doz., 25c; oyster plant, do**. 40c; rhubarb, crimson winter, 75c; rhubarb, local, 75c©f1.00 box; pi tach, doz., 15c; squash, summer, orate, ; -^31.00; young onions, do*., 20!U30c; turnips, doz. bunches ! 20023 c; Mexican tomatoes, crate, $1.75. I.TiTRD FRUITS — Apple*, evaporated, 111 841 K'o, apricot*, lb. 125113 c; l.^oso ng\ white, box, $1 50; do black, box, 11.35; do Imported, lb. IB@lßoj currants, ■.)>■■ 10c. peaches, lb. 5%@»0; pears, Hi. 10Sil2c; plums. ill. l!V4c; nectarines, lb, 7H08V40, I prunes- ;o-*r": !lTl'l2c; "■■' '"' S"; 40-50S j 7>,40: s'>-8 "• Cc; 60-70«. 6c, 70-80*. oVjc; ill- I J"'s. 6c; 90-lODii. 4c. xiAJSINfI—3-crowu, loose. 60-lh. box, lb. i i/ c < 3-crown, "c; 4-erown. o'/4c; L'-crown : London layers. 20-lb. box. lb. $1.16; il-crown, 11.25- 4-orown. $1.60: 5-crown, $1.85; Sul tanas bleached. !b. 9® lie- do unbleached, It 3 iic; soeded raisins. 11-oz. pits. li •; It 7Hc*. do 12-oz. pkg :.'- ■'') 8 'i=. XI"TS —Almonds, fancy IXL, Ik 17W18C. do ■;« plus Ultra. lb. 16c; brazils, 13<ij>14a; cocoanuts, 950®51; chestnuts, llSfU'e; (11 Vje.-ts, lb. 14srir.e; hickory, lb. Sc: pecan*. xx it 1214o; do XXX. lb loci di 1 JCXXX, ib. 17c; eastern r,oa-!-]'.". lb, v,is>.,» ,>■■ California, lb. S4(i«o: do Japan lb. BY, i tf.r- rto Spanish. shelled. No. 1. li. !oc. i nlnennt*. 20c: walnuts, No. 1. 8. H. 111. li« He- do No 2. lb. 10c; ci" Jumbos. 1ISc; do budded, IS .■ :oc; popcorn, eastern, cut $|5(l; do local, cwt. $1@5.26. RICE -Fancy Honduras (Carolina) $4.75; d, choice Honduras (Carolina); Japan grade!, 13.7(04; Island, $.60; broken 13.F.0. HONEY —Extracted, water white. lb. Til T^c-; extracted, white, 7c; extracted, light amber, e^iau-c; comb, water whtta, 1- lb frames, if, .. 1,-; white. 1-u, " C »ni •■ 150 ltc; liKhl amber, 1-lb. (ramet, 10@lJc; beeswax. Ih. 30c. 1.1 VK.-'TUCK —ranker* pay f. o. b I.o» Angeles for beef steerx r.^c: b*a( heifers, 4'i»ff.'-; beef calves, f.'aijC.'; mutton, weth'era, I6~bu4i; •*<:«. $105.50; lambs, ;i6i/ia7; lu-ps. tic. I'OT.'I.TRV fper Ib.)— Uv« turkeys, 23© 2Sc: large liens, 4 lbs up, Ific; small hens SV4 to S'a lbs.. ICe: broilers. 114 to 2 lbs., 240 i ■ .is, 2Vjto 3 lb*., 24c; roast cliicki-n, 20c: cluck, I'!'-, geese, 16o; old roosters, Be; ■quabs, per lot, $1.50. CHlLl—Evaporated, strings, lb. 18ffl20o-. loose, lb.. 17c; Mexican black, 1b.,.£6c; green, lb. 20((2!ic; chill UplDI, ID. 11.St; Japnu, Ho. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22. 1910. Largest Household and Office Furnishing e 7}afJC£ffijtCt ™' Z 26 > 728 >730a»d 732 South Broadway Establishment in the West aLI s» E \ <««»? Between Seventh and Eighth Streets "It Pays to Read" STORE NEWS OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO MONDAY'S FURNITURE SEEKERS " 'Twill Pay to Buy" —Every Furniture Seeker Will Find Spe cial Interest at Barker Bros.' Big Store Tomorrow —Be on Hand! in addition to the usual inducements here—Largest Assortment, Lovvest Prices, Best Terms—you will find tomorrow many special offerings of exceptional merit scattered all through the stock, some of which we list in our announcement here today—others which are not advertised—dozens and dozens of them. We have just finished taking inventory, and naturally have come across many small lots, throughout the various lines. Many of these articles will be found specially tagged tomorrow, carrying reductions, which will make buying decidedjy attractive. — Some of the Monday Bargains $35.00 GOLDEN OAK dining TABLE—Quartor ■awed; beautifully polished. &AA fifi 1 Special Monday tpH-^.W $20.00 GOLDEN OAK DINING TABLE—S feel exten sion; claw feet. C/O 7T , Special Monday V» # *' '** ? 15.00 GOLDEN OAK DINING TABLE—^i..n.<. ■awed top, solid pedestal. . «£■// ftK Special Monday *pil.%JiJ $57.00 FUMED OAK DINING TABLE—IO feet exten sion, 48 in. top; mission design. <£A/i fiCi Special Monday . . *?"+<*• $211.00 FUMED OAK DINING TABLE—I feet exten sion, 48 In. top, heavy square VOA {ID pedestal. Special Monday <?*•+. \J\J $10.50 ITMKD OAK DINING TA- £/ r ■} C ■ BLE—Mission design. Special Monday. . . V*' c '** $83.00 MAHOGANY DINING TABLE—IO feet exten sion. 54 it), top, colonial design. «t7AJ dCi Special Monday &/U.UU ' $4.25 GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIRS—FuII box leather Beat, if T fZe: Special Monday <ptJ.\J*J $11.50 GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIR — Quarter ■awed, full leather seat, colonial <fQ trfl design. Special Monday V'""' 1' $3.00 GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIR—FuII box wood seat. tfO tZf) Special Monday <p*.*J v $12.00 6OIJD MAHOGANY DINING CHAlR—Chippen dale reproduction. tjQ 7T Special Monday V 3 $10.00 SOLID MAHOGANY DINING CHAlR—Colonial design. ft JP G(~i Special Monday «r*°' OKJ $4.75 FUMED OAK DINING CHAIR—FuII box leather teat. ' «f T Q/7 Special Monday V'"'' 1' *.1.:.-) FI'MED OAK DINING CHAIR— FuII box an ' tique cane seat. $2.95 Bpecial Monday %p*.yJ $2.75 FUMED OAK DINING CHAIR— Wood seat; a fp aec?a. a day $'-95 !al Monday f" • ■"" $32 00 GOLDEN OAK —Quarter-sawed, best Grand Haplds make. (fO/? /I/O Bpi olal Monday <p*£O. UU $18.50 GOLDEN OAK PBINCBM DRESSER—Quar ter-sawed, oval French bevel &IA 7T mirror. Special Monday %pif./*J $14.00 GOLDEN OAK DRESSER—French plate bevel mirror. tgft KQ Special Monday • *pil.xJ\J $30.00 BIRDSEYE MAPLE DRESSER—OvaI French plate bevel mirror. $24.00 Special Monday #***. UU $35.00 BIRDSEYE MAPLE PRINCESS DRESSER— Best Grand Kaplds . make. $24.75 Bpeclal Monday q>***. /O $10.50 WHITE MAPLE DRESSER—OvaI French plate bevel mirror. $15-95 Bp. =lal Monday 'P'°' yO $10 00 COLONIAL MAHOGANY DRESSER— Heat Grand Raplda make. $32.00 Bpecial Monday V'"' 1"1' $20.00 MAHOGANY VENEER DRESSER—Colonial pattern, oval French plate bevel *tttA 7*7 mirror. Special Monday %piT.I $24.00 MAHOGANY PRINCESS DRESSER—French plate mirror. Special $10.50 $40.00 MAHOGANY FINISH CIIEVAL GLASS—S2x2O Inches, oval French plate bevel tf.T9 DO mirror. Special Monday %pu*..\s\s $28.00 SOLID MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE—Best Grand Rapids make. <?9/ 'SO Special Monday V ■*»•*■'^ $10.50 DRESSING CHAlR—Colonial £7 JK pattern. Special Monday V* •' ** $5.50 ENAMELED IRON BED—Cream and &* t-Q gold; full size. Special Monday tft-r. wv» 50.25 ENAMELED IRON BED—Vernls «fyf Qtr Martin finish; full else. Special Monday. .. 'P'*.^'-' $20.00 ENAMKLED IRON BED —Hand rubbed, cream ' finish, continuous posts. <f/4 7 5 Special Monday q>l<*./i* ggsk., The New Style §S§S. Vulcan Gas Ranges c^^^^^^^Z^* ust n irom the Factory j T*i^, 1 *££p*Si 2fJ xhe very latest,. Improved styles In the best &The New Style today. We Vulcan Gas Ranges Just In from the Factory Tho very latest _ improved styles In the best makes of gaa ranges on the market today. We ' ' vsuTc*t.J J want you to see them. Ranges which will not J |!jV==e/ 1 BHII only help to make your cooking labors lighter by ■*F"? ' '-'^ - rgji reason of their convenient construction, but ranges !i T~^rfl^"—-E Si D which will also help you to reduce the size of the i 1 »«IW~~| I SKI lg gas bill, because of their Improved type of burner*. 3 ' !.*.•• 4 I 0 The range Illustrated here, one of the latest 4- J Li * *** ft*^j£?*i burner styles, with extra simmer burner, separate , (_-—; -J I r'renil broiling and baking ovens (operated In the tamo f^~~^ ~~~eV 'A y*"^H burners), thoroughly well built \ljr^=gi» throughout; a regular $24 range. «£O/~) /I/} •^^^ Special Monday <p*U. UU HIT (baled)— Following are quotations «S«i ;•• *ojf 15; alfalfa. $12.50; volunteer hay. $« JiaV^ce's the' .'"^Ba'l.y « BBTAIX KUCES i'.bbs, dozen ••■ * 3ob.(Sc Jj«»t butter, per lb ?«»•*« lieef, P" pound "."" !0»Si« Horlc, per pound. ":::::.:...7i 3l )c I Lumß, ;.-) pcun.l... «*«« Caiuake, pel i.0ur.1.... : .. Ham. per pound, whole - gracuaa^ri^^^lcod-anTVeUow:* tall, per pound • ™* ' Baimon. sand dabs, pound »- U«rrlns end smelts, 1 pound JJ« Oysters, quart Htna. pound -^ Fryers, pound....- - ., Rubuits. pound " NEW YORK CURB Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth BUeet, Los Angeles. NEW YORK, May Following were the c:..»:iik quotations' , _ A . Bid. Ask Bid. Ask. m Tobacco.434 43SW Mason Valley . r 8 J-hicago sub 2>i 2% Miami V......t04 ISM Havana 'lob 5 I MnH of ]■<■ ')■> t« -■, 1,, i Oil** r>n Nevada I tah 1 114 L-ns Stmp 1117 -1 Niplsslng ....»» 10% Uoston Con.. 17 20 Ohio 2',, J Butte Coal'n 20 HI Rwhide Coal 32 33 Davis Daly. 2 -'» Ray Central. 2% 2«i Dolores 0 «t Ray Con .... 19»4 : > Ely central. 0% l South Utah.. I' 4 2 Ely Con ... OH ITnlted Cop.. J- m Hdfleld Con. S^i 'ukon 4, W, ;.,.,„ Can. R-4 »Vi Oila /; 1.-' '■' r;iroux 7>i 7% Chlno 13. lots Inspiration .. 7'i 7% Con Ariz ... ; l, -% Kcrr Lake.. B', 9 Keystone .... 3% 4 La Rose .... 4' *<■* BI Rayo ■■■■ Hi i. ——«-•_» Referring to Lincoln on the latter a birthday. Speaker Cannon told how the press and magazines 'of that day maligned tho war president and spread pesElmlam and panic broadcast. As It turned out, Lincoln was rlKht, the pr<\ss find the magazine! were wrc r. The lesson for tomorrow, children, is in ratio and proportion. Cannon: The Mall*rneri of 1910:; Lincoln: The Ma ligrnera of 1861.—Puck. Look for Betty Jjray. —The Largest and Finest Stock of Modern Office Furniture —When best makes and lowest, — CileniCO #*** ~__^^ v* prices are combined it means in- Desks y^i =A^'j^si!=s 'K~^S&-*W^ dueements that are not dupli- Af arAT'^=^'' t-^-r— t/»i W; 7\ tat. a In other stores. We not — ShaW- ''V=raM\ -"-••• -^H \ I-* [ \ only carry tin representative ™" \t^Ersam^~-~^^T3SaL\ J* stock in Los Angeles in this line, » a.KCr W .fll'MHtMg^- \T ===lJwßrfrr\A •C'c-H but undersell any other firm. Filill0" l«*»*9r'Ss l-^i M Ysi?*V&W whiih we are able to do because *» \ "^\\wSßwi6fc" "-Tr HI A \\l of our more extensive business Devices \ 3\^S M ~^~ 'Sf ■=/~s^> X\ in office and bank furnishing. Kl^l —-A'?3t3^M^~i .ySVvA \ i The services of a specialist in MaCCy e=^^TO^^P=»- «3 JTr'S-iißi ~T modern office equipment are at c^^*-:^.,.-.! (^"^WJT^iftL-^*^ BH W^i^Mrsl ' your disposal to aid you in se- SCCtlOnal V-■^^^lMMCit-aWJ»*?*^\W h iectln'g an outfit C designed to BoOkcaSeS NC^-^^LiVffiSr l& ET best meet your needs. DOOKCaseb -y*~m» s (^ j ■Pj'^"^ —Make the Dining Room J jKi -*<*' __ (and all your home) liliMas^f Really Beautiful! pntrj°p»*T°7~— mi,,-m^j Mil i~r^^^ I IliP^illPlilil? —And more than that, accomplish this without an extrava |:« 1^ [ I t #ra v pant outlay—that is the scent of most successful and sat- I 1 <U*l fvfl in isfaetory home furnishing. You will find It easily possible fTn§l|||TT" "^ - .And mor,. than that, not only for the dining room, but for ■! II <"<M fi\ .- :nlt outlay that is the secret of most successful and eat -I^l Lfl lsfactory home furnishing. You will find it easily possible ®'LL«a r<J~ I n< choose furnishings, not only for the dining room, but for r, —*?*3il P*V m nil rooms In your home, from our great stock, which will M^-^^T lilair^ i 9 represent real quality, true goodness and artistic merit in U & I I ■ every essential. Nowhere else will you find such a splendid >jJ , 15 I I variety of new, handsome furniture or such attractive »"" values. ■ ' —"Quality" Reed, Rattan zgb, and Willow Craft — Our b^^« Own Make— Best of All! J| —There are so many beautiful pieces in this highly artistic O£^~-ZZS^JP\ ift^ *■ "■<< furniture in the shape of originally designed Chairs, Hookers, P*^~^_X/ (: iy*^---A<^| Settees, Tables and numerous other pieces that you will be fly ~m/ VTrt'^! 9//> \ J able to select pieces for almost all rooms in your home, which y (j y^Us \fj( / will add a touch of refinement and daintiness, not duplicated {--sS^m-JZ/1 in any other class of Reed, Rattan or Willow products. In I j^^jj}] — Jl the illustration here is shown one of the pretty Sewing Basket fD Sl®/ Tables, which would be a welcome addition in any home. a R 11 / / This Table is an exceptionally attractive (C Sf\ " X> H • value at 00.01/ \J Sin Piano —That is what we are pre pared to demonstrate to all piano seekers. We have no fancy "exclusive piano store" rents and no ex; i a vacant ad vertising to pay; Belling ex penaes are reduced to the *'tostst minimum here. \W have pianos at all prices—ex ceptional values In each case. We arrange t* rmH t<i suit. Be sura to gee us when you are ready to buy. Interior of the New Walk-Over Shoe Store SIR tt^- w^^^™R^S^- '^V^ I —Leadership in the Field of |^^^ Oriental Floor Coverings! —It Is a fact worthy of noto that'Bnrker Bros, occupy one of tho y^iiijjgjj^^g^ foremost positions in America In the line of oriental Hugs. We JM^^ti^i&^fir carry one of the larsest collections in thc> United States, which /&£d£&o^~' s'ii£LZz£ --» Includes a largo number of exceeding choice specimens In both p ~JsWisi»3«|«^v oriental and rare Antiques. Our trade in this line extend? to all §jdt£r%s*M^f&2iF parts of the country, many choice Rugs being selected continually >C3?Sss[ggj by visitors to Los Angeles for shipment to their homes elsewhere. S?^^ Buying direct from the foreign rug centers, we have no middle- men's profits to pay. Our prices are at least L." per cent below '■•-^r^JOJBr the prevailing standard. *i *' ■ — - —Two Extra Good Drapery Specials for Monday —$1 Bungalow Net—in white, ecru and two tone effects, new patterns in checks and stripes, never before shown here; as a special advertising feature s g* Monday, per yard OOt —"jc to $2 yard qualities in fancy madras, light and dark colors. Monday special, per yard 01/ C —"by the light of the Silvery Moon" —Make the most of outdoor life enjoy it to the fullest extent. One of the surest ways is to have an & TTSff^^^^W^TS"^' £ Inviting Hammock on the porch, ~^/''''^"smr ' i^s SBl. ./ffl where you may spend the summer J/!iY i^.^^^g^t9k^ §*/r^r ~'/i '^ with greatest comfort iincl/'" ■ • •'-^f WjSWt"-'' '' pleasure, We have the best Ham- « VliL_— |Ah 9n )/f'Mff\ mock stock in the city from which ,VvK^''-V \wkssWs'- j ffl/W}? to choose. Also an immense varl- li; ,>'•■'• ■_" i^^Pf^v J', rtlj!' ety of other Porch and Lawn ar- gV^'J'<-^"<3 (^>!tf^gg. tides, including Old Hickory Rock- % M^»»LllT |'ilitt^fe* a'^^" cis, Chairs, Settees, Swing Scats, ""^•Hjjj j^B^Si " etc. __ —Photo by Graham Photo C«- , —More of the Monday / Bargains $0.00 ALL COTTON MATTRESS — Good ticking, St ,.,ii,...-. uui o«ii make. B>A 71 Special Monday tp"+. /tJ $3.75 SANITARY <'OI <"ll—One of the best <*«> Ob drop . Ida patterns. Special Monday tp^.O\i <;.:.". COT HMD—AII metal, bronce finish frame. 2 feet 6 Inches wide. «f» r\ri Special Monday.. V' 1'*1 $3.50 METAL SPRING IIED— size, with fabric that doe» not sag. • . <f O 0 1 Special Monday <p£.y*J $10.50 CHILD'S IRON I'lMH— Vernls Martin Mulsh, I feet I! Inches wide, extra high side rail. &D ef\ Special Monday "r* Ul*'l; $00.00 MAHOGANY FINISH DAVENPORT SOFA— Green silk velour cover. tf^T fin Special Monday <p*+\J.\J\J $01.00 SOLID MAHOGANY SETTEE—Colonial pat tern; green silk plush cover. if to /)/! Special Monday *pa*>*S\J $00 MAHOOANT FINISH S-PIECB PARLOR SUITE— Green silk plush cover, tufted back. ti-/t n f\f\ Special Monday ¥***. UU $85 STUDENTS" RECLINING ARM CHAIR—Very iofl seat and back, green denim cover. f£K"f T/l Special Monday &O/.OU »■.•; MAHOGANY PURITAN ARM llOCKER—Colonial copy, green denim cover. O#T /Zfl Special Monday tpi/.OU $31 ARM CHAIR — To match rocker Just &l< K\f\ described. Special Monday cUil' $00 MAHOGANY KIDNEX TAIII.K—With numeroul small drawers, top 10x30 Inches; a beautiful piect for the living room. OT7 Tfl Special Monday q>O/.OU $:0 MAHOGANY FANCY TAKLE. <tIA 7 s, Special Monday *pi*+* i \* $30 CIRCASSIAN WALNUT SEWING TAllLB—An tique reproduction. . Special $25.00 Monday ip^O.QU ;;;<..-,(• GOLDEN OAK ARM ROCKER—Wood seat carved top. Special tfO O< Monday "P'-y $7.00 MAHOGANY FINISH ARM ROCKER— DuII fin ish; colonial design, StT 71 Special Monday «pc». / J $13.00 FUMED OAK ARM ROCKER—Mission pat tern. Spanish leatlier, spring seat C//1 71 Special Monday &/U./O $11.75 FUMED OAK MORRIS CHAIR— «fQ me Mission design special Monday %py.l *+ |S0 GOLDEN OAK .MORRIS CHAlR—Massive frame, clan $'5.50 Bpecial Monday &lO.OU $13 MAHOGANY FINISH MORRIS CHAlR—Beauti fully polished frame. <£lt~k 7^? Special Monday .«p# V. /O (Choice of green or brown, cotton valour, hair niled cushions, with cither of above described Morris chairs). Sl© INDIAN SPLINT ARM ROCKER— d*m f-ft Green or brown stain. Special Monday.. V*****' $12.00 INDIAN SPLINT TAULE— 30x30-lnch top, • green or brown stain. «f»Q me Special Monday V"' '" $10.00 IiEEI) FOLDING GO-CART —Rubber tires, ah- Justable foot rest; china handle, «£■-♦? r?f\ Special Monday i/tO.OU $0.00 NEW HAVEN FOLDING 00-CABT—With hood and rubber tires; the easiest folding go-cart made; an exceptional bargain for &A. Be M lay at V* 00 $0.00 BTUROIB FOLDING GO-CART—Hood and rub ber tires, folds with one motion. tSm Gin Special Monday <p/.OU $25.00 ENGLISH PERAMBULATOR—White enamel body and white hood, full coach <tO/l fifl springs, Special Monday. *p*\J.\J\J $5.50 HAMMOCK —With stretcher at each end. One of our best qualities. tf r Q /" Special Monday tptJ.y*J $3.50 HAMMOCK—With pillow; an extra «ff Of) good value. Special Monday V* "*■' $20.00 COUCH HAMMOCK— With coll springs and cotton mattress, covered In brown Kilfi ID striped canvas. Special Monday %piu.tjys —The Way to Reduce Ice Bills! Leonard, the man who builds Leonard Sani tary cleanable and Grand Rapids Refrigerators, has been In the refrigerator business since Lin coln was President—all the time studying tho question of refrigeration. He has learned tho secret of making refrigerators which consume a minimum quantity of ice. In addition to this, these refrigerators are the most perfect in quality and construction. If you want small est Ice bills and provisions kept best, buy a Leonard Refrigerator, SHOE COMPANY OPENS A NEW CITY BRANCH Third Los Angeles Store Started at 623 South Broadway. Many Floral Pieces Recognizing the growing importance of South Broadway as a business and Shopping district, the Walk Over Shoo company, operating through tha Hughee Shoe company, of which J. F. Hughes Is president, has opened Its third Los Angeles store at 623 South Broadway, to be known as the Walk Over Boot Shop. The opening yesterday found tha haridsoma new store crowded with. Walk Over friends and patrons. Sou venirs were distributed all day, and an orchestra furnished music In the after noon and evening-. Great bouquets ot floweri were found In every part ot the store. The new shop is especially handsomo In Its interior decoration, although the windows. are of the latest and most artistic construction. The style of the New York and Paris Walk Over stores is followed closely. The furnishings are of Mission design, In a light green.. Tin ceilings are beamed. A balcony encircles the entire room. Through the full length of the store In the center are high backed seats of impressiva structure. The Walk Over idea Is evi dent on every hand. Two of the littlo Walk Over men are seen at the front on pedestals, footing the arch at each side. The rugs are of special Walk Over weave. In the windows the Walk Over monogram design Is found again in .stained glass panels. ♦*-♦ , Betty Bray la cominir to Jjm Axurelea.