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NEED OF CIVIL SERVICE SHOWN AT COURT HOUSE Job Holders' Deputies So Busy Electioneering That They Neglect Work "Tho wont resolution adopted by tho cjcmil Covcrnment forces, urging the application of civil service rules to nil county offlcoa and their deputies and attaches la Shown to huvo been most judlctoui by the condition of af fairs now prevailing »t the court house," said •■! leading membef of the Democratic! county central commltte* j ssterday. "For instance," ho said, "w* have ample proof that the deputies In prac tloilly all tho county offices aro now wiistinp the time fur which they are ji.n.i by tlic taxptyart, and are putting in nearly ;iii their time electfoneerlng for the Incumbents. Tiny .-in' dolni this, or course, to hold their Jobs, Which they can only do by protecting the officials on whom they depend for reappolntment. "We understand that Judge MrKin ley Is iit tlio head of the new' political organisation, or machine, formed by the-Incumbents in county ofllcet, to take tin plaoe or the Republican cen tral commfttee. whose support these Incumbetlta dnre not Mccejit for fear the Lincoln-Roosevelt league may be Rtrongar than they anticipate. Of course BUCh Candidates as are Indorsed by the league for re-election are not In tlii' machine, and do not need to lie. "We have Information that this ma chine, if ii Miary, is to spend $25,0110 for the re-election of "Tuss" Eldridge. Nearly every attache and deputy of flclai in the county is putting in most of his time electioneering for the nor n of the men on whom they de- We know Of many Instances In which nubile duties are slighted to carry on political work. "This exemplifies the need of civil service rules in the various depart ments of the county government." HAS ANYBODY HELD UP KELLY? POLICE SAY, NO Man Is Hustled to Jail After a Bluff Story of Having Been Robbed Whal wan reported at police head quarters yesterday mornlnp: us a dar lyllght holdup on Investigation by detectives proved to t>e a tissue of falsehoods, and Eddie Kelly, a pork and bean fighter, who ik >>'<■< i u_s the vic tlme and made the report, is now In thr pity Jail. A charge of tnlade meanoi embesalement is lodged against tiir- young prisoner. Kelly, who is a driver for the Santa Clara Wine company, called up police hei dquartern yesterday morning about hi o'clock and said he had been held up b; .1 bandit, who stole 19.36 from him and then Jumprd on the wagon he was driving and drove away. Kelly said there were several cases of beer in the cart. Kelly sniii the man held a revolver [^Thl Latest-^) ) Kti ON THE. . ) I Ciothes Lime. I \+ I \ ■-* S 1 H CftftLOßD pi /J//^f II /*>eTau«c ■" I \Zj'^-~\] Jp|^ AMOBfeOWMS 0 A Scoop in Browns and Tans Carloads of them have arrived at the B. & K. stores, when other merchant ,1 tailors will not have them before fall. Which is merely^another instance of the splendid purchas ing power—the ahead-of-today policy— of these establish ments. The new arrivals include checks, overplaids and plaids in fashionable brownish shades, which have just been secured by our New York buyer and which he forwarded to us by express. They are in the windows, and it will do your heart good to look at them. They are almost "next season" styles. With these, as with any new color, it is just as well to get ahead of the crowd and to order immediately. The maximum effect of the novelty is obtained that way, These will be made up, of course, according to the reg ular high B. & K. standards and sold at the regular low B. & K. prices. They are guaranteed to fit perfectly, or your money back. And that, by the way, is a guarantee that goes with every B. & K. suit, whether it cost $20.00 or $50.00. i A. K. BRAUER Successor to BRAUER & KROHN "Tailors to Men Who Know" 128-30 S. SPRING ST. COR. FIFTH AND SPRING 1141 S. MAIN ST. Y. M. C. A. Glee Club to Appear in Exceedingly Bright Comic Opera I Matt BBrt^ 1^ 1 /400' .^^3 ' S* I sflCr®" !B^ . laj/iifo MK&'' -viz®, CHARLOTTE A. POWERS, DIRECTOR "The tTnlon Depot for One Day" Is the title of a hrlßlit comic opera to be given under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Glee club next Thursday and Friday nights. Charlotte A. Powers, recently of Chicago, will direct the In his hand while he took the money, and then ordered liini to "beat It." A number pf detectives were detailed on the case, and a few houra later the horse and wagon were found hitched in an alleyway near 1044 Byratn street. Investigation showed the rig had been hitched In the alley at 8 o'clock, which showed th« Orst discrepancy in the Roily story. When other discrepancies were found. amontf which was thn fact that Kelly had deposited t'-> in the All Hay and Night i>;ink yesti "lay morning, the driver was sent to police headquarters. At first he stoutly held to the holdup theory, and even gave a detailed de gcrlptlon of the man who he said turned the trick. Finally he broke down and admitted he. had lied. He confessed needing the money and conceived the plan by framing a holdup. He hitched the horse himself near I"11 nyrain street, then boarded a car and placed the money In the bunk, and later reported the holdup. ARROWHEAD HOT SPRING! If In need of rest, pure, cool mountain air and water. T.OS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1910. opera. The opera will be given to raise funds for the Yosemite. valley vacation trip of the dub. The play, which will ba given in the association auditorium, will be participated In by 100 members ! of the i lub. CIVIL SERVICE RULES UPHELD BY SPALDING Secretary of Local Commission Declares Exactions Neces sary to Preserve Spirit W. A. spakllngr, secretary of the civil service commission, tiiinks he *ees an inclination on the part of some of the friends of civil service to Rive, it n llap now and then. BuCh, at least, was the opinion he expressed In an address be* fore the City dub yesterday afternoon on "Civil Bervlce in the Hands of Its Friends." Some members of the commissions which handle the city's business be lieve they are lmndicapped by the ex actions of civil service, but Mr. Spuld iiiK pointed out yesterday that these exactions were necessary to preserve the spirit of civil service. He criti cised the refusal of the finance com mittee to appropriate some money to provide for the expense of a delegate to the civil service convention and the supply committee for its failure to grant the civil service niore help, and with some sarcasm said these two committees were supposedly friends of civil service and this was one thing that was happening to civil service in the hands of its friends. Councilman .1. J. Andrews, a mem ber of both the finance and supply committees, who was present at the club luncheon, risked the privilege of the floor after the speaker had con cluded and explained the finance com mittee had refused funds for the con vention because there were no funds to Rive and that the supply committee was still considering the matter of more help for the civil service depart ment, with other salary questions. Mr. SpaldinK spoke of various re form measures that had been tried in IjOS Anpeles during- the last thirty years, and showed how civil servi c was a natural outgrowth of this de sire for reform. He told what it had accomplished during the seven years it has been in force in l.os Angeles, and as one example of the pood results pointed out the efficiency of the aque duct department. PROPERTY IN FRANCE WAITS LOUIS BATAILLE'S DAUGHTER The daughter of Louis Paul Bataille of Paris, Fiance, is believed to b« somewhere in California, and if she will communicate with Napoleon Ar gies, 6 Boulevard Dea Capuclnes, Paris, she will find property awaiting her. X communication to this effect was received at The Herald office yesterday, nskins assistance to locate the daugh ter, whp was born in IS.'iO. Her moth er's maiden name was Marie Vlctolre Noeniie de Scliaaf. • It is known that she came to ( all fornla but whether she is still alive or not is uncertain. It la not known whether she married, but if she was married and left children they are en titled to the unclaimed estate in France. Her parents were married In 18411. TABLE OF lEMI'KKATI HES station*. «•«. '"»• AmarlUo, Texas «<> M BMton I 1? I", Buffalo •* H Chicago • i 1* ua Cincinnati '.' »« I»enver • ''.;. ;«J Xl Piwn »- •'» Oalvmton *<J '•• Kun«»« City !; ■« Knoxvtlla ™ «- Little Rook • <» »* l,o» Anitele "" I 4 Mile. City. Mont «» 40 Montgomery, via »- •>" >,>«■ Orleans •• *} ™ New York " ™ Oklahoma .., ™ "- Omaha •* ™ Plltiibars:, l'n.. •» " l'acalollo, Idaho «« 4« Portland, Ore JJ »0 K«pid City, 8. D « A* Reno '" J" St. Louis ** "* St. Vaul "( ** Salt iMke City >'■ « sun Antonio ™ «» Han Francisco •« "JJ Seattle ** *» Wa*hrniton.' i>- C. ;« «JJ Yunta ... __-__^\ ■■ ' You can buy It, perhaps at many place*, but there* one BEST place to buy it-and that place advertise*. - Look for Betty Bray. News of the Courts TWO SUE FOR DIPLOMAS COLLEGE DENIES THEM Medical Students Assert They Passed Examinations at Conclusion of Term T.oretta Nelson and R, S. Plekler, for-| tudents in ii"' California Eclectic Mcdli :>i eollejfG, filed separate suits in 11 unity rlerk'n offlc ■ yesterday against the head officers and teachers of Hi.' college. Both iel forth in their complaints thai after receiving pamph lets and other literature (rom the. col lege itatlng i!;.-it upon graduation each student would receive a diploma which would give him full standing a i leal piac titioner, they entered ti i lege, recei ed three years of term'cred its through their having attended an ( isteopathic college. They further claim thai after passing the necesßury examinations they were refused diplomas. They request the court to issue a writ of mandamus compelling the giving of the diplomas by the college and to granl such other relief aa the courl may believe Jusl PACIFIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY SUING FOR TAXES! The Pacific Light and Power com pany of this city filed a civil complaint with the county clerk yesterday against the county of Los Angeles to recover the .-urn of {28,356.82. It is alleged in the complaint that the county assessor assessed property of the company and franchises grossly in excess of their real value. II la further alleged that the assessor willfully and Intentionally discriminated between the electric and water corporation, together with about twenty other corporations, and about 200 corporations transacting business in this county. , The company sues for, the amount which the officials believe In excess of the true assessment valuation. On May 16 last officers of the company appeared before the board of supervisors and put in a claim for $28,855. but the super visors refused to allow the claim, and recourse has been taken to the courts. . . a-*-* — ASK TO PROBATE WILL DISTRIBUTING $100-000 A petition was filed with the county clerk yesterday by Walter L. Neill and Ida Neill Beardsley, requesting that the will of Henry Neill, who died May 15, his!, leaving an estate valued at $100,- OOd, bo admitted for probate. Tin; Will of the deceased was made out on Jan uary 5, 1907, and in it Neill bequeathed one-third of all his real and personal property to his wiiV, Mary J. Neill. The remainder of the estate he left to Walter 1,. Neill, his son, and to Lily N Klefhaber of Ban Francisco, Ida N. Beardeley and May Neill, both of this city, The last named beneficiaries are daughter! of the deceased. At the time of his death Neill was 68 years ol age. WOMAN'S DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST SANTA FE FAILS In the civil action brought by Jennie Berryman against the Atehison, Tope ka & Santa Fe railroad for $25,000 dam ages for injuries she sustained when struck by a Santa Fe engine, Judge Willis yesterday granted the motion lor a nonsuit made by attorneys for the railroad. From testimony brought out at the trial Mrs. Berryman was so frightened when she saw an engine approaching that she could not step off the track. She was badly injured and the sur geons who attended her found it neces sary to amputate her left leg. TO BE ARRAIGNED MONDAY In Judge Davis' court yesterday In formations were filed against Thomas Hughes, a private detective, charging him witii bigamy and against Richard Buchanan, charged with mistreatment. Informations were tiled in Judge Willis court against James R. Orr on a telony Charge and against Paul K. Oswald on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. The men will be ar raigned .Monday. FIRM SUES SAM SLOAN A complaint wherein the ilrm of Cage & Krow are suing' Sam Sloan, was tiled with the county clerk yes terday. It is claimed by the firm thai Sloan owes $982.50 on a note given by him to T. 11. and 1,. H. Perry Oil Texas. said note having hem assigned to Cage & Krow. Interest and costs of suit are also asked. MAY SERVE ANOTHER TERM Bernard M. Levy, who recently com pli ted serving three months In the county Jail on a charge of Impersonat ing an army officer, will have to stand trial in San Francisco on a. like charge. He is being detained ut the request of tin' ray City authorities, and an order for his removal will be asked for in the United States court next Thursday. TWO DIVORCES GRANTED Two divorces were granted yesti niay morning by Judge Jamea through de fault proceedings. The first case was that of 1j- B. Klefhaber against Lily D Klefhftber and the sacond that of Josephine Harris against Joseph Har ris. FILES SUIT ON NOTE \ BerecQchea Hied suit in the coun ty clerk's office yesterday to recover $427.08 from Bias Albarey.. He. al thut amount is due him on a note signed by Albinvz. SUES TO RECOVER TAXES The Domestic Gas company tiled suit in the superior court yesterday against the county of i.os Angeles to recover $4718.04 for taxes paid under protest on an assessment of $436,856. FILES DIVORCE SUIT Divorce complaint was Hied in the county clerk's office yesterday by Mary Wood against William n. Wood. DR. POWERS CONDEMNS GARBAGE LOADING STATION Respectfully declining the Job the council asked him to undertake, Dr, 1.. M. Power* will report to the oouncll Tuesday that the garbage loading sta lion on Aiiso street, east of the river, is a nuisance and that Charles Alex ander, the contractor, must abate the nuisam ••■ Betty Bray is coming to Loi Angele*. GREATEST r^^^- - Cl% *% & _aMjSjB Slaughter IN FULL l?\/f? to IN FULL BLAST JEU V £fl\ BLAST ! 0,000 Pairs E3B3S: «* One Dollar d**Kl in Modern >| # W ues range from $2 to For Misses and Children For Boys and Youths Values from $1.75 to $3.00 . . Values from $1.75 to $3.50 For Men Values from $2.00 to $4.00 The various lots are arranged according to sizes, and it is needless to say that "The Early Birds Will Get the Worms." =—=— MONDAY =— FOR WOMEN—Button and Lace Shoos of patent or vici kid, with Cuban or Louis XV heels, welted or turned soles; Oxfords and pumps of patent, vicl kid or tan; turned soles, Cuban and military heels. WOMEN'S SLIPPERS— colored kid, canvas and suedes, in white, jFJESB^ pray and brown patent leather and vici, in opera and strap effects, for jP Jlllik evening '>•' house wear. JrwljißwiiißSlS. WV FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN—Vici kid, patent leather Jt'iMS^i!^ ylY\\V ;m<l gunmetal lace and button shoes, tan and black kid # WS§|Pmsl3 \KpSfct. strap pumps, Oxford and Gibson ties. Every pair hand- /«P#l3 ItP^l^^>*. ■■' wed and worth twice, and in some instances three times jP, ifims^:^&sg7 I v^hT^^^? the prim we ask. Don't mis.- .such an opportunity to make £ $W§Msis§&sF' I '^^. your dnl!;ir work overtime, w^JSa W&t I vls£\ I FOR THE BOYS you will find sturdy school shoes of all JT.JSF w/M hi. yQ^-sl descriptions, worth as high as $2.50 a pair. Some calf, i^^^^^^^S^fflW . I^^ V \ many kid and patents. BBpSra VTBm \&fet \■ X\ Don't imagine such values will last lons at J^'J^^^m- flirt IS t^ > "^ >f\— BUOh a rldiculous prk'°- Be wlse —set first Jm^M WW U*' vfiJlm' Mothers are particularly invited j^^^^^^M "^*NP^ lk\S &k, to bring the children, as we are iS positive that $1 will do the work eg ifflr of $2, and of $3 in some instances. kJHp''^ Two thousand infants' shoes, Roman Two thousand pairs misses and children's sandals with fancy cloth tops, in all col- ' white strap pumps, tan welted scuffers and ors and white strap g^ f% stitchdown barefoot sandals; f g^ pumps: hand sewed; cv- *J* fHm all sizes and widths; not a M ■ i^% cry pair worth at lea^^B^fffl Pair worth less than 1?lLr ai|^/i $1.00. Monday only \* S W Monday only S *** \ ___^____ ____——^—— ——_—■i———— — —^—^~— 'DOWN AND OUT' CLUB GROWING, SAYS NORTON Democratic Chairman Has Turn with New Organization of the 'Has Beens' Chairman Alhort M. Norton of the Democratic county central commutes vouchsafes the following: "Patsy Clark's famous 'original jei terson club' was the scene yesterday noon of a novel assemblage ol em while Democrats and Others, who met at luncheon in the old polittcal remle/ vous and formed the Los Angeles •Down-and-Out club. "This is said to be the first real Down-and-Out club over formed by political 'has-beens' In Los Angeles, If not in the state. The club's roster, ms read yesterday, contains the names of many so-called political dereMcts and others who have descended from grace, it includes, for instance, tho nt mes of of many old-lino leaders ot the push,' of the Los Angeles eitj and county Democracy-men who were read from their party, frown out 01 summarily ousted because ot the, af filiations with the machine gang, 01 because of other suspicious clrcum '^Many <>f them represent the short halr Democracy, as opposed to the •long-hair' Democracy, and others are given an honorary membership lor feats they failed to perform. As an example, Dr. Frederick Cook, famous polar pretendi r. who tried to steal the ■oose from commander Robert Peary, was elected to the dub. The name f Nathan Cole also was submitted, but'«ill not be passed on until next week, when it Is believed he will bo entitled to membership. "The 'Down-and-Out club formed rday is expected almost to double Iti membership when the party sots through 'weeding out' its present un desirable or Incompatible members. "A. C. Harper, deposed mayor of T.oh Angeles, was elected president of the club. Tony Schwamm (abdicated monarch of the Kighth ward) became Ita secretary. Then, too, there was Tom Vacher. Tom was once the ene my of unlicensed canines, known as the ■ x-officio dog-catcher of the Angel city. He was elected treasurer. In this capacity he will have little to ire;, sine but the memory of other days "Besides these officers the club ( lected a regularly qualified board of directors. On this board were ap pointed such deserving men as A. E. Weiss, R. P. Goings, Sam Sdienek, Jim Craig, Hub Lewis and other be loved brethren of the past. ■Tom Savage and Eddie Morris, it is said, were refused membership. Balllnger'i application, with thai of several other members of the present national administration, will be con gidered later. No reformers will be allowed to attend the meeting* or to Hat,- tbe mysteries of the inner circle. The club will meet every Sat urday at noon and hold weekly lunch eons. .Members arc forbidden to dis cuss politics i xcept in the past tense. Hi.l.' 'was' and 'were' arc said to be the passwords, and all reference to the Good Government administration is forbidden On penalty or being kicked out of the club." We ask for information: Does this "back from Elba" business .have a deep and sinister meaning? It Is irue that on the top layer It fairly sparkles with compliment; but beneath, we fear, there lurks the grim suggestion that after "back from Elba" —only a little while after—came Waterloo. Is it a conspiracy, or merely a coincidence? Puck. » « > Look for Betty Bray YALE ALUMNI TO TENDER BANQUET TO A. T. HADLEY Address to School Teachers on Eli President's Program Sons of Old Eli will banquet at the. Hotel Alexandria tomorrow night with President Arthur T. lladley of their alma mater as honored guest. Presi dent Hadley will arrive in Los An geles from Berkeley tomorrow morn ing and will be taken on an automobile trip about the city. In the afternoon the head of Yale university will ad dress the public school teachers. Speakers at the banquet in addition to Dr. Hadley will include K. C. Moore, superintendent of schools, and Prof. George K. Hale, director of the Car negio solar observatory on Mt. Wilson. Dr. F. B. Kellogg, president of the Southern California Yale club, will be toastmaster. Dr. lladley conies to Los Angeles from Berkeley, where he has been th>> guest of the University of California at the Golden Jubilee. Leaving hero Tuesday morning over the Santa Fo he will be present at the annual con vention of the Federated Yale club in 1 Detroit May 28, to be the guest of 1 honor of that federation. The Yale club of Southern California • has at the present time .1 membership of about 175, over half of which will be at the banquet. Tho eye of a little Washington miss ! was attract! by the sparkle of dew 1 at early morning, "Mamma, 1' she ■ ex claimed, "It's hotter than I thought it was." ! "What do you mean?" "Look here, the grass Is all covered ■ with perspiration." Common wealth. Betty Bray la coming to Loh Angeles. 9