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14 NEWS FROM NEARBY CITIES PASADENA Correspondentße». phene Sunset 4367. Circulation Home 1043) Sun«et 2140. Office. SO W. Colorado at. rhonmi tail NAME COMMITTEES FOR PASADENA CELEBRATION City Will Be Gay with Flags Dur ing Festivities on Fourth of July PASADENA. June S4. —Pasadena will bo a gay place July 4, If the recommendation of the safe and aane Fourth of July com mittee of tha board of trade is carried out. for every householder is especially requested to make a display of flags and bunting this year. Tho request applies particularly to business houses. Chairmen of committees who will select their own assistants were announced yester day as follow*: General committee. I>ewls Turner, George Davis, William Thum, Sec retary Hertonneau; display, Frank V. Rider; concessions, C. U Sovery; patriotic exercises at Carmelita. Jnson J. Shepard; police. Chief William H. Wood; music. Nor val G. Felker; snorts at Carmelita, Harold Kyerson; gymnastics, George Bwarthout; ushers, Floyd I. Turner; ground equipment, I. M< Shutt; afternoon sports. A. Claude Braden; city and store decorations, George Brenner. At the Carmelita playground the morn ing program will begin at 9:30 o'clock and will include music by the G. A. K. life and drum corps of l'asadena; address by Jason J. Shephard, past commander of John F. Godfrey poet; reading of Lincoln's Gettys burg address; reading, "Tho Flag," original j lioem by J. W. Oilman; Hag raising and salute by Co. I, Seventh regiment. X. G. C. A program of sports especially for the children will begin at 10 o'clock and will include everything from a peanut scramble to a footrace lor tlrls. At Tournament park in the afternoon there will be a polo game, motorcycle races, folk dances by people of twelve nationali ties, acrobatic and athletic stunts, open air vaudeville and daylight fireworks to con clude with regulation pyrotechnics in the evening, including novel set pieces. LIGHTS MATCH TO LOOK INTO OIL TANK-BANG! PASADENA, Juno 24. —Because h9 had not yet fully carried out the intention of looking into the tank of tho oil wagon which he was driving, Joe Chacon was saved from a trip to the morgue yesterday morn ing at 2 o'clock. He had llchted a match, held it at the opening and started to look in when an explosion occurred which was heard for a distance of three miles. The gas which had accumulated above the oil in the tank burned his hand to a crisp, but his face was barely touched by tho Ilames. Ills team of mules stood In their tracks anil he was found unconscious on the wagon seat a few minutes later by employes of the municipal lighting station. lie la employed by the Simons Brick company. VICTIM OF COLLISION TO BE BURIED SUNDAY PASADENA, June 24. —Sunilay afternoon has been set as tho time for the funeral of Samuel Elmore, the Oregon salmon packer who was killed on the Santa Ana line in a collision Monday evening between a Pacific Electric flyer an.d his automobile. It will l,e held from Hotel Maryland cottaga No. 70, which 1» occupied by the family. De tails are not complete, as another daughter, Mrs. F. Harradon, Is expected Saturdai morning from Astoria. Ore. The remains may be sent north unless cremation Is de cided upon. Mrs. Elmore and Miss Elmoro wl 1 remain in Pasadena for the present. SbLECT HALL FOR MEETING PASADENA, Juno 24.—The Maccabee auditorium. 65 North Raymond avenue, has been selected as the place for the mass meeting Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock to perfect a permanent organization for the purpose of "supporting and protecting the. municipal lighting plant as a ■permanent Pasadena institution In the face of whatso ever efforts of private Interests to strangle it and through whatsoever changes of poll tics II may pass." Hylaws for adoption will be presented by the »ommittee of ten appointed at last Saturday's meeting, ami It Is expected that permanent officers will he elected. AUTO HITS WOMAN PASADENA, Juno 24. —Mrs. A- C. Haxter, 41 West Colorado street, was run into by an automobile last evening os sho wan about to board an electric car at the Salt Lake crossing on South Fair Oaks avenue, and sustained a number of bruises, besides a wrenched arm. She was taken to her home by George P. C'ary in Ills automobile and a medical examination mado. It will require an X-ray examination this morning to as certain whether any bones In the arm aio broken. SCHOOL CENSUS SHRINKS PASADENA, June 24.— Revised figures for the Pasadena school district census made public yesterday show a shrinkage of 300 in the gain previously reported when the list was submitted tJ County Superin tendent Ma-k Keppel. At that time the cain over last year was Riven out as tiOO. It is now shown to bo 299. There are 5637 children of school ago in tlio district and 8061 cMldrc-n unt'.ur 17 years old, represented by II -V nc-ads of families. DEPUTIES TO BEGIN WORK PASADENA, June 24.—Local verification deputies will begin the. circulation of pi-tl tlonß In this city today for tha nomination of courty officials on the Lincoln-Koosevolt league ticket and for Charles Bell for state senator, H. G. Cattell for assemblyman, and J. M. Eshelman for railruud commis sioner on the same ticket. PASADENA BREVITIES PASADENA, June 24. —Trustees of the tJnlversallst church have accepted the resig nation of the Rev. B. G. Dunham as pastor. The resignation was tendered during the services last Sunday. Jay C Cook, foreman of the I.ord Motor Car company 1 garage, whose left eye was) accidentally put out recently with a monkey wrench, has left with his family for Lake Tahoo to recuperate. Holding that R. Dexter 1! claim was against Blagg & Stevens of the Pasadena theater rather than against Thomas Jud In the civil suit brought to recover the price of a moving picture machine, Jud ■ Klarnroth yesterday gave Judgment to the (lffendant. Dexter had caused Judge's ar rest on an embezzlement charge, but the action was subsequently dismissed. Squad leaders of the Y. M. C. A. are on Catallna Island preparing the White 1! land ing camp f»r the arrival of the junior! next Monday. It is planned to have an excur sion from Pasad' "a of 200 persons to inspect the camp on July 6. PASADENA CLASSIFIED PASA. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. NEW FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE houss for household goods and automo biles. Office 05 B. BItOADWAY. :- <■ 6-12-lmo STONE'S CAFETERIA THIS IS CAFETERIA WKATHER Cheaper to eat here than at home. 1» EAST COMWUM W. HH-a f-U-lma LONG BEACH CIRCULATION HKI'AKI « 1-ina st. Horns 260; Sunset 5411. CORRESPONDENT ITonis 485 1 Sun net 1151. YOUTH CONFESSES TO THEFT OF FOUR AUTOS Boy Makes No Attempt to Sell the Machines, and Motive Puzzles Police LONO BEACH, June 23.-Lewl« G. Austin, a Iti-year-old youth, arrested by tha police, has confessed to the theft of four auto mobiles in the last few months. One of them was the machine of Walter M. Clark, which vas taken a few nights ago from in front of the Hotel Virginia after a fake message, purporting to be from Clark, had called the automobile to the front entrance of the hos telry. Austin wns discharged recently from the marines, and attended the college at Pomona until December 1. He worked for the Western Motor works In Los Angeles. His goood ap ii- arance won him r position ns chauffeur for Dr. Wood, a wealthy I.o« Angeles physician. wlm pi Ideiable tin. at Hotel Vir ginia Since retting thi« place, n few months ago the youth has made his home tn Long The automobile* which he has stolen, ac- ' cording to his own story, are: A Cadillac, stolen from Councilman Hatlino's garage In Pasadena, March 1; a 52200 Bulck, stolen Jan uary 16 from the private garage of Dr. R. I). Adams at Monrovia: a Cadillac, stolen from a private garage at 122 Wostlake avenue, L.OS Angeles, and abandoned on Temple street hi thai city last Sunday morning, and the | Walter" Clark car, a Chalmers "10" valued at junon. Austin had not tried to sell ony of the auto mobiles, and what his object was In commit ting tho thefts Is a puzzling question to the police. He will be taken to the county Jail tomorrow. LONG BEACH ITEMS I/iNG BEACH, June 23.—That the road from Lns Angeles to Long Beach is now being im proved and that it will be in good shap* for traffic by July 4 was reported to the cham ber of commerce this morning by A. M. Good hue, rhalrman of the parks and roads com mittee. The chamber of commmeree today sent a telegram to Congressman McLachlan express- Ing appreciation for his work In helping to ■eoura the appropriatioln of J40.00 for a fed eral bulMlng site here. An Invitation to send a Long Beach exhibit to the San Diego Panama-California exposition in 1915 was received by the chamber of com merce today. Miss Minna Paden. employed as nurs« by Mm. Jotham Blxby Jr.. 121 Chestnut avenue. i\;i^ thrown from a buggy near the city hall last evening and suffered painful bruises. A piere. of paper had frightened the horse. The Electric Manufacturing company of this city today removed Its factory from this city to Los Angeles. OLDFIELD LOWERS MILE RECORD TO 49 2-5 SECONDS ST. PAUL, June 23.—Barney Old field in a 200-horse power Benz broke the world's circular track record for one mile here today by driving the distance in :49 2-5. The previous rec ord was :49 5-8, held by Ralph de Palma. Amateur Notes An Independent amateur basketball league Is in the embryo state and will soon develop Into reality. Orange, Huntlngton Beach, Los Angeles, Long Beach. Riverside and San Ber nardino are in the list of teams* desiring ad mittance to the organization, and there will be a big trophy for the winner donated by the Spaldlng people. Violet street playground teaqi Is anxious to secure games for any date between June 27 and July 3. The Indians and Wielanle at Thirty-eighth and Alnmeda street, the Pico Heights and Lacyfl at Seventeenth and Mallard and the Los Angeleß Grays and South Central Mer chants at AsOOt are three games scheduled for i:ext Sunday. The Inter-City leigne will play its third pchedula tomorrow afternoon on the various diamonds. The lineups will be us follows: Echo Playground vs. Bishops, Temple and Lake Shore: Echo Playground—Findley, catcher; Perry, Larwell, rlicher; Byram, first base; McLeer fei ond base; Halght, thlid basf; Lewis, ghort- Btop; Pierce, left field; LaswUl, center field; McDonald, right field. Jilt-hops—Leonard, catcher; Oonzales, pitcher; Pussey, first bas»; Butler, second base; Devla. third base; Leonard, ihortatop; Butler, left Held; A. Smith, center Cold; Duphey, right field. Alliambra vs. Glove Mills, at Alhambra: Alhambra—Leirutn, catcher; Dear, pitcher; Gervals, first base; Dear, second base; T. Hmith, third ba-e; R. Smith, shortstop; O. Hear, left field. 13. Dear, center field; Bilande, right (Uld. Globe Mills—rric-p. catcher; L. Smith, pitcher: McElroy, first base: Blbo, second tase; Goodwin, third base; Rlelly, shortstop; D. Smith, left field; Sawyer, center field. Union Hardware and Metal vs. Y. M. C. A., at U. S. C grounds: t'nlon Hardware— Tortez, Rose, catcher; Brown, pitcher; Caudry, first baa*; Johnston, second base; Nellson, thlr'l la>e; Lavlne, Bhortstop; Ilove^ left (Veld; Ilaskell, center tield; Swltzer, right field. T, M. C. A.—Hurli'urt, catcher; Miller, lltcher: Grey, first; Peckham. second base; Schauber, third base; Smith, shortstdp; Summers, left Held; Ross, enter Held; Cellls, right field. Glendale vs. West Llthos, at Glendale: Glendale— Butrlck, cat her; Benson, i Holier; Davenport, first base; Emery, secod base; Rice, third base; Bourne, shortstop; Hllliard, left field; Stlne, center field; Barkdell, right field. West Llthos—Duncan, Haskel, catcher; Cline, pitcher; Sandy, first base; Kroes, second base; Southwell, third base; Ople. shortstop; Bums, left field; Wade, center field; Weesell, right field. ( Leavltt Bartholomew vs. Wielands, at Thir ty-eighth and Alameda: Bartholomew—Rlger, pitcher; Proctor, catch er; McElroy, first base; baker, second base; Rlley, third base; Goodwin, shortstop; Lomas ney, left field; Black, oontgr field; Coaper, right field. WielandsGarcia, pitcher; Lyons, Tworabley, catcher; Moeller, first base; Hartenstein, sec ond base; Muer, third base; Stolloff, shortstop; Brown, left field; McLaln, center field; Hoff, right field. Goldsmith vs. L. A. Stove Repair, at Tblrty eighth and Santa Fe: Goldsmith—Abbott, catcher; Hiliaer, pitcher; Martin, first base; Keenan, second base; Mel ville, third base; Cu'land, shortstop; Mill r, If ft field; Norton, tenter field; Ryiiell, light field. L. A. Stove — Arsuella, catcher; Prayer, pitcher; Pitts, first base; Sweeney, Beoond base; Young, third base; Pollock, shortstop; H. Smith, left Held; Gootliber, center field; M, Potts, right field. TABLE OF TEMPEKATIKfcS Place— Mm. Mln. AmartUoi Texas VI «i Boston 8S 71 ltlllliili. IK I.X 4'hli-iIK» »i *« Ciiil>lnnutl J)4 Ti Denver 9'! fin El ru«<» 114 711 Ualveston «•> M Kansas City «* JO Knoxvllle Ifl M Little Bock «- «» I.oh Angeles 70 , 67 New Urleuu* ._...,... •_...«....._•. *8 72 LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1010. VENICE OlrrnJ«tlon — Home 4711; Snnset Sfl6l. Corr««pondcat —Homo 4381 j Sunset 191. TO REPRODUCE BATTLE OF MANILA AT VENICE Celebration of July 4 to Have a Miniature Engagement as Big Feature VENICE. June "3 — The Fourth of July will be eel brated In Venice with a spectacular naval battle, depicting the famous cngaj;e --i nient at Manila, May 1, 19 8. Two fl nts of bouts will approach the Venice breakwater from opposite dir<etions promptly at :! o'clock in the afternoon, ami at o'er begin Bring, Three of the bouts will '« IP and sunk by su 1. maiine mines and torpedoes. The battle wiii last an hour and [a hair, and it will re ;ulre fifty men to carry i out the plan. Five thousand shells will be fired and exploded in the course or the battle, j The Venice waterfront will be Illuminated at nicht with colored fire, thousands of cand'es being lighted at once. All fireworks will be > set off on the beach west of the concrete promenade, in accordance with the directions i of the police. | There will be swimming and diving con i tests in the forenoon between 10 o'clock and ! 32 o'cl ck, and valuable prlzes*wlll be awarded the winners. The races will be held In the ocean at the end of the new pier and break water, and Include 60 and ltO yard events for girls. While t!ie aquatic sports are helng held the Venice band will hold an open air concert on the plaza. A special feature of this concert will be singing by the choir of tin First Methn.llst Church of I/os Angeles, composed of 360 voices, under the direction of Dr. Eugtne E. Davis, who is arranging an e'nborate P<o gram of music. The band will ttie eh"iv in all its numbers. At the Venice auditorium the championship battle between Jeffries and Johnson will be duplicated by Manager Wnri HcFadden, who baa engaged two well-known fighters of l.os AngH.s to act out the fight as the reports are received over the wire from the ringside. ALLEGED ACCOMPLICE OF FRED. A. FISHER ARRESTED Charged with being ax} accomplice of Fred A. Fisher, an alleged trunll thief who was taken into custody by Detectives Jones and Boyd several days ago on a charge of stealing several trunks containing articles valued at several thousand dollars, Edgar Bea visson was arrested late yesterday af ternoon in a rooming house and locked up in the city Jail on a charge of grand larceny. According to the police records Bev isson was taken into custody more than a year ago. At that time he had In his possession a large trunk filled with various articles of women's apparel. When questioned as to how he came into possession of the stuff, the accused is alleged to have declared that his sis ter eloped in the east and left her clothes in his possession, and that he brought them west with a view of sell ing them. The officers were unable to disprove his statement, and he was released. When arrested last evening Beavif son had in his possession a trunk con taining a quantity of women's gowns. He again attempted to tell a story of an eloping sister, and became discon certed when the detectives laughed at him. The trunk and its contents are being held by the police, and an effort will be made to locate the owner. Fred Fisher, who was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of stealing three trunks, was arraigned before Police Judge Frederickson yesterday on two charges of grand larceny. His preliminary hearing- was set for Tues day morning at 10 o'clock. Fisher Is alleged to have stolen a trunk, the property of F. B. Van Doren of Long Beach, from in front of the Hotel Hosslyn on May 30. The trunk contained clothing, Jewelry, money and papers worth SIOOO. On June 20 two trunks were stolen in the same manner from in front of the Hotel Hetnzeman, 620 Soilth Grand ave nue. They were the property of Miss Carrie Gallinger and Mrs. Samuel Bressler. The trunks were discovered where he had stored them, with the property In them intact. MAD DOG TERRORIZES BLOOMINGTON SCHOOL Animal Run Down and Shot by a Posse of Citizens SAN BERNARDINO, June 23.—A mad dog today terrorized the town of Bloomlngton. The beast appeared on the Bchool grounds, causing a panic among the students. Dunne its rampage over the town It bit several other dins. After a chase lasting for several hours the maddened animal was run down by a posse of citizens and shot to death. The dogs which It bit were also killed. On the collar cf the beast was a San Bernardino dog license and It Is believed that tho animal con tractiHl the disease from the dogs that during the papt few days have been killed here after developing symptoms of rabies. City officials are contemplating ordering Into effect the emergency muzzling ordinance passed during the last dog scare. COURT RULES AGAINST HAM IN CONTRACT SUIT SAN BERNARDINO. June 23. —Tho RVlit of A. 11. Ham against the board of man agers of tho California state hospital at Patton was dealt what is believed to ba a death blow today when tho superior court sustained the demurrer Ham was seeking to secure an Injunction preventing tho closing of a contract with Ruisell brothers of this city for the potato supply on the grounds that he was the lowest bidder. TO BUILD BIG TOURIST HOTEL AT SANTA MONICA SANTA MONICA. June 23.—With the pur chase of six lot at the corner of Colorado and Ocean avenues by Adolphus Busch, a wealthy St. Louis brewer, comes the an nouncement that a modern tourist hotel li to be built on that Bite in the near future. A restaurant and casino are also included In the plans. SELL THROUGH TICKETS SANTA MONICA. June 23. —The city at torney has received word from the interstate commerce commission at Washington that the Bants Fe. Southern Pacific and I.os An geles Pacific railways have been notified to sell through tickets and check baggage through to Santa Monica, . ■ , Insure Your Summer Comfort Have a Supply of Puritas Dis tilled Water on Hand at All (■£.Times — Is a Healthful Summer Drink You drink more during the summer than in any other season. Make your beverage l'urltas Distilled Water. * Puritas will not only quench your thirst satisfactorilybut It is good for you. Plentifully used, It will Hush the system and add greatly to your comfort and wellbelne. "Hard" waters. Ilka the city water, will not do this. They contain considerable amounts of minerals. Instead of cleansing the Internal passages, they tend to clog them. The minerals become deposited In the arteries, proving a fertile cause of rheuma tism and kidney troubles. Pure, soft water is a great solventa most healthful, natural solvent. That Is ex actly what Puritas is— pure, soft water. - We distill It twice—two distillations are necessary to insure its purity. We aerate it with pure ozone, secured by passing a current of electricity through flltered air. We bottle rurltas In clean glass demi johns—so carefully that all its wholesome •purity remains Intact. We even wrap the cork of the demijohn In foil In order that the outside air, filtering through the porous cork, may not contaminate the pure water within. Order a demijohn of Puritas. Tou will like it so well that you* will never be willing to be without it. It is most Inexpensive— j gallons cost but 40c delivered within the \ old city boundary line. At points beyond this the price is a trifle more, owing to the long haul. Regular Puri taa users purchase coupon books, thus so curing the pure water at a discount. When you telephone us ask 1 us about them. Homo 10053; Sunset Main 8191- Los Angeles Ice and Cold Storage Co. I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE ANY CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE IT POISONS DEEP GLANDS I WITHOUT KNIFE OR PAIN-j^f?^. ! A VEGETABLE PLASTER. AP^^^^V NO PAY UNTIL CURED ¥ M 5000 CURED, SWORN TO. f M People you can see and j z3S SKSs §Jti talk to, Judges, Law- O *|S?* gX\ , yers.Drs and Ministers I / k]l ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. I A~X *)) ANYTUMOR.LUMPorSORE \ .~_ > .• ON THE LIP, FACE or BODY \ "Sir* / 6 MONTHS IS CANCER. \ ~^ { BOOK SENT FREE, V—,,-' \ with testimonial!. gM\B*~Z^f A Hundreds cured alter ■s/7^^^ ; operations failed. Poor B/tfEfTr"^Sffia cured at half price. mn~~ns±J} /^Be9 ' CANCER IN WOMAN'S BREAST Begins a small lump and If neglected j !It always poisons deep In armpit, and PROVES FATAL QUICKLY. Address ' DR.&MRS.DR.CHAMLEY,!^^ Maiugers U. S. CANCER CURE,LARGEST In the WORLD 745 AND 747 S. MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES, CAL , IINDLY MAIL TO SOMEONE WITH CANCER THE WEATHER LOS AXGELES, June 23, 1910. Tlme.|Barom.| Trier, j Hum f windjVlc. | Weather^ 6~a7rn7F29;87~T~67~|~55 SE~|~7 fCloudy 6 p.m.l 29.89 1661 63 BW |11 | Clear Maximum temperature 70. Minimum temperature 57. WEATIIKR CONDITIONS SAN FRANCISCO, June 23.—The following maximum and minimum temperatures are re ported from eastern stations for previous day: Chicago, 84-76; New York, JB-72; Omaha, 92-72. FORECAST Southern California—Fair Friday; somewhat warmer: lifrht south winds. San Francisco and vicinity—Fair; somewhat warmer Friday; light south wind, changing to moderate west. Santa Ciara valley—Fair Friday; warmer; moderate north winds. Baeramento valley—Fair, warmer, Friday; moderate north winds. San Joaquln valley—Fair, warmer, Friday; moderate north winds. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses Issued by the county clerk yesterday were: NEILL-MILES— Neill, age 21, and Min nette Miles, age 21; natives at Kansas and Colorado and residents of Los Ange les. McCONNELL-FIFE —WarTen E. MoConnell. age 37, and Vera V. Fife, age 28; natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio and residents of Los Angeles. SCHADER-STONE — J. Schader, age 18, and Edith A. Stone, age 18; natives of California and residents of Santa Monica. ANDERSON-GRIFFITH — M. An derson, age 24, and Helen F. Griffith, ago 21; natives of West Virginia and Kan sas and residents of Los Angeles. GEIER-JOHNSON — H. Geler, age 26, and Lenora K. Johnson, age 20; natives of Germany and California and residents of Los Angeles. KELLY-OLSON R. Kelly, age 26, and Selma A. Olson, age 20; natives of Ireland and Kansas and residents of Sher man and Los Angeles. FORD-KENNEDYBert Ford, age 60, and Annie L. Kennedy, age 52; natives of Texas and Illinois and residents of Phoe nix, Ariz. GIBSON-JONES—Annen W. Gibson, aged 26, and Retla Jones, aged 24; natives of Vir ginia and Massachusetts; both residents of Los Angeles. GOLLUM-MASS—Vivian G. Gollum, aged 21, and Clara A. Mass, aged 20; natives of Illi nois and Wisconsin; both residents of Los Angeles. FRAZIER-WRIGHT— M. Frailer, aged 43, and Eva L. Wright, aged 44; both natives of Iowa; residents of Los Angeles and Oak land. HOFFMAN-GLASER— S. Hoffman, aged 28, and Bella Glaaer, aged 24; natives of Russia and France; both residents of Lob Angeles. BARARO-BORNASCHELLY — Vlto Bararo, aged 24, and Anna Bornaschelly, aged 18; natives of Italy and New York; both resi dents of Los Angeles. JOHNSON-WARREN—Thomas R. Johnson, aged 31, and Martha Warren, aged 37; natives of Missouri and Arkansas; both residents of Los Angeles. BIRTHS GIRLS ANDERSONTo Pete and Eva Anderson. 948 West Thirty-fifth street. COWEN —To Jerry and Esther Cowen, 146 North Hope street. WEIGELTo Todd and Leona Welgel, 626 Court street. JOYS ANDERSON —To Pete and Eva Anderson, 948 West Thirty-fifth street. GRANGER—To Ernest and Ruth Granger, 659 West Thirty-fifth street. DEATHS CAPLIN—David Caplln, County hospital, native of Russia, age 38; tuberculosis. ROOD Goulden Rood, 372 South Bonnie Brae, native of New York, age 63; abscess of lungs. COCKRAN —Morris Cockran, 212 So. Broad way, native of Indiana, age 56; heart dis ease. WILLIAMS —Liza Williams, 133 South Prltchard street, native of Kentucky, age 95; fracture of hID. I! \'Ml-Margaret Babb, 119 South Hope street native of Illinois, age 63; cancer. NELSON— Harriet Nelson. 3636 East Sixth street, native of Colorado, age 28; fatty degeneration of heart. GLEASON — Oleason, 1155 Elden ave nue, native of New York, age 63; nephri —Jacob Rftlch. 1616 Winfleld ave- BUSINESS PERSONALS MRS. MASSON, THE NOTED LONDON palmist. m B. SPRING, ever Owl drug | •tore, U-28-U ADVERTISERS Count six *vr*rag* word* a* OB* tia«. No ad. accepted for leas than the prise •f thr«s lint*. The Herald r«*er»ea the rl«ht to « rise advertisement* and to reject or omit and refund the amount paid, Report promptly to the elaMln>« man ager failure to get return* or experience wita fraudulent or dUboneit advertiser*. Two or mom Insertion* are better than one. Try a three-time ad. Results al most certain for anything-. - ' for contract solicitor* and ad»ettl»»« adrlce call SUNSET"MAIN 8000 HOME 10211 4KB ASK FOR CLASSIFIED MANA*>B« SPECIAL~RATES Want •<!«. lr a word each l»a*rtloek Room* for rent. 8 llnr*. 8 Mm**. Koom* with board, S line*, * time*. 25 CENTS nw WANTED—Mate and female, I line*, » time*. >- 25 CENTS SITUATIONS WANTED FREE nue, native of Austria, age 46; pulmonary oedema. ELLIOTT—James Elliott, 832 W. Thirty sixth place, native of Indiana, age 81; myocarditis. ERBE—Katharine Erbe, 317 North West lake avenue, native of Germany, age 72; uraemia. CALDWELL —Joseph Caldwell, 1724 Mau bert street, native of Tennessee, age 71; uraemia. __-^—__—— DIED ._,,_,.,„ -, -, - CALDWELL-At the family residence, 1724 Maubert avenue, June 22. Joseph P. Cnld well, beloved husband of Mary A. Caldwell, nged 72 years, father of Frank. Alonzo, Joseph A. and Fred B. Caldwell. Mrs. Alice Lent and Mrs. Mottle Edmonds. Funeral from the chapel of Robert L. Carrett & Co., 1237 South Flower street, today (Friday) at 2 p. m. Interment at Inglewood Park ceme tery by special car. 6-21-1 BEHNE— Christian Behne, father of Mrs. A. W. Barrett, Mrs. A. O. Richardson, Mrs. Capen Ellis. Mrs. Charles Gansert. Mrs. W. F. Wellbnnner and J. C. Fremont Behne. Funeral from Dexter Samson & Co., 1132 South Flower street, Saturday, 2 p. m. In terment Rosedale cemetery. Connersvllle and Indianapolis (Ind.) papers please copy. 6-24-2t BARRON—At the Bisters' hospital, June 21, Rev. Joseph Barron, late pastor of St. Mary's church, Los Angeles, a native of Ire land, aged 70 years. Funeral from St. Mary's (lurch. Fourth and Chicago streets, Satur day morning, June 26, 1910. Pontifical mass of requiem at 10 a. m. Interment Calvary cemetery. ' 6-23-2t EDWARDS— Suddenly, June 22, Mrs. Sara A. Edwards, aged 79 years and 6 months, mother of Dr. William A. Edwards, MOO West Adams street. Funeral private. Philadelphia, New York and San Diego pa pers please copy. 1-23-2 MANNING-Mildred M. Manning, Hollywood, June 20, aged 2 years 19 days. Interment Hollywood cemetery. 6-24-1 WILIEUM—June 21, E. Wllleum. Will be burled June 24 at 10:30 a, m. at Evergreen cemetery. 6-24-1 BABB-M. cemetery. died June 20. Will be _,lEUM —June 21, E. Wllleum. Will he ried June 24 at 10:30 a. m. at Evergreen metery. 6-24-1 !B—M. S. Babb died June 20. Will be burled on June 24, at 10 a. m., at Evergreen cemetery. 6-24-1 RESSBURT—Christine Ressbury, Los Angeles, June 18, aged 78. Interment Hollywood cemetery. 6-24-1 FUNERAL NOTICES The funeral committee of the Fraternal Brotherhood are requested to attend the fu neral of Roy O. Case of Hermosa lodge, No. 22, Saturday, 10 a. m., at Ruderman & Meyer's, Fiftenth and Main. Interment, Roeedale. Q. W. BAILEY, President. B. L. BASFORP, Secretary. 6-24-1 CEMETERIES HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY Rolling lawn*, trets, shruDbery and beaut:. ful lakes. MODERN tN EVERT RESPECT Situated in the most beautiful section of Southern California, the meal location just Inside Lo* Angeles city limit*. Melrosa and Colegrov* car linen to grounds. A CEMETERY THAT 19 SELECT AllBl. 208 Laoghlln Hldg. Main 891. Cemetery phones 89058; Hollywood B4». EVERGREEN CEMETERY~ The I/os Angeles Cemetery association, lioyle Heights, near city limits. Operated under perpetual charter from I.os Angeles city. Modem chapel and crematory. f Office. 339 Bradbury Building Phones— 652; A5468. Cemetery—Home 1)1083) Boyle 0. 6-6-I2m ROSEDALE~CEMETERY An endowed memorial park, noted for Its natural beauty; endowment fund for per petual care, over $250,000; modern receiving vault chapes) crematory and columbarium; accessible City office, Suite 302-306 EX CHANGE BLDG., n. e. cor. Third and I*lll sts. Phones— Main 909; A3620. Cemetery of fice, 1831 W. Washington st. Phones— West 80. 6-2-12mo WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW PAR lors, corner Twelfth and Hope nts. ORR & EDWARDS CO. Sterling 8. Boothe, Prea. and Treas. John D. Farls. Vice Preß. and Sec. 6-4-tf CHURCH NOTICES Christian Science Services Second Church of Christ, Scientist At the church edifice on West Adams street near Hoover. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly, subject. "Christian Science." Sunday school at 11 o'clock a. m.; .Wednesday evening meeting 8 o'clock. Reading room, 704 Herman W. Hellman Building, Spring and Fourth streets, open dally, Sundays ex cepted, from 9 a. m. to I p. m. 6-20-T PENIEL KALU «27 8. MAIN. NOON PKAT er meeting dally; gospel meeting ever; alt-ht. t-l-tmo SPECIAL NOTICES Your Eyes This Is your opportunity to have your eyes examined by a well known specialist. To those presenting thl* notice at 328 Security Building, Dr. Jesberg extends the courtesy of free examination and consultation. This will not obligate you to buy glasses. RELIABLE OPTICAL CO., , 828-829 SECURITY BLDQ. ■ FIFTH AND SPRING. THIRD FLOOR. 6-25-tf Do You Itch? •' or suffer from eczema In any form? If so, call at our offices, where we will re lieve It at once, free of charge, and then prove to your satisfaction that we pos itively, permanently, euro It by showing your testimonials and referring 1 you to re liable people of Los Angeles who have successfully treated with us. Consulta tion free. MILLS ECZEMA REMEDY CO., 819 Copp bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. 6-21-9t WANTED— AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively hlghe*t price, paid. MAIN 3597; F593«. 6-IS-ilmo CLOSING OUT 2500 GALLONS OK CAR «ra paint. $1.50 per gallon. SHEEHANS. 800 S. Broadway. 6-16-tt -■■■-, WHEELED VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE-TOURIST AUTOMOBILE, FOUR cylinder, 40-hor»e power, 6-paasenger; a bar rain If »old it one*. AddreM T. J. GOLD 2NO, Herald office. *-*-" WANTED HELP—MALE L — twi tu *i" yD— * A GOOD BOY TO CARRY MORNING ROUTE. SOUTH OF WASHINGTON AND WEST OP MAIN: $11 A MONTH. ASK FOR MR. POWERS, HERALD OFFICE. * 6-24-3 —, EE — WANTED—MEN, BY LARGE CONTRACTING company; can learn trade of plumbing, elec tricity, brlcklaylnc, automobiles. In tew month*; no apprentice or helper* work and no expense; $20,000 contract work going; cat alogue free. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING COMPANY, «47 Paolflo Kleo trlo Bldg. 4-30-li WANTED—AT ONCE, REVOLVERS. RIFLES and shotguns of all kinds, Wo are head ■ quarters tor second-hand flreatms and pay full value. COLLATERAL LOAN CO., Ml S. Main st 8-8-Imo WANTED WORKINGMEN to see my $15 to $36 up-to-date; second-hand suits, $3 to $7; other bargains. AMERICAN DEALER, 678 Central ave. 6-28-30t SALESMEN WANTED— LIVE HUS tlers can make big money selling stock In Industrial plant now working. PYRAMID CEMENT PRODUCTS CO., 107 Mercantile place. «-21-»t WANTED—A COOK'S HELPER, EITHER man or woman. Apply at MACSONTILE CAFETERIA, basement. Fourth and Main sta, ' 8-84-1 WANTED— MAKERS. WHITNEY'S Trunk Store, 83« S. Main st. «-21-tf HELP—FEMALE LADIES AND GIRLS AT HOME. BTBABf or evenings: can stamp transfer, doc upward; original, reliable arm. Room •84 MASON BLUU.. til W. Fourth I-IS-U WANTED—FOUR LADIES, BEAUTY CUL ture; pay big; learn right. FLORENTINE HAIRDRESSINO COLLEGE, world's largest, 227 Mercantile place, corner Broad way. . §-»•» WANTED— HELP, FEEDERS, folders and shakers; also girls to learn. LINEN LAUNDRY, 818 Boyd st. 6-21-7 HiiLF —MALE OB FEMALE WANTED— MEN 4.N0 WOMEN TO HARM the barber trwte; guaranteed In eight week*. Cat*:»*ue free. MOHLER BAR BER COLLBOE. 131 B. Second st. I-l-tl WANTED—COLORED MAN AND WIFE TO work on ranch. Address BOX 12, Herald. ■ ; 6-14-121 SITUATIONS—MAUD BSTHLEHBM FREB EMPLOYMENT acenoy, 610 Vlgnes street. Main 6721; Horn* A4SS4. Men for houseoleanlng. yard work and general labor. 8-24- SIT FEMALE WANTED—PERMANENT POSITION BY lxw*vv«"-n*»r. typewriter and cashier. 16 yean' experience; references. Address BOX 8664, Herald. . , 4-l»-tf WANTED —POSITION BY A SWEDISH cook; wages $35 to $40. Address 522 W. TEMPLE ST. Phone A9588. »-28-2 WANTED—ENVELOPES TO ADDRESS with pen by young lady; experienced. Ad dress BOX tit. Herald. 6-23-3 WANTED— BY SWEDISH COOK, SITUATION In American family; wages from $38 to $40. Call phone A9688. . 22 : 61 SITUATIONS— AND FEMALE* WANTED—WORK IN PRIVATE HOUSE, $10 month, room and board, while attend- Ing school; school hours from 1 to I p. m. P. O. BOX $4T. City. i-IT-tl ' HOUSES FURNISHED Ez WANTED TO RENT- Two to three furnished rooms for house keeping for man and wife; location near Hamburger's preferred. Rent must be rea sonable. Address BOX 20, Herald. l-U-tf == WANTED TO RENT—A 4 OR 6-ROOM furnished bungalow; no children. Address BOX 82, Herald. «-l«-10t WANTED— PURCHASE STOCK -—| WANTED— Stock In th* Los Angeles Investment com pany; any amount up to $40,000; will pay within 6 per cent of the company's selling price. a. F., care Globe Savings Bank. """" l-U-tt MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—SECOND HAND FILE CASES for card system and document ale; must be modern and In good order. BOX 221, Her .l4. . W-U TOP PRICES PAID For men's up-to-date cast-oft or second hand clothing. Phono F4543. 678 Central ave. TO PURCHASE—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FEATHER bed*. »i BAN PEDRO ST. Phones nan. Mum 1181. H-IT-i? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE— SECOND-HAND AND ccmmlsslon business; no opposition; pay* good; price $900. Also one-horse transfer and business; $2;>o. Owners wish to go north at once. Apply or address C. & S. Second-Hand and Commission ..tore, Transfer Office, W. P. Cecil, Prop., Ventura, Cal. 6-22-7t — DENTISTS Dr Dactamtnn, 203-200 Majestic Theater Bide., 845 S. Bdway. F5681; Main 8810. 7-1-tf PAT6NTB —PATENT ATTORNEYS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY. HAZARD * STRAUSE. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. Oldest agency In Southern California. American and foreign patents secured and trade marks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 639 Citizens National Bank Building, Third and Main. Home A1493; Main 2522. PATENT BOOK FREE. / , 2-3-tf PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS. ALL COUN tries. A. H. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and solicitor, 612 Trust Bldg., cor. 3d and Spring. 11-6-tl NO PATENT. NO PAY. ATTORNEY FEE cut M- 8. G. WELLS. 634 Germain bldg. 5-15-tt TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Prices lowest In the city. Regular $3 rental machines reduced to $2.80 month, or threo months for $8. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Branch AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. A6913. 138 a. Broadway. Main 8959. «-3-tf TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT AND RENTED. All make« guaranteed) repairing. BAKER IIOEY CO. (Inc.) U*y* So. Broadway. Main 40811 A4070. ; 10-61-tf ATTORN AT LAW SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS — PERSON AL injury claim* specialty; «s»at»« aetUed. i. W. MACY. 631 Douglas bid*. Phones AS4J3. Main 8633. . « DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA AND OTHER states free on request. BOX (23, Golddeld, Nevada. 6-»-tf •ANITARIUM* THE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the city for confinement case*. Term* to suit. 1241 South Flower. FtlM. 3-12-tl FOR RENT -iru-u-in- - - - -_ii-n_i-i_n i i ■.■--- -i- i ~ APARTMENTS—FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Hotel Seville 712-734 8. FLOWER ST. On* of the finest family hotels In the elk/. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat| not and cold water; electrlo lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones: Main Hll; FUSS. 4-1-tl 'The St.. Regis-:' Housekeeping apartments, 237 S. Flower! Main 2290, A7336; near business center; at tractive building, cool porches, room phones; clean, nicely furnished apartments. 112.60 to *24. Blngle rooms |2.50, «4 weekly | *B.SO to II.T monthly. a-IT-lmo JKWRf.nY, AT.I. KINDS, ENAMELED, made to order, repaired; stones set; old gold bought. O. 0. GIESCHEN, 720 Broadway Central F2693. >-»3-tt BOOMS—FURNISHED ' GIRARD HOUSE 115 E. THIRD ST. Its all outside rooms; 10 wits private bath; central location; elevator service; •team Neat; rates a* low as lIS month; with private bath. 111. Main 1110; Home Kill. f-»4-II HOUSES—FURNISHED FOR RENTFURNISHED 7-ROOM BUN galow, nicely furnished, 130. 5015 BUD- I.ONQ AVE. Take Forty-eighth street- Qrand avenue car. 6-23-11 MISCKIXANEOUa ,^S HOME FOR CHILDREN-PARENTS TRAV ellng can sajcttre pleasant home for children with lady physician; treatment If necessary; • tural hygienic methods: substantial table; prices reasonable. 241 N. EUCLID, PASA DENA. »-l-lmo FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOU K.YOHANOJS — 1 HAVE A CLKAII lot at Hedondo, » blocks from city hall, facing tlie ocean; One for apartments or hotel t street work all tut gas, electricity and seweri fine view of the ocean I would trade for lot at Uuntlngtoa Park, Olfn dale •>■■ city. Lot valued at SHOO: make offer. OWNER, box »6«. Herald ogle* , D. A. VAN VRANKEN WILL BUT, SELL or exchange your property. 402 H. W. HELL MAN BLDO. 6-22-M FOR EXCHANOE-WB CAN EXCHANGE your property, no matter where located. SLACK A COMPANY, 418-20 Grant Illdg. ■t 6-19-10 —— — MISCELLANEOUS WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold oompany and other mining stoak for stock In California Wave Motor company (Reynolds). BOX 141. Herald. «-lf-tt FOR EXCHANGE —I HAVE A CLKAK LOT In Colton Ibat I will trad* for diamond*, fmrnltare, auto, or what bar* rout Ad dress BOX CM, Horrid. »-21-tt WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR A good 46-70 Springfield rifle? Address BOX 201 Herald office. ' 4-J»-tl FOR EXCHANGE— GOOD 45-70 RIFLE FOR a good shotgun, or what have you? Address BOX 202 Herald office. 4-a-tf FOR EXCHANGE—A GOOD 48-70 RIFLB for a good shotgun, or what hav* youT Ad dress BOX 202. Herald. 4-29-t* CHEAP JOHN BUYS AND SELLS EVERT thing. Addn'S!. 718 K. FIFTH ST. 6-22-lmo MONEY TO LOAN JIONEI' TO LOAN $:J,OOO to loan on real estate, city or coun try, 6 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOYER ft GILBERT, 302 H. W. Hellmaß Bldg. Homo phona ASB27; Main 6474. 10-i-tt SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL. LOANS, See US before you borrow money on sal ary or furniture. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. (Inc.), 612 Gross* Bldg., corner Sixth and taring. F>«4B; Main 4821 4-1-tf MC Jet TO. LOAN—SALARIED MEN • and women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. »-14-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 401 WILCOX BLDO., .111 loan you what you need on real es tate. stocks and boada. Building loans a laity. ; t-»-tf MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, FURNl ture, pianos and any kind of security; low rate*. JOHNSON, 139 H. W. Hellman Bldg. 111 lim I HAVE $300 TO $30,000 FOR REAL ESTATE loans, city or country; lowest rates; money waiting. R. W. MOTER. 604 Frost bldg. F6107. 6-25-lmo TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE, 419 Henna Bldg. 10-4-tf LOANB-WE LOAN MONET ON REAL E3 tate; low interest, rany payments. A. E. RUDELL, 211 Mercantile Place. MMI PRIVATE MONEY. 6 TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART & SON, 601 H. W. Hellman Bldg. A7652. . »-10-tf $600 TO $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN 4 CO., Jefferson and Main. I »-tf PHYSICIANS W^^A^E^SPECIALISTS" ethically and quickly blood diseases, rheu matism, piles, fistula, varlcocele, kidney, bladder and all pelvic disease* of men and women. Consultation free. Suite 405 STORY ' BLDG., Sixth and Broadway. «-10-eod-lmo T DR. CROCKUU Specialist for Womaa. Hamburger'* Majestlo Theater Bulldla* Absolut* privacy. Hour* IS to 4, CONSULT VKEiS. l>-:i-ilm " WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Term* reasonable. 1246 South Flower. 74114. 1-U-U DR. TAYLOR. 117* 8. MAIN ST. Dll eases of women. s-t-tl LOST AND FOUND FOUND—LETTER CONTAINING PICTURES, addressed to Frank K. Burns. Owner can get pictures by calling and paying for this advertisement. H. R. WOODALL, 733 Towne ave., Lo* Angeles. 8-24-1 LOST^BLACK leather POCKET purse containing notes of different denominations. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to 104 P. E. Bldg. «-24-l SEND P. O BOX 1209 NEW S.AMPLE songs, complimentary, 3 days only. 6-23-7 STORAGE > LAKUE^PuTvATIi, LOCKED, IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc. 11.60 and $2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc, 250 to 60o| open van*, 16 per day, or 76c per hour. We pack and s: :p household goods everywhere at re . duced rate*. COLYBAR'S VAN AND STOR AGE CO., offices 609-11 S. Main St. Ware house 416-17 San Pedro St. Phones F2171; Kiln 1117. • l-26-tf HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED IN MoF ern van*. Shipped, stored In clean ware houses. Private rooms. Coal and wood. BHATTUCK * NIMMO, Ninth and Ala meda street*. 1-su-tu-w-fr-tf BATHS THE LOTUS. 254 S. BROADWAY—BATHS and massage. Clean, attractive room* and satisfactory service. A4163. 6-18-tf REMEMBER THE NUMBER, U9H SOUTH Spring, suite 8.; chiropody, electricity, mas sage, vapor and shower bath*. 6-6-tf IJIH 8. BROADWAY, ROOM 7, MAGNETIC and elaotrlo treatments, oil and alcohol rubs. , ft.ll.lmo SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. CHIROPODIST*, bath*. JEAN LUNN. If* B. Broadway. * . 1-11-ti BATHS AND BLECTRIO TRaU.TMJINT.~iIi' 8. BROADWAY, HOOK 121. l-M-*ma